THEFItGlT IN THEBEECBIWOUDS A STflDY OF CANA1DIAN HISTORY. BY ERNEST CRUIKSHANK. Many circumstances cor.nected with 'thse lmost witbin cannon-sbot off Fort George. engagernt commonly known as the Battis Gencral Dearborn at once dismantied and, of the Beechwoods, or Beaver Dams, com- abandonect Fort Erie and drew in hie ont- bine tz> make it one off the most intereeing poste ffrom Chippawa and Queenston, con- episodes off recent Canadian miitary centrating bis entire force at Niagara, wbere htçr.It ie indissolubly linked witli the lie began ta ferma a large entrenched camp. sei-y of one of the most patriotic andi On the same day that this was doeea smal courageons women ol any age and country. party off Lincoln miitia ccptured a depot off As a rule, ton, t has been merely regarded armes near Queenston, and during the night as a ratber notable instance off a sticcessfual took possession off the village itself. cmnbush accompli8bsd by, a vsry inferior Ascertaining that about six thousand force, and its important influence upon the troope were tbsn assembled et Fort George, subsaeraeut conduct of the war bas been Vincent did not consider it prudent te et- ove44oked. tempt tbec investment of their camp with a The campaign off 18112 had resulted in tbe force stili not sxcseding a third of that signal disccmfiture off ail attempte t the riumber, and contented bimsesf with invasion of Canada. 'Drring the scceeding sending detachments t ight tronps to wintsr tbe Governiment of the United States watch their movements, establisbed his devoted iteelf wth great energy to tbsihsedquarters ett he Forty Mile Creek task of organizing tbree ffrsh and power- (Grimîsby). Yet lis continued te feel sa con- fol armis, with the intention ni renewing fident off the superiority off hie soldiers in ths effort In as many differe't quarters ce 1flgting qualities, that be csnred the Gov- soon as military operations became practe ro-eneral that, if he would reinforce able in the spri. Afren eeatbh.. iediision with eue thousand men, lie sand mun wae alrecdy establisbsd on the, would undertake to drive the ensmy out off ahorcs of Lake Champlain, within fifty.miles te ountry. off Montreal. The principal objectte beet.- Wbile encamped there on ths l2thi June, tained -for hs time being, by thie c orps, Lieut. James Fitzgihbon, tbe adjutant. off usîally termed hse Armsj of the Nerf/, wae the 49th. lieitsd and obtained permission aitmply to deter the Governor-General fron to organize an indepeudsnkcompany off fiffty reinforcing is poste in Upper Canada by, men teact as rangers, or scouts, lu advance hreatening an invasion off the Lower Prov- off the army. Se many eligible volunteers ince, and in this, it was te a very great froir. different battalions immedictsly de- extent succeseful. Another division, de- sired permission te serve under hie corn- signsd te number ten Vlousand men, under mand, tiiet lis was embarrassed by tbeir Major-General Wma. Henry Harrison grand. niuwberF4 in making a choice for flather te Vhs present President off the Fitzgibbon was already one of the beet- Utnited States, was being cencentrcted in an kuown and most pepular officers in a di- îsntrenclird camp near the moutb off vision that incinded many adventurous and the river Maurnee on Lak~e Erie, daring leaders. Disringuisbed alike for ex- wlth instructions te recover Detroit and traordinary physical strenigth and endur- enter Canada frorn thate direction. Thse Iace, and an enterprising and resourcefful force was tben hsld in check by Colonel mmnd, bis poverty clone prevented bimn fromn Henry Procter with Ises thaai 500 mn'off obtaiuing higli tank in hie profession et a the 4le3tregiment, afswcompanies off militia tirnc when promotion Ivas rarely atteinable fromt the counties off Essex and Kent, and except by purchase. The son off a poor aun uncsrtainend variable numberof Indians. cttager on the Irish estete off thbe Knigbt oehe third division, officialy stylsd the off Glynn, lie had enlisted et the cge czf fif- Arrny off the Centre, wcs composed off teen in a troop off yeornenry raised by that troope assembled partly t Sackett'e Harber nobîsman during the rehellios off 1798. and Oswego on Lake Ontario, and partly at l-laving eerved for two years in t his corps, varions poste upon tbe Niagara River under he volunteered into the tanks off hs49th. 11e the general cornmand off Majo-General was rapidly promoted te the tank off ser- Henry Dearborn,aveteran off theÏhevolution. geant, and participated in almost every e- As fer as possible