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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1892, p. 8

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p v r ~ r~ ewr www e s v q' r Surprise and Presenta.tion2, KIJBY. Miss Martha Thornten lias gene on a There wss a very pleasut gathering ef îengthy riait ameug frieuds at York and the people of Eldad &.iurch et I"Roseland- Marmnora ... Miss Laurit Power started vals," the residence of Mr. Wm. Werry, for Maniteba on Tussday lest. Messrs.i Solina, on Wednesday evsuing. The John Thompson, llenry Oornish and AI-1 meeting was a real surprise te the one in bert Taylor have aise gone sud severel cf whlose houer it was held. Mr. Fletcber our farmers are goiug as soon as the seed- Wsrry whe, bas grewn up in the section Ing is over .... The lecture of Mr. Doug- sud lias licouvry a'tive ini all lu giron bers a short time age on Man- eliristisu werk 15 mevieg -te bis farma in iteba lias set the peeple simest wild te go East Whitby usai K edron sud the people there .. . .Mr. R. S. Freliclr, our toselier, of Eldad congregatien took adveutage cf bas liad a sovere etrsck cf influnza sud1 the opprtunity te maulfest their appre- R. Lang sud Mrs. Mersew have had la1 ciation cf bis services sud te wish hlm God grippe agin... .Mr. Raîpli Dawson', jr.. speed in lits uow berne. Af ter the large lias roturned herne te (ameren .... Win.i compauy lied parteken ef s rich repuat Falla lias ongaged with Mr. Thes. Thornu-. provided by the ladies, Rer. R. MeCul- ton for the summner aud Mr. Syduey Fin- leugli was, cho3en chairman, and after a loy witli Jas. Brown .... The cyster sup- few words on the objeet cf tho meeting, par giron et Mr. T. Hendersen's a short cslled ou Mr. W. H. Montgoery te reed lime age undor tho auspices ef the this sddreèsa: Ladies' Aid cf the Preabyterien churcli, MB FLETCHER WERRY,- Orene, was a grand success lu svery way.i We have met this evening for the ex- $40 ..,..1fr. Robert Clemonce gave theji press purpose cf sponding a ploasent sud younig people a large perty rscently....1 enjoyable time with yen in the famiiy Miss Ethel Pewers sud lier brother Cccxl circlo, preonibs te your remevel fremn our are slck. inidst. It, bas be with regret that we have looked forwerd te yeur intendsd re- District Notes. menaI from titis neiûhborbood. The act- ive sud energetie part yen have takon lun 1Mr. Tom Lewis sud twe sistors cf Kmn-t sverything conusectod with the social sud sale woe visitiug frienis hliera lst wsek.e spiritual wlfare cf the commuîaity, ha s, we trust becu recoguizod sud appreclsted Heod's Pilîs are purely vegeteble, per.1 by aIl. Your firliful attendance upen fectly liarmîesse, effective, but do noV causea churcli sud choir, tbe active interest yen pain or gripe. Be surs te get Heod's have maifostsd ln the Sunday scliool, John Beotb of Moerfield was fiued $4 i aud weekly prayer meetings sud the as- sud cesta fer acting as anctioeser outside siduens applicatien te duty that yeu have ef the limit ef hie liconse. erer displayed lias led us toeostoem sud Youu BLOOD--Undoubtodly needsas respect yen very higbly. Yeur examp thoreugh cenigti esnt xe lary chriitian character bas over impressed impr clskeungthis