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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1892, p. 7

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GRA.NTEFUL-C0 MFORTING. JOHNNIE'S TEMPTATION when it was well oever, and the dishes clear- dfMohr ed away, "'Flora shall sit liere and sing yo If mother wonilsentmda, PS~ S C O CO A Ç~wTt5OE TOE t sleeand'Il rmn down to Doctor Dev- She wouldfreshen that ilded own. 1 o ybE MMwGagReR, my0 l n ngbet i adget your cordial botule refilied. bShe -Ou tisometimes take au hotrs rest, in ethIoe ag. Wha , do ausnu y Not a word, mother ; Vve quite a sum of And sometimes a trip to town, 1 u Uthe argan. hat o yo sayVIAnd it should't lbe ail for thecebidren, BREKFAT. olinietured nd ookd wstfllybac, iouey 1eft, and ynu shall have it. T'l'liefun, snd the Cliver,-sud the play; BREAFAS. Jlinie urnd an lokedwisfuly bck, Away lie went down the sliaking steps, With the patient droop on the tired moutli, "By a thorongtiknowledgeoft te natural tuning over a few soiled small notes in bis and out jnto the driving storm. And the- Mother lias had bier day I' laws whi:ligovern the operations ofdigest11 toil-brownedhland, The scene was on the "Where our inext day's boaird will corn. e Truc, mother bas bac. lier day, deairs, and niutrition. and by a carefal application o! Wbeu you were babies three, tUefie roertes0fwel-slete Ccl, e.3 r shores of a Southern river. The wet sanids froi can't teil," lie gasped as lie mae i And she stopped about the farîn and the bouse te finbasproveri our beakast îbed wia, r.were streNvlwith seines and ail sorts oIf waLy down the blli in the- teeth of the gale ; Ass bisy as a beeu, delîca-tely fifavored bvr2 whieh may sxve fishing imiplneents, and dotted here a'nd Pbtinm glad 1 didn't agree to break the Wbheu >le roed von ail to steep, dears, ilss fi ib'avydotor'bts It is by'the thelse witblitosateweegrcreSlbt. And sent o i to schýoI, jonsieij, on may be grduas f i eut tup un tl sudirm, and cakes, and cheese were sold. IHeýr an on, hbis.tbiouglits fifui f is dead d wore Ilislfo, and did witbout, f AncpunilJ i Il-,! y thtGoden Itule. strong enougli to reýssievery tendency to it waSauda fternoon1, late i la pil. faýther as lie bcwent. Years liefore lie had And so yol turil has coine, deaire, disease. Hundlrede of subltî maladies3 arc A cýhili souitfi-east gale whisýtled across tlie gonie away on a voyýagec to Chiafoin whicli Brbî sgoigWie floalg around us resdy Io attack Wberever isal atesnd a duli, drizzliig misi ebdnye eund Misfortunieshlad And bier ee arc, gaiuing the far-away look tbere is a ieak point, Ileramy escape mn ccemaas ndbas ocu - clsee po tisenw i ite' eesloodteugt fatal ebaft by leeping ourselves weli fotified. re e e rything, maoîlçw moofdTlîat pesbyn h ih witb pure blood, and a pronerly nourissbd ed, with disagreeable inoisture. death sud the loýss of Lis vessel, anid ittie O ne of thest-e da3, s in the morning Mae Simprvice boiGa ater.r ik The nets wers- piled up in NvAt, blaeck by litile pour, brave Jobnnie bad seeu lis She xiii fade away into silence- 80](3 enly le packets. by Grocers, labelled thus beaps, and bere and there a few liundreds nfinmother aud sister redtîced to absolnue want. The mother s0 true and dear. JAÎiIES JEPI'S .