WEDNESDAY APRIL 6,1892. DU. J. C. liITC ELIL, snd Buigon, ntri, Coroner, etc, Office and Reoidence. Enniakillen. 74. B « ýBPIzT}Jt 1-OLtUTO, %n. MOPRS ville. Wollelior for the Ontari Bank Irivte onss lanetat Ise10wiiirate 9. C. HUIMING L ICENISED AUCTIONEER FOR the County of lDurham. Sales att.euded bc on ehoret notice and lowest rates. AddrePs CuneP. 0. 6L £0 ET. YOITNG, V. 9. 'jFFICE ]IN TI-E WEST DURHIAM, Nes B liek, inhere himseif or assitant %vil; be found frt5m 8am, tu 9 esm. Nlýlut eaI!l3 at resideace.directly opposite Dri Shed. Calîs by telcgrapli or teleplione will receive prompt sîtention 171.yr L. A. W. T-%1E. AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real Estaie Agent,Bouuvle Ontario* Sales atîendad in any part of Province. A.A. POSiT, A RCHITEOT. Plans and Specifica- l--iions prcpsred for evcry class of building. Specica atention gven le lieatJng by steain aînd het u-ater. and to sanitary arrange8mentsj. Cilce: Cornie Block, Whitby 43-ly HOUSEHOL D. Hugh o' the Wrndmil Oh, wh on eh,, looed her goden hair. It fell blow the kue! And ber voice lured ail thse siuging birds To win tlic nielody. They told thse tale n'er bill sud dale. And o0cr thesinntajus wide; Frein Fait and West the weoers came To seek se fair a bride. Buit, "NaY ," ebe said; "I1 will net wed Until there cerne feornme -A lover svho bring, me ycllow geld That floaf s upon theseac." H1sg11 ' tie Windmill, with the reet, 'toved her se passing well, Sic vow-ed lie would caver leava lier side Until lits wish befel. He asked lier onue. iandir she fruswued And he straightway aslced lier twicc; And wlucu sie said she would not wîed, IlIcs-aited te ask lierthlrice. Whethcr she tired of ber levers lli, Or elsewhere queen woud lbe, gise turned away frein ber fatlicr's ball Te cross tise narrowsCea. Hugis o' thseWind'nil lfic heslip Steod liy thp ehemns'sn streng, Oh, .yeisder1Lice thse fair green iand, And tise voyage wlil net lie long." t"Y " said hi, "yen murky cond iý;nnge ou;;a Sudden gale; And lie turnd tise lini, aud îlionted loud To rofeeffiIappiug sali. Iliglier and broader the black cloude spread- Theire Caine a suddeu blast; The sillers tugged et the stuliboru sali Te bind t te lc st. Over flue sultry level sac Tihe white f oansies ped sud flcw; Thse goed slip bewed witls e sudcn sar Aund e mighty iùcmpest blaw. The Ilbell" pattern ueed sot, perforce, be adhered te, umany light-weight materials ha- ing made on 's found-tiou, gathcred snugly back witb a draw string,,.he outside material drapcd snioothly on the fonndation,the back fnînegs falling lu natural huaes rather than lu set pleats. Decidediy more trimming le permittad around the edge of the skirt. Several nar- row flounces or fulIl rnchings corne littIe dis- tance apart, and forming a berderanywhere from five ta twanty inches, is a favorite trimming ; passementerie or bias bauds of ai contrasting celer lu turu adgedwith narrow braidl or jet, are used lu the camne way. Much attention is given te fitting the skirt cmootbly and gracefnlly ovar the hips, more espe-ially whau a bodica baud is at- tacheul a style usel lu consiection with the Freuchi round wialt or bodice witbout bas- ques, which this seson wil 'enjoy nunsual promnn nec. lu the heavier grades of cleths and cbav- lots the jacket bodice, with and Nvithout a full front and of varions lengths, is stilI uscul. A new feature is tha introduction of back cset-tail poe.kets cxactiy aiter the man- ner ni those lu a ian's ceat. Long streamers of ribbon, lace, or siik fioating from the neck te the bottoin of the ckirt lu the baek, decorate many ni the French inodale; a variation bas pendants whicb start frein the lower part ni a yoke or freintihe belt. It is sale te cnt auy variety ni a fui sleeva. Scarcely a mnodel te date, but wba includes a lbuse leeve. The