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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1892, p. 7

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p YifERYS Sarsaparillia Y-our best remedy for E-rysipelas, Catarrh R-heumatism, and S-cirofu ta 8aI-t-Rheumn, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumors R-unning Sores S-curvy, Humors, ltch A-nemia, Indigestion P-impies, Blotches A-nd Carbuncles R,-ngworm, Rashes ! aipure Blood L-anguidness, Dropsy L-iver Com plaint A-Il cured by Sarsa pairi1lia Prepaýred ty D. J. C Ayec & Co., Losteli. Mass. 'Suldty ail Dsuggists. Price $; six bttles, $s. Cures ottiers, wiII cure you B R1SýERffiSOLCITR, NT RigSreBowmauville, Money to loan, 37. f fNEY TO LOAN,-Ou ferm secur 1- I.. lty on moast favorable terms-martgages bouight. APPly tO RICHARDu FùSTER, east of t-,wn P. 0 Box 119, or .IonN FOSTER, Drover, Bowmianvîille, P. 0. 5-lyr. ÉLORIST. 0SIIAWA. ONTARIO Grower end dealer in Ohoice Cut Flowers. Planýtp. Roses. Cee-salions. Violets. Smilax and Ferus. Ennemil Desigus and Bouquets snede up on short notice in Wreath3. Cnowus, Pillows, Hearts, Society Emblemi, &i. Plants Losned for Decoration.euch as Palme Ferps Liliee. &o. Telejihone Conuecrion. t-ly ï V32DEThCTIVE STOIlIES! F R EZ o P ack ofut ted wuri h $2, andi large 100) paire Picture Book that will -u ly pu ~ t ynu on tle road ta a benidsome- fortuneý 3eesd 5 tiIver lopay postage. A.WRIN'-sEY, B3. C. ýS., Yarmouth, N. S. 12 -3m. n ",0RENT.-For terni o! years, "(lIen A1. Dhu "-3100 acres, 2 muiles tramn Whitby- guood buildings and souit Admirable or stock or dairy. Ci- eue for gaing extensively jute Turont-) mille business or stock raisiug foi Dmenican emarke. MIen wîth capital only Aeed sýppIy,_ J. H. Dow, Whitbv, 32-tf*' ~A M FOR SA ETe nonth half . tlot 22 lu île 3rd concession of the Tcwnship of Clarke in thse cauaîy ot Durham con.t alniug 100 acres more or less. U Lpon tIcpromises are s gond dweiliag bouse, baise- and stable, Tiso' e ii nover failing spigclose to the buildings. agood yeng elserdl For tee-ms and particuiers apply ?u Ose s Wsesersoscto, c. Ncwc as le,. 2-ii. $per auunum lui adîV'tceý, otherwie $1.5). Suasrîploa aliyspayablo at ths3 offin, ifÏ Publ ýicion zldvonrtlsiu rates unlasq by con reot 10osr, pa lin, unp ile r3aiset on.1 ami 5 Ours pa1r lina oacli subsequeat in- Eui;n. Locale, 10 cents par- lins. __,M. A. JAMES, Publishe r- N~R VE RVE BEAjýS are a new ca- eoe- hat cre tihe woret casen of ervo5 Debility, Lost Vigor and B EA NSFailing Manhood; restoes tho peaknless ef bndy or mimd caus S by oser-work, or ths- srors or ex- oese f youtb. 'XT Remesdy ah- SolteiY cures thse most otistinuste raies irlen ail other TRtEATSSENTS have faied even tarelieve. -oisiby drug- gists ai 81 Per Paokage, or six for $5, or sent by mail on receipt or price Write for pamphlet. Sold lu- Bowmanvjlle bv STiiTT & JURIY. Mý,ANHOOD RESTORED. "GANA7ITO,1" thse Rîedy la seî 1 sus a '~ t cn' ailNeiveet Dis- erss, sorti s Weak llimory, Lass et flraîo Pwekhine, losrlliçsi h»lossi, Nenousnrs, Las- & litue- ail draine anS Bofon & Afei- os, f Posîwer or the Phoitograplied trous lite. Gcoive O eni rusher sra, cenerd by eer-x's, tien, Youthfui lediscretions, or the excessive nsc otti-cr, epsin, or stimulaints, whicis uitiînateiy leS a nillsity, Ceissumptioenland Insernity. Pot up lu cerscsîst 10cmr te cc'-ry la th3 veat peeket. Price pSi ý a pakg, or ký ne ai i.sia&nt or U3. S.M'iohey. Wih evr5 sdcaegive a 1.lS, nagsle5 cea- s rie,,,d the nler. Sent by maii, ail siuties o Chie r. Asîdrese I5lfsfl1tÙ: