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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1892, p. 2

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potsrvice ou hs lakua hsd ohiged Vhs Britih guneral to end w.y BATT E OF QUEE STON HEIG TS.he armeUd vesseis which had formenhy sscuned hselunka i i , psition, and Vo geard s frontiewi'-h pradtically exbundud inom he Sugar Loaf on Lake Erie Vo Four A. THRILLflIG OIIAPTER 0F CANADIAN HISTORY. Mile Cruek ou Lake Ontario, and to ocrupy - - - hs aumerous postsansd batteries between, simd maintain communication oven shune> of BY EARNEST CRUIKSHANK. ixty miles, hie had actuaihy huas titan s tbcOuand negehar troopsansid six bundnsd miiVa, witb a rusunvu ni possibhy six hun- 1ýicir-secret sud persistent efforts Vo en- sud advice lu he cause, and moata ni dned mililia sud Indias. Hahi nithia fonce liaI hs Imdiana nesiding lu New York sud thcm lîud ncmw taken the field luinmein wasacarclyuadequslsto gannîsou FontGeorge Peinylvsnia activehy on Iheir ide finahhy rapaity. Manyoni Ie annviving hoyalits, sud hs adjacent bateries, sudas ody promisrd Vo bc auccesssi InaJuhy Enas- ftco 01ansud leble Vo heur fVhs fatigue ni a of troopa couhd bhandiy bu mancbedfmouio nue tua Grangun, the Amenloan Indian Agent fon campaigu, ikewiss tundured their services sud of bis huie Vo hs nVhsr n l 1maihan tsvo the Stuts ni New York, behd a counceil with Vo punfnnm garnison deay. days. The concentration of large bodies ni Vhs ,ý-'necas ut Buffalo, durng which lie pro- The wemtbun had beun alngularhy discour- mema acar Fort Niagara sud Buffulo, wiaene poaed that tbey shoeld permit two hundred agiug. Juhy wss excessively lita nd dry, great rnumbura ni bouta wre roliecîud, iorced ni Iiaeir yoeng mua Vo join hs Amuican but Augusmi bnoughi flonda nf nain. Wheal Brook lu weaken bas centre sud sirsaethea anmy. TItis thmy nsfusud Vo do, but con- spnouted iu the -ufelds aiVter buiug reaped bis wiags, unticipating that un atVempl srntud Vo send anme ofni bin his Vo hse asd mulch ni hs harveat waa reined. ep-wnuid bucumade Vo Vurnubis fisnk, sud land Grand River Vo dissuade thein coniederate Jtomber as a roIs pmovud cool sud phassut, tmoopa a iew miles ini rean ni flite works pro- tribus fnom joiaing hs British. Iu thua but October was ushsned lu by iurioüsa etraig il. Four companies of the 49th, Vwn miaa'rn cthsy wure nsucocesaful, but Cran- torma, sud auddsn changesa ni împenaîune ni the Royal Nmwfoundlisud negiment, four gem appuans Vo bave represented Vo bis gov- whicb pnevsnted moat ni hs Indian crof n militia sud a amaîl detacimment of enent that tbuy wmnu auxinus Vo besu,- moin maturng, sud bligbîed he iuguing Royal utilleny, occupisd Fort Erie sud a ployed îbsmsulves, for as esrly us hs 27t hopes nif t'. fammens. suries ni batteries extmudiug as hnw as ni Juiy, hs Secntary ni War wnots Vo Fnsnchman's Cnsek ; four conîipanima ni Dearbomu, encloiag a letter Vo Gruneu, Besidea sevural large scows for the trans- militia sud onu company ni he 4lsV nene sutborizung hia'. o orç'snize fhic warriors pont of cannona, hs Amuicaus had begua i ni he Six Nations ronditionshhy. AV o build tiares gun-boatsataIBlack Rock, posîrd ahong hs river betweenrm a t point Ibi ~ie i wm amoasbleforhlm ta hs estucton i wicb Brrk nsukhy simd Chippawa ; hs flank rompaniesonithie thavlie kanw aa nyiposi ndr im h e oestrd utwnofhd have BrVomokd aau 49th sud Vwo ni Vhs York militia hehd Ibm haveknon tat ny Idias hd cnfesed ie oul hae atemped ad iehattsries near QtaunstDa ; Vhs earîhwonks joiued hseiBitish. About hs mid- nticboun estalned by his instrur-etB w'ssdFudapis nuac dis ni Suplember, Van Reassulsen hehd a ion. The Indiaus wuîs strirtly pro- ga rud byandmiiitis oiaty, 'a bieh grand rouurih withm liasTuscaronas, sud ad- ibitsd froua croasiug hs river un- murei nà ii the 49îh sud imaoheue dur sny prutenre, sud wr lah migrcompantiesofte4hanLicl vanlage was craiLy Vsken for hs appean- wslhdsdgune.Aprywhcb un- suit d the field guns were quantmnud lu sucs of a Briish scnutiug purty tapon Grand - -- ad, shd Aprt hihar ndaoot Font George. A chain ni outposîs Island, wh'ich waa aili the pnoputy ni the rived faenaths wst te vasI Colonsl Clans, sud