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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1892, p. 8

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BAY 0F QUINTE CONFER. ENCE. The following are the Conferencý officers for the ensuing year: 1ev, E. Raberts, President; 1ev. E. N. Baker, B. A., B. D., Sec- retary; Rev. W. R. Young,,B. A., Secratary of (ormttee. Bownianville Distrit,--Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, chairman; Rev. R. McCullough, financial secretarS. Cobourg Disabrit,-Rev. E. RLoberts, chairman; IRev. D. Balfour, fluancial sec- retary. 1ev. A. J. H. Strika is the junior ininister on Tyrone circuit. The report of the atWtistical committee shows a memnberahip of -30,486-an in- crcase of 30. Aimountaaised for Mission. ary Society, $23,411.11, an increase of $637-50. The W. M. Society bas raieed $3,949,40, an increaseof$1, 042 68. The Union Church and Relief Fund, $525; (4eneral Conference Fund, $713; Con- tingent Fund, $625;the Educational Fand $1,785; Sustentation Fund, $496, and Sunday-school Aid Fund, $3l57; total for ail purposep, $94,000. The total amount of deficiencte in salaries in the Confer. ence is $700, and about $500 have been- distributed amiong those deficient ini their stipend. The next Conferance will be held in Oshawa. Miss Syks, Oâhawa, is visiting Mr. at J. J. Gîbson's. . .. The niany friends are glad to see Dr. J. B. Brown, wife aud son, Arkona. who are Bpendir.g a portion of their vacation here ... . The new tol. gate tartedl north of hore to collect tol frorn foreign peddlers is working well. Ten cents bas aready been collected f rom au imported Russiau .... The congrega- tions of thePresbyteranchurches ofCart- wright aud Darlington have finally ex- tended a calilu the 1ev. Mrr. Falen; the ycung man who bas fitd ce puipit here so acceptably tho lait two Sabbaths in May and the ir8t in Juoe. His naine was incorrectly roported ]ast week. May he accept the invitationi as every one is desirous lu again see a good Pastor in charge hors .... The) Rev R. Sanderson preached an excellunt sermon bore on Sunday night which will probabiy be the lasat ime we wilt have tho privilege of hearing him for a good while, as ho re' inoves tý Wilton next week. YLiOs r. aûnd Mie aS.-iucli,-Tyrone;- Mr. and Mra. Geoge Dowvsou, Scugog Isiand; Mr. and Mrs. Che ries Alun, Newcantle; Mr@. Richard Fuater and Master Richard, Bowmanville ...Mr. Fred blar and Miss Ida Allun viited friends at Whitby lasI ..... .... Miess Millie Osuorne ent;_rtained ber Suinday school casas on Fridsy aflernooa. They had a pleasant tinte; and before Ileaving presented ber with a liand3ome bcb!e in appreciation of her serice3 as teache r.. The ladies uf the church inteu.d g;vitig a grand Strawherry Social at Mr. John El- ford'a in a few weeks iusteadl of the anni- versary. In the aftern ýor a gamne uf base hall belween the "Queen's 0cm', and the 'Growlers" will bc plaiyed.. Mr. John Souchbhought a Hereford buti from Mr. R. J. Mackie. .... ,The P. of 1. are addinig 10 their members . .. .Messrq. J. L. Somers ard E. W. Smale will write for second and third chas certificates re. spectivei-y at the cocing departmenlal examsualrs.s... .Mr. John Yelluowlees of the Qa OU played 2nd base for Newton- ville duing excell ont work, ..