r -. ..~a r TERBMB :-S1.bOW Pla à2tAuai OUR TOW14 ÂND OOUNTY FIRST: THIE WORLD ÂPTERWÂRDS. M. Â JÀMES EDITOR ÂND PROPRIETOR, NxwSRIS BOWMANVIUIE, ONTÂRJO, WEDNESDÂY JIJNE 22, 1892. VOLUME XXXVIII. NUMBER 2 s' i. Buy Goods which are NE!IB Aindyou can make sure of doing that by buying your Dry Goods at r'hniinu JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN MBuuuII Their Dress Goods are new Their Parasols are ail new Their Prints and Sateens are new Their Hoisery 'and Gloves are new Their Lace Ylouncings are new Their Embrôideries are new -A- 3Sf ID lu- faot they are showing the flnest stock of strioctlyý NEW goods t be f'ouncl in these counties., OOJCJOHNSTON & ORYDERMAN, Eawmanvihic, Jue 6, 1892. One Doar West of Pest Office. i WILL LASTA LIFE TIME. ce &.- C) naIl CD ~CD MANNER 0F APPLYING TEE PEDLAR METAL SHINGLE. A. Few Points Relating to Sheet Steel or Iron Roofing, Siding andi Ceiling. nRDINARY BLACK SUREET IRON, PAINTED, fiAS BREN UBED FOR 'JRaafin-a purpasea, in bath Europe sud Ainenica, for more flan s Century pasf, sud by practicai testesud companisous uit h (Aber roofiug nafeniialise a pravan itseaf fa hale ha st for ail ganarai purposas, niera peniect protection fron thfI elaru ente, conbiuad nifli dursbility sud econoniy, ana canafll oiInauideved. A nan ara is3 noir apaned inl Iran Roafing, hi' fIe use ai a fine quality ai aheat Iroand uhfe application af uer snd improved davicas for faafauing fie sheete. Tic enarnnaus qusntity ai iran fiat lise beau usad for Raofing purposas duning fIe basf biaif aifie present dccanre evincea fie higl regard withi hciti loebd upan hy the ganaval public. Tlay 'have earnad fIatGaor alheat Iran ai enifable naigît or thicines ibI, If praperby laid and taien cane ai, give nana safisiactory reaulfe flian auj other roafing anatanial. If icfIee oast practicai, if le fie most ecanomical, Pud le detiued ta driva frani fie market, Tin, Bhinglaut, Slate sud Tules. Wc will sy, for fhe infonniatioan aithase nia areno'atfailiar nifli fie asting qualifies af iran raofiug, fiat fiera are non lu existence in msny citien sud tons tinaugiaout tua country iran roofs, lu excellant tata ai prasarvafinu, t lat neye laid bat wecsri 20 sad 50 jeane aga, sud hava land no repaire macla opon tien eiuce,axcept havira. .peencared for hi' coating nîtI meaalie pint. Thisastact t reef aujlaint fiaf ttey rnef ouf. -M I ran voofing Elicete ana heavily caafed nifli nefaliic paint au bath ides ha fora laying, sud as tIare is no near upon tic under aide, a periodical coat ai paint an the uppan eurface nl prasenva ftta indafluiteby. Before Arranging for a New Roof Cali and See Dur Goods.- Prices Satisfactory. fPED AR ýM[TL Î0FN 233m ,Medcalf St., Oshawa.,' C AUTIO0N. FACE! PLUG 0F TUE Mqyrtia Navyl1 15 MÂRKRD IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE ¶HE GNUINE Minard's Liniment la the flair Restarer. WHATEVEPt.ý YOU, DOý i aý ii iýr ana.t VO 1>011 11103 104 ait) Phîglidli clorai cametery fiai' again sang.j "lecas land that la fairar flan day.