(CUT 'PLUG.) (FPLU G.) No other brand of Tobacco lias ever en= pyed sueli an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut. Plug and PIug Tobacco. Ol!dest Cul Toibacco manufar- îJ -pe '- rw2 iiOUSEHIOLD. Twiiight- Il is the timue aren ineS se elidis oft liyclose And inenirys pictures misty grewan sd blur- ed Wheu seca turougb teïans Ibat clouS the eyes sud fli, Wbile blaituuconscious1 are it fer sonie unspoken word. Theu, a cars arbidi stnteh ahead look colS sud hleak, While limec bas settened pain la thoe sgene hy, And touched the dreany spots ainS eavou's eau light- We thon leok hack, arth. longiug sohhUng sigîs. Thon, bauds cissp bauds arbich nea bbey usa er tomicb, Then, lips pneus lips. arlaluS are long since estuauged, Thon, ooul mectiseul, as on famnilian gieuni, Then, are tergot thathie anS absence change. Thon, sbaîteoed dreams. lest aimi anS hunieS hepes. Corne trooplng forth frein graves ave theugbt fast seaicd; Wo lire, aitu qnict draw u breath, the dc Sd i ssed 'er, AnS Snd bbe pain stili keen, the wuounds un- heabed. Ohnolte' drearcs, in ablhica ve, hlsuful, liveS, 0 cheriîbed aimas, avicb seciOd waubin oui grasp, 0 huicd hopes. arlilu bave lu asi qtmmned, Anc al the sasets ot hie butin the pasu Our eyos unciose-the nits have cloeSe aviy- ctru Suly coldiy ineets our plea dIng look; The gnaves anc closed, Ibo pîtb lierslraight ahcad, The paît neinains once moe a seaIeS book. -[Mary Flauner. i i et s inL.uaca, cuimaru ever t. The Boy's Traininag in HumarntY- au u,.PUDDICo. -oas cup cf sugar, tai- one et the meat uImprtant cluties et a eggî, eue-hait cnp et butter, onue cup ut mutk, motbsr is te teach ber sois kindueis te ami- twîm cupi et fleur, eue teaspoonful et erean S mals. No îigbt lu oui basîtedý age of civil- tartan, one-baif teaspoontul cf ioda. Mix graceteal, than the cruelty practuced hy beys bot sauce. It rnay ho steamed lu a protty anS I regret te say hy meni as welb uponi the tin mould. helpless animais lu their poeo. I refrain tenue týise PiE. -Oas ccp of rhubarb chuop- freina repeatiug the harnowiî.g tales I could ped fine, une egg, tuie cup ot sugar. Mix .M .N RE L.tell et torture anS abuse uîîaorthy the sud bats ina eue or twe crustsasa preferred. MONT ZAZ.rutdest savage wblch I have myseit sacmm on A uitile prmwxered crackerniuay ho aSSed if t!ue streets et a mity pîidiuug ilsoîf Ipum itsit11h te ho bhleS lite a tari, anîd the white Cul hIug, loc. J lb Pbug, loc. civiization anS borniîy. Within its et the egg rnsy ho ipread on top. Slb Plug, 20c. beundaries dozeus et institutions choisb AI1ÈLE AND LEMON Pue.-Twe hernus, su1 A ad uinister Ie not only the afflicted, but juice sud grated rnuS, six iediunu-iize sp- the idis sud vicions meinhens cf the humait, pIes peebed anS grated thnee sinali cup3 et _____________________________ arnily ; sud thousandi et mothers give their suigar, four eggs . Bats with uSsier uit very lives te this service whiie theur young ouîy. sens grwote tormnut the cal, nîsîtreat tbc deg, sd tili anS maine eveny siuraler IeEcM uiutu-u-atcpe cîauebeynglther ausupu.itigar, one-baif ccp et butter, eue-hiait plut is a hunuing sud s cryiaîg shamte uponus aRcf molasses, cne teaspeonful et seda, four s rce u tis lueeenla entrysudoîeggs, oeehait ccp etfuilk. Mix the fleur peciblyuponns s mober. saSd sugar toget hon, add the miîk, melI ltme heston sud astlytue uîlasse armii tIs boy d imyLutter anS aSd te lb Ihea the eggî webb boy illdo e 1 Dobtles le wll et beysoda in il, leatiug sîiff. Balte 20 minutes. HE O KSBEST FRIENL' brutal inclination, s sunvivai frein the daysOpntéW dom LiA-.