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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1892, p. 2

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A "i l - TT1T%1-- E*T TN -Wr n-rT e. 1T T- T-- fuiheda place upon thelawn, she lhked h-Imi ANENr UTMBIRtELTAS. - - - (Jatarrli. wlsen Mr. James presentehihm to bis (lange- a sort of sudden littie ink between them, er May. H1e looked at bier w ith uncon- wbicla made iii easier for ber to sav, "I amn ~ÂTÀ1RHL DAFNSS-AY EVE-A cios peasure, but lue browss eyes, fucl nf sure Mr. Ce Nismes will flot mind'your go- Nwdreams, hadlt become expressive (3yet. ing to lie down, papa, as yon don't venture NwHOME TnREÂTmENT. As they walked acrose the fields to the upon coffee.' Lodge, it was May wbose gaze-under ber Matthew bowed and rose from bis garden Sufférers are nlt generally aware that veiî-was earnest. Sonebow or otber th3ý chair. those diseases are contagions, or that they advent of this youug man ineant mnch for "I ongbit te take my leave," lie saili. are due to the presence of living parasites ber. Ife was older than se bad dared toe "Please don't, said May, IlI always in the liuiug membrane of the nose and hope-flve-and-twenty ab least-and his sit here all the %fternoon ; 1 arn ton in- austachian tubes. Microscopie research gravity gave bim more than bis yeare. competenit to teacb in the Sunday echool however, has proved this to be a facet and 11e was tali, too, and bie bad a band- 1 bribed the boys to learu tbeir texte witb the resuit of thie discovery je that a sim* some face, pale, rather distingnisbed , but apples ; tbcy learned tbem so well ; but ple emey hs ben frmuatedwhee-ie wae rot te be judged by the Berk- when I was forbidden to bribe tbem, I by cat rrh, catarrhal deafne8s and hay sire or Hanmpshire standard. Miss Paul found I hali no didactic gif t wbatever, se levr ae prmaen!y ure inonet~Bail would neither bave suspected bim of 1 stay at home." And Mr. James, too, thv ree iperaplatinsmde ioe 3Ilgoing to stand for the county, " or bave preseed the young man te atay, more be- thre smpl aplictios mde b hmedubbed him "lAldersbot," as she dubbed cause bie was sleepy than becanse ne by the patient once in two weeks. -rigbtly for the most part-the few well- wished to sec Iiun again. H1e did flot like N. B.-This treatment je not a set-up, soldierly- loo king men that had been to t ink that his going away toeiest a bit snnf or an olntment; both have been dis- known to flnd tiseir way to Woodsbot should bring the visit to a cloe. Tbat would carded as injurions. A pamphlet ex- Church on Sunidays, and that sba bad seen make bim look 2elfisb, and Mr. James plaining this new troatmient is sent free It the afternoon service in Farnborougb disliked to look selfisb ; he bumored bis on receipt of stamp to psy postage, by J. Matisoleuin. Iii aIl dépended, tbouigbt May conscience as mnucb as bis digestion, and G. Dixon & Co., 345 West King St. Tor- quetty, what was there behind tbis i Pas- both required flattery. onto Canada.-Christian Advooate. sive face ? Wbat were the man's1 braina And so 1vdatbew stayed. It is flot con- Sufferers from CJatarrhal troche wortb 1 ceivable that there is any real difference in 1ihould carefully read the above. But she conId flot repress a tonds Of cnn- the qualities nf Suinday afternooru and week tenupt at bis seemiug se benighted after days, but people like May and Mattluew, It is expected tbat the workiugmen wII playing the churcba organ for a few uncon- wbo have L.orne the experiences ni Suiday mot be allowed to biold processions anywhere trtîtled nmoments after service. If it was mrning, may be excuaed for tbinking so. nGermany on Mayday. nlt weakness wbicb bie showed, perhaps it They were botb in an unusual frame ofE mmd. was affectation, wbichwasworse. Meantime, May was at resi untired and af tes- the en- lionthly Frizes ter Rets an l Gis, tbough silenter than bie, she began to feel foiced tîlîness of church ; Matthew wvas at The "Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, offer tise like a wave againat a rock as the tide ruses. rest also, but quite wvrn out with bis long foilowîngprizee everymontis ilt further notice Wben abe went up-sîairs to take off ber walk and the long înnrniug service. And to to, bDys and girls underl.6, residing in the bat, she looked at berseif carefnily in the boih of tixem it M'as new to be lefi alone Province of Ontario, who eend i hie greatest eumber of "Sulight" wraiupers: St, $10; 2nd, glass ; shis wished to be approvcd, sîse wae wîîbh another just at the imoment when $6; 3d, 83; 4h, $1; 5 h tn 14 . a Hlandsome Blook conscinus nf an effort for anme concession, commouu- place topies îvcre exbausîed, and and a pretty ticture te shose wiso send net the desire to win. tbeywere thrown upon theirown resounses. legs tisan 12 wrapper,ý. Seud wrsppere to e'Sunlight" Soan Ofrce. 