«tC-., lonîoeopa[hie Chein. white, shining herringsis.y scartereci ahout £very article of value hla been sold, and 'lhen, what xiii you do in the daylight, Jgts. loitdol, Englaildon the sands, while the drenched, sulliAda nte laigdm ___________________t__e__brave_ boy liad worked for themr like a And father, tired and lonesome thon, _____________________________ fishermen louuged ln ail directions, soine man ; but iu spite of al l is efforts, absolute Pray, whst xiii ou do for hlm? puffing away at their pipes, thers sloucli- huuigerstsred themn in the face. He thouglit If you wan. to keep your usother, ing ocl towsrd the shops to have their o? it as' ho hurried on, with tears blin din g eumus t i herlaesrare ntefolic, ~dùi ~t 0w~ whikeyfiaks rpieishd. is youua eyes, and a dtiil, dreary pain at And draxv lier iute the play. Johnnie hiad jnsgt received lis weak's lis brave- young heart. And it mother xvould listen to me, dears, waces seauty enougli for ail the bard, will- Bat a commotion on the strasîd beiow at- She'd biy lber a goxvn of silk, 77 igiahor the brave lad bad performied- ta dbsatnin adlepue.Ts With buttons of royal velvet, VVEDŽNE3DAY JULY .27, 1892. and w jus the littie soiled roll of money shnt headli was thick witli people; there woro Ana ruttles as wvhite as oîilk, doxvin lm orchesaholanteriis andna grat vetselAnd she'd loi you do the trotting, torcpes abis ntand,3 lie wasrburryingel W bile sIc sat stili in licr chair, beach wleîî the boss of the shore, as thIe lyinc near t1ilhre That soother should. have it bard ail throssgh, DE. J. C. RITERELt, head manager was termed, 8aled hlmu back Johlînie started down at a run, bis lieart it strikes meolent fair. ~7EMPEB 0F COLLPtêF 0F PHYSIOXAN and made bimi a frosli offer. throlibing with exic:temnt. Ha muit sëee MARCAISET E.SEANSTER. nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Johonie was a briglit, capable lad, and w atwa g n1o. Of0i3e and Pesidence. Enniskilien. 74- an honest one, and there was a vacanay n Watia ho racedtetrnoniesa. For Summer Wear. thecmissbp, in sshichs the boss bimseif ife-boat drawu up and a group oh metn in Grenadine is the les,,diîîg thuîî fabnie sud D i"à ipf-Ï bad s large interest. Some one must stand seamtaîî's garli sitting oni the beach; and is brouglu ont in inany new varicties. bohind the counter and measure ont the whule the boy stood staring aud wonderinig,Blkgradesreoenvnabyan A tîU1I OLICITOR, &c. MOF RIS bad wik n h uadrciepyBakgeamsas niee yfn I>PI OCK, nistairs, King Street. fowman. hsyadhemm u eev s an old shoreman coming tip, peered into cy weaviing as toelbe even more intercstiug ville. 201icitor for tbeOntari fBankt for the nsoldy cheese and blacks ginger- bis face, sud thaîs cauglit hlm by the arm, titan the colored. The latter, sîthougli 1 riTatefa wobterta oni MoneVs ioaned ai the îowest rates brecla d dwohte hnJlne Hullos, my boy 1" lie sliouted, I"yon're somaie ?ftliem are very pretty, do isot rauk .'See here,my fine elap," calied Boss em- tise very cîap ive want. Here le s, coin- lu importance wth the blacks. Crimping ils ~. ~. R1YNKIN4I ick, Il's'a cast out our, nets at iiduight, rades- here's Jolinnie Reeves