Fetching the Doctor At night is always a trouble, and it is often an entircl( urinecessary eriry Davîs, Is È-ept in the house. A few drops pf this old remnedy in a littie sweetIý etied vacr or milk, brings prompt itelief. Sold everywhere. Mjavre you seen the New Strawberry and icecreamasocial to.night. Strawberry social to-nigbt at Provi- Mr. John P. Ëolly has gone te Winr'i- dence. peg, Man. Blackstock Division S. of T. bas a memn- Mr, Geo. Porter was calling on triend, berahip ct 60. [n 1Port Perry laat week. Mr. MT. MeClellan, St. Thomas, was in Good time promised te ail who attend town last week. Hanmpton Dominion Day. Mrs. Sanderson, Coîborne, bas been B3lackatock is. preparing for a grand visiting Mrs. W. R. Chume. celebration Dominion Day. Mr. J. Mliera bas gene te Hamilton ]Mhs. C. Gardiner, of Ottawa, bas been wbere be bas secnred a situatio'a. visiting at Mr. F. Blakley's. Mr. A. Mingeaud and wife, Chicago, Mr. Herbert Ellswortb, cf the Tmes, have been visiting friends in tewn., Hamilton, was in town last week. Mrs. Hiawkins of Oshaçva bas been vis- Mr. Alex. Wannan, V. S., and wife, iting ber dangbter Mrs. R. Iloskin. Blacketock, have gene te Angola, mnd. Mr. M. Porter bas colected a large Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., and Master portion of'tbe dog and statute labor taxes. Douglas, are vieiting friends in Barrie. Mr. W. Pearson, Singhampten, was Whitby Oddfellowa will decorate the guest cf bis brother, Mr. Geo. Pearson, graves of their deceased brethren Ju1y 13. las' week. Mr. and Mca. Thos. Symnons and family Mng. John Dyer and daughter, O.3bawa, cf Columbus, Ohio, are visiting at Mr. bave been visitiug Mrs. John Perkine, Jas. Morris'. liorsey St. Strawberry and ice cream social at Mr. The policeman cf Toronto are starting John Elford'u, Providence, to-night, a vigorous crusade againat liquor aelling (Wduesday.) on tbe Ialand. Rev. E. Rogers, Cobourg, praached at Mre. Veale of L9a Angola, Cal., and the re-opening services cf Lttle Britain Mrs. Wicks of Oshawa bave been guesta Methodist Churcb, Sunday. cf Mra. J. Percy. Mr and Mrs, W. J. MeMurtry, and Mr. Dennis Daly and two childcen and Mises Edna, cf Gat, bave been visiting Mrs. W. S. Bennett, Napaneo, viited Mrs. McMurtry, Centre St.1 relatives in town recently. While a Mr. Baker of Michigan was We hope our splendid staff cf country biving a swarm cf bees he was stung 50 orzpondents will send us large budgets badly that be died in a fe w bours . cf news durinig the Editor's absence. MissCor Tapcot, Prt Hpere~ THE STATESMAN staff bave net esten ceived the first prize for the best essay on much idie bread for some weeks-trade1 tobacco offred by the Montreal Witness. ba enatv-se have we ail been. Mr. J. T. Pollock, Masters Andrew Mrs. J. Veale, Toronto, Mrs. Bridges, and Hierbert Pollock, Enniskillen, were Texas, and Mr. John Davey, Dayton), guesta cf Mrs. C. H. iNorris, Poit Hopg, Ohio, are guests cf Mrs. Wm. Windatt. recently. Miss Martha C. Riggs, Enniakîllen, basý The contents cf tbe Arena fer June been awarded a diploma for Piano and e'nbrace science, bistory, ethics, econ-Iliarmony at Demui Ladies' College, Osh- omws ,, )Oitles, iterarv citioism. educa- awa. $1 SAVED ON $2.25. Tr[E STATESMAN has a tempting bot weather offer for ail subscribers this week.- For $1.25 we wiil ser~d to any, address in Canada: Life of Spurgeon, iegular price, $1.50 STATESMAN, balanca of 1892 .50 Family llerald & W'kly Star, 3 mes .25 $2.25 The Life of Spurgeon is a large cloth. bound bo)ok, the very saine as agents are selling ait over the co..tinent for $1.50. Persons ordering, from a distancp may sendý a one dollar bill and 25 cents in stamps. This is a great offer. Send your order to-day. Address M. A. JAMES, STATESMAN' office, BowmanVille. HIGH SOHOOL PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS. Names of pupila promoted frorm Form 1 to Forin 2 GIELs-Andrew L ,Ellenor F., lia'nes G., iloekin J., IJollgw B., Johuston N., -MLLe3,n L., Poliard B, Trebîlcocit E , Wright M., Scott L., Tait E. Boys Colville C., James J. A., Reid H., Worden- E., Saenders C., Logan W. The following will be promoted when tbey pass in the sub.jeets set after their respective Dames: Eliott K, M., (Arith. matic), Bunney J. W., (Latin), Inch W., (Latin), Tole W. C., (Algebra), Vanstone F., (English) M. M. FENWICIt, Principal. HîigliSchool Notes. According te previona announcemeni the L-twn. Social in connecton. with the B.H.S.L.S. passed cff Friday avening satisfacterily to aIl. The Board kindly permitted the Society free use of the school and grounds. Unuaual prepar. 