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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1892, p. 5

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ýh n. .5 h6 à e ie ly tr l- ce re - -e,*~.w JUSI OUTI MAVE YOU SEEN irT? THE BIG BOTTLE PAl N-KI LLER Old, Po-oular 25c. Piiee Are You Going To Paint? We seli the best paint that it is possible to prepare and have it ahl ree«y for use at lowest prices and 8fly colos you want. STOTT- & JURY. T,"ry OUrý Floor Paint, It dries quickly, is very durable ,and gives afine loS S. BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 22, 1892 Local and Otberwise. Port Ferry has again an organized 33ýand. Haydon anniversary next Sunday and Friday July lst. Theastrawbe rry crop tbis year i. expes-t- ed ob boa large one. Capt. Brown of Port Dalhousie ha. been visiting relatives in town. Mn. and Miss Choate, Port Hlope, were gueste cf J, Pollard, reriontly. *Tha dý riral AssembIy of the Presby- terian «hurch meets in Brantferd next year., Mrs. S. Cotton, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hoidge, Toronto, are visiting fiends in *town. Mrs. J. Hi-ginbotham has reiurned fsom a two months' isit w ,*th relatives in *Manitoba. Reqv. Dr. Brîggs, Toronto, sailed from *Montreal Wednesday on a six- weeks' tour through Fngland. MesorsQ. W. R. Knight, D. Davis, H. J. Weekes and James Gaie attended the an- nuel meeting of the Suprema Lodge of the Sons o! Canada in Toronto last week. Mr. R. H. Henry, Bowrnanville s en- terprising crtist, bas photographed a fine view of ',Lorne Villa," the residence of Mn. M. A. James. Il Io a fine picture and does great credît to the ertiat. lÉis said that bank notes are one of the mnost common causes of the spread of dis- es,ýse. A kind Providence evidently wat. rhes over edit ors,' sînce subsecibers are generally 80 thoughtful as not to unlocd them. HoweVer, we wil mn the risk;, bring along your bank bille. to Pb ee 3mon' Sle.,Fectory Cotton. New Sîraw -Hats for 15 and 25 cents at Mrs. Dancaster'.. Several pieces cf cew and nîca Dresa Goods selling off 'et about haîf pnîce at Couch, Johnston & Cryderrnan'e. * Remeamber Maynard tha Jowellar is Ieaving town ,,any one wanting goode at and below c.,t now i. the lime, We ceil the attention o! our readers to Jno. J. Mason'a new advt. this week. Thora ie something that will likaly ba of interest tb you. beave your Watches ani Jewellery at Big 20 10 be repaired. Ail work guaran- tecd. 5h11l a fow Alarm Clocks loft etj the oId pice et Big 20. Have you sean the lovely now patter na of Wall Papen et Sherin and Kirby's l Thair s9tock is very complota. Il will pay you b oeIal and inspect bafara puchjrsing elsewhere, r 1 _____________________________________ I I The down pour of nain wes to heavy in rlites that tey are havizig planty ( fra Toronto Sunday ove ning that a numbr and things ana looking good thare. of the cel1ars weie floodd and considir- MnJonMM trhapucseti abla~emga onote te cntets. entîre stock of Mns. Wm. Quick and ii Rtv. Dr. Wild of5Bonci St. Con)grega- nemoving il 10 the West End Houcýe hiouai church, Toronto, bas received en Mn. and Mn.. E. L. Fortl of Bowmrr invitation to become pastor of Emmanuel ville are in town for a few weeks guet Congregeuionai claurch, Montreal. of Mn. J. B. Knowson. -Lindsay Pafo, By the number of citizens who gelhered around the maîket square Fidey evening Rev. R. A. Brikey cnd Messrs R. Tir wa would judge the open air concert furo. tue, W. Armstrong ccd W. H. Garrot nt. ishad by the D. O. & P. Co. Bend wai tended the Synod of tho Anglican church much appraciated.. in Toronto lîiatweek. Ensign and Mrs. Steete who hava liad The Sa'varion Army lae the lad fe- com mand of the Salvation Army, Peter-, oddity. ThurAday evenicg with the brass bore, for the lest ton rncnths, ware toau. band et the front of the mencha and ewh. dered a farecveil banquet lest weak before persion following carryintean article in. leeving for England. lended to represont their occupation tho-, Mn. VW. J. Sykes, B. A , v.ho bas held presented a novel appeananca. e position for orne lime in tira Cobourg On Suuday ccxt the ministors in the Collegiata Institute, bas been appictad Bey of Quinto Confaronce will open thel Msster of Modet. lL %inuages in tire Col.