îsoxv, anîd, nu o IeuîwetdeVcessrpso li suop d to-îuorrow bids fair to ho a hnsy day. likelier, onester lad than Jobonie Reeves grndnmeaigatrats il tie _T TCENSED AUOT IONSEER O I wyat somte one in the shop ho tIe left '...14m' K TUE SPzo091i IS A POOR KIND OrIC)Nlyfi CrO 0F ECNOMv M X oue It is on a par with buying- lots of rubbishy soap for litila mouey. Poor soaps are the - buughoe - througli whiich time sud lahor are wasîad,.and Iy wbich the clatIes aud ha:ids are ruined. i »Closes the Avenues of'tWaste and Hui, and by ils lastîng pro- parties, is wondarful cieansiug powers and perfect puriiy, it Saires Time & Labor, ind brings Comfort & Satisfaction ta -ail xvbo use i -- -- HrcoLC CHOL~R CHLR O/?B'US DIA RRH D ySÀEN TLR Y 'NçO LAJ CHIL.DREN oYDULT MANHOOD RESTORED. "'SANATIVO," the Wonderful Spnniiib s teîdyl,,sodmil Wr.Ittefl ua raftea to cnre ail Neivous Dis- caseeut-h as Weak Me",uoyLos of Bai Ilesh. 4walîefuiiiess, Lest Mals- Ilîod, Nervenusies, Las- situde, --Il drains ana Befre AterUse liGS3f power Of ihs Plsotoraplse from îfe. erativeoOrgans l eitbersex, cusdb1 oer-eXertien, yonthful indisreti)ns, r tise excesive cli] 1 Ii t elz5 to ni slirts Ontic Orsudhm ieSales. atedds the.e n ow alpyld enuhusa Johose to ewleed h one o? ý' flnting made by a washer;womass's fini. 5sa te rniniy Cosiie asuItex 91isaxit o Ctrs no c O. a 3i'trte.Ades ole Come, .wsuppose yoýu -ed s the men, lu seameu's atie oet.his foot *n iron. Thsrpsaesiehn vrI sMw eitesve«iulr tecsry tise veit Iseek t 9c etrtiuP .3: band ? Double wages fromn 0w tili Mon- sud came forwar s7 ta.. 0ieloi manasi iidui =tnîgt , ana a susug oer wtere Me wîth a---' brn'd trveTwr fae WBut evert'55 orderin -as gise shl wrltte, US Trantes weatîOUGV S er cn't barm you. What do you Jolinnie cangît sigît o? the face, by the crinped crosswiso. As this, like most o? 85 I) rbo Street, OSilCAGo, ILL. .0~~~~~~ -,m -- -- -- nî3uiual osnte trias . ginhoîban & Sou, Famnil- sudDions -lu -1 . areue a e esn s n olîs nu eü ele . î. The se-mr .. . imr Ébit 4eÊq% fert -t Mur. Herrick ?" w5511 loa ;oi cti i. 1 co rnn ne.ul netW 100155 aruLit 0555-uno nIlesan "Yes. Go now, and don' cos hrayh fed until atter six or savais woeks o? colore, ]or bosîrehted tufis o? color are Stoe, do n sair), more. l'Il lave no canting Clîristiaus ah freezing wieather, ont accouîît o? is carIons- hhrowu up ah intervals on the line itsl wok orni."ceous sud gascous nature. Wfater if cool, A paroquet green is oue o? thc aw,'rîte BOWTMANVILLE Joiunie's cheeks paled, and lis lip quiv- and not to lie imnediately driven. Watering shades for the houretting. ______________________________ red sligistly, but lie walked away witb a. your hsorse xvhen1 warusi toes no liarm Whlite brocading on black is a greujaîine resoîntLe stop. if bis s;yshomn 1s Il,. ght. nom feodiog eitier. design 1 that, is good wlin net hoo pronounc. m "iI'm gldIdd' c1, erîrueWater ofin ho avoi agr ~ îy~î d Black ss cnt loto big blocks by cross- r Y: f i II .c n i ~ - as the solemu gun again shook the stormy otte drn hoecs.Wer vrybars o? brigît hints. Plain grensadincs are - waters. Il WIsat would father say? Wlcn bal? hour xvheu journeying lu bot weatîer, ' vucsdl oi ik iusdole lie, wenh lie said -'DIo youi alwsys ýstand îy no matter how bot your huorse inay lie., xelh-defiuedcalors. A knovolhyin colored A D j-God, Jolinnie, sud God will stand by you.' Weaitncss of boof is transînittcd. Avoid iî grenadines is the tucked fabric, like the- AND Those were lis hast words. I'mn glad 1 did in i mais you biedfo.Ws I a nkdxoiAgeaieceo swa not consent ho break the Sabliail, nit even uow ansd tIen. Doui't sppiy any oily or its namne ludicates. 