seastone expe us with the sincarity sud pertinicity cf iprit iseke u tou holtlitoueu your motives. As a tangible expression Huod'a Sarseparilla, ths best blood pur. cf oui appreciation cf your services, W5 ifier sud systsm tenic. Lt is uueqnslled rEquet cf you te accept hs bible sud Vo fu positive usedicinial menit. yen Miss Werry hs album, as e slight teken cf or estecra ansd respect fer you.Mauiteba lRed Fyfe, lied Foru sud We trust thet yen will prize ibis priceles a Cmpbell's White Chaffee highly rscom- f treesure net a) mucli for ils meuetsry mouded as varioties cf Spring wheat. ji value as fer a memewftc cf the kindly feel- Coin WEATHER TRIÂL.-DEÂR BRs- t ing of thia neîgliberhoci for youd This feul and ainter-I suffered frein usur- f may the treesures cf this i'îapired volume, alil in mny face aud liaf the beat medicai t ever continue Vo ceutribute te your hep- edvice witheut anait.. I et lest thouglitS pines lu this lite. We trust that tbe of tryiug B. B. B , sud efter uaing oee plossaut sud agroebie associations Von hottîs have net fou eany symptoms cf rieur-n have made lu hs ueighberheod may ever alilerince. J regard il as e fine family Io have e tendcccy te excite tender sud medicino. J. T. Firoar, Hcsslip, Man. tl effectionate remioiscouces cf tho mny Mr. sud Mra. R. B. Williamson, latu of f! happy times yen have speut le hs local.) Port Hope, lield îtheir in weddîng on i NV r gatha e rentmoigjMer. lSth, et their neir home lu Les Aug- cc j oIgadta ouaent o'gees, Cal. ci fer trous hs ueighborlieod sud we hope ( vie niay have msny mnore pleesaut greeb- The "lMyrtie Navy" plug corrsctly re- t ingea in tho future. We wish yen pros. preseuts tho p'au upen which ils men- perity sud succos luthe enterprise yenufetr acnutd hr sntar are eugsged lu. We trust that lu yeur frectienal part cf a cent oxpended upen la uew aphere you ussy find ample oppor- it for mere eppeerance. It la noithor e tnnity fer extendiug yeur usetulnesa. wrspped lu tin feil uer worked le faucy e Wo are nasuredf rous yonr congoniïi net shepes, uer put lu faucy cases, uer suli. jth une sud gouerel affabilily thet you wîîî ject te euy hiud cf oxpouso mensly te h, miaie many pieeut ecquaietancea lu the pleaeo the oye or ceptivete ths fcucy, i vicu:ity o' your liow home. We hope Tho manufacturera igltly believofi thet a thnt your exporieuce ef religion may even tebecco was net pnrchasod for erunmeut, bl biiglten sud incrcase sud that yen may but fer smoking, and thecetoce ail cx- bc ever realize the importance sud bleased- traneons expense wss avoided sud addod a uress cf the wcck yen are engagel lu for tO ths quelity cf the nDbecce. The public the Master, have testified lu itV case thast toy prefer gr We trust thlat yen naay ho spaned foc paying thoir monoy fer a higli quelity cf f many yers te extend sud promote ths article then for ornement eut ef place. o: kiugdem ef Christ sud that we msy oee 1r. 'W. H. Gilpin whe bas beon fore- vo sud al et lest have the ineffable piesurs man la the Port Peîry S tandard c files las fio sud deliglit cf meeting lu that delectahie acceptod e moe important sud Incurative ai realua whoso golden spieudor sud Edoniceituation lu s new office lu Manitoba. bc lovelinesa surpasses our conceptien. AT HOME ABPuox.