TNP.M S.:-8l.50P0 icrwxup. OUR TOWN AN~D OOUNTY JIRST: TRUC WORLD ÂFTERWÂRDS. M. À JAMES EDIToY. AND POPICOa NEw SmiRIEs, BOWMÂN VILLE, ONTARIO,, WEDNESD.fiY JUNE 8, 1892. VOLUME XXXVIII. NumBER 2 finhi pu JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN uIJ[I are stili showing A .SPL ENjOIO A 8sortme&t of ne-w and elegant Seta1ple and Fancy (10R DO O.0Si Their stock of Dress Goods, Prints, Hosiery, Gloves,ý Carpets, and Curtains Ws admitted on ail hands to be thé flnest ever shown in town.j GOUCHI JOHNSTON & GRYDERMANI l3emm anville, April 6, 1892. One Door West et Post Office. WtLtvkASTk'uLFE T1mmTEUký e0-- H5 14J2 MANNER OF APPLYING THE PEDLAR METAL SHIN11GLE. A. Few Points Relating to Sheet Steel or Iron Roofing, Siding and Ceiling. 0 RDINARY BLACK SHEET IRON, PAINTED, HAS BEEN USED FOR JR oofinz purpeses, lu botb Europe sud Ainenica, for more tban a Century paBt, snd b>' practical tests sud compariseus with otbor noofing materials, bas preven itself te be the best for ail general pueposes, irbere perfect protection from the elernts, eombined with durabilit>' sud eeonemy, are carefolly conidorod. A noi.r or is now opeued in Inon Roofiug, b>' the u4e et s fine qualit>' of shoot leon sud the application et uew sud improred devicos fer fastenimg the shoots. The eoermous quantit> of imon that bas been used for Roofiug purposes during the asat hait et the prosent decan everlces the high regard witb mhicb it is looked upen b>' the general public. The>' bave leared that ceeu shoot iron et suitable weight or thiekuessa will, if propeel>' laid sud taken cane ef, give more satistactor>' resulta.than an>' other roofing niaterial. IL las the most p)ractical, iL la the moat econemical, Pud is destined te drive frem the mnarket, Tin, Shingles, Sîste sud Tibes. 1We wiii sas>, for the information et these irbo are net famillar witb the lasting quaitles et mron roofing, that there are ne w lu existence in man> cies sud towns througbout this country iron roof s, lu excellent stateofe proservation, that wore laid betireen 20 sud 50 yoars age, sud bave bsd ne repaies made upon tbem since,except ha-giug -heon cared for b>' coatiug mitb metallie paint. This sets at reat an>' daim lAar, ,y mat eut. Al- ion eoefing shoots are heavil>' coatod with metallie paint ou both aides be- fore iayiug, sud as thone is ne mear upon the under aide, s periodical ceat et paint on the upper surface mill preserve thom indefinitel>'. Before Arranging for a New- Roof Cali and See Our Goods. Prices'Satistactory. -ÊÊÈPED LAR MÏUZZ 233 .Medeaif St., Oshawa. HLAMPTON. Rev. J. C. Wilson and wife, Wark- worth, viited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Cole Saturday night .... Mrs. Marsh bas returned to Peterboro again .... Mrs. W. Scott, Danforth, visited friends in this locality recently .. .. Rev. R.. McCulloeb and wife have been attending Conference nt Port Hope... ,Mrs. William Law fell from a step ladder one day last week and fractured ber leg below the knee .. .. Sev- oral from bhere went to Zion Sunday to hear Rev. J. 0. Wilson... .Rev. J. H. Oliver visited friends in this locality last week and very acceptabiy oecupied the puipit bore Sunday mrnig .... Mr. R. Clark to whom we reforred at week died on Wednesday of heart failure. The fun. eral on Friday was largely attended b>' friends and sympathizing neighbours. Mr. Clark was an old resident in this b.