Perhaps you do not believe thest statenients concerning Green's Au- gust 'Flower. Weil, we can' t makeý you. We eau' t force conviction in- to your head or med DoubtIng icine into yotlt throat. Wedon't Thomnas. want to. The moue'Y is yours, and tht nistry iii yours; anri until you art %villing to believe, and spend the ont Jor the relief of the other, they wii" ta .' y so. John H-. Foster, 112 -, Brown Street, Philadeiphia, says; "My wife is a littie Scotch woman, thirty years of age and of a naturally, delicate disposition. For five orsi t ears past she has been sufreritnQ froin Dyspepsia. 3h V1omit becaine so bad at last that she could rot sil oiv e r y rMeal. down to a mneal but she had to vomit il ns soori as she had eaten it.- Twc bottles of your August Fiower havc- cured hcr, after many doctors failed, She can now eat anything, and enj oy it; and as for Dyspepsia, 511e does not ~ad H 'srtheBe Usi un Eart. "' Act getYy et prompit. NES andi DOWELS, dis ___pelling Uceadaclies, Fov- ers and Cods, tlsorougha LJTTLE ly eeanising the systera of discase, and cures -habituai constipation. Thy are sugar coated, do nst grlpe, very smaill easy te talie, and purely vcgstable. 45 pille lueaelh viol. Perfect digestion fol!ews their use. They ssshtl uesick jscad. ahan arcrecemmeusi. ed tsy lefting phy slcians. Fer sale by leading Sruggists ersent bymnail; 25 c s. a iai. Address Ftosses fIC& ECo., Prps, San Franlcso or Chlcaga. FOP SALE IN I3OVMANVILLE, ONT., BY I.lieigsssoshamn & Son, Fanily andi nispensing A Representative Farmner Speaks. MR. C. C. HAUN. Tflc followng remiaskable faelt are fuly C srti-fief te as eing undniably correct lu ta ery partieular. Ms-. aunilawelliono ss thbe %vieilli-y, having esided hcre oves- fltiy yeasss, and ije bigbîy sespected asea insu o e -sts-siciest hbour, wbose -word jr as good asebis bonad. As will labccu i-rfomIMs ltter, four PLysicietns hldatiendaf hlmi, sud i1-çwag enly ai-i-r Lea lad givd-n up hlopesoi- cure isai- le decidef te i-sy Bus-dock Blo Bitteseountbe seommcnfaiion of a uci.-isbor wlio saf been cus-ed of a silar s3saeby iis . wrtss Ds As SRS,-I ihjuk 1 bave besa ans tiLaYots-s-e uffeessYen b-ave yet heardl a,; ving lias six yeasli-be banda of sli-e cf-eus- best doi-o'-s wii-lout ebiaininýg :muineut relici-, but continually grew-lng -e,Uniil' aimosi- beyond hbecofi-re- IIOUSEHOLD. MITsLZABETH A DAVIS. Semetimses I1 faney, 1su i-bl a ed nnknown, The Pager lite face that watts for me- The eýs et lunethc sweet lips ail My owf- meont is absoluteiy free of the egg or the worm, it cru i-heu be tied np in a paper parcel, or anytbing else ihat will keep the living motb oat, wiih perfect impunity, far a mothi will neyer bore its way jute any- i-ing Plain Oookery. 1 - T-'he baby test that I)apins o boideiimylussio. LTtNSACE.