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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1892, p. 8

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__________________________________ I I M District Notes. Rov. B,. Canfield Jones, port Hope, preached hîie fareweii sermon Sunday. Campelîford lias ceilectod $145.50 in aid of the St, John's, Nfid., suffrers. Mr. Fred Buokler, Cobourg, lias some swoet peas, the vines of whlch are 7 feet ligli. Mr. and Mie. T. A., Bradburn wheeled on bicycles frou Peterboro te Cobourg recently. At a Salvation Army funeral in Port Htope recently, six yeung ladies acted ase bearers. THuAT TiRED FEELi.N.-Is often the forerunnor of soious illnese, whioh may be broken up if a good tonie like Hoed's Sereaparilla is taken in s6ason. Thhis nedicine invigoretes the kidueys and liv- er te remove the waete from the syatein, purifies the blood- and builde up the t4én-gth. p Constipation is caused by iota cf the por.istaitie action of the boeos. Hood's Plle reetore this action and invigorate the liver. Mr. W, C. Mitchell, B. A., lias licou appointed Classical Master of Wlitby Col legiate Institute et a salary of $750. BEWARE 0F GREEN FRUIT.-Now that the, hns+nsl terni i, anroachine, nOnleO ô<- O.NO. (Condlensed from the Netvs.) Mies Ethel Kirk lias been vititing iu Torento. Mie. Audrus lias been visiting friende in Toronto. Mis Minnie Truil iz visiting lier cousine near Leskard, Mi. Josephi Shaîpe, Pontypool, was in town lest week.» Wedneday Augugt t0th, wiil be oh. served as a public hoM'day. Miss Garvin, Montreal, lias been visit- ing at Mi. Wm. Tbonapson's. Mise Brainard. Fredonia, N. Y., la vie- iting lier aunt Mis L. Tourjee. Mis Bonnie Richards, Courtice, wae visiting friends bore lest weekc. Mies Hattie Reid, Toronto, la viiting lier sîstor Mis. F. W. Raiston. Mis. W. W. Tru bas been visiting friends at Canton and iPort Hlope. Messie, W. B. Jewell and E. Rogers et Oshawa, speut Suuday week iu towu. Miss Trullini viiing her mother noar Columbuis, accompauîod by Miss Moulton.. Mlessie. Jas. Bell and Wmn. Hollaud wore fiehing et Scugog leke lest week. Mi. Frak Stutt lias charge of the poet office during the absence of the Post Mas- allould pay partitular attention te their ter. diet, above ail things avoid unripe fruit Mie-. Thos. Doncaster and femily of and stale vegetables, which invaîiably Canuington, have beeu viiting friands biug ou Crampe, Choiera Morbuo, or liere. Dierihoee, Chldien are particularly sub. Mrs. Josephli Lmb and family, To- jeot te cocuplaints nf this kind, and ne routo, have beau visiting et Mi. J. L. niother cen fe2l safe witliouti haviug a Row's. bottie of PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KIIYLER Mi. Thos. Bell and wife of DoUeF£ord, witbin easy reach. It Io a soao, sure, and are viiling Me. Jas. Bell, of the North aeeody cure for the disorders named, and Arnerican. ne femiiy modieiue cheet is complote wlth- Asîweako h amc i m ontit.AskfortheBig25 autbotie.Browp, 5th liîne, wae destroyed by ie Mi. Samuel Clarke hia% beaeeeted te Satuiday week. liithe yeancy luCobnilor Cucl cused Mr. E. Simmnone of Newceatie, bas the by te d~at cf ounilir Mcelirn. contreet of erecting, the Orchestra in the Mr. Thos. Dawson wss fiîaed $1 aud Methodiat ehurcb.' cbats for poeehing en the trout pond of,~îe m okidesdsn fC an~.BousdAlnSîna a. bourg, heving been viiting lier mother, Mr. snd Mr,-. E. VenEtonie bad thae Mis. D. Kirklaud. miefortune on Wednesday te loto thei A bain on the faai of Mr. Jas, Me- ouly son, Henry Orlenda, sged eue yeaî Comb, Manvers, wae upeet by the heavy saven nmenthesud nineteen days. - Whit- winds ou Monday week. y Gaete Mr. F. L. Andins and faily,Mr. end SUDDENLY PEOSTRATED.