- The siuging by the choir wea exceptionally good Sun- day evez ig e i bcg the 1ev. L Pholp's farewel sernion. During the tbrea years ho blas been amcqJý us hb as worked Most faithfully nearly c.-,A ûeeoUîigaàlarge congregation. Sorry to lose him- ..On Monday there will bc a bec 10 shiugle snd fonce the shed which was recently movEd ba...... ,Mr. W. J. Brsgg bad sheep chaaed and severely iton and torn by doge a short ime ago. Prowling dogs and bounda shr'uld ho shol. Last Salurday Pftomnooci the "Leeches" of Oshawa played a gamne of Base Ball witb our team of "Athietes. " There was lots uf guod playing on botb aides, one espocially good double play beiug made by Mr. Charlea McCluug out he home teani At tie close of the fçurh innirig the zcorE stood 9 lu 4 in favur uf cor boys. Ther tho visitors changed their battery and put Stapleton in te pitchera hboxr Hi: swif t halls somowbat raltled our hoys ané the Leeches hegan ta crawl up in th( score. Stili our boys are noted for Iho:i pluck and by superior playing tbey kep; abead of the viitors and closed the gair wilh a record of 12 roua bo 10 wth an in nng lu spare. Pat Powers and Bihl Wlcox did somes excellent work as hat tery whilewashes were frequent occurenc es. MORTGAGE SALE VALUABLE PROPERTY IN TE TOWNSHIIP 0F DARLINGION Under and by virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgaze wlich will be produced at the tîmeo f sale, there will be offéed for sale by Public Auction on SATURDAY, 181h day uf JUNE, 1892, aI the houm of twelve oclocle noan, at the BE NNETT HOUSE, IN THE TOWN 0F BOWMAN VILLE, by LEVI A. TOLE. Auclioneer, the followiug properly. namely: AU and Singular Ihat certain parcel or tract of land and promises situate lying and being ln the Township of- Darlington. lu che County of Durham, cotaning TWO HUNDRED ACRtES, more or bass, and being composed of lot numbor seveuteen. tn the mi Concession of the said Township of Darlington. On ti property whici la sltuated about 3 miles f rom tie Village of Euniskillen. there are: Frame barn.105 fot by 30 tet wiîi stone cellar, 30 f eet bv 20 fot ; frame stable and driving shed, 50 fot by 28 fot; frame stablc (No. 2). 18 fot by 36 fot: also two framc houses respectively 20 fot by 32. and 26 feet by 0,fot stone cller under boti bouses. Thre are in the neighborhood of 120 frut trees on the promises. Terme mad e known, t ime of sale, or on application tu tue undersigned, For frther part4culars and other conditions 0f sale. apply to0 MULOCK, MILLER, G.IOWTHER & MONTGOMERY, Vondors Solîcctora, 90 King treet East, Toronto D..ted May l6tl,1892. 22-2w. CLARKE UNION. Mr. Chas .Soucb bas boom visiling trienda in Kendall. . Mr. Walter Cobbledick in ro- sbingling bis barn.. . .Miess Ida Souch bas boom viiting f riendsata Maple Grove... Mr. Fred Rumdle lias had Mica Roohng put on bis building instead ut aingles. - .Mr. Aaron Davis bas cul dowu the sasde Irees around bis houso ... Gou. Luek bas gone lu the North-wesl and bas laken a team ut borses witb him. Mr. Wmi. Laing bas puchased the tsrm iately owned by im .. . .Messrs. S. Hicks and L. Fox vitited friends in Bowmamville rc- cenîiy. DANGOEBous SummER CompLiNrs.