- commission on their new circuits, Threa legiate Instiiute, Hem :lion. new meu corne into this distrioù, viz: o. Mrs.- (Rev.) D. S. 1 Houck of Bridge- Rov. R. L. Edwards to Cartwright, Rov. D. S. Houck ta Enniskillen, acd Rev. A. norlb,who i.socon te take up>lher res'danca J. llaryey Strike, junior micister ai in Eeniskiilen, befone leaving thora, wa. yoe pre.ented by hon Bible c!ass with e kind-Tyoe ly worded address and a cheque as a token Tha lection of oficets of Court Pr*'I of affection and estosem o! ils membars. Ontario,No. 6000, teck place WednýeC, ' Mr.Ilebei Bolersonof ostMaserevecing witb the follcrwing resuits -t Mr.Ilebe t owlr, O h PotMat R , J. A. Lawrie; S. 0., W.,Painto;n Bowler, Asbburnc wlked 1 Oshawa Sun - Trocs., L. Jollow; Sec'y., J. N. McDdîu day week 10 attend the meetings of tha gall; S. W., T. Spny; J. W., E. Dovwney; Plymocth Brethren and on Monday' in S. D, A, J. Saundeos; J. Lfi. W compacy with a lad by the naier of Hcrry Allia. Pudden iront bo the Cederdale pond for e swim and was dnowned. Bis body iras An interesitgi review service was cona recovened by Mn. James MoGraîl. ducted by Superintendeiit Joblin et the Tir LseteldCironcle efena lngMethodiet Sunday School Sundey cf ter- sTruggLaeis cso uicaten. lokn- acon. Besides the ratzular neview Mis.,eý field ceems 10 be a bard place in whicb te s'ejole srerian ccd heF'ortnce ie ye run e papier, judging froua the 'hand-to- tsuiaroclas. Tepr io mouth" patronageaeccorded thal journal. athepary clathe eser ones spcitt.d meiol There i. now enly oeanewspaper, the s as eo!thebll. nsaqula ie Nonwood Register, pubished in East slo ndlby Peterboro, wible in East Northumnberland Whi]e INrs. Il. Moore, of Pickening, there ara se ven. -Sontlicol-S tcr. bier two emiîl children acd lber mothr, Tiroyoug mc Mssrs GlvorandMns Dunagon, wene roîurning, home front Loires mombors o! the Y. -M. C. A.,.To. magcealetndweek, the hr beche n ronto, wbo have beau holding meetings cemaneabut.ccdru aMoor Wing 1hi in town closed cl Tuesday evening lest. ccpaion, r.Moews dl The coduaei sevics n te twnhal, l bruised about the head and bcd fiveoro the Proshytenian churcîr ccd on the mark. i ir rkn le ohrw3smr et square ccd drew large croird, esch seriously injunod aud died the ccxl mora- ime. Tbey ara in charge ef the Bible icg. Carniage, a vehic'e sent out by the Faith A midfle agetl man and an ecit'ire Mission of Toronto ccd ij,, ira elieva, sîracqor calied Fridey et the jeaeln-y îsor, under the management of the3o two carn- of Felt Bros , Oshawa, ccd asked lý1r. et, chnîstian Voung, men doîng c goud Hcrny Jackson, the clerk in charge, t, work. They carry a aupply o! bibles, show hir someairatc hesx. The clerk býoi hymn books, tracts, etc., for sale. Tbey three walches out of the show case, wha-on depeud entirely on voluntary offerngs the stranger proceudued ta examine theîr Ie carry ou their work. Tbey wcre guests for a couple oý minutee, ha pnt the Ibre'q o! Mn. J. McMuntry sebile in tnwn. watches in bis pocket, wbippud eut a ne- The euccess cf Hood's Sarsapenille is volver froua bis clothes and poiitod 1it ai because it pos4usses true monit, cnd no the clenk, saying, "If you make a noise or dlaim i. made for it which is flot fully attempt to follow me 111 ebhoot