CGxIATEFUL--COMPORTING. HEALTIL The Teeth. O O O A The proper namnes or desg nation of the BREAKFIAST. teeth may ha learned by a child iu five Min- "By a thorough knowlledge off the naturai nies, yet multitude nf gererally intelligent laws wbichgovern the oprationsoet digestion people go through life withlî no hetter meth- and nutrition, and tiy & eireful application o d of designaLing any particniar member of the fine propertie; or wÇ3il-8leot2d Onna, Mr. the lenta mlytn ) opjýth Epps has provided pur breakeast ihlsbswî ifîiyta yoem h delicately fiavored beveraze which mnyý'hae motb and pacing the end of a fluger npon os many h-cavy doGtori' bils. It is by the1 the offencler. Beginning at the cen5re of idiosseor sueh articles of diat that a the adul t jaw, the month wbich is f liy ..onsItutiOo may ha gradialy bnîlt up unti btrong enough te resi8t every tendiency te cquipped contains four sets of eîgit teeth disease. Hnindredi of subile maladies are eachi- and as these sets correspond, onue floatilg arounfi ns ready o1 attack wherever s ide of ither jaw nisybe taken as-au objeot there is a wealr poit, inVcay escpa pentaniy hst lesson. iâior, n a fatal shaft by lueping orselves well fnrtifiad Eachstiuan w nios u viih purn blood ansd a proocýrlynorsd euspid, iwn biunspids and three molars, in lamne"-"(Yhil Service Gazette" the orclor named be,,iinnLîc at t,e fr-ont. heavily nf meat, and this Ineana neariy 1lI UL U A everybody, excepting the vegerariansq. A R fT R L Life After Forty. Live Stock in England. Thebet hllni ieis n ron n th mss An English 'correspondent writes t-An ni forty, if lie be anything ni a man. The otbaknfntndmnhdes9ccr wor li wll o illbcdone with thet hand red at the (London) Metropolitan' Catie ora haýe wilad ot oalllajqbe; Market, ai the beginning of this month, nie ai ma nte ecaudfo n trw pse-mntice. having been impored--like ail previons tracs walking," but secs everything !~early Motinso,1.rsaekdit hs and n jsr ensreThetranedrespercountry, froni abroad, by inreign cattie. adc inotjush mat nrk lTke tabinud bull ai aThe occurre ne opens up the nid contention, haystack, bat advancees wit] ithe caad which the Tis trnngly insists uponi, that nrdered pace ofi coiiscouis power and deiib, the safety ni our nwn flncirs andi herds and erate determination. To n man ia he the neceusity ni îanînainîng home suppliesof world un new, and the future un rehas ,, mik and misai, nialce i absoliuteiy necas- 1dm whn lias upcnt the early years ni bJi, ' ary that ive should prohibit the importa- inanhood in striving to understaïid tht tinunifah :live inreign animnais. In this For Bronohlitius nvrraled cv% of reicie an nsuch as I have nis t atfeu'uonls dsîriug whuch tSitue Ihave siea 5scsI froîipuuioi, olosv u by b,!,m chisis Airer tryieg vaions ramedici uithout Isenefit, 1I ha.ithe use eoniAye's Cherry Pectoral, and thseaffect has bes-n marvelous, a single dose relievisg nie of hoigsd 8ccurmmg a gond uight's ras. -T. A. 1-i gg bom main Gcim Store, Long Mountamu, Va. "' Lait Sprmîsg 1 urss taIsaisdesusý.-. iiila grippe. At tisues 1 vas completely postrat.. cd, and so dilrficult %vas usy brcathung that ray brcathh iecned as if coufined inl an iron cýage. 1 procured a bo'le ni Ayars Cherry - ý..-------- --a".l ion s i iîcona, go, soo, lis ery a iy t sai- sud -pnwerful speech iliat nsany iu;tPie courti thrre simple applications miadeata homa igmesion. The fact la, that ail hieacbeu ni tise son n shed mears, wviile nibama tiii ed paief by the patient once in two weeks. iawu nifiseath are physicai sins. \Vbcn thia] wiiber h cvrmDo1(;ý1,sen N. B.-This trealmanti lanflt a is genealy accu, thon and pembapa flot til is fea.ripothe pepeemm antofiiai cci anuf or an oninueni; both have been dis- thon, wili tbe pisucial traiing ni the younug effa e.n teeup ie, beamu fumions. cai-ded as injurions. A pamphlet ex- raccive dcemved attention. deprivation ni ail iglîtu ni ciiizausbip wast piainiug this ncw ireaimaut isi sent fres - passed lapon Tciernisbevsiry, haiez'mvid ont :t on reeipt nf slamp te pay postaLye, by J. Barley and Basley freal. 