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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1892, p. 6

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,;XTEFUJL-COMFORTING. BREAKFAST. ""Y a thoroughknowlIedge o>1 the natural Iaws whh govern th.eoperationsef digestîeea and nutrition. mn by a calrelul application o f th. fine propertýies or elseetdCecoa, Mr. Epp,, has provided our breakfast tables wlth a delicately flavered beverage which ma "sav" ys mayha doctors' bis. It i. y th. judiclus usvo0 sch aricesof a .entitution my be gradUally bout nuP until s:rlong enough te tesisi every tendency te disease. HBundreds et subtie maladies are floatiag around us ready Ie attack wherever there ls a weak peint. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortifled with pure bloed and a prollerly nourisht d rame."'-" Civil Service Gazette." Made simply with boiling water or mill. Ied only in packets. by Grocers. labelled thus JAMIES EPPS & Ce., leonsSopathie Chein- tâts, Londen. Eagland, Foxes Are as Bad as the &blits, Anstraliaus have had bitter experience of the mischief which rabbits are capable of doaing, and new they 8eemt likely te have trouble of a similar kind from the introduc- tien of foxes, Aut Anstralian jour nal, quot- ed in the May number of the Lond on Zeel-, ogiat, says that foxes have already s pread over a wide area, and are niost destructve hoth te lambs and poultry. Tbey a ttain greater ize and strength in Australia than iii England, and the mild climate is hi ghly favorable te the increase cf their numb ers. l It must be very disheartening," says the writor, " te al who have stuck of any kind te lose, te find themgelves confronted by soine new euemy intreduced by thoughtles or selfish persons. If seule energetic steps are net seen taken, nothing can prevent the spread oif foxes over the whole continent." For Over Fifli'Tearg Mrs. WvNBtow's See'rHiNG SynuF has been ured by millions of tuothers for their cilidren whtie teething. If distnrbed at night and broken of yeur rest by a sicle child suffering and erying with pain ef Ctt!Dg Teeth send at once and get a bettle of 'Mrs. Winelow's Soet hing Syrui" fer children teething. It will relieve the peor little sufi'erer Immediately. IJepend nuae it, moihers. there la no mistake about it. 'It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stemach and Bowelq, Cures, Wind, Colie, oel tens the Guins. reduces Inflammation and gives tone and te the whole systemt "Mr@. Winslew's Sething Syrup for chiîdren leethlng la pleasant te the taste and la the pre8cripto f one ef the oldest and beat te- maie phylians and nurses in the United States: Pilou 25 cents a bottle' Sald by ail tliri-gista ibrouizhout the werld. Be sure and ask for "MES. Wcr<SLow'S SOvnt2çG SvaRUP" A New Dipoo'sery, The follewing erratic answer ef a school boy at an examination to the question, "'What do yen know about Captain Cook?' is a good uxample of thu littlu knowludgE heing a dangerons thing. " Captain Cook, who waa hemn in Wales, w~as a great explorer ; hu went te America and changed bis name te Mr. IL M. Stanley and at once becamu a great favourite, He went te Africa te stop the slavq trade, and was moat auccestul. On bis returo bu wrote a book called 'In -Darkest Africa, and the Way Ont,' which proposes te emigrate ail the negrees toepBgiand. Mr. Stanley ia the greatest heig of the prescut day." Vienna Medical Prescription .Asocie'tîon. No EXCUSE FOR ILL HEALTH. The sol.e branch cf the abeve asEocia- (iou on the American continent is now located in the city of Toronto. Lattera cf thanks ara peuring in fraim thoe who eceived themt, mcst of whom have for years bean taking patent medicines and druga furnished by advert'sing quacks. Patients write that they have been cured of Rbeumiatimn, Bright's Disusse, Dys.