CEHIC L 00. L'sach Offi for u3 S.A. andCneer CDCIenr - St-cat. CHICAGO,5 ILL. F-OR SALE 1, 130VMANVILLE, ONT., BY 1. li ginbouham &Sou, Famiiy and Dispec.sir.j Clissais ti d-)n1t ta bilious c;tate uftChi systeus, such as Il1izineee, Nauses. Drowsiises., Distrese afte- 1>ing Raualteîe Whietbeir Most e-amas-Naiss nuce - baveen shown lucun p ye lt seER'e LITTLEa LIEa PILI lr' equaiiy vaissable iu Constipation, ducin& arid pr-oiveuting til nnuying cosuplaint, whils 1,bey cIao correct ail dieurd1ers ut the eromach stma e, ia iver snd regulate thse boy ols; ~ vnI hy Ouy ccred E Ache the w- i ni m t priceless ta thuse r w-ue flero--s this disirossing cumpltiisi; tutfotuatiytheir gooduese dos ni end c hranSi th00,, wi lince try thern as*I u nîd these uiftIe pille valu abld ta su many ways Chat t1e avili-11 net ho w illing ta do mithousi tbem. !But cdte2r ahl sice bond la t1ie bans ut si, u- tInt bore ! w-heu-e N ov nieur grîi st. Our pilla cure i wheutesdo nul.- 4Cu 1 a'e LsITE LIEvg Iieis are ves-y sill udvry eas,-y ta take. One or tw o pis ni ake nd-.Tbiey are strictiy vegerabe anti do c flt 0rpeo purge, but by their gentle etieu pasaiwhouse tîsern. In vils c 25 cenits; dr o 1 sl oîe-yavbeîe, or sent ty mail. t The Simple Faith of Childhaood. Bv n. W. T. Tle poeiry o! Edavard Young belonga ferus aud metlod ta tise eighteeuth centr botthe lrntl tîsi lies lu the leansi a! É stately pooma belongs teasl urne. If nq one a! tle greaiesi o!fnsadern pacis, hec e tiitly manageS ta put naw sud egain w-lie w-aniS o! mcaning muta a siugle lini Au exaneple of tîls rare gif i is ta e b oum in tIai bine in whîlel b urges the hsspI snd profitelle occupation o! holdinsg coi verse w-lth tle pat- "'Tic greaily avise ta talle w-thaur pasi bous It inay le ibat w-e hardJy ueed s pact sei te-ou Heaven ta impess sud sa truili upc ur minoli. AnS yeî lu aur bosy age v sOOtti to lack bath time sud opportnnity fi sud empioyuseut. We are living to-de, for taos-row sd theneastday. Our moti seems ta le, IlLet île<ed pesi bury i dead, --aIl o! w-bld la tory desirable; in tises-eis a Il uiv;ng pasi " as a-eil as s "Ses pasi, " sud aith ilat livinsg past it is W-eil hld occesional fellowsIip. An bon stolcu tram the cesseleas rus cee-e speur lu the silence sud sacroduesa tIe chsanber of mcmary, w-ill resultinlut] icreese o! failh and couraeoasd lape; as tbose commodities are still of counnue w-unI as aids ta île pemfrmsuece o! lits grand w-unI, 0f suel an hsour I sus Sio iug uaav. Thc day w-s aven, its toits a ended ; tise sacreS veapen elime, o! w-hlî w-e nover tire, 11Abide aitI m e, feas fal île eventide," lad boen snng; anc ly ai tiseellîidren aaid Il oouîghi;" sud la of ail came litile Esther w-h a spray% S'îuilorn w-oaS, as su cveuing's offerinu beleuIw-asieftalane. No sunS Iokei silence save the crackiug o! île fs-e sud il ikiug af île otd edock lu the corner, ti sounded ta, my fauscy lic tIse eani ut trionS beatiug on lu toving cansisndy. TI. dlock sud île fine aseSe quite disposeS le companionabie, snd au, as tle Vaviligi -deepeLued, plsying enystie, slsdowy prnk 1 sat dow-n snd gave mnyseîf up ta qui( -musiug. île spray of Southeru w-oaS, w-iaIits pur gent odor--avhlel Estber lad put lnunu baud w-leu she elimbed np for ber gaa' niglit kiss-by somo mystic lsw o! assat atian that I Sa not undersiaud, cerleSni feir aw-ey, luth lu distance anS yosrs, to lItte gardon paicis avîcre lad's lovo sud gi iives-s, and aaigoids diS moat abaunc Moreoven etthe lour e-e oang, Kais ba 4read lu hon ow-u cloe- sîeet w-ay, ibat par o! Pcui'a louter ta lis