11ev. S. T. Bartlett, Lakefield, was Enfleld Tea ncxt Mondlay.1 IF you are gointonveitrNes guest of Mr. John Hlllyar, Sunday. Mr. R. Freeland bas been taking a rethe N th\est Mr-. J. W. Odeil of Orono, tonk fourth 11ev. W. Coombe, *Roblin, spent Sun- at home, Beech Ave. th oth Ws year honore in mathematics at the recent 141ý!day in town guest of Mrs. llarcock. Everybody should plan to attend Eb1n. you *will do *weiI to University exams. Dr. Alex. Taylor of Goderich has been ezer tea Monday next.__MisJiaThasfthetwnls ______________ isting his jiser e s. vm. Vanca -. Po5FVPrry is goïng to hlave a granci ser~D--~L received the Degree otV~ .t.li. trorni Mr. and Mrs. John McGill of Tornoclbaino Jl s.__ wri ~ti~U3~~. Miss Annie Nichols bas returned from gone to Toronto on a visit. for-~t. v r.i ynWib' aailyin, take hig a pleasant visit with friends in Toronto. î 'a party fo nxtWamyhibasaanaknig TeD. 0. Bandl asked the Council for honore in the first'year Arts course at i MI I r. a 1 1 ai' 'V fl 1!Ç, Il e i'rm i ,UJLiI~~~~~~~ I2ip 1y jLuu. jIpMiii -1". 119.I~ ~.I JII ~UJ Ss qIt gi m o = =