- Crampa 1, dysentory, choiera morbus, diar- rbea, and, irsdeed, al huwel complants,, require quick relief, or the eut may ibeý serions. At Ibis soasun Ihese troubles are commun, and mu tamniiy should ho, wibhoul a supply ot PEsUcy DAvis' PAlM-, KiiLER, a sate, sure and speedy cure, forý was discuvered mamy yoara agu, and lime ý bas proved ils excellence. Evemy reput-ý able diuggist keeps il on hand, and eacb botl i wrapped wllh fuit dîrections.ý 25c. New Big Botîle. B URRE TON. On Sunday Jue 191h 11ev. Rural Dean Cieghton, B. D.. utfJlackstock, will peacb at 2.3" 1v R. MoCul- lough, utf ampln, at 6.3. Muic.silI ho furnsbhy lc tc hir in the aflernoon adEnn ille. choir lu the evening. A collection ai each service in aid of the Sabbath Sebool. On Monday Jue 2Och theme will ho a free picnic. LAil the ftrienda ut the school are re quesîed lu bring baskets. Thero will ho a f oot. h all match between Raglatn and Burkelun commoncîng at 4 o'clock. In the eveuing Ibere will ho given a grand concert hy .home and fomigu talent. Chair bu hol .laken at 8 oclock. A grand lime may ho .expected. Admission iSola. Cbiidreis ,nul members ou t îe ahool 1lOds. ERIcH. SLEMON, SOpt. rC. C. RiclHAItUS & Co. Gens,-I sprainod my leg so hadiy that 1 had lu ho driven home iu a carrnage. 1 1immediaîely applied MINARD'S LINI- MENT feely sud in 48 bouma could use Émy ieg again as well as§ ever. 'j JOSHuA WYNUGucT. Bridgewater, N. S. 1nStsîi'Scig usi Imm a aboîllo utfMNARD'S LINI. MENT." .NE WTOIV VILLE. While Mr. James MaCullougi aud tam. ily womo at the piculo Tuesday theives broko intoIhe bouse aud stolo a lot ut valuabie wearing apparel, a smal um uti momey, a revolver, a quamity ut provia-i ions Tbey bave suspicion of the parties ..Mn. W. P. Ricit is hssy polliug up wire fonce .. . .1ev. S. T. Bartiett, Lake- field, preacbed in the Meîhodistciturcit Jue 5th,.... .The aunual les in conecl. ion with lte Ladies' Aid ufthbbcMthod ist cbumcb was a succoas. Proceeda $60.. .Mrs. Choale ut Perrytowcs la vîiqing hiem sister Mme. Jacobs.. . .X. Wegiey Morgan ut Toronto is visillng bis motter ..Mns. Hoppinga uf Cohourg bas boom visiting at the Methodiat Parsonage.... Cropa lok excellent iu Ibis toc lity. SÂNiDWIH.-.SUts,-For fiva yeams 1 suflored fromn lumbago sud couid gel ro mlet untl I sed liagyarda Yeliow Ouj, auci mual ,,, I find no boîter remnedy for KIRB Y. Mr. Edward Bici *sd Mr. Isaac E. Chapman loft tfon Manitoba on Tuesday 14tb lint .... .Kirby Epwortb League in- tend visiting Pontypool League... .Mrs. Andy Morrow bas boom iu pour beatti lately .... .Mr. H. A., Qaîwood, ut Oiono, vii;itod bore ou Sonday wek.. . .Mes. Arnold, ut Essex Centre, bas been vcsit- ing bier tather Mn. D. M. Billinki. ... Mr. R. S. Fralick pneacbed lu the Meitîdist churccit bre Suuday wek .... .Miss Berlie Cohbledick bas heon visiting tienda in Pont IHope... Mg. I T. Citaponan sas vlsiting bier father Mr. R. R. l?