Corinthisu friends, i §w-hich le exalta lave as île croavo of all grscoe. Faisih Hope!I Las-e ! Bst tIse grosl est o! these is Lava ! Osue phrase chose a! thai matcbiess clapier doice ilsoîf !rom île e-est, as s phrsre s meblîsa w-fl, aud w-ont sw-suging in usy tisongb 'ika a golden noie, sud I"ail iuntoise," tros soma estisedral ebime. AnS ibis saas ilh phrase: IlWhen I w-saseisld."1 Iw-s no puzzling my be-sm w-thîle musprug trot tîsi lay in this passago trous îe greatAp,- tic of tle Goutles, Tise dusse w-ess an IlWheo h wsa a elild! Wiseu 1was acehilS And aven île olSd cock manageS to clang tise munotonous I ick, ik -" o!fia s-oras- lite inta IIWheu I w-as as GlS. " AnS s îlte <sys ut early boyîîood caime lad uon, aeruw-Sed nsy study w-lus uingled meusurieý blouses HuaS lad jusi suds an hbures tIi: on le saoulS nover lave w-itton lis charsu ieag stecîzas.- 1 nemeusier, I namember, Thc lance w-litre I sebus-o, The lii le avindeat -lieathe son CauseeecngE n a. mos-n; Ho ea-oc camasla vdnktua soon Nos- bsrogttfoc long a day; Thei couses Stonds utf tes-ie-sloaSes tIsat us-neail, througis the pueus. O!si modern pools few have avniten saSSer l Ie tIsas Thsmas HIlue: ButI noat, 1 often w-icI tise nigbt laS basonsy bs-catis aw-ay. h ramenabe-, I rsenstmer, The finis-oea, dark ator higis h useS tt iusk i seondon tops STore close against tis ky, it as a chil)ds-'h iguos-auco, But nowt 'il' Iiitleoy bu lenoît Jus fas-ieoff from Icaven Tissu vhen 1w-as a boy. WIon I w-as as dShIlsbougiui asE cisilS ;" anS w-la wouid saut give grea ireasu-os ta lai-e once mos-e fuie froc, un tue-eS mmnd ut cisidood ? After ail iE saiSd <aisoe, île cd iSe etruc fs-ee usinIer. No precusîceona hond bi w engs o! a dhild'e uhougli ; no prejudiceî mas- lb. Amnsmuy oas-hast eccoiieeiion,, as-e tise impresions naSe upoîs my ussenu conces-uing GoSd aees-nty. anS w-th tis spray o! SouiIero w-caSis my issuS I su saandering ai tac crient taesolech iseeimu pressions, spîme ut tht w-tan anS friction nf many years, romain ; ehaugesi, peras, in fus-m amiScolursîsg, lut il secethe camne, h lied tîree teselsers w-len 1I s a elilS. My mobler, GoS's open boul ohfisaînue, and a tIird, w-io saoulS lava eloud-'S aili mi young tleugîie ant Iopes if Gedes sunshiue sud ussy mother's gentsle life baS nui beau tuo beautituli te le eclipsed. bIc ureacises ufthls ulden tine w-as s living-tir-er, eveî e uchidren. Ho persisuer inla ellmug ns w-ces-ee "heollSeaem-ving s1i00ess-snd filleS our yenng lia os îith teas- anSduls-ad. h am lad again lilst olS claurci-, anS thse ùlS saduess ereepe oves- me. bbceluinicte- tetls me my lands suailed Jeas thîe ess, anS ibat ussless I accapu lais useiatois-al w-us-le haîclile eternsily l!Ailt îiis puzles me, anSdIamsoie atraiS. ButI ham nou afs-aiS of usotler, sud yaý I emusrose sle kuaows me tîrongl anSdbliresgb, snd eveus stîtu I Inow1 h loutd la reproeodshe asesusi tende-, Ont iin thc garde amiS was a cd S1IclimbeS by sud ,stcppcng stones to blinI ihat if God w-s aiser tIn asic tatisers, sud linder tIen ounr usuiers, [le must ho wme sud kînd indeeS I One day "'w-Iwes a cbild" my meles- bol my broblens anS h np tise Spinncy [1111e to meel faiben, w-l a w-se e-inning friai, jous-noy. We lad testeS ton a lictie ChIldren Crv for sectes Ianructier and tanglter, sa"i ni (-rSalisbus-y, sud this rogion, oulr tro many 1 lave loveS sud lost since thon. years,- agaw%-laulyoccpidbysavagepeoplîs, I eau noV Semoneirate tise reaiity o! a le nwwitîsin au lions- ut London. lite beyoud île louaSse-les o! time. Any ne- Tise noîvepaper eumpiaius