ERS-S.OPBAN5.OUR TOWN ANTD OOUNTY PIRST: THE WORLD APTERWÂRDS. M AE DTUADPORE0% Ni SRISBOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY JUJN-E 1, 1892). VOLUME XXXVIII. N-UMBEr 22 JOHNSTON #cCRYDERMAN are stili showing ofnew and elegant S tapie and Fancy Their stock of Dress Goods, Frints, Hosiery, Gloves, Carpets and Ourtains is àd.i tted on ail hands to. be the finest ever shown in town. ON, JOHNSTON & ORYDERMAN, Bowmauviile, April 6, 1892. One Door West cf Poot office. HA 3MPTOIY. Recent visitera :Mr. Chas. Ruse and wife, Mr. Jason Clarke, Mr. Joseph Hoidge, Toronto, Misa Freeland, Bow- manville ... .Rev. R. McCulloch visited in Toronto recently .... Mr. R. Clark had a slight stroke of paralysis Friday nialit. ...Mr. George Langdon. who has been paralyzed fcr a number of years died Iast Monday. The interment took place on Wednesday... .Mrs. Hurley is still in a very weak condition. . .. There in a very littie change in the condition of Mrs. Pickard .. .. Mr. R. Katersen in still suif- ering from the effects of injuries received ayHing frum-hinswiggon-ii-B-owman"i le sometime ago.. .. Mr. Chao. Stonhouse, Bowmanville, will locate here shortly.... At a recent meeting of the church trustees the ai ci M-was -grautcd -to, the-choir te buy bocks.. .. On the 24th Mr. Enoch Stevens was speeding one of his trottera, and she raiaed her hind part a littie too high ceming down on the shaf te smashing thema completely and upsetting 'theooc- cupants. :No bones broken. There are more cases cf sickness aud death fri diseasedl kidneys than from, ail other diseases combined. Jt in your ewn fault if yen ale w your kid neya te re- main in an unheithy condition when the cure in at baud. Dodd's Kidney Plle are guaranteed Io cure the wecst csses. It conte but little te give theai a trial. They are for sale by ail droggists and dealers or by mail on recsipt of 50 cts. or 6 boxes for $2.50. 'Write for boek calied Kidney Talk, BRESTOL'S SUG4R-COOTED TYRONE Holiday visitera: Misa L. R. M. Bread 1ansd Miss Ada Broad, Little Britain; Mra. J.BI., Master Percy, and Misi Vera Hicks, and WMisa Jennie HarrisToronto Jonc. tion; Misa R. Cotton, Bow'nanville; Miss ýEtta Campbell, Port Hope.... Misa Em- tile Couch has returned frem a leuigthy sojourn in Mariposa. She hâs been greatly missed here in S. S. and teiuper- ~nce work..On Thuraday week the sis- ters cf Tyrene Division succeeded in gain- ing 100 marks abeve the brethren. . .. Sev- eral cf the Sens cf England and Daugh- turs cf Canada attended the church par- ade and srvce a Inptenon Sabbath wee. .... Mr. S. Peilard visited frienda in Oakwood re.-ently. ...The aicheol grourds have been enlarged by the purchase cf p"rt cf M-r. M orie'o-uth-eest- of the site. Yot'x BxeeD--Undeubtedly needsaa tliorough cleausing this seson te expel imrpurities, keep up the health-tone and prevent diâease. Yen should take Hood's Saraparilla, the beat blond purifier and sV"tem tonie. It is unequalied in posi- ti ve inedicinal merit. 1IVAPLB GROVE. The Queen's Birthday pasaed off very quiefly here. . .. The concert of the 18th uýi. given by or Division wa3 very iiter-, esting and well atteuded. . .Mra. Wm. Simson and danghter Ida, Chatham, are viziting at Brook llI.. .. Mrs. Jce. Elliott, Rochester, N. Y , hao been visit- ing bier sister Mca. Chas. Rundle. . .. Mr. A.