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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1892, p. 2

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A GREAT DRY CGODSý PALACE. When you corne to Toronto, bear in mmnd that i90 to 200 Yonge Street is a meeting and rcsting and waiting place, as well, as the biggest store in Canada. Theire are reading and sitting rooms for you; telephone, telegraph and mail facilities. Your parcels will be cared for without charge. We try to make you welcome whether you buy or flot. You know that there is no' wvorthy thing for wear or home use but we have it. If you can't corne to the store, write for whatever you want, sain- pie or goods. Shopping by mail bas come to be simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and ail the facilities of the store are yours. In short, we shop for you as we would for ourseives, and such service costs you nothing extra. 190 to 200 Yng T., 'Ornte THE.ýýUBSTITUTE One was the president, who, &tep-: i,,,quick- SCOT'CH HOME R~ULE. -- iy forward, said in a cheery voice.- "Ah, good-afternoon, Mr. Curtis. Allow Outitie o a ni That tg te be Subsnltted te In the raiiway depot of a busy, bustling me to introduce Mr. Donaldson, the gentie- ahe n. town ini Western Ontario a locomotive StOOd mail whom the directore have electod toe wieu h edo cthmihr panting and enorting as if impatient to supersede me n office." Tbave ofrede ein mpScaotachiment as Bpeed away on its journley. As the superintendent rose froun hie chair hbinor heceaîin of aol Ph leiaetiva The irean ae ivin lilat tuebtet acknowledge the introduction, hie almost body. Ail the Liheral members returned the brightly polished hrass work, while the lainted w ith surprise, for there before him fo ctadhv ie hi deint ,gineer aod thse dstriet supernedn stood the substituto who, the ight before, -the measure, anddnîany of thé EngisI stoýod u pon thse platform beside the cab. bad mun the engin e in place of thie reýgular 'îîbo icuilcmeCnsratv aonert ain ad nes drwu in gh rierbave privately signifled their approval. staionanditspasenei' wireOme'glg WXVy-wy-is it possible?!" lho dam- The inemboîs re3ponsible for the bill are Sir from thse cars and hnrrying away. Some uf mered.JonihoDrlaitolsss n- them overbeard a portion of the conversa- Ys nedM.Cits"rpidteJh i-lcD.HmloNess ut tion that was taklng place between the two neYpes deed. . Ir am"tepoied t n he er, A. L, R. RoBc nnLong, Esselmont mnas5 tbey passed, and une, a iniddle-aged ewpede."IathunwodrwuPhlip,.R.oberton, John Wilson, mnthe overalîs last night for the irist time Iin Shire.ýs \il. Q. C., and R. 'T. Reid, Q. C.' well-dressed individuai, eeemed greatly im toncyars, but you scee I had not fo)rgotten Som ttewreHmRoeseoeM. ires ed ithrhe ww-?,dordsa htha ta pnehow to rmn the machine. I overhearid your GCladetone The flrst part ut the bill ectab- ier, orie wlked si io a fshort istnceconversation with ,this pour man hi e" i8hes lu Scotland a Leeislature. cunsistiog bofoeh asd si eiosu ern turning to Baxter. Il pitied himi in his of the Queen aud a Scotch legislative body, mre dilemma and rosolvedto as8st bimI o t ik acadatradipa o a ,'Terisn ueîutakin, axtr u had refosed to shlow me tu actas hics tbsti- lu Scotliand," except those whicis relate to have got to make tise uto-night, " the lis- tare 1 should have madeknnmymte oipealdmisatnncd tter heard the soperintendent say in a idenIprilamiititin icld vuice that wae hy nu meaus ploasant. Il iy hn n hee adrqucodYUing tise army andl navy, postal a,'d telegrapo maesn dfernc o eortote tc a ven to let tise fireman take his place, ratiser services, treaties of peace and war, trade, hoides no feiroad wt e troble tock-n than to keep the faithful enginecrï away navagation, cuinage, copyright, patent hodr fti odwhttobeyumyfrom theobediside ut hie wife. And voiî, sir," rgtsdsceso teCono o have St home. Your place is ou this englue, ~ontinued the kind-bearted railroad maignai e rgncy.andsuesio tic egitu re san ot and thore yon muet romtain or else quit the t atr a a f o e V ec.TeSot8 eiltr hl o service of tise comueny altogetiser." 1Zto Baxtdsoieon er,"y a offor ew a c unWomake any law for eetablishîing or ondownling "But, sir," repheèd tise driver, in a wpltneoreue ocaeyurpad-ni any religion or prohibiting the free exercice ing one "d youondrstudmy pead -ur wte is recovered. And, Mr. durtis, tiiereof, or imposine ary disaiility or con- very iii porhape dying-sud there c i) n ede thsg bsonedsgaedt!bcfore erring any privilege on account ut religions one with ber but our two littie children adw rce ooie uies and ta 5 belief ; shah out abrogate or derogate trom a kndneihbr, hocannot spend the from thie ont treat yoiîr men kindly."