OHURNS When yout want a CHURN get-,the best, it will pay you, you can get thein at YO UN G& CO'S. -U-1 first-class Grocery. - 1 CHIEF JUSTICE WÂY'S SAPE AnRIVAi. AT RIS8 HOME AT NIIETAIDE, SOUTI AuSTRLALIA. The South Australian Register of Feb. 29 is just to baud cntaining very f ull ac- counts of the return and flhe receptions to the Honi. S. J. Way, Lieutenant-Gov- ernor aud Chief Justice of that colony who favored Bowmanville witb a visiti on Monday October 26th last. News having reached bore soi-e weeks ago front Eng- land that His Honor was very sick nt Yokohama, Japan, ive have smnee bad rnany inquires for him, bence our readers who bad the pleasure of meeting bîm when bere wili rojoice to hear of bis safe arrivai at bis home after a tour of 14 nionths around the world. Speaking of bis return and the welcomne extended te him at tbe station the report says: There could scarceiy have been a greator testi- mony to bis popularity or a mocre fitting rîbute to bis wcrth i the city, where bis bospitaiity bas been unbounded. Here be is esteemed alike by ricb and poor, and as hie bas for many years been cen- spîcueus with al movemients for the ele- vation cf the people it was no surprise to witness the throng cy f persous con gregated on the -railway platform ut North-terrace upen the arrivai cf tbe Express. Repre- sontatives cf ail classes cf the ccrnrunity were there. It seemod indeed tbat al tbe leading citizens- whu could sparie lai- Notice to Creditors.vl In the malter cf the Estate of William Bamltpc, lale cf te township cf Darling- 1 E T ton, t t/te Counityj cf Dur/cam, farmner, Deceased. THE SPRING FAIR. The prizes awarcled at the Spring Show beld on Friday wore as folcws: Heavy Herses, Imnperted-JudgesMiýes- srs. Jas. Heatliej. L. Powers sud Anson Taylor-lst and 2ndl, Messrs. Beith's Sir Walter and Eastficld Lddie, 3:d, John Joli'5 Thie Archer. lleavy Horses, Canadian bred-lat, Messrs. Percy and Young's Granite Rock, 2ad, Wm. joll'a Archer Yet. Roadster or Coach Horse-Jndges, Messro. And. Pollard and James Henry- lst, C. J. Hugbson's Sir Arthur Ticbburn, 2nd, O. R. Hali's Joa Brown, 3rd, Ptrcy and Young's Dandy Phalis. Jortoy Bul-Judges, Messrs. ]iliahîd Brown and M Porte r- ista sd 2nd, E. C. Bellman's Pedro Roger and Rioter. Holstein Buli-lat, J. M. Joness. The alttndance was vory small, the farmers beirg busy wîîh Spring work. Temperance Convention. On Good Fridey a convention cf îeprc- eentatives from the varions temperance organizations lu thesa United Counties wss beld lu Port Hope, thero boing about 100 present, sc ording to the Guide's re- port cf the proceedings, Tbe meeting was organzed by electiug Mr. Lent as ohairnian and Rev. C. Parker, Secrotary. Af ter Prelimnuries the friends trom i a iu, w~uj, u,,i~ Ii y.rnuiia_, c-1 Ljlmnpoeiiirclj -a, ,l1,man ar9ri an e 1,.j~ _ cuist. mong those present ivere the Cemmissiener cf Public Works, W.~ Jeuleins, whc represeubed tbc Ministry; Sir John Downer, K. C. M. G., Q. C, and other mc-mhjnrs of, hofh house o ~f fthe gave their experionce in trying te carry on a LocPl Option campaigu ln iheir r e- spective municipalitiez. Thon the meet- ing adjourued for dinnor, the visitoea e- ine enterfniaihb, Rfoval 'l'mrlars. W.T B ill, laie cf theTewiîship cf Darlinqtcn' ina tce Couuly cf Dur/ham, widoir, de- ceased.1 MALIE We have just received Our fi rs t ship ment of WALL PAPE R, whîch, oonsists of some BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS, Inspection, invited. KENNER BROS. two naines in a hue. Now, no wriggiing, W. R. ilere is a reascuable offer anîd lest you dcubt our abiiity to pay, we will place $25 in the bauds cf tbc Township Clerk on yo ur aceceptancle cf bbe challenge bbe portion-earued by yen te, ho paid ou a certificate frem the wlîcle Board to'the effect that you bad the 100 aubsribers. W'll1y1 do it? Doing a Good Business in Bow- manville. 