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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1892, p. 7

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c 'LTFL-CONLFORTING. - RFUIIllG IN THE CHINA SEAS. y ~Capi. Jcek's Sii_slar Advenhssres. Ameulg the relies I have gathered togeth- or during the lest quarter of a century is the BREAKA~T.log of the hrig Hopewell wbile miaking a in the China Sea. She was owned "a.By a thorotigh knowledge ofe intural and conmauded by mny grandLrther, xi ho lawMiwh1 bhgovern the oporationg of dgastv' faiiriko, s() ieau h and rïtritýion. sud by a caretel applic'ation of si W as y kon sCpt. i nth tMe -,,,epertieI 01 wel-salected Cncsea. ,M- Iog in w'iich the dily events of the voyage epps bas p"ovided er breakfast iîabie3 with a v rtenotl i capdcdd - d eiiacY flavorcâ beverase wh.cïis m3cy s5CvLfisbioned chirography w as lefu bchind hlmi us many hM'vy doctori' 'bills, It is by the indicicus use of such a!rt'efos of filet thtae as an bieirloomi. The twe prtiUlrdvn oonstitution m4i' ho gridai y busE ,up unti turos I amn te givo yen are pretty f uliy re- tr en ough te res7t every tensù'ncy t o cerded, but, so far as 1 kniow have iever disase; itundredo eW aubtie malpadio-sare idoatiig around us roady Io attack wherever been pebliied. 1 shaH1 take the liberty of theýrû e a week point. We may "escpe many cbcunging the language liere and there, for a ftal abaft by kecping ouracives well tertfied Ccpt. Jaek w as ne0 sehoier, but shial stick with pure biood vced naprnerly courishEd ote fi sý roetendoni n yame"-"CeitService Gaettle."toteftas exrtehmdouuin Meade simply wjîh boiling water or rilk. which blas scarcely yet begun te fade. soin onlylin pacensto. hy GrocersjcslIolld thus The llopeweil was an Engiishb rig, wîis-b JAM1ES EPPS t& Co., Ilioîttspaîie Clseî<- had been chartcred on tbis Occasion for a lais lOdoil ~lndvoyage up the Guif of Siam with two eh)- jeets in view. One wes te 9éeure thc cargo 0ef a vessel pert y destreyed by fire at Bang-' Brooding an Unvvho1eB-me Occupation. kok, at the heafi of the guif, ansd the other What is called in commen parienco w "as to try te learn the fate of tl5e slip Vi- o< rooding" is a very nnwholesoine ocup-bing, whrich blonged te a trading company tien of the mind and leads te mest uehappy at Singapore -,rd bad boe censequencos. If one should stand for a' MX'TEUIOS SLY SOSSINC ceuLinuous period on eue foot be would fermiany münths. Englishmen-of-wcr bcd cf ter a time grow one-sided. Readcrs of 1leaned eut many piratical heunts aleug the "Ben Rer" will remember that Ben 1-1r Maley cocet, and se many pirarîcal crafts secnred the privîlege of rowing first on eue had beon destrayed that merehant vesselsl side of the gliey and then ou the other, ne longer had any fear of being overbaulcd, thet ho right notilose the perfect symmtry The iHopewcl carried a crew of ten mon, ail of his physical developînent. We need to of wbom were provided witlî amail arrns, use al the faculties of our mmmd in tune te but she bcd ne cenien. keep ourselves lu poise ansd net te lose the The log scys that she bcd a fair rue 1oP use of any faculty. Broodieg ou one euh- the east ceast for five days, thoegh the ject breede nmelancholy, and inelacheiy fre- winds were ligbt, but on the sixth day, qjuently results in icsaamty. when she w as about six miles off the isiend of Mangeo as it wes then called on the reply was made. Lie thon warcod tbem te iJ ITiTTA VDNE lreep off or take