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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1892, p. 7

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rr3.-. a-~ - - - - g * .1 t e GRATFJL- C OM'FOR TINO. BREAKFAST. 0Bya hnouh know1iedge es the, nateral 1awawb~h gorth Lb perýýtatie ff dgestins and urton u ya cîrefel appiaon? Epp'bsq provided onr breakfast i ables witb at dlctL flvoret beverage wbieh May erre uis manýLy bavydoctes',' bills. It l3 bythe jedcios 6ue0? snobl articles of diet thit as con titntiee May ha gradnaliy buit up untîl str!ong- enongb te resst every tentlnecy te dios. Htid,,reda o?, subtie maladies are floaiîg areunn us roady 1e attacle wherevee treis a weak point. We May eseape mnany a fatal shahf by kecping ourselve.n well tontifIai " pore blond ced a p'-oesnrly nonniali d l'ame'-' ' Civil Service"Gazette." M1ade simply with biing rester or mill.t roMl3inl packectl. by Ceencra, labilled thusf -1UAS EFI'rs «t Co., fle1neopathie Cheae* Ista, London, Engiad, The Head Burzeoni 0f 1hth Lubon Medical (Company is o t Teornte, Canada, and înay ho con- ceitedciher in pereen or by letter on al cho iedseases peouliar te man. Men, yeung, nid, or middle-aged, who flnd thomn- sweives net-vous, recal an exhausted, reho are rotndewn trom ecss or ovrwork, resulting in many of the foloring symp- toms - Mental depression, premature old age, bs cf vitaity, bass ot memory, bad djresins, dimnesef siglit, palpitation et the1 hueartf, emissions, laide of energy, pain in thei kidn11eys, beadache, pimpieq on the face ort body, itobing or peouliar sensation about the scrotum, reasting ef tle organe, dszziness, se!ebefore %L3 cycs, vwitching et the m1uscýles, oye ii2s and elsewhere, bashtulncas, deposits in tise urine, losa of relil poweer, « tenderness of the scalp and spine, wcaie and 1 fisbby muscles, dosire te slcep, tailirre te biec estedr by slecp, constipation, dulincset hcearing, ofssetveice, desire fer solitude, excijta iirty et temiper, sunleen oye snrrround- ed reithLJFALN 0515 L, Oiiy ieeltiig:Akin, eýtc., arc ail symptems ot nervous ýdebiity that iadte inaanity and death un1 cas cnrcd.s The prn or vital force having lest uts tont Saneset-y tunotien wanea in consoquence. f Thserho through abuse comnitted i1 ignorance may be pcrmanonitiy cnt-ad. Send 1: yoe' address torbeele on ail diseasos peculiar t te man. Books sent fs'ee sesied. d Hleart disease, thc symptoma of rehidli are a taiýnt spolia, purpie lips, numbaes, palpita t tin si ests, bot flushes, rush et bieed n te tise hoead, duil pain in tise heart rith heats n trong, rapid sud irrogniar, the second lest-t i boaït cquicker than tIc firt,pain about tle a breast ben,etc., can peitively le cured.V No curie, ne( pay. Sond fot book. Addross L liLyV. LUtON, 24 Msodoncil, Avcnee,Tor- i ete, Ont Tisat£xp1ained t. Grateul Gcet- i 'mobligce yen oi, Mels.MGins for givinig me cxsotiy the hal-itcp et coffee I sskod tes'. Yenare the firet reoman I oves' sarewhoeo'bait-oup did(n't everfiore inte the saucer," Amiabla etess-"I uscd te kcep a boaeidîng bouse, Mr'. Bylos." (Jatarrba.c CÂAREIIÂHL DEÂFNES-HAY Fstvm-A Nnw vHOME TREATi-MNT. ý.fr'o s enet genoraly aware that teý sc iaases are contagionýis, or tisat they are dec e le reinc-e living parasites fa~ ~ ~ ~~ ) th iigmmrn tthe nese aud enatacian