>' 1 ~ ha ras ved iamily have fIe syntpathy ai rie entîre contmuuity .... .Grat pra pa, atîons ara being miade for ftla firEf aif Jul rL, tIre la ta ha a foot bal match af 4 'laci batwrean Tyrane sud ilydon eens... Air, sud Aire. Wm. Trewiu wcnfta oToronto basf Fnidsy sud lad tîpir diauggitar Fbarie'e eye f sien ont, ai steliJ adest fia siglit ai if firougl au >ha anuix'arasry aifilsydon Sahhath S cool will h ld an Suudsy Jue 26t1 iufl Fnidai' Joly 1sf. On Bnnday ser- nej ns will ha prescled hy Mev. W. S. Pr1telisýrd af Bowmsuville af 2 'clock sud Révý,. A. J. H. Surikea sf6,30. Collection et easc service. -Ou Fnidai', Dominion D41y, e-xareises wil ha reeumaed af 2 p. n. w&n su interesting pragran of nacifa- fions, dialogues sud iuging aili ha given Lythe ticmalaasasd addreeees by Mr. J. G#ýfllaai ofBamauville sud fie circuit utWIiatera. Teaswili ha servef frai 4 o4ck. Tickets 25c. ; cidren nof niai- air oftic seboals 15c. Everybady came &1ud lave a gaod limne. $.BPcoAn, N. C. F. RIUEDLE, Supt. Sscrctsry. 'TUttEvtt ELxcvîaNs-hsve passed by I aàd4w n aunon cousidar fiebhast protec ticu agaîne fuseasse. Tiare ta uurestrict-1 e «, reai pnocitf aimnt ehtwean al ,peopleiii Canada lu prcnauuaing Burdoci R4ood Bittera fia very hoast biaod purifier, dz-pepis sud headache remedy, sud gen, et1sl tonic rnuvatiug zuadicine beicriefIe intend huidiug an ice cramn festival for the ruembers on July 6.... La t week a very large number from.liera cf the friends aof.1ev. R. Sandarson,Enniskjllen, a former pastor,paid hlma a farawall visi1t. bafora maving ta Napance district. ... Miss C. Martin, Bayne Mills,Enniskileo, is vîsitin4 at Mr. J. Littlejohn's. The deafli of Mrs. Jas. Rundie, Solina, which accurred at lier brather's, Mr. John Pan- faund, bias cslled forth mucli symapathy. Mrs. Rundie was at Ebenezar an the Suudsy ai the anniversary. Mondsy she was takan with inflammation. sud in spite af ail that meclical skili and loving handî cou'd do she, passed sway early the failowing Snnday marning. The funerai toak place an Tuesdsy to Bowmanville cemerery. A service was held in Eben. ezer clorai. Iisws ÀABuv T OWN.-Jt la the current report about toa that Kemp's Balsain for the Thraat. and Lunge is msking some re.iaarkable cures wirh peapie who are traubled with Coughs, Sure Throat, Asti- ma, Bronehitis aud Cansumaption. Any druggist wiIl give yan a trial bottie frec af cost. It le guaranteed ta relieve and cure. The Large Botties are 50e. sud $10 ORÂcçaE&vnx, April 4, 1892. Dr. L. A. BEtTII & Ca,.: DE.n Ssas,-Auti- Dandruif is evideut- 1>' giviug sPatisfaction. 1 have sold about hall ai the grass I bougit tram yau an the 23rd af Jsnusry st. I use it iu my own famaily. Can recommend it ta a!l wia are troubled with dandruif. Yours truly, Tuas, STEVENsO)N. f 1' SAFE BRISTOL'8 ~,SUG4R-CO4TED VEGETÂBLE x! PRO MPT CEDAJi DALE.i Miss Miliy Cosa, Barrie, lias been viaiting Miss Edith Canant,...Mr. Robt. Rugg lias but a frame hanseû on :lie site of the one bnrnt ... M 1'r. Ellis, on tha hull est ai the Brook flouse, is Uishing ofi a spaciaus frame hanse for bis awn fsmîly use.. .. Mr. Warren Smith bas beau ardered by Est Whitby Caun- cil te remave lis fenca off the raad at Port Oshawa. .... .The yauag nan Bowler, drawued in Cedar Dale pond Manday week, maies the fiitli person wha lias iast hise111e by drowning in tha pond since it was raisefi in 1862 .... Thara are my- riade ai dead shad on the laie shora now. .... Edwsrd Moore, the eldeat son ai Mr. David Moare, ai Port Ohsws, lias juat returued fromn Dakots, sita3r a four yesrs absence ..,..Mr. S. D. arbùrn la frot en. joying good healti. TEE DnEAnwD LA GarRix-Following flue scourga af humanlty corne a train ai evila in the shape ai obstinate colOs, cauglis, lung troubles, etc. Tiare la no rnedy so promapt, amdi at the, samne rime effectuai. and piessant. as Milhurn's Cod Liver OHl Emulsion witle Wild Cherry and ilypapbasiteo, wbich is the Intact and beet comhinatian off anti cansuruptive rani- edies. Price ZiOe. sud $1 00 rar bottle. NEW HA FEN. LLaying bias begun. .. Airs. Brent and Mrs. pa. 