patrols maiutained constant rommuni- Sceuas, Vo excite alarma smoag îhmm lest bringiag witb hemn a bondie ni scalpa, ienecainhtmnIlieposudVslnan they sbnuhd bu deprivsd i fthuse lunds. sbarpiy nsbuked and phudged noV o off",nd cwtinbed n esenvu buhe pss ndpaties endal Thuy wenm Ihen iaduced Vo duclare wan au Ihal way agan. Tliesas igid precautîons milrs lun ear. As thme numuber ni regulan ioruaalhy, sud Red Juckst pompousîy.un- bad hs, sffect ni dîminisbiug hs number ofnillrmnwsqieisfiin ow nouured Iliat hsy wouhd put,",000 warriorshse ihteam ntli i e u ven fVis field guna bu thuin possession, s -IntVhsflsld. Several bundned Indians wsrs exceed onus undnud. corps ni vohunluer gominera bsd besu formudi brogbt dowu frmnt hs Allsgbsny River sud A vuity ni motives absohueltsh orced partly imom lime negulan inl aulry sud pantuy a grucat irait sud wsr dunces held lu ths Ceneara Van Renssuhaur Vo assums hs fnom Ihai miilia unden Caplains Kerby sud sîneessÉ Buffalo. Aimotat uths moment Offensive. During September six rugimet Swayze. wl'en liasse events, wene tsking place, hs ni negulun iniantny, five ni New York miii- Teq Seculay agaitiwote Vo Deanhoma --"4By ia, s buttalion nirifles sud severul compaaiyonhes-op wsuuos luttera rereived from Er asus Graugun ut ap-1lesof artiilery joined bis snmny. TheuPen-Viougtabiseio Vomma Theni cikVo bu peurs that the yuung musanifths Six Nations sylvanua contingent had assembhed ut M~ead- 0houglargeapin of tbu The 4Iaitcobt ansi rau nlonger bc estrsinued, and tha+l bu rase vile on hs 20th, sud wamarehing Osfnetden us liîohVhaci ni nefusalon the part ni hs United Statua Buffalo. Forage sud provisions bcd fiebdofmnad lhu tem , Vo accept thuir services thuy wouid juin hs. sheady bugun Vo grnw sce me, sud tlb ni the 49tb had been tua years lu the contry, Indins uderthe ritsh sandrd. r.nains wouhd uudou-,blsdiy iucrsass tuas rave drnuking rom witboul bounda, h'ey M-uns Ornger bas thersiome been suthorized, af tsr agýeaol disasa lrsady frightiehiyreantsilepcabendret.Tefn om evury stumpt Vo aucune thuin neuîraliîy among bis militis. Dearbon'. troughy punies ni miiitia wene genuraiiy compoaed of bas isiled,Vo employ hem." la diret con- ugud hlm Vo sttsmpt hs passage ni tia picked menansd had ullsuued a very enudit- tradiction VoeVite stulemuatcontauasdin lIis river, as bu dschamcd tirsy muaI rekon upon al ereo icpie letterstaudsauspeehduhivsred ah Onondaga, Iohtsiuiug possession ni Uppun Canada Genenul Smyth isvonred an attempt Vo hs anoieut council grounds of the Six befons hs wintun set la, asening hlm ut pas the river bulMveen Fort Ense sud Cbip- Nations, by sixieen chiesa, epesuning fi ve hs saine ime VbaV Harrison wouhd invade pawa, anîd anme intimation ni this projsct tribes ni the coniedsnacy distrihuted ns fan hs Province by wsy ni Detroit wth six on uauy bave resched Brook, ion hie inreased west as Touawauda, on tIas 29Vb ni Sep- seven tbousaaud men, whihu suothen strnng the garnison ni both places in lIas beginuiug teoaber ; '« Haviag been ohd nepeaVe dhy b body ni truopa wers slresdy assembîrd ni Oclobsa, sudesîtablished dulaclamunts Vo your agents Vo remala aentmah, we weme ut Sackstia's Hanhour, where s squsd- wa4tch Vhs river, opposite the hesd ni Navy vmny much arnsed ut the rouacil beld ut rau was fiting ont Vo coateat pos- Isand sud anear Black Crack. Ons-third ni Bfa oeskubun uulehoVkup session ni Lake Gnaurin, sud bo, in purson, he troopena off duty wmne orderud Vo aîesp Vise tomahawk. W reneno unfrisndly Vo promised Vo menace Montnuah froua Lake bu thuir coting fnily acroulrcd sud hs United Stateua bres ev lu aumbun, Champlain. The ultimatu sucreas ni Ibes ready min spring intohesaaddls. Ou the 61h sud rau do but lthu, bet are wilinig Vo do operamions ho regumdsd as simoat certain, ni Octohur ahi hs troops wens dinected Vo wbut ase eaui, sud if yoe sayase w iih go buV hse wanned Van Runaseluer Ihul mucia bu undur armeaut four svsny monng. witli your people o baîtlie.Ws une woeld depend ou bis movemenîs on the The succriaful rosailt e su attacha uposa snxiotis Vo know your wialiîus ai mon as Niagara. Monroe, Sucrubary ciofSlaVe, Vwo amali armed vessîls ut 1FortErie survmd possible, because wu ans aimaid sanme