Vfil inte alilly nîghti, VJbenChoiera Morbus found Mb 4'Paih Killer" fixefi me rlght, PNor wakened titosa round âne '$4cgt QLD PEOPLE are friends et KILLER iiid often its very best friends, because, f« meny years they have found it a friend 3a neeU, It is the best Faxnily Remedy for Burrs5, Bruises, Sprains, Rlieumatism, Veuralgia enid Toothache. To get rid cf z,' such pains before they become aches, â4sc5 PAIN KILLER. ~BI5 it right oiow. Keep it near yen. Use it promptly. "fi ýjle everywlihere. IT KIUILS PAIN. Are To Paint? We,ï- seln the- best paint that, it i5 posbeta prepare and have it a]' Teady fcri uae ai Iwest prices ant' epny color yau- want. STOTT & JURY. '1ry Our .vloor Paint Et drie'S quckylvery dilrabi and give n gl7s 'G.RAND TRUNK: RAItWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. 0OING FAST GOINO WEST al....45 arnmail". ...516 a n "Jpr .025ani Li MExpress. 5 53 a i llxd 32mLocal .....815A 1 Local . 7 mMixed ... . 229p n Mali- .. 942pm Mail .. .....825P n LI, mEx ...1056 Pm BO-CWMÂNVILLE, JULY 1,3, 1892, Local and Otherwise. Mfr, NV, J. McMurtry, Toronto, spen ýSLuday ini town. Mr. A. lligginbotliam lias beau visoitini Il. A. T. Elliott, Mi]ibrook.. 1 Mrm.g, _ Mn. Fred Osborne recent13 Visited ½er father Mr. J.McOlintock,pori T'erry. Don'., mise hearitig Blind Tom, the ivonderfill musical ýprodigy in the b~al 2sext Friday eývening. A!mission 25o an, Mnr. Henry HoiCkin Who for suveral Years lias been a prosperous farmer about 2 miles nQrth of town lias purchasad an- otler farmn at Shirley and with liii fami1y hâve remyoved thereto. Mr. and Mrs. J, O. -Labelle aud son Oscar, Mliss Zella Brimaconîibe, Bowman. v~ila, and Mn. suad Mrs. Sniith, Ennis. killen, Fore the guesta cf Mr. W. T. Greenavay, Port Hope, Dominion Day. Ana er ror, was made in Columbus carre- spondenca in 'Our issue cf ý2 weeks ago in reference ta Ruv. Jesse Whitieck. It .»hould have rosd 950 pantoral visita in- etead of 650 and during -the 44 years ai bis ministry ho preached 23,933 sermonsu ânstoad of 2,500. Né* Sttaw Hats for 15 and 25 cents ai ifrs. Dancaster'o. Sue thoee lovely flowers and plants at I$-herin & Kîrby's fer sale. ,,ember Mayagrd the ieweflaff in le.aviug toweà; sny onu Wantiing gooda at A~nd bolow cot naw la the t1ime. Leave you'r Watches and Jeweilery et Big 20 ta ýe repaired. Al wark guaran- tend. Stilla few Alarm Clocks left gt the, aid price at Big 20. Bfave YOD seen the Ioave]y new patterRa C Wall Paper at Sh~erin send Kirby', Their steckLe _ý_very complete. Il wr*lpsy Ytiu ta ea nd inspent bdforra purechaqing and Lungs, tho great guananleed reuredy.Doa eDn ru. Wouid you beliave thaI it is sold on ilSDlYî Dneos 'ýitsansd tb.at any dznggistinh a tiiorized When lie kidmeysaran ouI ai ardar (de- by lie prapriaton oc 1in swandei'lul ream- laf igi dangerous, Any disease may loi,t dy ta< give you a sample baIule frou a owsudbeum t1wai.atblishud that never liii, ta curu e ale s fi4d cronie mtaoIs ai suffening ailI follow. A goe"ll cugla. Ail dnuggista sel Ern'aBa.tonie lika Dodd'a Kidney' Pilla is aiwayu' smm. Lirge ýbottles 80 cents sud $L t etble