I I OHURNS! When yon want a CHUBN Lyet.f- th et.it wîll nrsv vou PROMOT1ON EXA.MINATIONS BOIiOMAN VILLE PIT1LIC SdilOOLS. To SENIOR. FORTH CLÂSS :--Nellie Pattinson, Charlie Frank, John Lyle, Edna Fielding,Albert Couch,Laura Laing, Pauline Henry, Ethel Sparling, Eva Cryderman, Ethel Carr, ililda Logan, Ettie Gifferd, Jaîhes Goard, Harry Isaac, Charlie Diokenson, Bertie Munday, Amelia Knight, Maggie Coleman, Fred Pethick, Gertie Lyle, Arthur llamley, Walter Virtue, Thomas Richards, Mabel Wright, Carie Pabcock, Annie Legge, INorman MclLaughlin, Florence Mayer, Will:am Ca',ker, Hlattie Nichols. To Ju-NIOR FORTH CLASS:-May James, INca Adair, Donald Galbraith, Leah lutcheson, Beryl Edsall, Nellie Hall, Arthur Goard, Harry Parka, Kate Mur- doch, Albert Tait,Abbie AlexanderJessie Dunham, Allan Osborne, Frank Knight, Eddie Virtue, INellie Mason, Lonie Mc-e Dougall, Abbie Outram, Editîs Goard, John Hemn, George Mason, Cecil Welsh, Jemîie Walker, Harold Pearn, Edith -~~ ~ ~~ ~-~- r--. j V.- -.ýaeLeiuuLulaoL xi JiC beck, Arthur Humber, Willie Cryderman, t ,you can get thiem at Cecil Dunsfort, Edward Pollard, Nellie e Reynolds,, Mabel Welsh, Xillie Hanilyn,d Y O U N GeN &n C0 9S, Fred Downey. ils:Eih rc Ul u , 1. 4 CT ~To SENIOR Tii Ls:ÉihFe-e land, Hilda Reid, Jennie McLean, Frank f .Also everything found in a Masen, Thomas Dicliensoni, Ida Weekes, 0 fi-st cassGrcev.Stella Mason,Proston Tait,Everett Ilnry, a fixstelas GroëerV.Helen Wallbridge, Kathleen Edsall, HarryG ______________________________Bunney, Blanche Sandorcock, James a _____________________________Jarvis, Ethel Jonosa, Ida Vanstono, Mary H~lobbs, Frank Nosworthy,Cocil Mayuards Fred Chaplin, Louis Rowe, Aggie Lyle, Mabel Grigg, Minnie McDonald, Willie BoWMANVILLE, JULY V3, 1892. Hall, Luella Tyler, Volma Jewell, Nor- li ___________man Orage, Willie Cale, Willie Martyn, P Arthur Wellington, Maggie Dingman, I INDIVIDUAL EFFORT. Amy McKowan, Norman Laing, Guy et Pothick, B. Williams. A great doal bas belon written on the To JUNIOR THIRD CLA-S:-Gertie eubjoct of succesa. Some people seem te Clover, Willie, Goard, Allie Hoakinb euccped with very little effort wbile others Jessie McDougaîl, Willie Chaplin, Kate Y aftor toiling and striving for years are net Adair, Mildmed Taylor, Harry McCready, rewrde b wbt anycaî scces.Harry Colemnan, Janie GilI, John Jolliffe, g xewared b wha maDycallsu I erbert Hoopor, Richard Hall, FIera t Some are hemn lucky,as it were, and front Sinclair , Albert Cox, Thos. Ayers, t their birth hiave wthiu their reach aIl the Frank Downs, Mable Henry, Evelyn mnorteyfinaadoh esnialst Manning, Ethel King, Tony Olcott, Cyrus I to m fiedsadlio eces ant Peate, Eddie Medland, Annie Dillingc xecesary omk ieasce ndy Harry Hook, Lena Jarvis, Ethel Scobl:a they may nover bave the satisfaction of Gertie Cawker, Willie Joues, Rachel AI- ]cunowîng witbiu tbemselves thgt by their lin, Willie Rowe, Jessie Dinsfort, Gev, own inidividual effort have they won the Virtue, Dick Jones, Herb Moyse, Ernie ' Jionrs ith hic othrs ave eenFenwick, Annie Reynolds, Norman Tay- honos wih whch ohershavebeenlor, Charlie Richards, Alfred Allin, Frank t crowned. The Saturday Post gives some Dilling, Walter Hoskin, Adla Scoboîl,w good bints on this subject wben it says Willie Gi, Irwin Hainley, Minnie Allîn, ai iudividual effort elevates the lowoat aud Churchill Cawker. dîiguifies the humbleat. Triumpbs over To SENIOR SECONiD CLAss:-Susie Allie, birh, t~ionan edcaton Itfiîs heMuiel Reid, Maggie Trebilcock, Edua