-PhyaiciarS tcav-t Sigued ou behaif ci the friends, cîlers, pioneers, settîsîs, inîvalda sud aeh an W. H. MOToxreexnc. classes cf peopie cf ese'y degree, tostify Mc. Werry replie4 te the add rees ou te tho modicinal sud lonia virtuos o f Bar- i behlsf cf is-siter and hlussoîf lu au Sp- dock Bloed Bittons, the moatpopular sud Ti propniato speech, rcfeîriugtheh ploasaut effective medicino extait. Lt cures all 0< associat ions ho lie njoyod luths choîci diseases cf the stomacli, linon, bestels andfir~ Sab¼ hoel aud Eecially àsud spokie c o o<te the pleainre bu lied feit iu, performnïce Lest Fniday Mn. Willard had freeli rhu-tf cf wbatever services liéo bd býaupat-u-barlitoi sais goedl ge stecI sand therocgh- ted t e nder iu the community.¶hogh, ly ripe fer use. t wau grestu by Mrs. o lie was movng trous the section lie shenid John Panker, jus'. west cf he tostu on the fo nevE r teo get the nmeuy fieuda cf bis youth l7th con. IRcach.. Port Ferry SiaucLrrd. sud hunped ofeto te met thousinlu Vhsfut- Fethlu arIavbenrold ure. Short eddresses followedby Messrs. o retexet anIth aelcodrcu lcd Rsv. McCullough, M A. James, flics, tea gne xtof el) n evir anduifaise Hardy, William GonnilI, H. Argue, W. dlna fclrs yhiadIrul H. Tenkin, D. Montgomery, W. Werny thoe dvice cf a ficud (whe speke heom ex S. Shertridge, Edwin Reyoyldfs cadi ou4 perience) I tried your Auti-DtLdruff, 81 payicg e w-il deserved compliment te tho; whicb, upon the appîlcaticu c f lise hsr a t., exemnplery charecter cf Mr. Weîry sud bettie cf yeur liquid I find my lieed uot s nefurning o the vainable services lie lid 1"e'y thcrogbly cleaused but e vst lus- rcuderod lu canuection witli Eldad cburcli provomeut lu the cler sud grewth. w sud iu the cemmnniiy .generaiiy. TiceJ1Ihave sud de necemmerîd il as e highly N( bible was a very lafge bsndsomne velume be)efliciel te tihe prefe cliou sud public containiug the cid and uew vensions lun generally as au agrecabie eud welcomo wr- persillclumna with 2000 illustrations, novationu'vu the remedies put forth fer pries $15 00. Thse ceuspauy aclji ein public faneor. iugiug "The Bweet Bye aud Bye" cf toc Yenrs, &o., Wmn P. WOLFE, which Rev. Mr. McCullocb lead lu prayer Advertisiug Agt., "F. Danial Co." sud a veny enjoyabis svening was closed. Besson 1890 91 _________________Staff Cept. Ccx was tcndered a neccp-H lieu ou lier arrivai in Peterboro ou Bat- H-ymeneal. lI .A.-.4i CA---rnqmmlfh. rw.e A vory pîcasant affair oo)k place ah Vie residonce et Mis. R. Hausiey, Outario t. SŽùth, en Wsdecsday ettoerneen lest wvion lier yeuugect dengiter, Mies Alice J. Hamioy oves unitcd lu meniago ati Mr. Ciarlea Gornot, eau cf Mr. Lewis UJorvet et Bprta,Onl. The iitoeretingeeremouy aras perfcrned by Rer. T. W. Jolliffe at 4 'cbockinte cpiesonce icf euly tieuer relative ouths ceutnscîiua naties. Tic itsttmsy Uy Vti5. A. Corseassit teteans a grand processiou Ihrough thce treete lu, houer cf lier sîival. Bbc leeýtnued three niglite there Ibis wesk. C URE FOR DvSrrSIA. - -A S is welel kuestu tuis troubloesu cemplalut arises trous ever-eattug, Vie use cf tice cci ici food, neglectcd censtipation, lacb cf oxercîse, lied ai, etc. Ths food eiueld lie tien