te tiçc 'idneys and rotecîs BrIird' ËïrïjlentCurs DIteme Iliu m imdi3ee" ey are -a kidnqE. Linient uresDîstmpai. - food. Cbidr~i Cryfor~~~' ~tra I I I Monday Auguat 8îhlai Oshawa'a Civie Parlianient waa prorogued ou Satorday. holiday. Mr. H. J. Kniglilý spent Sunday in Miss Hilda Logan is visiîiog fiends lu Whitby. Toronto. Mns' Reed cf Tyrone is visiting friends Mn. J. H. Kenner, Stratford, was lu in town. townelasl week. Mn. John James, Oshawa, was lu lown Mn. F. Loekliarl is spending his heli- Monday. days in Kingston. M- T. Nicliols, Part Perry, spent Sun- A numben of aur citizans are camping day in towu, down at tho beach. Mns. Roacli is visiling fnienda ln To- Mn. E. Crozier lias beau- spendig hie ronto this week. bolidays in Detroit. Mn. W. Fneeland, Toronto, jesapending Mn. Neil Yellowiees, Clinlon, lias bien bis vacation aI homo. visiting frieuds in town. Miss Vealu 'bas gone on a visut ta Miss Susie Baiiey is visitinq lier ister friends in London, Ont. Mrs. J. Archibold, Bellevillo. The Juvenile Forostens boid theïr pic- Miss Mous Beilli, Whitby, is visiling uic on Tliursday July 21. lier cousin, Miss Katu lMurdocht. Miss E. Tabb lias returned from visit-1 Mn. W. R. R. Cawken lias given the ing fionda lu Rochester, N.Y. front ofai is shop a coat a'ofutift. Mosans., 11. Francis and B. Wa'Iers, Mrs. John Shaw ani son, Taronto, are Wliiîby, êpeut Suuday in town. visiting at Mn. Jas. McClellan's. Misa Dora Dickson, N(e;wcaaslu1 bas Mr.,asud Mna. J. Bnoad, Dotroit, Midi., beau visitiug friands in Pickering. have boun viitiug relatives huire, Mna. I. Tabb, Mna. A, Gulley sud IRean Blind Tom in the Iown hall Fni- daugliter Olive are visiîing in Oeaca. day evuuiug. Plan of hall at Big 20. Miss Nellie Pattersan, Brookln, lbas Met, D. Maîhis'on sud son af Ottawa beeu visiting lier aister, Mrs.J. A.Laie have been visiting tlie Misses McTavisli. Mse una à e.Gibali h Mn. John Lue, Enniakillen, je tbe guest' by, have been visîling at Mes. Galbrailli's. ai hiie cousins, tlie Misses Madge, Engliali- Mna. Geo. Mayuard sud son are visitiug t0W12. friands at Pont Dalhousie sud St. Caîher. Miss Dalla Weny, Roselandvale Fan, lunes. Sliins, je visiting lien cousins at Lamne Mns. Frank Osborne sud Mita E. Villa. Kiglit vi6îted fionda lu Whibby Ibis Onu huodred sud fif ty candidates Iied week. Ilieotrance examinatiens in Pont Penny Mn. F. J. Jollon-, Krby, la spuuding sud 76 in Whilby. bis bolidays witb fionda lu tle counîy af Mn, Thos. Yellowlees, Tononto, gave Paterbono. us a pleasant cali Fnîiday. Mns. Yellow- Mn. W. Biceulsud Misa S. Biclieli, lees was saloo u towu. Toronto, weru gucats of Mn. 1IL C. Tait The ue'v Union Station Tarnto wil aven Suuday. coul hall a million dollars if the prose ut Mes. D. McPlianson sud cliild aÀ Col- desigus are carried out. umbus, Ohio, are visitîuig relatives jin town "'n. Peter Murdochi was in Coboung on sud viinity. Weduesday aîtending thebunmerai of the Mn. D. R. Coatas, BA , le prasýîiîg aI laIe Mn. Peton MeCallum. the depatn'ett examralions in Ne;ýw- Mr. W, J. Joues af tlie Standard Baunk casîle titis week. le speuding bis