- pl paia, arconidary Consutuption, Piles, fleart Diseasp, Sali Rheumn, Whites,' Nervous Dability aud almost every dis- epee the-t flush la heir te, and in ne case did any druggialt charge for filing 'the prescription more than 50 cents. This association seci Ires te ail applicants the boat prescription kcown for purifying the bleed nnd invigorating the netvous sys- tum. A circular giviug, ail particular3 will be sont free te ail applicants whe en- close a stacîp for reply. Addres3 HExny SCHÂLLEUX, V. M. P. A.,345 WEst King atreet, Toronto, iyanada. She-" Woene canuot be satirical, any more than they cati bc humerons." IR- IlIf that's se, how la it that wbun a iuan Pl eposes, after courting a girl fer auvun years, ahe says: 'Oh, George, this la se tndden'f When Babyr as sicIr, we gave lier Castrk, When she waa a Ohld, shu cried fer Casteria. When sihe bucamu Miss, ase clung te Castoria, Wheu site had Chîdrun, shu gave them Casteria. Emile Olivier, the Miister of Napeleen Ill, bas se long disappeamed frem public life ibat in mny quartera bu was assumed The l'armer.,Fen.ds AI The king may ru uiedr land cnd sua The lord ieay live rigbt royaily, The soldier ride lu proiupsud pritis. The seller rocmn cr the ocusu aide; Bnt ibis or ibat, wbate'cr befl l, Tihe faiere uni Iuud thuina il, The writur thinks, tLe peut sings, The crafisme.n fashion ivoudrous things; The doter huais, tLe lswyer pluatie, The ruiner foilows tLe precieus luada; But tbis or ibat, whcite'or bea al, The fermer Le imat lud iberi ll The murchaur Lo mm- buy sud suil; The teacber Cdo hi- duty weii But mec casy toit thr ubsy days, Or insunmay stroîl t'srough plussentways; From king te bgcwbater bufail, The farmner bu must feud alseusaal. The farm ers irde la onu of n'ortb; Reua pantner with thLe sky ccd esnih lIu's parin r wiih îLe suc anti ain: Anti neocîanlosus for Lia gain: And numun may ias, sud imcc msy feu The fariner husnit eud ilium cil. God blesa tLeminu who sow's the wL est, Who fEnds us milk suid frîuit cutimeuai; May liii purse b ,b i3heuart Le li'ght, Ris ccttle sud cern sud ait go rgti Geti blesu tLe ucuti bis bauds lui Isil, Fom tLe fariner lad mustfeud us alL PROFIT IN"FARMINGT. Bv PROF. FiHOMAS SHAW. Wu muai modity the syatemn et n'erkÏug our landis. The landi mcsi net onhy bu kept pretiucing gooti crops. We caîmroi any moe afford te shlow our lands te go idie for a whoie yean thaitbey may ho the btter grepareti te gnon' nheai tLe fehoiong yucr te Le soiti ci liiibe more titan 80 ceuts pur Lushel The farmers n'ill agrue witL me wbun I scy thai lncutiout Le sum- mer-tailowed ais less ceai thais$8 te $10 pur acru, providing ibsi ichor et mac sud team Lad te Le Lirti. This weuld muait ibai thu ceai tîLthéLare tallen' te Otaneo every pear weuhd net bu huas ibsu $1,500,000 te $2,000,000. Thia ocîculation la hcsud oit the assumrpiion thai one-fourih oethîe land now sown te n'inîer wbea t Las heun prev- iomsly aunîmer-fàllow-ed, which ia probahly s long way undur ratiier than over tLe mark, Ii bas Leun obsurvedt iat gond crepa usual- ly coes cter thbabre failon', Leuce the un- touuded notion lias arisen ihat in soneuwcy furtlîty hsa stdeti te the land by the procusa et tLe Lare falloav. Thueoppoasie is true, espuciahlyiynluswet asecr. There ilas material iosa cf nitrates n'bich are waabed eut efthîe soit -nd passaswcy lu tLe drain- age n'atur . -TIi ruason es thîe btter cropa ihat corne acf éiei laoui.d in the cieauicg et il e landi, aud lu iLs uclocking et huent fer- tîlîty ibrongis expoanre et fruab surfaces te the n'eatber lu tLs procus etdoing îhe work. Thu Lare fsiion' raibur tekes fremi than cdds toe îLe fertiliiy cf the aud. But it is objecteti that tise aud must bu clusueti, -snd theru ha ce other wsy lu wbicb ibis ccc bu eflecihveiy doue Lut Ly means et the Lare Icllow. The firai et ibese objectionîs la true,bnt net the second. Wueds ccc bu uiatroyed wihtoi ihsuse oethîe Lare taliow ata li ; cay, they ccc Lu effec- tivuiy destroyed witbout missing a single crop. ILsssy uvun ce furîher aud cdemi ibat thuy mcy bu effecîiveiy dutroyeti ccd twe cropa gown in a single season. Ai the ex- perimeutal