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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1892, p. 5

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rý . ..... .r r~ ~~-~t zpo _________ - ~.inieJ~eL ~~ùoIedtiz Mr~ ~ ~y~û~M3 ~S t-- -j- j--j-. -. - - - j- j- Feng th Doctor At niglit is always a trouble, and àt is often ,an eciiiicy unnecessary 1tobeif Perry Davis! PÀl KILLER Is'ept in the house. A fcw drops zfthis "Id remedy ini a littie sweetý cned water or milk, brings prompt teief; Sold everywhlere. +,n pn11.- Nplu ~- ent~rrn lNcva Sctian crops are suffering fromn Miss'Allie Dareh is viaiting in Toronto. Decoratio .n1 Day.. drought. Mies Mary Munson is home from Osh- Th 3uii st1nioderangheEIO Mr. Geo. Lang lbas been Ilspendiug, a few awa. the gbavsutflcs of dec dfloatng he DEnr daysaiat home. Miss Rockfort, of Toronto, is visiting sthepgraves of deceryasoddfrelloos-wb e Dear Mr. Norman Tiliey, Toronto, is oinsin tewn 5l00p veing. fcemetetws ermedon e ntha frhi oe' l ck basrbeevebyightened %Port Sope. i odge roore, and a few minutes af ter seven effect tI Prowr'sBlok ba ben bighenedPor H-pe.a procession wss formed sud Ftarted for were ir with a coat of paint. Mise Snow, Whitby, isa guest of Miss the last resting placeof tbe departed. ists of 1 The siteam dredgo bas been at work at Mabel Couch. Arriving there, a circle was formed, a iIi-adviE the il arber for somes dal s. Miss BassIett, O)ýiljia, îs visiting re- couple of hymns were sung, and prayer ago.1 Mr. J. D. Colwill, Darlington, bas re- latives in towu. was offered by Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, Deputy cerned, tured rombistnpto sxgsnd Mes arbra eilwiesishom spudGrand Master. -The appropriato care- the abc Tered ere tweitri ve snstrokesand isngBrbliar elweei ones mony was conducted in an impressive To t] two eaths ju Ch-i onsunday. Man ig iserldlaydr f r. ibs enmanner by Mr. A. Mitchell, P. G. After me say two elahs n Chcag onSandy. im-edlâd, f Bookln, as eenthe graves had been decorated witb beau- deait v Mr@. Rich ard Brown, bas he,ýn visiting, viiting friends iu town. tif ul fiowere, Rev. Mr. Jolliffe delivered ehl, F. ber son, Mr. James Brown, Kirby. West Durham fair will be held ii. Bow- an addrcss suitable te the occasion. Inu-sud mî Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jewell and Miss manville Oct. 4tb andi 5th. the course cf bis remarks he said. "The beast s Frankie are visiting friends ini Erie,Penn. If you patronize Big 20 leudling library flowers net ouI-v remind us of the gocd- te mak: Miss Bertie Welsh, Parkdale, Terento, you will be pleasedi. Seo add. uéess of God, but they spoak te us of the dtltltil, is guest of Miss Winnie Osborne, "lLike- Mrs. A. Bucier and Miss Colos are frýility of human life. Wo bave net wait- Never ide." visiting rinonda, in Colingwood. ed until nature shooh the scentless-petals-. of kind te the earîb, but have gatheredi them fer ercised Mr. and Mis. John A. Linton, Picker- Mrs. F. A, Pbilp and family, Coîborue, our purposo to-day. Those wbom 'îe ing, were gues te at Counciller Bellmaru's are veisiting at Mr. C. L. Munson 's. hoeor where netknown tefame. Wealtb Sunday. Mn. Geo Pierce, Toronto, bis been bad flot marked them as its special f avec. Colb Arrangements are being made for s callbng on old friends for a few days. ites , they haid ne dcaira te genius-or elo- Stiuday Scbcol convention at Tyrorie Mn. John 'Burns, Janetville, bas a vony queues, yet every eue was dear tomsme- ST( in September in connection with the Fin- ýdeirable fsrma for sale noan Tyrone. See body. The lonely m.-phani, bao desolâte sciai distri-,t meeting. adv. widew, the bareaved mother, aliL are bhone, Mr. Wm. Mckay, D. D. G. M., and The Industrial Exposition will be held grateful for this remembramce of their Mr. T. Hl. Spry repTooutofromdeptmbersab e tb dead. They were Our brothers, lot ns One Lodge at the annual meeting of the Ma- in7Tornofo ethbr5ht h write their errera in saud, wbile we e-011 k' sonie Grand Lodge, at London 1h1ast week.t. grave their virtues on the tablots off en- days- Twenty-nine sheep belenging te Mr. H. Miss Birdie Bounssîl and Miss Me- during memory. A ycar heuce and some sueb t barde', Toronto, are vsiting relatives iu eue may be decoratîng our graves. Thon mou9t Sloan, near Barrie, were stindiog uuder