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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1892, p. 5

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_______________________IA______________________________________ Do You 25cis wilI buy an ounce of the new favorite Bring Your Bottie End yoit wi1l be delighted with the sweetness and durabilîty ot this perfumne. N. B. If you are going to Manitoba or the North West you can Iearn of soniething to your advantage by dropping, us a Post Card. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. OGINO HA5T OGINO WEST Ps.ssenger...9 45 arm Mail ........ 543 arn MIxed.... :: 2 pmw Local . ...820a m Local ....707 p mExprs .45 . . mail..... lO9 p m Mlxed... 312P m Mail........ 827p m Bo.wMANVILLE, APRiL 6, 1892. You are invited to the town hall Tues day nigbt. Mrs. M. M. Fenwick has been viaiting her mother in Guelph. Mr. aud Mrs. D. Tod, Oahawa, spent Snnday at Mr. C. Tod's. Mr. A. Bsbcock, of Toronto was visit- ing friende in tewn over Sunday. Mrs. D. D. Beach was recently present- ed with a gold breast pin by a number of ber friende. Mrs. T. E. lliiginbotbam and Masterý Creighton are visiting hcr mother (Mrs. McDowell), Port Perry. A pleasant time was Bpent by a number of our yonng people ai, the residence of Mr. J. J. Mason on Wednesday evening. The North Kinz with Capt. NIýicholson in command will commence ber regular trips between Port Hoi'e and Charlotte on April 25t. Mrs. J.llellyar ii visiting ber dsught. er, Mrs. (11ev.) S T. Bartlett of Lake- flela. Miss ilattie Bartlett who has been -E; r :ng hec- -ý.-ned home ,,th her. Ilave yen seen the lovely now patterns cf Wall Pape r at Sherin and Kirby's? Their stoek is very completa. It will pay you te cal and inepeet before purchasing elzewhere, Don't fail to look for J. Hollyar's ad. vertisement in thim paper. It is now an admitted fact by couipetent j udges that ho ie abead in good, durable and stylish foot-wear. Mr. Wm. ilohues of Defiance, Ohio, formerly of this place, wss found drown- od in a canal in that place. The body wae identified by Mr. Robert Morrison aise a former rcsident of this place. "Tise Manitoban" edited by Mr. Jes. Osborne, anether West Durham Boy who has riseni to distinction, shoul.i ho read by ail persons interested in the Prairie Province. See adv'. Cluhbed with THE STATESMAN at 81 80 for both papers for one yoar. 2vAIALxLIriy Uj,,U1,I~ a~ ,trb. J3*1i~iii III I April l3th sud following dayg. We are now prcpared to open our besotiful stock cf Spring sud Sommner Millinery. Beet assortrueut in town. Lateat novelties in YOUR LAST CHANCE. WVe wi11 give suhecribera wlose s ub- scriptions expired on or about Jan, 1, 1892, one, more chance-and enly orýe- to pay Up at $1.00 a year. Af ter April 15(Good Friday) we shaîl positively charge the full su bsoription price $1.50 per annuum 0f course persons owing for 1891 mnust psy $1.50 in any case. Wo must hiave money and if we have te borrow it, those subscribers in arrears will have te psay dearly for it. A few acceunits will' be placed in a laxvyer's bands for collection and c-sts will be added. A word te the wise should be sufficient. «'TEE SOCIAL GLASS." This thrilling drama ýwil ho givefi in the town hall next Tuesday nigbt by the Royal Templar Dramatic Club. Tlley guarantee a fine prograin. Mr. D. Mer- rison's orchestra wjil furnish mussic. Only 15c; reserved seats 25c. Planý of hall at Big 20 on Saeurday. Cal early andget a godaat.S e programes. Mrs. Chas. Young is sitill very il]. Town Hall Tuesday night. Be there. Mr. R. Moore, Brcooklju, was in town iast week. Mrs. and Miss Kenner cf Blackstock spent Sunday in tewnD. Mrs. J. Yollowloos bas b-en visiting her daugbter in Berlin. The lligh Scbood intend giving a hiîgh clase concert about April 13.j Miss Johusen was gu.,Ft at Mayor Allen's during ber visit bore. Mr. and Mérs. R. S. Hlamîjui spent Stan- day at Mr. D. Burke Simpson's. Bowmanville Oddfellows intend ho'd- ing their aunivorsary s3rvic-m on May ý. Mr. W. E. Bennett editor cf the Bee- ton World je urostrated with typhoid foy:er. Dr. W. E. Tiilley vi8ited hie parents a Mitchell lait week, bis father ei.,.verY, Mayor Cowan, Mrs. Cawau sud Mr. Spurgeon's Life for Notlaing. Eýverybody