vacation lu Britisli Coi- Mns. T. E. Higginbotliam and Masters unaba sd te Paifi CaaI.Iluberc and Creghton are spendiug a few Mr. sud Mns. A. S. VagI sud child, weeka wilh friands in Pembroke. Toronto, are visîtiug hon faîhun, Mn. Ixea. Operatione have counmeuced an the (id MeGill at the Ontario Bank. match factary for couvenîing. t iltoa Rev. Thos. Coaford, onu af the oldest canng sud evaperatïng factory. Methodist minustons, died ut bis home in Mn. W. Garrett sud Mmater Jolin Peenui Loudon lasI wuek aged 80 years. ai Yankee, N. Y., have beu in viiitîg at Oven tan Ihousand delegates wene pres - Mr. W. [H. Garrelt'à,Beach Avenue, eut aI the International Christian En- Mis. L, Jo]low sud family sud Ms dleavon Convention in New York laistFoeneJllOhaaarvitigir week. Foec olw saa r iiigle sThe DistiicI Canueil R. T.' af T. for parents, Mn. and Mrs. R. 9,ussoll, Blair. Durhain sud Northumberland nl ioldtaI I Ilium next_ meeting un Bowruanville Lieutenant Moffat wio made many Oct. let. friands during hiran'say lu Bowmanville Par Penywsslia beau promoted ta Captain sud is now d Bey. E. C. MeDowell, Pr er, slationed aI Coboconk. in tawn last week sud dlivered a short addness ab the prayen meeting in lie Mns. Mayn.td sud lier Iwo grnudclild. Metiodist churci Tbursday eveuiug. non, Miss Lots sud Master Carl, are! Thepubic i Bwmavile sd vcinîyspondiug a few days witb lien daugîlar, siould appreciato lie effort af lie SousMT LcbninTnua of Canada lu aecurng Blind Tom su t sa The departmental oxaminstions are1 low a pries ai admission. Torm aîways now in pro .gnass at the Higli Sehool. pîsys wiîh 50, 75 sud $1 admission sud TIare are 36 candidates witing in Illie ouly au account af lie sesson sud thon Primary deparîmoent., 16 Jnioqr oin with difficulty could the managernlho lu- sud 2 luin nclair duced toa show hlm ta play for E0 low a IVe hear liaI a groat many are Cloiugil price _,ranogudc for af 25e sud 35c. Rean fnomn Newcastie, Orono, Hlamptou sud ehlmiluthie TowH ail Fniday eveuing. othen places te hear Bliind Tam au Fridlay The followlug offleens of Florence Night. next July 15th. We would advise al ingale Lodge No 66, I1O 0 F, were duly who wisli a good seaftet retenvu il aI B ig j!uatalled on Wednasday îveuiug laièt, by 20 SDistrict Deputy Warren ai -Carinthian The (Jaeadisn rifle team at pTesent lu Lodge, Oshawa :-N G, G D Fletchar, Engiand shot -ýzo mà1ches ai smbig V G, Josephi Jefi'rey; R S, Dan Gilbert; Saîunday, sud, won îheam bath, ilite fiî P S, O Smuth; Trias, M Mayer; Warden, against a Cambridg-c tawn '$câi1 by 63 J N Kivaîl; Con ducton, R pblp; R S 9, sabi, sud the slc3nd açgainatj a tanof C Fletcher; L S S, Dr Tïlley; R S N G, Third Suffolk voluinteena by 52, n R Aluin; L S N G. J Allun; R S V G, TeSudySooait.Jlnsbnc in G H Buxtan; L S V G, J MoBien; 1 G, he hendannui c-uiof an JWedneadayh n edterana i-i nWde,-'a in Wm Funze; 0 G, Wm Heard; Claplain, lasI sudthie Disciples ou Friday st W in- In G CRainas, The membars af lie lodge wore royally entenlained atthie resideuce tengreen Point. The Mtiodiaehool ofa Noble Grand G D Fletcher at lie close beld