it was designed te act in gageinent duriog tbe Duke off York'e un- sonjuntsýion with tbeir equadron wbich ied ferrunate expedition into Holland. lIn ths obtais cd temporary controloff Lake Ontario. first yeer off tbe present Icentury he was As sean ce navigation opened, c strong bri- dreffted casamarine onhboard Neison)'s squad- gade fromSackett'e Herber made a desceut rmn, and wcs eugaged lu hs thicksst off the tipon York (Trnta), tben aiuîost unforti- figlit et Copenbegen. Wbile -yet a non- ied end unEarrisoned, iu he hope off para. commissioned officen hie military knowledg.s lyzing ViheBritish naval powen on gained hirn the appointment off ccing-adjut- ths lake by the deefruction off Vwo vessele cnt te is battalion, cnd bis commissons that lied wintersd there and enothen le were eubsequently wvon by menit cnd good Course off construction. Biy wigb t off over- conduct lone. For tbe lest ten yeers he =hlne numbers tbey soon obtaffned pos- bed been quertered in different parts off 1019o of the pl ace, but only partielly ac- Canada, and lied become thorougbly familier complised teeir purpose ce tbe largee t off izsd with the habits off the people and lii e in lody off Indiens ffromt New York Voacet le conjonction with tbern. About the same irne Cyrenios Cliapin, Sheniff off the County off Niegara ta the State off New York, on- listsd a tronp off fifty nrounted volunteens "for the purpose off clearing Vise frontier off pensons ininsicel te Vhs Unitede States," end joined tise American arcny et Fort George. Hitherto hs lubabitants off the district le possession off hs invcding forces lied been treated witeh a certain degres off lsnity and considenation. They vene- assured protection te thein faînilies and propenty by both Genenels -Dearbornuand Boyd. Some ot hs wounded militia wbo lied been taken prisoners weme even allowed o retumn Vo their homes opon signing paroles plsdging thensselves noV Vo bean arme agaînet hs Uni-ed States until regularly sxchang- ed. But a rigid seancli for hs arme was in- stitnted assd paroles exacted fnom ail pen o- sons liable Vo militcry service. General Des bonn, soon ef test bis lending, summoned hs magistretes te appear et bis iseadquart- ers, and twslve haviug obeyed, lie authoniz- ed thein Vu continus the scercise off thein fuinctions, andi severel minon offeeces wsrs ,subssquently punisesd by hem. A fsw days laer, bowsver, lbe eceived a despatois frein the Secrstamy off Wen instructing hirn, lu consequeuce off a dieegreemenit witl ir Geýorge *PPsvost and Admirai Warren te- spscting an exchange off pIisonens, note oniy Vo renseve all genolus pisonens off wan, whether egniere on militie, Vo corn e ccore place off confinement in hs Uuited States, but aise dinecting tisat ail mals inhebitants off Canada, subject Vo he iilitia laws, should lie regarded as prisonens off war and tneated lu the same me-aner. In pursoance offhs herberons edict, parties off soldiers wene sente ontto scout the country bel weee Niagera and Font Eris lu every directioni. On hs i9tli off June cnd tise twe ffollowing days îcealy one bundred pensons weesarestsd, cliefly et tbcnr homes, on he recels, on wonking ln h field.-, cnd nemoved Vo tics United States wliere they wsre clossly conflned. About a dozen off ths prisons e eid commissiossil hs mnilitia bute et lest flffty wems non-cern- baants, many off thena over sixty yeers off cge and some mes children. Among hs number wems hs Rev. Robent Addison, renter off Niagara, William Dickson, a bar- isten, ccd Messrs. Baldwin, Edwcrds, Gier, Heron, Muinoiead and Lymiegteon, he piicipil meccliants off tise place. Captains George Lawe andi John MýlEwen, and hs brothens Kerr, wsre stili iîelpless from wouîcds receivsd lu hs baVtl,3 et Niagara. Ceptein Jacob Bail was seizsd et bis bouse withuîî a baif e mils off Fitzý,iblbon's advanc- edl picket at dead of niglit. The mesc cm - ployed je this service ciiefly belonged te Charin's and Wilicock's volooteers, wiVh whorn discipline wes lax and mncy outrages were committed, The lubabiteets wene ce- sîlted, mltreatsd, and pillagsd imemdiese- ly. ibis ics eof condunct natnreily easpet. ated'ced clammed ths rem ainieg inhabitents beyond inasume, and thsy wseorned FiVz- gibbou'e advencs wlth hs liveliest meni- festations off joy. Tics Britishi troope lied rsmainsd alinost inactive for several days agitation, and begged hlm Vo retire et once, as a lange party off hse eemy lied justpase- sd up Vie roed. But seeing a single cav- alry herse standing saddled ini front off a erneli Veveme a littele