ougbly chowcd sud neyer lioltcd or saal- owed lu haste, stimulants muet ho svevid- .ENLFIELD. Miss Elle Thempsen, Littlo Britain, la visiting hici methor sud frienda hor.... Miss Addis lReynolds is visitihg friends i'n Toronto... . -Mr. M. J. Ciliscu teck e trip Vo Tonento set Seturdey...M.A L. Pescoe sud claVer Mabel, Boucs,aee visiting their uncle Mn. R. Peasccelest wsek. Tuesday fonoinoon Mr. Thes. HiIl'a barn was cenunmsd by fine avill the contenta about 400 buelielaof etsa.The confiagnîlon waa slaîted by chuldren plsyiug acilli ire. The inaurence poiicy had juat expirod e few days previeusly sud lied net be renowed. . .. Oui Divis- ion ta stilI piaspeninu thene bsing four lu- listions lest wsek The nsw celbois are: -W P, Tics ilolba; W A, Christine Rose; R. S, Leslie PaEcos: A R. B, E Campll; F S, F Cressusen; Trees, W Ormisten; Chep, M J Gibsen; Coud, Jue Ormisten; A Coud, J Ross; O B, Win- nacett; I S, A Reynolds; P W P. A Onni- itsei; D G W P, Jue Dyer. C.C.IcnmaRD & Ce. Ceuts;-MY deugli er wastppanently at tic peint cf desth with that terrible dia- case diplithonis. Ailrtneusdieshlid failed, but MLNARD'S LINIMENT curod lier; sud I wvould osrnestly reeommoud ilte ail Whio Maylic in noed cf a gond family usod- icine. JOHN D. BouvîLEaz. French Village. Kind WoFrds from B. O., Mra. Bcnji. Ashtonu aniting te a fîiend lu Bowmenviils 3fcous Agessiz, B3. C., Mer. 21, ascys r"Bince Ihavo eu enlaid aside, trous work aiti a soe haud, ceusd liy tie scratch o! e rusty nl, I haeo bd ime te medîtalo sud think cf homo sud frteudsansd ausong ocher thinga I1liane ;beught achat e dean ci-i fniend Taîx STATESMAN iS, lu ccusiug te us evcry woek' willi ail the homne uews. I hiave received a numben cf lettons freus diffeenut fnie.nda, butTaîa STATESILiNtal waya con tains Bousé- ;biug. MY fnienda forget Vo mention; se 1 have wiebced il wcuid couse Voico a week nsead cf oce;but I sus thankfui Ibat il coues se neanienly once a wsek. I appro- liaVe it more Vhau cvrc ince I cause te B. 0. I hope iV aileboon aIloe t is ceadora as it doos use. This lsan au ely Bpriîg, lie farmers use lusy seedxeg sud samo have fin- îhed soeding. We bave planted oun earlv potetoos sud Mn. Ashton lies plant- d aimeat every bled cf gardon sood ln lie gerdon; oui enloîs are quite high s- bove Vie greund sut)( he iubarb is 5grea- ag veîy tact, it n-e:suies ovri31 inlches around coin. Thi, pescli tues arnlu l blooms I alaliyn i could sro the bosutifuil eouquet cf fla)iras we bave on our tee ihile to-riglit. N5ature soome clotbiedilerbonesof ,eeu sud es'er.ytbing accusafull tif coin tfe. 1 seud yen e fea wild flairns; soe tf cur bachs'ora are qnto fond etfifoe ra; 7o weuld bs sunpnisd t, soo achat nice over gardons sexce cf Visus have lu Vhs lamuser. I1erisli yen cenld hoar theus :os tee cf achat goi bisai thsy cen ýas, but they take gead cae nto te have iny tioead ou baud avion I cail on thous." NOEr-Tho Ediior appieciates vry. îghly Mia. Ashtou's blet oeda about 1 HIE STATESNAN, We get us ny £mcli on mnnraghog ,expressions s'od wau oecon- cicr the t 10, 000 Vo 12,0%C pensons en Vhs ivuago read Our apor acoekiy, ae foci ffaI atth ail Vhs e ry sud aeuoyenees ffet eurnoud cur editarial lite, Vie pleas- nre cur efforts