-L Wae SUd- Ms T. Smsith and family, hv been deiily poestîated while st work oy a se- camping et Seugog Island. vete attecli of choieora morbug. W e sent Mise Carrne E. Beer, T ironto, sud MIEs% et once for a docor, but lie saemed un- Edith Beer, Seaforth, are viiting et ticeir able te belli. Au evacuation about every grautifaîbor, Mr. Gao. Beer. foerty minutes wae fast wearing me out, Master T. H. Bensen, Toronto, spent wbeu we sent foi e b,ttie of Wild Straw- a couple of de-vs with bis cousins, Thomnas berry, whici a sved roiy life. Mis. J. N. and Edwend Beneon recently. Van Natter, Mount Brydgep, Ont. Mr. John Lorriman, of Toronto, son Mi. Enos. Grant, who le employed with of the late Geoo Lorriman of Bowmanviile Mr. Chas. Cald-i, ceaI Breekliu, while ecalled on sevoral friinds. bore rccoutly. unlcading bey with a boise fork was On Tuesday week Mr. Frank Stutt ceuglit by the thid finger aud drawn while paesing into the yard liaek of D. A. neaily te the roof, before hie couic lhe lot Gamsliy's old stand, stepped on te the down the end of the flinge.- waï Eeeveîede coveîing of a weil wbeu eue of the planke fr&mr the baud . gave weywitlihim. He nsîîowly escaped ~Vheuthe uduey areci g o o ud dropping e distance of 90 feet, les au impesibiliîy; but sblei working The gamason the Drill Shed gru.unds properly the îeveîse as the case Thot passod meet succesefuily on Friday week. duii back-ache is the kidney's cry fui iO The weatbeî was fine. The Orono beys boaf. If Dodd's Kiduey Pille are usod won both games of foot-bali and base-bal the resuît will ho maiveilous. NYeoui-l eaeiiy. In the evoning a grand concert plieticaliy state thiý t we lise o nover kne.wn was beid lu the Drill Shed an~d was a a caEe of kidney dîeeaes that e porsiest- very enjoyeblo and succeseful eue. cnt use of Dodd's Kidrey Pilla wili cet The many friends bore of Mis. (Rev.) cure. J. F. Mergen, ueo Vina Billing, will ho The eleven-îeai ciii sou cf,,Brakeman paiucd te hear of lier euddou death et lber Michoel McCarthy, Liudsay, riarrowiy home in New York city. Tbîee daye lbe- escaptd ltsing haie lie by falie f oma foie the deopa!cli aîîived anneuaeiug her car whle the train wae îuucing and as no deatb the famiiy îeceived a latter ststiug one saw hlm ho laid in tlie fanes corner that ahe was enjeyiug excellent health. anfferin11 intenase paie from bis injuries The romains were interîed ie the (Mùoe until touait by iÀ3featier tho unext more- corneteîy on Saturday. ing.____ ______ A CcosE CAI ,-Afler suff2ring for' three weelis front cholera jafanuo, se that I wes net expected te live, aud, et 0. C. Richards & Co. the tirap, wouid eveu have been glad lied Geïtlenib,---For years I have been deeth celle I me, E great wae my sufer. troubled wth ecrofulous soies upon my ing, a frieud reeommeuded Dr. Fowler's face. I bave speut hundrede of- dollars Extrînet of Wild Strawberry, whieh ectedi trying te effect a cure without auy resuit. ite magie ou my systent. But foi thi~s I amnhappy te say ene bottle of MIN. Mnedicine I wouid net ho alive new. ARD'S LINIMENT entiîely cured me JOHN W. BRLADITAW, 393 St. Paul St., and I eau Làeartily recoîmoend te aIl as Montreal, P. Q. the beet medicane iu the werld. A fermer ruccessfuliy t ied