yoiu," andc theraupon stcrled te retreau fronm th supported. shop It happenled, thet Mr. Feît wss in See those lovely fiowers ccd p'ants eat the back part of the sbop, but haidden by Sherin & Kîrbys for sale, a screon, aid heard the thrreat. Pîneltily Go)od butter 'cili commacd c good pice. lie nâlc out cf uer the thief, irbo, fiudinig Who irillilboy at Murdoch Bros' ? himeoif follcwed, tooic quick aim et 2Mn. The L-test no-relty in Bithday R cge Foît ccd fired. The shot did flot take et Big 20 Jeweliery s'ore. Call ai.d 800 effect. Il happoned that the town con- t hem, stable wcs inear acd the thief virtually Childneln'e Rats a specialty at Mrs. waiked icto bis arme ccd mas very scion DeniceBbo'. Ladies pleaso celi ccd eee safe in the lockup. The'robber gives tha them. came of Pbilips, and sclys that hae cama A lot of elep ent New Prints and Sateons fnrom Philaeaphie. just Couch, Johenston ccd If sick heedacha is riery, irbat ara Car- Crydermnties. ta'. Little Liven Pilsif they po.sibly Excuraions overy week via C. P. R. ho cura it? People wbo have used thom espeak Manitoba ccd NorthaWcs'. Mn. Dobson frnkly of their mortir. They are simcll of "Big 20" agent. and easy 10 take. A fine assortiment ot Men's summer Cal et Murdoch Bros' ccd gel Mlarma- Codte ccd Vests ccd Boy'a Suite opened lade Oranges. out, Ibis week ah Couch, Johnsion & A full lino of Watches, Clocks acd C~yderan 5.Jawellery alircys in stock et Big_ 20. Now is yaur timo te bey iin a stock o! Yen cen buy Dincer Sots eit Mundiocha etigar. Tira West End IHouse have junet Bros' cheaper than any other place in gel in c car-locd which tbey are prepcned West Durham. 10 sou cbesp. Ladie fancy Hlain Pins 20c. nom se- Our choico o! Ladies acd Misses Silk duced 10 îOc.per dozan-going fast. Cal cnd Taffeta Glovee ie f uIly essorted, W soecurs soma et Big 20. have just; openeci out e great bergailu in H. C. Bitin bas loft fhis accounis Ladies Black Taffetîs et 25c. and c lovely with J. fi. Doban o! 'Big 20' for ellee. lice e! Colorcd Taffetas in Grays ccd ion. PleeGe ccli on bitn soon as possible. Fawns. Jno. J. Meson. A CuRE Fon CONsTIPATIoN AND HEAD. Mothers, se0 aur special valueancd new AcHrE.-Dr.Silas Lame, wiile in the Rocky styles in Chîldren's and Misses stnaw Mounueis, dieovened root hat e ht, fer below Milli.ner's regular pnices. combiued mith othar berbs, mekes an easy 'J Msn ccd certain cure for constipation. It ia Ladies' and Cbildron's Black Cotton ln the form o! dry roots acd leaes, and Rose in cll quclities acd sizes-gucncnnteed is kcown as Lcne's Femily Medicine. It abtolutely stainles-al Couch, Jobnetan will cure ick-becdacba. For the blood, & Crydermen's. liver and kidnays, ccd fan clearing up the The lovely asorîiment o! Prinhe et tha complexion il doas woirdens-. Druggiots West End bouse is iroîl wortb seeing. sell il àt 60o., i pcckage-enough for five Thay cannat be exeelled in tthis part a! ireeko. the country. The prices are ight. ft die For paper or cloth bound book ccd irben read wil ha exchancge d for noir book for 5 cents. J. H. DOBSON, "BIG 20."1 Mn. John Bradley and irife, Anîbenley, Bruce Co. ,is visiting friends in and around Clarke. Mn. B. Bitîeju and femiiy, Marshell- bmw, lowa, are guesîs at Mn. Jos. Me- Clellan'e. Thoera wa. a f ulI cîendanco et tbe meetig o! AMort Rose, Company, Ne. 1, Monulay evecling. Mn,. 