(OUT PLUGI). (P LU G-) No other brand of Tobacco bas ever en= joyeci Fiich an immense --Ce anu popularity in V-- ssme period as thls ~i? îCut Plttg and PIug 'rcbacco. Otdest Cut Tobacco manufac- MONrREÀL. cor lug. loc. î b Plug, loc. jlb Plug, 20c. THECOOS BEST FRIEND LAGEST SALE INI CANADA. 1TNlR SALE OR RENT-flousean L1acres for"sal e or0toreut. îtto 'à ror streetc". rt,.Thepe aie lonit o a' "oo bouse w itb every "on enlins e, driving the cboicet frit et 1i.vrete. Immedlate n45e ce agiven. rinarticulars arplj ta .FsLln Bowmsnviile Ont. 494f S-ALESMEN WANTED. We w-abt both travelling andi local salesen te represent the oid estslished F'onthill Non geriej. SALARY PAI RO 71M THE STAhayti i3alesmena experienced lu our lise; liberal terne t. beinuers end a permanent situation aseur- ed. We have 700 ACRES under cultivaisr snd are'-he anly firmn furnishing St ret s Cssanadien ron loek. = itfree Hary enle fr orhe re oansd Man itoba, a specialty. W, guarantee our stock. Apply for terme at once. We want Yeu NOW. STONE*& WELLINGTON, Toronto Ont VnimEaINARY SURGEob. ORONO, - ONT. Office. -Post Office Block., cels by telegrapb or telephonoe coive lm nle liate attention. STAID ARDBAK OF CANADA. graptai-4paàd up, 81,0OOOO.lest, $1 ,O This Bank le preparod to do Legiti- mnate Banking in al ifs branches. Farmer's notes discounted ; Deposits received and Interest paid on accounts of $5 and upwards in Savings Banki Departinent. D»M I PT S E. L. FORTT GEO. McGILL, Manager. era is s uffteng from uo commno. 1lois lne tbedeatb of ±'Vr. Jeunie F. Helmes, wie'f tieheu. i),Charles A. Hoirne, oc Tise Poilis womeu, finom prnceas to-eas-C anit, wll wesr black dnni,,ing 1892 lu con- mouteratitsg tise cetennmia.I boas of Poiand' nwrrrnscomre at once. 1 wonld bave gene by rail, mi TOBE 'S AU .but they teld me at tise raiiroad office tisai gro tisere had licou a snowlide ou tise Bine 01111 -- ro-ud, cweepiug away se mueis et tisetrack that psîl Jack Tobey bad dnriven lie stage between it ttight hi two days bef one trains could run, mi, tise mountains ot Fainplay sud Bine 01111esud I wasasdvised te corne over ta Fairplay wlI ton tw-eufy yeara. iadnsd talce tise stage. 1 did hope 'd hoe able Nosrions accident a ever befallen bis te mako corne arrangement by wisicis I conld.fire stage, sthengislho bcd had as msny flair- go rigism ou to-uigbt. As 1 aaid bot ore, I clir bnesdtis escapes as suy driver le tise meui- would psy suy pnice te go o." onc tains. fie had issd expeniencea witlh igis-Il It s't a question otfrnoney,"said Jane, foi, wayrnen aud lu fearful mi d-wieter storma, quîckly. "Father tvorld't vaut a cent, criý tise necital of wiih quickeued tise pulses et but tise rogular t are, if ho carred yen. It's gîst tise pasacugers te wisom Jack told taies et ouly that hoc c't go ou wluh t 1050ý worn Ont T'fi, these eneountera. harles, sud tisaI il's se dangerens te go aven firn Iu tise begiuuing of hie cancer as s stage that pais at uigbt. I arn very aorny, but the driver Jack Tobsey isad manied a liiglît, tathet- wiii take yen as soon as 'on hoie au. cho eucrgetîc littie woma nentaily bis supenlor, I1fiinis vo'd botter est saine supper neow. pic but witis mucis love inlerniseat for ber Vou'no iunigîy,aiu't yen, luttle girl ?" m practical, isonesi bsîsband. Tise litîle girl!, a very prctty child ot about the Thcy had gene teaisosekeeping ini a uittle six ycarî, uodded bier iead, anai Jane ceeu BîE log boeule