ni non opeuiyasarnibud the inaetivity ni hs unmies Vo nise he spinits ni Van Resmaelas'arumy young mua may dispense umong distant la New York Vo hs effecta ni disuffection, lu a rumankahis degrue, sud waa actualhy a tnihes and be hostile Vo you."1 By the whirh be dechanmd bad punalyzsd hs efforts serions blow to thitui opponunts, owing te hsginniug ni Ortoher iVta crtalît thiat Of the udministration und ruuderrd the lias exreme scancity of provisions spart about 300 svarrîora bad joined V&a Ruas- mesaunea of Coagnesa inopenahive. The froua the losnif the vesuhs. This oceomnef. sshaer'saramy, but Vey semua o bave sent miitia now chsaored hnudhy te bu li e arhy on hs momnieg niflime 91h Octoher, saie poîogsîic message VoelIas allisd tribesaagainal hs saemy, and did noV hesitats Vo and Brook umivsd ou Vhs spot belonsr imi he British service, for liasse assaured accuse tiasir commander ni lukewunmneaa aumst, butllasviug apparnthy satisfied Brook thîst Ihey wouhd nt sclagainat bimu sud cowardicu, wbie smasonithuir officuns himachi VIaI nimmediate auhîmpt Vo wiVh auy spirit. " So I imagine," bue aunIouacsd their intention ni invsdiug,,Can- cross the river was ronleuuphated tiaure, ne- obaervsd wiVh bis accustouaud pensînahona, ada wiVbnul waiting ion orders fmomas hlm, turrd tb Niagara nexî day. Hes ured Ibnis " if wu ronutinîu o show s hohd froat, but yul a înafliag incident sem"ed Vo indicate disashun Vo he huit udvau tage by coinul. in tne evunt ni a dasastun hs love ni pIon- how vsry litmls dpendence was tu bs phaeed msnting both rugulans sud miitia ounIhin dem wiIl pruvail ila s mannun Vo bu tiae moat ou thuir assistance. A suntinul near Seblos- splendid couduct bu bis laîl general ,î-detn dneadud hi' lue imhasiants nf lhiiecountry."» sen was sboh ut bis prit la hs nighl by isaued onu tha 12th Oclober, Cornet Pei, The Amuican mililia wsrs rousathybin some unnown person, smud an catine romn- Major ni hs Niagara Dragoona, buing dis- he habit ni stelsiig down Voelias river sud pany inatanthy tbnew dlownt its armsansd linguishud hy special mentionuion couapicu- firing aI hs Brîiih sunîiesa, the batteries, runaswuy, hs fugitives neyer stoppiug iii onus raveny. Tisia urried jonmnsy had the sud privaIs bouses on hs opposite bunk, I bey hud gaiasd lias main camp ut LewisVoua. effet nf hasteaung Van Runsaelaem's move- sud soon uxcitud un intense sud almoal Eamiy la Octohen Van Runsseisen aumuanu- monel,ion a apy ruturusd tb bis camp wiah furoeioua feeling ni bslred amoag hs Ioopa ed a rouncil ni war, te wbich ho învited information Ibal Brock bad lef V Niagarasib unden Brock'a ronmand, botlihe had hseCmemal Smytb, who bud juil aken roin- great haste sud was aupposmd Vo have gone satisfactiounifbingagble Vo report at he mand ni a brgade ni regulur IroopsataI o Detniot. Enrnunaged by Ibis report, sud end oi lwn montha ni incessant unnysure Buffalo, Genensi Hall, of hs 1New York feeling,as las expnmssd it, I hat Vhs nation- aud iarua, hal bis nugulana bud not buen militia, sud hs commandant ni sarh rugi- ah chunscer la degra2sd sud Vhs diagruce dîminished hy a single dssb t Ias be auds ment ni United Statua troopa. Smyîb wili nemaln o romding the publie feeling sud nf the euemy, nom by asîolitsny dusenlbon, sboaa-d bis onîsuapl for the nililia gunerai spirit until anotuer rampaiguunuIsis iflibu sudtal lis en tire force was le gond heulti' under whomhs was forud Vo serve by wipsd uway by a hiliaul exploit lunliis," sud spirits lu spiîs ci Ibuir privations. Ia aughecling Vo atend or even Vo uxplain bis ho determiued Vo striku wlaihlteenthusiasua fact the onhy lmss occasionud by liais dus-, abseunre. Van Reunseasr bud intendsd luenifitis troopa was yult ut ils huat oven lics ultnny hut barsssing warfane, waaiths duath concetrats hs wliariuofnisiaeguhar Inoopa rocent exploit, and fixed the bour sud phare ni an untotunate eulry, PrivaIs John neun Fort Niagura ana the militua ut Lewis- ionr cosieg hs river for Ibrue o'chock nsxt Henderahol, ni he th Lincoln, who wss ton, sud attempt he passage ni hs river uaornng ut Qusenston. The slreamn was shot on bs post al Qusenaton, on the 4th'.oni1imoibanuotisly ut botb places, but in eona- Iben ut its narowmil; s ferry limd