distance furteher on, and Vicking iV probable that eeiy Vhs rider wae within, lie yielded Vo hs tempta- tion Vo attempte ie capture, aad dismoncting, cgpoacbsd Vhs bouses quistiy on foot. Sud- deniy ean Anerican infautry soldier came ont and levelling bis musket, demnanded hie surrenden. Belote lie could fine, however, Fitzgihbou lied cloeed with hlm, and noV wiehing te raisesan alarm, attempted Vo test bis weapon frou hlm cnd tlirow hlma Vo hs grouod by maie strength. Theîc e tifleman made bis appeanane frene behuîîd Vhs housesand hurried Vo hs assistance off bis companion. Fitzgibbee's great physical strengtic loue presenved lin fions deatli and capture etths enitical moment. Thrust- ing hie fimt assailant violently beck opon Vhs otier, lie succeeded la grasping his rifle wiVh bis disengaed isaud, end held Vhs wepens off bothin lu cnla position that usitlier off tisem conld fins with effeet. A littie knot cf inliabitante lied gatîsereci cear, and th * estnugglieg and overmatclisd officer, called upen two youug mn blc obsenved among tisem Vo comne te bis assistance, bute altehougli Mns. Kerby implonsd then witb tsars Vo comply, thein fears prevailed cnd Viey slock cway. An instant laVer ths iflema snatcied Fitzgibbon'e ewond trone hie side and lied naised iV Vo strike hlmn, when Mme. Defleldg, he innksepc's wiffe, sprnsg fonward ancd etrnck hie npliiftsd crin witlî sncb fonce thet Vhs se ord ffsil fron. hie gnaep. Tise an old man uained Johnson ced a boy oeiy thir- ee yeans off age, hs sois of Dr. Fleming, came te hsemenne, cnd witeb Vhs assistance off the womcn flnaily snabled Fiizgibbon Vo disenrn cnd is both hie entagonîste escure- ly on hs bank off hs captored herse and ride awey witeb thern in tenlumpli, aitbeugb a party off teeecn cades had clneady. made thein appearance withiu a couple off hundred yards o t hs scene offhs despenate stnsîg- gIs., That niglît Fitzgibbon retined Vo DsCew's houseuer hs uppen croseiîîg offhs T welve Mils Creek, a suhetamtial two-stony stoe building, whichlied be selected as a place [off depoeit for stores by Vincent prier Vo hs capture off Font Geonge, and wcs ccp- ,cbie off a pmoloeged deffenne cgainst cny force not provided witiî etillery. The ownsr, C. iiis John DeCew, w-es ansg Vhe prisoese cently deported te Vhe United Statees teelie beld as liestages, as 1 hein [captons announned, for hs gond beliaviout off hs reneining inhaiitents. Ticeme, a few boums later, lie aas joinoed by a perty off Canghcawcga or Indiens unden hs command off CapVain Domnique Duscharme. ibis fonce lied been ongcnized et Mostreal by Sir Johsn Johnson and oiginally consieted off 160 waniens tro e sSenit 1S. Louis, 120 ffom hs ýake of Two Mountains, ced 60 fron St. Regis 'village under the general commnad off Ducharme, assisted by Lieu- tenants J. B. de Loimier, Gideon Gaucher, Louis Langlade, Evengeliste Saint Germaine and Isaac LeCleir. Ail off these officers wens experisciced woodeînen, posses2ing hs B.APPY KIN~G or SIAM VIE SPAN1911 BULL RI1UVî iF~'M~ la Mlot Wethter lne aeks limsecf Away SII"htly Modifted, but stili %Iueently in a Glass CaPe aethficfe teOm Dntost eEtvani 0f a Lake. agruteb ittaii. Among tise trevellers who arrivsd ffrein Forestf and St ream :,In s.zoths.r part Of flic Orient by a recent steamer wes oe the Bois ie Vhe bull ring that seabih Clark Russelîl, a naineseke but ne relative ed aetVhs tiarecietVhs great exposition offi '89. off hs famous noveliet off the sea. Mr. It bas bsencocntinued each summer since, in Russesll, made idi by ths prudent cere and epite off the opposition off ths Huinýane Se- acquisitivenees off hie fathen, a manufactur- ciety. The compaey is permitted te ar et off cutlsry et Sheffield, bas spent tehe1t on Vhe sport on condition that the borne of fou yersin aneriigabout tise cont hs bull be pcdded, tbe herses horoughly ent off Asie picking up odds cnd endse protected lu leather larmer, cnd nbVýing or scieîitific ced corious, wblch it je bis inten e"obody lsilled. Although tîsus shore off il. tien te smbody ini c book. Helias besu mors revoiting featunes, 1 wes wanned that through Thibet, the dominions off he Great Vwnty minutes off it wonld ho e sougli for Lama, reversed Manchurila cnd Mongolia, me. But ite waen't ; eftsr he firet Vwenty ths entra-mural possessions off China, made minuites 1 became yet more interestefi, and incursions loto tihe unffrequented wiids off staid te the very lest, three heure in Sihenia, and ierterly bas bsec oring fVice cil, and saw corne fiftee.eor cWenty southern negions off ths