çS-r LEr ) -wben eery mn's baud was againit bisenl W dw. ueigbbor. Bu, if the-mother gees te ;vort Noar whîeu Daniel tusar that the aritiug prcperly she eau sccomplisb even tlîlî taii. avas signeS loeavent imb bis bouse, aud bus Thoe boy is a ittîs sarago, bis teudernss laScars being opon ilu bu ebamber toward cannot ho counted uon, is sympatby h sunJennisalern, ho kucobod upen bis kuesi tbrce uutuowa quantity ; but lie iî a hundie cf limtes a day, sdan ae aS ae thanki cniesity, bis attention can ho rouieS-anS hefone bis GoS as hoe diS aforetire. -Daniel bers is the point te stîta in. Hoeinuit vi., 10. bu instructed sud interested iu the lires et Whoevsr ba snsrwn this portrait eft tliî the lower ordens et creatures. To Ibis euSd Jewisb exils lu Babybon it is the portrait et the mothen inuit begin wiîlî benoîtf. She a minuof prayen sud cf sanuan et poe r, inuit ltnow somethiug of the arondentuli facts Mucb as prayen lias besmi misuinderstood sud et natunal hiîbory, se that wbsn she inds ranch as prayer lias been SonideS this tbiug that bopeful soit of bers mntihatiug files, is truc if tb'-n e ho ny truth lu bistory, * * ~ansd teasing the kitten, she can bell hlmt sonne that mou et prayer are iuvariably mon cf cm . i ~ Y crions sud entertaiuing tacts libiheives cf poer. It aras se w;tt Moses, avlîh the those aulunais show binua obbch fl-g is de- aposties cf Joins Christ, aith Luthesr, wiîh VETER119ARY SURG:9O.&. veloped, the cffics lb performi, sud if possi- IWîesley. Ahi the testimemîy of hisîery bis, its manvelous hesuty nuder the micros- shows Ibis by nepeatsd sud int aîbible proots. ORONO, - ONT. coe. Observe lu bbe came et Daniel that wbat is Office. -Poit Offlce Block. The wrof e lite beloar ns is himmiug recordeS et bis curage et action aI bbe Celsa by tsiegraph on Isiephons neceirs ixu with wonders, saSd thus chul S airly hu- Babyloiacourt oareî is worth te the mte 1iste attention. gernug for information. Hoeaili net tbrear tact that Sie was net eutsriug ou suy new atones at a bird whoee nmenmts lho bas orSon. liewaasimpiy carryiuguut the babils learued te, undenîtand, arbose actions hoe is et bis oanhy yenbhi sud gnmwing yesns. entertainod by, non ailbe cinsb au sut Daniel diS nult orm the habit et devotion STANDARD BANK i bose sîrnge'sud nemantable lite hîstony in Bahylcu. Heobrought 15 witlihiin frein O F CA NA DA. ho ekuoars sornetbiug oet; he wilh rathen aant bis native land. We ail know bow these te ses ahat hit ildo. Ris intelligence inuit sacreS Sevotionai sengi et the Hebrears baS raiitai pald u1p, $,50 11Us ,10)' bc ahoeused sud ted, anS ashle becomes older cîarmed mauy oetshe Assyriaus. "Sing us ThîsBan ispreare tedo egii- is sympathies aribb grea. soeofe your native sougi," tbey saiS. AnS TuhtseBanys arben s an s stnengtb et arnthe poor Jewisb exilesi,saS aI eveny memory mate uuîugII alh its branches. 1 anS lundifféesce te the sufferiugs et othiens e h eaoadfnr hcbte a Furmer's autos discounted ; Poposit% Il as thîe oly proetuion te liii faîiîy, it waas beon îuthiessiy borne swsy captivesi, rcceived anS Iaterest paiS on accounts theugbt that Ianescf hesît and crnety teunuSsncb a tait bard le penterm. "Row armeail ave sim'g teLr' ogsi of $5 anS uparards in Saviags Bank w rn aniy a irtnsi, but the warnd bas moved uStrnel t"theyLsai. tseg's luta s aittie, sud happ;iy w ave asfal srsgelud" be ai, b eedt Depatinnt.beter tme.Theexapleo teChrist-life these dwvellers by the hauts cf Chebar sacri- DIlA FT S bas net heen utterly withouî fruit,sandthe loe te lb lut ot sncb s tbing. Anà se they hom1eS sund Collections rmade in Emropo nobler mou are uow waaing te the tact tb5t hun thein barpi on the willoows anSdavopt VUmed Sîates, sud Canada, crnoîîy te suimaîs is net ouly an outrage boen they remembened Zioma. But aras this upon the aimal, but a thousud tinies wise ? Wouud il nul havre been betton if 3V. . J NES avewrse for the man on boy vîao practisos lb. 1hhey liaS îung thîoîe