- cality and higbly respected by aIl who knew him. The famnily have the sym- pathy of the communit>' ln their sad ber- eavement. There are more cases of aickness and death from diseased kidneys than from aIl other diseases combined. It is your owni fauît if you allow your kidneys te ro- main in an unheilthy condition when the cure is at baud. Dodd'a Kidney Pilla are guaranteed to cure the worst clases It costs but lit tie to give them a trial. They are for sale by ail druggists and dealers or by mail on receipt of 50 ets. or 6 boxes for $2.50. Write for book called Kidney Talk. YOU want yaur Cottons, Linons, Flannels always swoet, clean, snowy white? YOU want "the wash" done the easiest, the clean- est, the quickest, the cheap- est way ? SU RPR ISE Soap "the Sur- 1fyi DELICATE Hjý IilFRAGRANTII CAUTION. EACII PLIJG OF TUE Mdyrtlo Navlyl IS MARKED Tli,& Be' IN BRONZE LETTERS. -NÛNE 0THER tENUINE Minard's Liniment la the Hala' Restorer MOUNT VERNON. Master Joe Hozziewood, ef Whitby Township, is risising Me. J. Garfat... There la tialk oi a big achool pienie for the day afttr the sebeels close, Tht Jul>'. This may aceeunt for so much practice in the siaddle. . . Mr. Gee Argue is attend- ing the Mýethodist Cenferenco at Pont Hope.G.ýreat preparatieus are beiug, made for the S.S. Anuiversar>' on Sunda>' Jue 19tb sud Tuesday 2lsF. TuEi)EDEADED LA GnippE.-FoIo.wing thts scourgé of burnanIt>'corne s train et evils in the shape et obatinate colds, ceugbs, lunog troubles, etc. There is no rsimedy se prompt, sud at the same ime effectuai sud pleasant, as Milburu'a Ced Lirer Ou Emoralsion with Wild Cherry sud -Hypophos),ites, wbich is the lateat sud beat combination cf ant[ consumptive rom-1 edies. I'rice 50e. sud $1.00 per bottle. EBENEZER. The aLniversary services ef the Ebon ezer Sunrda>' Seheol will ha held as fol- iows. On Sunda>' June l2th sermons ilîl ho preacbed b>' RPv. R. T. Courtice of Neirtonrille 'at 10.30 s. zm., 2 30 sud 7 p. mi. Collection at each service. Ou Mouday Juino l3tb, exorcises will ho ne-i surned n.t 2 p. m., when a good prograrn et siinrg, dià!o,,ue2, recitations, etc,1 will ho giron b>' the seholars and addres,3-1 os b>' Rer. W. J. Jolliffe, B. C. L., Osb-( awa, Rer. R. T. Coontice sud resid ont1 minister.,s. Tes miii ho serred frern 41 o'clock. Tickets 25a , childeen 15c. The "Stinless' Bia-k Hos3s sud1 Glores wvhich gare sncb great satisfaction4 asat seasoni are boing sold b>' Jne. J. Ma-1 son, The>' have a full range in Men's, Women'fi sud Cbildren's. Absolutel>' stainiesa. Cire theni s trial. AIAPLB GROVB. The aunirersar>' of Maple Geove Sab- bath Scbeol wili ho held under eue Marn- moth Tout on Sunda>' sud Monda>' June 19Lh avd '2 2Oîh. On Sunda>' sermons will ho preached b>' the Rer. J. H. Oirer et Victoria Uiversity' at 2.30 sud Rer J. Liddy at 7 p. m. Select anthems b>' the choir aso recitations sud siuging b>' the schoiars ini the atternoon. Collections at eacb serv-ice lu aid off the sebeol f nud. Ou Moipda>' at 2 p m. addrossew will ho giron by Rers. J. Hi. Oliver sud J. Liddy witb singiug sud recitations b>' tha sehol- ara Te?,at 4 o'ciock. Tickets 25cts. Childrcotn ut members et the achooni15c. TYRONJ Mrs. W. Hamie>' diod on Monda>' nigbt after a lingering ilines.... Mrs. T. Creep. or bas been visitlug frienda in Port Houe during the week. .. Severai ef our citi. zens attended service et Bethesda and ilsydon on Sabbath te hear Rer. R. Mal- iett, M. A..Miss Ada Moyae spent Sunda>' at Bowmanville. . .. Mes. J. H. Hicks and childeen sud Miss Jennie IHarris returned to Toronto Junctien on Friday . . .. Miss E. Rowe, Bowmanrillo, bas beau risiting frieuda bore.... .The senior pastor did net attend cenuference st week, net being in rery gocd bealth. THE POPULATION OF BOWMAÂNVILL-Is about 3,400, and we wouid sa>' at least one.i'aif are treublod with some affection et the Throat snd Lunga, as those cern. plaints are according te statistics, more numereus than others. We would ad- vise alleue readees net te negleot the op- poetuuity te caîl on their druggiat sud Lyot a bottie of Kemp's Balsarn for the Tbroat aud LunLga. Trial size fr-e. Largo bot- tie3 50, sud $1. Sold b>' ail deuggists. KENVDALL. Prepirations are b'irjg made for he moistoar Pàtrons' p*cnic af Newtonville.. - -Messrs. E. Or'chard sud Jrhn Gilro>' bave .ixchanged "'sio ps.. .. Mr. Adamn Hlenry of rn was