o! île absence lgion tisai is w-asitIctheiame muet aiw-ays o! auy banking facilities aud says tIse com- bes a pe ratIer ilan s demnsusion. bbc nuity ce ovrsupplied ailI educated saon ilongli borne lunspun use io île eurnfiebd w-la are " jusi uow- soalsug suitabie aor- whîen I w-as but s sorewing cd S lds m us - amo ork o! any sari." Pitchees Csoi under the sladow- of a tree wheu motber trust givon to-day. All e logic in thi tald us tlat no two beaves au île trocs were worid halnotrob me of!Vils lape. EmpireE exaciiy alike. This greatly asionished us, may wax sud w-eue, temples may risc and lu sud w-c began vigorously ta iry aur band ai fait, but love lives au; love is immortal, oi ry, natelsisg tise icaves. But i w-as &Il lu lite is net wonth the living,. ils valu. TIen w-e lad anc more couplet add- One o! île memorable epocîs of my chilS io cd ta our stock o! screS treasures o! mcm- lite was my first brie! Ses voyage. I shall r- ory : neyer 'farget tle sensation o! thai shoan La 'Theres not a l est upan tis e I" jounaîy af lesa than a 100 milies ly ses.,It l. But bears tIe impe-ess, Lord, a! .e was but trom anc îsland ta anather. It seom. nS TIe aId pastor w-bac w-iole 111e lias been cd so strango ta my childisl cyca ta sec the pîy absorbeS lu pneachîng "île terrons af île land rccedîng, fon se it apPeared ta me. I- law " died. Mauy w-cpi lîtterly ai bis And w-Ion et lut, there was nathing but funenai, but I lad nu bears ta Shîed, sud sca sud sky, w-sien around, beneatl, evcry- w-heu motIon asked me if I was nat, srry w-home. A greai bore-or ai cruame me.Th ut tlat aur dear oid minleter w-as dead -I w-es world scemed §o large; the ses so cruel sud aun brave enongh liaita lie. Of course I felt roleutiesa, ready'ai suy moment ta whelre vo sure ho bsid gone ta heaven, Whre else aur hoast sud lan board lu île dlownaweeop for caulsi ho go ? But I well reniembcr feeling ing ses. Nover shall I forget tIc ihaukful. t that if sny w-cked boy lad managed ta boss w-thI whicls I caughttihe firai sighi of bt steal ista Icaven it would le a bldtling Douglas heaS, sud I knew tisai we dreaw is for lîm if unr aid minister gai bis oye ou near ta land. ut bim. But the spray o! iad's-love bas wiibered ad Very early lu my life 1 began taeavauder lu my warm baud, though is odor lingera. ta lovingly at thc exîcut ta wlsleI "tle ailI Tise fine is buruing low sud ibis reverie w-as taken for tle deed " lu aur quiet lame, muai euS. If 1 could reacb the cars of par- a! Tieseaime law o! mes-ciful iuterpretatian enta 1 w-aniS beg thoîsa ta fil the lives of o! applied ta us aIl. AnS mnany s urn e i yonng ehildren full o! sunshlue, ils; ,ho through the chaugiîsg yeera the memary of île reveries a! thib latter years May bc id tIsai tender, ilouglîful love las came un- peaceful sud bright as a sunset lu tle hban 3S biddeu ta givo force sud point to sncb a! June. 'a words as these: "Hie kisoaetl aur trame;- ,k- He nememberel tisai w-oare dusb.'" Gold Prom Sea Water- al " WIcn I was a child' books were fan Tlei researchos tif Malaguti, Durochezi eh from Isumerous, a condition o! ibinga ilat SazidadSnttonhepciab. la lad us campensations. We may have tîo n aesfeand ssdSontadi o the ptablmea ne many 'bos aybosc matninw-sien lave receusly becu supplemeuted ist wlsere uiy vcry few- eau le mastered. Our (Iroje says) by as canot ul investigation made o! lilrary w-as i-e-y amal; Fleetw-ood's "Lite y Scaudimsa n Hors- Munster. Acord- ig. o! Chrict," Fiavcl's "Saint Indeed," Mac- lyst is- -d sawae wstae hegawani's "Diaiag'sc o! Devila," Klopsiock's