Iarm, Guelph, we hcve rupectmd- ly ciectsea fields etfn'eeda turing the paît ibre yecrs, cnd have gron'n two payicg crop wn' bile doing it. The werk Las beun se uffectively dette that sinccuiLs cleeniugs preceas c mancacc go ovur trom isu te twnny acres in c day witL a spnd sud taku eut uvryiiîing ibat mouhd coi Le iburu. I n'lli neige over the varieus preumasues adopt- ud at ibis urne, Luitn'll imphy aay ibat tLe mucus useti n're the growing et rys ccd clover snd cuiiing ibuse ai îLe pmep- un stage, the growîng et varions boeet cropsansd caring tor ibeme properly, snd giving due attuction to antumu cultiva- tien. I scy ihic ail conifidlenceuthat lu s fun' years the farmers of ibis beautiful Province could dean thu burilul n'eeds eut oe t inlua tew yecrs se comipiutuby thai 100 acres conhd bu sept clean theuiceforth by tLe use cf tLe spud asu ouiiay cf net more iban $25 a year, antial ibis may bu doue whilu pcyiug crcps are beicg grownn d nitbout the use efthîe Lare tsllow. The fanîcers lu clearng tîtein filds usually do cet go quitu tam eceugb. The woak ha net tborougb, ccd thun it is cet follen'ed up, Lencu about evury fivu yecrs ibuy bave te rusent te thes Lare tclow te cluami lb again. The weud bill efthiis country ha siniply ucormous. WVe muai aIse psy more attention te tLe conservation of tertiity. Ii is lu îLe extra buhaeis et scrop ihai îLe profit usuclby consista. These extra hushels caunot uic- ally bu obtaiuud niiboui gooti fcnîing gun- eralby, andt iis mucus ihat tLe landi Le kepi in a gooti tatuetfrtiiity. Noav, titere are ibrue modes of securing ibis eud. Oneu cf thuse consista lu the purchasuetfartificiel lertilizera, a second lu îLe kespicg et ivu stock te tise gruciesi posaible uxtuci, sud tîte ibird ha te grow cropa wbich bricg fer- tility te iLs laund. The firai muai Le doue wiih vury greai caution, as n'u canuct allient te appiy lurtîhazuma un an cîimiesa avay. It is et tise ihird that I n'ia nions particular- iy te spusk, as, as bre iha practiceti, stock-kuuping aiii of neceaiiy also me- cuive- rncn attuntion. We bave two vury excellent cropa wbich ccc bc grewn almosi anywhure lu Octaneo, Lotit cf wlicb rather ench ua han umproveriah îLe soil wbîlu tbey are beiug gmoavc, eapecially se fer as uitregen la coucuei, sud ibatisl, et course, the costhy elément et funility. I rutur te clover sud puas. lti l a tact tisai andi ao ûa fair pnieu put upon the muai, ihis animailn'as buhindth îe others in tLe maccc teîLe value et more thaut $10. Itii l s imply folly te try aud imaku money frorn fcenucng surub catilu, sheep or îwinu. The sumub iu the dciry ih uqualiyunuprofitablu. The con' thai ailI cet produce 5, 000 te 6, - 000 Iba of miik pet year when cbuese-mak- ing la the objuct shonld no moreble toiercted ou a Canadian farm. Then cheap ýfoods abeuld bu grown ; ne other food that wu grew wili equal corn in this respect, wbere we have the souls scirahie andi wliere wve cure it in the silo. I aîn aatiafied that n steur may bu fattened at a cost ef lesa than 15 cents pur day wvben cern ensilage ia oeu cf the factera used. It may yei tom eunt that the ceai will bu cocsiderably less than this aum, whilu according te the modes et forner years, the ceai et feeding steurs pur day of 1,400 te 1,600 Iba in weiglit was over 20 cents pur day. In ocm uxpurimeuts in The pasi wu bave net fed se cheaply ai 15 tents pur day, but our objeut in feeding waa te comparu "emu silagu and muai as a food fauter with tmotsanad mual, as they bal beun fud lu the pasi. With cern silage straw, acd about two peunda et mual per day, atome cattle can bu winterud at a cuai cf net mûre than 5 te 6 cents pur day, and wben under i'.ve veama old tbey may bu madu te gain from onu te eue and a hall ponudsaa day ou thia ration. If we can chespun the ceai cf focd production we are doing whsi la equal te euhaucing mnarket vaines, WVe musa also pay attention te tic limie ai which our finisbud animais are msrketud. In an expurlînent lu awinu feeding> carriud