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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1892, p. 2

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mertmteAercn nhsfront baël107Vl VA ~WEUD T i iXILFLIU~L Ebeen joined by RIýpfoy's e tire brigade andciOI iIlfiïMATERD bered nearly five thousanci corbatants witil The Introduction to ]3ractittaliTso of &n- (COaNNVED.)1 proposeci to incroase the Inicerporate,,l at-nias guns. They had. encampeci behiaci ,g The ïenusylvania detacbment,1 number.j talion te 900 men by the draft cfoe-or Streets Creek, a shallow streami less tlian ehtis ing about 600 men, under Celonel Fenton, teenth of the male population capable 0 f twenty yards in width at its month. andci eeaiigrénTe] fteGetDs patcptdin the desceut epen Port Do% er bearing srms. But lie was decidedly OP. overywbereaeasily fordable. A tract of A otorirs r tol Tei1r o! tel s Ago s- and did net arrive at Buffaietili late in June. posed te the employmient of the rema,,îinder enîtivateci 1anc in their front, divided into, vol ore of On l ly I oine Aial0wu.r Comfrt 7 theexerionsof he clebrteciSeneait military service,' unie.secptwe fieldis by ordinary log er bruhwoud fences, 1 e- oe- tio idIeus Easo and ~~~~chici, Red Jacket, npwards of six hundreci forced todoseoby the niostimperativcnes extondeci from bbhe river te dense woods on So uywt îwdsoeisl vr Ease and Czrfort udians were hikewise assembleci te share iu sity. III regret,",he 8aid, "lthat Our presený,t the left, a distance of less than haif a nmie. branch of science lias been this latter bsif theexedtin, ere f hemcoin fomcircumstances sheulci roncer it necessa ry te Na h iipaa ohnbetc re f the nineteent century, that te turn back ~~ i.x ~ disanthee Sdt Regs vile o the on reoin enaryo h onr fi hi e stretched deoin alntost te tbc v's edigeI tethe tinte wltessor familiar thiogs dcl net Loorw CnaaC ndanaedoan uofndvt-s thteefecomwtiandtei font astvoiartesl incelighte afiettnbdofciherexat lmet isicaes urmeroras-tp Chief who was given the rank of Colonel neglecced, e8pecially when procinceancipro- am rn h tsr ie on aî eodrcnue. nef n te nitciSttesary.visiens of every kinci have become -Oy Late in the attemnoon, Riali provekeci the 1ite rmost ceîmon occurrences of to-day is an B ci extravagantly dear, rm u ist attention cf bis adversary by pushing for- the usa cf "laughinig gas, " or of soirs e oter Wbile these extensive preparations for a tn îfcly h omsaia r bet ward a dotachment of tbe 2nd andi 3rd antesthetic; yct surgeonts now living andi i~~~$invas bu fritessly rggSr poetenessssarysupples. TeseLcn coln, under Lient. -Col. Dickson, aud tbe practisinig caremember the lime when anxiously bu rilslyugn i eorge siderations wonld incince me tnost wiîinigîy whoenbody cf Indians, led by Capt. John eperabions were perforînec on persons abso- '~"" ~~Ii Prvos tereifoce he ritsi focessuto dispense with the military for tbe domies- Nron eoccnpy the woods on the fdank intciy aud entirely cotisciens of each stroke repabcitic services of the militta if our regular Of bis position. Brown promptly despatch- ot the lancet; for, il is net yet fil ty x cars il warings Were te a very great extent un- ocsbes ,î, ~d d a ertin of Porter's brigade te drive since Hersce Wells ef Hartford experiment- beedeci by the Govemnor, who haci bis aten- Se. to me~ them.yack. Finding that tlsey offéreci an jeci upon himself witb "I laghig gas," and Stien fixeci upen the nomereus American arm masec upn te sore ofLaIe Of ail these circumstances the enemy were obsinste resistance, andi wers even gaining made bbc firat breacli whiclt béas enablei bte Chanmplain. Pencilleci upots the margin et tairly Niell informeci. A cateful estimrute in ruch otneit spetPre ugtn u ceit tt a ecmlt Druumon's ette ofJuu 2ls, 114,ex.April placeci the British regular fore,oitn tsfebtep ttlcre130mltabcmceye an the Niagara frontier at 1,940 men. Sinecethie sud Indians wcre engageci on bis part. The Dr. Benijamin Ward Richarisen et Lon pressing bis firm beliet that the main attack s n ttseramc kirmish liad lasteci baîf an heur, in the don, who was prosent at the introduction would hoe made on the Niagara, and tbat tbe opcning o navigation oeo ler; ne movrnot e trepetowrdsPlatsbrg vesel bai cuisci ay ud igb alng bcusuai Indiafashion, with a groat deai cf te Great Britain of prýcticaI anSethetios, ]ipy afitetc preveut reinforcensents orbh shore ef Lake Eris, constautly landing rigsdvylbte lodsdwnasctiueibircocboncfitwo- a4fin îerceîving