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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1892, p. 2

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I ____________________-----------_________________ GRATE FTJL-COMFORTING. BREAKFAST. *'By a thorough know ledge of the natural laws wbi h tgoveru th. prain of digestion and nutrition. and by a careful application of the 'fioprop'rti Esfwell-salected cocos, Mr. Ep . has rprovEided our breakfast tabies with a delicately fi ivored beverage which may save us many h,avy dotori' buils. Il 15 by the 1 adietous use of sncb articles of diet that a constitution may be gredually bujît Up untîl strong enougli to resst every tendoncy te disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floati ig around us ready Io attack wberever there Je a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves welt tortitied with pure blood arad a propert orse Tae.-"CiilService Gazette." Madle simply wth boiing water or mill. 90) 0 OnlY in packets. by Grocers. lablled thus JAMEFS EPPS t Co., iUomSopoatale Chefli ffls, !London. Esigland, A protracted drouth has caused serions damage to crops in every province of Russie. The Head Bure:eon 0f the Lubon Medical Company la now at Toronto, Canada, and may lie con- sulted ether in person or by letter on al chronic diseeses peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find them- .eves farvons, weak an exhausted> who are broken dlown froin excess or overwgrk, resulting in many of the following symp- tomis: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitali ,, loss of memory, bad dreems, dimnesof sight, palpitation of the heeart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, heedacho, pîmples on the face or body, itching or pecliar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks bfre tha. eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye Ils and elsewhere, beshfulness, deposits in thnu rine, loss of will power, tandernesa of the scalp and spine, week and fiabby muscles, desite te sieep, filure te be restad by sleep, constipation, duilness of hearing, lues of voice, desire for, solitude, excitabiity of tempor, sunken eye surround- ed with CEALIR CGIOCL, oiy lookiug akin, -eti. aalsymptom"sotnervous-zdubtl1ty- thet ieadto insanity and deatb uniess oured. The spring or vital force haviug lost its ten sion evry function wenes iu consequenca. Those who througb abuse committed in ignorance may be perinanentiy oured. Seuil your address forbook on al diseases paculiar to man. Books sent free seal. Heert diseese, the symaptomas of which are faint speils, purpia lips, numbness, palpita tien, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the heail, duli pain in the heart with beats strong, repid an d irreguier, the second beert beat quicker than the first,pain about the breast boue, etc., can positiveiy be cureil. No cure, nu pay. Send for book. Addrass M.V. LUBONS, 24 Maciloneil, Aveiue,Tor- outo, Ont. THE BATTLE O1F LUNDIS LANE. BY EARNEST CRUIKSHANK. The easy triumph cf tne Amlericans wsao f the Gleugarry Light nf1 ty roim Yolrk maînly due te the excellant practice cf thair under the evatve FtziboRial artillery, altbougb their groat snperiority vauced the semae day te Ten Mile Creek ini numbers woas no d4onbt au important witb bis lef t wing, composeci ut mlîtiean d tecter in thair succeas. Jndgiug from its Indiens, extaudiug as fer as DeCew's Fells, bass, Ripley's brigade was acarcety engageh euh menacing the rear ot the American peai- eud Poter's as wa bava seen, was beaten tien by way cf Lundy's Lene. The enitire entimely ont cf action et e very eerly pariod. male population immediateiy fiew teoi-s Their lois waa varîonsly steted, but probo- euh juoihbim, actuated by e spirit cf ini- ebly did net exceeh four hnndrcd ot ail teuise isstiity tcwards the inveders. Hlis rauks. On the other baud, Generel Riail scouts fouud Ibeir sçvey into St. Davida, lest upwerds cf fiva buudred, cf whomi two Queeuistun, euh aven Chippawa, baassing fitha wcme killah or missiug. 