f in tais tîsiaord, sawîwasd10 ltkes .0 "M essias, " sud Bnnyau's "Piligimas Pro-r ai gesa fomed Ic tape. A od voumewere2 evaporated ta dryness, giving 1830 a o!ss ancie thaeogy epiA lu vumaes grammn es of residue.Thsis w-as gruund, sud ý aof ncint ythlog crptin na dies ideista partions o! 300gr, oacI o! w-heu 'he among ibese Paritan berocs. These were iawt 0g fltag,10ro ta my compaulons"w-bes I w-asaschld.' An ura eS -Is l-odOgn ao! atre, andOgra lt glaions campanions Vley werc. bIsoue w-as pure potsssinm- sodî-u arnte, sud gcan s, lardily s word lu Bunyan I diS flot under- o!arntam ta ,su tieivrsd ci sand Thre -cr noIong aord exepigold Ses-uineS. bIc recuit w-as,,19 milli- utsand. Bunysu r oeeeon îldexcp gramm~es of silver sud six milligrammes <of vans uynpr ee nteprinciple gaiS per ton of average ses w-ser. Causid- 1- have often board Mr.- Spurgeon L'give1 eriîsg tle extrcnseîy smaîî asunns uf pro- tîoxresing e.î t îa ig s aple iaugtae hjk a ioit~s insetals preent err Munster con- ci, Pilgrim's Prognese' domiuated my young lu twnks eau possibly le successfni. ne 11e. Tle cleractena iived before mnc. 1fHe isaf oplinibat thc precipitatian muai iaknew mncunluur villauo îlat w-ou-ic bave le effeted by tle ses itsol!, w-bore tle w-a- .1- maSo perfect portraits for Feint [bean, and ter la couîiouously senewed by a naturel jd île man wthI île muck rake, Witl myts- eenrt ; sud le points ont ibet the copper d aiugy I did siot dabble ta any great oxteni, shahin fvsesbsln enkon ni but, young as I w-se, I lived lu a w-orld peciatug a!vessnrtelal se ong bonskowtas n spart. And nsany s night wlen Ilsad ta Hprpse silvera une borums60îas hoobey île iujunctiuu tO bc quiet beesuse fiýeprpea ibtwosalnnel about 60 yash ,,t "baby w-as asieep," I have seen tise grandesi ter7ed fnom Ses or w-lnd, w-lare there lsaa ho panorama lu tle fis-e. I have eeu Christian cornený1t of about 13 feei per nminute, sîsonîd Sd fiouudering lu île Siough o! Despond, sn u esltdfoan expenîmoîsi, such rccky estIon Daubting Castie w-anISflausse up and ilis being commun off the Nonwegiaucoasî. las Gîsesi Despase w-aniS glane tîseough île fiery Ac-shiis clîsuniel 60 pistes o! galvassized ,in al-Ajax defying tle iigltning, utud-tIse mon, cccl saven foot by ton foot, aluniS b ,~ poor w-e-aid daineS tu tise rock, ail tlsee arangeS aI aun angle o! 30 bu île Streams, il gloaveS anS glimmes-eS lu île ruddy fine, and an elecinlicocurreouibl passeS througîs thWIeu eIildIuod gs-oavta early boyhood, bishe ,,socles ta precipitatis île prociona metais. Squestion o! w-lai I mighi recd becamo bbTphe, e required bleoreticaily for ilis serions. Noveis o! lli e ris avere strictly pro halfle cale -~fucidden. But Uncle William w-as thle ni h, alaes et ouiy ba!1cose- - oacl inuns faniy, ud u oabrse nSpower. Tbo large anodes needed cound, odifficusît questions, bis caunsel generally pro-HeMnse-ayclspyronStou 'y aelled. I tlsukhieaven I waseves-"suat, - o, inîpriegnated wthI graphite snd tar, ae s r u ad c;as-bu(nucesi, hugî conductive power- Idnon sudis givon ta cunnissg; but I1usd sa, ;ot.beingrequircd ton so aeak a ecrent. If ýS lsappy nilsod o! gtting ouUnele Wiiiiam's ýi alitise pr;cueuusaîsîs pascing tîcce plaies [s gentlest aide. Thai chanceS upon a copy - avare ps-pecipitebed, le estinsates ibere w-aniS n-o! Seott's -"Woodstock," but I should as i hse a net-L yieîei of £300,000 per cnnus, sud seon bave tbougît o! takisîg a rattîcanakea ! onüly î lieune Iundredtl on even tise one- lame as s novel. In my Sistresa I soîsît oui louadtspartofti mu wrob my ocacular