'Oie swiera guests at "South View ViÊla" iad week-..The assn are busy builing a atone cellar for Mr. Wm. Geade. . ... Thare ia great damar.d for f avm laborers here.. .. Mr.Eii Oaborne is going ita htila draining extensivaly. Ei studies well hie own'intereste .. . .Miss Naucy VanCamp is enjoying, a visit with Cartwright friands ...Mr. snd Mre. Gorrel, of Brook, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Rundie, jr.... .Mr. W. Oie liad a cow kiÏlled on ihe G. T. R. valued aet $50.... Mr. Arthur Burgeass apent'Suudsy iviti frienda in Cartwriglit. ...Mr. ýFred Clark, Pickering, epeut Sunday-with lis siarar, Airs. J. Maolt. A Dffsrrussmo SITTÂrnN-Wliat a dreadioul thing it is ta wake up in the nid- ile ai the night auffering fram choiera,- the neoareet dactor a mile awsiy sud no one ta -sund for lin. Imagine a mare dis- treeaing domastie situiationm, if you eau; sud yet cases ai thia kiud are very coin- maon, The troubla, liowùer, wauld neyer hve becane serius if Ie Dman ai fie hanse lad a bAtle Of PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KaaaaR at iaud, for if is s remedy fiat that neyer fails ta cure choie3ra, crampa, diarrioea, or dysentry, Ali rggsskeep if. 25e. for Large Iiaew siza. ' CLARKE UNION. SOLIATA. Air. John Sandercaci je erecting s nei Thie cammuuity wasshacied an Sunday lanue,..A croquef psrty was hld ou basf fa hear ai the demia aiElizabeth fie gru fs iMr. Walter Cabbledick Pauiaund Ruudle, wifa aifAir. Jas. Run- Fridayavaing week. . ,.Ar Jaseph Fax dia aiftils place. Sha was taien sici on lad a mntafiuteresting tint e ering Aicnday astansd died ai inflammation on seep thie ather 'day. TIc woui was Suuday marning at 1er bratiar's reosi- anatchefi o(ff ai seven in Il bour .... Miss deuce near Caurfice. Her lusbsud lias Ida Souci was visifiug at Mr. R. Hick'e, fhe ueaitteit sympatly ai the antire coim- Darliingtaui, recetîji.. .. Air. Colin Smifl munîty.. ..AMias Sarah Ana Oliord, o? las pjrcdissd a fine teastai grey draugif Welcome, is viritiag lare.... .The autloak iorseà f rom Air. W. R. Cle.... .Mr. P. lai goad for a baonatiiulia-vesf. . .. Messa. 1). MeCannaclia bas beau sici. Lammuman & Weetlske are busy building TEiE WaeýNDEsRFuL SUCCEc-Oi Maad's fie Crabb fence. Tiey lava hoodreda ci SaresparîIla as a blaad purifier autitlas if roaeof ifte buid.... .Ars. D. A. Bruce, fa yopr confidence. Nooanar preparation Stratiard, la visitiug Airs. A. Wsshiugtan las àr.ch a record ai cures, ai Seroas, ... Mr. Ai. W. Pascoe is home spanding Sait Rheum, Bload Poisaning, or etier lis vacation .... Air. John Truli is i- bbaod fusasses. To t ry if is ta înaw ifs praving.. .. What las becone ai aur menit. Be sure ta gef Hacd'e Sarspar- dhurcI chir ?.... . a nsd Mrs. T. C. lus.a gnrlfni airi acu Laugmaif hava been visitiug friands in For agnrlfml ahri ecn Brack Township .. . .Electian ai afflcers fidenly recontmend Haod's Pilla. Tney aft Division fils reai. .....AMr. W. L. Law ianW>'ý be lu every home niedicine chest. lad a raiaiug last wak-a driving bouse ______________..Mr, Hill ad sahbmrsrisiug