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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1892, p. 3

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WEDNESDAY JUNE 1, 1892. d EMBER O 0 COLEGE 0F PHySICIA % 'md Sren, naiCoroner, etc. 0 i~ a&Residec. Ennickilleu. 71. B EISr R SOLICITOR. &o. MOPRIS &»15 OCK, urstars, King Street. Bow.nan- ile. tecieitr for the Ontari -Bank 1 ilsate litncys loaned et the iowaat rates S- C. HFlNiKING fICENSED AUOT ION E ER FOR tL he COnntY of Durham. Sales attended toe n shorest notice and lowest rates. Âcldress CCUIticu P. 0.3: RBT. YOUNEG, V. S. FFICE IN THEE WEST DURHAM News Blocck. sihere himself or assistant Silbc fcund fr<om 8 a.m. te 9 Pan. Night catis st reeidene,'direelîy oppesite Dril1Shed. Cali$ 'y telcgraPh Or telephione will recete prompt _ttention 171yr LA. W. T5bICE. AUCTIONEER, APPRAJS'ER, Real EA]cs statOeAgent Bowmanville, Ontario- laeattended in any art o! province. AA.POST, li,1!onsP repared for every cless of building. ad hot water. and to sanitary arrangements Office: GOrrie Block, Whjtby 43-ly. E PAÂT]ETailor Gentlemen's Othes Made to Order. HEALTH. Health Hfints for Nursing Mothers, Nursiug mothors, audlespecially those who are mothere for the first turne, are extremely liable te faîl inte habits that have a bad ef- fect upon their milk and upon thoir own bealth. One of the meet commen is seen in hoe selection ef their diet and it is usually ttributable te netions that bave beon faith- f ully trausmitted fremn generatien te gener- ation. As migbt be oxpccted, tbey are conflict- ing, for oe insiets tbat meat bc eaten cx- clusivly ; anorher that a vegetable diet is tbe best ; wbilc yet another that selid foods are te be indulged ia enly sparingly, because liquide are the all-important eseutials. Pes- sibiy the cnest prevaleut of these notions is tbat fruits tend te vitiate tbe milk, and ahl acide, as lemon, vînegar, etc., are sure te reuder it hurtful. In consequeuceoef thoso and like absurd prejudice it is qui te the mile te Sund meth- crs makiug radical cbanges lu iboir manuer ef living as sonu as they begin nursinz; and a cemmen result is th at ln tbe course of four or five menthe the milk supply becoes seauty er peer lu qualiry, and mixed fced- iug or wcauiog is necessary. The only gen- eral ule that eau be fixed fer nursing moth- ereis, tbat tbe diet he of good quality,nourieh- ing,fairly substantial,aud moderate iu quan- tity. Before geing furtber than tbis in au attempi toeostablisb a rule, the previeus eus- toms of oach mether must be taken jute conideration. If o~ne has beau a 1'meat oate," and never fend ef vel-etables, theu a diet lamgly made up cf tbemn would net be apprepriate for ber. Nom should a vegetar- ian be made te live almest eutirely upon fash feods, As a matter ef tact, preved by expomi- monts,, tbe feod itself bas littlc, ut any, direct influence upon the breast milk. £hat is, if a mother squeezes a bit et lemon upon lier friod fisi, or puts a little vinegar upon her salad, bier conîscience need nor, reproacb ber, fer tbere is ne likelibood whatever et ber baby beiuîg affected by an eccasional in- dulgence oft tuesert. And sbe eau eat et vegetables and fruits, witbiu seasen, with- o ut fear of barin. 0f course tbere are somne After gttiug meet ef the soap off -Dr. Die Lewis says: IlIt will net injure you te leave a little soap ou the body, it ceunter- acte tic cil of tbe ekin "-slip off your sec- oud pair et mittens and rinse tbem eut weil, then wriug tbom as dry aseyou eau, and rub tic drips on your body. lie damp mâtts will net euly dry the bedy, but it le wonder- fui tbe friction thîey preduce, aud bow tbey open thbe pores efthtle eki-,Ib Ten dry with the aforesaid rougb towel, whici sceme al- înost unneccseay, but tbat at dry rab gives Dr. C. W E meinrson, lu his wonderful lectures on the IlHealth of tbe Brai o," eays tiat Ilit le important te the braie te dry tbe body witb twe towef s after batbing," in whichî case the second mub with tbe damp uittens may be omuitted." . It takes frein eigbt te ten minutes te wash frein top te tee, and te rinse the mittens le a second watcr, ready foi aimther day, It is well te put tbemn in tbe air te sweeten, and bave thein boiled ence a week te keep thern pleasan t. Invalids sbould wasi a portion efthteir bodies at a time, and dry ; but, et course, te wasb piecemeal takes miore time. To impreve the complexion eue should keep tbe porcs of the skin open and keep away the chape. Wasb tbe face and cars witb very bot wator, and tiseuputesufficient cold watem te makc it trepid for the body. Tbe face sbould be washed in bot water at least tirce times daily. The Queen's Wardroha All thc dresses and robes tbe Qucon has everworn