give o t us great multi 'tude Df apprealate noadans, 15 dame necompeuiso Fon Oui tcytug labona. PARM STOCK WANTED. J9crasn laistig fat catile, miieli ceas, shsep, Isab, yod aIres, liega and poul- cy cf auy bicîd are ncquccted Vo 500 or aund acnd te lue et rny residence sud I wil eau ou thsm. Or address&B. H. BnY- NOinS, if by mail, Bex 1, Boavilîs. (NEW YOILK) «:roMn JaseDn tas a Lauger Dajly Cireulatien Iban env ciher Itesublican Noovapaper iu Anienica. )AILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. The Aggressirc Ropublican Je-uruel oftheboMetropeuis. ALNEWBPAPER FOR THE MABSES. 1Feuindea Uccêember lst, 1887. JIRCUJLATIoN7 OVER 100,000 COPIES DAILY. j- Happy Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rejoice Because Hoo0d'e Sarsaparilîs, Rescujed Their ChudIJfrem Serofula, For Sciefula, Sait Rheuo, sud ael othen foui humuscil the bieed of chldreu or adulte, Hood's Sareapanilla lan suuncqualled rncmedy. Read Ibis: "Wo are ce tisaukfrsl ta Heed's Sareapa- nls tfoi w but il cid fer env littis girl Ibatove maet his statemaut for tlîe boiesdîf tet 1r ansieus Parents and Suffering Children 'Our girl oves a boantitul baby, tair' sud plnusp sud hîealîhîy. But whîon Mie -%ras Vive years o1<1, ares breke cul bhrd lber cars sud sprcad rapidly oven ier head and terehiead doovu te ier cye, sud mb ier ueck. 'sMo cousulited eueetftte bostphîysiciuns in nrook- lyn; but nothiig <id ier any good. Tis doc- le-e sutid it ornsecaueed by e serefula humen in he hlced. Rer bead tecame ,One Co mýplete Sore offenstve 1e the smei sud dreadrul te look ut. Rler general beahthi ove ed aseieovenhd lay lu a largo clair ail day aiitieut aniy lite or on- orgy. Tlie ceres cuusedi grec: itchsisg sud bnroniug, 80 fuit aI lunes ove lied te resiratu lier bandtdet preveut Scratchiiug. For 3 cars Sýhe Suffered Fe-arfully aill Ibis terrible humer. Eeiug urgod ta try Hloed'e Sursapunila ove <id ta. We seau1 sioticed tii-il dxc lad mare lits and uppetits. Thets medicine> cscmcid Vodriveont Lmore et lte lîiior fera short lime b)ut it ceaxabegan ta subside, the iicling nicid lurssiug ;ccusedl, mîd 111 a tewr nien1this 1icr be-id bccn ltirciy cleanof tie tare. Sdb la raw p -'fc--tlyoo ' lias ne eviclîel s tfhL'lîtamr, ani bier ahlii tirc-ly diicant ci i.i' îl-rr nit giu'uul ape raxîc e ui lnV sha wî itadlera kî 1W. FrrznrnICîr, 311 Glanmroe Avse., East SNew Yonk, boa , Y. This Testr-nonialI Is su illustration ef w lr:rL loIatsS rsaanil:a is dcting fer lthe ide and i ueriîig ove-y lay, trom Mains te Cailfernia. lu the ligi 0f tixese tacts whe eaui cay tniaI the w-rk et au immense couccru hue cnurs is noV bcuceficente HooDe8 PILLS cure iver lis , constipation, ellleusnese, jaundice, stek headacho, indiges3tion. COL UMB US. Mfr. Phihip Hanporjr., lias boon dengen- cnsly illu. ... Mn. WaltVon Mc ean e gain tis prend pepa. This time it ta a boy... Brookliu R. T. of T. visitod ou Council en Fidey .. . .Mr. Sheud lies iongit e faim noan Asiburn, feruscnîybelcngiug te Mr. Bon. Mooreo. Hie eau in-laMr. Hanue, fi us Port Hope, movod thero lest ,web.. Acothor sad and seddcn doati bas tabsu place in tVhs niinlty. Mrs. J. T. Cealos acas tabou iii ou Thînre- day sud diod on Batundcy ereuiug Merci 26tb. Bsh