0f nineteen the ououîy'a pickoîs, euh pickiug up strag- ufficers ot tho 1001h h oawat into the giera. lis apprahensiens were, howevC,, action, tourteau were kilieh or disahled, et tbe saine timno, aroused hy mysterions wiffb oee undred euh ninety non-commnis- negtietienas on the part ut bis Indiens wtfi sioued offilcers and meu. The soven their kinsnen in the Amnerican service, cempanies efthtte Royals suffered euh e raid fron Detroit upon the defenceless stili more severely, eleven officers euh settiemeut et Port Talbot, wbicb was ruth- two bunhreh euh seven renk euh file lessly hestroyed, compeiled hlm te hetacb being returned as killed, wounded euh mis- the Oxford battelicu cf rmilitia eud sema' sing. Aitogether tbese two battelions test Indiens lu tbat direction, as e pracautionary four buuhred euh tweuty-two officers euh measure. On the 20tn, leeving about 300 mon ot et a total et outy nine lîundrad and mon n lupesessier cf the caud oueod redoubt fit ty ; euhou the wvhole, Riall's terce wes on Queanstou Heigbts, Browu ahveuc- rehuced by more than cue-third. eh with the rensainher et bis army Two hays aer the Britisb genaral was withiu two miles ci Fort George, cempetied te hetrcy bis workî euh abandon wbera hoe encampeh euh began te bis position upon the lai t beuk ut the Chip. coilect meterials for siega batteries. lie pewa in coissquène cf e turuing moment eppears te have ontertaiued tha hope that1 directeh against bis igt flank. The e- hy thismovemeut, the British commander deubt et Queonsteu waî likewise evacnateh, migbt bo iuhuced te hazerd another engage- euh hoe lisureiy rotirad upon Fort George. ment witb luferior numbers, te moievo thle Ha bah lreedy beau heserted by ueerly the gerisen. Two days later, Riehi succeehehd whole cf bis Indiens-, euh by mauy ef the lu coucentreting lu ehvauce cf Twelve Mile militia, wbe were alermeh for safety ut Creek, 1,700 reguier trâepi, înciuhîng the their familles. The iuvediug forces eh- Gienigamry Light Iufantry euh incorpnratadl vauceh te the summit cf Queonîtou Miitia, 700 Lincoln Militia euh au equaýl Heigbts, wbence thev meuaee tho Britishi number cf Indiens, iu reahiness te pouce position. Haro rbey remaineh pertoctly upon the flauk euh rear et bis ahvesary inaective for sevemal dayî. Ou the nigbit cf shoulil ha attampt the actual iuvestmeuit tbe 121h Major Evans advanced with Sad- ut the forts. Fort Ceurge was et tbea 5ame leir'î compeny ot the Sth, uumbering oly time gerriîoneh by 400othle Royal Sectesaeuhc tbirty-fonm rauk euh file, te ecnnitra 260 et the lOth, Fort Missassuage by 2£0 their outpots in the hope et takiug a fwof uthtue Stb, a compaucy cf negro vounteemi, nsiev. atr rekas intercepteil bv euh e ew ertitiemïmen euh artificers, mak- GonralSwttut ewYork Militia, witb ing ais aggregate cf 400 persous,whl eue hundmeh euh tweuty volunteors, whe Fort Niagara was occupieh by 550 mon et wes achu upen e scoutiug expedition, euh a tise 4lst, auh fity artitiarymen. Neerlyouae- sarp skirmisb toek place, if whicb Evans founmub et the garrisen wome, bowever, upon - lest six meu eud hes American leader wes tise sick list, euh mauy others toc yeung to killed. The movemeti of bis opponient be ut much service. uext memniug led Riailtot betieve thet au et- It was cscetaîueh that Ceneral Brewvn tempt weulh bo made upon the depet et Bur- bah been joined by considerebie reiufcrce- lington, and lîeving iucreasehtthe gamiscîsof etmnts alucethe action at Chiprewa, aeuh that the three forts et the moutb et the river teluih brought ever nearly tise wbote cf bis 1,554 effectives, lie rosumedhbi% retreet te- supplies fi-cm Lewiston, where leha bahccl- wardî the bead cf the lake with only S36O lecteh iauy boats, thus avoihing the noces. officers and mon of ail arma, wbile tbe sity et preaarvîng au unînterrupteci lina of Americens et Qmeestun were firiîmg minuta cenmunications witb Fort Eria. Recon- guns for their heah gouerel. The same day j iiitring tbe sene efternoen with tbirty Colonel Henry Scott ahvancedhf cm Burliug-I picked men, Captain Fitzgihbou obtainieh ton with six hundreh et the 1O3md, eviug au excellent