are kept st)rcd and laid hy. None are citber sod or given away. Net ouly are these nsed for ber corouatien, ber bridal, aud for affaire et State put carctully jute tbe large cabinets et 'Winjdsor Castie, but the homcely gowue for everyday use ail are presoerx c, even af ter the wearer bas well- aigh fergotten tbeir existence. Repou'ted Cure of flydrophobia. An important expcrimcnt bas heen made by Professer Murri, et Milan, aitih Insti- tution for tbe Cure of Hydrophbia. man wbo bad been bitteîî by a dog, andbadnu uirLane the asteur tratntl. ,ras evr PROGRE-SS INT SCIflNCE Thiere arc twe systeme iii use for inteusi- fyiu g thc ligbts efthie lampe used iufloating or flxed beacone. By thc catopirie systein tbe light js efmleted by a silvcr'-d copper paÊabelie reflector, by meane ef which tbe beams of ight are brougbt inte paraflel rayes sent je the direction dcsired. By the diop- trie systein the divergiug raye ef iight are beut in the direction rcquired by refraction, the-, iame being placcd je the focus ef a glass Icu)s, hy moans et whîeh the diverging raye are lient parallel te eacb otîmer se as te torm eue soiid boain etligit. Dr. Paul 3Jerjsch's paper oa thc use et phiot graphy in the detection et crime shows that falsii§K handwriting je more easily de- tectcd by au eniargcu photographie repro- duction. Differcut juke are aise idcutiflcd la tfîie wav wbeu the eye is quite ait ault. Tie tinte etf eo-calfcd " blcck "junks are efiher brown, mcd, green, or blue in the shade, and the oye je hardly able te djetin- guisb thein, whercas tme photograpi shows thein in very different toues. Mr. Flamand, wbo bas teen studying tie inscrihcd stone lu the southeasiaru part cf Algeria, bas fouud mauy rocks upon whceb mecn, women, and cblîdren, who were evi- dently prehietoîle, are represented. lie desigue bear considerable esemblance te Egyptian figures. Tbe results of experimente on haetening the germination cf seed show tiat campher and oxygcnated water appear te ho the mccc Omergetie excitante, not only as e- gards the acceleration cf germination, but as affccting the vigor et the plante. The meashes bacilles, diecovered in Berlin by Dr. Canon, varies in lengythtrou ocie three-tioueandth te one on-thonsaudtb ef an juich. h poseesses characteristiessid te ho d illerent frein those of any other bacillns Iu sprayîng witb arsenicale againsi the coating moth, the safe proportions arceue poun of poison, either parte green or Lon- donj purpie, te 150 gallons et water. When tuis is properly doue, but httie harun Sr, possible. 1W. Kite, in bis systein of ventilation, A large Stock of well selected American Wall Fapers, oieap and beautiful from Ggcts. to 5Octs per roll. Cail and see for yoursel.4 )e. foie purcha,îirg elsewhere. Ail colors of iPaints ready for use, guaranteed to give good satis- faction, Floor painL a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kal8oining, Shoe and Scrub Brushes and Whisks. Glass any sîze, and Putty. Painting, Gi ainng and lPapering donc promptly and satisfez-torily, For ail of whîch eall at SH'1RUN & KIRLBY S, South side King si., between Treleveui's and Reid's Snoe stores, Bowmauvifile vil 'ail, Halcuarters in West Durham for FINE Dînner and Tea Sets, Chinawara, Glasswareg Atificia th nserted witîout Plates, Groat Iteductions ia price on ah Deta Wrk. Vitalized Air, constautly inuseo pro duciag Paiulese Opeations. Partienlar atten tion paid te the regulatioîs of Chilfrenes Tecilu ZF ~ALL WORItcWARREN TEIJ dS& Brauch Office, Dr. Rutherford's 0coric. inetead of trong, otierwisee h will burden oun tie part of many men te lavîis upon the oade, rachinery, or e'her places je formcd digestion. There are aise mauy highly cou- ittle eues the affection once exclusivcly the of an elastie non-metallie washer, te ho cetrated liquid toode tiat they are hiable wite's. A division cf demenstralion wouid placed on the fihreaded ccul cf the boit. te take whether or net thcy need ticin. bhoh natural and gratifyiug to a wenaa, Noue of these siould ho rcsorted te unlees but toc oftea see j iguored fa this respect QUIOK R OTOGRAPHS. adviscd by a physician, and hae is net likely entirely. The boys and girls are joyf Uliy te sanction their use enlaesticecother je greeted by the home-comiug father, whîle The Images of Flyiîcg Bulets Are Caugbi "mn dewu " and uet eufficiently well the wif e s earelessly îodded at over thijmou Sensitizeel Plaies. uourishcd. sunny heads. A wf se observer once said: The Amateur Pliotographor centaine Malt lictuors are ver-v eftcn msrtcd te Il Troubleeûms wthth irs ,-j.t babif,,,it isri,îA. -f h- - OUR FAMILY 7G VETEItLMARY SURGËmh. ORONO, - ONT. motuars, reautering tueur miliiimore au- dent, but greatly imparing fis qualiy-a faci