songi? Thuse who ____________________ g "t. Howa mother profes -siiugte niedel lien I enS miglît net ouiy bars heen charmeS, lite upon that oest and gensîs Ouneli Ju-but tbey mught have beanneS te rsbip ONIT.ARIO B.ANK isa., neîsr 1900 yeans sio, ca perm ionberHum arose praise avas simost thmo ouhy juy cen tiue tedo Gnerl Bnkng usie ensteceate up ito tho brual savages, theme exiles tuew. IBtis as il may, it Boeut ile eeA gen. 3akugB sinesssenshavoenamardiffenent ideal, s a problein aas welh thal Daniel ltcpt upunubroeoxiis llwnsrlE P AgencI.a u id h e olv.ing ou the sItar in a sîrange baud. Jusît as Muec coud c sietn the cesof heoftmis, but neottenor, avthi ne ostentation- Re ýv4 ak earmrtad nanimal, ,afllwavtreadc-tnt ith me diffenence aI ahi, sare Ibis ittie ici nOticesrtb ; machaaise could Aho broughtsetfopouiug the windows toarard Jenaisalein PYebitounward nd, hres timues a day, as aferetiine, lho puay- EXCHANGuEomad, inS, hute psnoter tselu ts te ilS oS te the Lord Ced et his tathers. This act mere menin, sud pttiimg the case oponaras simplesuddInul cf suggestion. Wlat E me cad odnfrfssudpunoethe inuit îebisb ground-it ih a dosdly inits thme storesioet unrcouatorîs sud blu- Us etd Sate andCanada, aise Goid,fçifiver and wrong te thuc boy le ot bumnludmaige lin rsttie tainoîs et your strtî.ghu is the tact U-iteditaýes Green backsbouszht and seld, cuuelty. Evry aci eof hrubaliîy hardons that ave are net wise ouougîs te throw tnme COLLECTIONS hSm, aindiates hlm mons eady ton crim-es windows open. The atmuspbersetisano-rn Pr rnubly usasSe ai current rates upou. ail pu-t agiit hua tolluar min. 1IW"'ilinuoa long closeS grows impurme, the cbwelle.rs of Great Ilnitala, the United States a.. lieopen the quiestin et thie value te s boy etteof ra rwyat isis. Wa lie ~slon lCanaa. - eiag abe te maintain bis rigbts amnog bis jey il hs, rhien risiuîg aith the daavnimîg day Telcgrapli Transfers pîsytelhears hy Iltigbing,' arhieh by mauy as Ibroar aidc opens the arindows 'amdaSa ~tte< rim~, r tesilsais o ~ ~ s tluught tu be an essential part cf a nauly JTmit ths froîhi, Ires, pure air etflias moraing! eetyre1ýo c ally ' o ilýn o'sntain g.Ths is by nmme mans 5a set- liarerivirg, imea vivifying«, boa eres- ron ont, lving lu Mantoba or thoNoneh-s ldqesin esimlabatvr may lire are those blesseS gosels et Ircîb snd ta ukes the lundi available at oaci au b3,bchoelle's opinion on that point, thons is net i weet sourds ofetsoîîgî ef hindi, et edors et bacc f rsvemmb.a shadoar ot excuse for lis Seing bnn tsi te rose amiS eglantine, sud outhebs uc moavu üther panliculani ciii atîhe ha-k, the unfertunste creaturos wareslsPleiýs by. Erery draugbt uneaus s deop dîava E. L FOTT GO. cGIL, h imi bads.dnaugbt frein Gd's Oaa fîauntains cf ile Accouataut. Manager. The inuuuusity ut our race is soetsing anS iigbl amaS lauty. Our seuls havewavn- tngtfui te Ilimît et avhen eue stops te cou- Sean as adil as our bouses, sud if as aili siden il. The heart et anynue pcîuessiag epen theru, if areaili isien anSboock euS cemmoau sensibiliiy, ila amnug auhea ho waiî, GuS aril caus saestgospels et lors looks jute the faces efth1e patient ilorses sud traChandS tendeness le sareep geuthy lu. - MIRr.ounlIme stroots, serrants te oui pleaînrc, l Ime sience sud î.eaee et ibis hsled su ad treated as if they were machianet onn, e sepntoidwf the avood sud iron tor the nough usage cf men. seul aud hear arlasî GuSths bord aili say. Verihy, if as have aet somne day te atone Open the arundoavaof et ansd usîlmd. Lot for unr unnercifnb treatinut oetshe herse, us aait pstisutiy fcr thîe Lord sud lho wil thene cao ho ne) justice soyahere. ionS ns seine sasol message. An b e-m&n's humble slave I Oue's Fruetthhalejîsaetuliv -blueS halils at the eory oeth1e outrages Froua eut the