view et bis elntiroe army spread thbe two boy-companies euh seine invali da ont in tube plein beoew, from the aumnmit of euh militia iu garnison thoraneuhjeineh Quoensten Heigbts. As hoe wetcbeh thoîr - Riali et thbe Tweuty Mile Creek, where the mevements, tueir touts ware struck, andh ums7ite(o fdtc enecam-pod up on t hle hi gbt-s. --tuleir rotiring comumua --filitèh the-roeds, The prospeit ut e succosatul hofeuca cf extendiji einc De Puisaye's bons' When hoe arrived lu the mouth of the1 but one eideriy man balted in the middle of river at daybreak uoxt morning, hi earned the road, and cooiiy surveyed thair move- that the situation had materially chaniged. ments until thay came within uausket-sbot, Cane rai Brown had retired to Chippewa, when he saluteil a party of Amoricen officers and Riait hed teken advantago of this fact riding in front, and rode 'rapidly efter bis to push forward this brigade of iigbt troops cuirpanions. llcy ftîuid tha iandiady uer- the night before, to seize the important vous, but communicative. She expressed lher strategic position near Niagara Fells coim-1 regret thet they bad net advauced with manding the juniction of Lundy's Lane with greater speed, as they rr igbt h ive easily the Portage Road, witb the inten-tion of captured the whole of hier late guests, euh snpporting it that morniug with the whole astimated Canerai Riall's force, which sba of bis division. At nigbtfail on the 224th, dascribed very circuinstautiaily, et double the disposition of the British forces was tfeictis actuai stiength. The soland uofîneny foliowing:-The First Brigade, Coloneli bugles was beard in and beyoud the woods, Henry Scott commaudiug, compsedof a de- euh Scott et once despatcbed a, staif-officer tachaient of the 19tb Light Drageons. baif Ilto demand reinforcements. The remaindar a hattelion of the 8th, and seven companies cf the American armny beiug elready under of the 1O3rd, with two 6-pound field-guns, arma, it was imrnediàtely put fil motion. lay et Twelva Mile Creek; the Second The exact streDgtb ot Brown's division at Brigade, Lieut. -Colonel 1-uoker, consist-i that date is difficuit te ascertain. Ha ad- ing of hait a battalion of the Royal mitted the lues of 320 officers and mnen in Scots, hait a battalion of tbe 8th, the the -action et Cbippawa, bu, it has beau seconîd bttalicîî of tIse 41st, and a wing stated te have beau consiherably greatar hy ut the iOtb, with a datacbment of Royal a trieodly writer. Forty or fitty more had Artiiiery iin charge of two 24-pound and twu been kilted or takeni in akirmishes since -,a 6-poundf fieid-pieces, occupied the îrouth of sin ail gerrison bed been tett as Fort Erie, the river, endh bcd just been joiued hy and e detacIîiecrýt sent to Schiosser. Ho lied Colonel Morrison witb bhis detecisment of been three weeks lu Canada, and hîs force the 89th; the Third, or Lighit Brigade, must bave been sumewhat reduced by the Lient. -COL. Pearson, wval3 îîade up of e troop disease euh fatigue incident toe acempaigu ot the I tl, Major Liste, the iigbt companies in the field. lits reguier regiments had of the Sth and 103rd, the Gleugarry Light been ceusidcrebly diminished by hesertioîî, lufautty, enduh te ncorporated Militia, an- nu lois than six deserters having coma into camped et Four Mile Creek; the Fourth the Britisth linos ini a single day, wbile the Brigade, Lieut. Col. Parry, consistiug ot militia hed prebebiy suflered in e stili larg- tbree battalions. of embodied militia, eud a or degree from the saine ceuse,.1He distinct bodly of Tndis.ns, formed the right wiug of ly stated tîset the w!hole ot bis Indiens bah the British hune, stretching along the Tweive left bim. Mile Creek as fer as I)eCew's Fells, wbiie (TO BE CONI'fNU D.) the flank euh four battalion companies of the____________ Royal Tcuts, and fourbattolions ot eiboed DIKiSu SY PT TCWI. miitie, 'm ith three 13peuders and a b-wlt. IKN'II-YP.IITCWIE zer were bel if reserve un uer Lielît.