0f course Our readers caunot fail te notice the advertisement cf the enter- prising firiu cf Coucb J ohnston & Cryder- man which covers bal the fiast page cf this paper. While this firm dees net believe in aud bave net buiit up their business by sensatienal advertising, stili like ail sbrewd aud successful business mnen, bbey do believe in a certain amount cf j udicions advertising. Tbey do believe in letting tbe public know wbat bbey have in stock but tbey are always sure te. have what they sdvertise, tbey are always pie- pared to do justi what they say; sud as a resuit cf this bbey not oniy securo a large abare cf bbe Dry Goods business, but what is stili better, they have tbe confi- dence cf their customers. It is weii known snd generaily admitted that bhey carry oeeof the best seiected sud most styiish stocks cf goods beld by any bouse oubaîde thbchciis, sud we kucw that but very f ew cf the city stores aurpass themin the quality sud style cf bbc geods wbicb tbey carry, 'while bbc average prices will be fouud te ho loweî than the best city bouses; and there is ne roason wby this sbouid net ho bbe case as bbey are in a position te bny their goeds as cheapiy as any rebail bouse in Canada, and tbe ex- penses of condueting a business are far leas than iu a ity. Besides deing a gen- oral Dry Gjoods and Carpet brade, bbey have always doue a largo sud satisfacbory rade in Men's Oîdered Clotlîing. Tîteir roputation fer getting up flut class lobb- ing is toc weii kucwn te ueod any receut- meudation frons us; sud their business in thisdepatnient is a grewing eue. Tbey bave eiders now freut some cf their old custemeuýs wbe are residing in Manitoba sund ]British Columbia for Spriug suits. Give tbema a calsud hc cenvineed et what they say. titis cennection iH may bp sai mat the Goveruor cf Vietoria (Lord Hopetoun) rode into Ararat Station on bhe previcus nigbt frem bis summer seat ut Woedlauds -soeebwelve miles distanbý-to shake hands with the disîIinguihed colonist etc route for Adelaide., The first publie funiction which Ris Houer was csiied np- on te attend wassbhc deinonstration-at WaTy College linbthe aftermoon, wheu ho muade au interesing speech relative to the pregresu cf Methedisti education, aud con 'grabulabed tbe suthoxities cf'the in- stitution whicbi bas been founded in mem-i ory cf bis labo fatber, the first Bible Christian ministor in South Australia. Yrs.Hu- Rh o v eoering. DEAit Enrrecc -Huviug fsu imy inl- quiries frcm rmny ,1d Dariîngion friends respecting Mrs. Hu chisorj'tieudaition, 1 iud. it impos4î1c -Aoiny o pressure cf office work te reply iiîjividiiaiy and in comp'iarîce w tb your riquest wnen in Listowol, 1 t,ke thiis iteanis of sdviîing themi, l'nowing thty aIl road yonr valu- able paper. It is now 7 weeks since bier j fflict ion came which sLe lias borne wiiihonjt a mur- mur. Three weeks ago 1 decided te mi'ove ber te Winnipeg, egainst lber doctor's wishs, aud scccrdingly, made arrauee- monts witb C. P. R. for stabe-room in Pullman. She rcached boealright, but veîy weak, but 1 arn pieaeod te state she ià on the mend, tbeugh sail! confinci. te hier bed and là pet tectly belplcss. 