tbes. icreacepic research hoeer as proved tlItate ho a tact sud tho e t-cadI t thîisdiscevery is tisaI a sim- pl1e remedly hlas bon tormuiated whes'c. hy otarrù, oatarrhal dostness sud hay lever are permaniently curcd uin oete tht-ce simple applications made aI home1 by the patient once in treo wceka. N. 1-Ts treatment ta net a anof or an ointLaent; bell have beau dis- csýrdedI as injerieus. A pamphlet ex- pýIaining Ibis nere treatruent is sont fres en recipt et stsmp te psy posta2e, by J. G. Dixen & C., 345 West King St.Tor- ontteCanda.-Christian Advooate. Sufferoîs teem Catarrhsl troche shuild caret uiiy read tLc abeve. ËN Sentiment There. Le a barît, Crsta ve. Fira rsp-" Say, Bill." SeodTramp-" W'at?" Firsi Chmp --" 13e ye gemn' ter bang np ScnT-amp-" Naws ; 't aini't wct. 11rlenthly PiJzes fer tBoys ant Cire. The"Snlgh"Suap Ce., Torento.u offe Ib toilwinggrie very month tilt feiber notice) te bey and i ndes'16, reiding in thec ro-vinlcc,,et C 'oterie. sesend ibo erýeatoat a suiberet Sunigh" rrapere: laIs. $10; Znd, miaprêtl pcture te thes rboseilnet loss thsn wrpp .Sand ws'appors te0 "Snlgh' a 'eOffce. 43 SeuIl Si, Toutt flot Jter t4 n 295î et oeachmusnth, andl ma-koil Comotilon; ase ive fuIlinamo, address. .eo. as3d rnember etfreraupera. Winner s atomecs 55111 hopublieheil in Thse Toronto Maii i on firat, Sat-rday in oacl moyt. Was Lie Ber Ghost.f1 Eh -"Fther ta afrsid ho rewil net ]le aIble te get, rid et this place if yen cornee her se oie e." Go G-"Wtx bsrycoin-,tt Ilote isn't a sej. in tIc wonid that eau ho p bhard bal that ai. t] " But Cote ùxi la a vuicane, Colonel.", ' "lait? J hengt iwias one et those !talirinfebbî -it î chat go about with Patti."t AGRICULTURAL. Wstering s florse, A liemse eau lis-o treeey-five daye mitlont souS fuod, îuereiy dninkiug mater, sos-enteen dayerelîleuzectingerdninkiug, aîîdeuly fis-e daye mIen cal iug coliS teeS miblent drnel- Ang Au les pros-ails cuooeg horse men 11mb s hersesal nitnver lie matered eGa-non lisse tlree blmes a day, or le tmenly-teur lure. ibis le eut ouiy a iciebaleen idea, sys lthe Hursînan, but a brntal peactice. A -herse'a stonsacl la o'trnonely sensitive, sud mill suffes' snder ltei-oasaI inteefeecc, causing a tes-oriel condition. Feedieg e herse prnuupslly oni grain sud dnlving il fis-c heure trillent valer le liCe gis-ieg a mass saliameel ton dinner anS notstiloming lins te deinke ore suppor urne-veny unsis- feetery fer tIcuan. If younoreanytbing aluiîle cane et herses anS las-e any syns- pstîy fer 11cm mater thonsi as etten as tlcy meuttie drink-oece aunIons' if possible. By Seing 111e yen viii net eeiy Le mencitul te your animais, but ;yenmiii ho s boucla ct-or le yous'self, s eIy iili Se more merle, iIcy isill look botter sudc lis-e longer. If yen are a aleoptie sud Cunwmore ebout bonacesLIen aryenselsc, yen are positive lIaI t-ho fore- guiug ïs ong, beosuse'ou enelilad bonses die isitl wts-aouing i ontemcch, sud bld. ly 55y tlIaifbite agilalers et trequcctmatenîng are feulasunyeur estiîmation, sud yeni woeid nul do sncb a thtng. Juat noasunfes- moment sud figure ouItirbeirier tle animai moid las-e oe-rtnCendos-'cI iloleisebenseh if il lad nul îeen oblowed lu beceuue oe- llirsty. A horse is a greal deal JiCe asmn. Loi hlm gel oe-orked, ooners' u'%cd or slused, parbiculanly forîr tesuat et sufficioni Snîîsle