-WeLt wo tablespoonfals 1 clasre the tiny fornis e to o y breasi-, 1 of fleur witb coid water andi stir into onef W\hile round my neck thse dimplesi ar'i55 are and oee iaif cupf uts of boiling water. Beat us ined, And for a few bris! moments I ai b1essd une tabiespeontni of butter, one cupful of Ieyond the hapsiest of ail womankiud. sugar, tise yoik of oes egg sud the j uiceaud to Le? tse esting olde hepart of tbs rind of eue lemen îbnrougbly te- Oh, i07te iý tensligglenha gether, thisuadd tihe bot mixture te h slow- Aud wbiiser the sweet words that inothers icirsgcntuty s tce s know- y trigcntity e tco e The words that though a million times wsrs minutes and wbiie bot add tbe beaten whbite said. of the egg. With cvery sayiug sweet sud sweetsr grow. 0 rs IEC IE-îeade E And or. my check 1 feel i-he baby breath, tin witb a moderai-ely rlch omest ; isake in a An(', bLurtie toises bhat neyer eau grosv qnick os su ; then spread it Witb cny soitt For tTTvi e-r epace, uer change, uer cruel jm r1etvsdo bsporaianflo detcîsans beateu or mhipped te a stid feain, Cen Taits my darliug fromn my loving hoid. tissu aweeteu and flavor te iasie. The cream w ii beat more easiiy if very coid ai AWomna Ltte, fi'st. Moe jelly eaui Le spread on i-be top A we rathe i, caefuly pttig br 0f the cream, or serve it wiiiueut as pre- .-vorite dcl o ebeci. iVitlistender solici- <TU R rs-orre -urîbr i-nde she earefulty remnoves cacle dainty gar- eboud e sice iE.F Pisu atahe rhef th ment sud fasieus ,ounisetiuy uigbten.h thosol e sie hn u ae fr .Tben witb a fonsd kiss, as b ues ber trea- rsu psante drrutbot sre te lier ansi places i i i s ltte cradie. be rlld re ibm-i-b, aoer alayer f rsua After p-tting it getly she tiptoes ontt cf "suddrte ibfuantrlyrofh- tise romr as the twiligbt peepa euriously bath, moe sugar, then dredge witb leur, i-airi.- put on the top crtisuaud Laite in sot tee A fir aidn sans bfor lirtooliin- bot an ovon uni-il well dons. The rnder glass adding tbe lasi toucbes te ber sveniug eruat soid-cnal nic azrta toilet. liec lever wiii soon be here T er tise pan, anti foidefi oves-,tbhe edge nf the eyes are i-nl of innocent ievelight l Stu fruit. Wet slighîiy wih water or tbe isols eagerly at lier reflection iun0be 'stase T!wVite ef an egg before putting on tise top llow glati stee ib at she le preity ! sis crust, and yen wili sut Le troubled wii-h irois-ss a his at a Crimp i-at ilne sÇt ay the juies stewing ont. flie top erassouid just asih aboulfi. A ring comes ai-ttb: foot se eut tiseougis the centre. Two casps et sud aslie astena away to useet -ler beloved. s-b barb aud a tabtespeenful of fleur isea A yout g wife site asîxiously watcbinig for gooc rleisfer a medîum-sszsd pie. bier husbasd. At eacb approacbing foot- b A OST CI !ie fSal iý -tep ber issart beas raptnrously, sud tissu r-,ad- bakers if y nu bave Ls-inte rounds grows beai y wiih disappointmeut. Sbie witIb a clescutter, leai ing net a bit of wiii aot go indoons, it'ia au swent ont bers ! erusi-. Toast te a fins yeliow brown. A The reeiuig sbadow s ebeer ber irembling seorcbed or blaceened erumb te fatal te seul ; se abs waii s sud washes, sud the tbe exeel'eues of tise dish. Butte" weii sbadows lenigtiïeu into darleessed nîghi-. while hoi-, eprinkie tavislîly with sai-, lay A moiber ta roeting ber baby toeeps. oa ile rsotavr ia aî Rl oks at ber gravety wble tbcy move te stand iire-aasd pour seading mlk un unti aud fro, as if aatting bow the brigbt asu-thtos cvrdw ihe cn.S , sblias must leave and tise ugiy shadows h ide coves-sd)inluau oveis for five soninstes y ber tisas-facsirom inu. Ibere is a weaitb tis timnei-be millesioild lie ail abscs-bed. of wlsdoin in bis great, sweeî ees.HeLift ecechlc carei-lly sith a bread ttniec hoida