ý W. Fcley is visitiug frieuds near lake Siïnce. . .Several cf our young peopli openit Suuday at Oshawa.. .. Miss Poliy Trenoutb, tcwn, is spendiug a few days at Mr. S. Suowden'a, sr .... Rov. C. W. Reynelda, Oshawa, occupied the puipit Sunday afternoon with muoh acceptance * ~ r.R. Baruden is making an ad- dition te hier handseme brick residence.. _ .Mr. T. H. Kirkpatriok's younuy trotter 13 fast winining faine as a speeder .... .Div- ision triets on Thursday night this week. & GoOD Sua(EasToi.-By constipation is -pneaut irregular. action cf the bowela,' ofieon called cositiveneas, aud cemmenly cauaedl by dyspepsia, neglect, excess in eating, or driuking, etc. It is a zrnoua coniplair<t and net te be neglected under any, circumatances, as it leada te impure boA, he*idache, debility, feyers, etc. A ur orii1vsucessfuli rsmedy is Burdoo,,k ne-,fer fail e ec a prompt and lastirig ciiý»ra even in the werat caes. -The foi- Io~ ing extract frcm a letter from Mr. Jas. MCo, Baniff, N. W. T., will speak for it3elf :-"I have been troubled with cepatipation and general debility and was induced te use your B. B. B. througti see- ing yonr advertigement. I1rîow take great pleasure in recommendiug if, to ait my friends, as it completely cured me."' BNNISKILLEN. Recent visitera Mrs. Wheeler and Mr. F. R,. Brown, Toronto; «Mr. and Mca. Jaceb Stevens, Maple Greve; Mr. Geo. kSOLIiVA. 1 Mt. Vernon intend having their an. niveraary on June l9th and 2Ist .. . .Mr. Wm. Fursey is remed elliug bia houme.à. . Mîr. Mark and Miss Witiuie Osborue, cf iBowmanville, have been visiting at Coun- .ciller Pascoe'a... Mr. Thos. Stainton rspent the 24th near Woodstock ... . Mrs. LEdward Pascoe has returned freai Toron- te after having had a cataract sucressfully removed from her eye. Misa Eliza Pas- cos accompanied ber....Tbe Patrons cf Industry wilI have a Township Associa- tiou at Solin% Hall Wednesday June lot af',ernocu and eeig THFJ PPULTÂION OF BcWMANvILL-15 about 3,400, and we weuld aay at least oue-l'alf are troubied with some affection of th4yTliroat-and- LungA,- as thosa--ceni-- plaints are accordiug te statistc, more numerous than ethera. We wvould ad- vise ail our readers net to neglect the op- portunity to cail on their druggist aud vet a bettie of Kemp's Balsamn for the Tbroat and Lun2s. Trial size free. Large bot. tles 50.- and $1. Sold by ail druggists. NEW IHAVEN. Mr. Wesley Bradburn, Cartwright, apent Queen'a Birthday wîuh Mr. Thos. VanCamp.... Mr. W'n. Brittoo, Puley Farai, had a 2-year.old steer Lkilled on the G. T. R.... .Mr. E. J. Burke, is cir- culating a petiti on aînong the ratepayers of this section te present to the council for the cpeuîng cf a read te the lake shore between lots 17 and 18 B. F.... Clever meadows are lookiug fine. Every prospect for a big hay crop .. . .Mrs. lfleard, Salem, spent a week iith ber daughter Mrs. Jaâ. Bellamy .. . . iMa. Wm. Jewell, Town, avant a few days witb o'd acquaintances bere... Quite a number from bore attended ihe funerai of the late John Stewart, Picker- ing, whose funeral teok fromn Bowman- ville station te tii. cemetecy en Friday 27th uit. TnE BiE ELEcTONs-bave passed by aud we can now consider the beat pretee tien against disease. There is unrestrict- ed reciprecity cf sentiment between all people in Canada in pronouucing Burdock Blood Bittera the very beat blood purifier, dyspepsia and headache remedy, and -en eral teuic renevatinga medicine before the public. bias been vsitirig at Mn. R. Pascue's.. Mre, Edwarel N-lddery axid sou Frank left fer Manitoba lakt Tuesday and the Pet Office bas conequently been remeved to Mr. Ashton's store... . The church people bave decided te celebrate their anuiver- sai y on the i2th sud l3th mBt . -... Our choir lias hsd a boom lately sud several new voices have been added. -.