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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1892, p. 6

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?Dr ~ysp-8i0 A. Bellanger, Propr., Stove rtotn- dry, Montagny, Quebec, writes: "I1 have used August Fiower for D)ysý pepsia. It gave me great relief. 1 recommend it to ail Dyspepties as a very good remedy." ed. Blergeron, General Dealer, Lanzon, I<evis, Quebec, writes: "I1 have used August Flower with the best possible resuits for Dyspepsia." ,'C. A. Barringtofl, rngineer anca General Smith, Sydney, Australia, writes: "August Flower has effected a comp)lete cure in my case. It act- ed like a miracle." Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss. ,writeýs-. I consider your August Flower the best remedy in the world for Dys- pepsia. I was almost dead wit'a that disease, butused several bettlesL of August Uloxer, and now con- sider myseif a well marn. I sincereiy recommend this medicine to suifer- ing humanity the world over.' '-. o G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, A MOIDERN IBLUE BEAIRD. the mnurders m.ugt have been effectedl the entire road to thoe emetery. Se dense witbeut delay. Williams ]ef t the hte-l was the mass of persous who had gathered An Awful IDisoovery ini a SubUXb of te occupy the villa, but in a few days to catch a view of the procession that the LiepoLhe roturned saying that ho could not sleep, lar efrc f police detailed for duty in the Liverpool. there, that i sister and children bcd gone îentyo the cemetery only with the great. -- te Port Said andi that bis plans mi cre unset-' est diffclty succeeded in making a passage A tragedy unparalleled iu the history of tled. Hie afterwards returned to the villa for the cortege. The five coffins containing British crimne came to light icst week but flually came again back to the hotel'. tle bodies of the victims were piled onue on threugh a most singular chain te circumi- Le hurred i, marriage with Miss Matiier.' anothor on a single hearso. The wite of $tances. lu July iast Artbur Williams In tact hýe weut to stay et lier mothers Walter Deeming piaced a floral wreath ln lived in the Denham villa in Riihill, a three weeks prier to tihe ceremony. The tofn.Tor hertbontop so tegwmalks tashionabie suburb of Liverpool. Not much mother wvcs eager for the niarriage, as Wil-cofn TetwbrtrsoDeig a- was known about bis antecedents. Ho liamis made lavish dispiays of the bauk notes, ed beside the bearse al the way. Wban the seoms, hewevor, te have been r eceived inl noggets of gold and diamoud rings. funeral procession reacbod its destination society and passed as a well-to-do bachelor. lu appecrance the man was net preposss- thai five coshuns were lif ted freim the hearse He cons ted Miss Mather, a yuung woncan sing. Ris cge was en tered ou the muarriageaad ccrried te the spot wbere one large generally admired for bier becuty and other re.gister as 34, but he looked 44. H1e bad a grave had beau prepared for the interment. attractions, and recognized as a local belle. saliew complexion andhisgcitwcs awkward. The coffins were placed sida by side close te Thy were married and went te Australia, lie did net take hi, bride te the villa. Hie the open grave and a brief funorai service wbere tbey wore supposed te be living ceused a lot ef beavy boxes te be lit there wcs performed. The curate who conducted bappiiy. whieh afterwards were te ba removed te a the religions axercise made a short address The peopleofet lainhill wera sbockBd a t ew place tinkneovn. H1e left at the botel two in wbieh fhe spokeofe the terrible fate which days cge by the news frein Australie that 1rzveJ7:ug bags. These areuDow being cosejbàd befallon the' five unfortunates. H1e de- Williams bcd beau arrested there ou a charge ly examnined. Thora are blood stains inside. nouu1ced the flcndish acts et Deeming in the ot murdering bis wsfe, and that hee bcd con- V%'h ile the man was living at Raillie h most scctbing termns, and allnded te the cealed the bedy et the murdered wemiau ha- went te London. He returned dressed iu murderer as the Il iost inhuman mnonster neath the firapiaco carefully coverîng thec foreigu regimeutais, iuludiug a gorgeons'who ever breatbod the breath ef heaven." place again. but faded coet much the worsa fer mwear.i The immense cro-wd et epectators wbi were Thora the enthorities had nnearthe.l the Williams said This uniform was that of the pushing and struggiing about the yawïisrg1 romains. The peopleetfReinihili thon re- Bancgal cavairy, but evaded making answer rave howed their detestetion cf Deensing membered that one day ai womau and twe te questions as te wbat régimentlho bcd by loudly spplcuding. The crewd enly dis- bilîdren badvisited the villa te seeXilliams, sarvod lu.,fHe dispiayed poisoned éàaggers'persed wbeu the bearse and the meourners and fromn the moment of their entering the and kuives, soeaof wbich ho left et Rain- had lot t the place and notbiug mura romain- place nne uabd sean tbem again. The cfair bill. lad te ha seen. caused semas remark at the time but nobudy The body of the woman tound was u1yiTho Vicar ef taRcrhiil alludod te Deem- tbought cf murdeor and the matter wcs drop- dressed, except tisat a boot and steckin-g: slg s crime in bis sermon un Suuday. Ha ped witb the supposition that the w mcu were missing. The clerbies were of fine said hat aftor dhc departurc ef Williams or, and the two children bcd gn wywt- qLnty. Thewonnb d compb'x- Deemiuig fromi the villagce it bcd beau pro- eut~~~~~~~ big bsrd. obovrte ion and short, black huir, suggestive et a'pcseJltu o6 elimv vi te seoc uaeigbbors began te suspect that thora might half-cast. Sha woe a wedding ring and c: murders, and make it the viarage, but have beau foui play, sud they detý,rninedI keeper. The nope with wbich she was1bappily the pnoject had beea baudoned. to giva the tacts te the police. Tise pelice straugled was areund the rock and tbeý A telegran rn tnm Cape Town, South conced htn em el-adnlb botwscn eîe.Te eldest girls Afnîca, scys fliat ue-ws ef the Deemiug case iuvestigatiuig and they proceded te the Don- skuli was cnushed in and the hecd wes neer- causes mucb excitemeut thora. It statos bamn villa and began te dig up beueath the Ï;l severed fnom the-body. The work cf aise ibst Dee__miug became noterions un where he keeps constantly on hand A LARGE &54 COMPLETE ASSORTMrýNT -OF Coarse ax:ind Fine for Menî and Boys, Women and Chidren. Rubbers, Slippers, etc. rjrunks, Valises, Satchels Special attention given to Repairing. SMITB.'S FALLS,

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