birh, taton nd ductio. I fils heCouch, Lola Downs, Bert Joblin, George coffers of the industrieus, masures success Allun, Rnby Gale, Newby Muir, Lela àr i %lme nyau- ndertal-ing, and places the Neads, Ella Pethick, Mary Cryderman, deaerviug ou a proud and iofty emnne Mary Brimacombe, Wiliie Buxton, Lottie It l thekey hat pensthe minece.Jolliffe, Maud Maynard,Lillie Legge,Fred IÉ i th ke tht oensthedoor of the Trebilcock, May Hook, Walter Fletcher, ý Temple of Fame, and bida, us press ou- Eflie DunhamLillie Olcott,Colin McLeau L ward if wo wouid win the prizo. It is the Clareuce Meath,, Laurence Morrison, lcey that opens the door of Wisdom, and Lillie Moukley, Eddie Dutton, Leua places in our bauds the volume of know- Mason, Eddie Pattinson, Wesley Cawker,, fr George Weeks, Mary Lyle, Stephen Mun- ledge, pointa to the honorod sages of day, Fred Martyn, Gortie Saunders. 81 auti quity, and invites us to imitate their To JUNIOR SECOND CLASS:-Launce bright example. And -ïe are al able te Masen, Walter Diokouson, Lola Manning, pi do se. Blessod with energy sud persee- Florence Belîman, Clarence Tait, Byron Ance eeryman has poý,wer 1 alter and Vaustone, Helena Keys, Gertie Aldred, t .~nco, overyFb Mason, Florence Edsl Mabol Scott, botter bis condition in life. i, ' ue ho6 Allie Murdoif, Edith Richards, Fred d mnay net ho immoediately succeb-,tul, but Maynard, Grace Trowin, Florence Out- labor and determination overcomoe ail ram, Charlie Leggo, Leunie Darcli, Wal- ,difficulties, aud acrmouit ali obstacles. torHlli, Herbert McCready, Beatrico »Joness, Elva Henry, Arthur McKowan, Nature bas net endowed every man with Loua Richards, Maud Darch, Clarissa e great intellectual facls but nature Jordan, Wiilie Datton, Fred Pattînson, neyer made any mari altogether helpîcas. Edua Hoakin, Harold Hockon, Frankie if Lse cannot soar hoiecaui mn, if hoe canuot Jeweil, Fiorrie Williams, Willio Voddeu, Annie Barrett. runieh can walk, if lie tannot waik lie can To PART Il:-Frank Thickou Edwardw crawl. iu this- highly favored land, wheme Goard,' Gorden Jury, Loua Foster, Willie P freedom of thought prevails, and man is Hollonbeck, Byron Haddy,Eddie Weekes, at liberty te follow any pursuit that pro- Addie Cawker, Merkiey Bolusan, Lila inises te lead te wealth or distinction, in- Fogg, Normian Allun, Janet Gilîson, Char- b lie Walker, Mary Gill, Lestock Reid, Lily dividual effort, if properly directed, will ill, Katie Buxton, Wiunie Gage, Pauly be iuvariably crowuod- with complote Trebilcock, Theodore Ives, Martha Payne,, success, for boere wortb is respected, gen- Mentie Ailin, INle Lambert, George t lus is admired, aud i'sbor is rewarded. Downey, Ernest Biekie, Charlce Welsb, r A unie Gilbertjamos LongTherosa Jones, The Canadian bas numeous examplos for Russell Trenoutb, Mamie Munday. emulation. Mýjany illustrious mon wve n_________________ çonld.name bave been architec ta of their The JUlY ARENA c09t&iUS thiree richly owu fortunes sud their succosa may be illustrated papee9s. One on "Africa" byh attributod te their industry, energy sud AMrs, Freuch.Sbeildon;- the secoud con Lotouryouh mitte he"Julia Marlwe;" the third oln "Some presovorance.Lo u otimaeth Womon lu the Alliance Movement of thse examnples placed before them, and theugh West. their success may net lmeet their anticipa- GOOD HOUSEKEEPING tOr JulY 0cetains; tions, they will doserve and roceive the "A Perfect Treasur, "by Judith Spencer. respect of their felluw-uîen. Depend up- "Couceruiiig Servant@," by Josephine