-..Mca. W. J. MAcCulieugb wbo bas been ailing tor nome time, passed away asat Saturday night Se !aves a busbaxîd sud thcee amali children te mourn hec Ions.... -Mr. B. 11. Campbell basa lest a mare and colt TA UNTON. The following bit of history of this part of Darlington and Whitby was recently read by a young lady belore the Taunton Literary Society :-Havng had the op. portunlty of an interview with one of our oldeat settiera, who was settled near here in 1847, and though perbaps by no meana the oldest man in our locality, ranka now among our earliest settlers,he vory accur. ately relates some of the many changes within -this last haif century. When we look at the beautiful -country with its farms cleared, many of themn entireiy from the foi est t&tnm"e-coipverecV-the earth, 'where, the red man and the in- numerable wild beasts roamed, relgning monarcha of ail they surveyed; when we contrant this reality with th3 first settler's -humble 1tog calde, -h h av-ing--t-iiled--w-ith- bis oxen in its erection, for architectsa were few, but the desigtis beirig nome- what les% complicated than at present, dispenoed with their services. Within this little home might be seen a high blazing hearth fire ivith its back-log roil- ed ci , that heatcd the snmewhas, incon. venient u'<eu or ouýied the liettie that hung front the cralie, ini front of wbich ecasiona<ly sat our forefa h3r taking perbaps m",re cnjoyrnent i' the old arm- chair made by bis oWU handa thau îniay in this ato recliining >n a rîicely uphols- tered "ete-a-tete." 'But this bas aliu-)st ra'sed iioto oblivioni, the logcasio having been replaced with few exceptions by a frame, brick or stone structure, that we in this generation are now enjoying. Many were the hardâbirs of the early settlers, but it liaa bee-i said their lives were filled with happitesa, ini the visible resuits of their labors A deep common intereat seemel tu preveil among them, making themn extreniely sociable with one another. This liftle lecality or place- some fifiy years ago, was k' own as Buitter- tield's Corners, a 04100o taken from az old Bettier, Mr. Butte> fidld, who iived where Mr. Jacob Cîonk now reeides, the latter having purchased the home front hlm. About this trne a Mr. labe, the firat blacksniith, lived i-n a littie hou8e where Mr. John Arniott's biick cotrage stands. He wasa ucceeded by Me. Walace who huilt he lonse now occuPied by Mr. Begoins, it being oui' of the oideat houses in the place. Mr. E. B Wilcox, now in California, next carne and was succeeded, by the following Messrs. ffritt Vil., a Mr. M Mesrs.~TÇ~ïlL- , aud at present by Ni lefey A Mr. Manning lived ini a alabouse wvhere the store new stands, wvhich was afterwards owned by Moss. flaycraft sud May, wben it wax strtuck by lightning, bu t was rebuilt and, seld teo Mr. Bain who dispcsted cf the, place to Mr. Wiilard. Taunton's licat. mercharît, a resident for nome thirteen years, who but the brick store sud made other imprevements The post offica was established somewhare about 1872, then The - SURPRISE ý Way YOU want your cottons, Linens, Flannels aiways sweet, dlean, snowy white? YOU want "the wash"p done the easIest. theo dean- est, the quickest,the cheap- est way? SURPRISE Soap '&the Sur- prise way, without boiling or tedrctions * R]AD.,othe rappcr.*,