on ai our taien lu 189 1, me found wbîlu piga marketeaE before Septumber gave a subsiautial profit, bad the samne animaIs heen marketed attur November li, altbougb fed simiiamiy, îbuy wouil have buen seid at a losa. Last actumu and winiur wu fttenud 660 lcmbs. Had ibese lamba been put upon the market December lis the net returu wonld bave beun $550 huas than if the lamba bad been sold one mentit later. I cannet but concludu that lunffuture tarmers wbo fatten lamba muast carry iheru on ie the wlutur. Thoeuwbodo sewill prebably find ready sale sud gui good pricua. Aitbcugb many et the lamba we led ast wintur wue cousidurabiy under the average iu quality when pnrchasud wu obtaixiud pricea raugiug Item 5 1-2 cents te 7 cents per pound livu wigi for them. Thosu sent te England bcd reuuntly buen aold for 17 cents pur pound, dressed wight. With ihe prices ef the prescrit we muai siudy ecenoinicai production. Meney may siill bue made ai farînang, but lu erder te mnaku ht wu muai give close attention te our methoda, and discard al ibose tbat are uven et deubtfni ctility. fluet for Fowia. Our domestic lewis go te their dusi-baili wiib uagerussan sd te ahi appuarance ihuy eujoy îh exceedingli. Lice will stand cou- sidurablu water without beiug snffecatud, but vury flue, dry duat is death te vermin, for the reasoc th tti closes the amal rpiracles hy whiub air is admiitted for breatb- ing, sud thus thuy are snfecated. This la the muaca providud by nature by which fowls may rid thumsulvus cf a torament. Tbey suem also te take a positive pluasuiru whilu wallowing cmang ciesu diri. Powls unning ai large in sumrmer can hielp ihemselvus but wbeu confixied iin wiuter, or when the grouud la f rozen, tbey sbould have for ibuir use a box filled& with fine, dry dusi. A litile uarboliu powder or suiphur mixud with the dusi wil improve the bath. Clay pul- vurized lu the road is as good as auy mate- rial for this purposu. Raspberry Culture. If the yonng raspberry canes are cippud as scen as tb ey are twe aud a bal feut hi-gh, thuy wili begiin te spread and grow stouky. Perhaps it la huait t nip the bcd ont ai twe feet higb, for thuy wiii mccn p seine aller thuy are nipped. Byqandoing and chu uking ihu top, the rois bucome larger sud stron.g- ur aud the top branches eut more. Thun as seon as the truiticg canes cru doue with their burden, cntthie.n ahI oui. This uutting1 eut et the old canes tbrows ail the sirungth1 and vigor of the roots minthe yotîng canes, se that by wictur they are siroug sud quite stocky, nitre chie te withistcnd theu winda anu is is able te bulie lwn down. A Man Who Saw st. George. The patron saint et Eugland bas beeni duad a goed whîlu. thu year cf bis deaih bu- ing gunerally put ai 303 of our ema. In the f generai decay of al aubina ary tbings includ- ing human bodies, il woîild bsrdiy suemi possible thai there can bu yetinî existence auy portion et c mac who had set bis uyes1 on a person wbo diud ixteen centuries cge.1 Neverihuluss,tbu faut et snob a phenomenoni seuma toeuably well ustablished.i When St. Georgu was put te decili under Diecietian, for eîcbraciug Chrisianity,e thuru were preseut ai bis martyrdom a1 number et persons who were se touche] ai wbaîtbey saw that tiîey turced Chria-1 tians. Forthwith. tbuy woru al rruatud1 ccd ducapîrated ai Nicomedic. Onuet these persens was Akindynos, who bu-i came a -notable saint et the Gruek Churob. Aftur bis deaib bis churches et the Orient dividud înocg them bis rumaina, A portion et bis skulil bucamu the properiy of tbe Church et Saluts Corus and Damieii iu Constantinople. A Russian pilgrim, Arliabisbop Anthiony ef Novgorod, xvbo1 vîsited the capital efthîe Eastern Empire lu the yuar 1200, and who luIt a mianuscripi aucout of bis visit, wbich bas uýmu dowc te us, vuurated ibis rlie, and bas givun a dicsriptini f it A ail ver platu wcs fast- unud te the hone et thu saint, ccd on ibis piste was eugravud bis namu aud hai,. Four yuasafcter the xisit of thu Arcbbishopi lu 1204, tbe Latin wsrriors eft he Fourib Crusade took Censtiutinople, sud the spoîls The fragment et akul la a portion eftihu luIt parietai toisa. The silvur plate, a1 work eftihe tentb century, is et circulart fomm. Oc it ha engraved tht' huai ni tLe1 saint, witb bis name written en Greeki charactera. Thu figuru la tbat of! a yomu 1 man ; the bain is long, the huard pointi The piste is fastuned te tLe akuil by four i lifthu bauds o etaluid d igbt nails. 