Continent, Cachin- bulle baited. Each bull wce in ten or fif- China, Tonkin, and Siam. He paussd for a teeni minutes, and ecl nmade it bis fire fiime et Bangkok, ths capital off Vhe king- business te charge the mounted man, who dom 1off Siam, and picked np muccl intereet- had a long pike wherswith te proteett he iîîg information thure. There le one etory bors. This lie usnally sucnesddclan dofing thet he telle that will especielly commeed without much difficulty, whereupont itsesf Vo hs senkers afftsr Vhs strauge cnd bull went off savagely in pursuit off the ii, he novel. on foot, geuerelly clearing the ring by fore- "lI wes surprised, lhe eeid ettVhs' palace îng thene t venît over Vhe harrier. I ney;er the othen day, Il ct he size aîcd appearance beffore rsalîzed hs seormons strength off a off Bangkok. It ije the Venins off the East. bull's neck, for hough these are off a smali The city lies on both sides et the River bnsed, 1 mors titan once env oes îft scp Menamn. About twsnty miles ffromn theeet herse and rider ogether ffrom Vths greund and on each side, branching ont from Vths on is borne. One off hs berses wae a tre- streane, are a great number off canele upen mendous double kieker, and bis'rider amus- which tise dweliings and publie buildings ed the crowd ,egain and again by turniug crs but. The buildings. constructed off bim tsar on whehs bull ciîarged. The' weod ce in meet Eastern cities, stand upon tremendone whacke off hselorses elss on piles, and hs wash offths -waters around hs isull's head and shoulders rssoundsd tiiese supports at niglît makes a moste unique effet, cnd yet dîd net seesrn o bave any off- and pîsasureble sensation. IV is ce though feet on bis horned rnajssty. The aaffty of yen were borne aîong on a gently mnoving hs men on foot lay in the feet thate the river, for Vhs city is as silentas e necropolie, bull wili elweye charge ths cloek in prof- and thens crs ne sounde, ne cleuging off enence Vo the man, and ite was semmon for street-car belle, ne hideous sbeuting off Sel- VIsses latter Vo lecd Vhs inufniated animal' vetin hmneto beakVhsapel. Frth r ight round Vhsc ring in a seriés off mad dowu hs river yosî ses tien npon ir off charges aetVhs flutteriug ted llh, whilo floating housesemo:3red Voe Vhsbatik, in bis teal enemy stood calmly by et oens side. which a lange part off tbe population dwýell. Af er Vhe bull wes pretty well biown thora IlBut that part off Bangkok which inter- appscrsd Vhs great bull-flghtet, le ho in l ese tise touriste moet ie Vhs section set Spain would kîll Vhs bull. He site celmly aparte for the itng. T[li palace is snciossd on a chair and tempte the bull Voenliarqe le higli white walls wiîich are a mile in cir- hlm. At Vhs lest moment, when withîn cumienence. W ithin thene are contained haîf an inch off Vhs hotus, lie adroitly pleuts temples, public offices, seraglios, stables a ribbonsd dagge ln a cd of the bull'o for the eecnod elephant, taccommodations shoulders and avoide Vhs chcrge lîke a for 1,000 troope, cavairy, atillery, war flash. At length lie akes a bollow swotr. elephants, an arsenal, cnd a hatte. Tise acd pIeute another ibboned degger thab palace off ths King la equipped la trnue i centaine just on hs spot where, if ln Oriental magnificence. Hangings off the Spain,1 lie would thriuste te kili Vhs bull. costleet tepestry and mats made off woven After several bulle' had been toased ie Vhe silver caVch tise eye at every tutu, Hie ordinary way, ene was turned in, and mea preset Majesty-a luxurione fsllow lied witisout cloaks entered Vo teaso him This lately srectsd a structure off which ths lîke je particularly dangetous, and vsry populae does noV existein e Vsworld, in sommer as if gives Vhs men somo rare chances Ve Bangkok le a stsaming swsat-roomn, and show their parte. One littis feilow took a eny coîtivance Vo escape frenmths laisetl long pole, and, ternpting hs bull Vo change,, eagerly sntertaicsd. hoIvaulted up on hs pole, cnd, just asth "Some Chusese architeet snggested Vo bull truck it, hlete go and passeC.overtVhe the King that lie have erscted a glass pa- bull'e beck te he gnouand beyond. Hie di(l vilion lu Vhic great resenvoit that occupisa thie several imes ced won several bou.- part off he palace grounde. fRs drew h ques, lbnt Vhs crowd geV tired off i, and plans and heseime captuted the faucy wanted somiething more; so lie stood empty-. off hs King. The pevilion le built entinely handed, ced te hs surprise off evsry oes ?ff. glags-walls, floons, ceiling, and al- did note avoid hs bull, but etthe lest mo-