halielujablurs aS siw3t. perpetrated upon that taubhful Seing. Of the arongi et ths cat at the bauds of the st-itybed lord et crostion, I" itlîte barnSep than the angels," as 5ie aims te ho, I dare BeholS 1 lay lu prison lite St. Paul, * ne trst yseb tespet. Al ths l ~Chained te mare guards that boîb arere grim nettt îpoae e oos e sîter l viiil sud stout. in te pwerof othrs e ater Itwil Alday tlaey sal hymnesud held me bhmal; 7- §bce 5e aentoe a generatien ; am uemi, non The oee aas nsiisd Regret, bbe ether Doub U L ý ý , . . t oeethioniand mothuens cau do lb but each AnSdmirengb the suiligit of that hopolesi ilose eue can holp, anti ery boy Ibiat cones te There carne an ungel shining suddenly Nou alia,~caLIa~ maulaod juil anS burnane, ailI eravard That took nebythe haad, and as [rose ~ u mbaff ac ache tise good avent, The chains grea sott sud ilipped aray froin Asito the civiiiziug sud bumaus teudency The dor gave back sud sarcng w ithont s et tiaduesi te animais, soins curions aud iud Toot~~k ~significaut statisihes have been cebiected. Like petals et saine magieu ficar n furleS. 17 ot ac eIt bas heen Siscevered by seaneh arn 1g Iolloeavo, tniading ooer enchaulmai grouud, So re T h roat th. criminai classes, inmaî,es et prisons anSd X umbrsdm iduawnd SareThratThemaîten et that blaYleanuS boltcd leeep P o tBie ,Sp an , penitentiaries, tlat anmaiawho i boyheod Thonukmowesti Lite; the augel's ntei 8ïui~sBurney Etc. contes s cimual.-[-cia Lnpa. bl1d by Dnmggists anS Dosiors sverywhee li Cns botie. Diection leea Hehi taIse te prouent Suty breaks a 1î11HALELa G1RC.Estmt,,Seasonable Puddings.tnsdl eboudaliiS1efir ~a~4i nguages.to tOreatabeipeohela etnei adbutter!eue cp eth[eecher ers, eut ofhS - pa's. " vutiue nere t'ue vineo baves threw dancing îlsadews ov.11er e tresh toilet cf luxuricus simplicity another womsan sat. 4!hlldrer. Crytt'l- Pitcher's Castoriaë wbite sugar, two evon cupi ef fleur, two A VERY TRYING LIFE teaspooréfuls et creain et tartar, oeetes- I spouful et ioda ; thon add eue cap cf îweet 1Wemas I orliens a smas) Farm-Little niillt aud eue egg. Balte lu a round pan ; - wheu doue place upon a plate realy for the Thnse fer Iîer,'soif*and No ibeersalloms. table sud steain until sof t. Serve with sauce. It was just the kind of a ramnbliuz old SAS cs. One egg, eue toscup of sugar beat- redl farmi-euse, witlh painted gables cf oui together;- add s cup sud a liait of bell- mossy gray, oerrun with rictus villes aud iug waîer. Flavor te taste. hidden lu a tangie ef ilacisud roses, that BSTTR PDDIG. Mixa hapig cpoe a painter wotsld have cho'en fer bis cauvas, suaTTr Piîh two t i hableo nfus tcor s peet rhymed lu bis sonnet, s writer re- îtarbbet tiswolal e six eggls ofcdrnjoiced te describo la the opeuing ehaptons eue quart et îweet rnillt. two4tabiespoontuls commn senie wenld bave sen was out of et butter sud eue teaspouful of lemon ex- ropair, damp aud, uabeaithy, iucouvoulont tract, bale 15 minutes. Serve with croam. aud uueomfortabie. PLAIN TRscr. PLuauiN.-Oee quart et The green paper shades et the seidoin inill, eue-hait cup et ries, eue-hait cup cf used parler weîo rolod up sud tied with sugar, a little sait. Balte lu a slow ovon, white tapes, the croau,-wimiîo curtalus luside stirring eccasioually, util yen wish a omist with their crocheted trirmmingi loopod te, tern. Flaver with nutmoig. haut, lettiug the ualiamiliar sunîsbine luto the iow rocin, with ils oder of damp, dlean I{ALF Houa. DuMsLîNus- Malte croarn sanctiîv commun te couutry parlers. There heutraddbiscates sud star tecaoued ber- was a reg carpot on the fluer, striped lu hour Addwatr an sugar e caned er-gorgeous colons, a lounlige lu the cerner witiî ries - heat iît te hciliug sud serve it as sauce; red calice covers sud husk-filled cushiou, n qulcltly made aud very g ced. few freshly varnished cane-seat chairs set EWIPRESS PUDDîNG.