1 on Thursday last Chief Jarvis went te Maple Grove and captured a burgar who bad beon committing robbaniea in that vicinity. lie bad broken into the resi- dence cf Mr. Robert Hiicks while the family were from home and aFter finding and approprlating a sum cf meney hoe ro- paired te the paDtry and made a large hole in the family larder. When the Chief arrived lie pursued the thief and after running a mile across fieldn ho cap- tured the fugitive about 4 miles west cf town and tiiough ho resisted arre3t and gave Mr. Jarvis a vast amount of troubl 'e lie was landed in the cooder in due time. lie tnrned out te be Leiw is Bradshaw wlie about eight montbs ago was acquitted on a charge cf stealing a spsn cf borses f rom Mr. John Jewell, Bewmanville, east. On Sunday the 19th imat. Mc. Wm. Barry's bouise on the Alanvers Road was entered and some toilet articles, razors and under-clothing were taken. Some et these articles were found on the prisener's person and on Friday morning hie waaup before Polioe Magistrate Haines on two chargea cf bousebreaking. He was coin- mitted for trial on both charges and Fri- day evening was removed te Cobourg. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance ROBT. ViRTUEc, Agent, Bowmanville A very pretty line cf Delains at 25c. bas just been opened eut at J.J.Mason's. Mc. IH. C. Brittain would like à1l eut standing secounts paid to Mr, Dobson 1 Big 20, this week if possible. Ail perieons owing accounts te Itaynard the Jeweller wiIl please eall and oettle them at once, as ho is leavingû town, It will certainly pay fanmers te get aUl the grain tbey feed ground when Mc. tVanstone dees chopping at 5c. a bsg. e The "Stainless' Black flose andJ 9Gloves wbich gave such great satisfaction y last season are being seld by Jno. J. Ma- .son. Tbey have a funll range in Men'a, Women's and Children's. Absolutely A.UOTION SALE FARVIPROPERTYT Under instructions from W. F. A LLEN. Adminstrater of the reil and persenal Estate of GEORGE FISHER, Late cf the Town ot Bowmanville, Motel keeper, deceased, the nndersigaed will offer for sale by Pulc Auction, At POP]iYS Hotel , at the Village of Orono, in the Countyof Durham, at the hour of One o'elock in the afterno on, ON">ZTHURSID-ANY- THE 7th DAY 0F JULY, A. D.1892, [he following preomses, nmely AiU and singular the North hait cf Lgt Num. ber Twenty la the fourth concession o! the Township of Clarke.,In the Ceuniy of Durham, contsining by admeasucemeni (includinq one hait of road allewance.) one hundred and twa and one hait acres,-but it la said there are one hur.dred and feurteen acres in tbe said tare owlng te the concession overrunning. The soil consista of a rich dlay loam. and the whole farmi ja inclined te ho rolliînz. hitÙ watered by a spring creek rising about the centre of the tarin, and a stceani therefroni running acresa the corner cf the feaim. haidg having two welis. The orchard consista cf seventy-five applo trecs. The fart is well fenced. The buildings censist of a one and a hait tory trame liouse with a veneered brickc front and a tone foundation, the main bodyr being, 25 by 31 feet, with a trame kitchen at the back 24 by 26 teet, There are two berna oit the premises, co 30 by 40 feet with a atone founc atien, the othor 20 by 42 tet, aise a shed and a shed and stable conneczed. Tho farm ial situate on a good road. about 2 miles fremn the village ot Orone and about 6 milee frein the village of Newcastle on the lune of the Grand,. *Tcunk Railway. The proverly wiit be soid subject te a reserve bld fixed by th Officiai Goardian, TERMS:-Ten par cent. et purchase môeai 1te ho paîd down at tire of sale, enoniglitas make one-fourth In firicen days, and balance in thirti' days; the two lasi payments te hos made ai the Ontarie Bir) 1,ai Bewmanville, tu the joint credit cf the Adminstrator and the