themeelves onnmbcred, te derfui osent, indicateci for centuries, yet ____frlom, besng despatcheci from Lewer CanadasutaigOTpO. British Indiens began te retire. The tbree stunning in its effecti when finally it coeur- te bis assistance, there is a mmoranduna in At this opportune moment, the artny wa ligitt infantry cempa nies of regulars wsre r'-d, sud mementos in its power te change bbe bandwriting of bis irritable Supeiostiifuily aisembarkeci under cever cf the te eî ewrlt hi sitne eu h etu fbis ie eoetelt - - ~ ~ ciin wbich is sery signîflcanb: I"Much obligeci guns cf a brig et war andi twe schoone3rsieivreii bsknie warfare frem trodection of anSsthetics operations w etc bte it.-is. 'cutirly onbettfoundatpiion," Visnou, nue sabusesudopbbsionria hotdis-ficexperience et former campaigus, they simple, cumparaivcly few plastic operations but it i entirel withoutfoundaton." visons, oneaboconadeahecitethemesîi -es- lucbhledthiokelvs sudtheoulcietbandperforlie ocifo;n1ed; bbcut introductionioncf ITI-1poor soaps aud old fashioneci ways Thus Drummonc w-as forcei te rely for the tance lelew Fort Erie, at daybreak on the awaibed the approacb of bbc Americans un- ether, chlorotormn, nitrous oxide, andc ccaine of xashlng, ib is ruel aud hardupen lime being upon bbc troeps aiready lunbbce3&I July. Their movemeuts were veileci by tii tbey arriveci witbiu a few yards. A bias broadeneci bbc pewers cf tIne surgeon laundry work. But with the sorld- openec ihe reinfored Ceneral Riali witb bbc goens bihabrly fbnme te escape. The reg- cigl o ayvlepligtrgb bcamotastesbgtonfeebiiybs wois, threw tbem into utter confusion. extendeci the pewer of the business man. famed, labcr-caving lO3rd regimcîît, sud as smalî cempany oet dam force et the invading army consicc-1eciTiseywratesin mfecl sal Ithods asofeiie asD. maet tetr.Epe the trth et bbc Un oftecitte Iu îfautry, part cf tise a nd d lu iauk hy bbe militia andi Norteu's Iu- Richardison, mandragera wasuseci as a po- of hes trops th stengh o th UntedStaes nfatry pat o t1ý-' dians, sand drisen quite tismeugi bbc tanks tien te reduceser reove bbc pain of surgi- u nlight oap, rigbt division et bbc armny in CUpper Rfeasodof fcslysdfurbt ta compauy et regulars formei lanreserve cal eperaîieus,aud Pliny gavesa prescription Canada, distributec ifrom York (To- tories et artillery, mnibsriug be- heyond Street s Creek, sud di net rally for a wine of maudragora--a prescrnption Anybody caa do a Wash ¶ith cern- route). te. Long Point upen Lake tween four sud five thousanci et until bbc 25th U. S.ntry suda st adron tvbicb Dr. Richardison Iimceif followed -oaleeasetyfownowingthesintp-c eeîn-ERrie ild ot ruch xccd -ce aectandesSgLrwtityui zT-l'lie cf drageons weresn e er sup pert. wibh succees. ice, applied te tise skin, bai Wih SU LI HT tcr'snehadof ail arme. lb was deoeci necessary for cadet (Generals Scott 2sud.Rîpley. Th Several prisouers, aîaong lbsrn tbree field.- been fourni te produice local ainsthesia, Wi "S NLGHT bo cemno rdreithe protection et Yens sud Burlingtou mnilitia sud Incias cempesing a tisird bloi- officorsoet bcPeunsylvania regimont, andi sud compresses applieci bet are au eperatien rubbing, sors knuekios,bo tartie against a suciden desceut by wstcr, to main- gade, under bhec cetmainci ot eneral Portfer, sCai he eotknsdftonbc entîc mrieP- u backs. A trial wfll asbcnisb yo. bain an entiehbattailea tteacb etatd ellbtis probble exceedec lwe tAobratis. Pare ygd tain u enire att psi tieho bbc cîitirtosobabl msnd d o houMajor-'l'le-wsrricrs sud e number et militia leit deaci ethers pests. Botis flanks ftepstono h niefoc a o e Maj- f 5 y ou the fieid. Meaaxvhile, Riali baci passei Te LESSEN PAIN.' Niagara were easily assailabis by an ensmy oral Jacob Brown, torm5erly au efficer in the te Cbippawa wiffb bis entire force, sud ai- lu 1799 Hunîpbry Davy cisseevereci that t'Vrk.Pt SnlihtEevr ros. 1vijmted bavieg cemmandofetbclakes, and bbc at- New York lVilitia, who baci gaineci muoh vancocitlitres gune toe eage bbc American ntosoiegsrnee iiwoilàe liear Birkenhead Toronto back upon bbe settiemout at Port Doser baci celebrity among bis ceuntrymen bybis Ruc- artiley hcbaltknuapoionoi bvnsftecmo esblte.Bt justly arousedCGeneral Riall's appreliensions cees, or ratser lbis gooci fortune, inu bbcde- commrnd the -b a i taken cpso .Osition terDoviescfcc mmedlyof seibihisies a lest a strong terce ebouid c laisded iiere jfonce et Sackett's Harbor bbc year betore, ina this, Scotî's brigade detfilcacrese tee tlaWylcamefartfoydo