tueirs tIlie Drill shed grolundlm yes,- afille meeting.da. Ail laed pleassut limes. Hon. M. P. Neal lias rêceiyed s lot- A 820,000,000 fine broke out ïlu S't ton froin Rev. Wm. Lee, of Kîlkampton, Joins, NfId., Friday ai termn w; ivhch England wliolhas reîurned homo aller a deslnoyed nearly hall tie city and moud . tour around lie worid, cancerning wîidî ered about 30,000 persans liomoloas. The lie ltter ives nome accaunt. Mn. Lue fine was stanled by s canlas maker came ta Ibis councny in September laittlahhowlng a lighed match, amont" soins attend thie Ecumneical counicil afllie M. dysnw E. cburch. Hu visited Ibis cily as lie Bey. M. P. Talling sud wife nehunuud A1 guest of Mn. Nemi sud w hile bure preaci- on Saturday frein hum hùneymeon ztnp. ed in oneuoai auj durcies sud made sevm- ln the oveuing they woru given a recepi- anal ac quintauces wlio aili hoe glad ta lion by Ur.Talling's cougnogatian luinh0o loir ofhliei sale arval'liome.-Oswego, lecture hall ai St. James' Presibyterian 1'ies Jue 9. r.Lees umuo1 Chnrch sud praseuterl with four baud- ~friands lu Bowmanviile uud vieiuihy aili soins pieces of parIon funnilune. An ad-1 also bu glad ta loin hie bas resacled his deesa was nead by .Mes. Shllington, ex- bore ne u alety. tending 10 tle young couple a heat h ~~~~~~~~wlcame home.-Lonsdon Frcee orbat1ibdndyu D e P-ae diead je bad, sud you are bail leanlthrough, Gents lieasfon ScIa. usai aI J. J. Maîonsi what i3 ueeded?" ssked a Sunday-scboel Dry Goodsansd Jewelny Rouie. dteacher of our claea. &"I kuow-Ayer's Jefll lioy o WtchsClocke sud hicli tion hamdicoiy eaunsîr a Mn. H. C. Brittain would liko aIl out y he.alîl b lIa medci.4C_1A standing aceaunta paid ta Mn, Dobson A staffcf embuant Amein uPitysicians sud Surgeons baveO Peued an office for usedical and surgical Attendanefi at Nia 2303 St. Catit. urine Street, Manteoal, Tiey givu free services te ailWh Vit OU upon-temrabefore Anutst 1$t, 4892,and fraulely tell yau if your case is curable rnoIAUl incurable cases are rajeciad.- peaitatention la paid la every case, ln- vali'da 'Ilving otiside cf Montneal, sitoulfi ad- dress item lattera 10te. J :OIIN muIIRAY, Manager, sud tueloge tlava S ýcent Stanips fon SYniptoni biansd nuositen shoots. RJpaul Tabu1Ieý turdy§pQpsia. $1 SAVED'ON $2.25. Tun STATESMAN bas a temopîtug hot aveatisen oflèr for ail subacnibens Ibis week. For $125 we will oend ho auy addnass lu canada: Life ai Spungeon, regular pnice, $1,50 STATESsÂN', balance of 1892 .50 Famiiy lunald & W'kly Stan, 3 mos .25ý $2.25, The Liue of Spurgeon la a large clati bound book, the vary samne as agents are seiiing ail aven the continent for $1.50.. Ferions crdering from s distance miay send a onu dollar 1i1l sud 25 cents lu tap.This hs a great aller. Seud, yeur onder to-day. Addresas M. A. JAMES, STATESMAIN office, Bowmauville. ýSTORMY VACATION DAYS MADE PLEASANT. Ooee au hardly expecî ltaIte even s waek'svacat ion wiithouî onu or two slormy days-and tle question anises liow la pais sucli lime pleaiautly. Iu tIhe country or moutansawvene readiiîg carnot be aasily oblaiued, lime a aga eavily. This ail