tiglîîly i-e her dreas, ase if te keep bier fa r enougli te peur over it a tablespooniftd nea hi. Wen b lstbiseye ar clsedof cretin.. Taste a crumb te be sure i-be asedissugages tbeloving b aud, lisses hm 55550oi1ng is right. Most peope nîas mil lilgmsily -as he mut net lis awakenss-aud toast tee freeli. Sait again if ne'ssary arises te put im into bis crib. Then she cover cieseiy sud returu to s amoderate oven sissis bacit into ber chair and begsns f or ten minutes. Serve lu the bows- if t la te rock agaîn. It is se p'easass-t test le presentable; if net traaîsfsr carefnilly te a uhetwiigh an bcis o seette urs ! beated china bowi or saucer. The toast A woman kuesîs by a freali-made grave. wiil be tender, puffy, retiebi-ul sud sxceed' Tise bead-board tares eoidly ai- ber, sud ingy digestible seema te aay over sud oe-etagaintirbe words SsOWiROLLS-Boi lepinteof-milk; wlie iuscribsd upon it. Hes was ber enly eild, ceol ad nue-half cup of butter and lard and she was a widow. Wiih tear-laden sycs mixef, a litte tesa tbau oe-half cup of sirebens dwn owe andlowr, illbersugar, oe-quarter of a cake of comprssad laps rest upon i-be sari-h. Se leongs se to eas n itl atadfeuIog kisa the quiet form it le bhding ireu ber m Îake a soft donigb, Le't lise mixture ti-se, Acd tire twiligbt seeme te hors-y pasi- sud mould sudli-bsthe tiriug rol otTi as tiLa teses iselfinl the darituese. a dougnunts; eut round, iotd wth a littie A csre-weru oid wosuau site watci-elhi-e butter sprsad hetwecs. Let themr rise sbadows cerne, ttssy are friende i-c ber- agalu, i-bsn batte lu a qniele -s. friande i-bat she welcomnes, for i-bey aîwavs FnEadui ROLLS.-COne quart eofleour, i-brec sto iL sae nl sig -n er Oui da eggs, i-lrcesquartera of a ieeeup of gond nearer home." Andsei eniles on i-hem yeast, a ph cee ef butter tbe ais-e ef au egg. ber thanks. She, tee, repeats "One day 51fti tbe fleur and pincli up tise butter in it nearer home." And se life-womanj's life ,i -stao r et'se ;mct 'bl -gees on in i-bei-wiigbt. tjîî resi coresioutsemdeofelsrsud lo toi-Li ber wesry body sud joy i-o ber aehing licart Pour the eqsg, asel beaten, i-bs yets, n -till ber spirit reaches its home, wbere enough warm water te ttnsad tbe dougb neyer asheadow eauial upen fit. witbonti-lis siicking lu anunumanageabie way te thé tray. Use trength and werk -- ht welt fer 10 or 15 mnutnes, and tise put Worry in a Girl's Life. ilu a tone jar, jute wlieh a litic fleur Truly i-bs fist uecesit sjt t teasci- a girl muai- be dusted firat, and set by thLe fire i-e approach ber wortt, physicai or mental, oursi-ill oi te re. xtrems0ftiailo su s normal, iealthy wa-to accomplisb colavl pti-ebsd, or h si wliat bs baste do ai-uralyanin n eeî annxt merning, using a titite flour, and i-bs force reqoired i-o gain tier poit ; Io a ittl, snmore butter if very ricb sud short werrying ail tise ti-mes is ilesior c Ibrsad je luitef. Grease i-bs baksssg.pau with i-ls lsso wlt et e earef s-otfeeluncId lard, pui-îiinl a thicit layer; melt the essn wll nt b lerrie ; ot e nlnoms lard sud touce hebroll, ase h je made rnshed iroi moruiug te niglit for fear ter eout le -ebunrudteegaw- work itl et bedons; netgoi abothe -b warm latddi-o keep it f rom stickissg te witli a burden of unseessary anxîetv a t