tisaI Jack bimscit bad builtlil a had stîppen ou tise table. p.u cheltered ceeS efthtie mountale read hait- Tobey alwsycs te very iseartiiy, but Jane ili way botweee Fslrplay and Blue C1111, sîud uetieed to-eigist that be pnased lus plate Pec bore Jack still lived at tise ime of wisicis I away witbouttouchiicgtisetood,aftercsippiug aw! write. a littIe coffee. Sise netjced tison tisat bis face anl fila wlte bad been dead t woe yars, sud wasi fishied sud bis cyci hesvy ceV tise prescrit mistreof thtie cabin wss Tebey's "Are yen sieS, fatiser l" asked Jsee an( daugliter Jane, a amal, doendon girl et cigis- anxiouly, hi( tocu, with tise quiet reserved wsys et moat IlI den't jeu!t ee 'zaclly liCe myscît ," ho am girls wbo are depived efthtie cornpauiensiip said, leaing baek lu bis chair. "My throat's fis o et chcisidren. Slnd ' sore, a' I acie as) al ever, 1l guèss I Excepticg ber brother, igist years yeung- wo'ttry taeaet auy supper, an' PUi go te me or fhisereoî, Janre nover bsd any yonng bced soon as I go out a' put cerne mono bld.- tf asseciates. meut ou tîtat herses foot." Tobey was tond and i'ery prend et bis "Go right te lied, uew, tatiser," laid f0 childrn. 1 Jane, firnmiy; "IJoey sud I will puttise Whee tise stage weut whirliug anouud a liniment ou old Clîarley's f oot. Yen muaI be co sharp spur juttiug eut efthtie granite ide well by mrnning er yen cs't take tisaI poor thE et olti Eagle meneitain, sud broughtisto lady en te Blue CI. "bl view tise lump et pilles dewu lu tise guilci Tise lady aud lber- littho girl liad alresdy l tisat sholterefi hic 11111e cablu, Tobey wold ene te tlterlitîle reom in tise rear efthtie La sy te tise passongers perched npee tise cabîn, sud Tobey sid: f ti iigi scsat by bis aide :" ,I've just gt te doit in tisemorntug. Hon sn( "'Tlat's rny vine an' fig tree dewu tisar husband ilacoie ' tise ewuers e' tise BlneI wbar ye cetise smoke curlî' np 'rnongct Bell uine, a' oeeo' tise vory wbîtest metsan( tise pine. That's whar ye'illsec eule ' over te tise Cliffa. He'î migity sicS, I'm J ties martoîtlilttle cbapi that ever ont teetisftraidi, an' lil get bis wite te hilm if anryhody bel lu this country. I bot ye ise's ceeu us s' Cl."1 hiÎ ready an' we'ilimccl 'im, rigity seon, IlThon go rigiltealied," urgediJane, sud te cemiug np tise tmail te ride down witb bis Tobey oheyed ber, wo dati. l'Il bave te askI ye te sot ever s lffle fie dnopped weaiyiy mb ibis iek sud bhi se ho eau acrotige dewn 'tweenuns bore o, was ceeu sleeping. But ho was restîcas, sud this seat. He's joît s Jim-daudy boy, my bis sieep -wasc ittul. Hisetinb waî labor- 11111e J oey le, an' bis siator Jane, nameti cd, aund ho stareti vacsutly aI Jane once er a for hetis ion ma an' ber k ra' mammy, le Il twîce wben aise spoke te hlm. fils foyer 2a amart as ever tisey mako 'cmn." increaseti, sud ho teadily grew wense iu- I And wiseu, s mement or two later, Jocy'c stead of botter,.'a' 11111e figure could bie accu, burrying up tise Jane lay down on a cet by his elde, but neuntalîs noati, Teby's tentotuan voidOc ls lept 1111e, sud aItishree o'clock aise goel wenld rear ont, up sud dresced lerselt. An isour later, theisen IIHello, tsar, ye 11111e rascal! I sec ye 1 lady lu lbe ccxl roern caileti ou,- Gemn'-ton step tise stage, boy, like tise IlNeed we wait until tisyligist betore mr neg'lan buffle iigbwaymau tisaI ye air ! I tartiiig?" a gnose ahe'l1 bave ton step if yen say sa. Ves, I guesa