town.ltu otu eormsint-orfl obtait a treo s few days go wben thirteen of lt o e tb o urmsyonteOu fl theïn were killed by lig htang. Rev. George Brown and fsînily Orono îowmen~, andte God, so thtwbon thecautib Rey T.W.Joîif atened heannalexpeet te camp at Scugog lake for some end shaîl come, wo uaay withoent fean, ato meeting e! the A. 0. O. F. Relief Asso. eesftk tedet-agoeoyte ad n ciation at Kingstou on Wedneady last. Misses Jennie and Ellen Small,' Port find our way te the Paradise of God. fiftee1 The reports wero higbly satisfactory and Hope, are visitiog their grandfatber, Mr. The ceremony wRswtnessed by many of Trave thoouloo nverbngbtr.G. H. Webster. Ouir townspeople ah off wbom wera inter- Amcng the naies of those who register- Mr. J. Grigg sud famiIy, sud Mis~ sted.- a ed at Sturgeon Point Hotel last weok iNellie Saunders vsited friends in Cinu- butai aý A 'r.. npi. un, nton last week. ~day a, 111 Elle iý 4ý2ýý -jý ------------ ----------- A Great Mistake. Auction Sale RST&TýESMAN,- 0F VALUABTJE rSir,-TidiDgs have juist reached b here and there throoghout Dar- Fï'A:RNL PPfPP' TNT 2township a report is current to the A LA.A A tat 1 and those under xny charge nhumanlv, rreated by the Method- IN TUFr ESTATE OF JAMES COLTON Enniskillen in connection with Our DECEASED. îsed tour to thatvillaize a few weeks Now, in justice toi ail parties con- Pursuiant to lhe Power of Salein the will oE plesse albow me to fiatly contradict JAMES COLTON. ýdeceased. thýere will be cfrdfor,sale by Publie .Auction by the un- ioe reportr. dersigned auctioneer on te houer of the Enniakilleners lot F RIDAY, 29tli day of JIJLY,892, ,y that 1 was nover more aiiidly -e h orol2'lrkrln rth inimylife. Messrs. Dr. Mýitch-, AT thEE SHOTroL !N TITEknIon. ,Rogers and others took hold of me A E R O E N T ~ Y L âne, openlng their doors to man and AGE 0F JA PO and doing everything in their power the follewing land s and premises. namely: ke u cofortblew'hle uderthepart of lot 22 in tho 6thCou esion ofthe :e s omfrtb! whleundr hetownship of D.ArÀington contaiming 5a acres or lty neath, which we were plac3il. land more or less and which said parcel of lana have 1 witnessed a larger measure may bo better known and describedl as follows: Commencing at a point on the western bound.. jmess and hOspitality than was ex- ry of said lot No. 22 at a distance of 27 chainsi ýin my behaîf. and 10 links from the south west corner of saiîi lot; lhence northerly along thc said westerly, Mest respectfully yours, bondiyof said lot 50 ehains and 20 links more T. ButowN, Methodist Mînister. or 1055; thenceoeastorlv parallel with a roal1 [onJl 1t1892. allowance at the north of said lot 9 chains and orne, uly 2I96 inks more or leas; thcnce south parallel ta the western boundry of said loi 51 chains amdi 20 links more or less; thence west 9 c!iains anci 'ORMY VACATION DAYS 96 huaes more or less to the place or be&inninic MADEI PLEASANT. containngby admeasurement 5)l acres of land On the promnises is said to be a good frama tako een abarn, a fair house and 10 acres of good timber ýcan hardly, expeet to aevna mostly beecli and maple nnd a few scattering svacation without one or two etormy. pirnes. -and the question arises how to pass TERMS 0F SALE-Ten per cent cash s timep'esahty. n te contr ortime of sale and balance within thirty day3 Âme 'eaa~aty. n te contr orthereafter. Plowing possession will ho given ,tains whore readiîig cannet ho oasily immedialely afier harvest and fulil possession îed, time hangs heavily. This ail on the lSth day of November, 1892. Farther and more particular conditions wii ho made be avcided if you will take the pre- known at date o! sale. ,n to procure a package of Waverley For further parliculars apply to DA&NIEr mine. Ech ý)p hasfro ta týHOGARTu surviving executor of the will of zîne. Ecb epybasfro to teJames Colton,deceasect,or 1), BreRNE SIMpsox m short, clean and interesting com- his Solicitor. stories (noue continued,) Notes of LEVI A, W. TOLE, ,6l, Items of interest, Jokes, etc., Atictioneer. D. BURKE SIMPSON. ls a page of Musie. They are flot Vendor's Eolicitor. abook that one bas to read for bours, Dated Bowmanvill- 4th July, 1892. 27.4w lre entertaining for ton minute or a and eau ba caught up at any tuie. AK flTRt T M O TCL

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