ýs the righc to establieli and maintain aniy a kind nighb1ybr ho"Tliis wase ccn that tse arbitrary sper- place uof-lenomîinationai education, institu- wIl D6 ot Ïglît youer sid oeabou tendent neyer forgot, tion, or chs'rity, or prejudicially affect the at the precent time whom 1 eau put in yonr - --- - right of aoy ciild to attend a school recoiv-i place ?" returned the officiai. TIte £nghish Ohiuroli. ing public money wihiout attend'n tis There is Sturgis," suggcsted the other. The Cisurcis of Eng'land le yeaî-îy icconi- religions instruction ut that sehool, an sha "Ho is here lu the depot at tis momet." coming morn and mure'tise recipient nI great net make aoy haw impoeioing or relatiug te Il Wiat, that miscrable inebriate? He'li voiuntary sulscriptionesud legs depeindent the duties of ostume or excise. nover run a train another mile on this upon ite endoweunt, funds. Theý Rev. The Scotch Parliamient le to consiet ut thse d.ad1, Canon Buruside bas recentlv compiied tise Scotch members returned to the Imperial "lBut, sir, hie bas not drank a drup for followinig sta' ment uf voiuntary Fnubscîip Pariament, excepting thoco returned forj two mcntbs.", tions for cburch purposes, as receivedà from Scotch iuniversitieo. Ih nul meet in autumut "That le neither here nor there. Ho le the different dioceses durîng the year sud consider ail billisud ail business ex-i net qualified to tale your place, nut even 1890: cisîvely reiating to Scotiand. The bille fora asingle trip." Diocese co. passed beccrne law nodor the accent uf tise1 "I Ile liard, very bard," murmnred the Canterbury................... 7 Qucon, sud ii not requ'-e thse sanction of engineer as ho turued away, and was about York ........ 1533the limperialPa-liamenit nor of the Honse of1 to moent to bis seat in the cab when thse Londlon .......... . ...c4.5i Lords. Neitiser the 'Imperial Parliament1 staner wo.ha litered near, topped up Durhml...............35,603 nior the Goverument chahl have aniy power f stangerg, wbha \vngo.u................ outvetoocon inoas crocpasseciby the Scotchi Ibeg your pardon, gentlemen. 'Did 1 Bath aud Welie . . . s elat bd.Sbouid the quecticu arisej ntbear you say that you wanted te secure Carlislo...............6,287 wiset ber a measure approved by the Scotch not ~~~~~Chster.............~.2 Pariiament le nitisiný its powers, tise matter the services of an engînieer?" Chichester..............5, 13 w IWeil, what if we do V" brusquelyasked -Ely................,- 30,9 bilch referred to the Judicial Committeei the superintendcent, lookiug at the man in Exeter..............2,34Ï9 outhtie Privy Coincil, sud if tisat committeei som asonihmet.Gloucester and Bristol ...........0,>8 decides that tise bill is not within the1 sumeactoisisent.-- Hereford..............31,8 Thon I shouid hike te offer myseif if it Lilhfleld.............788 powers ufthtie Scotch Parliameut the assent would bo any acýcommnodation. I am au old Lijnc.on.. 22,289 out he Queen la to bo witl-heid -14-1 ý_ -A- , Lvcrpol.. 7.9i The e'rî-, ve AN EASY WASH SIMPLE AND CLEAN HEALTH. For Nioht-Sweats. An eminent Gerinan physician recom- moende for the relief ut nigist-sweate ut con- Sumptives, an îce.bag phaced over thse stumna. Patients isear tise treatment weli, sudi dis recomme ,dod by Prof. Roseubacis to hc superior to any medicinal agent for tise purpose named. For Hic'ough, Hîiccougis eau geueraiiy be etopped by takiug a tesspuoîo uto sugar diseolved in strong vinegar. lu obstinate cases in which offhen remedies tal, cbloroform may be ocedl, ton or fifteen drups at a dose, takon lu a littloe weetened water and repeated at in interval ut tiftocu or 1twonty minute~s outil three or four doses have been talion, if relief ,is nlot obtained sooner, One or Two in a Bed. Persons otten sel :-Il Te it healtistui for two persons te sieep lu tiese ame bed 1 This saine question is varied thus I leI it healtitil ton an aged aged end a very young person to sleep to- getiser ? If not, which soffers muet, the aged or the young person ?" We bave ah- waye answered these questions by eaying, No te the first question. It le alwaye n- heaitiftul for two pereons to sheop togother lu the carn e bd sud unden tise saine cnvers. Tise air under tise bod-covers immediately solrruunig tise body ufthtie sheeper is ex- cedigl ipure, bocomîng more sud more impregnated wits poisonous substances, es- caping through thse oxcretury glands ufthtie elin, trom the moment tise percon retires until hoe arises. The odor ufthie bed-cloth- ing afterliaing been ocuied for a night, le u to poitively offensive tothe nustnihe ut aperson-wit an uimparied cense ut s i-cspeciahly une who lias jost come lu ftom outdooe hone tise tresh, pore air bas been breathod. Tho poisonus character ut this under- the-ised-ciothes air would ho eumewhat more ikely te affect tise susceptible cou- stitution ut a chîid tissu that ut an aduit. In olderly persuns, thse amount ut inîpurities lu the air surrounding the sloep- or, muet ho greater tissu lu yonng pensons, coneequently, wisile hoth poisons wouhd ho more or lce injured, the proportion ut harm would doubthees be greater 'tetise young person tisu to the person ut mure advanced years. Mr. Trevesofut tie great London hospital (London, Enghandi. bas necentlv Wl thout H-ot 8team and Qmett Wit ho ut Wash,,ng Powders Without Hard Rubbing Without Sore Hands THESE AOVANTAGES ARE OBTAINESO13Y USiNG L. Which has beau awarded 7 Gold Medial s for Purity sud Excellence. Its UNEQUALLED QUALITY bas given it the langeai cale lu tise world. Yon can use "Sunlight" for ail pur- poses, sud in eitiser bard or soft wator. Don't use wachîng powdcrs as with, Other soapa. "Sunlight" is boîter vitbout. WOIiRSCPT. SUNLIGHT LEvEn ans,, IMITEZI 5îSAÀ1 BIIîKEIIED TOZONTO

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