besu Supiemua.TheBniishbros wns îniî- equncec niSmyl'amiacouducîlhiaacbsme ustablisbed ion yeas,sidambgtVh hy onbdde 10mak ay nphy su ibirwas abaudonad udib detsrminmd tVocrosscornent was swiltm, hs navigation 'aas 'wel endurance 'sas niten luted Vo ils ulmioat froua hs later place onhy, us lbe fr11 salis- ascemtainmd sud an indifloent ouasacnuld imit in ennsquence. A ltter iroun a apy, 1 fisd that the forcuabe bad alreadv assmhed poli acrosa lu huas thun ton minutes. i apparenIy residing nuar Fort Enri, ho tiers M-me amply suffici on Ibu pumpos. artihhuny, aupuior in numbera sud ralibre, general Van Renauuhacr, givea a veny strik- Staif-officera, underoneprelsxluand suo.tlmur couldrcovun heisandbaglom the mighîground îuig viuay ni Ibm situaionansd feelings had viied ths British hunes, sud 1 ieu esl above Lewisloa, whsre bateries had aineady ni Vhs People ut thia fimie. "Ceeuai ni thein observations, couplsd witl' liorma- bhem Ibmown uts for il Brook," lie nurmanka, "hapaid attention tinî c ive om bis apies had made 1hi11A ccriil h eu sfenFr i to evemy patacular- haut cao nreate an pnmiay tbomýoughiy ucquaiuîed vvilh the agara n simaronag dulachuasuis froua Buffalo th'e flutute reantincpa of tIse promnes unden numbuns sud rompositionu ni the fones op- wsre ordered Vo jolu the main -body aI Lew- bis change as wmhl as Voeiai immediamie de- pnsed Vo bim. istoat befors midaiglal, sud boata-sofficieut fraîice. The bars-esV lias husu got in oler- No douhit was entertaiasd ni aI hait Vo rontsias 500 muta aereseacnsîly lamugbt eiîhy '.mmi an'd greaten prepanstionu lamade partial anecesas. He 'onidntly antîcipsledl ovsrîsud froua Gbh'a ýCreek. A furinua for sow-lmIg mlgraiiitanever huions. Tue heing able Vo saure s ioothold bu Canada sînnua ni wiud samd nain awepî oser bis inillîttia hrs limodifimd as mucli us possible v,-heus bui couhd uslsbhish bis armybin win ter camp wbiie lias tmoopa were dnuwu Up lu to Fuiltshrireumnsatauces ni hs people, urlersansd prepars fon an eariy caupaigu ediDesas Voenter the boa, sud Vhs pilot andi m--aaunea maken Vo pruvenî Ilîcuaiseling a exî ysan. The gimany objecî of hs lu- ni the exp2dition desmnbd li Vhe dsrknss. lime lnmrdlemnoficln aar. Theu svnmwork Ivasion 'aas simply descrihsd us biug Vo sx- Iu consuquence lhc sttack waindufinilsly n te field-, encoauragcment beirg givun fon pei Vhe Britisha moiti Queemstom anmd oblain posîpourd. The nain eoainusd wiVh un- 'uitl pur-po-se. Vi 'cn Hiilî's proclamatijon a îheh er froua hs iaciemeury ni thewmstih- abstsd violeure for Vwenty-sbgbî boomsunuti k,,peaned il bush itas hecî, titure hing aouru- un. More than eghî Vousaud Imoopa lime ouds-becama alamoal impassable. Van my premmmîed for pivate pnopety, sud the wr'a-esussmhled tandem bis comand, ni Runasehuer timun desired ho wit s isw duya people aouid aviliugly have subn'im.ed, bol wianm hall wurs negohana. Thrus huudnud in the hopu ni nevetingloehis original plan, when it wvaa iouand thut pivats prnpenîy - stilieny sud sbgbia bundnud negul3n iniantry bol hs impatisenio bis troopa îsememd to wasl noainaîrdassstîant quanleruasalen- Ihea cornposuag hs rnunty, compisiag the anuamit. A iuw hundmud yards wust general. entîrepuniasulu froua Beliagton Bay 10 nf the anding stnod the village, ron- tdd he'. 0 îepmpis s seprovinedhad hemcnth ni Grand river. Pumbaps five siaîiug ni a atone baradks, sud bure,, su p enep lesd sd sigeproyneny hehuundof thuse could be readily assem- aboutolwuuVy scatturud dwellingî aurrouud- Lthn e f te eman i giug buunarlVotde-bled ut a few boum' noticti. MosV ni the md Iby gardeus andI oncharde. The waggou. anA r'ei coutny pd pedgig Ibir i tdians bad disperard ho Ihein buuhang oud ieadimag froua Niagara formud hs prie. ~gro".uds. The exigenrisaoi the Irans. ripal streel, sud woud up the heigbta be- Yond. Another road, commraencing at the ON OANÂIJA'S CENSUS. will do inuch te draw attentirn te the great ylanding and crossing this at rigbt angles, advantages of Manitoba and the North- jled to GL D~av Id's, throwing off a branch Aui English Idea or tire Ieasons for OUr West. which ascended the heighits about a mile Vo Conparatlvely Slow 4Growth. Mucli publicity bas been given to the westward, and finally united