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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1892, p. 6

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WEDýNESDAY JIJNE8, 1892, DE. J.-4C. MITCHELL, ~4EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSYCIÂNZ q sd Surgeons, Ontario, Croner, etc. âfB31 and Itesldencâ, Esmlskilien. 74. uitis, 8,10it po~lwiuarn *Î kIvale *Iffncys lcanal aI the lowest raes L ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR' the CcnntY or Durhami. halje attender, toon shcrtest notice and lowest rates. Address Ctasz BP. 0. IlOlT. YoIJNG, v. S. -FFICE 1N TUE WIEST DPUR[AIt4 " Nes JllCCk. The"e hiiuself or agsistant 'Will Le found froni; to 9 pm. N Iguhî caIl at rsidenceairectly cOosito fDrill Shed. Cails attention 1lYbyr IA. Iv. T ">E,r A UÇT1INŽ~EERs APPRAISER Realt FiaeAgent, Bowmanv 11e.Otarjo, Sales aittiided in1 any part of Provinoe. A. A- POST, ARCIIITECT. Plans and Specifica. tA!ions PrePared for every class cf building.c hPecial attentiorn gven te etigbsta sud ot wter nd te sanhîtary arrangements. G011e: eeBlok, WhiLbs 43 ly , .PEUTE, Talors Centlemen's aiothesBMade to Order. YOUNG FOLKS. tb. pan i ethorJak t eae -But Jack refused ether. I'v,2 tried TWO BOYS. tbat before and I don't lulte t." II We will send for your mntber." BY CAROLINE MOSHER. Ah! that would bc a censfort. Wbat boy, su zncb a serape, would net like bis motber "HelLw 'Tribby' ' te sympathize, te console, and te silstain ? "Hello 1'Newsy' " and the boy wlth bis But Jack betbought binseif. Tie father leatber bag funl of Tribunes galloed bv on is away, crun.ising in Southeru scas. It bas bis pouy, wbiie Henry trudgcd aleng tbe bean Jack's business te care for bis mother, sida walk witlî bis papers under bis arm. neott worry aud listress be'r. " If I could ouly deliver ou borseback 1 lSh a gn t nafetOi ta aoul hae mrc imeforbas-bal ad fllwe't bave lber bothered," decidedcl k. as Fred dees. Tbe boys are goiug ln 5win- Se bielîeld eut bis wrîst, and nmade ine ming tbis moroing. l'il have to walk fast meau hl nto hesvnsice or they will be tbroigli before I get îi'ere." d n w b leonfastwethr ee sie And Henry dedged brisklv lu andi eut cf fe T tT on bn h onda ou many a gate, decerating bell haudies aud np. It was net tilt the mother rcacbed lier dirl esash wuail aiulioc ose that she beard cf the accident. Sbe fie v aay.flew up stairs, with bier beart in bier mouîb, Henry was clii enough te undcrstand that But 8he found Jack as cheerfnl sud si. if hie wisbed tu becerne a successful business man-nd e dfi isl itbe îns being as a Jue ermung. mai-an bcdidwisi i-hemus be Don'î be frigbteued,"be told ber. "It tborongh aud painstaking uiow wbile a bey. didn't niurt mullc." Wbcu peuple lubscribed for the News they For days the wrist bas been baxidagefi, werc turc cf its Jeliivcry. fils custoniers but eut once bas Jackt wbined. I tblnk gradnnliy increased w bile the Tribune seem. that shows goofi nerve and spirit, do't cd te lo8-o favor. o [are'YunPope "Ciaf I seli News uow. I wanted the Iynl[ire' oc epe Tribune first ' but Fred wvas boîînd te baveJ if, sud bis unéle le the post-effl'cG heiped hlmi Getting and Keepin? Bee, te gel il. fie started eut witb lwlce as My bey, yen eau bave ail ttie boney yen manly naines as1I ad New I baveIbe most eau, eat, snt for tbe asking, but fer tbe lak- trade. Sîrauge ! ing. <Gat a bive; if yen canuot gct a mcv- IIThis is a nice place. Fine old gentie.