f P-crry Davis, Jskept in the bouse. A f C\ drops rf this /ý'J remedy hli a littie sweet. ened vât.er or mllk, brings prompt telief. S&1J everyw7,ere. .eave you seen the New BIG BOTTLE Old Price 2ý Cents. Are You Going To Paint? We sel the best paint that it Îs possible to prepare and have it al ready for use at lowest prices and agny color you warit. STOTT & JURY. IPry u r Floor Paint It dries quickly, is very durable and gives a fine gloss. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMÂN VILLIZTTIN (501KG EAST GOING WEET 1asne..95 arnmmail ........ 513 arn Mlxed.512p m Lca . 820 a M Local......707 p mExrs' 94am Mail...10.19 Pm Mlxid312p m IMail .. ....... 827prm au ~ttgiu BowmANVILLE, JUNE 1, 189-9. G. D. Fletcher lias caxliflowec plants fcr sale. Mc. D. Gnthrie spent the 24th with friends in Guelph. Mr. T. H. MMrtyspent Queen's Bicthday in Toccuto. Messrs. H. Wright and E. Cozior spent the 24th lu Poit Hope. Miss Emma Knight isnsisiting her sis ter Mrs. W. W. Downs. Whitby. Dr. S. C. and Miss Edith Hillier spent the 24th with frionds ln Poterboro. Mr. Geo. Rice and bride of Guelph have been visiting at Mr. J. P. Rice's. Mc. Wm. MeCiellan visited his daught. or, Mca. JohnShaw, Toronto, last week. Mci. Wm. Gamble and childcen of Woudstock are vi4iting Mr. Geo. C. Haines. Mc. and Mcc. Lewis Lyle and Miss Aikins spent Qeeen's Bicthday with friende lu Bcookiio. Mrs. P. VanIdustan, Miss Alice Taylor and Mc. Wrn. Hanley, Toronto, wecs gueats at Mc. M. Morris' last week. Mcs, C. W. Warne and daughtec, Co, bourg, are visiting at hec father's, Mr. E. Caun, Sunny Hill Farm, Darlington. Mr. S. Cotton shipped 20 fine carniage horses to Scotland last woek. The same steamer caccied 540 cattle and 117 horses. The Christian Endeas-or societies of the county of Victoria have docided to hold a picnic on Washbucn's Island on dune lî th. Mc. Gordon D. Fletcher, South WVrd, has a vecy fine lot Voitch's Antuînn Giant Cauliflowec plants f ic sale. They are the besu caulifiowec th,%t gcows. The plants are now ready for transplanting. In the Canadian Military Rifle League content on Saturday, Bowmans-ible team, 45th batt. ,. made the vory high score of 831 points, beinz 2nd îu a liet of 115 teams, the l2tlî York Ranguers being lit with 848 points. By a pris-ste lutter fcorn North Dakota we learu that they have hnd a very late spring. The weather being cold and wet and manp of the farmers have not ail their grain sown yet, They had quite a snow stocma on May 2Oîh Mc. Chas. Windatt of the Bisley Teamn for 1892 has been spending a few days with hie uncle, ex-Mayor Younie. Ho his withdrawn from the 45th Battalioi and joined the 10ih batt., Toronto, as h,3 now lis-es lu the city. Mr. W. Vanstone who resides a short distance west of Whitby, lost a valuab'e horse on Friday week. The beast wa% tied to the fonce at Mr. T. S. Bcant's place on the base liue, snd seeing some hoccsslu ths paituce attempted to join them sund broke its neck. Mr. John Stewart, Pickering, after a long spel of ilînesi, died on Wednesday last at the residence of his son-mn-la w, at the ripe age of 85 years. Doceased wae a native of Scotland, and came to this coun- try many years ago and settled ln Dar. lineton, ln which township ho nesided un- tii about two years ago, when ho pur. chased a dwolDng lu Pickering whoce he and his aged partnec have îs' dwelt. He