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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1892, p. 3

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GRTEFLCOFRTN BREAKFrAST. j udnuiltioà,and by a cire! i-i application ci thse î1nepron3rrîei oý W81-ýels'ct_,d Cc3M,. Eppi has ptrovided ar breîkia8t ables with a [1eia' 0 fYia-vot-efbeçrerae which imsy sive uls msn h avy doctorsý' bise It is by thse è ud fe1 ,3us e o!E suis articles of diet tisat a ýOOflstltuion may be gradul1y ut Up unti stagenough'ta resst every tondency ta deae. Huiidredg of Bubtle maladies are doti9 arounfi ns ready tIo attaok wheraver there te a weak point. We miv escape many a fatai shafi by Ieepina ourselveg WeiIl ortifded with purn bload cati a noraoerly nourishtd ,rame.'-"*Civil Service GaÏee!te." !-ee îimply iih boiling water or milk. 50'at npacketm. by Grocers. thus r,.; ' ,PPS .& Co., loîiSimeathie Chem- tel. tndasEsglansi, The Head Suzoon 0f the Lubon Medical CJompany la now at T7orouto. Canada, andmi mcv con THE FROZEN RIVER. (CoNcLUDED). Ail at once sisa pauseti as snddenly as she had isegui, anti dasising tise lnte upon the groati, exclaitned : " A d bas the huntar ai tha, forait no words in wiich ta praise tise poor Ziugari's diance1 GreatS nobles were not 80 scant of their plaudits, anti have offered bier mueS gold ta grace their c avls." "Olg1,a," criet Ivan, recavering hismîf froim bs'ronentary bewildPrinant, Il yoLi are always encbanting, but ta day you ara beyoud averytbing. Wisy have you adopt- ad tbis strange costume ? As hi poke lha drew cdoser ta bier, and, enircling bier waist wstb bis urus, endeavor- ed ta press bis lips ta bers. Witisaut witisdrawing hersai! from bhis esubrace, thea girl bcnt forward anti witis- drew baer ripe, reti montS fFoin the attempt- ad cavais. "lNotSo5 fast ,flot so fast," exclaimed she, witis a liglit laugb ; 11talking cames balaye lissiog. You asketi nie bow I knew tisat yau ware caming. Why, as 1 glided upon my skates down tise river lait niglit, tise E my brave forester," said he; how mucis Of ekeletons, with fiery eyes passing longer is tihe ice going ta hold '" through the doorway and following in pur "lAbout tbree weeks, I should think," suit, ivith a loud rattiug of! aeshless joints. aniswered the young man. But horrible as this sight was, there was "Three davils," retorted thse haif-into-ri- ana yet more terrible, and one which made osated gypsy ; I"I tell you, my lad, tisaS if the young man straju every nerve and îsinaw you do not get back to your hovel au tise ta incroase bis seed-aud that sight was island by to.nighec, yau wili have ta try! the figure of Olga Conradin, bier half-closed some otisar path than the river anc."l lips showîng tise pearly teeth set firmiy ta- 11Nonsense ! do you m-ean ta say* tht an ' gather, lier eycs gleamaing with satanie fire, ui.e'ipected thtLi coraiug on'? Tiera wcra andi her hands axtendeti, with tisair flugers no0 sigisaof it as 1 £iided àFowni tha straaml," jhaut lille the talons af a bird of prey, as returnad Ivan, contemptuously. tboug b anger to grasp thair intendati victim. IlDid you say 1'nonisense"-Shan yau Sho was only about ten paces babind thse meantisaS I am a liar'!" roareti the gypsy, forestar and making every effort ta gain with a eudden haret of ferocity, and smatois- upon hlm. Onward sped thse bideous chase ing np a baavy goblat, hie hurled it at bis -tsa hunteti mau, the girl-fieud. and thse guast's baad. Drink, isowaver, rentiers the grisly traap af skaletons, Swaeping along baud unsteady, and tisa missile struck une, like sarna terrible pbantasroagoria of nigbt-' of te othar gyp-.ies on tise foreisead, cutting mare. "Sutidenly Ivan lhaari, fnrther up the ekin îliglitly. Iu au instant all wa up-; the river, a loud repart like bhat o! a cannon roar, kunives wara drawn, antiin tise chance and bis, overstrained brain rafusetita par- melea wieic ensuedth ie lampe wera extin- formi ità duty andto taeSll bim the cause of guisiset andi tisacisam ber plunget injta total it. Olga beard it, too. It wastise break- darknees. Avoidiug tise inebriateticoim- ing ica., butants as baît ha could, Ivan fait far bis I have von now, fool,"I pauteti she; skates wbicis were isaugingupan a peg "tii you tiink ta escape me? INo, you are driven juta the wuli, andin bis searcb b e de-' mine sonT ami bodiy, like Ivauavitch and for Infants nd iChildren. trecom.-nend it as superior to any precit uIsa Stomach, Diarrhoea, ructatiofl. kaos-ato mr2'11.&, M. D, ille worms, gives aleep, and promotea dt lii ~.Oxford St. Bi'o0kw~, N. Y. WtitnuSiou edcti Tac CmTiun Com'niTy, 77 Murray Street, X. Y. FOR SALE BY J. IIIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE'

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