'Jirne8sin. Kirby hbas roturred, homle a! îan1 c plossent visit with Toronto cnd , 31awa fiecds. Mis, Loltie Brinmacombe attended the commencement' exorcises et Whitby Ladies' College Mondsy. Mr. J. H. Dobson ccd Mn. L. T. Cen. lice ac peuding their helidaye wiîh friendd et XVtern'i'le and other plates in Q uebec. Mn. Jt hn Kescirie is 10 heke part in c concent et Neirt(,,îvi le on ThnrEday even- muv, under tihe au.spices o! the Preeibyter. ian chunch t bore. The Selvation A!inîy intend holding a fruit social ccxi Mondfay oeaning froua 6 to S o'clock. Proceeds in aid o!f he home corp. Admisýion 15o. Ladies' bhouid Fcee the "Queun" Corset whicb 15 beond question the hast 5Oc. Corset evar prodnîeod. Yon mil lind them in dll szes et Coucb, Johueton & Cryder. mens. Editer James o! Tio STATES4AN and Mrs. Jamýes sailed from Montreal on Sat, urdsy by the Allen Lino S. S. '>Numid. ian" te spand thEir vacation in Englend ccd Scotland. Trade is bri gbt ah the D. O. & P. Fac. Story. Tire compacy bave lctely plaed ksome faccy designed instruments on the ýnmarket whîch are pleasiug ccd baking mwith the public. Mr, W. R. IleoDson, rbo iront ta Grand Rt apio, Mich , about thnee weeks ago r as seriously injurad by !elliog dem ea ddark stairmsy in bis boarding bouse, ccd astriking bis baad againet e stove. Latelt reports say ha is stil unconscious'but the Drs. Ihînk thora i3 hope for bi recovery. yMn,. Hanson i. attendicg him. 9rbo congrattulebe Miss Lena Moore, ch i giaduata in music o! the Ladies' Collage, WVhitby, on ber success in carry. ing off the gold medai for instrumental ymusic anoeaof tbe college pnizes. The rGlobe says"Misa Mooro mesfairly over- awhelmed ssilb beautiful basket, o! rosee B ad buge bouquets o! eut fiowers. " Miss Moore is a daughter o! Mn. Richard Moore, Brookliu. On Monday Juco 27th -eastncmberry rbanquet wiilho haid in the barneeks haro. .At the close Ceptains Mess a-id Stephens and Lieut. Moffaît irbo bava beon ln com. mand ton soma liie miii say good bye 10 the soldier, ccd friands ccd procaed te othar fields o! labor. The admission to the bacquet mi)l ha 15a. As tbe pro. ceeds ara te assiet- the officers, avary oe ebould meke il a point te ba thora. THE AMERICAN DOCTORS (29 Yeurseractice int Lro.ï5e ,ja'nderic.> SERVICES A staff of arnînent .American Physiciens and Songeonas hava opened an office for riedical anS eungieel autectrance. et No. 2303 St. Catir- erine Street, Mantreal. They give frea services te ail mirocal upon them hbefara Augzust 18t, Iffl,and f rankiy tll you if yourxcaea curable or net, AIL incunable cases are rejected.- Spectal attention la paiS ta eveny case, In- valida living ouiside o! Montreal, should aS. drees tireir ietter, ta Mr. JOHN MURRAY. Manager, and inclose tiro 3 èent Etatnis fer symptom, 'ank ccd question sireets. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. EOWMÂNVILLE STATION. GOING EAST GoINa WEST Passenger.. ..9 45 amni Mail .. ...... 543 arn Mixod..... 3 2 prnm Local ....820& n Local.....7 07 p mi Express ...945 a m NMati...1019 p n Mixed .....312 p m IMail. ....... 827Pn BOWMÂNVILLE MARKETS. CaIrre-r,«e hy J.. Seuriry, every Tuesday FLouR, ile 100 Ibs ........82 25 ta $2 65 WREA.T, Faîl, rbuh . 0 0 lOQ95 Spn00, -le 0 O80 Coloïado ri...... 0 0 lO077 RyR, il............000,10 75 OATS, là ..... 0 28 , 0 301 BARLEY, P~ bush, No. 1 .... 0 0 0 48 Il ~Il 2X.. 0 00,t 0 45 t' il2.- 0 00 ,040 Two-rowed O0 0, 040 Bnckwýheat'V bush .......O 0 O 045 PEÂAs, Blackeye, e bush... 0 0 i O 90 r'mummy Il ... O0 09îifO080 Small, l...0 00 e 0 60 SBlue, le ...0 0 leO070 BuTTER, best table, ?P tlb.O.0 0 lO013 Eaas, ?pdoz ...........0 00,, 0 09 PoT.ÂToRs, V bush .......O0 00,etO020 POiR, VIcwt ...........5 50 il0 00 IIÂYA P ton ............8 G0,te9 00 UOOD SERVANT GIRL wanted in a family of blirce. For particulars apply i THE STATESMAN office. 25-tf T RUSTY WOMAN front tha country wantad for a famiiy of tbrce in Bowman. ville. ApplY ai STATESMAN cilice, 24-tf. HEEP STRAYED-Came on lot 32, IKcon 2, Dariington, about May Isi. an aged rami. Owner can have tire samne by proving property cnd paying exp2nses, JOHN Osiz, Courtice P. O. -25-2w. TRAYED from B. Werry's pastura, kiahout tire i8th insi, two HIeifers, 9 monihs old, oe dark recd, tire other grey. Sîtlabie reward for iliumr relurn to A, B. WEzaRY, Courtice. 