1 flanderbl o but yoîscanno stopiha G. Dixon & Co., 345 West King St. Tom- Bme a iiid yPiy nhv eenpmgrani bliobutai ideas 1" sopth onto Canada. -Christian Advncate. Bre scamdb ln ahv enpors flbrlies1 Suirer fîm Ctarhîa imuba the original Cereai fond o ni naind, aud Whiie Tcbernisiesvky was confinaed asan Shuid carafuiiyreat Leaboha, ;obe certain ih is tîsat i bas beau lu use rin t he as ie inVilluiuk, Yakntak Pmvinic,iu Siber- shoul careully ead t-,e aove.cariiesi limas ni whicb uve hava any aîiien- la H.Milsahin, ajustieof the peaiý(ceand ai Edior-h tlîiî Ir hwrite botter than 1 tic tradition. Tisat, h wau cutivated in an- adnt-hiiiateta e enr is 11h- ued to. Editom's wife-Yoss write lass, det Egypt la uhowu by the records ni tbat ovation.IlIe visi ted the prison, diugorised as lt's botter. country, aud ih was alan a fond staple wiih a gendarma, and demanded thant 1he philos-j ltlesîtilly Prises fer Beys mntirs the Jews ansi the Romans jus the days of episar ha daiivercd ta lus iraepiig ; but the The'Suligt" oapCe. Teoni, Ithein straugth. Its nutritive qualitias ara chiai ni police, suapectiug thai al was nlot fnlowung prizsaevemy month ti offter est ia hwa udb ts niutCak igisi malusad te <liver up bis prisonar. te baysa and girls under 113, residing in ' o irainring their athiatas, audithis always the cbemnshavsky wsas afteieuards, tranliard Province ni Ontarlowho sensi the greatest beauninast ampioyed lin sa coid enuntiic to Atrachasi province, wbama ha 'dlied Zwo numbehr of "Ilunlighlt"wrapper@t lat, $10; 2nd, whame bawîs and endurance are tisa lacions eragmun ýLp $;3d, $3; fsh, $1; 5 h te 14 a ilandannie Book o ucsfl11e nialwadan ctadyam gmuma y ail Idomope. -Lp uda pretly pcure te those whe seudnto ucsfllf.l h olnso tad pincott's. ]esa than 12 wappero. Send wmsppers tsa '1bannocks ' haley inca] " stili COu-___________ "Sunlig lt" Sean) Off ce, 43 Sein St, l'O'ronte titute tise daily fond nf the peasantry, and net ilam than 29h. ieach menth. andmiarkedI barley cakes aralargeiyusediu theanonthernsTHE VOLUG'SRE. Corniçeition"; algu givefulilnama, adires cntisn otnntlEîne aly- .go. and number of wrspcrs, Wiuncrs nre o otietfEioe.Bre usaies will be published lu The Toroato Mai fleur doas i permit ni hraad-makiug, pro- Aerial Electric NMail far. on fliss Saturday in each month.I pcriey speaking; but fon broth, soupsansd hILa claimesi tisat the Volucere uii trasi- Tha Japa nese Empresa always dressas porridge, barlay is a mot excellant material. port about onueisîudrad pounds ff mfoail ha- vites Euopean costumes. Tbis grain grnxvs weil in ninat climates, tuvecu two cics uitit a lîithianoiunattaimîed1 Fer serFifi' 'eurspmoided the sou celamants are rigit, sud vlociîy. i consista of a shah cnmîîipscdo For Oer Fav Varseau ps'ebably ha cultivaied with Profit-More alumimni, iauterior,' axcapt tise ehfatu1ber MJNS. WrIS' soaSooTisTINa SYeUP hua b8en exîansively than alsot aîîy other careal for tha mail asd ion tisa clectise muchr, being used by millous oi mothema 3fer thir cilîdren knewn. Wile it ha prncipaily gronuilutisa Ouled wth cospressed b1 dogan gas ho over- j white tething. If dîa'urbed ah nighr and higbcm latitudes, milder cîmmate areni nu coma hue wigbt. Ih asa huoy-fan touvards broken of your et by s sicir clild suftlciig favorable ta its dcvelopmant, as is sisnwn lu tisafront, operatiug on hotu sjde- -aud sida and cryiug with Pain nf Curing Teeih seefi ai once sud ger a bot le nif 'mrs. Winelow's omr owu country hy the fut that ni tise sixty wl-mgsansd popellar in near, w large Sooihing Syruip"forehildren ieathing. It wiIl odd million