fiýhinîg ini Smith's cek on Thuirsday lait. . .. Me. Wm. Bawks lost a raluable mare recent> b>' becoming entangled in a barb wire fonce ..Rer. R. D. Fesser, M. A., of St. Paul's churcb, Bowrnuille, preaehed an excellent annirersar>'seemon in the Pres- byterian church bore on Ms>' 29L ... Mr. Sam. Cowau inteuds giving up farm- ingnext faIt... .Miss Beîla Scott of the 6th hune is risiticg ber uue1e in Cambra>', Victoria Ce. . .. It la rumored that Mr. Joseph Sharpe of Pontypool will open a Patrons' store here. THE BYE ELEcroNs-baro passed b>' aud we cm n nw consider the boat proe tion againBt digoase. Thero is uurestrict- ed reciprocit>' cf s mtiment betweeusîll peoplo in Canada lu preuouuciug Bourdock Blood Bitters the rer>' boat blood purifier, dyspepsia and hoadache nemedy, and gen. oral tonie eeuorating medicine before the publie. _______ BRNFIBLD. The anniversar>' services et the Enfieid Sunda>' Schoel and congrogatien will be beld on Sunda>' and Monda>' Jutie l2tb Thepubic enraly ivitd o ecouag and l3th. On Snnday sermons will be thesho b>' attending aIl these services. preached at 2.30 p. m. by one of the cir- JÂcol3 .A W LE, cuit pastors and at 6.30 by Rer. C. W. Mjr, ~RaniI has golee ona vi to at each Service. Oqi Monday exorcises Rochedt-r, N. Y.. . . On Tuesday, May' will be reaumied at 2 p. m. when address.- 3J1, a ),i'ge numiber of men assemblod at es will be giron by Rev. 01. W. Reynolds. Mr. Chas. A xford's raising, <bey did zood Dr. J. C. Mitchell and residont ministers. work. . Somle of our young pep'a spent Singing by tho sohool. Tickets 253.; Sundsy with friends in ilampton .... childreîî 15.. A concert will bc given in Miss Bertha Farewell paid a flying riait the evening, consistiing of vocal and in- to friends here on Sunday .... .The time strumental music, rocitals, etc. A tiret- ipzescta3-program 15y o adlcl aet have again taken possession of their lavor- Admission, double ticket, admitting lady ite camping ground at Gimbiett's corner.. and gent, 25c.; single ticiRet, 15c.; child; Brother Gaie occupied the pulpit on ren 10e. Everybody corne and enjoy a Sunda>' in the absence of our pastor Rev. good ime. Jas. Liddy at conferenco...Road werk Mr. Benj. Powell, ar., is very low.... bas bo'gun. ...Mr. Thos. J. Cole bas a Mr. Thos. Bradioy's infant son died lest fine, ycunig, iron gre>' driver under train- Tbursday . ... Mr., Stephen Page lied ing- a ýlean stepper and as gay as a Bow. three of bis ingera ver>' baily mangled manivillo girl witb a new Spring bat. in a stump machine. Mr. Wm. Winna- A Goon SUGGESTON.-By constipation catt la aIse off work with jammed fingers is ineant irregular action of tha boweis, ... Misses Annie and Laura Hogarth, Sol- often çalled- costiveness, and commoniy ina, were guosta of Mrs. R. Psscoe lest caused: by dyspepsia, negleot, exceas in week. . .. A severo thunder storma passed eating ýor drinking, etc. it is a oerlous orer this section asat Thursday alternooni. complaint and net te bo negleed under During the storma Mr.tReid on the town an>' circumatances, as it leads to impure line of Cartwright bad two horses kiiled blood, headache, debilil>', fevers, etc. A with lightning and' the roof et Mr. Thos. uniforily auceesaful remedy is Burdock flall's kitchen on the Gallsgher farmi was Blood Bitters which, if faithfuliy tried, blom i off by the high wind . ... The Sons neyer fails te effect a prompt and lasting of Temperance here have purchssed a cure eren in the worst cases. The fol. church in Raglan snd will more it here lowing extraot fromn a letter from Mr. Jas. te be used as a publie hall .... Mr. Wmn. M. Carson, Banff, N. W. T., will speak Griffin has purchased the post office block for itmeif --'I have been tronbied with frein Mr. O. White, Oàhawa... Mr. constipation and general debility and was Alex. Smith bas had a fine dinner bell inducüd te use your B. B. B. througli sec. placed crn bis kitchezo..Enfield young ing your adrertisement. 