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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1892, p. 6

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(CUT PLUG.) "IM DANGERS 0F BALLOOININU. M any .Lbsurd Prj eets that had Fatal Re- suits. The Feeling or Aeronasîts ut Blzzy lieights -OInae Wou1l net Ialse a Fiiger 50 Fra- venl -rak ~ tmrkbcEscape, Sadier, a clebrated Englisi aeronaut, wio bad made a great many voyages, sud on oeeoet is expeditions crossed thc Irish Channrel, batwean Hoiyhaad sud Dublin, a distance et thirty-onc miles, pcrishad lu a vemy sad manr near Bolton, Euglaud,>tise On April 15, 1875, Crece-Spineili and Sivel wera killed iu the catastrophe et the Zeîîith. At 11:30 lu the morning tic acre- stat rosa majestically tram the gas factory ef La Vilatta, carrying with it the three aeronuts, Croca-Spinaili, Savil, and Gaston Tissandier. At 1:i30 the balloon had reaac- ad a heigit et 8,000 yards, but its passeugars had tainted in tic car. At a beigit off 7,000 yards thay wera overceme by a -feeling off terper, pevieusly, faIt at a muci greatar hîight by M. Glaishar lu bis ascenston. Tbay had net dreaded theaxperien ce, beiug convinced that the inhalation off oxygan wouidhe snfficiatto prevetit the nupleasaut, feelings, obscrved lu fermer ascensions, M 1-ý-- 1 5LU-tileLtLI-iijid- ro#ra~~kyf-attrar~tr~,-e--hrns g~tTsInatuctflL w4 ~ sws ar~u 1iln-7y izelzb mtnu-ueart-- ~ -4 ie as ot oft i r huharb up in hait-ih iec-s. On Jnly 4, 1873, another aerial shipwreck -n your merbit cai O7 bene tik'oeoebeafs utlo wtî u to continues to do a Gencral ]3anking Business occurred at Ionia, Mich. The aeronaut ne else you are only cheating yourself. a slow fire, and let it remain tilli i quitem Bowmau-ville.Agency. La Montain, who the year before had very The greatest outlay iiecessary te make yorcooked aud the juice extracted. Ponr it ail DEPOSITS nearly beendrowned in Lake Erie, concaived rented place a real home iu ail but perman. noajlybg n iti rpalngt Reefve1 JSajsjsl3nk eprtientsudanthe fatal idea off suspendiug bis car, flot teonet possession ia in muscle. The wokeuibn asrel tha ic, and te each lage cailand iterest allowad atourrent ratep Noý inet ctiveIopinig the tierisi globe but to a easily be done by your own lîsmîs, and if breakfast cupful add 1 lb of suigar, and te ~O~ieotwth~rw~atccesary AlUi poiîsj-seiewn ltutuctdaent-rpus- faste-ned toa cai 0ýbn ho-W-to-do iii it-la biglit h bl uniyad2tiposuso payable on clemand, circle off wood placefi above a Montgolfier yen learned. p oee qaluntir tdl2 itebisanulet if The ascent was very rapid. It waa uoticed An outlay off 25 cents will buy a rak- with bell forltein mielinuiteal -'putlwy ptus foue BEXCHANGE that the car did flot remain in a vertical wibicb yeni eau level your yard, and a dime this je i eloeaad las turn seon EnbtRnd soldand Draftssouednupon uroposiin tb od lpeliteb ita ill purchase grass seed. But don't stop sel fternab svr euad lUntedSîates Gn aadas ouGo adsolBd. anuniting on nute ide set tiLloon frchere ; hiave at least eue flowver bcd, plant couseqnenîly very, watery, let tbe uica mun iJeicdSata Grenbcksongt sd sld. The car faîl like a atone, wbile; tbeU ufor- woor three gond outdoor roses and anme eut witlî littie or 1o) water addcd. A gond COLLECTIONS tuniate mati, clînging convnlsiveîy te it, re. ias Grape vinas wili net he eut off place, plan is te put some, in a jar in the oen, and Pr,'Ptiy made at aurrentrated upon ail prt tained sufficiant prasenceeof nind toattcmpt antd sînali fruits, like currants aud raapbar- whieu the juice muas eut of that use it lu- of Great Brittain, the Unitefi $tteB anu ila te turu bimacît head dowuward and make ries, wiil saveu yen mnney for yeir. table in atead ef wa5ter te bell the remainder, The DO -'talon 010anada. the car serve as a parachute. W%ýhen tbîrty two or thrae years. AU these piantare Jeîîy always dees well, but, wheu soft use Telei"iili Traiisfers ly«amda frein the eatb hae lest bis hold, aud cheap and eaaily cared for, wiil make the leais water or nouie. ïé c ,gt Cr[nl uio t ýrl 01hs body was driven six iuches jute tic home attractfi e te yourself and family, and F.LFisa CRaA.-Ptit ne pint off bot - siecic lî~etrsînilsum oraoundr. 