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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1892, p. 5

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50 -4 l'a ~RY Pias demonsrated ifs wonderfu/ power of KILLINO EXTERNAL and INTERNAL PAIM. No wonder then Mat if is found on ýThe Surgeon's Sheif Trhe Mother's Cupboard The Traveler's Valise, TIhe Soldier's Knapsazk The Sailor's Chest 'The C-cwboy's Saddle 1 1 I h Miss Morsehead is visitin., relatives in New York. Mr. W. H. Williams spent Dominion Day in Cobourg. Miss Ida Hloskin lias been vis,.ting friends in Oshawa. Misa Neilie Pattirison is visiting re- latives at Brantford. Mr. John Jeffery, Cobourg, spent Sun- day witli friends in town.' Mr. L. N. Vanstone, Toronto, spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Mackie of Oshawa was guest of Miss Nellie Williams Iast week. Mr. W. P. Prewer attended the demon- stration in Port flope Dominion Day. Miss Maggie Climie was guest of Mrs. J. B. Trayes, Port Hop-:, Dominion Day. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Davidson have been guests of Mr. N. Peters,Port Hope. Mrs. Briens of Toronto snd Miss Bruce l of Port Perry have been guests of Mrs iW. Brace. 1Mrs. Quackenbush and Miss Lillie of Newtonville, are guesta at Mr. John Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Power and daughter Lula of Cadmus have been visiting Mrs. D. Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mason of Peter. boro were guests of Mr. Thos. Sherin over Sunday. Mr. Peter McCallurn, jan., a highly respected citizen of Cobourg, died Sun- day evening. The STATESXIAN staff desire to tlisnk IMr. G. D. Fletcher for a genereus treat of strawhe,.ri. e. Miss Welsli, Oahawa,is visiting ta town, Mr. Normnan Sinclair, Toronto, spent Suaday in town. Mr. Ed. Ha2giîli, Brantford, ie visiting relatives in town. Mr. Tom. Richiardson, Grand Rapids, Mich., ie ia town. Miss Mabel Tait has return-d fromn visiting in Toronto. M4rs. Thos. Burden has beca vi8ititug relatives ini Brantford. Mrs. John Perkins, llorsey St., is visit ing friends in Toronto. Miss îtlda Frost, Belleville, is the guest of Miss MlcSorley. Miss Bessie Biceks, Toronto, ie spend- ing lier holîdaye at home. Miss Ada Moynes wes guest of Mie-s Ada Osborne over Sunday.i Misp. E. Gray, Toronto, lias been visiting lier sister Mra. C. D. Pinel. Miss Lonie Singleton, Port Hope, ii visiting Miss Mabel Nortlicote. Miss McDowell, Port Perry, is visiting lier sister Mrs. T. E. H-igginbotham. Mr. John Grant, Toronto, lias been spending a few days with friends in town, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Deymaa and two children liaye gone t0 Lake Scugo, for a few days. The attendance at the churclies on Sun- day was very smail on account of the down pour of raie. Mrs, Logan and son Weliington le ftý ye3terdiy for St. Thomas wliere, they will take Up their abode. $1 SA.VED ýON $2.25. TiEE STAIESMAN has a tempting bot weather offer for ail subseribers this week. For $125 we will serd to any address in Canada: Life of Spurgeon, regular price, $1.50 STATESmAN, balance of 1892 .50 Family llerald & W'kly Star, 3 mos .25 $2.25 The Life of Spurgeon is a large cloth bound book, the very samne as agents are selling ail over the continent for $1 .50. Persons ordering from a distanc'p may send a one dollar bill and 25 cents in stamps, This is a great offer. Sand your order to-day. Address M. A. JAMES, STATESHAN office, Bowmanviile. STORMY VACATION DAYS MADE PLEASANT. One can hardly expeet f0 take even a weeBk'svacation without one or two stormy days-and the question arises how tô pass sucli tiras pleasant]y. la the country or mountains where, readitng cannot ba easily obtained, time hanga heavily. This al may be avoided if you will take the pre- caution to procure a package of Waverley Magazines. Etch epy has from t3n to flfteen short, dlean and interesting com. plete stories (none continued,) Notes of Travel, Items of interest, Jokes, etc., besides a p3ge of Music They are not ike a book that onelias t,- read for hours, but are entertaining for tea minutes or a day and can b.3 caught up at anv tinie. TOWN COUN01L. The Council met pursuant to adjourn. ment. Membersallpresentexcept Messrs. Hall and James. Minutes of last meet- ibg read and confirmed. A number of accounts were presented and referred to the Finance Committee. A communication was presented from the Public School Board with estimates -85,700 fer the year. Referred te Fin- vnce Committee. Froni Wm. Tapson for remission cf Dog tax. Granted. From the County Clerk giving amount of County rate-. $900-required to be levied on the Municipality. Referred to Finance Committee. Mr. Pattinson presented a report f rom the Finance Committea recommending payment el Sundry accounte. Received and adopted.. Mr. Pttinson also presented a report from Pamue Ccmmittee on the Coilector's Security representing the saine as satis- factory. Received and adopted. Mîr. Pattinson submitted the estimates for the year wl.ich were discusseci at length and adopted fixing the rate at 19 milîs il le dollar, saine as aset year. The Clerk was instructed to pro-zure a receipt book for the Collector for Statute labor and Dog tax. Ou motion the Cauncil adjonrned. R. NWINDATT Town Clerk. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance ROBT. VIRTUE, Agent,, Bowmanville A very pretty lïne of Delains at 25c. Aê>-uction Sale 0F VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN TEF ESTATE'0F JAMES COLTON, DECEASED. Pnrsuant tinfthe Power of Sale in the wil of JAMES COLTON. dereased. there wiil be offered for sale by Public Auction by the un- dersgned auctioneer on FRIDAY, 29thI day of JUJLY,1892> at the hour of 12 oclock noon. AT BEER'S HOTEL IN TUE VILL- AGE 0F HAMPTON the followinz landsanid premises. namly: part of lot 22 ie the 6Lb Concession of the township of Darlington containing 50 acres et land more or less and which said parcel of land may be better known and describod as follows: Commencing et a point on the western botind.. ry ef said lot No, 22 et a distance of 27 chaias and 10 links from the south west corner of ssd lot; thence northerly along thq eald westerli bonndry et sald lot 50 chains and 20 links more or less; Ihence easterlv prrllel wt a roas.1 allowance et the nerth , . - 1 1 lo .i -ins nd 96 links more or less; thenc5 sonth parallel te the western boundry of said lot 53 chains and 20 links more or les; tbence west 9 chains and 96 links more or less te the place et bei;inninGt containinz by admeasurement 59 acres of land more or less. On the premi8e3 ie said te bc a good frame barn . a fair hous3 and 10 acres o! good timber nmostly beech and maple and a few scattering pines. TERlMS 0F SALE-Ten per cent cash et time of sale and balance within thirty days thereafter. Plowiner possession will1 be giveat immediately afi er harvest and full posqesBion on the 15th day of November, 1812. Further and more particular conditio is will ba made kn nwn et date of sale. Fer fnrther particn!ars apply te DANiEn HOGARTH surviving executor of the wjll er

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