xnay bu avoidud if you wiIll akthle pra- caution te, procura a package af Waverley Magazines. Esel copy lias from n tol fifluen short, ciesu and inhareating coin. pîete atonies (noue cantinued,) Notes ai Travel, Items of intereat, Jolies, etc., bouides a pige ai Musi. Tbey arc ual like s book- liaI onu bas tg rend for honni, but are entertainlng for Ian minutes on s day sud eau bu cauglit up aI auy lime. We bave a iew odd isole numbers lIaI ave avilil elin bundles of tweuly-five fon $1.00, postage prepaid. You caunot buy lie saime amount of neading ln twenty- five cent naovals for bai tIno $10.00. Send ie dents fon a samplu, road it cai- fuiiy sud you avili order a bundle. 'AvERiFy MAGAZINE, Boston, Mass. Summer t Sale FANCY GOODS, WALL PAPERS, BLINDS, CHILDS WAOGONS, t CARRIAGES, &0 &C &c 25 F "-ARM FOR SALE OR. TO RENT- X '0 acres cf land belnq parts o!, loti 10 a.ud il, Can $, DArïnqutcn, Possesion given aften ba rVeSi. For Ufnl pa?4!ýIUlflar PPlY leJOHN SOMME$"BOX 91, BOwmîuyllO. 2- ORSALE. -Northi 70 acres ai lot 32, bu received by tt-, drignd p to lte 151h of!Y uy82 for th. purchasoo!sald property, i.., CarmavîTNgA GAISER,198 O'Conner St., Ottawa.2-2 FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. 19 acres. Cari cf the sout quarter o! loI 13, lu th.ua -d con. of Dalington, formerly knoavu as lteCoucit propurîy now the pnoperly o! Mns.j3 John Fletcer. On lte premises are a brick cottage sud amall st8ble, soit sandy loins iu good stale cf Culivaluon. Titeru are about 2 adres lu &chard. -Apply ta JOHN K. GALBRAITH, 27- 3w Bsrnristen, Bowmanvilie. TMPIROVED FARMS FOR SALE.- 1Lot 8 aud Westlot 107 lunlte 2 con, o! ttho Toavnship o!Picleuring, 250 acres on whicit aie a tiret clasa banni, al atone foundations; 2 dwelling bouses, Weil walened, no avaste land Wiii bu sol witoie or bu parts. prPe ni u termes le suit puncitasen. APPlY 10 H. B. TAT- LOB, Wbitby, Onui. -t!. ('1OWS FOR SALE.-Cows already re. Jnewed sud somo te comu lu soon for sale at ail limes. S. H. 1IEYNOLD)S DealenrluaB'arm Stock, Box 1, B1owzanvllu. >12-tf, FORTTJNE REE FÂRË1ERS Wlien you sou an Advertisement like this DON'T BELIEVE IT but if you nequire anythiug inGroceries, Staplo Dry Goode,, Patent LMedicinea, Tinwano, Gardon Suuds, etc., caîfl aI SOLINA STORE wlieru you wiil find a first-class assonîmeut wliicli las beun heuglit for cash, cousequently 1 amn pro. pared ta sou at close pnieussnd flot sacrl. fee quality. 1American sud Canadian ail aIwa" ln stock., Plesse give me s aU su ad Sou will bu welcomo wliotlir you bny or nol, N. J3. Eiott's Roller Flour kept. J, T,.WILLIAMS. iFe-Farmens Produce talion, TheToronto Indu8trlal FEair. The Pirizia Libt for this year's Industrial Fair to be lield at Toronto, f rom the 5tli to the 17th September, lias been iesued. Many changes have been made in the, various ciasses,and about $2,000 added to the amouet of prizas cffered last year. The Association have obtained about fiE ty acres more ground, and a new half.mile track will, be congtructecl, and a monster new grand stand c apable of seating over 1,0OO' people is te be erected in time