should get the best book publisbed on the Life of Spurgeon. We have made arrangements with a well- known publishing house for enough copies te auppiy ail our subecriber s wit h eue copy each free of charge, on eue easy condition, namely, that you psy yonr subscription for THE STATESMAN te the end of 1892 and seud uî $1.50 for twe new b-cna fide new subscribere far the balance ef 1892. If your subecription is alraady paid, send us ?1.50 for two bons fide new subecrihers and got the bock at our offiae. If yen waut the book Fiont by mail sond us 15 cents extra. We will send TirE STATES- IrAN or the book te any part of the De- minion on thia offer. This fe the very saine book (clotb bound) for whicla agents ask $1.50. The Oliver Mowat Launched. The schooner Oliver Mowat, Capt. J. H. Pescock, which bas been on the stocks for re-buliding durmng the past wiuter at Port Hiope wes succeeeafnlly lsuncbcd Thursday. A large numiber of ladies andi gentlemen were present. Mr. Wma. Hickey, the khip-buiIder, removeid the stays, andase the town dlock strnck 3 "Oliver Mowat" hegan te move aud was soon liko a dock afloat in ber native eie- ment. Ail present congratuiated Mr. llickey ou the auccess cf the launot; the enly tbing te find fauit with being the delapidatod fieg bearing the name ci the vesse], "Oliver Mowst" at the mast head. Suroly the owuers, or the Attorney Gen- oral of Ontaîje, iniglit have forwarded a new flac for such an interesting occasion. Mr. John McCiellan, of Bowmanvile, oe cf the owners, was prosent. PUBLIC SOHOOLi BOARD. Regular meeting held April 1 Moto- bers all prescrit, re~p+iîg and sgned letter from Mm3 A. B. Dingle recaived acknowledgiug, draft for $25 i tuli payment of silary fîir 1891. Several accounis wore roceivol sud ordered 10 ha Under the direction of thé Legislatni* of O1-o, the State Feod and Dairy Commnissioner, Gen. S. H. , HuaiT, examined the leading brands of baking powdcr (3o in ail) and the foliowing le Gen. HURST'S verdict: "Cleveland's Su- perior is abso- lutely the b e st baking powder rnanufactured." La. Ohio Food Commis'ner, Card of Thanks. IL. C.BITTAIN Respectfully returns rhanks to the peo- ple of Bowmanville and surrounding c ountry for their generous patronage d ur- jng the past three years ho bas been in businesz, and having sold out his business and good-wili te Mr. E. B. Zoaland, of St. Thomas, who has just graduated frorn the Horological Institute in ToU th confldently asks for bis succes,-or a con- tinuence of the liberal patronage bestow- ed in the patt. Notices of Eirths, 25 cents;' Marrtages. 50 SEED TINIE ANWD Befere giving your order for Seeding or Har- vesting Machinery bo sure sud sce Noxon Bros. Steel Trame Hoosier Seed Drill and New Cord Saving Twine Bindor, Herse Rakes Mowers, etc. 1 Maydon Mills. HENRtY BURTON, Agent for Darlingtont 12-4w. LIFE 0F CHARLES H. SPURGEONI By the noted Author. Pastor, Journalist and World- Renowned plati'orsn Orator, RUJSSELL HI. CONiVEIL. AboutlOûPages,Eiegantlylllustrated, Prioe$1.53l SEND 18e FOR 50o OUTEIT. This la the grec test chance yon ever had ta make money. USUAL LARGE TERMS 10O A4 CENTS. Interest Intense Act quick. (OOThe ftrst to send 18 cents (poste ge> for Outfit gets the territory. Adctress E. R. CURTIS & CO., 61 -West Eonrth ht., (JINCL\ NATI, . OM1-2w SalesmanWanited. Good opening and permanent situation to the right party, silary or commieaion. Previous experieuce flot necessary. Out- fit free. We can start you to work ab home or on outzide territory if preferred. We are the only flrm furnishing STRICTLY FIRStT (LiS CANABSAN GIIOIN STOC*4ý IÇur£gries of 700 acres at Fonthil],Ont. Write for paiticulars at once. STOINE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont, MRS. DAN CASTER ...aving received a .... fine dispiay of New .... Spring Goods would t~ ~~ ~~ - f-,-*y -l tue' L -' *~ .1hc ncl, r rhn.ttfl1*1 1lC e@8413 _______________________________________________ mnien lVtllera' Association in Torouto I rp my, n ,- ýf Brsdworthy, En gw ai 1 1 iniR.1 â.n CI t ;TPlprmi.ctn i ý 1 -- - - S-Ïp C-"-Ü - w_ù - . 1 , -;lf i A.. fteeelfà m, - 1-1- - i. . . i i i . .. 1 ;-- F-M. iý-- refuww-, X-avw 4nu.n -urt75- --j

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