lu msrm vmoathar, sud île consequeces mill si's-ys le injueleus. Sensible lestons in large esties ct-e snraleuing te île ads-sctage ()fet rquientisatenieig. Street car herses are malere os-et-y houe, asud eemelimesofefbnen, wîila Ibey sre aI mork. If is mater lIaI supplies evaporalien or perspir- tion sud Ceepe dlowntle temperate re. Whîai eld togy icoîboda ameunt te May be ceeu by the chsange ln île medical pt-actrice le mass. Tmeety yeasagu apot-son las-mg tes-en ef eny Cind onpeumoulia mes silomed but iittio mater to drink, sud then il baad te ue tepii. l'e-day practitionoeraprescribe al the iced mates' île paticnt eau possily drnk, and lu addition coiS bandages amo cppiied te redurce sud controi the tempera- bure et li tbeleuS. tIis applicable te man miii nover injure a herse. Useoin- non aceseanS Iunufeeling. Den'l blinle i1 is a herse, sud capaeof etndurng eny and al Ibinge. A driver n'be site lu lis wagon and lales lia moru-ent, liait-curriod, vals-ted sud Isit-maeeed banaîsid nover sonîplain et eny abuse lie msy recels-e fremn oie inciter or employer, fer lie is loerinl fisaracte-. bsrder lu syuîpatly sud lois nelle tIen lte brutes lie la Sniieg, sud Se- ers-es, in tle name et al lIatisa unan, île saine pusalimeel a sct-inl. Relative Profit of Sheep sud (Jows. Dr. Galen Witlson makes a cesuparieun belmveen sbccp sud Osemaas te profit. flore .e îl smy lie pute the couupanisou: Witl eediesry oansd jedgemnent teîl oda in- crese 125 per cent, lu neuber, île iambe lrng tour dollars oach, sud tIc meol Ime dollars a bail. TItis gis-os an income et sseu ndollars asaheep.' lt/li 'il su-ulin a cew ir il keop elght aîeep. Te oqusi Ibis- ecI dem et e daiey ehonlel predcefitty-six dollars. The -es'y lest lords acarcely do thIse; îlenmsjuty t-un fan lelere il. But suppose ail equiibod ibtis, îl aler secon egainst île comatoilas in tes-or et the shoop. " As prooft laI lie dose eut over-estbnate île velue ot sîcep, lie quotis ftic exponimnets et a fermer n'bere lie recntly ateppod "Tle muol mas solS tom fitteen dollces anS trecîre lamba meeaised, mîlcIce o-oeI ai lcalt fis-e ecI noir, sud ceuld le seld for lIaI. Ibis gis-es se incema et ses-en dollars anîl a hlI a slieep, or slxiy dollars tes' île equis-siel ts acois. " If m etuldiflicuhi te gror e avier-meeled sboep sed thèeoy ije crease tbc profil ou ibem. Iu CanarIs, mIcro meel (seings an is-erageofet umeteen coulsaa pound, îlec sennal profil ou asahîeep la ccii- mateS by Fa-m Joumnal te le $6 20. Net eeiy de ibeso figures alois more meney sud indicale a goed ilusament trenftic sale efthîe pour ceres, but lIais' sulbttution fer Ibose ceiows-uniS n"gso mucclrelief te île sude-tel led-oeto-rmet-Ced Ssit-yffaus mite. Only a Rog0 lThe prevsilissg opinion ameng tIc fat-m- ors mu sese sections secrns te bc thai sur- lîieg mili do for a hog* Tbey aay,: Il O!, Ie's eiy a luug. AnybIiug le good esueugîs ton hIsu." h think ibat t thîe tocSgis-en i sud care, or, score prupeiy spcaleieg, iacC et cane, eau le traceS île peintaey danses et ce mucclmunialiiy smeng amine front choera and elber disoasos. -Tieomunst le s deeet scneetere in flecnMsnageeofc hoga. M/lai is thal defect ? a il je t-le foed? Yen eeg, co, I food spariegiyl on1 cure, pleciy oet mille, shorts,I1 bran, greenfi esta Pd -corn, etc. 1 Flou mhsere la the treuille? Firet, lot