you'Illhave t." Mo Ven powerful as as wboe pueS' hld-ups Vî oit'Il get me cff as seon as possible, Be wiscn il cornes te stoppim' tItis bore stage, won't yon ?" th( Git np bore, tison ; climl: nigis up ever tise I"Vos, indeet," said Jane, sud thon se I wiseeî, ye little menikey 1 How'e 5sis'?" ast dowu eus1 low stool hy ber f aîber's ide an l'She's al igis," Joey would say, as leho hon lbowa ouilisern Sueeansd ber face lie'be - "cuggled down " by bis fstuier' aside. tweeu ber bands, while'sc leoked at ber lO d "lOh, ll be.t sbe's al igit," Tobey tein j silence fer a tew minutes. Tison ilwonld say; Il She always ila al igisl.1 ellis lowlyseook lber iseat wbile a nesoluteb' Clu omoîinlhon bot coffe dean nup bore. 5bell ibeC came mb onerface.cor Rgive yen a dupe0' bat cefice, gentlemen, ce Sise ligbted tIhe lauteru sud went outta 0 is C-iffe,'lise travellers ou tiserente nover tise stable sud ted tise tour herses. Tison "' fergit tise ceffée tisey git at Toecy's as.utuoelnieto ts o t ts Thore bati been lit11e travel ever Ibis lame berce sud re-baudaged it, sayiug as I - stage lice fer a year or two betene tise limnecis diai s,- -oqr slory opens.- Impossible as its construc- "Botter, old tellow, is'l il? YoulIs tien baid seemnet, a railroati iad corne- cneep- ueed l tout et yeur legs 'fore yenr gel everfa ilug mbtiste gulehisansd oer onfis mountain Tbaycr's Psss, te-day. Tbcrell ho plenity sammits aiud downn mb Fainplay, while et suent np tisene, sud yeur master wee'î hoe auetiser road was lowiy workiug its way holding tise ibbious, te.day."an oward Bine Cifla, te tise detituent of Tobey was awake wiseîs Jane weuî inte fro n ariens stage fiues,.is abusel "Travel ai't netin' te wisst if usedtiaf0Ile sif tinte fer tue te gel up, Jane ?" be sbe, 'fore tiesen aakin' nailîeada cerne saîti, hnskiiy, witis hile baud at bis îisroat, -crawlin' mb tise motntains, " Tobey saiti, a udbscyeisi-loc littl1e bitlenly. Il My cabin used te ici! be "Ne, father," replied Jane, "lyoen ct Vi 9packed ev'ry cigisî, sud tiigs wss livelycu te gel np te -day." Th i Ibis rette, Now I otten male tise trip wth Heoeoed lis cye sud tared aI bier. Si o nly eue or two paaîeugens. But thon, îy Il muet, Jane," ho said, with painfiîl Pla Jane coltin't penvide for sncb a buîugry effort ; IlI've got te take tise mail and Lans- t lot asclber ma rnsed te bave ho ceeS fer." berl's wie a-onr ta tise Ciff." n As it was, Jane pncvided veny well tonr Yneobs',faor, e eld' i tise wsuts oethtie gnestly rcduced numbon I h cud',fahr e cud' i e et pasacugers. Ttiey were ii-ere fer cep- on tise seat on hold tise linos. I'm geing te h per sud lbreakat ecly, antise had tise taSe te stage ever." whole day lu wiicb te pn.'paro for 15cm. "Vn ae oîfWbtat's a goed St Witisont Ibis iwork sud bher mucis-loveti one!. You're a amat little girl, Jaue, amat s books tise wouîd bave hueng heaviîy on ber as ever tiscy maSo 'cm ntbt- b sel h bauds. fier libratry coslted et coehiaît iis eyea wearily, clasped bis bana ven hic e a dozen books breugis! ly hon mothen te tise brow sud siept beavily. tl 1i1,111e borne, te wbicis hati becu stited, trom At four o'clock J ane weut eut sud isaruesa-th tune te lime, a bock or magazine from acd lise hanses. Tisonshe camin l soi lieg grtflor cympatizing passenger. t rpn ratssda ie o'elckha J oey bligt lth water, peeled tise Mns. Lambert came mb oth ise lcisen tulby nu potaoeos, set tise table, wped tise disses, dressed. F