-Bemil a cup Of riCes'Il îiffly aclt agains the wall, sud seme ltin- mt onîti it 15 vory seft, thon add 'two type fac similes et relatives, co~ffin plates tablespocutuls cf butter, sud bell a few frarned la dark wood, sud a wreath cf minutes longer. Set asids te cool. l3eat worsted flowers ou the wvail. Bzeside the thîe ggs sud stir lu wheu the ries is moder- erderly table whene the family Bible sud ately cool. Lino a dish with p:_ff paste,aud pbotograph album bad bora lite-lerg cern ',len put lu tinst a layer et ries thon s layer panlions, a woman 551 sewing on soins cf et jam or fruit, thon another layer cf ries those feariuliy sud wonderfully censtruct- until the dishla full. Balte la a moderato ed trouions wlmicim the Ilharefoot boy" cf ovea aabout thrce-quarters et au heur. Serve the rural isglioni laitons over bis sheulden situier ]lot or colS, but if coid peur a bolled witb s single suspender made hics bis trous- THITY mvSISTteIt. lier bain feulu nbecownug aves upon lber toiehead,liebansdi reo elicate sud spait- liug aniS jeavels, a huneS et fretshdorer aras uoddiug upon hiem biest, and ier face aras bigbtwaith cagen iniorest. Thiewaoran un- sido ave a fadeS calice droîs, 'its illy fitUiag waalt ubruinken ont ut shapeliluesa aitb rnuch waubimg, lber iair combeS ightly aaay frorn tbe salicar face sud taiseSie s atiglut ittle tuot at the Saut, lhem large hmoaru bauds, coirse, noS avimiahesry oît, draa- me lthe tbicad thrommgh anS through the bth ar ont aribhuried, wakaviaad eîergy- The wavonswaith the cdoyern liebr boit, tresb trousithe rush andStrSain et active diby lite, baS arouderedarhmy the faces et these f armeri' wlxess aere se Sui anS spiritesîs; arhy ia theur peseefal enivirnmeult, lunarlieb the puise beat cf the mighly rush et moderma lite searcsly stirieS the mouetonous caimu, abeme burîy anS rostiessuesi avere mou ciful- iy unnuen, thue contry avoman aged se mnumh more rapidiy hiim ber city sister; aby lber stia lest its delucacy, ber figure itu suppienessier hohmir s laiton, sud xrby amîong the acumen gatiomts et insane asylurna bbc tsmnien& awires constituted the unajority. bbc aras iudiag ont mica. She liaS heard this avu-ian's volces lasthe harnysarbon ibe re biuds were sunging tlair firat Snoav'y daarn scugs, ealliig eut se the ceai shue milteS. Sue baS seen bier lif ting the pails et fteaming riht thasîloot so pictunesque inpaintiugs. Sheliad trieS lifting ono hersoît sud tneaahy the straighî hart aras Sont, the amussbarge aud Sony. Slie liaS SoinS hier beavy stops aaltiag ,ihe areary treadirilb efth1e day'iSubaies thrnungh the lonugmrigs There surie avasbîîîg aud ircniug, maltmng aud mending. The ae, ailhis Il olS caten buictet," aras tai frem the titchen sint. The cibera baS heen tongottem imn thie construction et the bouse. The vegetabbes acre lu the gnouud, the eggs lu thue lot, eerythîiag ima moat iu- cenveusueut places. There are the chil- tiren le gsi off to suhool aith tlacir aveil- tuleS dinner-paibi, the mou la the bts te be provided ailS hearby lunebeons, DiS yen erersoee etfthese men muaea ay brsaS sud hinge succulent dougnunts trioS lu lard, heaus sud pie, th iut couîîtnypie aith îoddeu cru saSd maple s ugar scasening ? This ene aromna'maiut teep aIl the domestie machiui- ery gemug. Wlieu the cool ibadeas oet he twiligbt teli she asut agaiu hte the stable-, abers tiseIl kimme " et the poet's dreain waieS te Se milteti. Thenes ne place tis iSe thal propaneS ton the aiuled se iot as oee othese stables full et these samne "tins," arbich bave blle piutunesquoness onîside the pool's faucy. AniS alen tbis miiting aras Sons andtihe "in fobks," smotoS ontîlde amaS chatteS logethen, the uvoran