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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1892, p. 2

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I I ('~~f TT-1TCITmcI ficers and mnen, snrrendered on the verge of BÂTTLB OF U - QJ.4 LUfl1 EIHT. teei Meanwhile the fire of Holcroft's artilleryT had rendered the passage of the river so BY ERNEST CRUIKSHANK. dangerous, that the boatmen pnsitively re- fused to undertake it ind dispersed. As no CRTUD. he_ 1tre____--Cat Jme rok boats were waitinig to receive them, a fewe (cO7rJlTa.) he4is reim-ntCat. ame Crcks desperate men plunged into the, river and The resuit of'this engagement had a veryI ard John McEwen's companlies of dtoswmac s, fwomse Inspiriting influence upon the troops at the let Lincoln, William Crook's and attempted esi cos fhi en i 00 ý ~perish d ; the remainder tried to secreter Lewiston, numbers of whom instantly pro- Nelles' companies of the 4th Lincolu,-A p-1 themselves among the rocks and thickets fessed great eagerness to cro ss the river and plegarth's, IHatts' aud Durand's comppanues along the %hore. The Judians line I theC shar e , ,e lories of the day. They sqtili1 of the fth Lincoln, a few troopers of Mer- cuis above, or perelied themselves in thet posse 4 a sudflicit nme f 'boats to rt(prvn i drgoons, andthe remuiiants , ttees whooing ,,incessintly, and firinig ata carorye te reinainderaofate dvon eof teYr iii nae n thetwo ree tue fugitives wheuever an opportunity ofer-1 befre eo-o'cloc ; he assge f te o tu Yok iîlîia ugaed n te mriing, ed. Under these circumîtances Scott was river was now for, someu time entirely poal ubrn iialrte oeta glad to raise a white flag iu the hope ofi uîîoPPosedl andà why they did not make 800 of ail ranks, exclusive of the Indians, preserving the lives of the rest of bis comn- better use of their opportunities bas neyer jwho oertainly did nt exceed one huudred. mn.Frafwmnts vnatrti been sa~isfactorily explained. One officer As.the enemy's forces appeared to be still was doratle ndinsutivn fe to so of rauk (Col. Chrystie) stated that lie cross- ctinsiderably more numerous than his 0o'n, down or tomahawk the unresiiting crowd,r ed the river tlîree times, and that Mayor aid they were bnsily engaged lu foriifying ierotbsvigrdirarigti Mullany went fromn one side te another no their position in evident anticipation of aitkerneo sbmssrinorunliisre aidg that less thanl five times dnniug the day. For another direct at.tack from below, the British rew of sO inina ntlat si theirmico five hours after Brock's death tbey were commander determined to leave Holcroft's Sheiffe grwsingat he mco P ra d t ca lly in . n m o le te d p ssess o n o f th e tw g u n s su p p rtedd u ctd tth atn t oedd ash eda t bisd aledatia nda tsn d ordrd oo pra ical l uolse posesin f he t un, tesuportevbylageta en fthe grouud, and threatened that lie wonld laDîg, and the heiglits as well, and Col. îfnrt cuytevlae and preveut resigu the command il tbey were not at once Vau Rensselaer asserted that as long as the the passage of reiuforcemeuts whle, with restrained. Wheu this was accomplished, men showed any inclination te cross, the the remaitider of bis troops,he moved arouud 30ofcr n cisrcdrdtee boats were well iuanaged. As it was, con- their flank, ascanding thse heiglits in rear of S90oerseadenscove ndefrty ere siderable bodies bolli of regular troops and the woods already occupied by the ludians, boughyt i ex dadsoy, anedliugt e tre militia mwere brought.over with a six-pound and forrned a junutioi with the columnber of rin oîest akselnth aegte, field piece, its carniage aud tumbrel. Short- advanciug from Clippawa, which would ln u- of of 8, smou whom te e ea ne general, ly after seven o'clock Col. Chrystue