the censequoncos; butbs ieud tâlk dtd r-t bluff them. Tboy weo SineQîeer nstanccs ln a IMIusder Case. simply leokieig tise hrig ever te nota her Greented, scid the old lawyer, tl-sr ne't streegth sud what preparatiens sho bad eue usan ont of a thorusand who bas heen mado for resistance. After a deley of tei on ctetd by a jury wcs inuocent, au,! minutes tic cars of the prahi, feil inte the granted agaiu that circimstcutial cside'sce water, ber enitiro croc' uttered a cheer, and la stroriger than direct proof, yet I eau tell sbie bcd jusr got cnderway wlien a mysteri- yen of aý case which xiii shako yen!' coudi 'eus thiug happened. No oue aboard. the douce lu hboth jnrios and the srt of ex idence brig bcad au oye on ber just thon, a uamodý_. Ih ccurred a good ieauy years they were makiing their final preparatioes, a go, but neoid lawyer bias fergotten the and se xhat cctuahiy occerred was nover j parliculIars; kuiown. Wlbat Capt. Jack scw as ho look- The town cf Cane Hill, say, bcd about cd up vvas the prahin siuking below the 4,000 inihabitants, ced, hLeing lu a Western surface vrhici' was x'ery mucci agitated. She State, bcad au element of toughuess. Muer- wet down siewly, and seemed te feul apart der was nsot a rare crime, and robbery and as se ivot, fer the surface was seen cever- asseuit wcre very ceimmeneues. Osso day a ed wltis wreckage. stranger arrived whe gave eut that hlin Yen will perb.aps net aguexvth me whonm teecled te establisi a private bank lhaviug a I say tisat Capt. Jack new did c good tbing cash capital of about 813,000. The namne for iccukind. Ailtise pirates ,ere a.fetcth gave was Charles W illiacus, and it was sspprting themsesves on the wreokage ced unllderstoed than hoe wcs frem Chic-ago, Hol tboy Nwore -aliing ready te swim fer tise wcs ac micddio-aged, geuteel mais and was ibrig cnd atac!, ber, when the croix were weli rocosved iu tise tcwni. Ho stopped at ordered te open lire. If tise Mciey cf te day tire lbtel whiio makiug alterationis te the is an object of suspicion and detestatien te building ho bcad aecured, and after c week every European sailor, or se was kuiowîs hy siglît or camne te cverv- THE BLOODTFIISTY PIRATES body. One msoreing the decd body o aci a ma-,w s cf I hose dys could oxpe"t ne morcy. The fonnd iu the water wbeel of tise Lrist nriii, log of the Hepewcli says tiet ttice iring, wiich dremw ira supply from ca race, ced it centinued uctil tflest pirate bcd beeîsj1was soon i'lentified as tîsat cf Charles WYi pickied off, cud thýAtsherks gatiiered lu sucb 1 licîns The saul lied heen isumniers as te flli everybedy witi s atoîîish FRA(Tt Rn 55V A 1331,0W, moent. '[bore wibs mucli speculetion as te oe n eer eegn.A h whlat cctsed the Vs ofthte prahîu As the ,dmnycdjwlywr ee tts Mtc waa clear ef rocks cand reefs, it waIssnetassnysrw rydleutilu the opinion of Capt. Jasck theat soinse reat wiîo bacd met Wiliams testiied that it wcs fisb, perbepsacwlisale, struck tise craft as his body. Net oeeof tiîem idomtified it hy broachefi. Notbing else could biave wreck aîîy particaier s-ar or work, bout only in a cd er e qicky o siattirdlie ro general way. The idea tbct tisoy could ho cd er o qicky o sbttecd ierýo ointuitalen ever ocrred te tbem. It w-a- - ,, -itise general apîsearance ef Wiliams, ced et the two mon first arro"ted sintil they elcfessed " that Black PLANNEP liTUE W ITOLE AkFIF t, did thse lrilling, and tisat thcy enly watclied te sec that hoe was pot interrupted Tise prosecu tienn sow