mec ask,f hs- IcI Cofetshelter las-e your legs? Sec. ond, irbat CluS et c yard hliee ey te rue inu? N'om, I de net ied anes-enieg the questioce tee yen bluIbas- o yeete do that fon yourelt. I miii eely inake a ais- seg- gestions. Finit as negards ahlter, M/bel' sver ia mueonuseniet snd îhe cheepeel wrîl suis-en slong as il miii Ceep ontthe ,eid wieSs et minier. Tb"en yeue loge isely by ctsildre. Lotthrent las-e ilein mwn gardens in sose spo t wee lbey eau play gorden le t-hein îceart's cenîcnt. Lot lhes sou' aceda, seo eut tiugsand c-cry m'sy attedIonSleir gremî.l.tielofethe coesosa t blioSprisngfield Amateun Honti- Culîtral eocicty deponda upen lts bume gareniug le mîsol oblidren sud thisoinmotI- ers tako au active part. A payesent et $1 censîlînîca a lite înombcs'ship, ccd 10 cents adelias te ti flowsen shens, as' d yol thoy bas-c more money ile leasers' Ian many mono ps' entions sociolies5 that charge frem $2- te $5 yeenly s'ssoiplions, sud 50 cents adnmission. The reey la te make 11cm pope- Iaand dgel île masses intercatod luiiibmi proceedingi. Titis -us-y net ment orne et île requiremeuts fus a mono adv-anced field et lo-tienulture, but in simeet ail lecelities it mouîfi e toued net a twof et cccas lad grealor experionco je île gaedeuiug cri mVould lend a land in lectures sud talles. Who es-et- acted as leadher in auj eapacity mIe did net himîcîf lest-nreluele ntIc set eftmeachiug others ? lIe s-et-y ccl etprepar- alien for lise tall eueligîlons île mnd sud, causes resoancles tIsaI mighl rot ullermise luecbec ened imb. The fieldIlas boen tee mucc neglcsed. Begiu agaîn, ç'ct the yeutls îuloreatcd. htbefigît las-e rmiccle de ln cneating a love fon tIecocunît-y as againatthleciîy, ilat appeana nom se con- spicueus a foabturo. A ceailonîalle, pies- sent homo, wis-haseiy moans aonsetbing leyend fle sqeare mails eofthe bnildin g ivould seon dcrnd sud procure otler piesa sent -snrrondinga ; Ilese meuid lucie trocs ton elade, sabbansd fiomers fer beau- ty. Gondi roada reenld tellere sud pbeasaul social intorcocnse. lThe attempl la ai lst mentby t-licelort. Es-ory utile village, le- aides subdivisions et largen uities sud tomes, mnigît have tIbirs' cicties les'uouel lus- pros-orent in t-hie lino, luItebcsi-re the chli drten arc taken mb oneoiidensauin. Prives ftu' tIbest gardens, feuils, vogotales, sud burse pialatmînght ho in thc programme- [Prsiie Farines'. A City juIl of Idois Ç"ulnle a beallon eily. LICe Allons et elfi, '"il is full et idols," Temples abeusîd, eccl ilh its giidod images sud shrines, but tbese at-e ouly thc more fermai and exponeive expressions efthLie idolatrens spinut iie pcrvaes tIecuity. Shrnes ct-o met mIl ai ooery t-urn. sme rude and luxoponsive, ethors ciaborete sud coslly, but esel mitI île inconse sticks lun:iieg lefere thse idol or sa-blet. Many efthe sbepsand muaI efthe pris-edreellings avse thibmsînines, mIlh or mitbout au image. As i-ail cli allon peuples, teîle îcînont e teemi le pt-e- duetinsie sud te gise complexion te 11cmr neligiens ferme or sites. The firal nighi or bis-e cpent in île city me more nulsa litle disturseefby île incessant boatiega et gongs. On iq ulry vo loas-nod that il iras île par- tienlan tire ne ltle Clinese meutlmI wen vigorone efforts are made te driveamey es-il influences. If lideens noises se effective