beaves a wife and one child, Mcc, Capt. P. J. Rowe. Mc. Stewart has been an active man ail hie life, and was iu easy circurnstauces at his death. The f uneral touk place on Friday, to the G. T. R. station, where the romains were bcought by train to Bowrnsnville for intermeut. The aged widow has universal syrnpathy in hec bereavement. The June meeting to ho held heco by the Disciples, frorn June 2nd to 6th, pro- mises to bus of more than ordinary inter. est. The B,ýard of Managers lias secuced for chief sDeakec and lecturor one of the best preichers and lecturersaînmong the Disciples of the United States, viz., Z. T. Sweeney, of Columbus, Indiana. He in a brother of the famous debator, John S. Sweeney. He has pceached foc the church i n Coumnbus,lnd., we uuderstand, about twenty yeacs. An idea of hie pow- er as a preacher, may be gaiued from the fact that ho has just closed a protcacted meeting there with upwards of 200 ad- ditions. Not only is Mc, Sweeney a great cevivaiist, but a splendid lecturer as well. The pres verywhece je unanimous lu pnonouuoing hlm one of the forerneet on the Amnerican plattorrn. While hece Mr. 1 (Soc 'Big 20' add.) Queen's Birthday Concert. Mc. John Reid, Chicago, ies visiting bis - fathor, Mr. John Rei.d. The sesenty-third libitday cf o cis le 1loved Queen wss veny quietiy celebrated Pickering has cacried the local option iu ibis town. The majority ef young by-law by 64 majecîty. ,people wont fihing or on othon like ex. Mc. Molntyce, Toronto. was s-siting ,éditions and sevecal went out of town friands iu town avec Sunday. foc the day. The -,aathen which liaI Miss Edith Moyn.es, Hamptoni,has bren such a promising as3pect in the moruung gueit of Miss Ada Gîborne. chsnged near evoning and the hopes, of Miss Prirgle of Torontc> was gueit cf unany, who wece untecested un tIhe Sons Mrc. M. A. James lait week. of Englaud's concert which was gis-en, lu Row boat foc sale vecy cheap. Apply 'the o2n hall, wore soinewhat blighte-d, tJ. W. Bunnor, Bowman-illle. w hoth ramn commenced to faîl. flow. ae-o thece was a f airly gond audience and Res-. J. Kenner,, Kicktown, was lu town a spb2ndid programme. Mc. Fred. War- this woek gueit of Mc. H. Hamley. rington whose itcoug bacitone voice lias Miss MacGilliisray was guest cf Mci. entertainéed Bowmanville audiences, on Wm. Tcewin whie in town lait week. 'othec occasions did not fail to please sud Mrs. (Ros-) Win. Kenner, Biackstock, entertaun ah thîs timoe. No maie singer wss visiting friends lu town lait week. sîsiting the town o! bte years lies gis-enj Mcc. Hamilton, Toronto, waî guest of biotter al-round satisfaction. liii iead. Mca. W. Renwicicç, Centro St. lait week. îug numnbere, "The Quaker," "Who's1 foc the Queen" sud "The WhiteSun" Miss Haines of Cobtîocg las bison msk- wece raptucouîly encocociý and hoe cespond- ing a pbeasant visit euth Mcs. Geo. C. cd lieartily overy time. Miss L',inca M. Haines. MacGillivray, wsho is a gobd medaliat of: Mr. Fred Warington of Toronto uns Chicago Collage of Hiocution, deiighted., at Mc. W. H. Osbot'ne's os-oc the Queen's the audience wiîh hec recitals and pioas. Bicthday. iug maunene sud was enthusiasticaily ce- Motlhece, see out special value sud new called when esch tiîne lu a moît graceful stylos lu Chîbdcen's sud Misses Btraws-asd joyous manuer she satisfied the ap,- hate, far belcsw Milliner's