cause auongugs a bridoea yean ago. Mr. Cestes lies the sympethy et Vie cususnnity 'lu is ead lbas,. ...Old Mis. Wicexaon lias lisse very il,.. .Mr. Ge. Wicbott sud Miss B. J. Wickett,havs been viiting fionda lu Teronto. R/AGLAN. We, the usembera cf Raglan Division B. cf T. express cen regret sud carnear syrupathy, occsiansd by the dcath cf oui estcemed brother Fcedb. J. Metie- Thnougi bis caeth we ehevo eltauneelc- ont efilcer sud au canneat edromate far hs prineipies cf Temperauce. He waas a usembofethVe division for touas time, sud stas slways prompt iu hs performn- ance et dettes, sud in the promotion cf tic aelfarsetfTesopereuce. Ho was aa youug mac et cehiable principies, stirling cheracter sud good inenceo, sud highly eppîcciatcd by ail userùbers < f the eider. We ex tend ou ympathy Vo tho parents, sîcersansd brothera, commeudiug Vicus te ths cane cf Humache dostli ai things ovel, end ache liase pomieed te lie a guide sud support ta thaseo lalove sud Rcrno him. igned in bthalf et Raglan Division S. cf T. M. A. BuILL 0ROIVC'. (Condenced froai t/te Newvs.) Mis. David Stovens lias licou visiting fiienda lu Oshawa. .... Mr. Wmn. Tbausp- sou, Peterbace Business Ceilege, l ise. .... Mus. McGutro, Toronte, lias beeu visiting Mr. Jehn MeMnlen.. - . Mra. B. Brooks, Oshawa, le gucat cf lier cousin, Mies Minule Hall... Mr. sud Mis. R K. Scott, Port Reps have licou visiùing Mi. D. T. Allen. . .Miss Beila Rus sou, tendon, ix iiting ber uncle Mn. Wm. Pïingle Me John Carneti lias licou vcuv 1M.... Mr. sud Mis. Peppen enere via iting in Tenante the peestock .. .. Me. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. C. A. Cawbsî, sou cf C. lM. Cewkor whie las bec lunbusiness lu Bewmaunihie ever a quarter cf a contury, sud Anchut Tait ache bas liosu acth J. Mîlue sud J. Milco & Ce. ener sioven veans, have goni into pertnorship sud aclil carry on luima ues lu the stand forusonly eccupisd iy C., M. Cswksr 'sud kuowu as ths "«AIl Round Provision Stars," weon thoy wiil lie plesed te ment C. M. Cawker'î numorona frienda sund patrons as well as a ýgreat mauy uer eues. Thoy ictend kospiug, svsrything that la kept lu e Final Cas Grocory sud Provision Store. A spocialty wil libe made cf Vhs Fiai Deparnteuncb as Haddio, Freali len- rings, Salt Honrings sud ail kinda cf fiali in Ihoir seesen. Oyse rs censtentiy on lieud sud sili arrive fresh. In ths Ment Dopartuscut will lis kopi Bausages, Fîsh iPeni, %a i lds cf Fency Cured Bacon, Susokod sud CloanRHame, -Lard cf the at hraud-al cf enhicli ail lie warnauted. Honsekeepons anc sskod te try our 25e. sud 40e. Toaa,whieh for valus wil ho un- cquellod. Fleur, Bucbwliost, Bren, Shorts, Ber- roi sud Dsiry Sait, Canedien sud Amen-, cen Ceai 011 alweys ou baud. We are looking fer a fair ahane et patronage, sud ictond giving geod vaine fer hs mcnoy te ail pensons. jInterset aili bo charged aetVhs raesof eue pon cent. per menti ou past due se- ceenta cf 30 days, as ÉLL PRICES wril lis msîbod et CASH VALUE We selicit a share cf yeur patronage wctlierîl lia lhaukfnIiy recoived. CAWKER & TAIT. Cash psid foc Freeli Eggs, Butter, Rides, Talicer, Shrep Skies sud ail bleds cf faim produce. C. & T. Mis. Pellet, Toronto, li e lco viairiug frr. H. E. Morphy... . Mire Wilkinson, bas been nisîling Mrs. E. L Reese.... Mise Annie Heig, Bt. Louis ia gusat cf Mca. J. A. Gtbson .. . .Miss R sa Colline le visiting frieude te Port Penny .. .. Mn. sud Mie. John Merphy arc visiting friende et Toronto.... Mr. E. I. Rowso nisitsd hie usothor lu Peterbere ncqontiy .... .L. B. Marks lias îeturned trous Trinity fModicai College.