anti iras belpf ml in se mauy ways that bis "obendnceg "aseakt, h fater oldthetruh wi hobcsaid tisai Joey l'At six o'clock." h fatser1tltie rut is twln'."Jooy wa8 up betere tisaI lime, sud Jaueho lu tise wiutcrn uontiua lucre was almost took hlmaseide sud caid te is : u n travel over Toisey's stage route, but the "lJoey, fatiser ila verysioe, sud Mns. Lam.' mail must ho carieti emery day, andTo enet msrmýt go t0 ler iscaut, wiso msy lie tE isad coltnisced a trip ton ton ynd, l- dying. I am gogtaakthsaeon tl tisengis if taa a isard read te travel lu tise sunyen muet stay witb tatisern sd de allh a a îîc imyen eau ton bus unlil I gel bacC witis mcdi- th( Jane sud Joey otten climlied up by bis cne or tise dedlen. Anai dont lt Mn e. ide, suuggliug downueue en eltiser ide eoaf etSen isIIlia wei gm . hlm nuder tise robes aînti hîsskela sund rode te faCe tise stage over. Il wotuid only stitai1 ever te Fslrplay, wbicis was o. 'mountain te ber worry. a1 btono perbapsa tosn ai Atten breakfast, Jane sund Jeey weut ont 1id! bu twas a lange tewn te Jane antiJoynsd hitcised tieesesa thie stage. It was. sud tisene tisey ssw tise cars tontise finalsnoigst11,sdts tu s lwn.n lime. Old Olarley, tise lame horse, titi net sceu Tobsey bal long boon taikiug about get. te limp at ail, isow, Joe-y led tise herses upW tiug a Illay-off " that hocrnigit give Jane te tise cabin door, Mns. Lamubert sud ber AI suad Joey a ride on fisc cars, and showt thons iltfle girl camte out, aud Jane saiti: Sorneliig oethlie groal onîside wold about "(loet iglt mbtiste stage anti l'Il bing Re wii etby isati qucen sud vague ideas. yen eut lane hot bricks for yeur teet. " One evenicg lu Nevember howavoy Ille yonr tathen nestiy'" usked Mns. Bu late reacbing bis littie cahin. Tise.oZ.i Lambert. wcre bad,,lho saiti, sud oeeoetIis bonae was J ane evsded Ibis question isy sayiug te Jauelis Tet eaenly, icardhxvin ea.v -e ho Jo,- 4tou ets tboat sig-creh in' ovtsssrotlbl u e ae hl e As-Jaseasceudedthefscpais, tise stage oyea wene full et eans. roeket in th ise n th îe herses lowened thicn Il uvtllbeh a long niglit toe'c" se saiti, beada hefere tIse fierce basaI, tise snow be- 1- u an bga takimg offth li tIle girL'a, came fluer sud ibarder, as,)0 lisick tisat t- hal. "1 reCdet a telegnam, tisis menui- Jane conîti net sec a dozen fot beyoud fisc p c5img, fePli,îgmI tat my linabanti was an-baeaote ij ctLy I t Blue Llifh, aud ta I miuaI BL sies at uprigit anti graspedth ie reins, SEMM JLittle Sadlie-" Oh, IUncle Hsrry, 3viii Brown sud Mn. Swift are, lu tlise panior, and aise bas ber htead on bis ehýoul!den. " Uncîs Htarry-" Tiat'sa sl ighisî. Shas a lien on bis." IMnare tise buildere"oft1tisir ownu des- Ifiy, sud more eapeially efthtie deatiny e: their chiltren. In a tiangerons cmergcncy, AvEr'q CHERRY PECTORAL la prompt te set aud- sure te cure. A dose taken ounlise final symptorna etCroup or Brenchitis, cisecles funtiser prognesof ll'ese coeisplaints- Ih sofiens theo pblegrn, sootha tise iu- fia-neti memrarne, andi induica sieep. As a nernody for coltis, eougbs, lesa cf veico, la grippe, pneumonie, anti even cunsumpthon, lu ils earhy stages ire tigistly witis hands tîsat were fast rwingnumb. Several times tise herses came te a stand. bill, but Jane urged thcm ou. Sbe kcpt lu cd tiese ide father behind, and tbe masn teo iuight bc dyiug lu Bluc Cliffs. Wisou tbc leaders stopped for tise third ne,,noar tise summit of tise pais, Jane