egbrCorthpaansti ia mos-bldfear oflier i-achersa aud a zeaeral saiugsubo wr. plcor ts an ud t se andu atiti-de iowad lîfe wbieh measssiraimusihl asspaefsrauhu - is u sud constant straimi. A glanes forward in- ihsu bales ussili i-e crust le a dlcate tensifies tise grssity of i-be'case. Sncb bren n. fbs relis oughi te Le s idi cera habit ouse dcs-iope lu agirl vbo 1 rsoo f a featbes-y texture, sud iairly ov e- iing herseif te teacli are su rgiy fi-cii by îLte pan. Bread sesembling tise ber pnpiis wtuen ste i-sies the position etbof cenl011eyrged a teaciser. The nets eue tratî s lerefleted bacle sud forts irom tea'luer i-e pupil, ansd Manufacturim'r UrippLes. la ihue iforcing iiseifeon tLe notice ofoîluers, The Gingerbread Fais-, as i- la caiied, sud previisg day by day more elesrly wbat wslieîslis ld es ry aprissg in thes Faubourg le os îLe g hate e pby ia ecd. istednySt. Antoine sud the Place de la Nation, Tisee wse iase oser-sdi-lis -esdesey aris, je, says a coteapoasdcru', noterions ior are wout i-o say IlChitie girls plei-y oifi-lenubeof artiflciat plsenoîneiaexiibited eeremas ; pletesy of fresb air ; ses tisai- tey her? i-o the public. Thsis year tiseir nunm- slcep sud est well, ansd ibis greateat aeed ber bas been greatly incteased by the as-- wili be snppticd wittsrui- tboug.' "if i-le .a unbeli-y nnditen s-ebaveootd 'ers ris a1 ci-aboua twcsi-ty cuis-de-jatte, wiuo are jnst meking is appesaran ce i-be reiswdy ireîtcledly iodged inlu bts oas a piece of wold lie sufficisuit. As it je, sncb a remedy 'etgrudai-aCrecVseen. sufics u ai-w ass, asmei-case_ pat e3e etipples, avisosemisnte striseed-np afisiy n utlusoe aesi in ait hebhait baslega are eusled up on tlie boards on svbicis stoodbut n o i-boia teailny . . tbey it, form a elony, sybjicells e isnssud i-od o b ev rceme wlthout n gorusatieiua.s neCours des Miracles et former imes. to c oercrnewitiou adistinct recogus' Es e-y morning tiuey ail issue forth, propel' iion of i-bs bas of poiver. aud a stos es-ali- ý. ver_, FURIOUS WITRI JEALOUSY. wsrmame' ta s ýhotkesl by ltme Crîae of a Woanse op le aBi'tf. A. rceni- deepsi-els irom Wasaw, says: -A 1Ces-sibis murde- bas been committed ln tbis eity by a womau of noble i-smily uamed Bogiaws Crezieka. TLs aictinu wae a baller, daucer in anued Josephins Gerlach, snd tie nsotive, smigb i lsesuleefid, wae furione jeaiousy ens i-bepar- of i-le isiglsborn crinuinsl. Jesepshe Gerlaîch had the reputatien of beisg tiLsiment beautif ni ballet girllun'Vas- saw, sud ever ainelber advent on fib stage bers selias beau i-be eraze among i-bs PolisL nohilii-y. Josephine eueonraged sud profiied by base ati-entisonsud ssemed i-o enjoy i-be u'sbappisîess of i-he noble y'.ug ladies wbo feuud tlaemssls as deeeried i-or i-bstaiar of i-le ballet. A i-sas days ago i-be town was sbocited by the ansueuncenueni- i-bas Josephuine Geach L lad been i-ouud mnurdersdilu er iodgmuige. ILs conditionof bier room sh ebwd tsai stuc Lad besu taiten by surprise by soms. visiter. Rer aituli wae liai-en iai, evideîily avith soins bîsut instru- ment, and lier bair asemai-ted as-it bleod and braine There wes-e evidences of s t,-uggle sud itus girl's disos-dsied attire sbowed tis el.