uncie. I told hum bow-te atIc s o! ofit, a out -eacou- book lad rhss-uied me, anS I praved ta lus ofued ia ustasîlniai proft w-uiocrue evident satisfaction thet fîle esasel lad fired lunview-o"l" nigiiac ! l -ek me iitb a desire to ksow- mono of tîeostos-my s <aye o! Crumwelll sud tle civilw-as-s, iUie îîl William came lnavely tu tle rescue, sud a The Band and the E1ull. es le expiained lIai Sic Wallon Seoti'e worbe s iipeville lbas s uw base baud. ht avere great listas-le records not dS s-meof p-ydits firsi pioce îler VIonda-une oft gudless novelisîs, but. louks fouded ,i]ou 1cv-rnd1yitt aec faci, I w-as permitteS to recaS Sir-Wle Ie e-few-emdy lthlave came Scott. A new w-aiSw-se opened io -me. -Sw~ 5ytii esn I aScu Clumbus diS get a tisousaudtb part oni t s e'.lyaetaiamleoiiton île cw -osid e decovs-e, iai amet t-issfrt tne. Tînt delicate considenation thie as I pulu o d nyoyisl ltakcme t it) udonbtediy sai- eS le of utJimmsy bumes soIps o! biitîary gins-y I ave tnon,g, a Stninoville small boy, lot it billeS bolesstsea oflem ar o! Uncle William Fermer Fred Stauffer's vaînatle yonng ilssanil eme oryîlefw-isdamWo!lis amn- JerseLy bull. hsel. Loies fyormthelis testeofer odng Aillle urne île baud w-nount ta play afsel. Setaiieoy eotmis maîer e aonestîe bulwas 1piaciSly erupping tise frisaI atfrntSle aleraîwaya l ave les toret sprsug grass lu lis pasinre, w-bld w-as near ansieo boa. I hvarn svsug thoe fSrcys spotcisosen by the hanSdtue- lis maiden wholsomebook. 1 m liing hosedayseffout. Wb11ile île baud w-sa gcîting ie cul- -oves- sgain bo-nigît. 1 am ai Keuilwortîsilu lctiive hip eeaSy ta cosispel s tuefrum is tise glusions daye o! groat Elizabeth. Lord la-sJnsmy Strong w-sa iaking a short eut Liecestor passes by, snu sder île shadow throuiigls tise pasture ta gebt tIste spot w-les-e ufthîe olS toaver tise genîbe Amy Robsartisl l adwa.Tcbl idarptto dbreaking her sSa ern lusilence. TbIs liver fol empen wsamoThtisai w-aienareiy in ais-umpeis bîsue anS tle vain Slow-ps-oceode patiblo avitîs île presence o! sussîl boys lu Os-I tolluw- te tise sioy sepulcîce wthI tise lis past_-;uro, andhe neosonnerchai aken note -bobS crusaders; or bond wish OlS Moniality tisai îles-e w-as anc even thon îrccpasing ifplncksssg musa anS lichen fcom tise graves on hie d ornain ian le startdSiluta laston nO! the ibal[f fugotten deaS tIhe ssaboy's trip scs-ss thse lot,.bise 's Wen I w-sa a duSl," 1 reelized, w-at susail boy Iasiened auuazingly, but île bull le se isas-sita nealize lu unianbuoda ps-lme, w-es giuiug on him, bIse banîd w-as so 1tisai lite Sues nul cousisi in ftic abondance moch llsos-bedwailIhibselftht i diS naine- -v of lus nsaîsicl posseSaioDs. bleus my litte ueo e icps-ocesiounamoving ace-sC tIc osisies- Ifs w-NS yet live ; euy Sys w-ose riel masl- altîsougb the bull w-as montbiug i ineve-flowing gladues,. Our- jay lu oach bis dispilessuce iustrily as le bouoded along, rotises- Ous- love was Ounr aeah. Oneu utile and tise -uas,!i l boy w-as lifting up lis volte ie Sisis o! fruit w-seenough. A dallar w-uniS tanreaîsgtoues. laie iseught ous-Chistmas prseeus. ot bise bull baSl gat ithi a few- jiampe ut w-e îlssssghtSanuta Clans a divisîîby. I takes tî,,ole fiug b oy just asilhe bansd w-aC neady to su littie ta niake chilidcs happy-, wlio arc play. r'llesad piayed. At île fisaibunet 3sealy gesses-ss o! boas-b, sud w-liawisli teansd baeo! souid tisat tle b-sud projeeted rbc hîappy. lIce anSdIavero oui u!fteu spart. on thle es-cumaaobieni air île bull stoppeS1 Aia 1that furs s uausy yeaseI sIoniS wan- short tlsrew- up lis