minbcd dowa trom ber seat, patted and couraged tise herses, sud tben started )ward again. Tbe wind seemed te lu- rsase iu violence as the jadcd herses strug- ld ouward througl tihe bliudiug snow. se hieroje girl nover faltered, but kept m hold of tise reins lest the herses in cmi endeavors te find an casier patb ould tunîbie the veiie e ver the pi-coi. ice. At last, atter what sccmed an age, a irnentary cessation of the stonîn revealcd e scattered bouses ef tise settiement et ne 01111e, sud iu a tew moments tise stage ulied up at the isotel, muchs te tise aston- imeut oethe botel-keeper, wvis neyer cx- cted te sec it cerne threngh lu sncb an wful storm. Jane alighted labonionsly, nd then people who bad gatlîerod about dis- ovcred that tise driver was a sligbt girl, nd tbat tbe terrible jotsruey over tise Rasa id been ruade by bier. Mrs. Lambert was aazcd wbon ebe discovered w ho it was .at bad broughlt tise stage over sud scid: "lSerely tisat yonng girl didn't bring e sud sny cbîld through ail tise penils of at droadiel pasa V' Jane uodded lier bcad agfain sud managod 0Say,_ '"1Father was tee sicis te cerne, aud"-sbe loed ber cycsansd wold bave tallen te he grermnd had noeeof tise men caught ir lu bis armas. IGive bier the beat cf care," said Mrs. . ambert, I 1deu't sec isow she ever livod hrongh it, Ose auy of yen tell me isew id( wniere Mr. Lambert la?" IlHo's nigist hene lu thse hotel, rna'arn, id e's corne better," said oeeoftiem . lun baît au heur a docten sud twe et To- -y's eld.time trieuds were on beir way te s cabin, wbicis tbey reacbed lu the night, 0 ftnd bim botter, but stili se ili tIsatibe ould bc cornpclled te take the Il lav-off" ie iad becu planning te tako for ce long. The dulcesa ieftbis eyes sud bis chsecks Iibchd witis pride as bis finonde told hlm cf tîse'a Il grit, as îisoy cailed ht, sud lic ,id : "Il er dad'll be pronder tissu ever of ber, heu se giLs home." Sise came boute two days later, sud, atter lltsu lber father sud Joey abouîtlber cxper- eces ou the pass, che sid: lTise folks over at Blue Oliffs made se nucifs tts over me that 1 wasi glad te get va-. Tbey wanted te raise a purse cf euney for me, but I wouidc't let tisem. -ig paid for it wac tise laitthîiug I. ougbtlit fwbeu 1started out tîsat rorniug. kuew yen weuldn't take psy for it, tatber, id I wouldu't cither. But that Mrs. Lam- trt begged sud teascd me te let lier give me IMr. Larnisent la goiug te got wcll, sud s'as one cf tise ewnera ofthtie railroad that's omiug te tise Cliffo, sud be's going te fix it owe eau ail ride oer tise road auy time e want te, sud I proiuised Mns. Lambert ,t we'd visit bier dowu lu Denver, wiscn sU get well. Sbc plauucd ail sorts cf nice tirnes for is tisen, snd you'll go, uew, won'î Yen, atber b" 11 Of course we'll go," said Tobey. Thse delîglît of ltat visit te Jack, Jaue id Joey, aud tise happy reculats at came om it, would malte anetiser cîory by it. Ilf. J. L. H. Hlenrik Ibsens Weuna:. Tise story et Iisseu's wooiug ih told by tise 7icuna correspondent efthtie Iaily News. he uow famions drarnatist was thon un- rîowu, tisengislho bad writtcu eue or two sys. Wiscn lie feil in love with the beau. fnl daugister cf l'aster Tisoresen, isow f0 ake kuowu tise tact te ber trouhled bim r weeks. At last ho resolved te write te ir. He would couic and teteis bis, answcr îe carne atternoon at five. Did tise lady Lcopt b.m ase would bho1"at borne;" cîber. lac enot. At five