E I Y-our best remedy 'for E-rysipelas, Catarrh R-heumatisrrt, and S-çrofu la 3aIt-Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tu mors R-unning Sores S-curvy, Humors, ltch A-nemia, Indigestion P-impies, Blotches A-nd Carbuncles R-ingworm, Rashes I~i<ure Blood L-'anguidness, Dropsy L-iver Com plaint A-Il cured by Prepared i-y Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ce., Loweii, Mess. Soid i-y ail Druggixis. Price $î; six bei-tics, $5. Cures others, wiII cure you J. E. ISIISICIrE. B ARRISTER SOLICITOR, Ktng Street, Bowutr.anvuile. Monoy to ban. 37. M ONEY TO LOAN,-Ou ferm soeur i-y on mos- favorable iorms morîgeges bought. Appir i-o Riesiaiso Pc STER, east ni town. P. O. Box 119. or ,iussra il'0a5'ER, Drover, Bowmauviile, P. O. 5-lyr. FLORIST, OSIIAWA, - - - ONTAIVIO Gmnwer sud deelor lu Choies Cnt Flowers, PIstils. Roses. Carnations, Violeis, Smilax. aud Tenus. Funonai Dosigus aud Bouquets inade uts on short notice in Wreatbs. Crowus, Piliows, Hoaris. Socioi-y Embleme, &x, Lii RTHER .L~ARTIOULA1l~ 0F TflE AWFUL TBIAGEDY AT ROME- BTEAD. 'rise Betsdly Wovk of tise Striltîrri -Tise Mmslorosss Ilussitade trens Cannon and Wineisorter -Tise lIens! ansi Dyliig iliosi n niants cf ibe lMsaster-muCiSieflhS cf tise Dreadfîsl 15cr. 1V will nover ho knowu definii-ely wito firsd i-be lirai- shot whieh stari-ed Vite siangîs- i-or i-bat mcdo se many homes ni monrning in i-be mennfaci-nring cii-y ni Hnmesi-ead, Pc. TIc tirsi- gun, however, was fited from i-lie Pînkerton berge, and is tbouglit te have been discitamgod ty i-ho captaiui ni i-ho gang ni mon, who wes afi-orxvard kilied. The lest moment before i-be slanghi-er, Vite crowd ivas surging downwamd egaînsi- six of the bcd. mg miii workers, wlso stoed wii-h their tecks i-o Vite Pinkertous, fairiy under i-be muzzies ut rite rifles, trx'lng i-n keep i-be miii mon teck frnrn witat seorned certain deai-is. Cloar as e bell fer aloi-e i-lie roar ot i-be angry crowd, came i-ho vnlce nt Hugli O'Don- neli, as, hai-leas end ceai-loîs, he trled i-e check i-be angry mou. "lu Gnd's naine," ho erird, "my good foliows, keep back, don'i- prese down and force i-hem te do monder." ut was i-oo lai-e, i-lie appeai was drowned by i-be slienp report of e W inciioster f nom a usan lu the tow of i-lic boat. TIe lirai- bell lied itardly lefi- the smoking barrei nu uts mission of deatit befome it was toilowed by a siseet of flame from. c scone of t-fies lu i-be Pinkertons' liants. William Foy, wlio stend et i-lie front wl-h bis foot ou site gang plenk staggered aud feu, lis blond gnsiting oui-. Fnn e n-toment i-ho erewd was si-mnck dumb by i-be ai-teck. Only i-be groans of sevemal wnnndeti mou were heard. The echoes et i-ho rifles had hardiy reaehed i-ho neigithor. îng huis ero i-ho cmowd ropiiet. Oui, fraie i-ho terni darkness of tite mornîng fiasbed a wali et firo. Tite mon nu Vite bank, ton, had arms eut weno osing