- . .Mr. Ws-. Ellon bas gous te Austin, Manitoba.... Miss Min- nie C. Thompsonu leoda nisitiug fnisuda inl Detroit soeit oveok..Mn. Henry IEvero sculnlua vory procurions condition. Ho lied au ettack cf la grippue ahieli bas etticd inte a bad caesof quinaey. ... Miss Metîlde Robinson, Toronto, is riait. ing ber sistor 'Airs.Jacicoi... A very pleasant event teck piscaoncu inrsday oveuicg Merci 241h lu Vie marriageoef Miss Bert, E. Hla'l, o Earl M Moore, et Vie nesîdenceocf tie huiio'sasunt, Mise Kate C. Hait. Bon. Mr. Presser, Newr- msarket, iicd the nuptial bnoF.Tic bride was pnettiiy ettired i-a crsau sud v-as ahI'1 aesiated by lien sister, Mist. Hall, wniils) Mn. E. J. Ouy Etood by the groom. Tho birido was ths recipient cf a veîy choie solocticu cf preseuls .. . .Miss Lattis Me- L-,%ce, Pont Penny, lias returnd liese f t- on a twa weeeka niait with frieuda bois.. .Mc. J. B. Pot'on, the saîlor Misionary appointel liy the Uppor Caceda Tract Bocie'y Vo labor lictwson Toronto snd Kingstan, addreaetd the praycr mrsticg in tho Preebytorisu eud Baptiet Cherches WednsEdsy osning .... Mis. S. rhomp- sou lias goeste %îiicaga..Messrs. llenry sud Herbent Treil,of East Whitliy, are sponding a ew nmenthe ou the Pacifie ceast, puetpsctiug fer a bolter country for the fearmer... .Mr. Frank Dickis,Londou, Onut., lias bec viitiug hie tather Mr. J. Diekie, ache le dangeoauslyiylii.. .. Mr. Gilberît Andereon sud ache have joinod the large numben cf Canadixus acte are off te the Stalýea Ibis Sprng .. .. Mre. W. Bataman, Port Penny, lies besu viitiug hon Pster, Mrc. Roeet Dieki ... . The Oddfollaws cf Oshwas, mimtd holding their aunosi sunivrrary services ce Sali- bath, April 2411, at *3 c'ciock, tn Bimocco Sb. t.hiclidiet Churci. fThe Rev. W. J. Joihife, B. C, t , w;li prescli. SCRATCHED_28 YEARS A Sely, itching, SkIÉ Dlsease vith Endiesa Sufferng Cured by Cuticura Itemodios. If 1 bsd Lnown ot the CeIcUrA RE3s1EnIza t ont-ight years age, it wcnid bave saved me $200sd tau immense amnaunt et euffering. My disease (pseriasis) ccmmenced cn my Lsad lu a spot neuttarger than a cent. It spread! rapidly al ever rny body, sud got vider my cais. The scaies vould drap ff et me ail the limie, I and my suffering was cudiais, aid ovitheut relief. One thon- 1'~ . ~sand dollars woulO uat tenpt me te hava Ibis discase ever n. agate. 1 amn a poar man, but tesi rieh tae ho relievcd cf ahat same of tho dactars said acas 'e prsy le c amrigonpc '. riasis, etc. I cannai praisa - the CeaICra-sRP31EDîxEtac - mrach. Ibey have made mv Jno. J. lYason's List, cr FOR 1. This Week i. Weceau the attention etf the Ladies te our immense display off Drcss Goods-1892 Dress Gooda. la What is fiee' now and attraet-. Iive yen wiil find at Our store. dTo give an adequate idlea off their stLeauty on paper woiald Le eut off hthe question, but to sec them at c-our prîces