îni-c of bieody Lande. b fisuger marks ici-t by ithe nunrîlerer wers sigttansd indheated te tLe police finit s -,vem an lied donc i-be desd. The apartmnent 1usd be-n ra'ssaeited sud jewessasd nsoney wers nîissacg. Ibis was taiten s evidane tisai- rubbes-y Lad sels es amotive. Tise polies, ascertained îLe-ý a lady, finety ati-ired snd ;ipparenily saemewbat dieguised, Lad Calief u o Jepime. Iniis-iy brongisi oui-tushefaci- i-ai- Bogue- iawsCUrezickahalieLen lheard te niter tus-eas agaishnthle bailtai girl. She asas jeaicus of Jeseplunae, sud i-bis i-setiras well itnewn thri'onsoui Warsawf. The police teeli er by surprise, aud ware astoseefte find upon hiem concluais-e evhdenees of ier gnlt. Suce stili caîaried as-hierba h taminer snd s dag- gar. Olnib themuser asablood antibals-, sud i-li dagges' vies stained wlta iresli blood. Tias lady coesssd bei-b i-ju crime aud the mo t ive. .Jo-,phipc Gerlach, eue saif, Lad s-eined lier happinese anti sbe resoied uposu s-e- vengeý. Sue went te itue girl's rom ceashf uFoîs a i-riendiy vhsht ansc watebisg lher Chapne s irude bier wih thse tuasiesue. Ihs girl aitaempted reisîsce, but Bognslawa s'reit bk er again, i-lis ime lireakTug las- ,1- il sud hrainiisg lier. She i-ieu ei-abbed l i reDeai-cdly witb i-le dagger. AfCsr coom- mittýig tie deed sue roblied tise soom of i-be jewelry sud money she i-ound thers. ihe uswasofibe as-sest eaneed extremýecx- ciiomeuit ameug all clasises, sud crewds fLoceef ote bsmgisitat'ecosarite oses Bognelaîva arraigned i-or lier cies-lia, is helieved tluat asewiti be sent i-e Siberia i-or lji-e.: ACCISE NTAILT DIOWNED. Jsuge '"es",Brothber aori-theUssîier or Ps s. Throasn fimmn Uic Cmsse VI nu îcg B ody lsiy ept i-oisn A ideapaieh i-rom Meusien, N. B., says:- ILs _News has reacued bers i-romi-bhe Mis- mniehii of i-ue accidentaI drowning of Mr. R. C. Skh1nner, jîudge of ih-, Probate Cotust of St. ýJohn, sud brother of Mr. Skinner, M. P. i- appears i-bat Judlge Sinner sud a party of St. John sud Frederictons people unie i-iebhngg lu Miransicii t hudian-owus, about Il iies aliove rfea astîs. Lasteicvcnicg abo' uti fis-v e le kJudge Skeinner- sud a finînamef White wemc fiebinig irom s stnin-g upriglit in i-le cane, whlîeim i-rsu îtise wleofilerapide Led ahipped cousid- esl y, vees. Suff etly alog caserushiug dou -e sapide, si-rock tLs cane with con- suetar:ble fore, ansiMs-. Skiruier losîug bis baîsuies el i-imte the rapide, sud lu su in- aient, bei-os-e Lia orro--sikleîs cespauiou seatizaf tisei-set, waes svept away. On the ibanite of i-Lemiaver were finus from tseth St. John sud Freder-icton powerieessi-e belp. Tic tragecly waa oves- bei-omsi-be cane coutd ibei raleasedf irom uts aneborage. Skleieer sanis a i-tis, but i-Le force ef i-Le cursesi twas teecinuiclu. Ms-, Jos-den, of Su. Jolin, 1waded ont i-rom tise bak s fer as possible sud tlsrew a stick i-owamd Simnner, as-b iseied it, but it waa useless. Ha so s-e- lesedhie bold sand eaîuttout of siglît. TLe bedyîasas reeoves-ed. W0iaders ut Mîntiature. iu a muasîsun ef curiosities atSteni, Mass., flssas h0 presers-ed a censmosi cherry seed or siôe, hotlowsd snd fasisiouuci lie a basket. Wihin tisa basket ara taveive tiny eus-sm. rspeous, tis cape sud finlish of 'shiels can- 1net bc distingmsisluad wiib the naked syc. -The mime oi- tLe astiat wbe con-îrucet -Li liýtle wonder bas beau lest, but