E: on individual effort. Waste net your Martin; "INew De&iga in Laces," "Jams aud Jouiesa," 'Bagp, Usleful and Oreia- timo in vain regrets of ili-fortune, or time mental," The Houâhold Laundry," "'Thec mispnt ; you caunot recaîl leist time, Food of thse people," "A Suppor iu the8 but you can reslve te ho more circula- Wood.i with the Childreu, and mPan speet in future, aud by acting up te it yenothr.CakWBys ,pbih regyain much. But it is vain and uselesasprufedMas TisE METIIOnîsT MAGAZINE for July1 te wsste time by idie regrets. Push a- bogins the tbirty-six volume cfthspop- Iies d, and lot yonr motte hoc "Excelsior," ular magszine. 'Wo continue oui- sortesi aud yenwill succeed iu ail your rander- of articles iu giviug valuable information, takiga.Boa ~n md he toryof heof that groetceun-iy cf India. Theo Ed- takigs. ear n mid th stoy oftheitor portrays ýwitb peu aud peucil the trie-i two fermnera, who sowed a crop of ots. mendoui caniyons of the "River of Lesti The oats never came up, and whilceue Seuls." "Amoug the L-apps", by Richard was wsstiug bis time and opportunities Lovell, M. A., sud C.B Adams doscribes by idle compîaing of bad luck, the other "A Receut visit te Pekin," illnstîaud. A tirnely paper ou "Ce-operative Tridua- wa$s busily engaged impreving his land try," by P .BrofTrno "The aud reaewing oats. lu a few, montha lie Victonian Ae," by Rev. E, D. McLaren, posaessed a iuxuriaut plat field, while the M. A., 13 D , vil!i ýtir the patrioit pulses. ctler farier't was cevered with weeds The toc isu graphic rtory of 11f e and ruibili.Thi fat %on.strck.th uIna LrQndon osîal"by tho wife cf' aud ubbsb.Thisfac eou stuckthea miuistor:,will touch a sympathetie chord. idie fariner, anddlho was net long, in call- Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart Phelpa commencea iug upon bis frîi Wl earu the cause cf anothor tonching stery, ¶Fourteen te ilis luck," as hoe calied it. "-Vhy," said Oue." Our lady frienda will always find "whil you ere omething of apecial interest lu Chia mal,- the eneipniing frmerazine. Readers ray expeetiluearly num- inactive aud cemplaiuing, I replauted my bers, descriptive sud îllustrated papiara by field--now, see the resuit of faith and thse Editor, of that country loved by every euergy." Christian, the Holy Land. Prie$2 a year; $1 for six months;,20 cents a uum- GOLDEN WEDDING. In confection with the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Souch, Darlington, a report of which appearel in THsE STATES- man of tw) weeks ago, several letters of regret at the inability of relatives t@ be present at the celebration were read. Another which. was received too late, and which will ho read with intereat by many of their friends we will give below. MY DEAR PARENTS:- In answer te an invitation to be present on Joue 25, 1892 the date that celebrates the fiftieth aniversary of the marriage cf my dear parents, 1 will say that owing to circumstances and official duties here, which it is impossible for mie te become separated from. for the period that would be necesaary to sufficieutly compeusate me or them, with the time 1 wonld desire to devote to our loved ones, 1 arn obliged to send miy sincere regrets through this silent medium of communication that proves so unsatisfactory a method of con- veyiog the intereat I feel or the desire, I entertain te be with yon to extend per- sonally my warm and hearty congratula- tiens to father and mother who have pass- ed throngh the vicisitudes and trials mnci- lentto