22 tf H XEIFER STRAYED.-Came on the J-Lpremises. lot 35. con. 1Q, Darlingion, about tire middle o!f May, Owner ami have ene by proving property and payiire expen- ses. JArrEs CROSS.MAN.,. EnfielS P. 0. 23-3,vý HEEP ASTRAY.-Strayed froos lot S)8 con 6, Dalington, two eweî and two lamirs. Onea ewe le a Leicester. Parties know- ingf anything 0f heir whereabouts 'wiii oblige by senc iegword te ALBERT E. CLEmENs, Tyr- one, P. O. 25-3w. ~TR&YED fromn tho pastune of Thos. kJ Omiston. East Whitby, ihree calves, iwo red, wîîh a lutile white ie f orebead cnd tup o! bal, thre other a light roan, nearly white. &. suitablo reward will bc givon for tiroir return, to Tnos. ORMISTON,Columbus, P. O. 25-2 w F .~ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT- ~U90 acres of land being parts of lots 10,and 11, con 3, Dsrlingtnn. Possession givan after harvesi. For fuli pantlculars appiy ta JoHN SOMERS, Box 91, Bowmanvilie, - 25-1w. F AMTO RENT.-.A farm o! 244 Facrs n good stata of cultivation, known as tha Magon farm, Il miles soutir af Columbus onthe Osirwa road. AppiY ta WILLIAM MAX- N, Oshawa, P. O. 25-4W. (1OWS FOR SALE.-Cows alrecdy r' eJnewed andsBorneta coma in acon for salie al ou imes. S. H, REYNOLDS Dealer in Farm- Stock, Box 1, Bowrnanvile. 12-tf. D '%RESSMAKING in aIl ils' branchas' Mdonc in the latesi styles and et tira moat reasonablo pnîces. Cuiting and fitting by Smitir's Improved systern. MIhSS ADA PETHIIcK opposite lire P. O., Bowrnanville. 14-tf (1 ALVES WANTED for vecling pur. '%-poses. Drop a carS or ccll on HUME & Wunen'r, tira People's Bubcers, Bowrncnviiie, 10-if BULL FOR SERVICE.-A thoro-brad 13lHostein Bull le kepi ls kept for service on lot 28, con. 2, Darlington. TerrnB, $100. W. GeURenioz, (ountic e 23-3w. BEES' HIVES AND SMOKERS. 80 colonies of buea and a large nuîcber of emPty Uves will be told cheap. Also a quan- tib of cou, b foitedailon for sale. J.-H. MANNING. 22-4w.nè Mr. Moses flollandhai gone to Chicago. Miss Grant, cof Toronto, is guost o! Miss Buner. Mn. S. Fosten, Salford, was vi,,itng rel- atives boere lest week. Mn. 'F. B. Whitin2 was registered et the Waverly House, Montreal, Saturday. Mrz. R. and Miss E. Freeland attonded the wedding of a relative in Toronto on Wednesday. Mr. T. Lewis and the Misses Lewis of Kinsale, have been visiting friends lu tbis vicinity. A large number of our citizens attend. cd Maple Grovo anniversory ou Sunday and Monday. Miss Mary Scott i. the publisher o! the Weman's Journgl, the organ o! the Dom !0i00 W. C. T. U. The Ladies' of the Methodist church intend holding a sIrewberry and ice creern social on the 28th inst. Miss Edith XKnowlson, Lindsay, bas ro- turned homo after a pleesant visit with bier bister Mn.. E. L. Fort. Mr. and Mn.. Jolliffe were et Oshawa Lîýt evening attending the ciosing exorcis- ts of Desnill Ladies' Collage. Our genial G. T. R. agent, Mn. W. Woods is onjoying bis holidays touring througb the Western S tates. Mr. Wm. McKcy, D. D. G. M., et- teîîded the opsning of a cew Masonie Lodgo in Port Penny necently. Mn. T. E. Higginbothan, Miss Etta cnd Mn. Jesse James attended the Commence- ment exarcises of Whitby Ladies' Col- lege, Monday. Mr. Chas. Tod bas donatel a fine picl., une of Hon. A. Meekenzie tb the Public School to add bo the already fine collection of portraits tire. Mrs. F. E. Higginbotham, was among the guests aI the wedding ot Rev. John Robson, B. A., and Miss Louise Dol in Port Penny lest weak. j y -'s Misl Mabel Tait is visiting friends in: Toronto. A Croquet Club was organizad in Port Perry laBI week. Port Hope intends having a grand cela- bration on Dominion Day. Rev. Jesse