esc. . .The boys lu fIe neigliburîood hava MT. UdR/SWEjLL. purchaed a uaw fotbalsud i.;taid play- Schooil Report for asy. Names ai ing at Hlampton on Joiy lst.... Why do firsf thre lu esdliclasa lu order ai 'nerit: fie farmers still support th se iloerat Sr. 4-Idarm, Bars Balsan, Augu3tus fea paddlera? Toaitt. Jr. 4-Bannie1-Richards, Wsltar Na emoker who las aver used the Myr- Aýrni,)ur, Mabal Waltare. Sr. 3-Electa Lie Nsvy tobacco for, c'y a ut intI, amer llor4, Sosie Balcon sud May Mitchell, elinquisbas ir for auy othar brauid. Ifs eqnia1. Jr. 3-Weeiey Saluer, Francis fiavar l iel su. ad fuill, sud r.ever bon. s Cawirer, Ethel Dean. Sr. 2 -Anme rixe tangua or parcies tixe p &b rtc It is4, Michael, Aguas Baleon sud Clarlie Goyne, l at iesepe nr Iciigt equaI. Jr. 2-Maiud Hancaci, Parcy bacca. MitqâAyi, Herbert Hancoci. Sr. Pt. 2- A4i-eg aTitigla, Rît3lls Richards, Yî'al PROVIDENCE. R.uniel. Jr. Pt. 2-HMner Goy ne, Bas$a Hlunkîung, Ada Latt. Pt. 1-W. A rfrawberry sud ica crean social wiu Waltars,. Frani ilaucoci, Alice Lymar. ha hld at fha residance cidYMr. John El- ,; 'g ttnaea5. .FRN ford, lot '2, con. 2, D .rliujg on, on Wâd- WiGEi,ît, Teascer. uesday Joua 29ihl. Tai fo ha s.ervafi A DrS'REýSIG STU TIN. - hatairano'c'ack. Praceadiiluaidofai chc dra. ITRSIN TIoN,--W t s ewae piathefonds A cordial lnvitation ileaxraoidad draatuithig i t f wae u lufieta ahi. Tha ladies of Provideýnes ara nîgîbt eufferiug inom cdolera, -fia nearestat ign an omaet oile docýr a ûe way nd n on te endsucca-suni as- on former occasions. Con- forli. Imagine a more diatresaing do- meeie itatin, f ou an;su ye caasvayencas nîlu leava tawn at 4 30u'uk msictuain fyucn;adytcssso fIat ahi who wcvîs's may go sud haveana nil fpis kin-rd are vary camion. T hoenjy etne tru~,lowaven, wauld neyer laye h-auaaberie cans&a serion.-s ilfie man ai fIe hanse lad Repart far S. S. Na. 5, Daringtan, for a bottea ftusa DAVIS' PAIN ]KILLER at Msy. Sr. 4-S. Blackburu, A. Wight. lsn4c 1--)r I. is s remedy tiat neyer fails Jr. 4-Ai. Wighr, E. Pront, W. Iloar, ta4 choleera1, cramps, disrrioea, or fi s. E. Oshorne, N. Aluin. Sr. 3-C. Smala, en M1 Aldnuggiîue keep if. 25c for W. Souci. Jr. 3-R. Berry,. C. Wliat, lsrgt -7e Ne siza. F. Battia. Sr. 2-11.Xight, W. Elard, ________________F. Baffle, Ai. Alliai, MAi MeDenalfi, E. T Yil'O.lýIEBlackburn, A. Wight, b. Sms'a. 'Jr. 2- TYRON8 ao Lie ii hrlo laL. Osharua, L, Bragg, %W. Bitla, F. ~epp Oea Lap, W, CiunansudJacksoii, L. Yellawieea, E. Prout, J. fric Joi' Dmtls, Oakwroad, iM1aloopja, have Don al1d, Pt. 2-R. .~e~ Mea 6Bdvieto rdand , - ' ~v &~11, ahraosu D. .Donaid, N ihW. Wighitb. Jac- N. f4VaY, fuant, Ont., lava beau Vsit- suE.Pru , .YlaleM. bar, inig heirmather, Mmer. PR. Davecy, or. . . F. BaLtte. M. Bety, Teadixar. T1- ,ie ue choal building is napidly asani A abadpuiir i ot mnn in- pýroportions undar fie ekillfiulbande Asabodpîârtemn iet ai11ýà3oi spasnsd carpeufear... Rev. R. G. plysiciaus prascrîbe Ayer's Sarespanibla. »Mýey sud bride paid a Ehort riait ta a s hemuet pawarfi combination ai fiidaliera au Wednesday hast balaye vegetabiealaierafives ever cffered ta the tai$ug charge ai lis pastarate iu Phls-Public.As s spring sudfiantuly mediclua, deiphia P6nn ... .Quire a numbar ai aur if Msy ha ireehy uaed îy aid sud yaung. cititans satfendad tfIasecrviscatafLong Sa4lbt.onSabbsth sud fie tas meeting au <JOUR9 ViC. Mýî,'day.... .Mr. E. f. Sienon