i-hem. The leader ni i-lie Pinkertons elappet bis band Vo isis lireasi- and feu nvetboerti, sink- ing beneai-li i-be t'ai-Ors, wbuie soverai othor Pinkeri-nus si-aggered teck ais il wore camnied lîtaide i-ho buat ty i-hem comtader. At i-ho lji-st d.ssh nf i-ho Pinkortons' rifles many of i-lie crowd i-ook i-o their heois, bot close i-o i-lie wai-or's etige si-net about 200 et i-ho angny mou firing their revolvers straiglit ai- i-ho Pinkeri-ons. Soon i-be lai-Ver, unatle jYEF k URIIwISON IPA.UEI AN EASY WASH SIMPLE AND CLEAN 4.~, III .e \~IlI r., 'r-r- i. -r- r 8arsaparilla TbeStory ofiVage I~isputes lied lVith Blood. ~Fe~ns Li~n. T~Ierhone i~nnnPct~on. T~l'[o wî~hstend the tlrîng, retreateuinto UmiFte2jd: "~ 'xix- en~plixyc~t n Corne nere anu t ___________________ j cabin and flred f rom under cover as quickly guard and watdî the Carnegie miii proj.er- wtli not consent to se~aîa.tiou f rom bis tribe~ as possible. When the men on shore had ~y' ~ said ~ ~ci idea thatI~aî for more than a year at a time. lie earrips HAVE YOU R 4 r p~...dtLJr r.,,cî....rz hhîmapieceofcordwîthwhichtOmark * w laree 100 paoe Picture Book that wîll 'nrely th~y r~Ir~sted up ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i.,.Gti.,g t~ b~ monthly pavinents receivea trom PURHST, STRONCEST, BEST~ 1 U~~~~Psck ni goods worîh $2. anil i ~ L. ~... Dut ~'cu on the road to a bandsomu fortune. the bank, greeting every shot from their a targ t for any other ritieman. W heu we ei~ployer. On each pay da~ he ties a B ~oftening Water, Disin~e tingaud a hondred othei enemies with deflant cheers. - landex. at R cîxestea.d this morning we had fises. A cen equais 20 poonds Cal soda. 2~eud 5~. pilver to pay oostage, A. w KIN N I~ y, I-ct lu the c~rd, md ~ ~ h5~ ~ t.hp Sold b~ Ail Groee~s s.~d I5rnggl~ts. B. C. S,. Yarmonth, N. S. 12-3m. Tue Captured Invader~, 2~O n cn iri 2~O Winehesters. ~Ve had j}ro- t eîfth knot he starta for home. lie is ~* ~V'* ~.z:~x.I~I'x~"r, ~ violo xi. f r three in~~th~, and we ail hsd lu- aomething leas-than ~n-hûur--sfter-t-ho-- wat-ivx~wmye deur4ineu- -an4-adcl4tiena f r~gai and economical, and is flot apt to O RENT.-For terrn of "(ion defeated anfi disgustedPînkertonforceshad suits Ictilos. Infact, I xvasled to believe take service awayTrofi~home more titan rr years, two or three times. When he returns J.. Dhu "-300 acres, 2 miles lrom Whltby- lowered their colora the victors marshailed that w wond have a pleasant time up here h Vite money ~cod buildînes and sou Admirable tor stock their urisoners of war into the yard, TI ~ ~î fixe or six ici ont men kiiled, wtt lie lias accumulated he or daîry. (Jbauce for ~oing extensîvelY ifltO jusi back of tho gr'at water tanks. '[ho aixd at 1~ ast txventy et them were wounJ.ed, ~ z .. cifc c~d r~ttles d'~"'~ tir T~rn _____________________ Toronto milk business or stocl~ raising toi man 15 one of the moat useful of the native amerîcan rn~rke; Men-wstls--capital n~ly- cap~xsred-uxva&ers-xuere iii e. very had -~ h.