regular pricos.1 preciative audience,, Among hiec num- Mies Alberta Quinn sud Miss Mary bers elie gave "Widow Cam,miiy," Ted- Hobbs left on Tliursday iast foc Souris, 4y O'Rourke, " sud "The Minuet" the lait Man., where tliev intend to cuside. May boing oeeof lhec finest rocitals. Hec success follow tbem. oheecy ceuntenauce,. graceful movementa, sud distinct ennunuciation muet ae-c win Res-. T. W. Jolliffe sud Revs -. .Mc- foc hec the fis-oc cf bec audience. She Cuilocli are at Port Hape attending ses- i' teacher of the uew Deisaits science in sions of the ntatiouing committee. Cou- the Elocution School cf the Ccusers-atory fecence opens to-moccow, of Musicoin Toronto, Miss Fanny Mr. Chas. A. McLýasn o! Bcocks-ille Pringle who ceceived hiec musical training uephew of Mc. Jas. McLean bas corne te lu London, Englaud, le craiuly an se- town to raside having succeeded Mc. Chas. compliîhed vocaliet. With a s-cry eweot Stonlionse iu the factory. Mc. McLean voice, thoroughly under control, she cornes with the higliest cecommendations singi apparently wtlout au effort whicli as a churcclman sud good citizen sud we wîth hier fine stage appeacance made hiec webcome hlm te our townf. a tonces favorite. Hec firstnîsmber was The liquoc sendora have been contrib- "Te mcrrow Wili Do" and îlea gave as uting generousiy 1 o li;1roaiury of late- an encore "Beat of AIl." "The R)ad 10 Thos. Long $50 sud coats, selling without the Fair" svas boudly oncored when $lhe license; John Darch, $20 and coite selling sang "'Yo Bankesud Bries." The duet ou Suriday; J. W. r7uif $20 and coBs,' "Hunting Tower" which she sang sih seliing if er houri. Somneonerdesers-es te Mc. Warrington was oneocf the iiuost be fined for selling ta minons. numberi of the eveniug sud ceceived well Mr. Herbert Ellsworth, formerly with merited applause. Thus was Mis the Cleveand Plain fDealer aud îate min- Pcingle's iret visit te Bowrnviile, but ager of the Hamilton brandi of the To- îsuch a favorable impression wae made ou routoe .Krniog Neis, liai been appointed! ounr cîtîzens, that she may expect to ho ads-ertising solicitor on tha TuSsEFs staff. învîted to sîng hore a2aîn at ne auatant Mr. Ellsworth je a young Canadian who day. Mr. Jes. H. Wilson sang ses-oral has made hîs mark ini ihis pacticular iurnorous songesud wa3 favoced iith en- bcanch of newspaper wok, atd wo there- ceres. Bis wife played hie accompani- fore cheerfubiy commrnud hlm te the favor menti Fer the cîher vocaîjîts Mis sud patronage of th,3 buéinessmoths Mabel Tait vpry efficiently perforrned the city.-Hamilton Tîmes. Flecb. le nephew duty of eccempanlît. Mr. Warrington of Mc. A Elhiworth, Pliotograper, Ne,- paid her a s-ery high compliment. Hoe castîe. toid Ti-tu STÂTESMAN copresentetive that spledidaudencegretedMc. lexhli could not wish foc a batten accompan- A spendd. udincegreeed r. lex is thsn Miss Tait. On the whole the Criragan, teaclier of the Tonic Se-Fs sys. program gave excellent satisfaction sud tom, iu Toronte Publie cSeolsinuthie the Sous of Englaud are te be congratuý Town Hall, on Fridîy es-cing, when lie lated ou securing sncb spbeudid talent. lectuced ou "Music for the People." Mr. _____________ J. B. Fairbairn occupied the chair. The foat sud boat house foc sale. Appiy to lecture was inter sely iutecesting. Ho' il- J A. LAwRIE, McMurtry's Ccocery, luatrated the system, hîs-ing a smali lad f rom one of the city schoole as a cascs, sud Mr. Dobaon was eut on a bueiness trip iu response te a voe of thaukuT prepotâed last week. This week lie wili sty ah by Mr. John Keachie Feconded by Dr. home sudseoi what le lef t of his fine stock MoLaughî-lin, l', sang a f uîî,îsc,;i .