a îemedy RONALD MOINNES, for potato bugs as foleowe: lHe procured Bayfied, Ont. sorte boards sud placed thean bore aud ______ there ameng his potetees, and on tliese boards wa% pleced raw petatens liced. N W,87E At noon on the first day cf bis experiment Mi. T. Martin bas retuirned front the lie and bis hired man fouud every pieco North West and Mi. J. Walmsley froM cf potato covered with bugs. lite kîliod British Columbie. ... Mr. Lerînard Thomp- this crop end-et niglit et other crop wag, sou died ou 28th ult. et tho advanced age kiiled, thougli neteo large, aid in a Week of 94. The f oneral took place! on Satai- net a bug could ho eee nd bis trouble day wheu the romains weîe laid in the 'with bugs aftor this comparatively small. f amily plot et -Port Neweestle. . . .Mr. W. Dip the pieces of potetoes in paris green T. Bonetliaa's sale of housebold goode] and seve killing the lings. took place Seturday .. . .Mr. sud Mis. A. MESSpts. TucKET & SoN are often aaked Lockhaît are enjoyirg a holiday et Recla- te sell their -Myrtie Nevy" tobecco te ce- ester, N. Y.a Ir. and Mi.-. John .Ren. tail dealers. They nover iii any case doý wiek bave gene te Tont .... Visitors. se, and for lihe boit of ressens. The Mis. A. W. Moore, Rochester, N Y,; wliolesale trade of the conutrv have a dis- Miss Bailagli, Newtonviiie; Mi. T. Don- tributi'ig maehinery which heudîe the iscu, Toronto; Dr. A. Ruter, Goderiie. '5Myrtlae Navy" wiýl'out, any addition te ....- Dr. Farucemnanrowly eecaped a its permanent expeases. If the mauufac- eerious accident et Walbridge's crossiug tuners wero te undertake tîtait work, as s few days age. Ho did netsec the train they would by salling te the jetail trade, approachiug until hoe was ou the track sud it would requira an iodependeut ma it almeet cauAht bis rig. . ...As Mr. Sîm- ehineiy, the sehele cest of which would mous who bas the centraet for the uew have to b3 borne by the preceede of tho elevator eit the G. Tý R. was returnlng tobacco sales, aud of coursýe it wouid fail from the station, hie herse toek fîighit upon the consumer. Selling tethe eshole sund rau awey, throwing hlm off the wag- sale trede le, theref oie, for the consumer's gn sud breakîng bis collai boue and bruis- benefit, sud je a coverieuce le the retail ingoeeaide bedly .. .. Rev. A. Leslie, M. trade, because eveiy traveller %Yhe caîls A., Newtonvil!e. sud Rer, W. F. Allen -in the grcoery line-caa take eiders for exclanged pulpits Sunday week. .... Mis "ýMyrtie Navy." Vida Scott wes aet Bowmauviile writiugy - ~.for a liret cases certificte ... .Rov. Wm. - SEND TOUR VACATION ON TI'M Farncomb preached te the Masons Sali. GREAT LAKES bath morniug week in St.George's churcli. ...Mr. sud Mie. Chaplin were camping Visit picturesque Mackinac Island. Tt with the Rev. D. F. Gee et Scugog. will only cost yen about $13 freta Detroit 9r 18 hem Cleveland for the round trip, -A. Lïterary Find.. lculdlug MeAauQ but l~lieb. The attrac- tionseof a trip tethe Maekîhâe regieu are Mr. Bok heas ucceeded in uuoarthn unsurpassed., Tho Island Itseof là a grand, bn romautic spot; !tg climate le mnost inviger- e quantity of unpubliihed material by atiug. Save yeur meuey hy traveling llenry Word Beecher, which will shortly Ibetween Detroit and Cleveland, via the ho publiehed ases series of articles lu The Di. & C. Lino. Pare, $2.25. This divisien Ladlies'.1Homue Journal, of Philadeiphia. îs equipped with two new-steamners, "City The materiaile especialiy vaiua'ele aînée èf Detrot" and "City of Cleveland," neer it deels with e range of tepici both varied fanions as the largeet and moat magnifi- sud timely, and will advauce, for the cent ou freeli wateî. .