ît-i~o~xa 4 tii-m aetioxssly. Bnt~ hnwexter, Aeed appiy. J. H. Dow, Wbîtby. 32 If! physieaily and mentaiiy. ami as they liicih xiii ever be chie to describe the Africens. Doulitiesa a- smail propo-riion-of- ~ guIate~ the St.oniach, 110 m.rlI . . cr0 citizens are descendants of the ~ LiverendBowelS, unlocks awu r ______ inso Ct OS. e were blackenr xii n ais or an' istrees. - P"W nuîxery ~~i1 the service of white mon ajonc tht coast ta O noys are mn "De/a le xi eus r more or oss. or - ornas s - tu te -- flic UVLfl c UJWThic.LtIic flarti ~i c r.-' rrflel.nYtrIT ',T'fiYÇ1tI1~VI IiOrrli-~4r.' -r ,. >.......,.-.... -- .~ -± t-rrr~. .r~ --- - r~,-. __ 'z, ..~ . 2ru-mx- . -. a. -~ -. ~ ~ . ~ .-~ ~ j ~ C~w5i, x/~-~ t ai,- -r-'-'- rrrrùx.b titis veax, .0. t14 ~ _ ~ FU.. ..r. u ~ .~ O51fl i-Si- 1*14 s'~s ie.s~r-r'ars ve=..-..x~- - rnar=e- a -x=.k-Ixet tii-c-- ~ ~,.rrrrrn.,ru~ =r~*r.==~r -'-- ~ ~-rr -i-~r.-r-..-,- -s-> ru.rmrrnxt= tfl-=ttr-tiittt--=rLsi-tar--J-i*i=- S *1-1,5> 1,4 -1l.=l-r~ -~----~- w-air s~s~ ~r~taa-usÏ-r-i-oa.. ,~- '-.mvur.sa- na r-r-'nzr--rr~ xar~ -' . .. . ,. -rr--.ar-. ~xr..rrtF wn-r.~rrri rnxuitnie= 'z"z'~ '~ -- 1,5>1*1 P5r r- ~r-~r- - __ -~ S~ ,~ fl~2r~(~ esj-ss--- rrl~ j ~ r- .~. ~. ~ thL..t~5..i. ~s- -'~-~-~ -~- r,~ .-1- ___ -..-~ r-I jr-r. . Sa n x7v-nxz~. irau.rztr- .rrtxt- sti r-cas-f-r--. .r-n-.. ~r,..,r-~z~r-.-r r.- ~~-rj~ -'--- -' -~ rau.. ca..r-~rra5 ,........-.-......,-,- . i - ________________________________________________ Mi .~..-rT _________ ~ -- -. -t = --- -r _ '-1*- *L-L"'Ir- r- ~ ~ - V V - ~ r.. ra1,L ~ .rr-flZicLrLt. ,Lt.r-.Sir, .frrWAL.. z-4.~ 45>~#r4z Cr-Ar EXiL r- ....rlr-....... ~. ~- r-,rt _______ W"iu..~~-.i..ra.,5--'-_________ .~catt.Zr-rc~i- -. iacn-,aru. . - ,....t>.r-.. iÏ.uC.r-'i2.~ r-r-r-~'z ~-r~r- -~r-~-r - r- r-~ ~-r--~wui~I~ ~ rer-eau- .- ~rAnc . ... . . r-. . . . . . - - f ~ ~Z"'~r-'~ . ___ 't-.-"---.-'. -~ ~ ~~>4i0ctr~.; __ -~ -~ . ~ .r.22-r _ "c-fl- . . - - . . . . r . ~ .ra~ias- "r a-... -,-1-~---1-ca.c-.xOtCtxea.Wtast= r1,r1*i-i- iOjOn ,..ti-rr-il;vxczatuL. .,...... . - ____________ --'t'--', -r-r-c- -.,. il ic'z-SILtI. - - r-rrrrrrrrfficaszrn tt-rt~z-t1,n m~s mc --- - .- S-, -=~r--~caca az4nw-~ -~ -~ ______________ -= r--- v. -~r..rr-z.. r-rr .r-.r-r- .- - -~ -~ sur. mlaueaeau'itau1- >.x~ 4,-rr.ir ~ -~#yz~ W - - ,drcau1*rj~tLutca.rr-a-L.,Iartt1,r-'t-1,rraatL'ntaL.L- ~r-,.-. t t -t r-> *.~ t -r-r-r--rat r, .rSWtw 1,tt1*tttr 1, r-r- Varat LS-W,,5- mr* S..t~r .r-,t- 5-W,, <rTr-'Stt1,rr-t, - ~ ~ -f - ,ara r---. __ n-wr---~- -'~ -r--c~. :r.j~ - ________ tir.rr~~ I.. _______________________ 'z, ~ ~ ~ - ..r-. Jrrrr'r-. t . r. ... ~t>r~ix~r-t, ar.,-rcr Z~L"'4s-.~~-.ra~rnrrartnarxitr-.W ~ ~ r-~fl'r~ r- 1,a-r-. _________________ _______ ..-t~-ax.,r-...t--..r-r- ___ t--~z~.~;,i;.- ri-r-r-,--.a _____ 1- SE,.- a- - - ,..i.rti .. . -.r i-i~, ~t-r-,'z i "'I. c,.