/ s OHU RNS!l Wheni yoit want a CIIURN get the best, it will pay you, you cari get themn at YOUNGX& COIS. Also everything found in a first«c1ass Grocery. BOWMÂNVILLE, JUN]I 29, 1892. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. Finding lb necessary to take a rest f romi the worry and wear of editorial and bus- iness if e, we have promoted Miss E. E. M{aycraf t our assistant, for three months. ta the position as Editress and business mnanager, a position we believe she will fliisatisfactorily. Ourcustomers needinot hesitate to confide in lier anv matter of trust or confidence. Mr. Jesse A. James wiil assist her during the holidays ~in local editorial work. Mr. W. McKowan wiil manage the.Jol Printmng Brandi, and ahi orders for his de- partment shouid be piaced with him wlien they will receive prompt attention. Our readers will be pleased to learu that there bas been an increase in the work of this of lier sustenance suddeuly removed. Iler Montreal or Quebec, we wouldsaY, be- C bewailings and wringing of hands was piti- ware -of Frenchi hackmen! ti f ul to behlod as she calied heaven and Our, steamer supply of provisions supi- j( Diety to witness the destruction the G. plemented at Quebec,, and one is astoili- d T. R. had wrought ta lier bouvine possess- ed at the quantity of fruit, vegPtables, a* ions. Fortunately the beast.s were knock- meats, flour and grcecries that are týiýakF ed off the track, one into the cattie guard, on an ordinary passeuger steamer fojr aunr so after five minutes delay, our train sped Atlantic voyage. Thora ivere loads ai' pa-c on her way. There dîd not seem ta be tatoes, and1 other vegetables, crates of C miany travelling, and we have been think- oranges and lemons, big bunches of ba- fi ing it may ba accounted for because it was nanas,, boxes of trawberries, barrela oýfg Friday, many people being like sailors too apples, prunes, frgs, nuts, etc., and loads s superstitious to start on a journey that of ice were taken on to keep them cool1 day. and fresh. In case aur voyage is a f1ined Reaching Montreal we had evidence aof one, we have littie doulit but that ilIi the benefit of travelling with a man who these fine things will be devaured, for we0 knowa how ta travel. We f urnish cus- have already been astonished by the ca-1 tomers who bu Steamship tickets with pacity mianifested by some members of aur 1 transportation ree from the station ta the table for putting away, three tijues a day,1 wharf. (Our party was conveyed "bags suchi quan)tities and différent varieties,e and baggage" ta the steamer while a lady that, we hestitate ta mention them for fear 1: who had not beau posted paid an uuscrup- ai' being suspected for jealousy, as aur ini-s ulous hackman $1.50 for lier own canvey- ability ta, do justice at meal times la by nao ance. W/e have seen similar occurrences meaus a secret in aur home territory. By in former years. Arriving at the steamer ten o'clock ail was quiet again around aur1 iistead oi' lugging aur baggage an board, ancliorage and -we retired ta aur cabin ta f wefud u;oom steward and lie brougit sleep and enjayed a capital nigts et them on. There is a great deal in kuaw- Sunday June 19. We are not a veryf ing how ta travel. exemplary advacate ai' early rising on Sun-( We i'ound aur stateraami very comfart- day morning, and have accasionally in the able indeed-one ai' the best on the steam- past been startled from aur bed by the er, thanks ta, the choice ai' Mr. H. Baur- ringing ai' the churcli bell at homie, but lier, western passenger agent for the Allk.u thik, morning it was the 8 'clack brei- Line, Toronto, who slected this room for fast bell that aroused us. But it was, ike us in March last-another evidence ai' ear- the 10 o'clock churcli bell, only an alarm ly application for breths. The "Numid- for the cali ta service was at 8.30 by whch ian" i s ighted throughaut by eiectricity time we wero on baud wlth an AI. appe- and lias Saloon amidship, Music Room, tite ready for a v igaraus unsiaught on the Library and Smoking Roams. The State long blli ai'ftare. Possîbly next Suneday Rooms are large and weli ventilated, and morning will nat fiud aur camrades so #weli situated in that part ai' the slip wherethe prepared ta do honor ta the billai'f fre. ieast motion is feit. lb may interest somne At 10.30 the venerable Archldacaon persans ta know what are the f urnisbîngs Joues began the service ta whicli the paâss- ai' an ordinary cabin staterooîn on an Ailan engers had been suminaned by the tolling steamer. Ours contains twa berths cadi of tho twa bles. It was the usual môrýin- about as large as a single bed, a nice soi'a, ing servi ce ai' the Episcopal church e ith a a cabinet ai' drawers with marbie wasli short sermon i'rom a text in the 4,Otli stand enclosed, wali radis. for srnali art- Psaluî, "Blessed is the in that maiý,k- idles, boks laoking glass, decanter, tum- ebli the Lord his trust." Hie made a hiers, towels, soap and othor necessary portion ai' ha discourse apprapriate ta the couveniences. Tlie roolu is well lighted occasion by canmparing the human soul ta, Iby one large port hale. a miarîner's campasa. The ciosing ljiinn t On the steamer we had the pleasure ai' was ,"Jesus Laver ai' My Soul " If we rmeeting for the first tiue Mr. Jno. Ion, may judge from the ready respùinses, fully the newly appointed Manager ai' the Ailan hlaioai the audience are Churcli people. sLino and Mr. Stewart the chief account- There will be no Sunday sclioal, as the(re ant. Mr. Iau is a thorougli business man are only three chidren ou board.a~ n suad lias earned the positian he se, admîr- ai' them is a ten-months' aid baby, but lie -ably fils. V/e were met at the hoast by succeeds lu making himsehf heard ail1 0výer n Mrs. L. T. Marceau ai' Naperville, Que., the boat. Hie is a iusty shouter and no ýr known teia ny ai' aur readera. 