îorulou, Harley, Ont ... . Mn. J. W. Citapmau sud wife were vsillcg aI Mr. Jas. Morrow's, Bowmauçille, Sonday week .... .Mr. sud MINr. Titos. King ut Maiposa have boom visiîing fiends in Ibis section ... . Anut or isurpr"ise sud pesouaion was made Mn. C0. J. Thomnonu a tow evoninga before ho moved lu Orono by bis Entier- prise tionda for bis many kindly adis as a uigihor. Mn. F. J. Joliow, tesoher, read te addnoss aud Mn. William Allen made lte pmsentation ot s besutifol easy chair... .MiEszs Wâmuau sud Anus Chap- man have heea ick... .The Misses Bow- on visitod ftieuda aI ýWbitby lasI week.. .Mr. Thou. Heudenson blobis tamious littlo driver 'Noll" lait we. ..rR. Brown bas a itorse very ick with lock- jaw sud Jus. Brown a colt 'cit a hrol<em ieg. .....Messrs. H. L. Powers sud Rich-' ard Brown wene in attendance aI lite Bay ut Quinte Ijouference at Port ffope lasI woek and report a very enjoyable lime.. ..Mr. R. S. Fnalick bas boom assigued lu te Norland circuit ear Cuhoconk. The beut wiahes ut bis înany frieuda bore wili go with hlm lttis bis final fleld cf labor in bis cboaen profession. Ho bas bought a handeome driver from Mn. O. A. Gamsy ... . Mns. Andrew Keruf Asihumu àisiiing her parents Mn. sud Mmi. Tyemmau sud otiter triend ... .Mr. FFred. Riddle sapa ho ciipped a fieec3 uf wool trom une utf Mr. Titos. Thorulon'a esheep wighing 18 lba. Nexî.. .Mr. Wmn. tTitomulon bas puchased a vemy fine Mik- ado carniage from Mr. R. Foster, Orono. NEWS ABîOT TowN.-Il i5 lte cornent report about towu Ibat, Kemp's Balsami for lte Titrual sud Longs is making anme remarkable cures wilh peuple wbo are troubled witb Cougits, Sure Titroat, Asîli- mna, Bronciitis sud Consomption. Amy dmuggisl witl givo von s trial botîle free of cost. Il la guaranleedt letoyansd cure. Tite Largo Bottes are 50c. sud $1. Ladies, don'b forget tat we guanantoo unr cbldren'sansd ladies Black Cotton Hose lu ho absoiuteiy tainles3, fast washing black sud nul bu lura green. You migitl as weli tmp a pair ofthIem. Jno. J. Mason. Msm.IONEY & MoMURTRV ave puce the Counnly of Durham for the beal Wire Fonce in Ibis Country. IL is alo l aiy bandled and ornamenlal. tl wilInuo be injured by suuw, heat, coid or wnds. Il will tum Eor,3ea, CaIlle, Sboop, HoLys, Dogs andi Poulîry. IL is a, net wurk wlîbout barba, and will nul in- jure stock in amy way. IL is much slmun- or and mure durable Ihan auîy barb fenc-, ing, being cloei woveu. Fonce put up sud Farci and Township rigbîa for sale. Apply at CENTRItL LIVE- ity, Buwmanvilie. W. P. RICU1, (Yarke P. O , buugbî Clarke Towship, la propared lu put up fonce, DREADFUL_ PSORIASIS Covenlng Entire Body wftix Whlte Scalos. Suffeing Fearful. Cured by Cuticura. Mvdisese (psoriasis) frsi broke out on my loft ches, spnoîidicg acrosa my noie, and aimost 00v. ering n'y face. h rau loto n'y eyes, snd lice physician was afratd 1 wouid ose cny eyesight altogothen. Il sprnd ail oven n'y hoad, and n'y hi r ail fell ont, untl 1 i as eirely baid'isaded; il ihen bkeouot on my arma and obulders, until n'y arma were jt oeoe . Il covered cey eire body, n'y face, heid, ad shoulders being tih e rs. ý Te white scaba f eI conslantly frm ny lcad, shouidens, and ame; lhe ein 'sould lhickcn ad b' ced and very îdchy, ad would crack and bletti if cralched. After spending mny hudreds of dollars, 1okucdicrbe ho rdof tho UCu"rt-TR EYrDiEs, and aflen using lwo botties CuTIdUitA SLVN, UdSOa change; and after I hati takeon four botiies, 1 was ffmot cured; and wvien I bad used six bottle, of CXITîColA RESOLvENT, one box of CsjrîCUîA, and 0one cakeocf CuTiduRA SA,1ws ue fthe dreadfuidisease froin w-hiei 1 had suffened for five eam. 1 annot epes t e ht1suffereti Ifeci l n'yduty le ecommend Ilion. My bain ta rostored as goot as