withi the port- (From Chamb-'rs's Journal.) statement that the yearly Repzrts of the rage road above. In the angle formud by The recent cen sus of Canada is interest- Departmnent of Agriculture show that, over sythnersetione of theevillas to the ing for many reasons, apart froin the rather eîght hundred tlîousand immigrants landedjc larghestcnerus of the in.agetRam- disappointing increase (504,601) it shows I in the Dominion during the last decadJe ,flg ton wihoise walte c ourr ams- the population, equal to about 11.66 per and as the total increase'iu the population 9, ltn, it it wlle curtar a cenb- t. in the decade 1881-1891. The figures is nnly a lit Vie over five hundredthiuad statia ou-buldiga.Theadjcen plinfor the various Provinces, as compared with it is claimed that there is a screw loose soiine- Swas dotted with many farruhouises near the those of 1881, are as follows: Nova Sc'otia where. But thuru is lîttIe doubt tharc tho3 " ods banod tnarfie e, dieralifiednears bas a population ni 450,5293, as against400,- immigration returus are inaccuraLte. Th1u' " e byordnay ril-enesffierifid nar572 in 1881 ; New Brunswýick, 321,294, as British Boardof Trade Emigration returnaî Ythe foot of the heights by an occasional low', against 321,233 ; Prince -Edward Island, so far as regards British Noyýtb Americýa, esont an a sall rayudanbtery d brten 109,088. as against 108,891 ; Quebec 1,488,- show an umigration te Canada less than a-, bulît it ia sanledarnting tterivh e n586, as against 1.359,027 ; Ontario2, Il2,989, third of that claimed iu the Canadianx f bult ithitsange frnfig te rverandas against 1,926,922 ; Manitoba. 15-1,442, as returns. IV is true that they do net includo armed with unu. eighteen-pouLnder, and at against 62,260 ;British Columibia, 92,767, as those who go te Canada by way nf American belowa n ty-fourPoindtgnhyaM'benagainst 49,459; and the North- 'vet plov port, a considerable number uowadays, but belw, twntyfoir oun gu hal beninces and IJniorganised Territory, 99,722, not sufficient to account for a Li of the tmouinted on barbette ou a crescenit-shaped as against 56,446. Iu the Maritime l'rov- balance. They ininde aIl the ieteerage eartbwork commanding, altlîough and at, incus the gain is 1-17 pur cent.; in oeupasnusaswl saluàeigrns n very long range, both landinga, and the 9 -53 par cent.; in Ontario, 9 -65 ; iu Mani' for that reason are not reliable ; the Cania- breadl1,h nf the river betweun. Capt. toba, 148-06 ; in the Nortia-west, 164 -6 ; in dian ruturuis are alan of doubtful utility for rWilliams, with the light cnmpany ni the British Columbia, 87-86 ; and in the Unior- much the samne reason, as there is a l~~ grenh, aeratnea the ae redmn, andter ganised Turritory 80 pur cent. amount of travel on business and pleae, CreadiJaes otensandCégismet, coder Amongothur things the cunsus indiéates but veeu Canada and th.e United States. Il, CpnyJofeshee2nd or, andre quarteredoin that in uew countries, as in older nuies, there deserves Vo bu muntionud that there is a the vilofatheOutI ork, nd enqtre waibis apt to bu a ialiing-of inluthe rural popula. widespread feeling iu Canada that thc thevilaý;. Otpots nd entieswathýtion aud a mnovement towards the tons. cunsus returns are noV se accurate as4hý,cv ed the river froin the landing Vo Vrooman's This iu the case of the Doini4on ni course might be ; and it la adrnîtted that thf planl PnHt s cnmany ncui te ySt LSncm-. ly applie3 to the ohder provinces, notVtVofni numeration adopted this year ex' luded Then tir foce n Manitoba, the North-wust Territories, and many thousanids ni persons who wouAi have Theentre orc ofrealas ad mlita ds-British Columbia ; and it is accounited for heen included if that lu use in 1881 ihad tributed about Queenston did nt evr".ed by reasons somewhat diférent fromethose hben cnntinued. Iu many places local ru- twn hundred men. Cameron's and l{ew- whichi generally obtain elaewhere. Thure counts are threatened, and onue or Vwn that ard's companies ni York militia lay at are niaturally aonme points of sin.