ais te Luy Lhcmen. Beautiful Tweed effeets,-Freneli Serges, Cerkscrews and Bedfordl Cords, in tho se sofr Grey and Fawn ysbadings, se popular this season. ' Wc ask yen te eau and sec if we arc right in claiming that wc have flhc Lest, remlember, the Lest 25a Double fold Drosz Stuif thon Lt found. Our ehoiceo of trimminga, linings,_ ete, wilIL e l'oued meet comaplote, SPECIAL. uINES. Ladies' Cashmere ilose (Extra heavy) at 4off dollar pr'. Chuldren's do samne lino frous 15ecup. Ladies' Cashmere Gloves (a Job lot) 10e. pr. Shaker Mlanuels in endiese vani- cty and prices. The Lest 50e. Kneekabeut flat in the ti-ade. A Big range Table- Cleths nice patterns, at 12ýc. A pure linen tabliug 35e. worth 40e. Made rip and four-in-Land tics, a Lig, assertusent, 25e. and Up. Extra Ileavy Cottonadles at 20e. Lace Curtains a special import order at 60e. Ladies' Waterproof Cireulars $2. (sevncthing extra.) AND TUE WATCHISPRING CORSET, Theso xvith many other lines we- we will Le pleaseci te show you when you eaul at JNOW J. MASON'S DRY C 00DBsuad JEWELRY.HOtSE1 .- Notice to Creditors.- lIn the malter cf the Est ate of ,Tames ,Smith, deceosed. Puirsusut te, Section 36 et Chaplen 110, Revis. cd Starutos et entante 1887. nettie slahsrcby gio thet ail creditona sud ethera having cîiaegaingttVhsesttesoetJames Smith, late et the Tewuebip of Declingten. je the Ceunty et Durham, Farmor, doceased. whe dice on or about the twenly-tird day et Nevembon AisTD, 1891, are hsrohy roqnired te dolmven oi send by peat pnepaid te the ucdorsigued whe je selicit- or fer Annte Jane Smith. et satd Tewnship of flarlinglea. Wtdew et seid acceesýea, the ad- oînssîrstîix cf the ros ilud peracual caats ef seid deceas _ed ener befere the twenty-fitth day et April A. D 1892 c statoreuet o thoir namosl sud addresoe]3anaufutit s-atement et thete dlaims andoet t hein securilies if cny bsld hi themi. Notice is boreby taulier givcu that afler the said twenty-fitth daY ef April A. D. 1892, the sstd admiinistraîcix will preced te distnib- e thoe ssora ef the said deceased emeong the parties ontitied therete, haviug regard cuiy ta tbe dlaims et whîoh saeshah thon hava lied netice, sud the eatd adeoinietratrix wiih net ho hiable fer said assets cr cuy part thoreef te suy poreon or pereouls et whoe dcaim or dlaimsl notice shah net have besu t'sesived by lier eit the time cf sucli distribution. Darod aI Bewmanville this twelfth day et Matceh A, D. 1892. JOHN K. GALBRAIT'H, Ring St. Bewmanvihts, Ont- 2oli;citer fer eetd edmiuistnatrix, 1-5w. Notice to Creditors, In thte mat&r cf thte Estute, of V u Creqo, tteceesod. Pursuant te Section 36, cf Obepter 110, Res- vieed ,-jratuteB cf Ontante, 1887. netice is bore- hy giron thet ail ereditersand ethoîs lisvsg dlaims ageinet the esttesoe VIANNA tIRAGe,laJe t esTewnship et Derlniln in ihesCounty ef Durham, widew. dsccassd, ache dieÊ on ni about the twecty-sececd day et Fsbneary A. D,. 1892, are bereby reqnired te deliver enr end hy Iucst,pnepsid or te detiver te the undersigued ache le sehiciter fer Josiali S. tiek, cf the aaid Township cf DenhinatOn. tarmor, the Executrn cfthe lest Wiht and Tes- tlment ef the raid Viauna Orage, eesd

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