Sarsaparî la Y-our best remedy for Ery -s -p-elas , Cat a rrh--- R-heumatism, and S-crofu la 3alt-RheumW, Sore Eyes A-bscesskes, Tumors R-unning Sores Aim a, in d-ig-t on -j _____________________ THUNDER.BOLTS -MATE, BY E.. W HEORNUNG. hear that roarini'?' 1'Yes,' sai 1 sighted a big percli jabbin' rock an' fired. 1 toucbed hi zil hlm, an' lie made toWar. Samn af ter hlm. "Every minute it seemed that net under hlm, but h a1way, tii te a ngshl CHATERM. NoBrou; eaiy act rui, rdid'lwater niotbhalo' very-deeëpthe It is difficuit, at best, to niake respectable helieve that !' time the roarin' had beeu goii spced upon ci u tches-iimpossible, wbieu the She gave hlmi lier libttIe land, and bie press- ýwas too busy to take much n only leg that mnay touch the grouud bas e'-'it te is cold, damp lips. IlWater 1" hie at once it got louder and se( heen out of use for weeks, aud wben the gasped agall. f rom round tbe bend, whleh v,'ole t raine is weakeuied aud reduced hy a Peu ran away, a greet lump ilulber th. oat, a undred yards above us. pruooged period of iuactîvity. Brownpt a vague terrer lu ber heart. As sbe neared stre 1n saw somethiug wh over thbe first mile at a good rate, conÏslder- -the vrasÏda -she thought it hehearct-along- cl nsc i vr ugeverything; but lie paid fer it before bie drawu cbokiug slgb. She horst into tbe11 water, ten test higli, rushi was half.way t ro g te scnd Quite renm, and told ier parents Brown was o 01 b um and foamin', f ililil ' suddenly, bis bralu reeled, 'Ihe crutches side, just heyond the fence, lying dowIl "X: hearing riglit dowu ou my b( hl1m, thle slighu shecli galvanised bis swim ý anduttered ot tile 'im "' wbirled 'im away asi [milie senses and cleared bis brain ; but lie lanip had revealed blood upon ber bauld! it 'bark. mys 1. Jest then THOSE DIRTUIBLE BALILOONS. lhis nose agin a im but didn't Furtier Reports of Fliglits or Over One rs deep water, Hitdred Niles. 1 T-as (4erruauy reaIly discovered the art of as if Sam had 1 guidiug balloons ? The art of war iiltary he lisp' gittiu' authorities agree, would iu that case be re- Ifway cross, the i veotiei, andiftic discqvery would be eëre.- Alf that one of the mest smportant cf the century. n' on, oniy we T-t looks, iudeed, as if ftie revolution bas be- notice, but ail gun. The Pali MIll Gazette thuis summaries wemed to corne wbat is kuown thus far: wa'iut mor&n Tt is reperted that a captive balloon as- 1 looked Up ceuds almost every evenilg frein the for- vhlch made nie tress of Thorn, corne eigIît miles frem the wlite- waIl o-0-frefîie-r',-thlat it deszibs ail arc of a circle. o' tewards us, 'l'he balloun is furnished withpo-verful elc. flie hanlis an' trie aearch lights, witb which it examines boy. Sam saw especially the strongbold of Alexandrovo, R T8 Most womeu n Y i IT RESTabout the misery of wash- THE day. Temanv it rcans Hard Rubbing over a B O A -G - steamiug tub, nd ' n heurs, This falls te the lot cf these -who use puer, cheap, and in- jurieus seap2s t~ ~ izs L i W1lf im 1 1L u _ __ _ if he'd beesa a ed fires tbc resuits of its observation. On the ex enin, of Mardi 23 the iubabitants of 53 re~~c-su OmCO--C-deacYt '~1,f4t~e=i --L-