'Can say niue wcrds uow and movc lower limbs a littie. Elas noe feling lu atm or bauds. Facial expression natural agin, distorticu baving loI t samne but bas, ne nerve poweriluon3iside. Eater-sd slceps f airly well. As te wben rclwU L L rc sud the complet.sness cf lber rostoration bbe five doctors consulted cannot say any- thing definite. We are hcping that lb may be eariy and complote. Yours very truly R_ W. [IUTCHI1SON. Wîunipep, April 14, 1892Y Repeat lino cf Ladies Spring Coats juat oened eut' at J. J. Alason's. They are new sud stylish. AN INACTIVE~ or Torpid liver must be a- roused an ail bud bile removesi. Il.rdock l'ibisare tihe tesltfor e14 aJlw Youn, Roebert Biokerstait andi Ecwardt Taylor,. representing the congregation,. presented the reverend gentleman with a weil-filled purse. Mr.Bitkey resigned recently from the Church of Ascension to, accept the rectorship of St. John's chnrch, Bowrn-n ville.-Empire. ,Many rîse in morning wità a headacheé and no inclina ion for breakfast, Ubris la due to torpidity of the liver and a derang- ed condition of the etonsaah. To reistore healthy action to these oinans, nothingy is so effloacious as an occasional dose of Ayer's IPills. Cal1 at Murdoch Bros. and get Mam- lade Oranges. Who keep the beat Finnan Haddie ï Murdoch Bio3. îZlurdoch Bros' colffse is the beat that eau be b(,ught. Cawker & Tait bave just reeeived a large cnsignxnent of canined gooda which hcy offer very cheap. J. J. Maison bas just received another large shipment of the "Watchapriug Cor- ret." If yen want a corset thst 18s really comfortable, buy no other. YOU want your Cottons, Linens, Flannels always sweet, dlean, snowy white? YOU want "the washl clone the easiést. the clean- est, the quickest. the cheap- est way ?.1 SURPRISE Soap '*the Sur- M~inard'a Liniment, Lumberman's Friend. One Car Loaci Sugar Which wviI1 be sold at R~ock Bottom Prices, Special price per barrel1 for cash. SPEC LIVALUE -I1I- @70:oiYIrgoTTgS at 7 and 8c. per yard. Special prices per the piece. JOHN MeMURTRY. firom $51.50 to $2.00, harci or soft, Men's Youth's or Boys'. Caîl early and get your choice. A large and well selected st~ock of Gents' Furnishings alwayis on hand. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAW FUR&. Chemîst and Druggist. SPON GES Have just received a fine lot of sponges, from a 2c. slate to, the finest bath., IPERFUMERY Ail the- latest and- best oclors In bulk p-+, a very low price. SOAFS A large suppily- on hand of Babys 0Own and Pure' White Glycerin e, 3 large cakes of Glycerine Soap for -25c' Try our BathSoap at 10 ots. Hair Brushes, ComI s, Tooth and Nail ]3rushes andi a coin- plete stock of Toilet Articles. J. HCCIBOTHM &SON. J i 1 Notice la bereby given pursuant te Chapter 110 R. S. O, 1887, that ail persons having elaims against the estate of WILLIAM HAMLYN. late off the township off Darlington, in the County of Durham, farmer, decoased, who died on or about the 5th day off February 1892, are reqnested to deliver or Fiend by post pre- pald on or before the t wanth-fifth day or May next, te the undersigned. a statement in writ- ing containing full particularsotfthir claims and of the nature of the securities (if any) held by them againsi the estato of the said deceas. ed. And notice la hereby further vriven that after the said twentY-fifth day offAi~y next. the executors of the last will and testament off .he said deceased, wilI procaed te distribute the assets thereof araong the parties entitled thereto havjnz regard only to ench cdaima as they shall have notice of as above required.and the sajd executors wilo t hbe able for the asse- ta or any part thereof 80 distributed to any par. son or persons off whose dlaims thiey shail not have received noltio3 at the time off such dis. tribution. RICHARD WORTH, Bowmanville. JOHN HAMIYN. Strathroy. D. BURKCE SIMPSON, Executois. 1Solicitor for Exeoutors. Bowmanviile 12th off April, 1892. 16-4w. Notice to Creditors.