1 new take mnnseem to f-fI easy victimî ite leap year great fieasnre in recommending iLt to ai customs. mv frionds, as it compietel>' cured me.", At the residenco cf the brido's father, Mr. Samuel Cochrane, by Rev. J. H1. ItNNISKILLEFN. Talbot of Oahawa St. George's church, Rer. R. Sanderson is in atondance ati Mr. J. Wetîley Knapp ef Enideld and Miss Conference, Port Hope . . ..Dr. McDonald Mary E. Cochrane cf 0Oýhawa. The bride et Striýdford took charge of Dr. Mitchell's was assisted by lier sister Miss Edith practice last week wvhilo the latter was at Cochrane and the groom wai assisted by teilding the annual meuting of the Ontario Mr. Ira TrulI, of Darlingtor. The bride Medic*al Association ... . Those who atayed was attired iu peacock blue satin. Af ter away from the Methediat ehurch lest Sun.- the ceramon>' was erer the company pro. day nigbt missed the excellent sermon de- ceeded te the dining room te a teunteolus livered by the Rer. J. H. Oliver of Vie. supper where ample justice waa dene. Af. toria Jolege .... Gond discourses have ter tea the bride and groom ef t for To- been deliiered in the Proabyterian church rento, followed by a procesiion te Odhawa. here for the past tbree Sabbaths b>' the The prosents were costly and were as fol. Re\r. Mn. Gow a recent graduate ef Knox Ilews': Mr. S.Coebrat e,fal berof the bride,% Collogeý. A meeting was heldc in the Prez- aide board; Mrq. Cochrane, mother of the bylenia>n chureh on TuesdaY 7th jiLs. pro. bride,, china tes set; Mr. G. Cochtrane, aided orer by Moderator Rov. J. McKeen lemenado sot; Mr. B. Cochrane, 1 doz. of Oroao te make arranements for an in- proserve serers and crystal fruit dish; cein pasitor.. . .A very severe sterrn Mr. J. J. Cochrane, 1 doz. silver tes pase eer the nerth part ef this town- speens; Miss A. Cochrane, parler lamp; ablo ona Thurada>' 2nd Inat. A large num- Mr. 1-a Truli, diinner cruet; Miss M. ber of buildings wero unreefed and other, vinegar pitcher; Miss E. Knapp, damages done. A barn belonging te Mrs. orystal cheose dlsh; Mrs. Ira Hall, linen Beerner ef Torento (the R. Shaw Estate> table cloth, and table cever; Mr. and lest its cevering among the reat .. . .Dr. Mns. J. Truli, linen table coth and crys. Potter is personally superintending sud tal pitchor. Mr. sud- Mrs, Williama, ail. giviug directions for the erectien ef a new ver piekie crueL; Mn. snd Mrs. H. C. fence on the nortb ide et bis estate here. Morphy, silver butter cooler; Mrs. E. ¶The Doctor is rnaking s gond man>' im- Thornpson a set et lace curtains and pil. prevoernts on bis f arm..The part>' iew shama; Mr. D. Poste, pair et vases; wbo opens sud prepa back the gate if the Mr. snd Mrs. M. Ruake, niet fgbassware; Engliah church cemetery at auch an effort Miss Mary J. MeClellan, pair et towels; te him.self te shlow cattie te feed sud Mr. snd Mré. J. Cowan, lemouade set; traw p orer the graves of t hese interred Mr. and Miss Merrow, crystal cheese disèh; there bad btter stop short or ho will find Mr. L. Cowan, parler lanp; Miss A. Cox, himself in a pretty warm corner .... Miss butter disb; Mn. A. Cowan, lemonade set; Mehaeif>' et Toronto is visiting at Mr. J. ,Mr. A. Plckell,silver piekle crueL; Mr. A. Pye'si Carpenter, crystal tes set, MIT. CARS WELL. The, noted drama "The Social Glass"x wi'l be giron in ML. Carswell Sens' Hall on Monday eroning, June l3tb, b>' the Bowmanville Royal Teniplar Dramatie Club. To commncue at 8 o'cloek, Ad, mission 20 cts. Cbildren 1Octs. ATTrEpRTRiE GRir.--And after typhoid forer, dipbtheria, pneumonia or ether prostrating diseases. Hood's Sarsapatlla is ju st what la ueeded te restore the strength sud vigere mueh desîned, sud te expol ahl poison f rom the blood, IL bas bad wonderful succeas in man>' sucb. cases, Hloed's Pilla acbt especisilly upen tboS lirer, rousing it fromn torpidit>' te its nat. ural dutie, cure constipation sud assist digestion.