Whitlock, Columbus, gave us a pleasant cali on Saturday. L Mrs. E. Rogers and son, of Osha.w- were gueas of Dr. Potter Sunday. Our citizens ehould drive out 10 llamp- ton Dominion Day and have a good timaj Miss Minnie Bond and Mr. J. Cayley, Oshawa, were guests at Lorne Ville Sun- day. Mr, John Chater, Guelph, wais killed t]ast week in attemptiog to stop a rnnaway- horse. Miss Magmpie Jolliffe la expectad homeý to-day and will romain during the Collage3 vacation. Rev. E. E. Howard and Mr3. Howard, of Coiborna, were guests of Mrs. J. Pbw;'_rý on Saturday. Hon. Edward Blike and family are, spendîng their sunsmer vacationait Murray Bay, Mr. Jesse G. Farwell stcrted last week on a business trip 10 British Columbia and the Pacifie Coast. The Literary Soeikty of the Rigil School Intend having an ice cream asoci'ý next Friday evening. A farewell tea was tendered Rev. 11. McQoade before leaving Pontypool foýr his new field of labor. The Suprême Lcdge of the Sons of Can- ada hold their nexi annual meeting la Port Perry, June 1893. Don't forget the Strawberry and Ice- Crecm Social aI, Mr. John Eliord's, Pro'- vidence, next Wednesday. The Bowmanville Royal Templar Dra. maîic Club were photographed by Mr. R. H. Henry, Thursday aftern-.)on. $1 SAVED 'ON $2.25. Tuaz STAIESMAN ha. a, tempting hot weaîher offer for ail subscnibers this week. For 8125 we will send to any address in Canada: Life of, Spurgeon), regular price, $1.50 STrfinsmâN, balance of 1892 .50 Family llerald & W'kly Star, 3 mos .25 82.25 The Life of Spurgeon is a large cloth bound(book, the very same as agents are selling ail oves the cotinent for $1 .50. Persons ordering froma a distance may send a one dollar bill and 25 cents in stamps. This is a great offer. Send yous order to-day. Address M. A. JA&euný, STÂTESM.N office, Bowmianville. Epworth League. The meeting in the MethodiBt cbnrch ont Monday eveaing was of unnsual ex- cellence, and the roorn was croitded. The special feature of the meeting was<ea ehaik-talk by Mn. C.McLean late of Brock- ville. The story ilustrated was that foeend in John IlIh chap. Ho' shuwed thae buman heart with a door leading int it, but the door was barred by procrastin- atioo,lockcd by unbeief and the approach blocked up with two bouldero, oue, was the fear of man, the other the love of the world. Thon there was another heart in- 10t which Christ had entered showing the fruit9 of tire Spirit Love, Joy, Peace, Meeknass, Locg-suffcring, Gentlenes., Patience î t.. Beautiful colored crayons wese used and the delîneation was effec- tive. A very hearty vote of thanks wss tendered Mr. McLean, for his hindness. By special request ho will repeat il at the Prayer meeting ou Thursiay at 8 o'clock. LENDING LIBRARY 23mm Dominion Day Celebration at Port Hoper. This year's programa for the celebration of Dominion Day in Port Hope is the beat ever riresented by that town. It comprises Athletic Sports, Grand Herse Races, Lacrosse and Base Bal] Matches and other sports during the day. In the evening there will ho an 'exhibition by the Kings of the Air, Meqsrs. Campau and Ambrase, and a Magnificent Display of Fireworkti, Baloon Ascensions, &c. AIL to take place in the beautiful Town Park, overlooking Lake Ontario. XVe would strougly cdvise our readers to make their arrangements to spend Dominion Day in Port Hlope. The program there i. always fully carried out. Any informa- tion desitcd can ho obtained by writing L. El. WILSON, Secretary of Committee. The sick and f uneral: Benefit SociF ty in connection wiîh the D. 0. & P. Factory held its haîf year]y meeting last Thursday evening when reports front the officers wero xead. Tbhe society i. in a flourishing state and its imembers innanifetedl a con- fidence in ils directors hy re-electing them for another term.