> rtscrci. '-r. ~j-ic C3iic' Lic C crrv !r-~ ..rr4/îU'ritr~r .r-~r-. r- ~ I xrsrna'r5>rt.rrrarr..rrréraW ,wr.- .-'--.rr r- -'r- ~.r i-- ~cs.....r..x........4xxarr....rl - t 'r' r- f ,, * -, - .-.1---0tr Y 1t-ifl1,tO.r-'z 'r ~"~" fl~'. _ J..r-rr-~i-rri- ~- rr-r->~- s-*iat~- r- -r- -r--'- --r-r-r--r- -r-rr- r- 1,- r~ -~~c-~< .'z - _________ ____ ____________ ________ _ ___________________ H r-~Oz±r-t ~ ~ 1*L'rarL'r ~ra _____________ ___________ ___r~zEE-- ______ ~ r--r- 'r-~r-r- i-.'5,hrtiAizs --i-alrrs -jr ___________________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________________________ __________________________ ____________________________________ -r---- -~ -r r- -r---.r- .~- ---r ---r-. -~.. -r-r-r r-r~.r-r r-r-r --r--.~-r-r- --r-r-- - -r-rr-r.- rr-~ r .-rr--r--r-r ~.rr--r- ....-r-.r-..--r- r-r..rr- -r-r - r-- r-.-..r..-r-------r----r- r - -r-.- . r-.......- ..rr,--r.r r. -----..--- -. -- r r-~r.- r. rr--r.-r.--r- -- --- -. -.- -.-.-r- - r. ..- r- r - r-r- - -..- - r- - marchod on. They did not daro to even giance et the Item, whito faces aud gleam- iug eyos of their vici-ors, anti. aithougli tue road was rougit and i-udr burdoîrs heaxy tboy matie ne sign. AL the înîersocîiou of Ibeisol street and Riglitit avenue there is a bih. At Vite foot of the bull and iroui-ing ou i-ho avenue is i-ho hig brick bail, un tite top story of wisich is locateti the beatiquarters of Vite strikers. This afi-emnoon tho lieadqîîari-ors woro clos- eti, but from eue of tite opon wissdows spruug a polo, f rom wbich long a large Auserican flag. \'tlhen Vite coinîno reacheti i-ho erosi- of the lui titosc lu i-lie froîtt tanks iooked down into e voritablo SOC of faces. More titan a i-liousand dei-ermiued iooking mon and paie faced, taiketive womou were mass- od ou either aide of i-ho avenue. This titrong was et ioast a quarter of a mile long. For fniiy et. heur titese mou aud wemeu itad stood and weited fer i-lie captives, and as a naturel sequence titey wOtO in un ploasant humer. Greai- elonds of yeiiow duat heraid. cd i-ho ad'zance et i-lie coinmn. There wes c moment of perfect siience, as soiemu as it was pertentieus, aud mighri-y checra foiiow- ed by a perfect war et hisses and est oeils. Tite lane nover faitereti. Tise leaders knew tliat boman gauntiot muet ho passed, corne what woold, and decidcd i-liai- i-ho besi- plan was te proceed witit ail possible speeti. The crmcd escort met wii-h an ovation, and i-ho firat bai-ch of pri0oncrs. who were at tire voix iteels et i-ho rear tanks, managed to escape i-lie attention ni i-ho crewd. For ~hc ion-. lino ni tieeding mon that fnilewed i-hotu i-lie conditions wcre net se pleasout. A tali, liandsoîiie woman in e bine calico goxvn began i-lie tronitie by titrowing e baud. fnl et dusi- lu i-ho cyca or one ni the prisoners. The man stopped b bis t-tecks anti uti-ered e groan of ageny. "My