11cr sis- mistake, lii.e unto the eue previbjualy ,ter Miss Angia A. Stuart forms one ai' aur mentioned. This one is aSaivation Armiy Is party. recruit, bing ason ai' Ensign Steele, is he Nmidansaild at 5 a. m. for Que- 1 which may account for its being 80o n9,isy. ILL Creator in tlie days ai' tly yauth ' whîle lie cvii days came not," and ail along the journey it lias been your prayerful en- leavor ta hive up ta tli njunctiou "lu .11 thy ways acknowlédge hlm aîd lie bhail direct thy paths." and no\w as you îear the end of the journey, yen can witli confidence and satisfaction read fram God'd word "Thie Lard thy Gad is a nierci ful Gad; lie wili flot forsake thea nar for- get the covenant ai' thy f atiiers which hle swara unta them." Many aid and dear f riends ai' former laya have passed over ta tlie other side ai' the vaiiey, and you are ta the margin come; may yaur remaining days bce SO Il- huined by the Illy Spirit that you îay .e ipeud and meliowed for that home prepared; aud when iife'a journey witli ecd ai' us la ended, inay we, ana and ail, be weicomed ta that heavoniy kingdlom ta spend together an eternity ai' reat, is our earnest prayer. As a sliglittoken ai' tha esteem and laving friendship, nat only ai' the manyl i'riends arouud yau ta day, but ai' athers whase kîndly greetinga and good wishes, aithaugli unlieard,mingie withours (,n this occasion, and who would giadiy lie lere but for distance, wo ask you ta acceptl these presenta, and wau]d express the hope that you may long live ta enjoy,*hem. Mrs. Gea. Munroe and Mrs. Samuel Allio, sisters ai' the bride, then uncover- ed a table on which a large Dinner Set and one dozen silver linives and forks had been piaced. V/hile they were standingj ta receive the presentatian Mr. C. Rogers and Mr. A. Aluin remnoved the chairs ou which they had been sitting aud lu their place put two fine large aruc chairs. Af- ter resuming their Seats tliey were agaîn given a pair ai' goid rinîmed spectacles each and lu order that thieir Golden Wedding sliauld lie as binding as tlie first one Mr. Souci was handed a goid ring aud asked ta place it on the bride's finger. Mr. and Mrs. Souci ecd madle a very suitabie re- ply thanking ail for thir kinduesa. Short speeches were made byMessrs. Wm. El. ford, aud W. J. Souci, Mr. J. C. Van- Stone read letters f rom Mr. John Hoar, Lindsay; Mr. C. Elford, and Mrs. Norris, Dakota; Mr. W. H. Elford, Carman, Man.; Mr. A. B. Elford, Evanstaeî.iiý,I., A. F. Muuroe, Detroit; Wm. EIi'ard , Es- sex; J. il. V/llis, Whitby; ahilxl~ iî congratulations and expressing reg-e, f bat they could not lie present closing rwlth oe from MHr, and Mrs. John Elford, Dakota, who sent two five dollar goid places which Mr. Vanstone presented ta fie bride snd groom. Rev. R. McCullough haviug j ust arrived mâdea Shrt sree,.h followied hv Messrs. We have some fine pat- terns in WASIIABLE PAPER. Give us a eall. E. P. KENNER. WEST ENO HOUE. Having purchased the entire stock of Groceries, Crock- ery and Glassware ownied by Mrs. J. R. Quick, at a very satisfacbory rate on the dollar, I amn prepared to give some splendid bargains reci fairai cucuîe ICIIUw, 1. is vice r sa %or, ny ii u.o..yu KU Il aulil strengthens witi ils yeara, lho wil ut a awartu of boas sattling ou a hop poli vautages, and perliap5 fewer demauda eraons icavua s auiue o auctianeer Tla before ils hair turus grey. Like the peddliug Jew, too, tliey nover upon its aparce population 7lu everYthing sieep, lambs, veal calves, hogsanad poul. hand. Juat af ter 1 aasiug Prescott aurtri a fail ta ask enougli for their services, n bt bard pioddîng work, yau joiued-CIhands try ai' any kind are requested ta ace or inta a Jr vo of cows, killing two and dlean faced youth offered ta drive four of at the bridai ater witli h'earta liglitad ud odta eatm radnc and I EIGHEST £-RIGIE «DAXID PFORI RAW T E rU1 S knockiug ir cal' o ver the foence into àm field' us for an hour for $2.00. llaneestaovn adapurpose 'oecaedtale ai' grain. The animiais behongad ta a groy say ho dîd fnt drive tiat liargain. Ta aut mutually lielpi'ul tao aci otiir. 7our will cali an thEfm. Or address S. H. Ra'!- haired aild lady who witnessed the sourcaraea ae Ocso agorrui-m tta eu was "Remnembar naýw thy soLtus, if liy mail, Boy 1, Bowmanville. m YARIETT Ès stili showing some Iovely patterns in PA PERO WA LL