caine crease bis numerical streugtb by 150 mien. si ol ,aons, ti-ir e jreveone enecap- over naid assumed the command, but fanding Although this manSeuvre would compel hlm ticnsesdthry-ixsuarus. ee ncp himself unahîs even te dislodge the garrison to make s detour of nearly three miles before taieosinskle and thrysi auudedcann from the village, lie recrossed the river toeugaging,lhe would at once escape the eufilad- beeacl stat ied onditcr sde The Brt- bring aver reinforcmcnts with artillery sud ing fire of the batteries at Lewiston, avoid ilii officiai returu is inissing, but it is said intreuchiug tbals. Upou beaing bis report the steep ascent in the face of the euemy, te have footed up s total of only sixteeu of the situation, General Van Rensselser render their fieldworks useless, sud place kiîîed sud sixty-nine wounded. The two despatched an erder te Geucral Smyth, at bis men on an equal footing witb theni on the cmaiso h 9haesac ohv -dslo~ o-mv-a is-vig-d-ebo i~t ~pe su lee goun and 39 men alonenine sud sont over an engineer osfficer o T M e Iins redoubledtbeir atvt of wlomnwere killed. Two nuenof the.4Ist !ay ot a fortified camp. About noon the coluimu spproadhed, keeping, bowe ver, sud a gunner of the Royal Artiiiery were lie crossed lu person. (kueral Van weîî under cover, sud theroughîy succeeded aiso killed. It hs doubtiol 'wletber the Rensselser suad Colonel Chrystie ex- in baffing auy attempt te harasts ad- casusîties amiong the militia sud Indians smined the position on tbc beiglits vance. Withiu au bour Sîseaffe gained the wr nlddl hsrtr.ToCyg sud gave directions for its immnediate orti- cleared grouud ou thc riglît of the chiefs sud Ltbree ýwrriors, whose nameslhave ficaien Engineer officers were set at work woods occupied by thema, exteuding as far -beeu preservefi, were killed, aud Norton sud field wonks traced out. Thegimite as tbe portage road, when lie beheld Cap- sud eigbt others woundcd. Altîmougli this redan was unspikefi sud brouglit to b cari tain Richard Bullock advaucing froinCli P- loss was insignificant lu point of numbers, upon the village.- Colonel Winfield Scott, pawa with bis own company of the 4lst, aimd the death of Gen. Brook was feIt ta le an the future conqueror of Mexico, laving ar- Captaiu Robert Hamiltou's sud John almost irreparable blow, sud by mauy of bis rived from Buffalo during the moruing with R-owe's companies of the 2nd Lincoln, oppouents wvas consdered to have fully a battery of artillery, placed bis guns lu strengbhened fer tbe occasion, like mot of compensated for their deleat. Lieut. -Col. position7at Lewiston snd cro2sed tbc river the, others, hy a number of volunteers from MN.cDonuell seems to bave been the anly to take command of the regular troops at the ranki of he sedentary militia. Fore- other British oflicer kiled, snd noue but Queeruston, who were reiniorced by dtach- most among other aged men properly Captains Deunis sud Williams appoar to mnents of tItI sud 23rd US infantry and exempt from service, whom the emengency have been oîdd 2ud sud Ird artillery. About the samne bad implled to seiize their armi again, waî No Complete returu of casnalities was at- timee Brigadier- G dneral William Wadsworth Lieut-Col. italfe Clencli, once an offie0 u temipted by tlîe Americans, probably owiug assumed command of the militia brigade, Butier's rangers, and then the district to the immediate dispensai of a large portion -eosis.ig a- orton cs-Adcm~s, Roemsjudge, who iad retirod from command of - th.eir iitia.