busisls othetotal crop, almost a troley ines uupporîed onuamsa attacised mn relleve the tunr litîle aufferrimmediately. a urts parti lu gmonulitheasiugiegrear stata ass d alavaiefitoa asuinable Imigimi anc Deppud lapon it, mothers, the'-e !an mstake pst about le. Ih cures ]iarrhoea, rewulates the oi Caliiomuma, withi ls extrmneiy tensiperata placad frmn four ho six feet apant, sud hb- Simiaeh and Bowel4, Cures. Wiud, Cotle. cijîata. Ihu mci, tisa rsi growîb ni the îwecn aud bolow ihese theme ar qm shahla i sotcns the Gurus. reduicas Inflammation sud grain ib is country apast aebe iutd upne ntÏýwrs1ýples gises fslened energy tate ucwhole sygteu gra insapas suîd saaddngies-naoyplcs "*Mrs -Wiuslow's Snothiug ',Yrup'"for eidreu n muen Virginia, whteahiit s rCcordla< lie eletriciîy fimnitisa uirascouis- leeshîug 15 pîcasaurteatha tasteansd ta theaus nf cultivationuiii the yeam 1611, by tis a etes ilmmugis tbheunon rinside nai tisacar, Iseseiption ni onuee ofhe Oldeat sud besh te- Jamcstowu colony. In 1629 harley was anid sets isîto apid motion thsa moisi fans, mtaIee p YSciaus sud nurses je tha U nitesi' ,,w bycoîonnsta on n assacisîmactis Bay, the wiogsnctber su ad theise whnd tae:Price 25 cents a boirle' BSud by algo, ~ m ad usbs pmoirgists 1 hrouhust the würld. B3e aune ansi1 but ht neyer hecame a favoritE fond produci fan in tisa ear. The wings ara ahapad like for "Miss. WIStmLOW'S SOOTHIuNG SyRUis.-isheme, and tic extension nfitls cultis-ation snu uîbralla dis idasilibe Coatire. These Jwas slouw up tnatise yeam 1850.' close whsau propeled fonuard su dau tnmali- cally brais, pressing fnnibly agai;nit the air Danger in Ileat Diet. lu tIse backward stmoka, samd opcraiad oy a neTise evils ni s ineat dici ara being appme- ' su ad piston to wlsicis the vings ara hildre'r~ ciatad by nsany iigli livers ls- itjes, snd a Ion a unnunedly n lcti Ç4j 1CIren these are bciug eountemacied parily by th isa .ýhnoiignootý1(ýncin ~arOW"tflq wcalthinluadding more fruits sud sage- iii hncnigmnpn h-icsn tablas tn their tables dnrhug the winmc.enaainanmctbarrsduu- Ibricaus i etsd'aenla mv quantly dawa up a auiabla wigist unuil i - '~~ ~ ing which tisa systcm seenis inhave for tmu bmogii ethre ein fornadiglu fa ___ .oo Fas(t met hava grsdnally made it commnufor tien raload ademacd ion a mm -i tblmisa C ity people ta live nimoat autinaly off meat ~netom sd n ssn nmsma become listess. fretfut, withoUt ener- lu the wiutar montisa. '\eat la Catons tbmae sien. i mav have many stations. 1r. B. gy, thin and weak. Fortify and build ies a day su quaniies, and tise exessie E. Oshor, i Auburn, N. Y., la tisa invan- themn up, by the use of use of sîcis a itla that meumsitic sud toi-. NI', gout tampeanîenis ara equined. These rampeame'mts are nuit he increasse, sud TTR ON1EOIÇ , they ara largely due ta tise excessive use nif- 77 smeu. A irasseis 1Paper Pubiilles i À Article Lime uatanenutemacis the avils ni tisu Wîi isCUe esteu <iietoa alarge axtant. Alkinawaters nI ail knds havea stendancy ta set as <lin- A daspaieh ircns Brossais, sas. -An anti- tetsdXueaaheeiiitopnoscIa u isaicChronique to-day fbas causad n 0F PUR CaO VER GL A~D who areasddscted toa abcavy meat <iie, sensto.'-apprdcae h oeu OF PRE OD IVERGILAND Limse waiar bas a tendancy ta maire chilîdmai ment ni the Congo Frac Stata, ilu ývilatsion HYPOPI4OSPHITES grow, andilu conîinias wisare tise drnkimg ni thse anti-slsvery confamence deuiàiu, lias Of ]Lima and Sodla. watam is 1mavsily impegusicd wjtb it mn ordemed 20,000 repaatiug rifles, which will Palalabieas 5Mllii. AS À PTREVENTIVE OU1 arc apt to bc rail. lhilus now used vu'ry ex- ha h-rtes'ed with tisa natives for sory. Tisa CURIE 0F COUGis 0ou COURl, IN BOTH teusiselv lu thse murk for cihidren, Lut lu papar lîsmiher cisarges tisaitainofficials THE CLU AND YDUPG., IT IS UNEQUALLED. slsuld ni hac iestricicd