~: ~rr~ rURM :-1.55 PU A~uatOUR TOW14 AND OOUNTY FIF Nzw SEIES, OWMMA VILLE, ONTÂRI( WHATEVEYOU0D Buy Goods, wvhich are 'IIARBMO.NY. Mr. T. O. Olifford has loai a valuabie horse caused by failling on a pair of har.1 rows . . ..Robert Hirton has gn to To- ronto teaming... .Mr. Shipmuan bas pur- chased a iloistein bull .... Patoso n dustry have organized in Harmony wt twe.nty members... .Farmers have coin- rlHE WORLD ÂPTERWÂRDS.» M. A JAMES EIDIToI ÂNfl PRopEitETOR,ý 7EDNESDÂY JUNE 29, 189-9. VOLUME XXXVIII. NUMBEP. 26 kIOLIJA. IANNISKILLON. RAGLAN. ýcent visitors:-Mr. anid Mrs. Chae. v i itors-.-Mies Stevens, Maple Cyrove; Mrs. Jno. Bray is very low and her re- oe, Toronto; Mr. 0. W. Reynolds, the Migses Sominerville, Betbany; Rev. covery is beyond ail hope... A contract ýwa; Mr. Alfred Christian, Scarboro; Geo. Edwarcts. Peterboro; Mr. A. Pol- has been let to cut and grade the hili op- SMaude Elliott, Bowmanvillie; Misa lard, Orono..There wiil be a reception posite Mr. John Ross' miii, by the coun- ýe Elford, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs' given at the parsonage here this evening cil ..,..Mr. L. Foster has gone to town .oýgarth, Toronto .. . .Mrs. Jon. Bray (Wednesday) to the new Methodist min- for a two montha' trip.... .Mr. Jas. Bray nfield-has corne tb Roselandvaie to ister Rev. D. S. llouck. The Enniskil- is home from the city at present, owing