fo r the Fair. New stables and cattie pans are also to be erected and many other im- provements made at a cost of one hundred and fitty thousand dollars. This year's Fair will evidently be a great one. For copies of the Price List drop a post card to Mr. Il J. Hi, Manager, Toronto. Ioestby PrIzes for Iiois autetGtris, The "Sunlight" Soaip Co., Toronto, oflSr the following prizes every month till further notice to boys and girls under 16, reeiding in the Province of Ontario. who send the greatest number 0f "S3unlight" wrappers: lat, $10; 2nd. $6, Srd. $3, 4th, $1; 5-h to 14, a 1-andsome Book snd a pretty picture to those who aund not less titan 12 wrap)peraý. Send wrappers te, "Sunlight" Soan Office. 43 Scott St. Toronto flot later titan 29th of escli monté, and marked *Competition"; also give full name, address age. and number of wraupera. Winners names will bupublishud in Tîue "oronto Mail on lIrst et urday in ecch wonth. Ladies Biack Cotton ilose for 5cts. a pair at J. J. Mascn'Fi Dry Gouda and Jewelry House. Notices% of Irtis, 25 cents; liarrlages, 50 cents; Iiesths, Se cents, eaehi nsertion -but FILEE OF CHJARGEI, when thse muerai cards are printeut at this olfice LANG-In Kirby, July 3, the wife of A. Lang, of a daugliter. RÀnnv--IU Johnstone, N.Y.. July 8, the wi'e of Capt. Jackc Haddy, of a daughter. Di BD. S3TIRLIN G-At his father's residence, lot 15, cçn. 3, fcarboro, Jnly 4. James John, Ihird son of James snd M argaret Stirling, aged 20 years, OnanrTON -At lot 9, con., 7, Darlieigton, July 4, Maggle B., datnghter of Mr. W. Ormli ton.- aged 19 years. MooRE-In Toronto. Jtily 6. Edgar E, Moore, son of Mr. Dav%ýid Moore, lot 5, Broken Front, East Whitby, aged 25 years. Out At Coste Going Away, Now is your time, as Our time is getting short, everything MIUST, GO at cost. We are bound to sel out@ Cali and get your work clone up rgt We can, do ît for, you. MAYNARD Auction Sale 0F VALUABLE 1 FARM PIROPERTY IN rHF ESTATE 0F JAMES COLTON, DECEASED. Pursuant tae thePower of sale !a the n-I& or JAMES COLTaN, decuased. there will ba cffured for sale by Publie Auction ity thitin- dersigned suctioneer on ,FRIDAY, 29thi day of JULIY,1892 at the heour of 12 o'clock noosn, AT BEER'S ROTEL IN TUE VILL- - AGE 0F HAMPTON lthe followiugr lands and prumises a. ueyt part of lot 22 lithe 6 h Conession or tha townshtip o! DarlInglon containing 59 acres of lard more or lais and which salit parcel of land may bu botter known and de8eribed as follows: Communcing at a point on the western bounlt. ry of said lot No, 22 at a distance o! 27 chainua and 10 links from the soutit west corner o! sai1 lot; thence northerly aloug lts said westerly boundry of sald lot 50 chains and 20 links mora or lois, thence sterîr paralll with a roal allowance at the nortit of said lot 9, chains anti 96 links more or less; thences outit parallel ia thte western boundry of sad lot SI chain3 andi 20 links more or luis; ltuence wesî 9 chitalu andi 96 links more or luisst0 the place of beginning more or les. Oth. pru_sa1. saut te bu a go3d frama bar...a ir h.uae e.u 10 a oe ? sfgoai llmber mnostly