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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1892, p. 1

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TEM:.I.011 NU.OUR TOWN AND VOUNT Y FIIT: THE WORLD ÂFTERWÂRDS. M. A JAMES EDnTOi ÂND PROPRIETOR, Nuw SERtiEs, BOWMÂN VILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY JUJNE 15, 1892. VOLUME XXXVIII. NumBER 24 WHATEVER YOU DO Buy Goods wvhich are NEW!, And you can niake sure of doing that by buying your Dry Goods at JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Their I: Their P Their E Their E Their I Their I In fact the fines ~1W g( these col uuuuI COUR TI(LIJ. Mr. J. b. Courtice, of Toronto, is visit- lng at home. .... Mrs. W. D. Brooks, New Orleans, La., isa pending the summer menthe with Mr. aud Mrs. J. F. Brooks, Middlegreon Villa. . ... Mr. and Mrs. Hbbb, Pickering, were guens of Mr. J. Littiejelins recently... .Mise Swaie lias returned from visiting frîends in Thgerseli .. .A very large number of Bowmanviile peeple attended Ebenezor anuivrary... The masons have commenced the new achool room at Ebenezer . .. .Mr. and Mrs. A. E.,Clomence, Tyrone, were guosta of Councilior Courtice on Snnday.... Mr. John Balmer lias roturued froua New York. Taiz DREADED bA GRIPrrz.-FlleWiUg this scourge of humanIty ceme a train of evils in the ohape of obtinate colds, cenghs, lung troubles, etc. There la ne remedy se prompt, and at the saine time effectuai and ploasant, as Milburn's Ced biver Oul Emuision witli Wild Cherry and Hypophosites, which is the -latest and best combination of anti-consuinptive rom- edies. Price 5Oc. and $1.00 per bottIp. COL UMBU>S. Miss Anus Grant bas bcen viiting lier )ress G oods are nelw sstr M Purves ....Mis' W. Moore, Moore'.... .The Crusaders opened their >1arasols are ail new week's werk liere on Sunday .. . .The cen- cert by Harmony Sens of Temperance on Friday evening week was a groat success. >1riuts and Sateens are new :- ..Rev. J. B. McbareD,B. A.,is attend- ing the Genorai assombiy ef the Pireebv- -terian church lu Montreai. Rev. S. [oisery and Gloves are new Eastman. M. A., Oshawa, filied bis place bere Sunday .... Simcoe St. Methedist choir wili render a choice pregraihHro lace Fl"ou ncings are new on the evening of the anniverary. With net failinl having a crowded lieuse.. im broideries are flew -Rev. Wm. Wickett,of Southi River, Mua- koka, who lias been visiting at home, oc- A. NT ~cupied the puipit o! the Methodiat churcli -~~ -'~ ---'very acceptsbly on Sunday week. Ho sud Rev. J. Whitiechi are at- they are sho"W ing ' ~~t~ st cbfst i tas beappoirted orgaist of thie e ýt s ock of s ri l odst hurc ... Mr S.Bond, of Tyrone, aud Mr. J. S. Rundie, Hampton, occupi- ed the Methediat puipit liere Sunday.. c)ods o be f u n 111 Mne. Redman, Detroit, Midi.. blas be visitiug lier sistor Mrs. John James... Messrs. Geo. Fieldsansd Phiip Hlarper, j r., Jet t this week fer Britishi Columbia. unties. Mr. W. Smitli,M. P , lias iutorested him- self iu their behaif, aud lias securod luc- nrR ANrative positions for thein. 'e wish these COIJH, OHNSON ORY ERM N g mon succeslu their far distant n ew BETHEÎ<DA. Report of S. S. No. 10, Dariiugtou for May.-V, Ethel Cole; Sr IV, David Roy,J Richard Hoskin; Jr IV, IV, Edith boar;l sr 1111., William Roy, Stanley Jardine,i Beéla Scott, Roswell Jardine; Jr Ill, G Werry, Frank Werry, Arthur boar; Sri I1, Etlith Potter, Ettie Jamieson, Marthai M&rtyn, Sain Martyn,; Jr II, Maude Runn dIs, John Fice; Part II, Ernest Rundie, Mary Roy, Sidney Hoar, Frd Fice; Pi 1, Edna URoy, Florence Werry, Annie Nixon. Jous bî EE, teaclier. 