leatl, anS suiffeS anS der luee-onSu hi' 511 uillbci50 o tise snosted. Tisa haras bet fiy again. bIe bu slame ! Bîb w-ile iaoc w-ro tget hem, w-liaso tuol suýdd rosIeS wiidby touas-S île Stone ilhappy as w-e ? We wens but ehlids-en, biut wail.fILeeached tse wal, steppeS, anS ave hrS su macla in dem-non, Xlt secrets Àae ldw-thItes-sor lu lis eyes. bbc ia-e lad ! lIe vise to be dresseS lu siik ai- banud ibs-eavanotîen loataliment ot ite soul ties1 wa 0b ss-Arb'dIW ne s ou.bIebl av1u vl A Bragging Match. wn A Parisian paper relates tle folioin stucy o cnoo1- easting wbich1 1V saye, took iplace between thrce anIss idMecel, les. It ,;iouild be explaiued ibat Panisiau .wri es aiwaye put tiseir "tal talkin jto île mountîs o! Marsoilies people. IlMy dear," said une o! the artiste, "eyea- tee-day 1 painted a pine huard lu imitation o! machoe, and did it -witb sncb fidelity lIai w-heu tise board waa put luto a penid o! wator it sueîk lhue a stone." "Pool 1" saiS the second: "lthatislanotb- îng. Yesereday I happened ta bang np my thermouseter un tle bsck of tIe framne o! my 'View in the Anctic Regiouis,' sud tle mercury iustantly w-eut dowu Vo twenty degrees below zero." "Ail tbat le uothiîîg ai ail, said thc third artiet. "lYou kuow my portrait o! the old Marquis of Camargne? Well, lb is saife- like lIatit bas to bc slaved tînea times a week !" A Mutuai Change of Mind. MIr. Wednot (a confirmeS laclelor)- "How time duos fiy, Mies Toalate. It's juel ten yeara ago sirco you refuseS me ou tîls very spot." Miess Talaie (w-u wishes sIc Iadult)- Yes, Mr. Wednoi, but I w-as very young aud foolisb thon. " Mn. Weduot --" But we anc loth oiSon aud aviser now." You nieyer bear a man fiudiîig fanît witl the ineagceuess o! the batluing-dress won by anothen ua'ewif c. NeurIg~a SL tica Lumbago, Backache, Ileadache, Toothachelr Sore Whroat, Frobt Dmtesq Sprairis, BruisesqBurns, Etc. BalS ba Dmuge-i ýsi suS PeD.îsiecveryhers qFty Cetssetie. Directions ini 11llanguagos. ME1 CH-ARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltioe, et O;aaDa ept: Torontc, Ont TEiL KEY T NALù UTnioc al l e cloggea avenues o! the Bowels, Kiclneys and Liver, caa-ying off ge-sdndly aitheut weakeniug the sys. tem, ailthîe impurities and feul humons of the secretions; at the sauce time Coi?'. recting Acidity of the Stornaeh, suring Bîiousness, Dyspepsia, Headaehes, Dizziness, I-eartbuî'n, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of' Vision, Jaun- dice., -Sait Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Flattering of' the bar, Ner- vousness, and General Debility ; al tisese ansi mcuy otler iiîmiier Cumplilts yiciS ta tise happy influence o!fBTJRDOOIt BLOOD BITTERS. For Sale bZa li Dealers. T. NMUR & coU, ProDrietors1 Teonto. THECOO'S EST FRIENID APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOüVES a tew apltcetecstusai aFydingcchairyecciivs escesive dadIaisceumelotica Sut steppeS Makes liair soit and Pliable tiag cf the Soir, "made jr soit and pliable seS GUM n~I UJ rreuted avisiile gecu5h. i Promiotes Gcoush. 