o'clcck hopreseutcd hlm. If, sud tise maid asked im to go into tise )est roonu.Ie wss very bopetul, sud glad ,lihave tine teo leet iàseacf isefore lho met 1e lady. But wiseulho bad waitcd hait an norawtýul doubla began teassail hlm. Aiter tn heur issd passed hirnagiued tise letter id net reacbed tise young lady. Sc me fatal istake was iraking a £ool et hlm. Stl lieh vaited ou. Atten f we heurs lie began te t ashamed of hîrnacîf. She would learu îat ise had sat twe heurs lu that deserted unse,sud wonld langisat bir. At lait ho umped up lu a rage aud raui te the door. e wac epeuing it wben a lond peal of langis. er arreated hlm. fie turned sud saw tise ir isead ot bis adored etuerge tromntuder te cota. He on etis ws anghiug, but ber 5es were fillildaitis tears. "Oh, yen dear ,od feliew, tb watt ail this while !" sIte aid. 'Il wauted te scc ow mny minutes lover's patience lacta. How bard tisefleer s!Nnw belp me te get eut, sud thon we vili talk. " lu lesa tissu a wcek tise inar- age was arranged. ffben yon'rc ready for tis easide sud y our bstbing suit la bld i11 satcliy ur peeket, and your grip paeked te thse lid, omemrber-yen rnay meet yonr fate -a sca-nympis eustise saud: ut ho sure she isolds tour ses wheu yon as ber for baud I Galet te See tise Editon. Tise etiter wts ittiug iluisa ciice oue day lu.t week nthen a mnu cteroti wise brow ntsc clotheti with lunden. Ficncely seizing a chair, ho cammeti bis isat ou tise table, burleti bis umbrella au tise floon, sud sai tiowu. 'Are yen tise etilfor'?'ho asketi. "Vos,"' repliedth ie man of worrie "Can yen reati wntiig?" "Ot course." "Resdt t aIlimn," lho caiti, tirusting ah tiseeditor an envelopo vitis auinsseription 0on if. 1"-B--" saidth ie editor, trying le spoll 1. ,Tisat's nta «'B,' l'a an 1S,"'" caidthtie man. I I'IS ' Oh yes, I soc. Wehl, itlooeks liCe 'Sal fer Dinner,' on ' Seuls et Sinuers,' sali tise editor. IlNo, cir," repliedthie man; nothing et lise cent. Tisat'e my une-Samuel Brun- uer. I knew you could'f neati. I calleti te sec yen about tisaI poeeset mine yen print. cd lise oIson day, entitedth ie ' Suncease et Serre. " 1I don't rurnmere it," saîi tise edîton. "0f course yen don'f beeauîe it weut info tise paper under tise vilîsin eus flîle et "'Smeai-case To-mnrow." "A blinder et the cotupositor, I amppe." "lVos, ir ; andt iat'a wisat I want toee yen about. Thee vay luntwhlcb tisai poee wvas mutilateti nas eiuupuy acandalous. 1 hayon't lept a nighl ince. It exposeti me ta denision, People tisinle I arn an as. (Tiseediten ceuglieti.) Lot me show yen. Tise firet lino, uvien I wrote il, reat iun tis way . -Lying by a weeping-willew, under- iseatis a gonfle soe.'"' IlThat la beanifel andi poetic," saidth ie editon, Il Iosv, hont tii yer vile shoot nepre- dent it te tise public? 1'Lying te s woopiug widow, I intinceti ber te clope.' ' Veepiug widow,' slnd yee. A nitow! O, Ibuuiier aud ligisluiog ! Ibis is heorchci But look af tise tennIs vende., Tat's worse yet: 1'CasI Iby peanis betone swne, sud bic tisons in tise tint.' fiersaines if reati in Ibis tas- ion : 'lCasItishey pilla betore acnse, anti ucvoelises if îhoy burt.' Nont, icn't tisaI s colti-bloodeti outrage ou a mnan's feelings ? l'Il beave il te yen if il ic't." 11Il'e bard, ir, very isard," saiti tise di- tor. "lTison faCe tise fifti vende. Iu tise ori- ginal manuscript it saiti, plain ai dayligih: iTake sway tise jingliog rnoney ; il is culy gittcning