-Coi. ic ' ol Feet. Johin Cordon. This seemrs e formidable force on peper, but thec Royals, Svh, and lOtb, Mr. Wyhert Reeve, in its reminiscences were more akeleton hettalions. The latter of the stage, describes on tbe aurhority of couid nauster but une captein, tbree subel. Witkie Collina a scene et Judge Teltourd's, tomns an12,50 effective meu, whiie the others l in wbich Dickens played e part. It was a were very little trouger. Thc militia regi- dînuar paerty, et whlcb most cf the leeding menti were weak in îîtmbars, euh mîserabiy representetives cf literature and art 'aere armoh end equipped. preseut. The conversation tumneh on On te eeain ofthe 3rdthe hol ofDickens' lest bock. Some of the cherecters On te eeuig c the23r th wh i fwere bigbly praised. Mns. Dickens joinaed Ganerai Brown's army once more eiseamped iu-tliec-onvrernitionendtsaid secul e in tir pa:_b n-tro-s efautnderstand htpolcuIseifhs Cipwbut a battelion cf rifiemen end a wîtpul oihseiili Chgippawa, Iiawrestl psedo writiugs to taîk 50 much about theni. The regiautcf itttiewerestii pste Onface of Dickens botrayed bis feelings. Again Lewiston Heigbits, ha.ving their piokets ad- the book wes ref erred to, and e lady present vauceed as far as Yoad now. T ev rn-seid she woudereh wben and how mnany cipal magazine cf supplies hdhwvr strauge thonglîts came loto bis head. "iOh, -" been reinoved teSclosser. eptîcci Dickens, "I hon't know. Tbey At mihnigbt Colonel Pearson receiveh comeaet old times; sometimos ini the nigbt, orders to, advauca with bis brig-ade, number- wben 1 jump ont cf bed and joetbem dowu, ing about 800 cf ail ranks, and by soven for feer I should have lest theni by the 'clock on the morning cf the 25tbholie h moruîng."IlIlThet is truc," said Mrs. Dick- takan possession ot the b'gb grou-nd et ens. 'II have reason to know lt-jumping Lundy's Lana witbout eucouîî tering the ont cf beh and getting lu again, wlth hiii sigbtest opposition. At the samne timo feet as cold as a tonle."I Dickens teft ttîe instructions bail been issued te Colonel table, euh wes etterwerhs found sittiug lu Scoîtt te move upon the saine point tromn a sinall room off the bll-alant euh alune. Twelve Mite Creak et three iii the înorning, but these ordens wore snbsequentty courit- ermauded, and lits brigade remained in The Best Bunshine. their quartera uantil atternoon. lu the courses Aitaunshîne is -daligbtft. but the hast cf Of tue mornig 1tlrruhe forwad, accom-- ail kinda is sunahine in thse home tlie suni- peuieh oniy by Lieut. -Col. Drummnonh and shine cf a loving, cheertut spirit. Better For Sorofula "rýAfter suflering for aoout twenty-five yearg roin scrofulous sores on the legs and arins, tryiiig various medicl courses ssithout benefit, 1 began to0iuse Ae's Sarsaparila. and a ivonderful curewasythe rsut. Fve' battie. suffi ed to restore me toabealth."--Bo4~facia Lopez, 327E. Coir.iriericc at e Sain 'ntQWnl Catarrh "Mlýydaugbhter was affl icted for nearly iyeaz hvi aarh. The physicians heing tabli he!p ber, my ipastor recommended Ayers Sarsaparilla. Ifollowed bis advice. Three n-ts of regiilar treatinent with Ayer's Sarsaparilla and Ayer's Pis coinpletelY -ydaghter's health."-Mrs. L-uisc Riele, L le Caaiada, Ware, Mas, " For several years, I was troubled w1thk inflammatory rheumatism, being so bad at times as to be entirely belpless. For tbe lest- two years. wbhenever 1 feit tbe effects of thtC disease, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and bave not bad a spel1 for a long time. - E. T. Hansbrougli, Ell Run, Va., For ail blood 4-îl8eames, the beSt rerneCIl, ý Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lovell1 Mass. Sold by aIl Druggists, ri'ce $i; six botties, $5j. Cures Ot>z~r3, -ii l 'o YOU -12 ORE POUND lfcvl-1G A Day. A GAIN 0F A POUNI) A DAY IN THE CA qE 0F A MAN Wil AS BECOME "ALL RUN DON," 'AND RAS EGUN TO TAKË II THT EMRABLE FLaSH I ODUCF-, FPU iCOD'LIVER CIL WITH SHypophosphites of Lime & Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. TIIIS FEAT -IIAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER i AGAIN. AA-4BRA IK F- 5DORSED BY PHYSICIANL. SCOTT'S IMULSION IS PUT UP ONIVX 11 SALMON

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