fbIt cssured tiiet it bcd c stifgit case, wbile I realized thet Black must rus tise ganntiet for bis life. Notlsing is chu -ed more than the icw, but I reiterete tîset tise general pubies is more te blame than tise lassyei, w-li is acckiuig te si cure c favorable verdict for lus client. Ilborewxisis te say ac worul about sucb " confessions " as isero mado je this 0ase. Once iii c great whiie tisere may hconee witis soe olîttie truth ini , ibt the nlaority are Il cooked" fer the occasion. A inu rrested on a ebarge serions eneegis te tondaissm te State prison fer ton years wili, if gtiity, mnake ccy sort of cou essiou demauded, except te e,,nfess bis <ongii. If lie is te bc sried fer bis lifo lie willsw est the mutiler agaiest any party tise Sisoriff or Chief of Police de. b-o inu ite. Jr is anytlîing te pi bis ewn neckoetof tho e eose. Tiàe Siseriffinatuirel. y wanted te couvis-t BIack, and wlien Carnes and Fisher w-e" pressed " tbey cooked up c vorv plausible"cfsie" I bcd veriied Blacs story. I bcd gene te the hemnasnd feuncd a caudle ini c box just wbcre lie lid teld sec te look for it. I bcd timed tise joeriiey te and f te, isd feuand it ceupied dise intrvai stated. I lied foncd mud un bis boots w-iiihlscd copie frein c spot uer tise barni. Iied found people wiîe met hiestliet nigbt aîsd took hini for c arranger. ilîssever, ulei tihe case wcs caiied iin the bigbot court I1xves cppelled et thse streugth of the evidecce agaiest my client. As is invaricbly the case in a amal town, everybody wacred te appear te know semel lssîg. Mon svore put on the stand wbo swoe otisev saw Black in towîs et 7 o'clock; In a daugerous emergecy, AYER'S CHERRYv PECTORcAL s prompt to act and surero cure. A dose takeîi on the first symptema c f Croup or Bronchîtis, checs fustser progre'sa of theso complainte It softens tisepisiegm, seotise the ie flained membrane, and ;nduces lecp. As a remcdy for colds, ceugise, bscf vosce, la grippe, pnumonia, and even consomption, je its onrly stagesý Cherry Pectoral o'ccclsalnl similar prepatatiens. It is endorsedibylI sding -physicin ns,ilaagree- able te tise tastc, docc net interfere with digestion, and needs te ha tabonu msucly le sînaîl doses. ". Frocs repeated tests hi m-; ow'o faviîiy, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral bas proved itself a s'eey efficient rernedy for colds, coughs, and the varions dis- orders of tise thecat andi Iuîgs."-A. W. Bertieti, Pittsfield, N. H. 1 1For the last 2S years 1 have lise saking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for lonig troubles, and amn assured that is use bas 1 have recomniended it te bundrefis. 1 find the mess effective way of tabing this niedicine i i saal ansd frequent doss.-T. M. Malsbews, P. M., Shermani, Ohio. bel Ay wfe suttered fre.m a cold; nethg belpefi er but A rs Cherry Pectoral whien cifectefi a cure. -R. Amr t, Plympton. N. S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell Mass, PrompDt tQ act, sur* to cure ~- -~ PUREST9 STRGNGEST9 GESTE 'ontains no Alum, Amrmonia, Lime, Phosphates, or any Injuriant. E. We CILLETT. Toronto. ont. weuld doubtîessa seek te boardl at tise bows AL tise grease ced luas wbich conîd ho focnd aboard wcs used there te mako tise bordirg mors difficut, whiie tise cook got bot wter ecdy anid trains ef powder were laid on dock. It wcs meant te fimo tisese ie cas the pirates gel e foomiold and dro ve tise crew cf t, Juat ont ef musket shot tise pirate craft rested on ber oars, ccd Capt. Jack