this life, arriving at that age to inspire reverence and love from all vheth- er bound by faniily ties or those of friendship. Coupled with these feelings of regret there is presented to me thoughts and hopes that the longevity which the G-reat Dispenser bas vonchsafed to father and mother may meet -with the same beneficient consideration towards us of the Os4 HAT tîrecf,, wopn - out féel ng, of T whueh so mîme- womeu complain iafter a dpay's waahinp,- 58 donc away wiVh LLtyLfnswuuýh WEST Just ENO HO SE. The Montreal Herald. TR-E MONTREAL IIERALD newspaper bas lateIy pasaed into the hands of a new and powerful Company, which hag been or- ganized for the purpose of carrving it on uon the old and tioee-honored Liberal lincs laid dowa by Liî fontaine, Holton, Dorior~, and Mackenzie. With ample capital and an entiraly nev plant; with vigerous management and wîth unbound. cd confidence in the future of Liberalism ini Canada, the prupiietc.ra of the new "O'd ler.ald" ahould soon aee their new property a grand succeas. The new pro. prietors intend to give special attenton to their Weekly Elition, and promise an early annour.czmont ia connuc n with it which wiil prove of gennine iiiterest t3 our regder8. There are three interesting iterary pap- ers in the July -Vetv Jfnqland Magazine. One deals with Edward AuguLtus Free- mnan, the historian, and is by the well- known English essaysjt, William Clarke. Another treats of "The Socialism of James Russell LoweII" by Edward Grubb, of the University of London; and the third is froam the peu of Walter Blackburn flurte, iand is devoted co "The Antiquity of the Short Story. 86 Federal St., Boston, FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT insurance ROBT. ViRTuE, Agent, Bowmanville Fagged Out!!l this season. Preserving season just satr in, lots of, Sugar wil be- requi ,redt, Just corne to the WEST END HOUSE and get our quotation for a Barrel for spot cash. If the pric e is not Iow enough do not take it. DRYOCOODS DEPART?0'T CLEARING SALE DUREN JULY ANO AUCUSTÉ Straw Hats at cost. Delaines at cost. socoud ant tlurd goueration se Chat we ao may celobrate the golden anivemsary. For eue te arrive at the golden age in life with heaith preaervod is te reach that oeriod on tho rovolution of tinie te coin- mand-respect sud guide by concil -the stepa of young nmanbood. 1 send to-day tînder another ,,iver soui- veniers of love sud romember-_ance for ziotb father sud iother, sud wîlî assure yen that Chough. absent on the happy occasion wben kindred and frienda are gathered teunite in words of congratula- tion, good cheor sud hopos fer nmany years, te couse witb Choir gentle touch for yen oe oujoy, 1, thougb separated by mauy nules freim you, join heartily lu ahl that conduces; te your happinesa, joy, pleasure and comfort. With love sud kindeat wiabes for yen and ah onr f rienda who ivili celebrate tîuis happyoeot at the old bomestead, Chus uniting lu. doser bonds of love sud affec- tion a family, tbeugh now scattored, but wbo onS elubtered amound the happy l'ore and firosido of our beioved parents. -Vour affectionate chiidroîî .JARz AND MINA Soucis. Lângdon, N. D., Juno î4th, 1892. O.SHA WA. (ýFrom Ce(Mr Gi-SCorrespondent.) Mri. R. Dineeca is back again from tîce States.. Miss Barber, Toronîto, is visitiug Mis Lou Hall. Master M. Monne-, Toronto, la visi iug frienda here. The Malleab4e, Iron Workis are ratlier slack Juait uew. 1Mr. Barry Boue, Ingersoîl, visited bis, parents receutly. Mc. W. Tnornae is building au