oermey earsi sud gain bis rear by tise western roaci. sud haci been rswarded by a commissýioni in bridge, sud deployiug cadertire witb te-tat sin ells cfartrdinxperime nte it Haviiigunudispueei comnanucofe Lake Erie, bbc Unitedi States srasy. His îniitary marksbîe steadînees sud preoisien, formedbasmgaautedgooaehrs ____ ________________________an invading anmy miglis aise bc landeci- at knewledge wassse slîgbt biset Ceucral lYsi beonci bbc creek, whle Ripioy fordeci bbc beels, canne aller bhlm LNorton, Jackson, sud Point Abino, on Sugar Loat, froei bb tho kineon asserteci that hoe was unabie te pcst sam iie padpoegc hi ieBigeiow et Bostotn, witb Ibeir discovcry ot THE CANADIANSTATESMAN wbicb places practieshie reacis led te bbe bbc guards et a camp corrsctly, sud tolci a'oet iattle le ttcecidge et bbc weeds. T Thbcpepeirsi oe etisupbicî nwb Niagara, sud tbc succesul punscit etf Cen- ebory et bis plansing a battery in s bollew Britishî artillery wae pusheci gradnaiiy for- eThe fist ieoperat e n DEiac. 19, 18ic, ESTABLISHED 1854 ral P;roctoithbb proceeding aubumn, as e wll for tbc acivantage et eievating bbc guns te wand until witbiu feur bundreci yards cf eirw agieocuriouD.1,146 $1 per snnu nadsance. otberwise $.5. se bbc recent inroacis frem Detroit, bai de- ire et thebheigbtssabexe. Btle sc-ter naoitadbga h cinwt ian r.tooth mbc tand M oinsonLeusrc Suibsoriplions siwayi payable ast the effl,3ofmonstrateci bbc possibilitv et the rapici ai- douhtedly brase andi energetic. Rpewas great spirit. Tbree gune et Toxvso's bat- e O li fr.21 he bcogratMssreon Lsbone publication. Adverti3ing rthss ues by o ac fabd fmutd e n ih nte ciepltiin h a e yrpid utoeo hmwssedl iiitee te o h is iei h tact, 10 Centi pet ine, no 1 e '-î firsînsrû înfautmy by wayoet tieTitames. Therefere SpeakereftbeMassacbusetssAssembly, but tery onte, n e otem was pedin fiy diibrdcbrfrbcfrttmrubt ?nand5 %nt pr fneeae. ssu-u-at lb. tbeceame neceesary bo wabch ail tîsese soutes Scotsud bbc mccl cf bbc fieldi of tcereworc of,-the University-,,I-. -,f ,,tHospital., pain. Dr. Richardson says that the pa- tient8 a proachied the table soineimes ia sort ef trance, always nerved unp for their ordeal. The women faced the- operattons BETTEIt TIIAN THSE 1IEN, as a mile, andi two facta impressed them- selves on bis minci, that ho rarely knew a person whose minci was made up to under. go the operation shrink from it at the lasi through tear of pain, and that hie rsrely, if ever, saw a patient shed tears during the operatien. lSubmiszion to the necessity of courage, whioh lasted until the operatiots began. Then camne an almost certain change of view, and insistance that the operatien shoulci be stoppeci at ail risks ; and tthen a request for the proceedings teofinish as rapidly as possible. These dillerent pleaci. ings, says Dr. Richardison, " frequently-re- peateci, became stereotypeci on the mincis of the observera se distinctly that the acua taof n operation miglit be cal- culatecifrmte by those accnstomeci tu 5 Aye-utr's Ha irV77 r Makes the bair soft and glossy. -I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly five years, and i ry hair is moist, glossy, andi in an excellent statencf pres- ervation. I amn forty years old, a-1l have ridden the plains for twenty ise years." -Win. Henry Ott, aliast "Mustang 1i1,' Newcastle, Wyo. AyersHair7igor I'revents hair from falling r, Lf. "A number of years ago, by recoin- mendation of a friend, I began to use Ayer's flair Vignr to stop the hair from falling out andi pr'event its turniog gray. The first effrects were most satisfactory. Occasional applications since have kept n'y hair tlii kandilof 'a raturai color. H. E. Basharrn, McKinney, Tcxaý> AYers Ha!rigor Restores hair after ±evers. «'Over a year ago 1I bad a severe fever, and when j recovered my hair began to fali out, andi what little remaineci turned gray. I tried varions rcmedies, but without success, tilt at laat I began to use Ayer's flair Vigor, and now rr-" hair is growing rapidly and is restorcd to its original color, "-Mrs. A. Collins, Dighton, Maýss. Ayer's HaîrVigr Prevents hair frorn turning gray. "'My bair was rapirlly turning gray and falling ont; one boulie of Aver's flair Vigor has rernedied the trouble, and rny haïr is now its original -oelor and ful- ness. "-B. Onkrupa, Cleveland, 0.* Prepaied by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cn., Lewell, Maso. Sold by Druggiscs and FIerfumers.

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