43 Scott St, Toronlo Mattbcw de Nismes explained bimself a It was truc that Mattbew bad mucb te net laier than 29th of eseis mentis, and marked litile at luncheon ; tbat is to say, bie an tellI mat was now to May, but he diii not 'Cornpettion"; aiso give full name, addrees swered ail ber fathe res questions, wlic bcb trouble te tell it, arud to wbat bie did say age. and number of wraopere. Winners utmes will be published te Tite Toronto ilail came gradually more deferential. It was she did net listen as attcntively as she bad ou firt Satnrday In each mnonts. 0curions to bear the change in Mr. Jamcs's donc wben lier faber was by. The need The masiug of Russian troopa on te tone wbee the curt " Are you going to be Of sfenine down possible jars seemed to German frontier causes considerable discus. longr at Paesmor's V" was responded te by a bave been removed witli tbe interrupter. ion in Europe. langnid " No" and ahe could gradually Now she let b ersell study Matthew as se gîsan that Mattbew was onty at Churn- bad neyer studîed any man before. fier -boîougb for a few weeks, on a sort nf inde- sîill gaze maguetizcd him ; lie did net at- O P E " Ahý1 pendent x sit to bis Englisb friends, and in f empi to go-and ttîey botb put down bier nu sense a pupit. inattention and his inaction te Sîînday I{ow do yoîs amuse yourself there ?"' afternoon 1 Meantime lber tlsoughts went was the next question, wbich Ivas certainly racing tbrougb bier brain ; bow would it tbe very last Mr. James would have asked be if it wa8 like this always ? If thie wae one of Pasamore'e boys. H1e was a dis- normal--not abuormal-Stîuday afternoon ? cîplinarian. If Mattbew was instatled at Xoodsbot, and Ih4 like the Englisb coutry," said Mat- had brougbt bis Pleyel piano over fromn hew ; I b ave a cart and a pony, besides Cburnboroug fora pernmanence ? If sbewas my piano-a very tolerable Plyel.:What May de Nssmes ? If becn'as gning:to bc there pianos do you care for, Miss James ?" at dinner as well as at luncheon ? and at It was the first question bie bad put to breakfast the next day ? Not amies ; she , ~~ been watcbing lim intently. The convie- net bore ber ; on the contrary, there was abr n b eth i obcuaaebdlkdbsuotuîeuanr;b ol tion of this made bier f air, honest face flush hsnt of reserved force about bsm that inter- as she aiswered, Il Oh I kuow very littie ested lier. May's long and independent gir-l- I ~~~~ ~about pianos ; carte and ponies are more inbodbdaebeisoew.anwm - ï 111 uy line"-a reply whioh made bier fablier Iv ; she was like a youîug man in wantiug - -sigli audibly, thougb ble wouid sever bave vreub oh lioeofidtîg 7- -le', ber practise if abe bad been the greateet ont for bersef in disliking te be musical entbnsiaat in the kitigdo;c, and had taugbt or told. The curiosimy that bie excit- 2L' rather eusouraged bier fancy for a panycari,1 ed, the want of intereet hoe sbowed-tbese becase t tok ber ot of bis way sund kept werc elements of bis cbarmi for lier. -the bouse quiet. Il Sle's off at ast," be .lHe sat still, aunJ she bad leisure to no- Swould aay, and then, piobably, go ont lim- lice him ; it became as îsuch as abe could self, do nita ask biun whetber there was a sl.e ipefaho a oo neuy portrait in that locket on his chain, and ing Matibew as the meal-progressed ; stuc wbo bad given birn the ring be worc on raîber disliked him, bie offended bier in many bis teft baud. If ho had been a- doit, a infnitsinal ayshedidnoteatenogh 1 atb g , se would bave looked mer P9iJRESTn A, UStR-AmonGa ie, lBSt i id ntsmîapa-edntfort eat 1essMuh, esly atthe locket and the ring; and, it- ?hOSPhiates, or any Injuriant. eat-did net notice it, and once-it was1 deed, be wss littie umore tetoibut as yet ; ho Chlidrori Cry for saîd, -s' it is not good-bye." She lingered over this leave-taking; ebe could not bave said quite wby; she did not want to hol alone. "An revoir, thenl" said Mattbew, and in iluat instant weist. Rie luad to go tbrougb the drawing-roorn te get bis bat, wbicliwas in thelhall. Affer a minute, and without any previnue inten- tion of gning, lMly foltouved tin sowly. Then abe passed frorn the drawing-rooma into the hall; be was gone; bis card was on the tall tabl e-"'Vicomte Matthsieu de Nismes.' She leaned botb banda on the table and stond over the card, looking down at it, deep in tbnugist. Af ter a few minutes abe iseard Paul Bali's bell. (To fBE GONTINUEfi.) Detaits b.