addition to bis large barn, A nuuiber cf farmners have their bey lrawn in already. Miss Glenny h"- bissa viaitiug Mrig. l'allia, Mlillbrook.. The Streets Coeuamittee had ths treets cleanod last Mendiay. The Ontarie- Foot Bail Club are put ting in torne hard practice. Mrs. Cameron la visiting hber daughter s'ho ia veiy ilIlunTeronto. The- Oshawa bakers have hswered the price of breaci one cent a loaf. Meosar&s Woe-n & Ce. have been very busy roceutly shipping, mowers. Master Morve Meunce, Toronto, la misiting hia brother of thistown. Thse Pedlar company la rnnuing vr tince te supply the demand for metal Mra. Moorish, Clinton, sud Miss Gai- insee, Washîugtou,were the.guests cf Mra, J.ohn Boue recontly. Mr. Percy Nicholson has returuod home fi-cm Brio, Pa., where ho bas been etigaged for sonse Cime, The exarnînations for teachera' certifi- catos sud Matriculatien are now iu pro- greas at the HiRh Sohool. The wsrm weather which we are now baving ia preferable Cc the wet weather which we have had lately. The building for Mr. Miuaker's evap- oratiug plant is almoat cernpleted sud will soon ho ready for occupation. Mc. sud Mrs. John James baye return- frein their visit te Liudeay sud Csrnbray. While there Mcr. James sold bis Fenelon Carrn te Mr John Patton cf Cambray. The scholars of the Simce St, Method- ist Sunday Sobool had au ideal day last Thuraday faor their annual pionie whicb was hekt at the lake. It carne off Tory suceoafuiy sud %was a'teuded by a large crowd 1A pleasaut event teck place Mond'ay ove cng week, at the resideuce cf Mr. sud Mra. J. Erridge, the occasion bein(y tl.e 25t suiversary of their wedding. A very beautiful lot ef prosonts wero given thte brtde sud groom. We ses by the Virden A dvance of June 23, Chat Rev. A. Andrews a r presented with s well filled purs o sud a compliment. ary addresa upon Jais romoviug frein, the circuit. This pleasant circu-matauce Cccii plac-3 at the residence cf Mr. J. W. flig- ginbotham, aillcf whom, are well known lu Oshawa. IE iâanEut'S WEEXLY, publishod Juli GtIs special mention la given te thse greal national meeting cf the Christian En- deavor Association beld at Ma-dison Square Gardon, New York ck.y. Tihe association ita biatory aud ils objecta, will ho Che subj oct cf -a highly interestiug article b' Professer Amos R. Wellpý oeeof its lead- ing promoterz, sud Chere will ho s por- Cc ait of the RoT. Dr. Clarke, its founider. Several piecea of new sud nice IDresa GondsA I>ling off at about hlîsf prico at Couîch ,Johna Cou & Oryderman'e. Parasols Teasel Cloth for 10c, worth 15c. use hat great- at eost. Wholesale Dry Goodsq Traveller's Labor ecomplete stock of samples,, will be sold Savîngat first, cost. The W est Ebnd lEouse is O-. the right place to deal. 'We 0 =!Z11ej heDrtdop u al-ways gîive the highest Withou'tBolliug p ,.re for a l k n s o r î Wtthous Washing r d c an Poviders adpotc n.gv Try t se easy, clean andaSc"oxnomia1 way-the a uC i e ý0 &ylhofghtasin nd ro-dsat rock-bottom prices. i. nwiîî net bc dis- SUNLIGHT SQAPhtaving ne equal for J O e U R T Y iirity, yon msýy use itw ith eeomfort and deliglit fo- ovec-y houseliold ,)urors._________________________________________________ WCR i: PT SUN ýH- LEVER BEtOS.,LIMTEO NEAR BIMFF-,,) A TORONTO MRS. DA-NCASTER offers her For Spring- andSummer entîre stock ef Summer MillicerV fan below cosùý Any one wishin, Hats and Caps go to M. MAYER, a Hat can ho saited for 25 ets. as Hatter, where you will find the latest I have a large& number of Straw cheapest and largest stock in the Hason hande which I wish to lla otin oerder to make ro ýa'bove Une. Hats for .50c. worth for fali stock. This will gîve the.from $1.50 to $2.OO0 hard or soft, publie a great opportunity of seur-. M en's Youth's or Boys'. Cail early inggoo fne tra bts n lu lack: white another color: for pi-ices a dg ty u h ie awybel1ow c6st. Kindly ceil and A large and weIl selected stock examine for yourselves. of Gents' Furnishings always on Hats rashaped in ail the iatest hand. styles. 