beach sud magIe and a fuw acattering TERMS OF SALE-Ten pur cent cash at lime 0f sale and balance within thirty days thureafter, Plowtng noisusion will bu givent immediately afier harvest sud fuît possession on Ihe>151h day of Novumber, 1812. Farthev sud more particular conditions wil bu made known at date of sale. For furiher partlen'ari anply to D.INSEr. HOGARTH surviving execntor o! th3 will of James Colton,;duceasea.or 1), BonitE Simpsait bis Solicitor. LEVI A, W. TaLE, Auctioneer. D. BURKNE SIMIPSON, Vendor's Solicitor. Dsled Bowmanvill 3 uthJuIy, 19, 27.4w AUCTION SALIE 0F VALA BLE FARM PROPERTIES IN THJE TOWINSHIPS 0F CLARKE AND DÂRLINGTON, IN THE COUNTY 0F DTJRHkJN, Under thse nowors o! sale contained in cor.. tain niorlages 1telite lhe vendors titere wlli bu offéred for eale by public auction ai the BENNETT HOUSER IN THE TO"WN 0F BOWMANVILLE at onu o'clock p.m. inlthe aftunnoon, on THURSDAY, 28th day of JULY, 1892, thte fcllowiug vaînable propurlue:- Parcel 1-The soutit half o!tth e et haIt ef, lot 16, con. 5, township of Clarke, contaane 55 acres more or luas." Titane are saidte10bhaon lthe preulisfes a frame baru sund smuall orchard. 1C5 acrej cluared sud under culivaton, dsac bu 8 miles from Newcastle sud 3 muile3 £freaiOrono iu good fanming neigitborhood, Parcel 2-Titunontit iatf o! lthe su J it hal o! lot 24, cou. 1. township o! Danlington,con- taining 19 acres more or le ci, Ail lite landt je cleared-sd ndoe cultivation excupt about ons. acre. Faris i situatud mna weil sullldparà o! lit counry i r ablipt h miles rQixn TCu À'nO2Ç1D1T1ONS 01" L.-'l wil haQffrrd.for sale in lw3orp craie prce1~ e ulisuject le a roerveit l, Paýrcel No. 1 will bu olTared for sale s1h'rI 15 « lthe existiug tsnancy of one aua expiriug lthe finI o!f Marcil, 1895. (pnî possesJ- sion cau bu itacl onu(ctobur 1- . 1893 if desirecd, The purchasun ai î-tmit t 0f sae te payono- teutit of Iheir pu,,c iaae zoney to lthe vendons ltheir aolicitorp -; agents, The teras 0f 1ay. ment of lthe i,,,es ansd lthe alter coudit îns of saie W!1,7ýbe made knowu aI lite ti me of sale or Ou -5plicatin tel L. A. W. TOLO, Bow m1aufille or lthe underaigned, l03 Bay St., Toronto. Junu 241Li 1891. IHOWLAND. ARNOLDI & MaCKh7-7ZIE, 27-3w Ventons' Sollailorii. PER CENT OF REGULAR PRICE. J. H. DOBSONP ':BIG 20.,1 A0l persons owing accounts to Maynard the Jueller will ploasa cali and settia tleýie at once, as lie is leaving town. Gonispicuons in interest and timelinesa aincng the mnagazine artielee of the montli is ihe coniprelien4,i7e paper opon "Pope Leà XIII.," by Ricliard B. Kimbail, .Dwliicli opens the July numbeýr of Frank Leslie'à Poi'ulAP.MONTH, Oup,,7LITTLE MEM AND oIE oi JuLY-has a briglit litt!e sketch of "A Little Girl Rlr . Wlemnthe y oungest sovereigu in tlie w r-,d-and a charmuing bit of travel in India, witli rimeand jingles that boys and girls de- iight ta read. With so mucli to amnuie and ir.terest, this magazine is deýervedly popular, miaintaining its own as the boat bo);ys' andi gir!s' publication issued. D. LO-TlirUI'ý., ubiserBoston, li'n DEMORESTS JÂIYM afor July there is a