--Aùweekaietebtte Mead's, sud Strsnahan's regimeubs, aud the Isi incoîn battalion aie er eoe a eislo ltdofcal ii Mni~,' l-ettiin ainifeme. Te 'e- o ,- -1 . would be impossible to furniali an exact re- DflATH 0F KUN G MSIRL. Thse Most Po iwefmsl Native lter la central Afita Meets a Violenit Enmd. The ather day this cablegram was receiv- cd in Europe : 1"Msiri bas bocu killed." No panticulars have, yet coma as ta the manner of bis taking off. Mlsiri was bbc most important rmien lu CentralAfies. 0f humble anigin,hli became1 thc absolute rulcr of a large territany, sud at lait'even surpssed the famous Muata Yamnvo lu bbc extent of b is power.I Four rifles were thc foundstion oi Mui' greatucîs. Wlien lie was a boy b lilved lCO miles east of Lake Tanganyika in Umîyanembe, wbere bis fabher, Kalasa, wsa brader lu 'eopper. The fîme ai the copper mines un Katanga, far southwest ai Tan- ganyika, noar bIc Congo's head wvaters, hadl sprcad far oven afriica, sud înative traders weut hundrcd-, of miles ta procure tbc use- fui moral. Kasals made froquent trips te Katanga, sud on anc occasion instead ai lcadiug lis littIe expedition himieli lie sent lis youug son Msiri, lu lis place. TIc youg chieS bsd possessed bimscli ai four guns, sud when le annived lu Katanga le iouud tbe old mIlen ai thc counry at war with thc powerlul chief to thc north of hlm, wlîo was invading bbc country. Msiri CAME TO TIIE RitiCiE of bis fstber's friend. The invading 6emy lad neyer before lîcard of firearms. Tbey were appsiled when tkbey bîoard bbc blunder- eus repart of bue rifles. Af ber a few îlots they took fligît sud neyer stopped till they were safely out of Katanga. 0f course, bbc old chief was very mach -pleaseci with MsiriLwho had thus delivered î l m sud bis people oe-ut a ëtlc aud-SoTtmeïr cuemios. Hie gave hlm large presents of ivery, sud when le took bis departume for home urged hlm ta meturu ta Katanga as soan as passible. The next ycsar Msiri, wishing ta seize erery advanbage le could idenive irom the old eii's frieudship,stanted î gain for Katanga with luis wif c sud chul- ,dren sud as mauy fniendi as le could induce ita accampauy hlm. Hie faund thc aid chief getting very feelle. Hie promised tlîat le rwould nat lbave hini but would romain lu tne country ta receive bbechdieftainship wbich lad been promised ta hM. Inhaa bsuent time bbc aid chief, perceiving that bis end wss near, gave up ta Mâsiri île shell which suswers bu the Eurapesn crewn, sud iustalled Msiri as King. Msint at ouucc began ta show himîceli a ibladk Napoleon. [He put eveny anc ta deabli ,-rlo oppofsed ,hlm,- carried on aggrcssive_ twsnisre i lu ahebccountrios arouud lîlm,suid even defied thc powerful_ chief Kasembe trouble. The aid Kiug's career is au ilîns - A RUMOR ABOUT MOROOOO. tration of the fact that even the native - African in tbc depths oiflis own barbarous Ess-1snil, Spain, and Itmly Saldtetogave country eau rise ' te positions of importance, Agreete flivIde the Coustr r opulence, sud power. A despatch lias heen reeeived fraim Paris __________________that a secret Conveution lias houa signed The Care of Infants. by Englanfi, Spain, sud Italy fer the par- The Mothers' Club of Seaview bad aîked tition of Morocca. It wss saîd onfy a short Dr. Scapular to give tbemn a series oi talks time ago that Spain sud France were inuclu on bbc care of infants.1 They met at the ex'ercised regarding the designs of Great bouses of the different, members for au hour Britain lu Morocco. The 'e Republique once a week. Francaise," lun an article on the ur.lWan ta 1The doctorý began by stating that, while Fez oi Sir Charles Euau-Smitb, 'the iliritis1i it may be true that aIl womneu are net des- Ambassador ta Morocco, recently caid that timedto lie mothers, yet every woman sbould the matter miglit lead te couflliets, sud know something of the care. of infants. addcd: WhVeu you prepare the c'otbiug, of the Europe will do wisely ta keep close lîttie infant, sec ta t that miost ai