- Leave every niglit, firet time iu pîlut, the great preaer's erlngthe foilowing moiniug aet des- views ou a numnber of sucli iuteîeeting tntomakiug SURIt counect on with aili questions as marriage, home geverrument, STRONGEII EvERY DAY-GENTLEMEN- I have been i11 for a long linme with lamne back and woak kidneys, and at times could net get up without help. 1 tried B. B. B. and witia two bottles arn aimoat well. 1 find my back is strenger every day. Yours truly. Mus. L. THoi4îrsoN, Oakville, Ont. Ripans Tabules ci-re scrofulak. FARM STOCK WANTED. Persens bavinig fat cattie, mileli cows, sheep, Iambe, veal caves, hoge anad poul- try 'of any kiud are requested te see or send word t e aet my, residence and I wilI caîl ou thent. Or addrese S. Hà. REY- NOLDS, if by mail, Box 1, Bowmanvilie. OBEA WA., Mr. A. Bain was in town last wceek as joiîy as &vrer. Theold tank near the town scalem, is being repaired. Large parties may be seen goingo berry picking every rnorrnng. Mr. L. C. Smith, B. A., has had hie stable inýproved considerably. The Salvation Ârmy had quite a crowd at Corbete Point lagt Sunday Mr. Fredl James who went to Britishi Columbia lis ,eer, is home again. Rev. 9. :H. and Mrs. Eastman are opendinga few weeks in Muekoka. The Fire Brigade are arrangîng for a program of siports for Civic holiday. Geo. tiempster met with a painful ac- cident et the stove fou ndry Thursdey. Abourt a ýdozen people were fined re- cently for flot having tags on their doge. Mr. Worden, Darlingtou, had hie 50 acre orcherd damaged ini the late atorm. Mrs. Miulholland, Philadelphia, lias been vieiting her sister, Mre, W. Rolph. Mis Cerne Corniali had her atm1 broken lest week by i eceiving a kick from a cow. Mise. A. Mureheson and chuldren have arrived here, to oin Bandmaster Mur. cheson. Mrs. Dr. L. Clemens, Berlin, Ont., was guest of hýe cousin, M. S. Bowman recently. Mr. J. Pok-îngliorn, of the civil service lizt at Otitawa, às viaiting hie many f riende iu Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph anai Mr. and Mrs. 'Edgar Luke. have returned from, a visit with friends in Kingston. Mrs. Connors and femily have moved to Michigan and Mr. Rowe who lias been there 18 years has returned home. Mr, H. b. Ferrell, Grand Junction, Mich., with wife and famîly. have been vieiiisg ,lMr. and Mre. John Itowe. Meosi. J. W. Ellis and W. A. Saiînd. ers atiended the grand encampment of Oddfellows in Brantford lat weekç, Mr. W. Michael lia8 about completed hie new: house iun'South Oshawa. Mr. Slemin, B. A., wili make it hie hcme. Mr. W. Wilson near here bas two Clydeedale colts, two monthe old, one of which weiglis 400 the other 470 pounde. Last Friday the Diamonds bae b all club played a foot-bail match with the Junior Ontarios and were defeated ;)y 1 goal to 0. Mes8ri3. W. F. Brooke and C. L. Whit. by are home from an eujoyable trip to Menitoulin Islandg, were fieli and game are plentif ul. 1he studeuts frorn here who trïed the first clases ad honor usatriculetion exams were disgueted wi lh the Trigonometry and Alegbra papei i. Norman, the ten yeaî-old sou of Mr. Luhn Thomas, lied hie baud bad]y equeez- ed front being cauglit in a coul of rope bc- longing to, a hay f urk. Mi. and Mrs. J. G. Scott, Mi. and Mrs. Biette, Paisley, Mrs. and the'Misses Stone, Rochester, have bïen sojourning iu the vicinity of Chemong Lake. A CunE FoR CONSTIPÂTION AND HEAD ACHE, -D. Silas Lave, while in the Rocky Mountaiùe, discovered a root that when combined with other herbe, makes an easy aud certain cure for constipation.