1h salis ai $3.75. for pogr motlier's sake. greasy oimieut ho the boof, as they clo, Thei grenadineas are msade oversils iiiiigs1 Hie made bis wav aioug, tieldeiieprseu oijrNyr e h u syh stratcsed smootl upon the silk - ~ sands, sud ont into tise counItry a piece, ho farrier humn your horse's liofs when slioe- or fashioned in a separato skirî ho ho worn a sînail grocery. There lie laid ont a part sng. KÇnee-spruisg hsorses should bc shod over s silk pettic'sat. Thc latter style is so __________________ o? bis scaut wages. A bag of flour, a fevw wjîh the siîoe beels thieker than the toces." IlMancI the protticr that it scems sîrange tIe suices o? bacon, soine sugar sud hea-bareiy .-otrsoudlempydaii. Tere is A enouh fr a ay' fod. Bt te ld's yesANieLe-lPont.somehing esseîsuially out of clamacier, in osi enongs fo a da's fod. Bt hI lad' eye A Nîo Leal Pont. iry fale conflned, so tsatit 1h aunot fiuht- i..~ . bnightened as lie ranunp the steep hill with A negro whlose hmnised sud smolhen face dtaee forll L ardin taen.d.ini thse- intt - par-l--hbandse.-- sud- fz e.Ielynae lehmhswssssd lie eaced he dear, hubledow ohd terdcTtiss b ore evidenceo rfoual fall in waving tolds. Thse baIl skirt de- boue, nd ad hus wy itolismotsr' landîng roeuiy impd ltotis prsece tracts from thein ailtse gi-ao that mayble b - r f iiia i n s a y upon bi w ied, ismter's o? a courbern magistrate. sparcd xvithout scwing ther fast t. the face Ia pnalwbd watsts yoti hem srrest Sam Jobnsing fol ufchslev asi.leefc a ~ - T T TTP C - (I j ---.. - - -~~~~~ ~ white sud -emnaciared from su-ffering snd batt'îy, sali!" lie exclaimed. surgfamer sgof a ougit fari. The efctofe J~1 L JL L Z.1~P.(Y ,'... L .~.L 'J lckess u byng ber-hid phlw sa t qe "For assauît sud hattemy, yon uneu," liing-is lest too, as tise silk becouses the hitla hîu, hif-lul, blf-osnn, ithsugeste îlei dipese ojutcmisnt texture, tise grensadine sssereiya ________________ N Cyt sali."he blackl figuring n on the colorn JO J SPE CER ad~:rfae hbh lnsoa eye "N , eah, Jes jsf: s is way. Mal JtOWIV1IANVI LLE, Il ONT womkd but s ooped upeandrlyeaeJ lier mewlir uk Intel Jobnsing's colin pathl, sud Cruelty to Animais. -seeredfai yie faoe ouadkse e w'enJoînsing dmuv 'im li lie caîl me a TIc Royal Society for tise Preveniiosi of nor, good fol igal. Cruoihy te Animais in England bas lit uipon DYEINC AND CLEANINC "Here we are, Fîtîra, deao, lao saîdi. ï,s otieiv pa o dchn b dlieerlly sud lio er ohis an e re bis wa'ut gwine teli stan dat no liow rio youog inthe pilciples whsicî 1h mainîsins. Ladies' sud Geus' wesr o? ail kinde, Featihîs. an î tlry aie bmer 1 hudh aes i ps sud golf lim a wlackwxi? a feisca stake, It offers atînual priza-s sud cerhificatas ho ers, Gloves, Riblions, Laces; Qisrhaiis, suan e ud hyhosie sli" "l