- w -- i w r r rvn e w N - w w ~w r w r ~ a r* *~ ~ ~ w .~ ra uwuv - - - mv r nec UHURNS When you want a CHURN get the best, it will pay you, you can get them at YOU NG& CO'S. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. THE ANNUAL Co-OPERATION IN SESSION. The annual co-operation of the Disciples of Christ in Ontario vas convened in the pretty little Church of the Disciples in this town on Thursday afternoon, when about 100 Jelegates reported from different parts of the province. Proceedings opened with devotional ex- ercises, conducted by the president, Elder H. Black of Everton, followed by short addresses from several prominent breth- ren. Mr. J. W. Kilgour of Guelph was appointed recording secretary. The fol- lowing standing committees were appoint- ed: Order of Business-Pastors E. B. Barnes, George Munro and T. L. Fowler. On Enrollment-A. Tovell, R. Stewart and John J. Gilfillan. On Auditing- George Fowler and J. A. Aikins. A so- cial and welcome meeting followed. Communications were read from the High and Public Schools, the Mechanies' Institute Boards, and the Dominion Org- an & Piano Co. inviting the members of the convention to visit the schools and factory, and offering the freedom of the Public Reading Rooms and Library dur- ing their sojourn. The eveningmeeting ,las presided over some 1ö The election of officers was helid with Mrs. S. M, Brown, Wiarton the following results:-Mr. Hugh Black, A. toveli, Everton, president; Mr. J. Campbell, St. A. C. Gray, West Lake Thomas, vice-president; Mr. Geo. Munro, Miss J. Fleming, Kilsyth Hamilton, corresponding secretary; Mr. R. S. Fleming, J. W. Kilgour, Guelph, recording secret- J. A. Aikin, Orangeville ary; Mr. John McKinnon, Everten, treas- W. M. Crewson, iunstville urer. These officers were all re-elected. W. G. Charlton, Acton Committee-Messrs. R. Windatt, B. E. Daniel H. Stewart, Blenheim Tolton, Donald MeMillan, Enos Camp- E. M. Campbell, t bell. S. Woolner, Grand Valley Mr. T. L. Fowler, London, gave an ad- Mr. and Mm. WI. H. Hans, Craighurst dress on "Our Attitude towatds the De- Mr. and Mrs. C. Sinclair, Collingwood nominations". Miss C. Currie, Belwoed M. N. Stephens, Glencairn Mr. A. Tovel, Wiarton, presented the Miss Stephens, Sunday School report showing 1,936 Miss Frame, scholars and 757 teachers. The 3um Of J. A. Breuenstull, Lubo $863.74 has been raised for home sup- Miss M. A. Sinclair, port; $205 for home missions; and $110 Mrs. E. McClung, for foreign missions. Miss J. Fisher, Creemere Mr. John MeKinnon read the treasur- R Windatt, Bewmanville er's report showing the receipts to be $2, E. B. Bamnes, 118.89 and a similar amsunt had been Miss Pomerey, Cobourg disbursed. Mrs. W. Black, Port Hope The educational report was read by Mr.;D. F. Kilgeur, Arthur John Munro, Toronto Junction, showing Miss J. Burgess, Baltimore that Mr. D. A. Sinclair, Blenheim, de- Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, Oreno ceased, had given $4,000 to found a Bible Mr. and Mrs. W. Lanchland, Oshawa chair in Toronto University; and that his John McGilI, sister Miss I. Sinclair had supplemented John Marks, tendon the amount with $500 more. Miss t. Pitcher, A telegram frem D. t. Sinclair, Toron- ,Mrs. J. K. Rich, Hamilton iARIUT is still showing patterns in WA LL Pd We have so tems L I (1-1BL *0. il 7 mAPEI )me flue PAPI vely pat- ÉR H 1 !Iail il