1 arn agent for the Amenican eIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RÂW FURS, Corset Comp)any, Toronto, and also for Smith's'Dye Wonkzs, Toronto. Stamping done to order. MRS. DANCASTER SAE ME iUJA- t WANTED. LAKE Ot4TARIO STEAMBOAT C0tO. e at bt travelling sud local salesmen suries. SALARY P.AIn FROM 'lisE START teu~ saismin"oxparincod lun cur lino; liboral termes Cc egiuer ad apermaue b situation assur- cd,. We have 700 ACRES nuder ecltivation f sud are Che cul>' 11cm furulshing Stsictly fi rot class Cauadiau Grewik Srock. Outflt free. - Hardy variotia for northeru Ontario andi Man Mzc.HNY oUTYhv itob. aselty >'..HOE cCIIYhv Daily for Rochester. Wegue our stock. Appt>' fer Crma purchased the Connty cf Duchisus for Che Maguificeutnce.,Steamer T ONWL.N O, est Wiro Fonce lu Chia Country. ]It la Magnficet Ne StemerToronto' Ont. atrong, easily handled sud orrnameaatal. It will net ho injuced by s-nôw, lieat, upld -NORTH K IN GT UT 11TTT onr inda kwill t Cura ese, cO4L, Sheep Hegs, Dogsansd Poultry,. is kWill leave Cobourg at 8 e. m. aud Port Hoei Qi. Vet work without barbo, aud wzlfl Vin nt 9.46 a.m., on arrivai cf IG. T. R. Trains from -North, Eatand Wesi. jure stock in any way. I t La muchasrn- RETURNING-Leaves Charlotte 1et 11.15 P. 50,000 LBS, WANTED, ?r sud more durable Chan any barb ec m,. oxcept Tuoasday at 9 45 p. mg. and Saturda>' îng, beiug cloaely woven. at 4 25 p m. CONNEcTSa t Rochesater with eaci>' rains for all pointa on New Yack Central sud at the Hamp)ton Woolen Mille tise higlmest cash Fonce put up snd Farmansd ToWnshi- ai divergîng linos. CALaS et Brighstonl onprc lo pa îdfr hast aaeciius, c iod ghts for sale, Apply at CENTR -L Mound,>'âsudW odnqsday Morning for Roches- tanl exchaa- a fosr goodBa t amail discount. fo~ni Corsu Wednesdsy morting anti- Saturda>' We have ou had a large stock cf gcade-jus~ t, e -Evenlng frein Rochester, Loîhorna Wednes- what Cefermera Wsuit--whieh we will sU oPeilIClnc I~O, lv se day sd Frida>' st 4 &.M. cheap for cash or eischange for -wool on idras- htOakTosilarpaîdo nThroug 'ieleis andi Raggage ChieiatgocaCm. lcring, spiu.g o.h efriAebnt or ou board. doue as, usuel lu tise hast style. Con' forget put np fonce. THE I X N ; O on ofth laQug'eiluilh your wll pu cajs do botter haros______________ w,' L andtet nemonqPpuragemea homo industries. Wl lu aIl lIe s mst owef a pfatnrs ù te fx pst avr myeur Oeiîn *at, RESSMAKING i llib, çrrtLewg -lakesLghtn hy Elotriaiy and modern*.doue in the larei4tstylossud &et ta W s r. tTAYLOR,,propili, roasoaele 'pcîces. Cattiug sud fltting b>' Q, TA. NWI3OLSON, Oainbrian \Vel du Millos-, mth's ltrovo4syste" u. rs Aa P Qo. P&U. aud FJ Aý 2imHampton opste P ., Bowmnvile. 14--ut GMEIS191z;roIn ia . ______________ Gonejal Mancager, j-,('ALVES WANTED foc vosling pur. l e.M f J Ti . iKISlIOR. HABSIt Coll ifoiev ,i Cllioucrseîusi v/poses. fDrop ea<ard. or oel on lincjs & Agan~ Bwafs~vI'E.Ney'e icy Fine S"sup thesest L t p l Wrld, lo>. received in our secondr car load of 1