- ------ COL UMBUS. Road wrork will accu ho in full opera. tien. . .. Mes. Wm. iloore and Master Rupert haro been risiticg Me. Joseph Moore and famoily. . .. M.- Armour at- teuded the teachors' coive' tion irn Wbit. b>' Frida>'. . .. Miis Stisio Hugo loft for Toironto on Saturday .... Mr. Wrn. Rich- ardson bas taihen up bis residence at the corner hon e ..Mr,. Wm. flou, Peter- borou2h, î'% risiting her old frionds bore .... Mes. MeMillan and Mirs. Kirkpat- rick et Ogabawa risited a-, Me. R. E. lledgsoîî 't recentIS .... Mes. Fairweather bas neturnod te ber bore ne Toronto.... There was s trial ef sulky plows on Me. Gee, Loacb's farrn !ast Wednesday. HAMILTON, April 20, 1892, I was doctorng for yeaes wîth physie- lana for a 5caly sud scurry afflileion of the scalp, they tchd me iL was eczama, but gare me no permanent reiiel.' I was aiso roublod witb excessive dandruff, whi-,h would dIrop from my bcmd like snow flakes. Heai ing of Anti Dandruff 1 used it, and fr(om the third application fait more neiieved than for yeas; when hait the bte was used the eczarna sud scab> eruptions was tboroughly remurved, the itching et the scalp stoppe.], and for oie- izant, dleau, sud useful hair-dressing Anti- Daudruif bas ne equai. B à YDO.N. Rer. R. Mallett gave us a vory instruct. ire sermon on Sonda>' last aud ne doubt bad a ver>' soothing efftet on the choir leader. . .. Mr. Arthur Trowin Manitoulia Island is bore. Ho did net reach bore in time'for bus fathers funeral. Ho says thore is prospectasoet good. cropa on the island. . _. Mn. Wm. Vauston, eto P'iokering, apnit Sundca>' witb bis mother ...Mr it,1Mira John Douglas aud farn' il', i f Newcastle, risited Me. W., R. CreLpeýr 1lat weelk. Johni caught s fine lot cf speck]ed beautiea .. . . I is generaîl>' supposed we bave tire Hebrew childeen bore insteid oethLree and judging fromn the way 1 be>' ustle the news srouud the>' would buru like coal i...M. Samuel Super bas rented Mr. Arthur TrewiD'B- --r_, tefro e il h ato ebna Trewin .. . .Mr. E. T. Slemon), B. A.,, spont Sunda>' with frienda bore. MYRTLE NAY.- The succeas whicbk the MyrtIe Nar>' tubacco bas with the' publie is beoseio it ls composed ef the rory fineet Virginia lest grown, sud is manufaetured with the most serupuious cire at every stage cf the preceas. J. S. GRA4HATî. Mgr. Hamilton Branch Kemp, Jones& Peck, Manufacturons et Cider, Toronto. TA UN TONV. The residence cf Mn. 1". Claspel was beaeiged ou the afternoon cf Ma>' 27, at 4 o'clock b>' a paît>' ef about fitty ceuast iug ef the cbildren sud friends et Mr. sud Mes. Glaspel iL being the Lirty.fif Lb 6aunirorsar>' of their wedding, day. The objeet ef the visitonsi% as expisined b>' calling Rer. J. Wbitlock et Columbus te the chair, sud presenting thern witb Lire bandaome chairs sud s well worded ad. dresa, sud aise a bosutiful parier hsugiug iamp b>' Mrs. R Ws' lter andber son George. This moans iras taken te cou- ve>' s siight manifestation ef their feel- ings sud estimable manuen in whieh their services irere appreciated. Me. Glsapel replied in a pleaaant and grateful manner to the kindness ef the frienda te Mirs. Glaspel and himseif sud, said ho boped thu>' would find tbern stîll wertby sud et soe value asfriondsansd neigbbora lu the future The assembied thon repaie- ed te ttie dining room sud partook of a splendtid super uzil al were satisfied. The oeeing was spent in social chat, in- terspersed with readings, recitatieus sud sengs, sud ail présent enterod witb good spirit jute the enjoyments' of the evoniug. Atter wishin,< bosan sd besteesalal that cornbined te make thoir future happy, the cempan>' dispersied te their homes feeling that social interco urse witb oai other is true bappineas. LASTING PUNGENT STILLHLD T.n FHRST PLACE IN POPULAR PAveR. BEWARE 0F IMITATIONS. 1 Efl"