¾ cfWsll Paperii, aI prices that will sur- air most beautifully. The Tonic-Sol-Fa i e u. Seo hic adj, eysteanisbeiugeucceirifuily taughtbyl Miss LÂIGMItLITxnE at Mca,. EDing. Arm-iur at the High School. uliau'c. Weliase the lýrgeet, chespeet ansîd most styleh miliiecy lu tow- Hatî Bonnets anl Toques; ail of thé lsatest novelties. We have a large stbck and will sel! chee0p. Hato for 250 up. C'ailisud inspec.t befe:-e purchasing aise- whece. One, dt or west of Pcower'e Fur- niture Store, B,3 'wiIlie, iFor eeks Dr. W. E. Tilley, P. S L, lias beau For eekslaid aside for ae-o a woek, the rec5uit of a kick lu the leg fi' ni a hoeeil Cartwrigi-t. It: ls a wonder thee 1mb wss not bc.oken as lie got s farceful blow. Hoieîi still confined te lied ou account of the acci- dont. Dcs. J3oith & McLaughlin lanced ONLY. bil g on Ssturday sud reomoved a quan G rea Cle rin Sal !it ofclotted b!ood. The wouud ih do- su wlad lie hopes le lie acouud again WALL PAPEIRS. on Res-. J. H. Oliver cf Victoria Unis-or- 5c papers for ... ..3-à- sity addcessed a good audience lu the 8c .... 6C lecture room o! the Methodist church cc Monday es-ening. The subjeot., "John io Oc.. 7c Wesley," is one liat always intecests cg 11 .il pMethedists sud 00weýlldid he vuta h1ARRIED. ORnîISiTON - ASHTON - In tho Methodist churoba, Enfiald. by Rev. Je3ase Whitlcck nf Columbus, on Wednesdsy May 25, Mr. W. G. Ormiston nnd Miss Mary E., third daughter of Mr. John S. Ashton, merchant, RilHàRDs-WiLLis--At Ontario LadIles' Cal. lege. Whitby, May 11, by Rev. J. J. Hlare, Ph. D_. Governor and Principal of the College, Mr. John Richards and Miss Maggi3 WIllis, both of Bowrnsnville. LiNTON-MMjOREGOR-At the residence of the bride's parents, Culross, Bruce county, May 21. by 11ev, Jas. A. Grant, Toronto Junet- ion, assistnd by Roi'. A. Y. llsrtley. Bluevalfo, and 12ev. A. C. Stewart, Belmore, 12ev. A. R. Linton. B, A., B. D., formerly of Orono, and Jessie. yonngest daaghter of Alexinder lldac- gregor, Esq. BIEu. RAMBLEY-IhI Cartwright, con. 2, May lgth. George Hl., son of Mr. John Hambley, agesd 3 years 1-EWSON-Ib East Whitby. Mas- 2C,Elizabeth Blight, beloved wite of W. H. Hewson, aged 29 years, DREW-At Thornaton's Corners, May 2a.Mary Drow, aged 99 years, 1 rnonth and 25 days. STEWART--In Pickering, on May 25, John Stewart, aged 85 3'eaes. TREwiN-In Darlingtcn, on May 29Lh, John Trewina, aged61 years. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Corrected by . . Nrtry, every Tuesday FLouR, Pl 100 ie ........ $2 25 to $2 6i5 WHEAT, Fnll!, Pbush ...0O00aiO095 Il Spring, té.... O000 lO080 la Colorado il ....0 00 0 O77 RYE, Il....... 000 1 0 75 OÂTS, 'a.......0 28 0 30 BÂRLEY, e bush, No. 1. ... 0 00 fi O 48 la2x.. 0 00 f 0 45 il 2.... 000 ,0 40 Two-rowed O0 0 0 O40 Buckwheat V bush ......O 00 0 O45 PEÂs, Blackeye, e' bush... 0 00 il 0 90 &J Murnry il 0,0O la O 80 Ji SrnaIl, Il 0 00 f 0 60 il Blue, "Il .O0 0 si 0 70 BUTTER, boat table, V lb ... O0 0 a# O13 EGSVI.OO........00 l0 10 PoTAToEs, e bush ....... 0 00fi O 20 PORE-, e owt ...........5 50 fi 0 0 HAY e ton ............. 