ebearod sway the supper thiags she baS beft se de the rnihkiug, pul the cbîldrsm te lied, maade arrangemenats for lie as aly memiug meai, amudIlion aent te secep herseif, tee tireS te cîimp ber bain, say hiem prayens, or thîlimea awretehied she aras. " But do yen sasys avent selarnd as this ?" quonied tIse aoman la t5e shadoar et the vimieS. "'Pîetty muchao e telime," assaered tie othern lier bond, bigb pitchetsvolces "Iu ths sprng tlsem's the spring s avent, yen know, sud I haro te mihk nacre couvi, 'cause theae nf oit is basy uigbt anatimoisi- ingi; there'î the butter ta mate uniti the mut gees te the fsctory, the bouse le oa, tibis sntar ie sugar off, the seap te malte, s-id lots ut paisiin' amiS paperin' te bo Sens. Youm tmsow are tainien fobi de everybiog ounrsives. Money is toc scande le psyit cultfonsucS aoit as abute-arasumai' sud paintin' aud paeieni hdoors. And thon the hayin' comei on anti ae have amen foits, anS I have umore miltima' le do, sud sernetirnes 'lite msilitthe tactomy, anS the berrnes hegin te eit rhpe off in the iota. 1 donit have smmy te put smp for the aiter unlesa 1 plut 'sin uyseif. Is's al as eau Soie buy thie sagar. AuS thontiiero'sh br- restin' anS ibe tlarasbmons, sud astrthat thie bons te ean amaS thiagi te get fixeS tornter. Audthe ebildien dogel seailount et chotesu. Yau ses are So't nover buy sean, anS thiaga maSeocul et olS wa oeut scoeu. I c.m't get much lime te sea lu sunmer. I haire se mueS te do." "AnSdl is 1ier 1" iuternpted the sottly modahated aamce. "lWeib, in avmter tbere's the qumts to pîsus up sud ceintutahiesite lie, the carpot rugi te sert asîeav. Tt ihîan sful job te maks a carpet arben toits avear their ebothes as close as are So." AnS thon lbene's the colorng et 'em le do, and thseararp te get noady anS ail, sud the kuibtiug. 1 tell yon il is apowver c'ivonkte10 eep thîeboys sud twaveno in soctsansd nîltoens. I biai't get a girl. I lest my onbly girl. Sbe'd a helped me, you tuca. AnS iî's onhy a lt- tbs wrbibeayway befone the ceas come lu again, sud I bave the butter te sec te. IaItWEN DOieYOU IbEAD. " Ohm, I de't nead mach et auy 'eept Sun- day aftrmaonsi somutinies aheuu 1 get my avent Sousesrly. Tho mou foIts tbey roiSdte paper, yeu noaoasd tinS uo' taît il even toetiin rben the neighbors cerne, se 1 tinS c' teep the inn o' things, thial s ail. I Se misa tbe eadiag moît et sîl. Yeu taeav I was a Leacher arun lbu marrieS mne, pretty geeti at bocks, tee I lbeught, juil as I suppose yon do, thamashey avasn't aay useS lu s fsnrner's aife avenkung round ail the lime anS geltin' se olS sud toiisb befeorshs's 50, hbut 1 tell yen arlacu aman hai't go t liiitarnnpaiS for, thons sn'îay- tbing but aent fer bis auife. Yen ses the chaidrea coins shcug, sud yens uau'taaffora tihire anurse. The neighbors coeein sud de wlat îhey eau, sud the mou fclltîgit aleug boit thoy eau until yen can't stand it any longer, sud yeu git up and go ta woik befere yen are strcng, sud that sud taltiug cane et the babies sud theolbard womlt brealts yen de-rn youug. Yenu git se yen dont tnow or caro niiucb for anythiug. " Bnt do yeu have ne recreaticu ?" «"Oh, once lu s while, cf course. Tlmes clurch, but yoe-so, ie bave te gît up 50 early te git tle cheres ont et tho way. We have te dreas ail the ebildren sud talte theuî cause there ain't aniyouie te beave 'cm siith te home, sud thon hurry hmeme te gir, dinnen sud git the cheres doue ta ge again lu the evening, until 1 tel'oui semetimes I- Levo Sun day is the hardoît day ina ah the weelt. We generally go to the fair eue day, but that's liard day, toc, hecause we alwayî talte cur dinuer with us, you know, sud we bave te stant eariy se te hurry borne l ins te de the iltin'. And thon we generally go somexvheros the Founth on accoutat fshe cblidren ; that s, lho sud the bilîdren go. I donu'; always. "Adteesthe churchsoiais. We go, soetms athern, btIhvet aeseins- tîiig, beas o biscuit o cake. ISecla'-e sornotimes 1 tell 'emu I suppose if I ever git started fer heaven l'Il have te coelt the vie- tuais te est geiag. 