in ibis eirectitn Canton las netliing te fear. Tle steets cite vie mIls oacI othor lu elaborate sconio displays, accempsuied is-lîl rude mcdoe, te pnepitiaethtI god etfline, bigl Iamibe structures bing ereeted ter, île purpese, sud ps'etessieneâl perforuners bing engaged te conduot tIc exhibition. Under île convoy et Dr. IHenry, me îsaiked e foew stops freim lis doot- eue es-eu- iug le mItnetsssud sa displcy, lut tle fine ged mes net propitiatefi, fus'ou tIe s-cry noxt day a destructive lie eeke eut lut a fere yards frein île spot is-Ire île porterm- suce lad Isen hbu], sud relielfor asflie lbrealenced île dosirnuobiun oethîe nission promises. Passieg Ibrougl île girls' ecleol building endos' île guidaece et Misa, Lewis, me eeticod asingelar des-ice on flie roof et an adjoining bouse. On îlecenî eofthe roef mas perched a cicy roosîer in gorgeons colons ; îmmcdiatoly le front et lim, aed ou île noxt lemer nof etles, mas a hidteous- looleing image, wliblereoer still met-e lt-cc miniature caminsmodeet esttIreoasd peinied directiy aI tIce cbeol, ail, ire tvan ussuned, te n anf cff lthe es-il influence et a Clîristien sebeol I ibis is idolatry in ils bosat offensive gamb ce seon i luib temple, ou île street and inlutîe home. Beyeud Ilis tIbe s-cil need nutliele iflofi. Peut las dune il tes' alirnie sud for ail heathen lands lu île final clapIer et lis epîstlle îleheRomans. Mou musy sing île praises et Buddhlam, Ce'-tuctensnm sud Ci'oism, sud ail tîrco socs te lie minglad ibuen China, but tIc appslling tact remeins that tle pîsople ct-o susîlen le iegrossesl superstition, n-itl- ouI Ced sud millesul oc[liurel et Hume sud Abnesd. Gone Vlth The Finsa. M/bore itbe thilînîof la"tuigbt'steinl Wlierc is tlic boots thatacbedLast ycer Gone is bore île test pis ;go '50 Fer Last nivît's niddle Lessii ejuS glae Tis un-iinc lahs I île lonpasl t-srilo. And bthe obb ithat ached bath lli s pain- Tîas ata mel us'troubles gro w te- Mlîerc at-elle coîthos fIat n'a useS le 'est- Wnceo art-e cburdeus tv uedluteb'car I M/bore le mIe brUit hoe ctsngli- FGene rehene tue lues tti-sppeut-ile; l ees tîestl as charged ud ise lees ae The skies are neaning a bt-igbles bin, l'ue lai- Sucen't suait-IsceiL useS teSe, AnS tlic parîing las greois sueri ia ean, iee. W/frtc ance blle bltat eus' t--soc(1,Si5ttesedl M/bore h bbc pin blet the baby "hleseol"'I Irsrere are tIc dove3 l ast yev's nesiI M/bore have the pins ail gnetel Ou thicoleuSbille paiS ance nom once bwiitie3 T'h" libye aI sehlon i honpins eut2grecs-, AnS tise squale are rniniuga ncccif ofiis os-n- yVois caul bning 'cm bacC if yen isant te- /e eau stenS the smarlt fyesterdeay; To-ilsy's oseel!,ue s-e rSive away; M/laI's sys-,acuit le Ininga udisieiay For nt sud present c a-rom; Blet tIc Perdons that mieo us gnose sud TIc troubles Il ut niaiseus turne andttrot, Arc tIc things tisaibas-en't happeued yeb- Vice pins-h1t tr 1_L i-tI ionnoîs- Pief u t.sof yt uoesuututum.syrf2s Ankausare Travelos'. fie Was Stout. Fat Man-Wlsose costume suai h nest t île meequeecde bail? Cyniosal Feieed--Den't mess' eny costume. Tie a string te yens' ankle and go as s loy lalieen. THfE DEUlL'S BRIDGE. A Sws uegsnd. Wc reere le Switzenlsud, aI Gosolenen, a cbarming village 3,300 foot above the les-el ut thc se%, aItIh entranceofethîe tunnel et Saint Gothard. leIntIcemes'ning