-Preg-Wm Hutchison; Vice Pi es- W C King; Treas -John Keachie; Secy--J W Dutton; Directors--Geo Maynard. F Dunham; E L Welsh, Walter Todghaui, I Meîntyre; Phytician-Dr B Lammiman; Auditor- Wm McKay. N~otices ef Births, 25 cents; liarriages, 50 cents; fleaths. 5o cents, caeh Insertion -but FKLEE OF C11AIGEl, when the Iruncral cards are vrlnted at this onilce FREELAND-RICHÀncDSOa.-Oni June 15:h, ai the resideince of tee bride's fater. (jiover Hil, Toronto, by tire Rev. Dr. Jackson., of Kingsion. William Freeland, Eiq., barri ster. at.iaw, and Bella, daughter of James Il. Richardson, Esq. M. D. RoBsox-Doit, le Port Perry. on June 15, by 11ev. L. W. Hlli, assisted by 11ev. R. White man, Rev. John Robson, B. A., Pui-pieviie, anS Miss Louise Doit. daugbîer ar Mrd. Jan. Di -e i d& PortPerryi W VEBSTER-- In Cartwright. on Jure 13n,, Albert Webster aged il nonîh à 22 days, SPENSER-'Suddeniy at St. Andrew's Manse, June istir, 1ev. Adam SPen2er, aged 65 leari. RUNDE-in Darlington. J'ne 19, Elizabeth Penfonnd, beloved wîfe 0f'James 2T. Rundie, aged Il1 bars and 22 day s. THocsAs-At Regina, N. W. T.. Juno6, 1892, Sophronia J. Mouiton, beloved wrleoaf Mr. Phiip Thomas, aged 52 bears. FARM9 PROPERTY IX TUE TOWNSHIIP 0F ]DARLTNGION Pursuant to tirepower o! sale contcinad e a r'nain Indentura o! MonîIgaga. mich ir i ha prducod et Itime o!rBalaaiae ty ana James Wprden . tihere miii hae offered for sale by pub»' lie anction ai tire B ENNETT HOUSE, IN THE TOWN 0(F 13OWMAN-ýVILLEauoe o'ciock in tire atternoon, on WEDNESDAY, 29.h daylof JUNE,1892, tira following landis cnd prernises:-AI! iet certain penacel of lacS situate, lying and being in lir e vasip o! Danlîngton. in tire Conty of Donr, c ontainîng 1001 acter, more or lots and baing cli those perte of iois cumbens tien. ty tiree ccd twenty four in tire Broken Front Concession of saiS Townshrip. com cimeS by, JamEs8 B. WVorden. a gerai description of wiicir is o'.lows:-Oomnmencing on tire base lice at tire con ne cf lot 23, tirence Southr sen- ty four degrees meet twenty ciras ta tire cen- ire of lot tmenty four, ih2nce Southr sixteein degrees casut tirty tire dits fifîy links. thon North sevoniy four degmees oust tira chirei fitîy links mare or lest, thunce Sentir sixtee» tdenrees east tmenty cirains.then Northr eentr four degrees east 17 chaine and fîfy linke 'tu tire centre af lot twenty biree. thon Noth sixteen degrees mest fty two cirain, fity links ta tire place o! boginning. Also tiret Part of saiS lot numbar imenty four heratofore convey to James B. Warden by Robent E7er. son hy deeS dateS tire otir day of Mercir, 1881. rogistered le tire Ragisiry Office for tire West Riding of tire County of Dunram. on selS cineucenîli dcv o! Match 1881 as No. 1593' Upon tire premaise, ana saiS t e oarecled a 1 Btory and a hal£ brick boause 20X30 wire brick addition 2OX21 ccd trame enummer kitcren 18X14. Tis housacontains oizutroom, heside3 closais, pantry anS largo celiar ced lB 10ex- cellent repain. Threra is also a back bani 30X76, freme irorse stable 2IX36, e Sniving and. impiement sired 31X24 under micir 1 a cap. actons root honte. Tàre is an orcirard of about five acres on tire place, tire farma us materaS hy tirregooS meuls and c cisiera. TEms or SALE.