-ilarity, suds have recently takun place suem Vo indicate Brown's Point, three miles distant, but as the development ni the manufacturing that there is anme ground for the <istrvst thuru wure une other regular trnops nuarer industries, wlîich bas been specially notice- that uxiats. The population ni Victoria, than Fort George. able lu the last ten years ;!the higbur wages British Columbia, for instance, a(inording Fatigue, duty and fréquent alarma hadiin the Vnwns ; and the lessened demand for Vothe offilcial ceusus, was ouly 16,841, begun to tell uipou the health and spirits ni labnur caused by the improvemients in agri- while a laVer civic rucount places ti'e total the men, and at dark onu the evuning ot the cultural macbanury. But, ou the othur baud at 24,972. There is alan a divergence bu. 11lth Brook learned with uchliappréhension there are n heavy rentsanad taxes or tithus, twuun the officiai and municipal censuses in that anerrnio the men ni the 49th bcad bu- ui there isnntsowidea divergence betweun Toronto aud Vanenver. Again,,the birth- com inobodinte wrcku th gurdurban and rural wagus as lu Great Britain. rate in Canada bas diminishied i ' the lsl bouse at Queuniston, aud even threatenied The slightnesni the lucrease is aIl the more twenty years or su : sud in Ontario alone à~ thowud thaof their mficsondut as cxqusd remarkable lu view ni the immense areas ni is said that had the aize ni the average fam- bywe drikand hey weriso liberte wa ih aunoccupaed land aili to bu oud ln the iiy been maîntaned at its former porcentago rrprn-~nd.older provincus, excepia Prince Edward la. the population, this year wouald have bren AIltlat ay ad tu ex, prtesni ife-land. Moit ni the Crown land in question bgarb urytnbnrdtosu men flinted hu opposthe sho rtieud firicas- is, bnwever, covurud ith bush, acrub or t la noV likely that Canada will get twe menlind te oposte hor an fied nce infrut; and nnue wbo lias noV had a baud lu hnndred sud fil ty thousand people a yeaî, santy atany living thing that met their eye on clearing a farni under sncb conditions, or au thé North-wust, as an rntbusîastic Gov. the Quecuarnu aide. The bouses near the nyv- whù bas neV seen the procusa in course ni urnor once prophesied, at sny rate for a lonl or wure, riddled by their firu,aud uven about, devulopment, cau ferra any idea, ni wbat timu ; but now that the Conirdation à~ buaring a fiag ni truce becamu a target for the work means. The farmers, ultboîagb practically complété, aIl theprovinces being their ullets. Ail communication by lag usually comfortably off, anè able Vo make a uuited by railway, pnssesaing ample means ni truce with the enumy was accordingly gond living on the nid bomestead, aretoVfn local communication, sud having acculs strîctiy inrbidden, except wbun special pur. aîwaya able te boy improvcd fara for Vo the Atlantic and Pacifie Oceans, there 1,9 mission was obtained frrom headquarters. their sous as they grow up ; and consequent n doubt whatever that Canada generiliàBy, (To nu CONTINUED) ly, Vhe latter, instead ni raking up dlaims in sId uapucially the Western couutry, iff the backwoods as their fathers did, go West upoîs the hrshold ni a period ni afctive de. Vo the frue-grant lands ou the prairies ni vulopmuîaî. Cunural statfsiies show that TOBSED BY A. SUBMARIÉE BARTH- Manîitoba sud the North-wust'rerritorie,, or aia progresa ni Canada sud ias 4,- else maiku thuir way mbt the Vowns. Then, 82-9,411 inhabitants will compare isvourahly QUAKE. again, Vue nId flks lu sncb cases nîtun sull with any othen country lu which similar con- tbe farms they hewed ont ni Vhe foreat lu ditions prevail, cither inside or outsidu îLe Tince flays ln th is lare of a cinlzing years gone by, and go West Withtbuhir sous, British Empire ; sud iV wîll bu stramîge lu- 3101111tain. the proceuda ni the sale heing sufficient te dued if the nuxî ceuseis dous noV tull a much Amoug the anrivals in San Francisco the saat the wholu iamily comforîabiy on a more satisauetory stnry tissu that ni 1891. othun day was the bark Seminolu, Capt. cnmparatively large tract of land thene.-_________ Wuudun, froin Newcastle, N. S.