aI S o'cieck ree teele a oseetage te go te tle Glacier et theo Rbone, Neîbing couid le more picînresque and more beantiful than tIbis Glacier read. Il woenf about, asccudingeeestantiy, until aI tIc end et fis-c heurs sud a hait ree an- rived ai the pea,efthîe Fut-ka, et île -Glaci- er et the Rhone, et a beigbt et 7,200 teet. \Ve lad boen foleowing tise course efthîe Rouas, as migty tefýamieg loît-ent w rl-ing abent the massýes et) rock as if il reonid boas' 11cm aleng con ita reild sud terrible reay te tIc vailey. Thon me paseed oves' tIc Des-n'a Bridge, a wordeîttî ingle seul theowu oves' île torrent, sud therE e. iebard tle curions iogend whiol gave il its rame. Tbis la tIc egeud as il mes teid Thceliso cantons of Uni sud Untewald reere fermeiy scpanated ly tIc Raes, sud ne commnnie;atiùu cenid le etabisied le- twecen tisean, lcanse tise terrent esrnied aresy ail tIc bridges rehiol conid 'le con- structefi oves' ils led. Ouc day tise peuple came and bold lIe bsiliff efthîe canton .et Un that tle neweal sud tIc lest, bridge es-en luilt lad boen cas'- ied away tle nigît before. To doscribo the hailiffa fAut-reewulbcleimpossible. lNoue lut île dcvii," aaid'ho, Il eauee-r accomplial Ibis met-k." Upou theso merda île laiiiff'a servant ap- pearel rith cenussd teatures, announcing iu a Ieembliiugvelue, Il Ris Satanlo Majos- ly.' The dovii cuterefi ritl a bm bore. Hie ias drescd like a Swies poasaut, sud is long taau îung belore bis treusens le- Iid. fieseatod himacîf aIeaso ensarai- chair, and roaîiiug Isaclos-en feed on thc gleming brauda in île fiee-place : l'Yen calicd nme, I belles-o V' "No-yoa," replie I tise ailtiff. "FortIse construction et s bridge?1" con- tlnuod tise des-il. Th Tcservice yent speak etfreeuld bhofe inestimable svinlue ns." Il 'For nothing yent gel nelhieg,' says tIc pees-eeb," ceelinued Satan. IlWe expcndod ton ounces et goîrI for tIc lait bridge, sud I is-enîrIwilling psy . yen double that sens fer île bridge yen weuid engage te luiid fer ns." "Bal!1 if yen bave netbieg but meney te effet- me, yen may keep it. I lave ali lbe meueylIcane fer." AndIpickingnp agbere- ing ceai fronithtI firee mil lia; fingons le minit l btIcthelaiiifi's moecy-lag, mîe, fer a mars-el, tIc ceaI bocaine an ingot et geirI as coir ns eausonsel oet be. "Very mcii, thon ; ws-at mili yen lavet" "eRe, t-ed suddigu thia papes'; Ibat te wvIst 1 Isa," sud dtswieg a papefs'ut lis poket ýIe des-il laid il letfone thc bailiff. The lettes' nead as folieres: " Satan'shahl lave fer lis owncthe finalt seul rehiel sîsl pesa oe-r tise bridge wluiollle, Satan, en- gagea le build in a single night." The bailiff, aller a 'noment's refiaction rmt-e lis camne lelor e eagreement ; île dcvii did îlesasme, put tIc papes' mb hia pueket, and disappoancd, leeving a sîneng edor et suipliut- bchind bien. Thc noxl day a' superl bridge spanned t'le Roues, and tIhuilles' sal eu asatone te thc roafi, msiling for bis promisoed nemard. Suddenly in île distance le sa e l al- iff Coering, esrrying a ssck on lis Isole. "R owis at-lis !" ct-ted the desil ; "are yen ceming te cross île bridge firai, my dean tniend-te sacrifice yenrself fer yens' compatriels t" "lNet pneciseîy," nepiied theelltes', ina mec king loue. TIen hoie teeped sud icI dei'n hies sck et île aenofthtecbridge,une- liod the cerd tîat beund