1 Childron Crv for >WANTED TRE DIAM~ONDS. The ExtraoriWiry Adventssru 0f an Eng- Ibis Specialmy Mit The beuse cf Laird, Whlliauîsou & Ce., diamocti marchants aud wbelesale aud ru- tail jeweilera, et London, employed ne travelling agents. The ne-trust appreacli te it waswblat ha caiied"Ila specialty Mac."' lIn ciber worda, lie was au cmpleyeueofthtIe bouse trusted aimosa as mnuc aeueneofthe pantnera, Liai undur bondase hecvy that the bouse neud coi worry abeut hm if -Lie did cet ttuu cnp ai the boou iewcasdue. lIt hcppeced vury oftn that thtied peopls aud ithosu wbo Lad growu ricb huntradu couhd coi make it cenvenienite ocordme itwu te deal wiih the bouse personcily for rare guma, wbiiu-etburs were iu waui tfs-ouciai deaiguna fer hhrthday gfts, seuvuniers,-ccd îLe liku. Sncb people as teda their desme by lutter, and the I spechalty mac " waa sent te take their order or make a sale. 1 bcd aurved iLs bouse tour years wiiboct bass and scarccly withont sdvsciure, wýhen 1 waa aianted off for Morpeih, s towu in the corth et Euglanti. The firni bcd received ý latter frouias weslhy ccd weIl knowc public mac living in the auhurba et thai tewn loe euffeci that bis wite Lad broen a iug sud wcascoi chie te bu about, but wcunted sevural speuisi thinga in jewuimy as soon as they couid Le matie for prusenta te friands. She wonld aise look ci soe gema, particnlarly a diam-out neukîcce, Lut noth- icg cemmen was wacted, The siery wcs cumretît thai ibis gentleman's tiaugbier waa seen te Le mamnieti, and it waa anti ipsied thai I would receivu s very faim ordur. The value efthe juwuis packud up for mu for that trip waa sometblcg like £7,000. Promu My vury fitri tp 1bcd aiways iravelhud afier a certain tashien-thu lashion et a- commercial iravuiier, M any efthe tratmu ity bonesaly Lelievud bat I wsa agecuicu miember. Iunany grip I carrhud ceont a dozen amaîll boties of dyes, ccd if ws suprosed thatI iwstravelling witb that lhue, The juwelry case wcs placed hunîLe grhp, and I lut theaffaîr kcocking about wihb scb apparent caruiessnss thai ne eue could entericin c suspicion et lia value. Theru was eniy one odd tbing about tLe lutter fremn Momputh, ccd tliai was cet cein- miented on uil atter my sdvBntme, lit meuiioned day sud date sud heur wbm'n my arrivai would bu expectuti, and I lefi Lon- dec te bit the exact time, Bcd ibis mat- ter Leun brougbi up butorehanti wu sbenid have said ihat the gentleman s'as proh. aLly going te leave home laier lu the dcy. It wca in the ciocib et Octeber, sud I ws iimud te resoh the tewc ci 10 o'cock in tLe foruneon. The lutter sshd that s carrisge weuid bu in waitiug fer me te drive ai once le itîe manor. The train wcs on tinte te a miuute, sud 1 get off in cempauy with iwo travelinmg aalosm,îu, I funtithu carniage cIter a Lit. Theru wure tare mec ou the box, sud îhey at firai suumed te question ibat I waa îLe rigbi party. Their tieubta probabiy arosu from tLe fIc that 1 was platniy dresaud ccd wslu the, oompcniy et the salesmen. Onueofthem sketi if I was the, juwelry mac Sir Blank was expecig, and I meplîud that 1 wautet tesectLe gen- tleman wbeiber expecied or net, Tbey hesitated about driving off, but us ne onu ulsu appuarud ave flually made a atari. 