that le gcneralfy rcgietered in tic infants if ihese bevamages arc iudulged ln for several daye coutinuously, Wiues and treuger alcoholicliquors may MM MiIll§! ilFA" milk, but tbey give i iritatîag properties, and chl dmen fcd ou ht are nover hiardy nom well nourished, but are proverbialfy et- le, peevish and irritable. hI is scacely ly, and in the ra'smute e d i '.LYden jar, tliere beag in ------t wîteiooed ije rged fn the etrouger for-e eOfreýP'in ti-two reaks, whfcb together the motberheod. Sfio demande more etflier bus-el ýci -si pçsur sffcintte baud motally and morally thiba vrhtr îm because ha is baby's tather, andlesma - eci tines diecppoiutcd. I m'l , -e l in- le apt to be more generous la hie fwacs' for the neode of tiec cilîdren thanfor the lese taugible wante et their mother. Ife ad- mite that clothes eau ho outgrown, but s Highest Prices for Farm Prodli-! Leading Seedsmenin thÊ; 'te h Always pleased to show goods. J.nspe it be MURDOORI t su, ouume-ng aw-osper abundance of milk, and even cew's milk, dyiug, eau half enjoy the beauty per se of through whielh it is passing. O N TJ0%T. alone, bas a like and quite marked effect. childhoed. The outsider can reji.ce iii ail Photogrpsoaculepxnntee aa-ay ymaag erler-feiizrt "liI s, o tener witt more apprecia. ( the ' enlarged inte gigantic pictures on the -s tieuubtas hy r o re n, andimade perely yeear ini aIfising. -M N UTU IEOOF - OfM sr.air, and indigestion is orýe of the common dread. Heredity, te a conscientiens weman, ular details to the audience. Some of the ~ H A E L II~ ..., cneuneofti al.Ee ce m- is simply appallmg. IHow eau si c piiiisb a Most remarkable were those which sbowed UIII O fIT F R W ffN O Higginbotham & Son's Dru g peratively required to keep the systein from ebild fer faults inhieritcd frein herseif? Can the passage of abullet throuh a sheet of SLIG S tT BOWMAVIES A O C cbokig upwith waste-the remuants of she be happy as sbe noetes thegot apate glss Ineu t e2a fteble -,Tlý j-ua tee raee en cci cuocc ouba ;ee vair ea:sc Any BOWMANVILLE geiagce oui wtwithîinubanutacie ooanîy b Ifartifst dof eaavaie ausd b goin onwitin te bdy.If tis w-t issic îelp eing afraid wfîcn ehe looke ait te fusion iu the impact. aîud another show-ad aflwed te aceumulate, it soon chokes up ljîtle son, whmo le the pecket edition of the thie storm o f dnet.îmom the eîuasied up glass tic systoi n ad interfere with the inîper fatbcr-in-law, lu a dunukards grave? It je white othuers gave viewe et the strians set tant organe, which eaune longer (le ibeir possible, tee, for hiem te discover thai bier up in the glass plaie arouîud the dlean per- work easily and quiekfy as they omgit. The chifdrea, thoîîgb gazing at lher witi bier toration the huIlai bcd made. digestive organsesepecialhy are unpleasautlv moîlicm's cye and speaking te fier in tîce Clean perforations of tbis nature have affected iu ibis way, anîd when slugzish and toues of a veice that bas 'Mcdo the musiceoet longbeen knowan, but the reasea je mnder- withdueregad t - wrkmashi -afi qualTy.'he foiwcg jea ict e0 the principal vehiciemaumctured hy me Double Covemed Ccrrcagcu................. ................ $150 'U Single P'hSton ...................................... ........ 100 Open Buggy .......-........... ............. ................. . 0 To.p Buggy .......... ....... ......... ....................... 90 Democrat Wagons............................ ............. 65 tnnahmmr XVaanns - -----------------5 ~~~,aaum ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 naammuetemaruietrewe iletebdywil ho fathose mi-thact .cI ha a a. hioamî, for eds graco bas for, According te tic military journal, for Ail kinds Of Lutnber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAI activity. Ahi the other waslîes, more par- tous. lake 3 our second pair of mitions, cnetdtf ekeed iejt h purpose ot earmying out the plane t0hea'ways ini stock. ticîîfariy those applications whicb contai slip tieun on and go o-er youm body ugain treagii." miniatry ot iar. Otier Europeau couintries W nieiseto n urne aifcin greasc,' any kad, are tam more hutfal i rnsing the mitions several times, thue: will adopitich saie plane fnalahIpobability, W nieiseto n urne aifcin tlý%beilefc-i-al, cicotlîey clog up tfîc scalp lIake the soap off the armei, thon rase, thon Four tfuousaad eue huadred and eeventy- se tisa lack ot garricon food will net cause ai i r-ml-uni- tie atu:ral uourceinent hoeingte the wist, and se tortS. Bathiig titis flve menare noweapoyed upouîthe World's suchitemibf c suffeiage in 'atume varsasi ce i FIk the,tii .U r etsaud treugîbaus a tired body. Fair groundu hae done in tiose past M o C LLA Jpward. L.L -r -L pic

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