0f course, b,. the wiîî- ter a-e wonmea folks visit baolt sud forth saine, but yen ltnow the roads iîn't always goed, aud the mon have the w ccd te gir ont, se they use the herses, sand we bave se rnucb te do we don't get started. The mon visit more. Tbey go aud swap seed pesatees, or thoy change wort ; they sec eaeh other on the road sud at the factery; but we dcai't get eut as mucb as we'S ente. 0f course, we ses esel et ber te the village where wo do nur tradin'. But we do'î bave muoh rney te spend, se we don't go te the village ofttn," -"But what do yen do," faltered the quoi- tionEn, "to-to-enjoyle at al?" " Oh, we are toc bnsy te thint rnucb about lite sud ail thuse highfalutiu thinc's 1 that werry yeu. There's thoe hlidrenalai ways, ani the liv-ing thimîgs arunmd us lteep growiug, sud the feu' tiowers we eau raise. 0f course, wheu we have trouble we thlnlt thon. I diS waut te get away se alter my littie girl died. I wsnted hlm te balte me haut wbere I used te live. My folksislu ail dlead or moved amýiy, but 1 wauted te go wlth the herse sud buggy. It would't have cost mach. You ltmow 1 wss marrieS lu Jue. Thon deovers yeu've gel la was al lu blocin sieug the read, sud the wild roses. I nover se se mauy wild roses. I waated t) ride tbrough lb aIl agaimi, juil as I diS thon, yen ltucw, wheii lie brought me hors atten tho weddin." But if ho thought we aiout auywbere we ouglit toge te his folkies, sud lhe dida'b see how we rouiS botlu get awsy auy way, se I stayed sudlho weut simd brouglit bis mother hact witbhlm te stay bore. She w," lame sud a uittle eut, yeu kuew, sud 1 buS enugh te do, 1 tell Iyen, the rest cf the sun-mer, " anS then she hurrieul eut te start a fins fer smppsr, enly îbepping long euough te reably laugh lu answor te tue lait question, sud te say: " Meney te -pend for littîs thimîgi I buts? Why, bleus youor heant, ne. LITTLE MONEY Te SPEND. u&We git the thîngi we inuit have sud are g! ad if the cheese and butter wîli psy the store bill. 0f course the meon bai te have thein tobacce, but îbat'î about ail the luxunies we have mcney for." AnS when she was gense the wonian lu ths vine sbadows st stîll thiultiug et s lot cf thingi3, but priucipally cf whab odd thingi womeu do fon îweet charitv's salte. How tbey wiil go tremu tenernent factory te toue- ment kactery, beggiug permissionu te lay s buneh et flowers besido eaeh peur ssam- stress swoitoning at starvation wages, anS nover sesai te think that hy cornbining te patrenize aay store or sot et stores wbose cwnsrs woîmid agios ta psy decent rates for ready-mado ciotbumig tbey conld nalte il possible fer the sewîug wornen te pick their own flowers la the fragraut eouury meadows. Flow they gather tmp the waîfî sud stîass.et the city sinîs nsud paclt thein off eitot the ecnntry for wenteu tea balte carset who nover have a day's rest or recreaticu, anS nover tîial et invitiog the worn in islamn te thoir city homos 5cr a breath et froîhlifitluwinter. 