B. A., ai Aira. L. M. Caurtica aufarfaiued n O.4Pe. a, ud issFbaeuc Kauar ainumher ai friands vary p!aasantly Btur- Bowmuanviile H. S. paid short visits fa day eveig .... Mev. Jas. biddy preacli. friend e le. ed lie farewalsermon lare Sunday t$frie acid lu fie blaad is fie cause ai marniug. Mirsud Aire. L. have won, riearly ait disoes, if visite every part ai duning fixeir tînea yeara stai' smaug us, fh l a sud a labla ta lasten disease on fIe lave and confidence aifIahepeaple sud auj argan; fie duty aifiaheiidueys le fa carry fa flair uaw fiaid ai labor ftla basf errctsastes iran the bboafi; a cold wil wislee cf al . . . Beseral ai aur lavera of tots action, a pain lunfixe hacik fol- gaie availad thaeabseves ai hfitret o ansd unhesa relief le obtained, par- apport uuity sud went ta laie Seugog ialuent inability aofie hidueys ta par- fishing lest weai. Air. Toaley,pvapnîetar .-fafm iaîtir f unctiaus falaws, whicl niay of fie Peapbe'e Mll,traafed savarai ait- tasucinaite lu iver caniphaint, dyspepazia, izene tamarnte fine speciniens af longe. bl1v-,d disesse, drapav, diabeles or Brigits Tisuisi... . Ar. John Walter, wlîo las disesse. Dadd'e Kidney Pille assiet fia beau uuwahl for santie fini'", is epeudrng a hityst natural wri, sud cure ahi coi- iew wsake aroond Laie S1cagog sund ather p.Leinte sud reaulte arieing fri saine. pleaseure reeert. . ..Air. Ssm'l. J.Cauntica - lbas refunnefi frai fie Normal Behool, BIAYD .Ottawa. .... .A fer fisys ago Air. Blake 4uv claoir sang at fIe Banît Suuday Caurtice whule runng wiri anly au over. evfldng. . . _ The Sabbafl Bclool mancled shae ou stapped an, a n ail. Dr, Aie- tae foneral ef Wiliet ulera, wîo Laughin dressefitfI woudad u ond w?>e kihi-d hi' beiug rua aven by a baud that fie sil lad pu ncrurad a hale nearly roi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t r.AtIhopews evu h afe top aif tha fot..., Mr. T. F. Wright las beau appainted secnetary ai I ,use fie sciolars sang "Shah'Ilwa gatha'cîa . -...Mf1arwllSn att't rive. "0.adwhn ho. io.5.....d.. 1.1.; -D U.C ) ..M.Ora lSn HA MElONV. On Monday afternoan June 2Otli, a large number ai tha members ai Hamnp- tan, Zion, Eldad cangregations tagether withthe immediate relatives of the pastor, (Rev. R. AicCuilacli,) fram the vicinify oi Enfiald, aseemblad an tha parsouage grounds liera fa show their appreciatian af lis labors during lis pastarate au the circuit and join in celabrafîng fthc 2Oth anniversary of lais married lufe priar ta lis deparfura fram among us. After ail lad assemblai Dr. J. C. Mitchell was ra- quested ta, acf s isirman, after a few iutradoctary remarks he callefi an Rsjv. George MeC ullodli who an bebaif oi the relatives resd a very fltteirinu address and presentad Rev. R. MeCullodli sud wife wif h a beautiful combined china diu - ner sud tes set, purchased et Murdoch. Bras'. Mir, I. L. Brown wae tien called. farward sud reathe Iallawiug saddres:- To Rev. R. AfoGullace and Wife. DEÂR FiuiENns,--On this tbe eau ai yanr- departure front smang, us, w e yaur frianids. sud we'iwisiers an the sou thera divisian ai -B ampto;' circuit, have unc;eremqfiaous- ]y takan posa. claon ai your hnuse this af. ternoon, ta show our rond wiillsud kind- ]y feeling fur yau, su)d ta express in some tangible fbra <ur hi4li apprecistian of ynur valu i de'services ai aur pitter dur- the pas dinae yars. Yaur lue a hile a. maug us las beau