tIse actu-at aexistence of i-Le tbiesg itsel- can net Le ques- ftmo.usd. Dr. Peter (lus as-, who lis-rd in Engiauf dprirg i-be eamly partof i-be Eiglteeih 1Ceci-us-y-,teillsof asise s cars-cilcherry 1atosue wtieh as uld lie a wvoiad2r es-en jini-hie age of fine toole sud finie 5sorkiannluir. Ibis seswss ouasens s acousuous cherry, simd An Intperview wTjith thie German Em-Peror. The Pail Mail Gazette of Londos ubluh-b ese wbati h described ase a chasses interview liei-wsn Emparer Williamr of Gernany ana su Englisîsesan,ws ali taftaleen shelt i-sn a shed irom i-bs nain wisile wiîleîug fi-mnsi-e Grue-aîd les-est i-o Ctarittsuburg. Afiert i-be travesier Lad been js -in he shd a iew moments, a in wetring a forester' ui- fermi eniered, aIse i-o take refuge irom i-be storm. TLe neweemer toole a sat uer tise Englishessu sud epenef a conversation with hm. lI-laseconts of tisechaiti-bs English- man sonîewbat ses-ýerely iiicsised tLe Ger- mil sebol systemn, wbicli lie alleged înatse slaves of itic pupils. His cosnpaaieu iook a difiement view efthi-e aubjeci-, sud defeuded i-be systens in i-le main, thougli lie express- sdi-lie belief ti-baiasume changea wouid sbortly be made. The conversaionestiurned upen i-bs lu n 1as i. as-iom i-bs Eeigtisman pratteil as s liriglît young mn. H hietioght. bswever- i-bat bis Msjestyougui-ttoreadEnglisb news- pa-pes more ad consider i-be crîtîcîsms tisey contaùûad. To i-is tise Germnainte- pied tIsatie haappensd i-e kueishat tlhe Ensipetor did read i-lac ioreign newepapds exteisive'y, andt, furiluermore, thai- ha wae never augry su whist Le aawli-lsein, ase 1ud Leemu ialsely reptrted. The Englihinssan fsnaaly summEf ,p his comsuestary upon tbe kaiser by saying i-bat lie wonid un. doulitedly tutu eut o lie a great usjan. " ils bias a seose of duty i-o Go,1 sud men," Le contilued, "sud lue lias energy. If le euiy acquises sueeesty lie wsll sucesit, if--"', 11Tf whist ?" inters-ui-id i-be Ces-inu. The Y[?Ioe Fsirt'-s n. My h)eart was brelaen years ago, 1 nicely ad the pieces; 1 gave a chunit te every girl, And se my joy inereases. Hsereditary Featur.-Mrs. A. What biackt syes tiat baby bas 1" Mrs. B. "Yes; bis father ie a pugliet." Huiralglav sclatcap Lumbago, ackac-he, Heacdacheî, Toothac!heg for Infants end Children. "Catorlais so wenladpted to cbIr o ha stea cures colle, conesipation, t reosnsndit a suer r toy pescip ou r Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructattofl. recW omend H. a . Âpe issHa , M. ., K MS Worms, gives sleep, and promnot58 dl, ni X. xodStBooiu . Y. Wnoi njr Tm CENT.u OompANe, 77 Murray Street, N, Y. FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTI{AM & SONZ, BOWMANVILLE- SMITTH'S FALILS, Single Apron. Steel Frame Binder, The Model Buckeye Mower, Daisy Reauoer,ý The "6Tiger," the Lý Rake, Steel PlowQs, etc. AGENT Also agent for Draders' Sp-ade Harrow, the best Pulverizer, Cultivator and Hlarrow maade, See it. W. H. OSBORNE, SPECIAL AGENT FOR THE ABOVEÂ APPLICATIORiS THOROUGHLY REMJOVES Ssy~ .Tntt OrruiFadiPc thtrrmta ils c u it-, apction otn ts s rshsy , the dScalP Ciman. nxs,'sodaidulia.sssston uth, npd M kshirsi i lal danlstgOC t a"e , M ksha'nitadPlal tbý .-, .deitsoft and pllabiend Pûo~ rwh GUARANT~~~~pEssED utod.acvsie otnhT. Po-e rN 'r. ýFROST