11 le History of the Mayflower. Ld Though flot a littlq is known of the lis- Dr tory of the Mayflower, of her fate noth ing is kuown. There were a number of vessels 1-bearing that name at about the same .time 11and this fact bas prodnced the confusion. rtIt la possible, however, to trace the Pilgrinm tMlayflower from the time of ber first trip to merica'until her last in 1600, wben she lemade one of a fleet that brought over -Governor Wiutbrop and bis PartyBto Mas-U~ LU S sachusetts Bay. Sbe sailed fromBotni C T P U . September, 1630, and neyer again crossed tbe Atlantic. For tweuty-five years she w,îs Sengaged in the East India trade, and in 1659 waa lost wbsle rnaking a return trip to ir hV London. She sailed from Masulipatam in 0 3f The many attempts tbat have been mnade Wto trace thecearlîer and later cancer ot the ( P L U G .m) Mayflower bave borne amatil ruits. Hun- ýd ter, in an appendix to bis IlFounders of New Plymouth," bas sbowu how commonNo thrbad f as a ship namo Mayflower was, and about ail N te bad ethat eau be learned of ber hîstory la that rshe was cbartered at London in June 1620, Tobacco lias e-ver enc: by agents of the Pilgrims, and that they joyed such an immense finally embarked lu ber, at Southampton, rSepteinher 6, 1620. Aftcr a long and tedi- sale and popularity in ous voyage tbey sîgbted Cane Cod, Novem- ber 9 tbe same year, and landed on Ply- the same period as this msouth Rock, December 11, O.S. bado n ln n Tbe Mayflower remained in anchor in rn ofCtPu ad Plymouth Bay tîntil April 6, 1621, when JgT bco la e sailed on ber returu voyage ta Eng a lnd, where she arrived May i, accord OùeîclT acomnfc diug to Bradford's Journal. Not one of ietC Tbcom uf - [the Pilgrim's returncd lu ber. Thc May-' (urers in Canada. 1- lower was a vessel of 180 tons burden, and nwas commanded by Capt. Joues in this ývoyage. In 1629 tle Mayflower was une of 0the five vessels wbicb. conveyed Francis d Higginson's company to Salem, and in 1630, haccordinlg to Savage, she was one of tbe fooet >fof ten vessels wbich brought over Gov. John *r Winthrop aud hi, colony tu Massa21usetts _________________ dBay, at wbich tîme she aiea departed from iSouthampton. Wlat ber subsequent fate ,fwas, with the exception of the st,ýtcment 1IONT7REA h. made in American Notes and Qu(ries, ouj the authority of Sir Edwin Arnold, "Itbat she Cnt Plug, 10c. j lb Plug, 10c. was cbs'rtered in 1659 by the East India lb Plug, 20c. aCompany, and went to Masulipatam from. Gombroom for a cargo o! rico and general tproduce, and was loat npou the voyage boume" is not known. __________________ .1 TR. T FT'MSTAA EN rToEpitap4s. w THM "ýE ais;fre ri Two address, andi we î 1,1yEDnr le; teia Remarkable are two epitaphs, the first of byotie. DR. TAFT ]Buos., ROCHESF E -whicb is said to be upon a tombstone in tI. TEE.,N.Y.Canaliau Deet.186Ad!aid- scity of Sacramento. "Hoere je laid -Daniel 1,t. ToausyrO, CANADA ,Borrow, who was boru lu Sorrow, and Bar- arowod littie fnom. Nature except bis namo iand bis love to mankind and batred tu red- asins; w-ho was, nevertîeless a gentleman aîsd a ds-ad abor; w-ho, through a long life, lneyer killed bis man exeept in self-defense Cor by accident; aud wheo le at lest wenr u PR E der, beneatb the bullets of bis cowardly e-e1W mies lu the saloon o! Jeif Morris, did s0 *n POM EED710 0~ the sure and certain bope of a glorionesuad everlastîig niorrowl." lIe other, wlichle- longs to a Nevada burying place, is sncb a uotewortsy aobievemeut lu ibis line tbat it may fitly 3oncludeo ur compilationi of a few of tbe enniosities of epitab literature. Sac- red to the memory of llank Mounk, the whit- UET TO.ET ET fest, biggost-bearted, sud best-kuown stage esyf0rSeîuauyONGn'ES. or akngSoap driver ufthe West ; wbo was kind tosill tioftening Wator, Dîsinteeting, and a bemdrcd otheî and tboughtill11of noule. He lived lua ae . AC5.flqals20po-uadal Soda. strange era, and was a bero, sud tbe w-heeis Sold by Ali Grocer, aS ]h-sgglate. of lus coach are nuow ninging on golden -Z.e'r m a streetýs."

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