oven, sud se le mveyosighl. Mas. ROSA KELLY, PRockwol Oi&Y, levas. Cuticura Resolvent Tie new Blood Purifier, interually (le lea118e the blood cf ail impunitios sud poisoucuselements), and CUTIOsRA, lie gret Skia Cure, aud Ouirous Som,, au exqulslte Skmn Beautifien, oxtennaiiy (tu dlean lhe akin sud scalp sud restora the bain>, havaý cured thousandla cf cases 'cure thce sbodding Of scales moasuneti a quart daliy, the alun cnacked, bleeding, bunning, sud ilching almost beyond endurance, bain lifeeis or ail gene, îufferlrcg terri- ble. Wial cther remedtes have matie sach dunes? Soit eveywene. Prie, CUTîCrulA, 75C.; SuAP, MC.; 'REsoaVxîc, $I50Prepared by tic PurrEa. DaRuo ANDS CazaticL CORpoRATION, Boston. : W rSenti for 44Hoin lu Cure 8kin Diseaies,» lU pages, 50 illiustrations, sud 100 testimoniale. alPLES, hîscluheads, et, rougi, cape,aud. Ir 18 oilyelducureS by Cti'mIui5 suÂre IT TOS KEPAtI jakahe ig ans ekns, OBRA WA. (Frum our own Correspondent,) Mr. S. S. Larke, ot Ottawva, was hume. riîh bis faxniiy last week ... . Cul. Doua- van visilad No. 3 company, 35th hattal- ion lasu Monday evoning...,. Two baud- wagon loada ufthlie S. O. E. B. S. ut this :own drove lu Wbithy sud attended divine service with the Wbitby broîbren last Sunday .... Rhuhamb seema 10 o checum- ing a, very acceptable suhatitute for applos in the culiuary department aI Ibis soasun ut the yoar. No doubt ou account ut the higit prizes demauded for good applea.. ..The damage dune by the tire in Mr. C. H. Cryadalea store amounla lu $1500 aud is t oily covered by iusurance ... A nom- ber trom Ibis place atlended lthe aumiven- sary services at Zion Iat week.... .Mr. Geo. Thomas 1-1 miles ncrth of bore bas a field ut mye 5 foot bigh.. . .No. 3 com- pany is busy making preprationa for going lu camp ou Toeaday. . .. Prof. Canton bas opened a brancb ufthe Quean City Acad- lmy, iu Wbilhy, and was up last week addressitig the popils ufthIe Coliegiate .Çutitute .. .. Messrs. Menagh & Kennedy bave placed a bandaumne founlain with mirrur front iu Ibeir store.... .A couple of musiciaus slmuck town lasI week and regaied each merchant with lte same tune .. . .The Crusadera have boom con. ductioci cceeticngslbora tbmuughout the paat'.week.. .. Somte outhIe clerka are tbiug about treating a certain merchant whowxill mot givo bis cierka a hait -holid ay on Wednesdaya, te a dose ut ovor ripe egga. . . .Mrs. S. Luke, Highland Cneok, is visiling relatives hoe.. . .Mm. Cbad- burn'aboras rau away sat week sud de- molighed bis new carrnage. . .. Mro. John James who u bhean qoite sick for tomie weeko iea able tu go out aeain for au oc- casioual drive.,... Mosans. D. Cinnamo)n and T. Millor were aI Myrtla and Raglan on Sunday. Mm. Cinnamon took 11ev. Mr. Scott's work iu bis absence aI cou- foieuce. -..Mra. 3. Nuttsud daughtem, Welcomo, are visiling frs. G. L. Noîl.. - Mmi. S. May kas reîummed from bier visit to Toronto,.. . %Ir. sud Mna. Dean- borne, uf Hudsonviikt, Midi., are visiting Ibeir daugitter, Mc.. Jas. W. Provan...