Goti, I'm blinded," lie inoaneti. "Serves yon right, yen dur-y cnrI~ ti-piieti bis assailant. aicd she poiied fnorn Vite peeket of lier gown a liii- ni jaggod stono anti tuniod 1V wiu h crnshing ferce at tise sufferiiig man. Tlie si-nue si-rock him in i-lie mont t, cuti aithougli lie was six foot i-ail aud weigited ai- leasi- 200 poîtîstis ho feu face downwaî-d nu i-ho r ati. Two ni i-lie cuerds rciscd li'm le bis fret and led hlm eway. Thîs ma r xvas badly tînt-, tise bloodgushiu0 trom an î~iy wounl iii bis nigiti- clieek anti four cf b s icetis were kîîocked oui-. More vtis cannet desenite i-ho scout tisai- folle wed. Deapite i-be pieading of i-be guantis auJ tîto lîtetOat sot e few cooservai-ive mois, tite t soit veni-ed its apleeti oui-ho dazed and wounded prisoîsera. M oit wene knocked dewn, poxîrîded wîtli clubs and si-eues, anti wnmen spar in titeir faces and Veto i-lieu cietliing, Ci.'l i srroams, citeens, and hisses. ut was s poîfeci- pantiemtninm. A ?lnkerloii BasaS Siosy. O'Dav. o e et i-ho eapi-ured Pinkertons. A Bummers Love. Didynu ever think ni the day, Elaine, When firsi- we met us the sylvan wood, Dut Vire r~xerlsle nyntplr at tire fonu'ain's brins. Smiled dowu upon us as thero we stood l Yen wero a rose in yonr rbîning hair, A winning smile on yonr love y face, As yon filied your clip et i-be sparkitng spriug, Auj ollered it with a daiuty graco. [Aud theis to my tlsirsi-ing soni you gave A dreugiri- of the glowing xvîne ot iove, And tire shy, sweei- g~aueo ni yeur starry eyes, A magie speil 0cr my spirit wovc. I beld yonr baud lu ibe dance thetuigbt- I heid yonr image within îoy lxeert, Aies! elas I that i-be summers 'ove Wîth i-ho sommer fiowers sbould e'or dopant! I do uot see. to-night, the stage yen soo- My curtain riscs on the varions pasi-; I xvatch the long procession marching down Tbewindy waiks ni time. Fair xvomousnsile, Âud kindje wltb e iook the rouis of men, Thon venish toto miats et Nîght aud Drealsi. The claxir ot armer sonuda and Princes fight With Princes, Love walks bore auj fiai-o and eh Fer wbicb mon ilve and due; 'sud dying, pers Beyond i-ho echoos of the world's applaisie. Some magie si-range bas brongbi- thous back i-o nigirt, b habit as i-hey lived tisoso bappy doad- Whom i-ho aari-h's rivalry eau vex no more. Bravely they weer the laurels ot i-ho past Tîrna." wbispors sîse, "I cbercccd thons iii old days "And tbua," ho says, "I strovo, aud tonght, and svou The plaudits et tbothrong. Ah! Lite was good; And, te i-be player, lite is doubly lite I' Thero. in i-be wiegs. Isee i-hem smiie and waii-: Cheor yen the living I xviii praire i-ho dcad. [Leuiso Ci.andlor.Mnnlten. Native Africans in Oui, Harbor. If any 000 vIsita the plots in the harbors on tho Atiantie ivitere vessels from Literie eau ho bond whiie in pont, lie wiii general. iy 500 a 4tnmiter et nativo Africen saîlors, fine spocimons of physicai manhood, who appear