1 tell yen bonusily ihat I bcd ne soores e.utered the carniage iben 1 bcd queur feel- ings. The ocifit wss tee common te bu ewc- ed ccd puhhiciy uaudLy sncb s mass as Sir Biank, aud the two men dhdîa't appear ai ill like servcnts. I bcd cuver buen lu Mer- peihbeuors, ccd waa tiauruloru ignorant cf tise direction we ocgbt te taku or tue dis- lance te bu travelleti. Altur gutting sway from iLsetiepet a bit we tuned le the west, tLe herses goiîîg ai s sharp trot acd the mec bolding conversation in lcw toues. Wu passuti plenty et bouses snd vehices cuti pedeatraica, sud as we lefi the toifn c hicd I lseked ahecd for siglat et Sir Black's gruat bouse sud webl-kept grounds. Perbapa îLe pair obaerved îny anxiety, for onueto thuin turced acd said:. lits caLbit oer fivu utiles tte isplace, air."» That satisfleti me euiy fora moment. The more I leeked at tLe mec sud theu doser I sacnned tLe ecifi îLhe stronger gruw my suspicions ibsi aometbing was amnis. Threu miles te the wesi et Merpeih is s bll fromn wbich one ccc snrvey tLe country fer toiles amound. Aa wu reacbed the crusi et ibis hLuI I saw only smali tarins sud plain farm- bouses Lutore me,.It Sir Blcnk's mansion was on ibsi rosd i was Leyoud my vision sud siill s geod ten miles awsy. "lSuec huee" I cailed as ws hugan te de- scend the bill. '«I1tblnk tîmere is a mistake. I ihink 1 havu get Sir Blsck mixeti up with Sir DasL. lIs it Sir Blsuk who ha finîscici. ly interesiet inlua gruai cetton factory at Manachesterl" -Ru mity bu, but 1 dunco," said iLs man whe wcs driving as bu pulled up bis herses. "If bl sn'i it woet do me auy geod te se bim. Yen ses [getting eut soeinsoe ibesu houtles], I wanted te ýshow hlm seme eftihusu uew dyus for Inuits." "las thai your lice, airl" "lVu's. Hure are tun uew colora jusi oui. 1 am sorry for asy bndur but l'mn wiii- "ilhen yon iravuls witb dyes, doua yoii?" gruffly demiandetiftie other.- "As yen se," "Diui wot the hloody blazes doua you gutit t iis turnoi forb" "Te se Sir Biank, et courase. I gt it iet rnyiîecd bat--" "Oh, Llew your 'ead aud youm 'uels, too,! Jirn, turc haLent baud drive iLs bloomnin' have stooti te psy a ibouiacti pounda raîber tian bave the public informedti trou-eb îLe pres at lius Ld buen s cocspirccy te mab iheir "apuciai. main." Wbilu I madu îuany inquirit's, 1 gave notbiug an'cy. I as- curtained that tLe two mecn witb tLe vubiie wure stranguns ili Morputb, sud îLe n'LoIe plot was pisain te mu. F!9t4her'a CastoriaS I bcd intended te luavu on my reiun te London at 5libuheattemnoon, but an acci- dent on the hune detsinud me tli 7. Thu nht camu ou dark sud stormy, sud theme wene but few pasaungers tremn Morpeth. Peur of us whe got onweru usberud ie the samne comparimeut. Thuru wuru iwo plain xvemen tiiketed te Durham, aud the ibird wasss mac about 40-years oId, ef pleasing addressansd genteei appearancu. As soon as we fell ieo conversation bu, gave mu te uuduratand that bue ived ai Bevenly, Mm. Molioy, wbo smived receniiy tromn Johannesburg, South Africa, scys that tîte Kaffir population th enu is about 40, 000. These natives come ta the gresi mhning camp frei he difféent kraals c bundred or iwe bucdred miles awsy, take service lu the mines Ion tbrue moutha, sud, having earued a tuw pounda, go bomne, hny a wife, sud sethu down. The Kaffin camps arouud the city are net very wull hehavud, for thcne are many low cnteens, wbure, espuciaily ou Sunday eveitinga, tLe natives get drunk cnd indulgu in flgbts, wit de jesuhi that eue or twe are kiiled ccd a large cumber wonnded uearly every Snndcy., The minera cru trying to close np the cautuens, but thuî are meeting, witb opposition bu- cauasu the iq cor stores are a source ot profit te the Goerumeni, The ides ef sdveriing articles and tradesmen in romance by cennecticg ibem wiib tbe charcutera is cci uuw. Scott was occassonaiiy asked te do it, M. Besant, ini bis journal, the A ut/mer, printsa slutter written him by a glover,sunt toguthur witb a dozen ladies' gloves. "Yen might perhapa bave an opportnnii.y et bringing in mny came wbec wriiinq: semus etyour new works, as buing a meeting place in London for ladies, which is reaiiy se; my showroom on the firsi fleer wbere alls Paris, Vienna, Brusseis, and other foruigui makes et gloves, fans, &o., are kepi, la frequectiy crowdud