Il ainîtlet style is stili a favorite, se is the keg-o'-mut ton, trimmed, however, about the wrist. lu fact, the lest feature le noticeable in al fthc sleeves, ahl sorts ni pretty touches through the aid ni tinY ruffues, pufis, &c., suaersed(ine the, bare mi fuisheul effe3t, con- MR. GLADSTONE'S BLUNDERL ne lJittingly Espisasizes ene or thse parlis or Home RuSe. The London Spectator altheugh it le a Liberal-Unionist journal sud is strongiy o>ppo,>ed te Home Rule, lamntiug Mr. 1.adtone's descent frein tbe Uniouist plat- form, s0 streuusly maintaiued by hlmun- til after the recuit of the gencrai alectioný in 1885, invariably preclaisus its admiration of his genaral character, and its repeated utterauces te that effect, as well as the getees with wbicis it c ombats bis empire- dssalshing propositions, prove tbàt it is sîncere. In its combination of greet absility, sterling houesty, and fairuess te- wards eppoîîents, it lias no superior, in the Unitadl Kiugdom ; and it would be diffi- cu'Itte fiud its equal ameong the higb clase weeklies ou tis side oi the Atlantic. Tbercfere when it severely coudeins ausy- eue whom, like Mr. Gladstone, it 80 greatly a4mires, its denniation coînes with doublf 'Our readers are awara that especiaily during the last twelve years thare have been miany Irisb tenants wbe have net only refuscd te pay rent, but who have aise ne- fused to give np possession. An Insu land- ewuer caunot commence proceedinge lu ejectment matil the rent le twalve menthe in 'arrear, and fthc metbod le practically se ciyeuLous tbat it will often bappen tbat by the time he has geV possession there is an arrear cf eightecn montbs; and as tbreats bave always beau ievalled againet auy oe preoigte rent tbe vacant propcrY, lýSia oten'1 happened tbat tbe landilord balus lest from. two te tbree years' rent in addi- tien te beavy legal expensas. A large pro- portion of these ejectmeuf s teck place fron"i WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. rBulgaria bas decided to participate in the E xposition.* Foreign participation, se far as ascertained up te the preseut, cmn- braces seventy-two nations and provinces. 1Canada bas beeu given 68,471 square feet of space in the varions buildings, exclusive of space yet to be granted in the agriculture and live stock departinents. The 'Women's Christian Temperance Union wants to put up a building, 70x100 feet, iin the Exposition grounds, in wbiclî to exhibit the entire systern nf its work and to condnct a cafe for the sale of temparance' drinks. Five acres of space iu the Midway Plais- ance bavebeen reserved for s nursery exhib- ItL The Custer Mining Company, of Idaho, is making a very extensive collection of ores for oxhibition at the Fair. The Suffolk Herse Society, Euglaud, bas offarcd two gold medais, of the value $V50 each, for the be.%t Suffolk borse and mare or filly exiîibitcd at the World's Fair in Chica- go. The City of Cincinnati wants to erect a building at the Exposition, te be used both as a club bouse sud raceptacle for a inunici- pal exhibit. Itilewilling to xpendO$O,OOO0 in the uudartaking. Lient. Bieker, nif tue Marine Section of the Departinent of Transportation, has secured a promise froin the Detroit Dry-Dock Cern- pany for an exhibit of a perfect model lu stacco of the entire ship-huildiug plant of the company, both at its Detroit and Wyan- dotte yards. Mr. Ossian Gnthrie, oi Chicago, toether with mnany other scientists, declare tbat ne more striking proofs of the glacial epoch exist in this ce ntry than are seen lu the Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backacheg Hecadéche, Sore Throatq FroLt Bites, 8prain's, Bruises,_ Burns, Etc. Bold by Ilrnggsts and Dlealers pvery'wheim pifty cents a bettle. Directions nu il Lau gusgss. 'ECHARLES A. VOGELER CO., 1aitthuom. V4 0F CANADA.