ta ehildren, f cm jn ara allowed a commisshon ni M; par cent. «ensine made by Sctt & Bemne, Belleville. t ija meat-eshmug genasation muen naad it, upnuts ruatos n eaiaua jSamon Virapper; a ail Dreqsts, SO0c, and 1ion. For a perfactiy sasiîsmy diat, aikalina parliamauayatoeatirnt xoats g $1. -waîer'la ucaded for au amy persanîwîîo caîs- transactions nf tise Conîgo offîcialsý a leg of New Zealand iamb, usas put sie for similar use on anoiker occasion, and the butcher said: uvîti a wink to Mr. Rowe, "Can yon do ir liko that in New Zealand?" The butcher tnid bis visitor that lie soid twenty New Zeaiand iambs per week, two- thirds ni tbem lun the way describcd, and that he made £1. per carcase Profit. This is net bad business-for the butcher. Engiand. I. R. DÀ'VISt A Use for Asafoutida. G.W. lanceü, presideut cf the Americaii jersey Catie Club, wnites: 1 have reccntiy trcaied a neighbnr's Jersey cnw that was au habituai aborter, and succcadcd lu gerting hier te carr y lier calf for the fill rime. It was apparently a despemate case, as she had losi three caives ln u cuissioni, -when seven umonths pregnaut; but as bier nilk la uuusually icb, aveu for a Jersey, ber ovncr was naturaliy auxions to have.a calffroni bler. h is niten difficuliro get an aboniýing cnw lun caif, but this cow aiuvays heid to the firsi service.. -The treatuit was addressed in qnieting the i ervous systam, of the cnw', Asaietida is supposed to bc an excellent drmg for the purpose; se I pmccribad a tibiespoonini ni the guni, as fiuciy pniverized as possible, mixcd witb a eut mess, twice a day, begin- ning tbe tmc.tment a few <laya beiome lber nsaa tinie ni abomtiug, and continuiug it, daiy for a mouili;.fter ibat ne table- sponful a day outil the full period ni gesta- tion was accomplishcd. Shouid syropînnis ni parturition appear, Iben the daîiy dose Iwas te be immcdiately increascd to four tablespoonfuls. The drmg pmoduced the desired cnndition ni compossîre ; lu faci, tise owncr says sbe was a niervonu cow, but ber disposition was entirciy changed. A capable pisysician ad- vised me that it was a sale d<mg ho give lu large doses. I cars ago, whcn I lîad epideiei aboriion in my berd, 1 used asa- foerida wirb great sucýess and in one case a cow tbat had insit tso calves carried the an- tire terni, altliougb for the lasi thnee weeks ni bier ime parturition secmned imminent daiiy. Duriig these ilînce weeks we gave ber four tabiespoonfnis ni the guir. daily. 1 had resnte, be ibankfni for the rmnedy, since the cow lu question was Gazeila 3d, wbicbi thenreaiter proved a megsîlar breeder and made nie 751 pounds six ounces of but- ter in a. year on modarate daimy mations, and the eau sbe drnpped. was Signoretta, thai gave me 680 potnds, six andone-balonces, iu a yeam ou second eauf, an average daily grain ration ni less than eight pounds. A cow threateued witb abortion, sbnidd be scparated freontbe Imerd te seenre quiet, and eiaxiug food witbbeid, thougb, ni course, lber bowcis must notb.1allQcdte grow constipated. Oow in Oaif. Wisen onebas to reciron uipon bis nwn dairy stock, brougîit p uder has own oh- sers atin and tise records nf service have neen canaialiy kept, it is n difficuit to icil 3 w1heilîr nny particniar cow or beifer la jn [calf. But whlen buyinig stock to add ho your >nwu dairy herd it becomas a mattar onimb- 3pomtance ho ascertain if an animal 1is preg- isant. To tell ibistaire a drop oni niuk freslb- 5ly drawn frirniher, licit lu jinoa glass ni 1clear water, ici the glass stand upon a table between the light aîd tha observer. lf the theoop su-pt te ud in; have a round UcIoeunhoup;thon press iigbt- iy ai Oirsi, but in'rease to about foriy pounds on the end ni lever ; taire cheese oui and tursu twicc lu tvesîry-fonr bouma, einoviug cioth each time to preveni ciinging to cheese. Mens donc- pressing taire oui ; eut two round places ni cliii, thon put a band aronnd and sew tbe end piaces iu. TIb is keepa off the flies aud hoids the cheese lu sisape. Laythiens on asheif uhererhey cau have sunashine and a uite hade ont <nons warm enongh to tari the butter in the.o tur avery day. Yeti wiil find it wil ha fit for use iii abouit tel' <aya. 1 have wriiieu in a vcry simple way, but 1 fiud froin experience, every few days, 'vith my neiglibors that they nccd te be îold every littie ihing in urder to undcrstaîîd 1m in maire a cheese. Tise cuming of them may difier fmoni man y, but it la my way and îbey cousu ont soonili and very yeliow, altbongh I do nlot use coioring. Any suiggestions nr improvementa onu tsa foi cgning plan ara in ordar. People of the Earth, Exacily 1mw snany people thera are lu the îsorId it is impnossible te say, sincan eau- sus is tairen nfi ay populotis conutnias, like China, uvisd tisa number uf people wbo lise un tisa jungles ofni ne au only ha gisessed a. As long ugo us l866 Brishm, a loadîug Gam- mnisautisnmty, asthmatcd tisa population ni the aartis ai 1,400,000,Cs00. In 1880 tis aine autisority set tisa figaes ai about 100,0 0 ,000 more. Ha <id nit basa tise new auinatas on tis atusiralimceasse ni fise people ni tisa world, but axplainad flin.t mure accurate figures aud carimatas had euablad hbu te guesa more loseiy. lwo years later Mr. Baism estimatai tha e-nth'e population at 22,C00,000 lesu tissu lu 1880, tlis e creasa bcîug accounted for by tisa faci that new investigations had coni- pallcd tisa îaductiouniftise estmmatad popu- lation of China fromn sousetling oser 400,- 000,000 te about 350i,000,000. Prohably tise astimata ior tise ycam 1891, made by s learuad Gramisn shatisticiau, la tisa most neariy accurate nifamy yctnmade- 1,480,000,000. itis helhasad tisai tise vold's populationi la iiicrcasing aitisae rate ni naarly 6,090,000 s year. lise munt populons continent is Asia, wviicis centinestwo enssntries-Cmsna sud Indi- winse swammiug millions outnumîner tlia people nI al fime other cenniicaonithe continent. lime mout dauscly peoLplad con1iuient is' 'c conue, Europe. Tisa numbar nI people lu Europe is irnonuwitis s great dagrea ni ne- cnns"y. lisera are about 360,00U,400, sud tisa comtineant svlich accoms-soatesa a h iese people is un umail iitsa earc upon iau aserageofni nEty-three people te tisa squame mile. Tise people sîpon tisa tuso continents ni Nonth sud Souths Amanca, wiihnnit tiseaeime ragions, are laus tissu12-2,000,000 in nunibar, or euly aightite tbc square im0e. The Wabash, river lis ovamflowed, snd mauy ni tise low Iyimsg sections ni Indiana ara flooded. Cmopu aae nimed. Mucis dam- age hias alun beau done by flonda hn the San- gamon Valley in Illinois MISS SHAW invites everybody to comae and inspeet lier display of Bonnets, Rats, oques, Veilings, Chiffons. etc., before pîurchasing elsewhere Children's SCIIOOL HATS a specialty. PUREST9 STRONGEST, BESTU Containz no Alurn, Ammonia, Lime, ' Phshts, oi, any Yluriaiiti E. W. CILLETT. Toronto, ünt wkiiaren CjýY for Pltcherls Caetoelgk drop ni milk is readiiy disseminated ibrougli tbe water, the cow is nlot lu eau,. But if the drop ni milir sinks 10 the bottoni witbiont clouding the warcr or <bing an only to a very siight degrae -and for a short dis- tance, the cnw lu in a eauf. This lu tbe re- suit ni tbe încreased gravity ni mlk during pregnancy. A gond îiih cow shouid bring a eauf every year froni the trne.%he is two anJ a-hall years nid tili she im nine. Afier that as a ule a cnw is ni profitable fur the dairy. Fron f our to eiglit years ni aga is the ,Most profitable nîiiking years nif a cow. Wheu a 'heifer s8 witbhlier frsi cali lier udder wili show graduai distension adue qhonid be msade accustomied to blai ing ht haudied and rubbed. If it gets to fli near caiviog, ulk should ha drawn occasinnally.