coueted thirty of tise sscalse ccisoce weli armed ansd ready for desporate work, Hoeisailed tbe cc esedwist wcs wated ;but ne ot us-are indebtOd te tise teggar ou tise wbole. IVe de cet went te reclize poverty acrcped. Wl-île neosnoney wcs found, it and misery, te contr ist witîîcr wn upr-wcs crgued thet lie hcd buried tise suni se- fixity, or sioknessa wltbont abundant healtb. cured frein Williams, ard fer risree days The begirar lets us dismisa unpîeasantness more tisenl10 people wore rensackioghie for tiselordly suie ofetwopienco, cnd even iusn dhe-cdoear oto' i cî gives us soeoring sunexciscnge. Only now s hopes to uneartis the tresue. and then are eut consciences- disturbed hy Tisenceuse ef the tiird pcrty arrested wcs tbese important proofs tisat eut cisritv je Black,.1He empioyed me te defecd bim. net ll.suffilient after al, But theo MyiNy.flrst idea eareraiiy wcs te prove an diesto-orro, te begargain b ty .alibi.lHe claimFd te me thet hoe bcd net id ife t-morao, th shege gains y theeft bis bouse during the evonsng. Living idh lie that pays, whîiskbonesat ponyloue, wo bcd only lis nnsuppertcd word ciitridse ta. iifltalefdig oer thisi and by accident I ascertciced that ourdeerstopihowes lying to me. Ihree different por- sons lied clled et bis bouse betweeu 7 ced 10 'ciock aîsd found hlm absent. Thon Monthiy Fmizes for Bovs au 1 Girls, Black mcdo a confession te me. Thse latin. Tise"Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, cfer the or w 1h wbom Lie bcd querreled bcdl a large follewing prises everymonth filfurtiser notice hemn on a fcrm tbroe miles cwcy, cnd Black te bo37asimd girls under 16, residing le th(bdgn ieot hmI.H c eei Province of Ontario, wbo send the Rreatest bi o- hr obr t ehd oei number of "Sunlighst" wrappere:. let, $10; 2nd. dieguiso, ccd lho told me tisecamne of tise $6 id. 833 4tls, $1; 6h Io014. caIladsonse Bock people ie bcd seen wbile dodgiug about. !and c' pretty xicturo te those wbe seefi nos ba$s t hse 12 wrauper2. Ssnd -laiî iteutions were bcd ecougb, but the "Sunlight'" Sen Offce. 431 Scott Pstu er '0fire lho indled wesst eut ccd the bhem did net later than 29th cf eaclsmcnth. sud markofi netbuh. Te clear himself of tiseoreslho *'Cernpetitiomi"; aIse give fulîl name, esddreEs musr own up te the other, 8ge. ad number of wrapors. Winneirs As ifthtie case was net coînplîcated ecough camres twill ho publisbed in 2'Le' Toronto Mail on tirsat S»turdcy in occh monts. tise Slisoif tec.k amotber stop. Ho worked iic- Cry for A pocliar case of poisonsng is repoted from tise Bristle Ridge neiglsborbood, nertis of Crawfordaville, Imîd. At a largo pcrty a new-fcngled kissîng gaine was îurro- duced, wisich proved very pepuier. The youcg mon on arriving drexv strings of s'ariegcted colore freux a box ccd thon se- lected girls wbose drosses metched tise string, The young greuger thon took oe sud of the string in bis moutiî and the girl cttcced bier face in a similar wcv te the otber. Botis thon cbewed up tiese tring until they woro moutis te moutis, when sev- oral kisses wore excisanged.- At tise pcrty in question tise porson colorîcg tise strings bcd nsed dyes whicis w ere not fat and tise colora tac. Several worepioedvr seriously and it is feared tisat eue or twe cases mey resnît f atally. Auxericen rcilrocds get $22, 000,000 c y ea or casrying tise mail. PI1teheo C tol Chiffons. etc., before purchasing elisewherc Children's SCI100L HATS specialty.

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