- Ton per cent of lire purcirase money on day of sale and suif!. oient ta make up one thmrd of tire purchase, money mîirîin 30 day, frour sale and tire bal- ance curher in cash on on manigege at six par cent paronia t tire option of tie purciraser, Plowing possession givan ta purciraser !i- mediateiy atter irarveat. Feul possession an 7tir day o! December, 1892. For funliren particulars apply te D. BURKE SIMPSON, Bowmanvulie, LEVI A. TOLE, Vendons Solicitor. Dated et Bommianville, Sith May, 1892. SALE S MEN WANTED. We wam ah travelling cci locil saiesmen ta reprosent tire aid estabtisired Fentiit Nu-. serie. SALARY PAID FROM 'THlE START tu Baiesmen experiancud in our lune,- liherail errn, ba bepinners anS a permanent situation assur- eS. We have 700 ACRES coder cultivatioiz and are thedira o i rm. frnisiig StrtJ,Iîy nir., class Canadien Groavu Stack. Otilfit frac. Hardy vaniouies for northe.n Ontario anS Mane itoba, a epeciaity. WVe guaractea aur stock. .Apply for terms et once. We ment Yeu NOW. STONE & WELLI.NG(TON5,- Toronto, Ont, 50,000 LBS. WANTED, attire Hampton Woolan Mille lire higirest cash price miii hoe pai5 fer hest selections; relentsî takan in exehange for gooS. et small diseut. We hava oni hanS a large stock cf geods-j asu wirat lira farmers waet-wviih me awili tel lireap for cash or excirange on roo nadasa tageaus term,. Roll canding, spinning, etc., dana as usueli antira hast style. Don't fanget ta ccl ituryoun maai ; you cao do botter hare and encouirage home industries. With thank& for past lavons, 1 cm your Ohedieci Servant, D. TAYLOR, proprialor, 1Cambnian Woilen Mii, 21-Sm. Remploi>. W ILL DIGGING VLEAj.NNG AND TV sairinz dona et moderato pnices îby JAME, ALLIN.,]Bradsihcm St.. Bomimanvîfli ASA A ICK-NE.lTP After exeessive exerelse oit etisasura, H5IIIPUIS Bs ie! Iron cani flire AUCTION SALE -c"'- FARM PROPERTYL. Under instructions ;romn W. F. ALLEN, Adminstrator of the reil and personal Estate of GEORGE FISHER, Late of the Town otf Bowmanville, IloteZ keeper, deceased, the nndersîgned will offer for sale by Publie Auction, At POPEf'S Hotel, at the Village ofOrou'o,in the OountyofDurham, at the hour of One o'clook in the afternoon, ON',TTlUTRSDAs-,' TF 7th DAY 0F JULY, A.D. 1892, The follow ing premises, namely: AIl and Bingular the Nortlihait of Lý,t Nom. ber Twenty in the fourîli concession of tihe Township or Clarke. ln thre Connty of Durhan, cont'iining by admeasurement (includinz one hiait 0froad allowance.) one hundred and twa, and nue half acres,but it je sait there ara one hur.dred an d fdurteen acres in the said farta owÎng ta the concession overrunntng. The soil consiste of a r:ch dlay ioam., and tire wliole farm is inciined ta lie rolîng. it le watered by a sprin creek risïng about the centre of the farm, and a stream tirerefroos runneçg across the corner of the farm. besidos having two welis. The orchard consists of seventy five appýe trec3. The farm is weIl fenced. Tire buildings consist of a one and a hait story trame lieuse witir a veneered briuc front and a stone fouuxadation, thre main bodyF being 25 by 31 feet. wich a trame kitchen ai the beck 21 by 26 feer. There, are two barns on tire promises. one 3U by 10 feet witir a stono, founÈ ation. 1ihg other 30 by 42 feet, also a shied. and a shed and stable connec:ed. Tire farm i L situate on a goad road. about 2 miles front the village of Orono and about 6 miles troî thre village of Newcastle on th line af, the Grand Trunk Railway.. Thre proue rty wiIl be silddsubjct ta a reserva bid fixed by the O fficiai Guardian. TERMS:-Ten per cent, ot purchase rnoney' ta bie paid downaia time of sale, enongir tu make one-fourtir in fitteen days, and balance in thirty days; the two la3t payments ta ho made ait the Ontario Banik ai Ilowmanville, ta the joint credit of tire Adminsirator and thre Officiai Guardia i. Further particnlars ccd c3ndition3 will ha made known ar, timne of sede. or cau ho had on application to D. HUiltiW SIMPSON of Bow- mïnville. tte Vendor'8, Solicitor, or ta JOHN HOSIN of Toronto. Guardian of Infants,. or ta thre undersigned. LEVI ac. W. TOLE. .Aucticneer. D.-IBURKE 8VPSN Vendor'a Solicitor. Dated t ie lb i i<a 7 c June, A. D. 1892. 21- 4wksî MORTGAGE £'-âSALE. . 1

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