Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1892, p. 4

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a - e - w q -t . - w I I CHURNSII THE QUESTION SETTLED. Farmers who bave been interested in the discussion anent Colorado wbeat, will hardly question the advice given by Mr. Vanstone after reading the strong resolu- tion unanirnously adopted by the DJomin- ion Millers' Association printel inl an- other column. Those who know Mr. Vanstone would flot think ho would ad- vise them against their oivn intcrest, even were hie likoly te gain sonne advantage by it, but in the face of the apparently reli- able testimony contained in Mr. Brant's letter asat week againat bis (Mr. Van- stone's) expressed opinion, somne miglit possibly wonder if lie wore not inistaken. But tliey will bardly think so now. It seema that it is in thie counties of Ontar- io, Durham, Victoria and Peterborougli that this kind of wheat lias been miost ex- tensively grown, and the millers to a man BIG BLAZE. TUE UFFPER. CANADAÀ FURNITURE FACTORY REDUCED TO ASHES. The destruction by lire of the UppEr Canada Furnitare Company's big factory and adjoiinLg buildings WVednesday niglit is the moat Bericus limandiai blow Boa'- rnanville bas3 experienced in many years, as it la not at ail probable that this con- cern,. whicli once gave employment to, about 250 workmen will ever be reaur- rected. There la no doubt but that the lire Riend got in bis work liera withi satis- factory resuîts. The main buildiuýg, containing the machinety, was of brick, 160 feet by 40 foot, and f lree storeys 'in beight. The rnacbiuery was requisite to manufacture furniture cf ahl kinda on a large scale. The engine bouse and two1 aood brick dryine hbouses, eitnn*ate n lthe 1 ~L. n~ 11OG RAISING FOR PROFIT. EPITOR STATESMAN-I have read with the greatest interat of late your -articles on farm topics and I have nu doulit but other farmers conld tell you fthc sanie. llaving bad splendid success in breediug andi raising pigs, J will outline bni7 byoa' it may bo donc ýse as to psy well. A pîg is neyer tua young to bave a fu fced. Kecp hlm always fat ani seli wbcn the markeot is favorab'e. Neyer hold for a favorable market after ho lias reaclicd 200 pound3 wight If the bogs are con- flned to a sinall lot gr to bouses, it la biglily important that tbey bave roots or some otber bulky food te t ike the place of the green food they woilô gathor if tlicy hai the freedomi of the fl Ids. A youug pig le eas8ilystunted,nd espezcially if the weatbnr is cold. For this reason it isvery import-int to previde a warm, WALLAPER - - -=- I mitsLIan ppofUILIIy tLU ULLt1Iu a- rrnerthûrars eata.rt otron guarranteed. --[--iei ion wanft a corset- AN 1NACTrVBOI, TlVrpIdYLfver sunat boa- - -- i q_ M -li ag--- frrfira rDartie bont for oh! and Young, VA R 1 EITT We have just reoeived, our first shi.pment of il, ýjuy LEU-uWier.

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