1TIAMILTO.N, April 20, 1892, 1 was doctoring for years with pliysic- iana for a acaly and scurvy affliction of the scalp, they tcid me it was eczema,1 but gave me ne permanent relief. I was1 aie troubied wlth excessive dlandruif,1 which woulIc drop frein my hoad like snew flakes. Hoaring of Anti-DandruiffI used it, and frein the third application felt more relieved than fer years; when haif the bottie was useci the eczema and sasy eruiptions was tlioroughiy removed, the itching of the scalp stopped, and for eie- Lgant, dlean, snd usef ul hair-drcssing Anti- Daindruff bas ne equal. J. S. GRZAHAI%. Mg.Hamilton Brandi Kemp, Joues & Peckz, Manufacturera of ider, Toronto. CEDAR DALE. MUr, Edwin Philipa bas a working herse whichi weiglis 1,600 .. .. Mrs. Linders aud, ble family ieft last waek te jein lier hua- baud lu Langdon Harbor, Dakot... . Mr. Edward Hinckson raissd an enlormeus batui Monday week. . .. Mr.Alfred Pasce, unilti lately Pilot at Falmeutli Barber, Cernwall, Eugisnd, lias arrived at Port COahawa sud lutends settliug in this coun- try te learu farming. Se far he la weli piessed wit.h the country aud climate. Ou Mis arrivailieo was aurpriEed te find Canada sucli a gardon of preaperity, judg- ing by the rapid growth of cropre sud foli- age sud everything, peinting te good crops of grain aud fruit.. .. Mr. Gdee. Hutchin- sonj, Harmony, lias peas in biow since asat week. Taîz Bm E EzcTes-have passed by And wve c.,,n uew consider the best pretec tton tiaianst disease. There i3 unrestrict- ed reciprocity ef s8ntiment between al people lu Canada iu preueuucing Bnrdock BlodO Bittera the very best biood purifier, dyýspepsia sud lisadache remedy, sud gen eral1 tonic renovating medicine bef ore the RAG~LAN. Mrs. C. Eodgson attended the funerai of her father, wvho dicd on Sunday evening week . .. .Myron Martin and the tzo MrE. Moffats are recoveringg .... .Mrs. Smih our new hotel keeper isi nîaking considerable change in the prem-1 iaes ... . Relatives of Mr. E. Weiborne arrived f romn England, on Tuesday Jast.. _Daniel Thompson, son of Mr. Wmn. Thompson lias been ili with inflammation .. ýMr. W. H, Martin is erecting a barn for the Messrs. O'Boyle. A DISTRESSIM. SITuATIO.N.--Whab a dreadf ni thing it is to wake up inl the maid- die of the night suffering from choera,- the nerest doctor a mile away and ne one to send for him. Imagine a more dis- tressing domestio situatm.n, if yen can; and yet cases of this kind are very cern- mon. The trouble, however, would neyer have become serious if the man of the house had a bottie of PEnY DAvis' PAIN KILLER at hand,, for it la a remedy that that neyer fails to cure choiera, cramps, diarrhSoa, or dysentry. Ail drugti2t3 keep it. 25c. for Lbrge INew s'Esa. TA UN TON. Mr. Batker Cronk bas been Fick... The iFcholars of Maxweil's ecbotl are go- ing te have a picnic .. . .Mr. Norman bander is home on a ,'isit .. . .The Liter- ary Sccie!y are 1rerparirigte have a con- cert shortly... A large number around here patronized Zion's anriversary.... The trustees of our section have impeuvecl the appearance (of our school by putting new blinds ou thiý windovss aud planting about 20 trees in the grounda. .. . Mr. John MeGregor has been besutifying the surroundings of li;s resideiîce by rernodel- ing hie lawn... . 