fulîr davoted ta the Masters cause; attaýitive sud vigiant in visiting fhe ali, ard c mmfortin, tIe sarrawing, sud fauthful in fia ditcharge ai yaur dutias as aur pas'ar, eiruestly praclsiming fia Word o! Lite. "'V yonr friands lare assemblai1 tII aftarn 'on as- tacm if a great p'a taure ta nv3et with you un fIe aetasao i, and wa kit w thit no wards a enaeasary ta express tha kind- lji faeliogy t îwards you which las prompt- ed this gathering. As yau have this day reaclied tia 2Oth milastaus in your wed- ded lite, wva your friands %vauli Iaartiiy jain in our congratulations. Twenty peara with îheîr j 'ys sud sarroa have alipped away aince you stand at the bridai sitar sud j liredl haut tao face lkfa'i trials togather. S mneoaIyour friandsoaitweuty years gao are lýrs ta day, whila athiers wIi emilzed ou you tIen hava pasaad over and are wsi iog an the ather sida. We ledonz - 0 oudo, ityou hava been ldby tha lanfi of a kiwi Fathar, ta whae care yon ctn bave afuiture yeara be' they many or,-,few, n nw,desr friands, we Asi yaou ta accept thýesa presents as a momauto ai this occasion, aand evidence ai tie esteem iin wlih yoq are hptd by fýilodý-(f tI8ffý1m-pto» circuit, i4Npray tiat fthe chaicýeat blesi nga wh.,i ih r Llaaveýnly Fatier 4can beas'ow 111) y 1rki upon you alud yaur iantily. Mal, y ur livas ba long spared ta oee afin-r; and wien fIe jouruey ai lite la cormpleted may weall meet lu aur Fat ier's flo)usa whoea rfing is no mare. Sigaed by tic I. L. Bna-wŽr Caminmittee. DAVID MONTGOMERX. TuoS. ]44ýNQx4iD Mir. Titos. Ln,unid lu beiihaf ai thé circuit tien prasentad Air. AicCullaci with a beautifol set af ailvar mounted harnese (manufactured by aur papular haruesa malter, S. Thampeon) and AMr. D. M-ntgamery preut.d Airs. AicCuilaci w rt a nica silvar cruet. Mr. McCullocl made a very apprapriate repîji. Messrs. Lsngmaid, ilsyo, S. Washington, James Crydarman, P. Murdochi,fH. Eiliat,sr., sud athers madla short sud apprauriste îspeeches. Tha "Sweet by and by" w-As tien sung1 by tise campany sud Rev. G. AicCuliacI lad in prayer. A euntptuaous tes was tien servad unfil ah ware satisfiad, Tiis was ana ai tic mcct interenting gati. eringa fiat las ben'iald in this loality for sanie tinte, and shows the igi esfeema in whici 11ev. R. AicCullodi sud famuly ara held by tha people an Hampton cir. cuit. A game ai foot-baIl bstween the Tam-. araci Rangers and Hampton clubs will ha played lare at 4 p. m. Dominion Day. lu fia avening a grand concert will las dyivan undar the auspices ai the Sons ai Temparance, cansistiug ai instrumental sud vocal fluse, sangs lu character, raci- tatiaus, etc., sud rie ever popular dransa, "Ail tiat glittars is nat gold." A fine orchestra lias bea eugaged te enliven tihe occasion. Extra szating aceimmidation lias beau added ta the hall. Admission 25e. chidran 15c. Doors open at 7.30; ta comimence at 8. J. E. L. COLE, J. SALISBURY, W. P.1 Secretary. Airs. Bull, Suiriing in visifing Mir. F. P«rr..Arrnemj4uts ara noir ;-am. pieted for aur ýSunday Sehoal auniver- sary snd Dominion Day celabra- tiana. Our peaple have, succaeded lu se- curing a very popular preaciar lu tic per. son ai Rev. John Kay ai Dunidas for Sun- day Jane 2Gui, service at 10.30 a. m., sud 6.30p.n. OnuDominionflay (Julyl1,) fie aunual tesaud pragram. will came off sund if 2e' going to ha somethiug, worti af- 1tcuding. 1At 1-2. 1p. mn. tfiehoscoare wiill