il, sud lot ont et il s greal black ccl, rehiis cressed tise bridge reitis napid. bounda. IlWretch V" scneained tle dcvii, I"yen thelugît yen moubd trick mue, but ht shahl do yois ne gon 'd ;" sud lakieg np au immense înaýsa etrock, li e as about le acuihilato lis me 'rle, reen a procession or pt-ioda appear- ed,, rihIthecross berne boforte 1cm and baninera fiying, te lesa tIc bridge. At Ibis sigît, Satan quickly dreppcd tle socle sud dieappesned, beming in dîsappeiniment sud Wbien tIc lailiff put bis Iand jute lia meney lag fer thc inget t fged, hoe but-ced lis fiegers on a ned lot ceai. What Next. Once îlteras a lircd macnmIe iras ceîîstautiy assoniabieg lis employer, a fer- mer, îy doler sîrange sud Ilexpectofi Ihiolgs. One day île fat-mon ment mb îlte lare and foucnd that Ibis man lad biangod hitusoit. Lok eg ut the dacgling body a fom micutes, le esclainscd, ",wh at on et l itîtfeiboir de next V" RatIer Queei'. It seoèinaq a uitIle. siegular tîat gît-la mIe go te a pu,-blic inasquerade bal sud clore mou iîsoy lave lnover seen letoeote gel ti attis arcrn eim, in thc prosence et feue or fis-c lundrcd mon and momen, wili sereans like mild cals if seme faliere Iiey do keure sbeuid attempt sud Sa thiug mIen siene mil bista. le a d a g Ho s A .g - I D A ie ' 'f InfantS and Children. t recensîeni ilas super-ler te aey=pesritin Bue'Stomesh, Diaista, Eructatien, KI lWorms, giveas leep, and proneme6cd bie tme. H tAgonis, M. D., g gtin, Ili Lic. Oxford st,. Brooklyn, N. Y. WithCilut nurious meilicatîosa THExCiEvar&a ComPNsea, 77 Murray Steet, N. Y. F01R SALE BY J. I-IIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE' PeI I B Oe'WMAN VILLE, flealquarters iD. Wfa3 tDurhatn for FINE Dinner and Tea Sots, Chinawara, Glassware, Crockery,_ Hall, ?arior and Hand Lamps Fancy Cups, -1 Saucers, Vases, Water andi Lemonade Sets, etc OUED FAMILY Is always well supplled with the very best goods at lowest prices. High est Prices for Farna Produce. Leading Seetismen in the, district, AJ.ways pleased to show goocis. Inspection solicited MURDOCU BROS. Vici oria Buildings, Bowmanville. 2 HAINES' OARRIAU-EWOK GEORGE C. HAINE~S, Proprietor, -ANUFACTURERI CF- RIlNG STRE ET, BOXYMAN7 V ILLE. patternsancd lest tinish, W' fan e o rs'ie te' abOetthe lawop- becnitn xuth due regard te ,wes'klmanehip si quality. The felloîvung isasliet ef the principal veliioles manutaotes'ed by ma Double Cevered Canniages ......................$3 fpreerd. Single PIntons . ............ ...... ............. ........... 100 Te p B u g gy ........ ..... :........ . . . ... . . . ........ 7 0 e Deoscrat Wagons ...................... .....~.. « 65 e Lumber W agons .. ....,.................. ....... 9, Pesessugspener aciitis fr aunccls'ig cr .ae., sai........ ap er5as ores, nsudprear aillet f strm bs'featrn r a-tssdel, iteretesoliey ng p res Onn ineut e sur pis a rokts f on sl u t e a ns-o f style est-dmo e d e Men'îfsctueo nîyaI Titeiass HeaîeOwaa"s EBALSeanEsaxa, 1J78, MT-MEJW 0CrrrSWFMBJE W 250 tTLOPT.r '0 evy ~ .'c C'ce<é AJ .ý..-_ 'My cite suffereci front a cid ; nuiluins- belpeil lier buit Ayrs Cherry Peceoral arien effeted a urc.'R. Anaeu, Plyinpson. N. S. Ayer's Chery- Pectoral Preprerd by Dr. J. C. Âyer & Co., îuweii Mass. 1prompt tg ict, sure ta cure MUARREM

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