capccislly fi.neatc, "The Loves of Christopher CoLibus' which gives an interesting accauint cf ibis p';hase of the life of the great. discoverer, the numerous illustrations inciuding cop- ies of rare old portraits, smong them the mout autlientie one of Columbus himself. Mrs, -lielen Camipbell contributes "Ohild Life in the Sinnis of New York." 1"How to raw without a Teaclier" la espeuially arsi;and with plain directions, and olçta bcoer f ý:içtqrçq Vo look A,, bg. bEâidlea, ôno vwauld net be very apt who couid flot learn to manage a boat in a very sliort time. There are nearly 200' pictures, including a full-page oul picture, "Luscious Fruits," whicl isl a brilliaut and artistie piecu of coloring. The sub- scription prize is only 82 a year; single copies 20 cents. Published by W. JEN- NNSDEmoitEST, E. l4tli St,, INew York. BO WMAN VILLE MARKETS. Correeted by J. Miurtry, every Tuesday FLOvit, e 100 Ibos........ $1 90 ta $2 50 WHEÂ&T, Faîl, VI bush..0 00 Ir 0 95 n Spriug, &à.... 000 il 0 80 Colorado fr...... 0 00 O 72 Ry ..91.......... 000 ,0 75 OÂTs, il..1.... 028 ,0 29 BÂRLEY, VI bushNo. L. 0 00,,0 48 la ilt 2x.. 0 00i, 0 45 ti il2....O0O00 0 40 Two-rowed O0 0 O40 Buckwheat'ý bush ...... 0 0 O 45 PzAs, Blackeye, e b...... O0 0 il O90 il mummy 0 09 fO 0 O 8 laSmail, " .00)0t , 57 à& Blue, 0 ..OùOUle 0O70 BUTTER, best table, Y' th ... 0 00 0 13 EGOS, Pldoz ............ 000 ,0 09 PoT.&toas, Pbush ....... 0 GO,,O20, PoRu, Pcwt ...........5 50,,0 30 IIÂ&, Plton.-,. .. 0 00 900( WANTED. -A good h,)usemraid. Ap- ,ply to MES, D. B. Simpsox. 28 If lITANTE D.-A girl to do kitchen TT work whoeuahouse maid is kept. Ap. ply to Mita. REID, King St. unît. 28-1w d- OOD STOUT BOY WANTED to qilearn the Butuhering. Apply to HumE& WRIGHT. G OOD SERVANT GIRL wantedln7.ý. a family cf three. For partlcuiaa. apply at THE STATESMAN orfflc, ('I,,TTy WO1'KAN from the country 1wanîed foira famlly of thrce in Bowmano. ville. Apply at SrÂTESMAN office, 24-tf, ,~RMFOR SALE.-Lot 30, con. 9, F2Drlington. 110 sbcree of landt in good statu of cultîvatton,4- mile ,nrch cf Enfluld. W.-J. .LMCCULLOUGII, Enfiuld P. 0. 27-2w* ORSULE on easy terins Lot 17, in IF the tIt h nesion. the township cf Darlington, known as the Swain farm. Apply tO MUr.ocr, MILLER. CaOWTHER & MONT- GOMERY, 99 King Et. East, Toronto. 26-6e.o.w HAMILTON, Mardi 2Ist, 1892. Dr. L. A. Smithi & Ca., 536 Bloor St., Toronto Gunt,-Plcae ahip ns per G. T. R., fraiglît prupaid, three (3) groîs more of your Anti-Dandruif. This unakea six grassor 864 botîles purchased fromiyou sincu Jannany l6tli, 1892, s littho more than two months. The la£'ge dumaud is due la the monits of the preparalion, as Our custorners to whom we have sold il certify. We fiud il n ot ouly rumoves tlie dandrufi and scunf, but is an elegant bain. dressing fonrIlie ain. Clean ta use sud lias au agreshle odor. Il is onu of tlie huit preparations wo kuaw of to promote the growth of the biain sud prevunt ils faUing out. Wishing you contiuued suc cass and an oxteuded sale. We romain Yours truiy Juo. A. Barr & Co. J. AB. THE AMERICAN DOCTroRs (2gY9 sStri£r~c adie-c. lý