- W. The Tbis helpa to explain the slow progres nitols rwh nIda voyage up was noVunuevuniaful, and anme ni Vhe rural district ni the oldur parts ni Cana- MtoitGot nIda bier crex'.' hirîk themaulves vury lucky Vo da, and, lu conjonction with the immigra- The Pioneer, a luading Inidian daily that neach San Francisco ut al, tVon that bias taken place, the more rapid bas neyer buen iriendly te Christian mria- Ou April 18, whun ight lu tbe middle ni increase in Vhe prairie country sud lu sienusil India but ha shown sharp oppo- the bolomon grnup, the bark liad a very 'BiibClmi. Tefra ud islon 5V uvery oppnrtunîty, miaktés the 1 ol- narrow escape iromu biug wrecked by au Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebe, sud iowiug extrenieîy iîîteresting éditorial ccom-l earthquake. It was a brighr, suinny day, Ontario wili undonbtudly bu attacksd lu meuts on the rutou iiso the new cuamaus oi with noV a breath of wind, sud the sua, vas fimie; but we shahl have Vo wait util land 1891 showing church growth: as smooth us glass. The nearust land was b"e scarcur timama ît m in ftie gruatwMest- IlOnu ni the points criticised most kean,- about twenty miles away, aud there was enri plains ni hs Dominion. The condition Iv, Vbnugb in ail probability not oven w ' uotbiug Vo show that anytbîng unusual wasnifthings lu thosu provinces la not aingular, f' in bueruturna ni the un eaies"or lu 1- about Vo Vuke place. About hall an houn for the sanie cawies bave heem ut wnrk in yi, itb h iuefr h nraeo h befine, noon the watch on deck werm starti- New England, sud there bias bren a ialling- native Chanstian population. The imipeii ed b y feeling the veasel shake fremn stem Vo off iin Vhe population ni the rural districts ruturus are, ni course, not yet available, buta stur, a ilshe ad oucud te goun.on that part ni the United Statua. xve are able Vo givu thbmamuin nesults lu ths Cjapt. Weedun ut once ordered the deep-sua The movumeutteVowbicb ruierunce has Nnnthw-est Provinces sud Oudh, sud tbuy lcad Vo bu hrought up,'al'.hough bu was sure buen madlela muruly a transioeunce ni popui- are certainly nemarkable. Without showm- lis vesul was lund-uep wiater ut the trne, lalion , irom Vthe east Vo the west, and is ni iug for possiblu adjualmeut in twn district s, Ab,,uV five minutes mter the firat sbock rucent growth. But buinre the great Cana- the otai numbun nf native Christiana shown there s'. as anothur quake, wbich, Vo use the dian plains between Winnipeg sud the in the census for these provinces la 2L,655 lauguage ni Capt. Weeduu, " was a dandy." Rooky Mountains wure opeied up sud made gaîust 13,264 at lat ceusus, a risé ni about The benk was liited up at lasat six imut, sud accezsibl,which ouly Vook place mn a partial 70 per cent. The imcrease, however, bas then rolied over Vo port until bier rail was degree about ten yrara ago-the Canadian beun an far inom oniform Vthroughout, that under wster. Every timbun lu the vassel, Pacific Railwuy was nia compluted util the Itohilcuiad diviasion aloume accounts creaked sud grosurd us if the sbip wus Novumber 1885-a goodly portion ni Ibis for over 7,000, out ni the total ad- about Vo go Vo piecea. AIL anoumîd the vus- bouesud imuscle ni Canada Meut Vo the dition ni 9,O03 odd for the wbnle ni sel, as fan as Ibm eye could sue, tue ses was prairies ni the Umnited Statua, whicb bave the unitîd provinces. This la puzzling beaviug sud umbling, as if lu a laeavy huen available for sulîlement for Vhs lait enougb ; but the puzzle becomes aVili liarder stonm,,sud tons ni waten poured over tbe hîty or forty years. The large numbur of wben wu procurd ian apportion the couverts ruila cru both ides, flooding the dmcks. The Canadians lu the Republic ia the neanît of Vo Vhe several sects ut wonk, The Mutho- watcb' bulow were hrown out ni their thant umîgration, sud the lamentable couisu- dis.t Episcopal Chunch includes 12,92.9, or huksansd rushud on deck, thinkinig the quence of Biîitisb apatby lu aliowiug the more than hall the untine native Christian ship lîad struck a rock sud waa going dlown. millions ni acmes ni fertile land withiunon population. It monopolizes almoat -.11 Vhe The sbock insted nearly a minute, anda lu- owu houndanies, nontlr nifVtme inrty nintb untine native Chnistiaus lu the Rohilcund aide ni Vwnty seconds wa-s foliowud hy a parallel, Vo remnain a terra incognita for se division where Vhe work oi conversion soeis third, fuîly as sevure as the onu