-v corne o iand ci tise fatal ac- cident that befeil Miss Vau Tassel, aeron- aut, ai Dacca, are particularly sad. Tbough but a girl of 18, tthe unfortunate youug lady appeais to bave possessed chi l the akill and judg-ment necessary for accoînplishing ber darizig parachute descent, nr did lier self- cnunmand forsake ber. The vast crnwd as- senubled on tise occasion on the fetes gîven by the Nawabs of Dacca watched the para- chute as it detacbcd iteelf frorn the balloon at a gieat bcigbt, and itwas obaerved that it epersed ont and began to descend as eventy and gLntl as could be wisbed, but, unfor- tuusaîeiy, when approacbiug the grouud, the machine cauiglt in tise bo;vs of a casuarina troc. Even theon Miss Van Tasse] retained bier presence of mmnd, and quieîly disentan- gling berself from tIhe corde and trapeze, securcd a flrm bold of the irce at a beiglit of about 2()f t. flore snme spociators buas- tened to her assistance, and tried to hetp ber don n with the aid nf baunhon rcds lasbcd to- geiber. It was wbîle endeavoring to slide down tisese that the frai] bamboos unfor- tuuately broke, preeipitating the unfortuni- aie young lady to tise grouusd, and causiug a slîock to thse spiîîe prodnciug paralysis, fron whicb she died on tIse followiug day. People Sentenoed to Death for Smoking Tihe Sultans and prsests o Turkey iuu the sevcnteetb century stigmatised smoking as n crime, punishable by the most barbarous nf deatbe, and Michael riederowitz, Czar of Rossa, execisteI witbout trial those nofIis subjects who were guiiîy of the practice. Tise Popes Urbai VIII. and Innocent Xi. fulminated against smoking alftho thunders n! the Roman CÇatholie Cburcb ; sud in Persia smokers were treated as criminals. King John of Abyssinsa decreed that any onue discovered sumoking in bis domnions should ho deprived of bis lips by the public executioner. lu Morocco, persons disobey- iîug tise decee of the Sultasi wbictsprobibits smoking, are impi isoned andi flogged tbrougls ibe streets. Mahomet IV. bada bole bored in tisethe nocescf bis onîprits, snd a pipe iutroduced acms the face. The Parlianeuit of Parie proscribed tubacs'n. Queen Elizia- betb of Spain authorised tIe confiscation, for the benefit of the Cburcb, nE alsnutf- boxes, Richelieu did botter than that-he Put a tax on it. Felipe Miusine, thse Anarchist now under arrest in Madîrd, bas- conleased that ata recent secret Anarcbist meeting lots were casi to decide who sould kill thse boy King Pitoher's castoriao plain guest were suenh as shouni nave satis- fied ason of luxury. Not once was he made to feel that inferiority whieh many would have scorned te tolerate. His wishes w - e made the subject of their attention, and when the evening prayer wae eaid, a petition went up for heaven'a blessings on the guest within their gates. A beautitul picture is this. Not the wordsý in which I have poorly drawn it, but the reality which my friend witnessed. It happened soraie years ago. 1 do nlot know who the old man was, nor whether hel stili lives, but I venture to say he siever: ceasesto think of that night as a ligbt-hosee which "ast its rays out over the short dis- tance of his pathway, ere it reached the River by the waters of which Time's inger- marks are rernoved for ever. Negroes with red hair are com mon in thej West indies and in South America. The Emprese of China ie repnrted to be inaking a determinied, effert te, learn th Euglîsh 1 lguage. CUT PLUG.) (PLUGU.) No etbcr brand of T4îbacco las ever en= joý:d s-tich an immense rale and popularity in the seme period as thîs lirand of Cut Plug and igTobacco. MON2?REAL4. Departinent. >R A FT S Is ued and Collentinus made In Europe Un7ted States, and Canada, W. J. eTOZ1TE2- ONTARIO BANIK continues to do a General Banking Dusiness, 1 Bowmanville AgencY. DEPOSITS i ecýfved in Savineg nfank Departmo5it and cil datand interest allolwed at entrent rates NQ inotice ot withdra wal nec6ssarY. Aldrposi!ta payable on demand, o' EXCIIN4E 1B -ught aInd 501d and Drafts iBeueduvneN unopG United States and Canada,lsO Gold,Shîver and U iel G4renbaek6boua&ht and sold. COLLECTION~S Pr)mrptly imade at currelit rates iupon fti Parti of Great Brittain tihe United State. i auIbe ji iorion ofCanada. Telegraph Tranisfers Md 1P "r large oi-ernali snm 4 odnait îartoet rgcada. ThïIs le eepecialiy advafltEa5-)s ta per Cus living ln Manitoba or thse Nortis-aciet, it "a1,es thse funda availabie ut ne ut the Place of rFivrnnt, Other particulars ceaU at the ba-îk. E. L. FORTT GEO. 32 cGILL, Accountant. Manager. invites everybody to corne and inspect her display of Bonnets, Rats, Toqiues, chiffo ns, etc., before parchasing elsewhere iPlig, 10c, 4 lb ri-ag, 10c. f ilb pluz 0e Chîldren's SCHOO- &T - speeialty.

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