- abie frame eue, got what kind yen caui, aeu man bcera. Paid tus a dollar lu advauce. if il is a box or a keg. Yen eaua get a-i dean Tribby delivcred bore until last wcek, and box at tbe store where yonr family purchase iew I do, for saime reaseni," mused Henry tteir supplies, andfimalte il ever'ifý it dees as be fasteîîed a paper under the bell bandie net suit yeu. Whlen yen bave your bive of a baufiseme brick bouse on tbe corner, go te a neigbibor wiîe bas bees anîd have hlm As bie turncd away, the deer opened aud put lu a first swarmi for yen dnring swýarm- the "lflue odl gentleman " greeted hlmi witb, iîig lime. If the becs were given ýte yen, I Good moruîîig, yeung sir. Youre tlic bey yen weld nettaiec care cf thoîn, and would fr me. Papor as regular as cleck-work and bice your self-respect besides ; but. if yen as sure as thc sur,." work for tbemi then yen w-ill vaine î hemn. IlTbauik yen, sir," sadfiTeury respectfnl. If3 ou cannot buy tbem, p ut up sie m bxes ,y tencbing bis cap. IlIt's rny business net lu troes as dccoy bives for swarms wb\ icb te forget iîuy ostemers." the owner wenld nover loek after. Yen IlWall Ibat Tribune boy does' mind may gel a swarm len this way. The law wbctbcr xve get lus paper or net. fe makes says that neoune au dlaim a swarm' cf becs sure of bis pay fast cuougb, iblen ludfer'eut- after lho bas once lest sight cf them, aud if ly delivered tbe paper, Tee lazy te gct off titere was no box frter ogo iio h 1'i. 1 - T + I,ý îe. 17 fl'for tbem, , 1'. A - _-._e- LATE BRITISHI NEWS, Isaac Holden, M. P., bas juit returned frem a trip te Afrîca, at the age cf 85. Hie attributes bis remarkable physical vigor cbiefly te careful pedesîriaîtisîn. The ludiati tiger shoeters are heginnîng te discard snob precantions as etophants andi platforms lu trees, and bunt on foot. Prince Vokbatsingji, wbo la crediîed with killîng 200 tigers nnd panthers, net only gees oit foot, bnt ail alone. The new sînaîl-bore rifle bas sbowed îùs peweîs iu a terrible way at Aldersbet. A soidier-happened te ire bis rifle. Tfhle bnl- let pastel througb two deors, wounded oee man sligbîly, passel tbrengh thie tbîgh ef auther mnan, and finally tbrougb botb thigbs cf anotther man, wbo diel t;ýve heurs About 200 tons of ceai feul suddeniy on Monday mornirig at Mauders Main eoiliery, Mexborough, South Yorkshire, bnrying five men. -Albert Jo0heson and James Wood, a boy, were killed,whjle two others were set- ieusly injurcd. -' Fire broke eut on Tuesday merrinin a building at Pontypridd where 16 berses were stabled, and six of bihein were roaste~l alive. The Hoee Accident Preventien Society lu London reports that a thousand herses fait upon asphait te five hundred on wood. The lsraelite Alliance hias senît te the Sultan of Turkcwy an address in commemera- tien of the admission of the exiied Spanish Jews te the Turkishi Empire in 1492. W n A A pestman at Tattenhait, (Cheshire, BWA ~ namrefi Adams, bas just complct.ed a servi- tude of twenty-ene years, durriug wbîcih H eadquar ters in Vies t peried lho has walkiedona average 20 miles a day, save on Sundays. Adams estimates .hat bis walkiug tour bias extended te a FI N IE uittle over 131,000 miles.' The value f the worcis "'not trasfeal, i iý l e usually printcd upen seasen tickets bias D n e ii e o s beeu tested iu au Euglisb court, aud it bas beendecided te bie unimpeachable. A lady C i a a a ioanied twe cf ber sýrvant3, a coupie of sea- . -- A large Stock of well selected American Wall Papers, cbeap an(! heautiful from 6cts. to 5Octs per rol. Cali and sec for y( Iscif bc-. foie purchasig elsewhere. Ail colors of Paints ready for use, guaranteed to gi>ve good satis- faction, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub Brushes and Whisks. Gla8sany size, and Putty. Painting, Grainng and Papering done promptly and satisf&ctorily, For ail of which cali at SHERIN &-IRy'S, South side King st., between Treleven's and Reid'a Sucoe stores, Bowmanvilio rILLE> Durham for

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