800,le 900 H AY FOR SALE.-.-Several tons of good Timothy Hay for sale. Apply to T. G. 3-rONHOUSE, Hampton. 20-tf. PASTURE TO LET.-Good pasturage frcati e with runnin4 water and shade. Apply te T. G. STONHOUSE, Hampton. 20-tf H EIFER STRAYED.-Black with white spots-balf Jersey, 17.rmenthe old. Send word to J. M. JoNESs, owmanville. 21-if. G OOD PRISTTURE for Cattle on lots 12 and ]1 c, arhngton, Runnning water on r nable, Guo. HERRIso'r ,0-2w. COWS i enewed and so50 nnîýsalIe atal limes. SR, 1Ev"1'rm Stock. Box 1, Bowrnanville. 2-t!. (1 ALVE WANTED for vealing, pur. %./poues. Drop a card or call on HumE & WRCT^ th e pople's uces BW4yî3 ENTIRE HORSE. "AItoITE YET' the property of William Joli. Hamapton, will s rve mares at hie own stable for the sea. son of 1892 at $5prices te suit the tim3s. 20.3 w TRAYED front B. Werry's pasture, Sabout the 181h lnst * two Helfers, 2 months old, one dark reci, the oilher grey. Suitable reward for their return to A. B. WERav. Courtice. 22-tf TRESSAIAKING in ail its branches 11) .doue in the latest styles and at the mosat reasonable 'prîces. Calting and fitting by' Smlth's Improved system. MIaSA».A PETHICK opposite the P. O., Bowmanvillc. 14-tf TPROVED FÀRMS FOR SALE.- J.Lot 8 and west 1 lot 7 ln the 2 con. of the Township of Pickering. 250 acres on which aie a first clase barns. al stone foundatons; 2 dwelling honses, well watered, no waste land. Wjfll bho80.1d whole or in -parts. P,,i,.-,and Going, G3aing, Going to the North West. but not tili woe soul out our lanye tt3ck oF WATC FI E-ý, CLOCKS, J E WE LIRY, SILVE R W A RE F L A FW ÀAlE, aind SPECTACLES. We aire ouving great bargains. You cari't tuake mmc)ny faster' and easier than buyinc, froîn rue. Cal and see what you can save. I amn wiilin, to seil my business te any one Who will buv. When yon want nniy kind of re- pairing done, give me a --.11 and you won't regret it afîci-. M A YIN AIR D 1 391 TREiCJEWELLER, -o- WÎÎÀÎ 13 ART FOR? To make things heantiful, neat, com»fort. Iable and durable. Mtot atylish millin.ery, 1 best ý5hspes and trmmîgs PIS: DANÇASTER'S stimuer stock of millnery and trermîngs 18 now complote, emhracing all the style and effectî for the season. Evecy article turned out is made np in the most actiatie style to gis-e complete satisfaction. Every lady invited to cee the fine collection of patterns now made up. Every line in roillinecy le abounding In bargains which would be to your own disadvautage not to Ec before buying any summer goode. We have now the reputatian of selling good goods cheap and we intcnd to suc- pâss ail other seasoùs. We haive l..o al- 1 .M. .Ah d hl 1Wl MRS. MALAII. or emo fte ext~essive exeretse els whre ~. M s. ÂL OR , iurds Lnin',.- ,,. t,0,,,,;,,~ 2....% ~or(~n....... Ih.,,..,.,,,. _ _ï__ __ __ - - aV. You can always depend upon havig(ý a firat claes fitting suit if you bave your: order at Oouch. Johnston & Oryderman's.j Netices or Elrths, 25 cents:;Sfsr laites. 5 cent,,; Beaths. 5o cents. c cl Insertion -but FRtEE OF CHlARGE, whien the t'ural ca rds are xrIntcd , t sofce VoGT-In Toronto. on May 21, at C95 Ohurch 6 St.. the wife of Mr. A. S. Vezt, of a son. FOSTER In Orono, on May 25, the wif e of 1, Foster, of a son. GînjDauffl-In Haydon, May2S. the w'ife of Mr. Thos, Gilders, of a daugliter. ANNis-Nea r Mt. Vernon. May 23, the wife of Mr. Edwin Annis, of a daughter.