* h is in the form of dry rootesuad levee, and is knon as Lene's Family Medicine. It will cure eick:heedache. For theobiood, liver suda aidneys, and for clearing up the complexion it does wondeîs. Druggists set11 it et 50c'. a packpge-euough for five we ýks. A GONIZING__ECZEMA ANful Suffering. Driven Aimoet In- sane by Doctors. Tried Cuticura. Relief Imenediate. Entirely Cured in 4 Menthe. 1 nuffered with the dreadful eczema for over six menths, during which time I had eonueci tbree doctoer and thiz tormeuling skia disease had greevunewrse sud e orse tonme ta epiteo et allmedi- cal treatmeut. Mty coudi- tion was uubearale. lMy legs wüe r wollen, my 4 arme were raw, my face and neckz fuil of eruption, ~. ~ ,which made me scratch until my whiclUers were soalied and pasted with Sthe eichly finid. 1 could ,, hardly bear my clothing. Wlsean ught came 1I sas afraid te go te bed, ne sleep wenld cerne te, re- ]iere me, but the ltchiugw euld increase. During day time 1 bad ne rest, 1 was ail breken up, ner- veus te the bighest degree, and nlearly driven te despair. At that tume I rend about the CUTICURA ItEMEDIES, inteuded te try theni. sud dropped the dectors. 4/ter epplying CUTICUItA I liad tthe lîent 'itght'gst l o,neveret weelcn. Using the CUTICURA, CIJTICIRA SeAt', and CIJTICURA RE- fOUt ElT, with proer judgmelit, my condition improved elewly but surely day by dayý,ntil after three te four meuiths,' use or. themi was. cured. It would be difficuit te find a man botter kuow'n ln the vioinity of Burling- ton, Vt., than Mr. R. D. Wheeler cf Winooski Fals, the efficient Deputy Sheriff fBurlingtou ceunty. ,He says: "C. I. Heed & Ce., Lowell, Mats.: "Dear Sirs: If' Hood's Saîsaparilia cost $10.00 a Bottie I sheuld stili keep uslng it, as I have fer the past ten yeare. With me the question as te wiaether life le worth living depends upen whether I ca get Hoed's Sarsaparilia. 1 doa't think I couldi live wîtheut it ccxv, certaialy 1 abouTi not xish te, and suifer as 1 ueed te. For over ton years 1 sufered the horrors cf the dainned with Sciatie Rheumatism for if evor a mnac stffers wîth auything in ths world ih as with that awful dis- oass. It seerna te me as if ail other physicai suforing were compreesed inte that one. i toi: about everything man ever tried fer it but nover got a dollar's evorth cflitelp until I began taking I have taken it uow pretty îegulaîiy for ten yeaîe and have ne more pain and cen get around al ight. I have advised a good many te try Hood's Sar- saparilla."1 R. D. WHEELER, Deputy Sheriff, Winooski Falls, Vt. Hoodl's Pilecure Liver Ills $ for 50le., Sale of Remnants, etc, stili going on at MAS ON'S. If; you want te make 5Oots, do a dollar's worth of buying, read what we, have to say. At this season of the year we always make a point te clear out ail our odd lengths and odds and ends of everything. As oui trade this spring bas been larger thali ever before, consequentiy we bave a larger quantity of reminants. So if yeu have been dissappoint- ed other years in being tee late to get these bargains we can promise You, you -will no t ithis if you corne in tinte. Below is a partial jist of what we are offering; soetewill lie gene soon,otbers will lie added; se if we do net mention just what yeu want eall and sec if we bave it as we bave net space to mnention ail. DRESS GOODS.