0ur etithrpris u, üwe Mr. J. J. Patte sme, attendled tbe teacli ers 'conventýo irft Whit1jy. To gain the public confidet ce is ueent- isi to business succt ass, and it cin onWv be gained by a Bteadv course of faithful d ai- ing with them. It ta by thii couree that that Messra). Tuckett & Son hva secured the great siuccess of their 'MLý1 rtle Navy" tobacce. The confidence* la Dot oniy a source ofbusiuesi; to tha firm, but sîse a source of ecouomy avhich the consumera get the benefit of. The U ercliatt neyer ]oses a moment of time;in examning, the quality of-the tobacco. Th.-) name fixes the quality as absoiutely as the mnt sfamp fixçs the value <tf the guinea. It is nlot even ineceesaary for the commercial trav- eller's trnnk to be bnrdened with a sampie of "Myrtie Navy." Ail hie customers ~know wbat it is, and knout in an instant wlien it lias been suppliefi. Thore is no room for any disputeabout it. No waste of time or postage in writing compiaints about iF. These may look like trfies te BAKER'S SC'IzOOL JIOUSE. Report of S. S. No. 19 Darlingtcn for May.-Jr IV, billie Gilbert; Sr 111, Levi Tordiff, Edith Turdiff; Jr Ill, Bila Rog- ers, Luther Gilbert; Jr I1, Herbert Rog- ers, George Gilbert, Willie Terduff, Edgar Stevens; Pt I1, Eva Stevena, iBruer Jobb, Elsie Archard; Sr 1, James Annis, Addie Pye, Sherwood Brunt, Percy Gilbert, Ilarry Aunis; Jr Pt 1, E laie Stevens,C0lar. ence Brunt. M. C. ROGEnS, teacher., Do net suifer from sicli headache a mo- meut longer.- It la net necessary. Car- ter's Little biver Pilla wili cure you. Do:se, oee utile pill. Smalprice. S mal dose. Sinali pili. KEDRON, JMST WIIITBY. Next Sunday Rev. R. T. Courtice, Newtonville, will preacli at 10.30 andl 11ev. J.B. McLaren, B. A, Presbyterian, Columbus, ut 6 30 p m. Oa Monday ut 2 the acliolars will f urnish a program aid- ed by sema good speakers. The anuiver- sary tes will bc served from 4 o'clock tili ail are s\ýt',fied Tickets 25c. and 15c. Corne anîd eouiy Kadron aunivorsary. J oies DAVIS, lFnsn W LEE, Chairman Secretary. I 8IHV,,TLE. Mr. W. T. B3onathan,tiliamith,has soid eut te Mir. Nicholson of Toronto..The Chandler b1'o.k ýs boiug reptinted... Rev. Ch-as. Brent of Bosto)n, Mlass. snd aister Mra. Haslain frein Nova Scotia are home on aviait. Rev.Chas. Brent praixch- ed in S"-. George's cbîîrch last Sabbath.. *. Mrs. J. Cochrane, Les. Anugees,Cal., is expectt d ut lier f atb er's Mr. T. MeClunq, in a few days... Mr. Chandler's lieuse whicli was dmaged by lire is beiog repair- ed sud will be cliangued inte a double dweliing. The sale of Mr. Chandler's furniture.takks place uext Saturday... Tha Tounpiar's band and a large s'unber of citiz ,ni attended the Patrors Picuic last weak.. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ailan LDck- hart have returnod f rom a visit te Wood- stock .. .. Staff-Capt Sharp with B )wman- ville oficers and Brasa baud wili lead a "Muiical Blizzard" at the Saivatian Army Barracks, here on Tuesday evening, at 8 e'ch ck. REV. Wàr. HOILuNSsn.-Paster of the IPresbyterian chnrch cf Sparts, N. J., voluntarily writes strengly in faver of IHood's Sirsapaailla. lie says ; Noth- ing I kuow of will cleanse the b'ood, stimulate the liver or dlean the etomach like this rernedy. 1 know of scores and scores who have boeu, JheIp;d or cured by The highest praise liLïs been won by Hool's P i's for their easy, yet efficient, actire a.

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