very intoiligent, active, end indus- trions. They iteiong to the weil.knnwis Kru tribe, which lives aloug i-ho eoast of Literie. -, The mon CtO 10 groat demaud to ioad and nnioad v~ssois along the African coast. Tliey are ofteu takon hnndreds ni miles, as fer as Carfieroons, to ect as longahoremen. Tho Krus have the înterosi-îug pocuiiarîty - that they prohibit ail forms of domestie siavery amoug thern. The Km lurent is marked et hie tir-h ou tite foreitead witit bine i-atteoing, which is the syntboi of lits own libort;y aud of Vite opposition of bis peepie to any ferm of servitude. Some Enropoans doing hosinesi lu West Airica say that it wouid bo Impossible i-o carry on i-rade wititont the help of tite Km mon. Mauy of the Krns are now in the service et i-lie Cengo Si-ato. Tliey are itelp. ing to bulid the raiiroad from Matadi to StanieyPool audare ashandywit-h the shovel T.t.... (lt,,t.,..-n,,,, irtarrlf Tir.. T(riî man THOSE ADVANTAGES ARE OUTAINEO ut nsi~a * \Vbich bas been awarded 7 Geld Medals for Puni-y and Excellence. Its UNE QUALLED QUALITY lias given il i-lie largesi- sale in the werid. Yen cen use "Sunlight" for ail pur- poses, end lu eltiter bard or soit water. Don't use wasiting powders as with ni-ber coups. "Sunlight" is botter ni-bout, W051X5 1'T. SUNLIGHT 5.EVEIO EBOS., LIMIITED BEAu BIISKElsHEAI> TOFiONTO Nfr.RVkL ~ are a Nervous Debility, Loat Vigor eut EA NS FeîliugMeubood; restons tire i-y oser-woek, or tir.. 'Ni-ors or ex- cesses cf youtir. TI Rerssedy ai-- soictely cures tire mort obstinate cases niren ait otirer TaEAjtMENsls bave failed even te relieve. .otd bydrug- giots et $t lier peekage, or six for St. or sent i-y mail ou reoeiuit et pries Write for ussOsiîi-let. Sold iii- Bowusanville by STtyrr & JURY. __________________________________________ r MANHOOD RESTOREDI "SANATIVO," lbe Wondertul Ipsussis itemedy, is sold wlth a ' Wrltten OuSrantea te ours titi Nervous Dis- oasis, surir as WealO Memory, Losi et Braie 'I Fower lisadacirS. 4 Weiiefuiiieîs, Losi- Ban- bouC, lfervo~sflesS, Las.. situde, ail sn~ Before & After Use. lois et pewer et tirs Pliotograpired trous lIte. (lenti-ative Oreans un titrer six, canîrd by Oyir-OXtttiOO, youtirful lndlscretleui, or tise excessive use 0f lobacco, Opium, or stimulalltS, wlîicb ttittmstely' lied 10 Inllrmity, Consumptiols eut Iesatsity. Fut up lu Con V5,tiiflt form Vo carry 10 tirs vest poOlsî. Fr100 île peakeer, or 5 foi-Si 10 tlaîrtrt'lCn or U. S. ilOflOy. With ereryli ordrr.va give a .rrltten gs.artatet i-G coure or rafunri tht nouer. Serti- by mail, ail dotieS e aid, te eny ad~tress. Circulai- fret i.. p tain envelopi-. Mention titis pape-. AddrSrs JIIADItID CHENIOAL Iltanet Outre for U.5.A. aird tia,,adr-. S~8 ipeorboro Street, CIIICAGO. ILT.. FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE, ONT., BT J. Higginboihaus & Sou, Family sud Dispeusiflg Chomîsis PURE PQWDERED 1OO~~~