that pru- louü,a' spuiod. Theru is another tbîng which Vo have hem n extranrdinarily aucceýs2ful cmdud t, but t did noV lait tuons Vhau bulpa tn explain thc existence ni s strng sud alan uGanbwaî sud Khuni. The Church Vwsnty-five seconds. Cunadian Elemeut lu Vhs States. Bainne ni Engiand on hs nîber baud, is creditmdI The hark pitchud sud nolîrd an heavihy the extension ni the limita ni the Dominion with oniy 5,013 out ni 22,655 ; moat of it3 tbat the main yard 'sas dipped lu the water hy thie ausi utioni ni the Hudson Bey Terni- adhérents hulongiug Vo Debra Dan, Agina, bal a dozen times, and iV sucmed as il tuhe Lony sud British Columbia, Canai,. onualat- Benures, sud Gorakhpur. Faually, the ru- msst wouilgo overVhesaide. Manysnticies md nfasstrip ni land alongIbe gruat lakes, tom ni Romran Catholica la putat,16 ivere awept (nom Vihsdeck by the rosit nf the river St Lawrne nsd the coastisud 1mw ia comes9 about that onue church b1as water, sud seine ni Vhs men narrowhy escap- ivmrs ni Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, sind bren ao n ub more auccessinil than ahi te cd being dashud againat Vhs deck bouse sud Prince,-Edward. Island. IV was pnacticaîiy others put gt ud, d unue isivi.sion rail It wa early un boun aiter Ibm las without railway communication Vo sy Pn mach nmoreeinuntly Vhau slsuwhene, ansr shock belons he big waves suhsided sud the lange extuuV, aed the anus undur cultivation points upon which wm musI wait for fun ther bark was once nmore motionles nu'Vhs did nIt icruasu with ranch napidity frinrom uligbtennîrent, but the main neant , Vo wiV, wsîer, sud the cnew bugan Vo, realize whis tVhs time the Amenican prairies began Vo ut- Vh e nreuse ni 70 pur ceut. lui theVoa had taken plame. iu the rabi and fore- tract attention. Allhibs tuas,however,thme Christian popuationu is unquestioiialIy a casiale everyrbing wasturned topay urvy, rising generution in msny weIl-to-do middile- isci u pon which the spologisias of mission- sud nearly ah Vhse crockury on hourd w-us class and auccesaful sgriculturiâs' familles ary enterpnise may nuasonahîy congratulute smassbd. were buing ducated ion the profession- tbEmseives." Tîat uveniîmg s breeze sprsng imp and the aI sud ligh er csîlings ; sud as Camnada did seu'minole rusumned lier voyage tovrard Sun noV theut aupply an mauy opeumegs ni Lafe Assurance. Francisco. J ust huinru dsyiit on the Ibm kinl usabs doms now, sud the mornimmg ni hs 20th, Iwo days mter the manufacturing incluztry lu its inlancy, Mns. McGimty-Did yuz say Denny's louea eartliquake, lime lookout reported a briglit these young people were almoat -ohiiged Vo waa noV insursd? liglit shcad, sud it was son proved Vo bu a go Vo the States; sud the samne tbang may bu Mn,. O'Ruffety-Naw, indade. large volcano lu fuil blat. The biazing said ni the youthiui Fnunch-Csuaduans sund Mra. McGinty-Bediid, au' hlm a workiin' muomnala ws ve iotymies w -i ndotîmens,,.attracte.d by the ,îhghon tb' rocks wid th' blasthisa a' thinga. The mounitains smilud, and clnpped their op natuiraliy. Manitoba bas hsd to contend uai'. bY 'Ditto' 1" And-, "0îot wibntV banda, iwith misnupreetatious ni ah sorts, sud diaphaylisignurne hefnia'. Ma ,ethoughab.t Thndsstîlng sun lev gen hauyds, othur thinga hase tmuded Vo preveut s rush lbu would ask bissîbshi-. So. sueing Lhua la The moon threw silver n'er thein way! Of immign anla, notIbhu ait eing the rom- Vhe gandua when bu ruucied home, lbu aaid à petition nf couintnies thast have bren opsu "Fatbun, what's Vhs aueauiug of 'ditto' 1' Widc, wide, thcy aprrad their pmbbly bcd longer ion sut lemunt. A harge population "lOh 1 thaV's easy," said tas oîd Mail. United nnw wer thsy for evun; alwaya acta as a muguet an fan us immigra- "Von se Ibis cabbag-. sud tlimaI sbhage 7" The mountains stretchedý their neuka n'en- lion as concenad. But ias day la cnmiIge"Yés." hmsd, Mn To arc their image ln the river! veny rapidly, sud the neceuit visit ni theu Il Well, that's'7dlitto,' 1 JOHIN IMRIE, British Tenant Furmens, thein favounable ru- "Drat, my Mlary's hoad i., alà Jo0-m 'c TorntoaIs s. porta, sud Vhs splendid larvest of hast yer, abs haven't beeansd ueln'O s-ga

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