droa-s.' Iunis printeti fors yen matie me say: l'TaSe awsy tue fingling isouey ; put corne flies lu fer tise boss.' By George ! I teed liCe attacSiug someisody wiîis yen finesho ecl ! But, eh ! bock a! lise sixtis v erse. I wnebe : 1'1'm weany et tise hossissg et tise cean as il heaues.' WVien I opon cd yeur papen anti sw tise îise tracs- f orntuo into 'in wearing out my Inonsore 1111 tbey're open at thec knee.' 1 thougis! thtisavsetakiug it au inchs tee tan. I faney I have a rigist te murde tisaI cemnpesitor. Wheîc la hob" IlHo ia eut juat now," saidti he editer. IlComc lu bo-morrow." 11 I wil, " aaid tise poot, "lanti I will coe armet." Obeyîng Inttructions. 1 amn exhrernely ncrouen," 1I bld a cab- man tise oison day wisom I1usdë engagedti e take me te London Bridge Station ; "drive ne veny caretully," 'Oh, yca, mits, I wil," saidlihe. "Anti to't yen go rscing wiuis oIson cabs," sai 1. IlNo, sus," saiti ho. Thon wisen I rescee my destination I pait i bi a shilling, rcînarkîeg, Il tiat hoe bati diven me cxtremely caretnlby," anti asinet i m, Il If hoe hati been a cabman l bia ie V" IlNe, I baint, muni," sait ibe. 'I nacti te drive s beanae, anti bleet if I tio't go bacS ho it. Il paya me boîter tissu tis; anti I hope," hoeatideti malignsutly, Il yeu'l bue the first 1lever drives lu tise lack 'un." <atarrh. CATARUIIAI' DEAFNESS-HAY FEvER-A NEW Ho,,E TREÂTMNeTT Suiffers arc net generaily aware Ihat these diceacea are contagions, or tisaI liey are due te tise proience et living parasites ln lise liuing membrane efthtie nose anti enstachian tubes. Micrescopic researchs isecver, bas proveti this le ho a tact anti tise recuit o et isdccovery l is at a sim- ple remedy has been fermulateti where- by ostarh, catarrhal deatueca anti iay fever are permaneutly cuned lu ene te Ihrce simple applications matie at home by tise patient once in lwe weeka. N. B.-This Ineameet la net a seuff or an cinîmeul; bots have becu dis- candeti as injurions. A pamph!et ex- plaining Ibis uew tnoatmcnt le aent trc on receipt of stansp te psy Postage, bY J. G. Dixon & Co., 345 West, King St. Ton. onto Canada. -Christian Ativocale. Sufforens froim Catarisal troche oh'ulp ucanoftîlly nesdthebbcabove. Useful Hongehold Sa3tggeaion3. 7we tiikcesses et a nentapaper maCs s gooti liuinz ton spple barceld. To polis kitchon Cnt-vos nic.ly, mix a little bicarbonaste ot soda witb tise brick- duel andi nuis tises fisonongiy. if feather pillews -have an ucplesant Cherry Pectoral excels ail similar preparationa. It is endorsedby leading physicians, is agree- able to the taste, doca fDot interfere with digestion, and iýeeds te be taken usually ýn sutall doses. "Promn receated tests in my owe family, Ayers Cherry Pectoral bas prcved iscîf a very efficient renedy for colds, coughs, and the various dis. orerf the tbroat and lungs.'-A. W. Bartlet, Pittsfield, N. H. "ýFor the last 25 years I have been taking Ayers Cbrry Pectoral for iung troubles, andi arn assureti that its use bam ï bave recormended Lt to bundretis. 1 find the rnost effective way of taki,,g this medicine is in sinail and frequent doses.'