* Mn. Jas. Moome, of Brooktim, ila ecling a bandaume I1I- sturey bouse for bis ten- sut, Mr. Wm. Forzey, sI ut Mitchell's Corners. Miss Bortie Drew, wbo bas boom laking a musical course aI the Ou- tario Ladies' Collego, Wbitby, bas caised a succestul ex,-rninalion.. .. Miss, Grace Dingle, a former pupil uf Oshawa 111gb Scbool, bas succe3tfuily ragsed all ber firat ycar wo -k-ln Tronto eiv iy taking final tisahonore im Eugiish and Germai), aud second clasa honora in French sud Ilaliau. . .. Mr. Wrn Jewfll fell down atairs and brok twIcriba whi!e atlenditig couferenco in Port Hope. FARM STOCK WANTED. Persona havirtr fat caîcle, mîlcli cowe, sheep, lamits, v al calvea, bogsanaîd pool- try of any kbiid are ri quested lu sea or aenud word lu mne aI my esideuca sud I wilil cal. on themn. Or address S. H. BEY. NOLDS, if by mail, Box 1, Bowmaoiville. ASK TEFOR MANUFAOTUI5ED DV The E.T.CORSET COMPANY. INothing can be mnore gratifying than the suciess we have had with our line of Watchspriug Corsets. Since introducing them into Bow- manville we have had larger sales in this line than in anvother make we ever sold. The reason of this is that they are the Most Dur-able, Most Comfortable. Most Economical. Ai we ask for them is a trial. Also ask to see our B. B. Corset at,75 cents. We are now ishowinzo a b3autifu' .iange in the following li nos Art Mualime, Lace Curlains, -Wool Delains, (25c. yd.) Ar tesian Bedford Corda, Bombay and Shaker Flaumela,l Teaget Cloîba, German Printe, Perrin, Freres & Cie Kid Gloves, Stainlesi Taffeta Otovea, Pore Silk Gluvea, Pure Silk Mille, Gentlemen's Neckwcar, Ladies sud Genti Underweai Black Stainle3s, lHose. Special value in'plain and fane Black Goc ds. JNUJ. MASON'S DRY G.OODS sud JEWELRY RO U 81 Reasns fortheWondlerful Succoe of 1+00d's Sarsaparila, the MAost Popular and Most Extensively Sold Mediine in America. *Hood *s arsaparilla possesses great. Imedicical nment, which it positively demonstrate&,when fairly tried. It is mca-t economnical, being the oniy mecidcine of which "100 Doses One D.ý9iar" can truly be said. 3Il is prepm~ed by a Combinaion, ~Prportion anîd Process Peculiar lu Its,,lf, unkno-in to other preparations, and by whici aAl îue medicinal value of the various ingredients is secured. 4 teffects remnarkabie cures wbere 4other medicines have utterly faiied lu do accy good whateer. rIt is a modera medicine, originated by experienceil pharmacists, and stilI carefuliy prepareil under their per- sonal supervision. 6 It is clean, dlean and beautiful in '1appearance, .peasant to take, and always of equai strcngth. 7Il as provexl ùscf 10 be positively teb est remiedy for scrofula and al tbal tired feeling, loss of appetite and goneral debility. oIl is unequalleil for curîng- dyspepsia, 8 sickheadache, biiiousness, catarrb, rbeumatism and l al diseases of the kid- neys andl liver. It bas a :goo !anme at home, there 9being nord of ' Hood's Sarsaparilla sold ini Lowli,. i s-..-wvlere it is made, than of ail ot1kr asaparillas and blood purîfiers co Its adxvrtîsing is unique, original, 10 onest, andtooughly hacked up by the medicine itseîf. A Point for You. If you want a biood purifier or stengtiening medccîne, you sbould gel the best. A& b 'r iioods Sarsapamilla, and insist uipon li v. ' it. Do nul let any angumc.i :,,,sion influence you to buy wý'; ý .o fot want. Be sure lu gel th ýii i inedicine, Sodb d rugists î; ixfor $5.reparedonly by, T. 11001)re 4LCO..iMass. 