thc ggr- watcb upon Great Britain's policy at Tan- menti are made of soit woollen materiass gien. The maintenance ai the Eropean Do not make thse mistake of providing for cquilibriu i mposes upon bier the duty of re- the personal apg:earanee of thc lttie strang- stig teitiusadecocmnso er, but consider health sud safety ai tbc a nation whicb would willingly malte Mo- flrst importance. rocco a second Egypt. "TlicSpauishnews- Laces aud linen may be as white as snow uapens demauded that Spain send war slips bat by ne means suitable as under-clotlîing ta Tangier te watch tbc course ai events for the delicate infant. there, and- cansidena'ole auxiety wss dis- 1 thlnk, said thc doctor, tbat meut mothers played by bath France sud Spain te par- ferget that warmtb is uecesssry. This ticipabe un sny ai tbc nenefits blet mi2-gj;t hs espccially important durng the finst accroc frein the mission. The concesW<-ý, 4 ferniglit oaits existence. Its advcut grauted hy the Sultan te SirCliarles Enan- uintotIc wenld exposes it ta cold S mibli wce eomparatively unimportant. draughts aud dhîlly armospîcre, sud it isf the thnce natious bave now decided ta wisc te exert extra precautians for its pro- partition tbc country smong themselves, lb tection ; tIrerefore, warm, woallem clothing is very evideut that their didrences oi opin- is roqnirod. A bnead baud ai the sof test ioîn have been settied. The Sultan may re- woollcn is ai the first importance. re8ili this summary disposition of tle do- Af ter the infant lias received ts firit mn11 sd1twl o uepniv akt bath sund tîis -hiould always be givon lu subdue thbcountry, 1,artieulanly if the sav- some warma, plessant reem, free from age.hlii ribes side with theirnonminal nuler, draughts, and prefersbly be re au open fine agaiinît wbom for years thcy have, off sud the cane of the stump of tbc cord should on, leen at war," -Uav-e-sýpeeiatcute- I t-is-we-l--ta,- haV-e bh carefully wnapped, lu a picce ai soi t, aeigFr ilre. aid l 'inon hsmdkendhief. A goxid deal las been said, eue time anà Some ainîment is always needed. The another, about thc best time ta water beit, lununy expenience, ibhe Sanitas disin- boses-before or aller feeding. TIe fecting eintment, whicl lias a pleasant,, honse's stamach is very small-holding but wholesome odar. Glycoboron ointmient us about tîre sud a hall gallons. Drunkung, aise good.> This should be put on generous- as bbc hanse frequcntly dees lu b"t weath- ly, ahi about bbc attacliment and about the er wheu wonking, more than thre sud a cord itieM h ail gallons ol water at a single time, bas In bbc case of a delicate infant, or aime given uise to bbc assumptionby feeders tht hemn belore its time, tIe bath should be tluis water must pasblrougî bhe stomsch given witb thc greatesi caution. ia imhe intestinal canal. The inlenence Ili beit te use a babys commun bath- bas net unnaturally been drawn that this tub, and nota wash-basin, ss ii seofoten cm- movement ai watcr tîrough the stomaclu ployed. The watcr slîould ho at 98.5' inuit carry witim i mbrI te intestial tube, Fahneumeit-bloud lest, grain rations fed hefone watering sud asea his important te remove al bbc cheesy the partly digested food ai bbc stoinach, nuatter wbich i ound upon bhc body, ana. For tIc purpose ai obtaiuing thc facts, especially in the foids ai bbc skia. Some Prof. Sanboru took four herses, waterng reliable saap should bce uicd f recly. two of thcm- befone sud twoafater fceding. Becrft-thourouglyL-asb> -tIhe-- head,- TUa the-order wa changed,_ su> tisat-ilu-the remeving eveu-y partýcle about the haur. second trial tbc lot previously watorcd b3- M., gp o dqese sil.1, ,,ichhcon- fare was naw watcred afrer feeding, sud

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