ido aiygod yd I,, r Botter a, uitile, I lopo, Johnnie;asud hytleyoasatdiimpupils and pupil toschers in the metroposlain. ahi nds . oycngosDyd lendc ara weî, sud cold, sud isnngny, mypoor hy i,hI diclyu i ouea-alec i? de n îssho dli cau r. Tîsis spIg9l -PTw Freudch BuCeloadued. , abcraues hi pin 0 Work positively guaran. boy at'y.s a mo'b1 ee elf ueue ?ts ,0 eol otd tise merpNs~g e tie n iiy I'ew Siiop A oe Ie b o a N o ] -V cdlin t w a g o pl y d *' ot a bii, m o tisr ; l 'n s ju s i a s g a y aý s ab s a i " a t thi 0 s c o hio , t i e rin c p l o i teBk1 3 E L ~ . x. o BR reliH ae CA luIN overy, toetr, sud sshahlv yo u h li prshly !ns ibtm sebools and judges appoîuhs-d by the BRTS MER aiCA DyeIIC . , pet, ak t00 har -e goe n c b sh stpper and A Plain Inferance. ocietyexamiing and lassifying the essys e s L I Montr'e, > Torouto, Ottawva sud Quebec. bolteacnsdyo mutakbi- Dallas-.-" 1 hîmar tisat yoti proposed tho muto or nti a lie ese e of M urdoch's. and having comaplet- Agent in Bowmanvilhe, cuit." Miss Tesiy Igst nigît sud goi. a refusa] ?" frons tise shatemenh tisai 901 pnîzes and J. H. DOBSON, sTrAIloNER. ri ora threwhbyhlerneedle-n ork and broke Cailous-" Weil, as ho tîsi, sise didn'h tseauly 900 certificatos were awarded. Th lis;p Jn toc fB o s n h e _____________________________ lto chldish langîtar, as Joliie dispiayad butyrefuse me; slie wouidu't wound my st'ccessfnl competihor3 reçaivad tusoir r e d m p i g S o k of o t n h luis treasumos, whila the moibor coverad lier feelings by doiug thah. Yet the iuference wards ah 16 festival given liy tise socit'y thse ~ ~ dc ,i f Ge t" lt In aeadwapt silenîiy. of ieor memsrk was plain enougi.» otîer day ah tisa Crychai Palace ah Syden. ai g.4iýa . .sJ ~5La 5.JP.aJa.NJ I V Ais ail mv Gents' Ulothing ~ In afew minutes, wîiie the April storus Dallas- Wliat rapiy did cIe make ho hain, ah wbici usauy il'sstrioss mnndc so i~ si .ny n v o e raged topon the sirand below, a wood fire youmI proposal 1" womcn were proseut, Wîtlln the lastte old c s o e anid m n e n s Cleaued, IJYed. Presced sud Repaired by lazad ii theo wide fira-place o? the old bouse, Calios-" Sbe said if I wae the st in yoars the nuissler o? compehitors for these sui A T ad wih muue gleeand chidisli cliahier on earth sla muglit consider it,"l prizos bas hrebled, a- fact wvîidl proves the î e i. a n. n p e i fn e Johunie sud IFlora pmepared their supper; - -socicty ho lie doing a mosh effective mission Il ~ ~ ~ n O<en th bJ 1 ~ hhiscuits were brown, sud îhe work. An ahiempt was made ah ths year'esto k fi-on and Clothos Ciller, bacons lmoiied, sud the tes made, a uifle Wlsen flsly asscwe Cave her Cnstonk.- pesta o o re at seciehyts hot tis ws Liocds wanranted. ta o s no one wilî knîw tabeas drawn up befora the low lied, andipr ?ts uivvsehoitbtti a tbem frein new wheu doue, tise iîsvalid ivas propped up amidhler pilosvs b'îo hwsaCid iecis o ain. llockcd veîy promptly by the President, tene Ringak anf thae iree ~ s~n frugal mimai. Whn she hecaiue 31iss, she cliug ta Casionsa. Lord Aterdare, a man broad enongli ho liowmiusviie IAdomother dear," said Jobsunie, -eiscuse Lal chlda-n, she &ave hm caehorit aodstnhos

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