A~. J yHURNeS When yoit want -a CHUBN get the best, it will pay you, you can get them at YOUNG& COIS. 1Also everything found in a first-elass Grocery. . 1 SUDOEN DEATH. 11Ev. ADAM SPENSER. The band of death bias again been &t work in our midst, and carried off as its victim onie of our best known, and mnost respected citîzens, 11ev. Adam Spenser. lie bad been pastor of St. Andrew's (old Kirk) churcli here for a number of years. Being unmarried, since bis mother's death,' in December, 1873,his brotber's daughter, Miss Lizzie Spenser. bias been at the bead of bis honsehold affairs. Hie bas enioyed fairly good healtb al bis life but since an attýck of la grippe bas suffered more or less from an acute pain in bis bead. Last Wednesday lie complained somewhat but it passed again, and on Saturday morning he rose at 5 o'clock and worked in hiis garden until noon. About 8:30 p. m. Saturday evening be went out to eut sonie grass,wben be said to bis neice, wbo was standing by, that be feit tbat pain again and that be could flot see. She thonglit lie bad reference totbe, fa ding day ligbt, wbien she saw bim stagger and fall and 'efore belp arrivedlife hadbecome extinet., 11e never spolie and tbe doctor prenoune- ed it apoplexy. DeDeased was the son of Mr. Samuel Spenser, and was born in Kilmarnock, Ayresbire, Scotland, in 1827. Hoe was educated in Glasgow College and Edinburgb University and was a fel low student of the late 11ev. Mr. Burnett, of Hamilton. He was ordained wben quite young in Irvine Presbytery in Ayreshire and labored as au assistant to Rev. Mr. Jeffery in Huriford near Kilmarnock for several vears. In 1864 lie was sent s is stili showin g some lovely patterns inI O._HB& WA. (Prom our ewn Corres pendentý,) Tbe High School ptcni,beld in Henir-ý'7 grounds at the lake on Saturday, 111tb, was very succetsfuI. There were about 150 pupils in attendance and the after- noon was Epent very enjoyab]y in boating, football, swinging, etc... Tbe Town club and tbe Leeches Base-bal clubs ncw practiee in the Cricket field..No. 3, CJompany tegether with the 34th Batt. Band lef t fer Niagara last Tuesday mcmn- ing. A. Hare took the place of F. Brooke, as 2nd Liet. ... Mr. Gee. Pedlar bas sbingled bis residence witb bis metal Roofing wbich imDroves the appewaace of the house considerably . . . Ed.E. 1Rýog- ers, C. P. R. Agent, is gettig up a a large party feru excursion tu she North-west, June 29th..Evcrson & Hawkiis have bad ibeir hardware8store hapdsomely painted. - . The pupils of tbhe Rligh School captured 87 certifleates, iii the recent examis..Gee. McSweenelY hailef t the PoEt Office and lis suceeded by tbe geniai James Stanton,. . ..So-ne- body seema ', be deluding the spf)frig editer of the Empçire, by sending him re- ports of aiieged matches between '1e Tecumseh Lacrûlsse Club Df Oshawa and scine other lubs. There is ne c'nb mi Oshawa with the nomne îentionted.. Processions of agents, with McLiughllin buggies te the number ef haîf a dozpý , are comnionly seen now-a-days passing tbrongh the streets... .The Onutari. Fo. bail club was defeated by a mixed thaml frein Thonton's Corners and Ilarn200oy last Friday eveniog by a score. .. .1UrA. Wehave some fine pat- terms îu WASHABLE PAPER. Give us a eall. E. P. KENNER., 1FIRE, LIF, ACCIDENT Insurance Rernr. VIRTUE, Ret.Powmanville A very prety iin-c of DdliaJ at 250, hag juEt beni opened eut at J..Msns Al Perýons o-vrtrnz scounts to) Maynard the Jeweiier wjilpIlas e all and settie tbem at once, as he is ieaving :owr. It will cerf ainiy pay farmers te get al the grain tbey feed ground wben Mr. Vanstone dees chopping at 5c a bsg. Coucb, J. lbnfto &' Cryderman, are shewing a si). ci L~y tune ssorýmenit of LadiEs' and Cbidrei,'d GWvs and Mitts of ail kinis WALL m-ffl goum RIAILL rAPERII