-T. M. Matthcws, P. bi., Sherman,, Ohi.. h My wife suffered fromn a c ,ld, notbbng b elpeti ber but Ayer's Cherry Pectoral wbicn effected a cr-.Anero, Plymnpton. N. S, Aye 1rys Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & C>., LoweHl Mass. Prompt *0o oct, aura to cure A. Sketch off Imagination. Bitue eyes gre w round, with wouder MI1 As mips aud globes she spiefi. "Dettie rnay stay if she sits stili," "Me stay all day," she cried. "Please take yonr places at the board, Ciasi number one and two." .A pattiug step, voipe sligbtly lowercd, -Dot do $coeyitings toe," Bacl e t lier seat with heigbtcned flush We led the little maiti. A. qivering lip and deepe iing blusli fier grieving beart betrayed. But net for auy fauit cf bers. Would. sheappear te grieve; Quick as a flash she uew preparCi A f air excuse te weave . Bitt e yff tbrocsgh tears sho cant retard Just fall on Tommy Lee, 1 yan ts you flp hlm orÊtil bard, fies looking cames at me." -[Primrose l'ullci2', lWessibly l'rlzes ter Boys ast CI hrls. Tbe "Sunlight" Soap Ce., Toronto, offer the fellowing prizes evcry mentis tîli furtber notice te boys and girls under 14i, repldtng in the Province of Ontario, wbo seud the greatesi numbero e"t iunligist" wraipper,: laI, $10; Sud, $6; 3rd, $3; ith, $1; 5 b te 14, a -lautisome Bonok sud aslpretty piccure te those 'wbo senti mot lesa than 12 wrappers,. gend wrappers te "Suinligbt" Sos) Oit ce. 43 Scott St, Toronto not later than 29th of each rncth. sud marked -Competition"; aIso give full name, address age. aud number of wraDors. Winnarïi Dames cl be oubbished iun2The 2Toronto Mai& on firsi Saturday lu ecd mocth. The mnuwhosasys be la " geiegte get there, and do't yen forget it, "makes more noise about it tban the man wbo la actual! y there. The IHead 2ureon 0f the Lubon Medical Chompany la uow at Toronto, Canada, sud inay hco eil. sulted cîther in person or by letter ou al chronic diseases peculiar to man. Meu, you, old, or xiddlc-aged, wiso find tbem- sevsnervous, weak su cxisausted, who are broken dowu frem excess or ovcrwsrk, resulting iu maury of the following symp. toms : Mental depression, premature old ago, oas of vitality, bass of mcmeory, bad droama, dimueisaot sight, palpitation of tise heart, erissions, lack of eorgy, pain intise lkidueys, headache, pimplesi ounti face or body, itcing or peculiar sensation about thse scrotum, wastiusg of tbe organs, dizzincss, speeks betere the cyca, twitcising ofthtie muceeye 1iâ ansd laewhere, bashfuluess, depocits iu tlîo urine, lois of will power, tcuderuesa of thse scalp and splue, weak sud fiaisby muscles, deaire te sleep, failuro te be rested by sleep, constipation, dulîness of hoaring, bs -f volce, desiro for solitude, excitabîlity of tempor, sunken eye curround- cd wlth LEALYN CIPROLE, oily 10ookilg sin ' etc., are l symptoma of nerveus debilty that lead te luaanity and death unless cured, Tise spring or vital force baving lest its tea sien every funetion wsueî in cons equeuce. These wiso tisrongis abuse commnitted in i=orncmray be permaneutly cured. Send yon adress ferbeele ou aIl diseasca peculiar te man. Bookes sent free sealed, Heart disease, thse symptoma of whlcis are laint spells, purple lips, numbuesa, palpita tien, skip beatsg, bot flushses, rush et blond te tise head, duIl pain lu tise heart with beats ctrocg, rapid sud irregular, tihe second heart beat quioker than the first, pain, about thse breast boue, etc., can positively be curod. No =tre, rie psy. Send for book. Addretss M.V. LUBON, '24 Macdouoll, AvenueTor uto, Ont. There l,ýa chili air snrrouuding those who are do wn lu thse world, sud people are glad te, get away frorn them as from a cold room. The tramp bas reaebed tise hay-day et his propensity wisen be la aUiowed to aloop in tise barn.