wvitb the very besi ef London society. I was reading onuet your books wbuu thîs thougbt occnrred le me that it weîld give a teseoe reality te the madiug, the camne aud sddresa-of nîy bouse being se wel kuowu," Besant sent bauk the gloves. aiowu about ICO miles down thu lins, sud lrem certain womds iei faîl I gaiherud bthat bu waa a pretuineut public officiai et ihe place. I didn't uxcctly reply ibai 1 was lu the dye lice, but bue probahly interred as inucb trom wbai I said. I was glad et bis cempsny. Ru wcs s faim taiker, wuhi posa- ed, sud I enjoý ed bis sûcieiX. The womun get eut ai Durhmam aud luf t us siece. We passed Darlingion aud weru stil the sole occupants et the companîmeut. Mn. Arnold, as bue bcd givuni bis naine, bcd Leun sitting opposite me tor au heur. As the train ciuamed Darlingien bue yawuud sud saidi 1'I1cm sieupy, acd yei I ccc cuver gui a wiîtk et sleup on the train. By the wcy. I fouud s curions coin on the streut ai Mer- peth tu-day. Can yon place il l" Ru bcd s ceiu lu bis flugers as lhe aiepped over te mu. I ruauhed eut my hand te ru- ceive it, wbeu bue sulzed mu by the ibreai withboh h auds aud bad mu on my back in a second. I wcs ne match ton bim lu struugib. Ru gripped my throai sefierceiy that 1 bcd no power et rusiatance. Benti- iug over me, witb bis kcee ou my cheat, bue finaliy lui up on bis ciutcb aud said: 1'Dou't bu foolisb, cow 1 I know you, sud l'mn afier tho.3e diamouda 1 If I ccc gui ihum witboni killing yen al ight; if I can'i l'Il sua your weassnd gooti sud deep 1" "'Yen-yen musc te rob mue?" I gasped. "'Certaiuly, aud yen'11 show zond seuse by keepicg quiet. Excuse me, Lut I'vu got te do ibis job abipabape aud Bristol tasb- ion,." He drew a wickud iooking kuifu ccd held it in bis teeib as bue nsed bis bands te tis mee with somu atout corda taken from bis par- cul, Hie turnud me over, took the pistol trem my bip pooket ccd tied my arma bu. bind me. Then lie tied my ankles aud rmll- ed me on my aide. Wisy dld'i I mssai? Simply becausu bis cînti ono my ibroat bcd almosi psraîyzud tue. "New ton tLe spankiers V'"lbe aaid, as lbu took dowu my hag, searchud mu for the key sud cpued h i. Ru iaugbed as bue brougbt eut the heties et dyu aud tossud thum aside, aud lbu laugh- ed again as bu beld up the jewel case. "A duniced flue îay oui, 'pon houer 'e bu chnckled, abulisuspected the conatents. " The bouse of Laird, Willhamsou & Ce. carnies only the huai. Whbat's the cash value may 1 ask ?" "1But yen cru s cool eue!"1" Isaîd lu reply. " Only fairly se -ouly fairiy. 1 sbould say £6,000 wouidn't bu far oui cf the way. A very prutty bcd ulad ne rlak attunshiug it." Ru piacud the jewei case in bis parcul, lighted a cigar, anti pleasactiy remankiti: "1Take il easy, muy boy. Thu nuxt stop is North Allerien. In about ten minutes V'il be nudur the cucessity et gaggiug fou. Pive minutes afier that I hope te leave the train. Yo'll bu diacovured ai Leeds, sud pembapa socuer. The bouse really ouglît te stand tLe lois, as i is ne tauli of youra. Yenu raihur tumbled te the gamu ai Morpuîb, eh?" 1 was se mad and my ibroat hurt mu se ibat I moade ne repiy, aud lbu was about te continue bis remcrks wbun the train sud. deniy laukenud apecd sud a minute latur came te a siacd-still. Wu bcd been erdurud te mnake a spucial stop ai a sînahi station le lut an up train pasa. «'What in Tupliei's came deeua iismeuc?" God is coi onîy ai ihinga te Ris chul- druu whec tbuy cced bim, Lut Ru is al timgi againat thosu who rubul agaicat Ris laax S. Every promise iu îLe Bible ila csoldier wibsa drawc aworde ready te figbt for the mac of 0"d Ayer's PI1S Are ,enpennledlwththe, view la genual uefulesa nd aapîability. They are cempesed of -the purefft vegutable aperients. Their delicate sugar - coatiug, which readily dis- solveg, in the stomach, preserves their fuillniedicinal value and makes., thlim. easy te take, eiher by old or' young. For constipation, dyspep- sia, bilieusness, sick headache, and the common derangements of