-We have a pile of ends ail lengths and quali- tics which we -will sel. for exactly half price, also some plece goods of which wc lad too large a quantity, was 15 and 20 now 8 and 10 cts. per yard. Also a few pieces of bigher puice goods whieh are aise being sold ont at haif pîice. A pile of 10 and 12ý et. prints selling for 5 ets. Won't last long. 25 pieces single f old Dress Goods worth front 20 te 35 cts. per ya, d at 7 to 16 ets. HOSIERY AND GLOVES.- Chliidren's hese 2 pair for 5 ets, La.dies' ca,,hmere hose 17 cts. a: pair. Y-id Gloves 10 ets. .These prices niay surpriso you but we are the people whe do net do things by balves Several picces of Laceq, Velvets, iMuslins, Lawns, Silks,ete., etc., etc., mtust be sold-price ne objeet. Wc ha-ve these bargains laid out on oui centre counter, mtark- cd in plain figures, you can conte in and look them over at your leisure. Don't *wait tili the best are picked outý and say wc ad- vertise what we don't have. DYJNO. J. MASON'S DYGOODS sud JE WELRY HbUSE. COWS FOR SALE.-Cowe already re- uewed and iomne te corne la secs for sale et ail tintes. S. H. REYuNLDS Dealer iu FaimU stock. Box 1. Bowmacville. 12-tf. MANUFACTURE THE IMPROVED CHAMPION MOWEE. It le bult alutost oulirelyo0f SteelrsdtMaIeahbie 1rCn.. 33 inch Drive Xhls. Wide 'Steel Fiante, Steel Axle, oît Sel urdswitàs4 sdoCfoot car. THE BEST AND S'tRONGEST MOWER IN TEE MARKET. We are ctteriug et close puices te meet lise coirpetition lu thQ market of ligitter and cheaper machines. I<i-ig bought ail the Pa tteras. Templots, Drawiags. etc., from tise Joseph Hall Estate, we keeu in stock for Drompt delivery repaire for all machines sud machieery made et the Josepis Hall Machine Works. Mill Heneairs, Champion Reapors and Mowerg,. Cayuga é, 1( Buckeye Mowers.New Model sud Hall Thresiier Englues, etc. We alsio keeP in Stock Cyllnder, and Concave Teetis for Challenge, Afiveuce, and Sarntie Thiesisers. We reVair Threshers, Englues, Herse Poweîs aud Maohinory of auy maker, and tnrnieh repaira fer sae t ethort, notice. Leather sud Ruisher ]3eliing, Lace Leather, Hebber Packing. Steam antd Brase Fittingý; Boîte. etc., et close prtees.t Several secoff haund Portable Thîcaher Engine,thorougll overltsulod aud repeircd, gcôâ- ase now, at haîf puice. Second hand New Model and Hall Tisioshers et very low figures, Ii' proved Clover Mills and Hall Thieshers. ---0 - RICH1VOND'S PEA HAR'VESTER9 PAfDir8. BICYCLES REPAIRED, BEEHIIVES, SECTIONS. R. WOON & 00., -fer 1892, qj hoboat, sa bmplosi and cheapeet device Oi 'r1,Hrvestlng Peas ever invented, SCen bo attacheet te OfiF ordinary Mewing Mach- mne. and will work well Eo01 ani field whore Mewer will out grass, pIqPîine complote et. ~142.OO CASES AIND Williami St., Oshawa,, DEATH TO INSEOTS. Pure PJaris Green AND, Inseet Powder. We gruarantee the above to bt strict]y pure and reliab1e. OHEMISTS AND DRUCCISTS. Dep. Sherif Wheeler Does Not Caro to Live if Re Canuot Have HOOD'89 Sarsaparilla IR.ýwooIN Successors te The JOSEPH HALL1 -F :;?0 MEz To those who ask for it. We have only a few of them but every lady should have one. It is a bright littie book about. good carpet, Bweepers-about Bissell's Carpet Sweeppre, That everybodv who lives on carpets ought to read. Sixteen pages of new ideas put in a -new way. MURDOCH BROS.J. China Hall Manufacturîng Company,

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