100 '~ Dollar <Condoscsed fïom the Net".) BNZR Miss Nellie Couper bas been visiîiug As usual lte Sabbaîb Scitoot amniver- trieuda lu Newtonville .... Mna. J. L. sary was an immense success, lte proceeda Rowe bas mturned trom a vîsit with resciting welt Op te $150. The Suuday Bowmanv1lie triend ... . Mmi. A. W. services, tavored with glonioua weather, Gamabyhas relumnod tlulber hume in were lamgely atlended. 113v. R. T. Courý New York. . .. Mm. S. S. Edsti, Bowman- lice ut Clarke preached excellent sermons ville, was in tosan ]sat week .... ,Mr. Dick mýoring and eveniug sud Rev. J. W. An. Martin is home .. . .Mr. John Miller, or., is, B. A., B. D., of Chatham, sîso de. is able lu ho out again... Mn. and Mrs. iivered a capital discourse in lte afýlernoco- Thos. Wilson sud danght3m, Perrytuwm, The inging by lte choir asc1hïars Týý visited aI Mr. J. G. Huney's Sunday very goud. '1'he acholara were trainod in wee...... Miss Mary Dumaford, ]3owmam- singing b'Mm. Robert Courtice and Mise. ville, in- visiting ber nsalr Mmi. James Lîllleîobms. On MumdayR1ev, J. Liddy, Hallett wbu in il . . .. Mmi. Jas. B. Moat lte worlty pastai, 'preaided over ant exa- bas returned tlulber home in Toronto.... ceedingly long but superior and very lu- Mr. Wes'ley'Glinney, 'Pontypool,, spent lerealingprogram. Among the recitens Sunday week aI Mr. R. Stut t's.... Mr$. whu did weit wene Hallie Osborne, Mag- Samuel Cowauis visitiug hon daughter, gie Brown, Viola Rundle, Arthur Saltor, Mmi. Jus. Henry. . .. Mrs. Jesse Henry, May Mitchelt, Herbent Osborne, Ethal Jugersuil, la visîlimg bier muther Mrs. Osborne, EÇthel Gay, Ella Everson, Lottie Jouas Gamsy... .Mr. Thoo, Banson RcadRy îdEdeWurdeu. epent a couple ut daya lu Manvera lait There wereseveral dialogues but we did mot, week .... Mr. John Milîson bas muved in. gel the namesoutthe mombens. Tite cm- lu the residence ut Mmi. Ajdrus. .... Mr. mitîee hsying charge ufthIis part of the sud Mra. Eldon Ga-nshy bave boom visil. pogram was Moisas S. Everion, A. J. iug lier faîhen, Mr. Armstroug, Stouif- Courtice, R. E. Osborne, and Misses Ada ville .. . .Mr. sud Mmi. 1R, Stutt atonded Osborne, Emily Coumîcca sud Florence lb. Moîbodial Confereuce in Port Hope Couumice. Short speeches wore aiso made ...Mr. James Gilfillan, Bowmanviile, hy 11ev. W. J. Jolîifoe, B. C. L., Osaa, preacbed lunlte Christian churcit Sunday aud 11ev. R. T. Courtice. The les was morning ....- Mr. John Squair, Toronto uP lu tbe usual standard for titis, place University, visited bis tathor Mr. F. wbicit is s guarauteo for excellence. Two Squair recetliy .... Mn. Chartes MoLean, ufthlie busy mon were Mofsans. Jas. Cour. geneal aent or oxonBras, lners litce and Jebez Littej obus, ticket sellera. and wife were visiling aI Reeve Under-SI'athall in lu ge ite draina, A oal wood'a rocetliy.. .. Mr. James Leigh tefttSi' alt e h ria ASca iasa week tor hie home ini Yictoi, B C. Glais," presenled hythie Royal Templama" The Clarke Orange coesbration wit* h Dramatic Club ot Bowmianville. It gave heid in Newcastle titis year......Mr. sud greal satisfaction. The finances ufthlie Mrs. Wm. Vamtono, Whitby, sud Mr. scitol1 are in a gond sitape, The balancýe Phi]. Allin wbo recemlly returned from in lte treasmry lasa year was $171.81. Rainy River have been viaitimg aI Mr. Receipla for lte year $146,30. Diaburse- Win. Boddy's .... .Mr. Wmn. Armstrung monts $1i51.10. Balance in baud $167.