the Stomach, Liver, and Botvels ; aise te check colds and fevers, Ayer'a Pilla Are the Best Unlike ether cathartics, the effict of Ayer's Pilla is te strengtoes the excretory organs and rustore te tlium their rugnilar aud natural ac- tien. Dectors uverywhere prescribe ilium. lIn apite of immense ceompe- titien, they have aiways maintained their pepulnrity as a famely vaedi- cine, being in greater dumand now thanu ver bofore. Thuy are put up bath in viciesuad boxes, aud whether for home use or travul, Ayer's Pilla are prefurabie te any ether. Have you uver tiriud theni? Ayer's Pijis Prsparud by Dr. J.C. Ayer &Co., Lewu-l',Mas, Sold by ail Druggisia. Every Dose Effective SCOLDS, OR ANY FO'RM OP0Flf'481'- I5Q DSilS, fexille es have iried 0f Pure Cod Liver 1 n HYpopMOSpH7ES -Of Mine &£na da, iz' 18 ALMOSE' ASPA TRE AS MILK. Il' 15 A4WONýDERFUlLÇ P2LESII I'RODUCER. ,Il is sevi«a1t1 entiersed _by i3hpsktans. .lvoîi ci Iimitaios or substimtion. Soildy ehl Druggists ai 50c. anid 1.00. SCOTI' & PO T'NE, Belbeti 7le. STïA ND A R D EB.AN K 0F CANADA. Zallalpald np., 1,0oo.IRest, qP1, ,011 Thi s Bank is preparod te de Legitîi- mate I3anking in ail its branches. Farmi'er's notes discuetd; DePesits;' received and Interest paid on accounts cf 85 anu pvards in Savinge an Depariment. »RAFTS Is'ne' aud Collections made in Euroe United Otateo, and Canada, W. Je JOfEB, ONTARIO BANK continues te do a Gencral laukiug Bsns Brnvmanville.Aguucy. DEPOSITS Rec i ,ldin Banke Deparimet landi On cati and intureat allewed ai current ratesý No notice cf withdrawal nacessarY. AL'i 4Vpoatta payable on demand, EXCIIANGE B3 uzeh nd sold aud Draftslssund uenEurcpO United States aud Canada,alse t4eld,Si!lvey aud 13 Mteddiates ureenbackebemeuht aud sold. COLLECTIONS Pr.linptly made at current rata upen a'!l part of Great Brittain. the United Statua anc lbe De ilon ofCanada. Telegrapli Tra- ,ùfers M.c cr tuagu ti blau.a,1 insun ait art cf ,,rada. This ta eFleciaiiy atvantageues5te ne a living in Mianitoba Ur hî5rb..est iie s 1te Àmuabavaîlaulu ât onoi e i he, place of rayreus. Other particulari caiiat the -nsak. EL. FORTT 0110. McfiT,13,i ,U' Lulagur, The Head SurSeon 0f the Lubon Medical (Compawy' l nw at Toronto, Canada, and rnay 'ea con- sulted either in person or by t' n al chronic diseases peculiar to m;bIU IMene youg, ldormiddle.aged, who fiui", hem seles ervusweak an exhausteti, W-4Iý are broken down from excess or overwzrk, resulting in many of the f eflowiin7 symp- toms.: Mental epression, prematuire oldl age, loss of vitality, l088 of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitatioÊi of -the heart, emissiens, lack of energy, Paim. in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or pecul iar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, éizziness, specks befere the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye liA? and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in thzi urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sieep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dulîncEs of hearing, s of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eye surreund- ed with LEAMÈN CIRCLE, oily leokingakn etc., are aIl symptomis of nervons debility that lead te insanity and d eath nnless eu red. The sprinag or vital force having lost ift, sien every function wanes in conseque' Those who tbreugh abuse commit'edi fi, ignorance rnay be permanently crd. Send your address for book on ahl diseaespeculiar to man. :Books sent frnv e sio& Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spelîs, purple lips, numbness, palpita tien, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood te the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregnlar, the second heart beat quicker than the fîrst,pain about the breaat boue, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, ne pay. Send for book. Address M.V. LUBON, 24 Macdonell, Avenue,ToX- ente, Ont.

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