1 (a great peint te be gained) yen wil learu wvtro ata ucee ~uls.We l'da h's is esPecialiy advantage25,t - trgntounadineeli.iga8.111e lJerUns living ln Manitoba or the North- es jOn July 9, 1784, at Cramorne Gardeus, te like the place. i sqiiedsovdadoetý . t-ki-e the funds avaiiabie at oaj ai ti,, 'Eugland, the place wierc Letnrr bafi met Moviug is vs-ry e-<pensive busnescs, wiîeu atisquie lass ofve baddyutauo cresktl isa vlace of raymn1et.auenglsofbrny;wskiiitaa Other particulars eall attha ha, k. bis death, De Groot, lu ordar te try the yen corme te look ab it, carafuliy, aud a froti ; celer eitber witi red curreut jelly or jwiugs bie had inveu ted, drepped freim a working mau eau casily keep himselt peer a littie coloring, and put inte a shape. E. L. FORTI GEO. McGILL, bailoon and was killad as he atruck tic pave- by moving every spring ard fait, as se many Wieii firm turu eut. Acceuntant. Mangr .. ment. Soe time bafore tliat I bad met do. Money and propamty cannet ha accunt- SwISS CREAac--Crnmhle dowu sponge 51hlm at Bruaselsa ad had assurefi hlm that niatad by a îarriedna man lu 'îîniug about cake aud macareons inte the bottent offa The " Times" reports et the debates lu wings wera undonbtediy bIss raliable than the country or nmeving frem place te place glass disi ; spraad oer tiens a lîttie. jani the British Pariamaut are dictatad through a large umbralla Ha repiad tiat lie wotuid evary feîv mentis. If yen are iorced y air-' and soak with iemon syr up or sherry ; taise the telephone te the priuiting lieuse, a mile certaiuly succeed, daspita the hast sciantiti cumstancas te reut instead off own the place two aud a hait breakfast cupa crc-ani or part. aud a half away, and immadiately put lu reasening. c wbere yen live, try tomiake a home off ià and îy cream and partiy gond ioUle, flaveur it type, se that wheu the debatea continue Iu 186-t tiare ware fates at Bangkok lu tay there.-[D. M. Fiarnswomth. asith lemon and ne dessert apoonful et cern ntii 3 a.m., as thcv a',fftan do, the paparsq celabration et the majority off the King off fleur, sir ovar tha lire tili it boils a te w %vith full reports, aicj rszaùsY -ýr the à a. m:n. Siam, sud a negro was sent up lu a balîon. And hae saîd: "Let tiare ha alite," aud mtnutes, tien stir off the fire a few minutas isew',Qaper trains. jNo news was e- er recaivafi frein hlm. the "First iamily" bouuded jute the womid. more andadd thejuiceot halfa lemon ; whau Children Cry foi ý»itcher1s Castoria- nbluraIgla, Scia"tica, IYirbaoBackaches 5hadache, Toothachey Sore 7.hroatq FroâlzDites, àpraîns, Bru !ses,_B-'urns, Etc. Soid by Dmuggits aud Dan c;ýrs evarywhcro Fifty cents a bottia. Dl1.wianl il Lanuagee' MEI CHARLES A. VOtQELER Ce., limmoro, . "oaaian Depot: Toriantov Ont flOISEHOLD. coDI peur il oraer the cakes lu the disi, and decorata tic top with bright jally or cherries. A Simple Preeautjon. COLD WATER STARCH. -Tirce tablaspoon oJust look at that cbild," said oeelady fi fClmn tri u cepe te aneothar, as they stood by a wiudow, water, eue large teaspoon et white soap watching a gronp off childraîs at play onu the malted, oee mail teaspeen borax, hait tea- street. "Har cars stick eut fron thti sidas cup beiiing watr.-Mix tic starch aud et lier heafi like tic anuls et a ship. Sncb cold watam lu a basin tili ameti, tien lu an affliction as, that iW raaliy. dreadful. anether dish stîr tic soap, lhorax, aud hou-. Every littie while eue secs ailidran-growu inug watcr togather tili meitafi, peur .tuis lip people, tee, fer tic inatter of that-with uew in to tic basin witlî tic starci, and mix~ wide, proectsug cars. It's a pi.ty, tea, wicu wcll toether tili aaflc froth gathers onuthe sucli a thing is se aasîlv preventad. top. Wash yeur lincu it ts and wriug it "Chiidrau should ha -very caref uîîy watcb- out. Theu take and rab ii al eover with cd, and sionld neyer hcalaiowad te sleap your banda dry, as if yen werc -wash- Without ',aviing ti.h crs nresscd coet is ri.Than pu~t it in tic telda et a dean ýT - i '- Thiat it is, not wise te experiment with ci4eap compounds puxportin 'ta be blood.puriflers, but which have no real medicinal value. To mnake use of any. other than thd eld Ftan-. dard AYEIR'S Sarsapar-illa-the Su- perier ,B1oodl-prifier-is simply ta invite lass ef time, inoney and elh if you are afihicted with Scrofu1a,ý Catarrh, Ttheumatism, Dyspepsia, Ecire~a~ Eu nin" rggý ýq , F--Fý

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