- viiled Gardenhili Council R.T. ut T. laI 01, ta which are lu ho added lte proceeda week. . .. Tite esidence ut Mn. John uft tiis auuîversary wbich wîll miake about Milison was burned Tbursday week. Tite $300 lualite gocd. -fire brigade were prompîly on baud but owing lu insufficient walor supp1 lte...... building waa deslmoyed.. MuaIst ite ýfr-LIAIOBA ilore was Eaved. Cause utf re un- know . . . .The tuerai ut Bcîssie Clark-flHô! .Fô M N TO A 3son, meiof thbie laIe John Jackson, look place lait Tuesday lu Orono cemetomy sud Do o wish to learsî aot Mantoba andt was largely alteuded. Iunlthe deali th f 0 u thse âofth- West? Mrs. Jackson Ibis village loses an oid es- teemed esident. Site bas lived in sud IF S0, SUBSCRIBE FOR around Orn n over forty yeanî sud was a litelong member utflte Moîbodial citurcit. 6 'THE JNI OB Site waa 70 yoars ut age. Thte fumeralI services wore conducled iby 11ev. G, A large 48 page monlbly magazine wiîh Brown.a bandaumo antique cuver printed on-lte Bmoasu.boit book paper, with numeroosi illustra- - --- - - ~tions. .1 E (29 Y.ersÉratie in Euroep andA4merica.) SERVICES ' ARE A safaf of ominent Amenican Piysicians sud Songeons have openoti an office for medical sud sungical attendauco. aI No. 2303 SIt Catherine Street,, iotroai. Tiey givo free services to ail io caîl upon them before Augual lat. 1892. sud fankly 1e1l you If your case la curable or nul. Ail incurable cases are rejecled. Special attention la paid 10 evemyc case. Invalida living outade of Mouleal,, should address their lettons to Mr. JOHN MURRAY, Manager, sud inciose two 3 cent Stampi for symptom blank sud question iheols. SALE Sm EN To sl Our tuexcel'otiNumory Stock. Seidy employmeiI cul couliol of te rnitory. Have doue buaIneis lu Ca-ala '5 yeînio. liberal psy lotie rgblmon. Semd fo- lammi, CRASE BROTHERS Co., Colbomne. Ont. Il conaine hisoic sud imleresliug malter relaling lu Manitoba sudlteý Norlth-West sud will interoîl pou. Tnp il. Subacriplions, $1,0per year, Puhlisbed by lthe MANITOBAN PUB. LIS HING CO. ,186 James St., Winnipeg, Man., J. A. OsiuBoniE, Editor. 13t. Notice to Farmersq, I am preparod la do ail chopplng at five cents Pr bax. I bave also Put ln now mach.. inery for grindlug corn and cob. wvhich I 'alI gind at lhe same prico. Your,3 Rospectfully A. S, TOOLEY, Tcolov's XMills, Darlinglon. Coirtice. Dec. 1 18DI. 1-f BEES' HIVESIANO SMOKERS. 80 colonies of bees ad a large number o, ompty hives will bo old cioap. .lso aquan.- t ty cof comb fcnndatiom frsale. 22-4w. J~.M N IG J . HIQGINBTHA&SON, SPON GES Have just received a fine lot of sponges, from a 2c. siate to the finest bath. ]PERFUM ERY Ail the latest and best odors in bulk at, a very low price. SOAPS A large supply on hand of Babys Own- and Pure White Glycerine, 3 large cakes of Glycerine Soap for 25cý Try our Bath Soap at 10 ots.1 ilair Brushes, Combs, Tooth and Nail Brushes and a com-- plete stock of Toilet Articles. Having got settled 'in my New ShÈop. in the BEAVER BLOCK, next door east of Murdoch's, and having complet- ed my Spring Stock of -3oots and Shoes of ail grades and sizes, I wish al My old customers and many ne w ones to- give me a caîl and inspect my fine new stock. 1 1

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