0f the omcnuwbo go off wiih norvous prostration ovor getting their spriog ward- robes ready fer the iummaer, wbe bave te ho tatou te the seaside fer a roît aften getling their ealiiimg lst finished, wlmo are wemn oni and hystenicai ovritîmeir hueuseteepimg aubich comsistsin u rderniug Jane te poiish the silver aud Mary te have ehepi immtead et steak for breakfast, sud corne eut lu the country te shako eut thein perturned frilis iu the faces cf Ihuse ether wcmen te whern the centrait inuit honaddeuimg. AnS juil thon, with a clash et dinuer pails sudsa hur- rah, thoebrowu-leggedîmrehins-carne swiîmgiug np the lane frein school, bcundimîg thcouglu the dloyen te whoîe the wemamî lutîme faded gown carne witb the pail et watcr for sap- par. And oee laS hrong lit a string cf ripe red stiawbenries Sîmeaded on a grass stalk, anoîher baS a bird's e-g cf speekied blne, sud the third lu bis gimy baud carrneS a dewy cluiter cf the wild June roses that grew lunlime bedgenowi, sud as the Soul face hnigbtenad sud sotteued, tîme wcman with th_ dlover biossoxus thoîgbt eofcainemore tbimgî net droamedof nhlmtherto ima lion phil- esophy whicls she lsm'l geing te tell. (jatarrli. ( INArýAw 11E RASIET ýù S a r sa p a ria Y-our best remedy for E-rysipelas, Catarrh R-heumatism, and S-c rofu la 3alt-Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumnors R-unning So res S-curvy, Humors, ltch A-nemia, Indigestion P-impies, BIotché-s A-nd Carbuncies R-ingworm, Rashes I-mpure Blood L-anguidness, Dropsy L-iver Com plaint A-Il cured by Sa rsapau Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by ailDruggists. Price $i; six botties, $S. cures others, wils cure youi Menhl>'PsIzes for Beys aul i Grls. 'Flic Suinliiht" Saap Co, Toronto, effer the folîowing prize.s every month til further notice te bWys au d girls un der 16i, residing la the Pr.vine of OAtsrio. who &ihd the greateal nuin ber or 'G'unl igt raprq: lit, $10; Ond. $6; 3cd, $3; Itii $1; 5-h te il, a Handiome Boa-k sud a pretty pictura te thOsa Who sand net lois than 12 wrapper3. Send wrappers tG 'Sunlight" S:)ao Ofice, 43 Scaît St,. Toronto not later than 2Mh of eachimpnth, and mnarkod »Comnpetitioo"; also give full nains, address age. and number ef wraDors. Winnes naines will bc publishod ianlT, Toronto Maie on tiretiSaturday lu oach month. Doctor-'I The trouble with yen is tha¶ you are suffering fremi mpoverished blood.' Patient-" I should thinlt it would ho ira poverished. It has already been exsu'iued hy ten doctors," For Over Fifli' Years MISs. W'tSLOW's aeoTHING S yRTP bas beau used by millions of mothers for their children w hile teething. If disturbefi at niglit and broken ot leur rest by a siek ohlld Bufféring aud crying with pain of Cottlng Teelli send at onc e and gel a bottle of "Mns. Winal1' Soething Syruo"for children teething. It wlil relieve the peor littîs sufferer immediately. Depend upon il, mothers, thera is n mistake about iv. It cures Diarrhoeî, regulates the S oxuacl and Bowela, Cures. Wlud, Colle 2 ettens the Gains, reduces Inflammation andi gives toue and energy te the whole syste"n "Msts. M'inoles'Soothing iiYrup" for ehîtdrven teethiug ii pleasant te the taste and la the prescription ef eue of the oldoît and best le- male physiciaus and nurses leal1ia United Stabts fa 25 centS a bottie* Sad by ail drurLgs t roiinehout tthe world. Ba surs and. Hie who givos sdvîce te a self-eouceited mnau stands himself in noed uf comîsel frein another. - [Saadi. The Head Bnrmeon 0f the Lubon Medical (Jompany la now at Toronto, Canada, aud may be con- sulted elther iu person or by lettor on ail chronie disases peculiar te man. Mou, yeuug, old, or middlle-agsd, who finit them- selves nervous, wsak an exhausteit, who are broken down from excess or ovcrwxark, resulting in many of the foliowlng syrnp- toms:- Mental depression, promature old age, lois of vltality, bass of mrnory, bati dreami, dimnoss of sight, palpitation ef the heart, omissions, lack ofe onrgy, pain ia the kidacys, headache, piaipies on the face oij body, itehiaig or peculiar sensatton about the scrotum, wasti'ng ef the orgaus, Sizienos, specks befre là. eyes, twitchiug ef the muscles, oye lls and eiiewhere, bashfuiness, Seposits in tîsu urine, lois et will power, tenderuleps ot the scalp aud spino, weak aud flabby muscles, Sesire te sieep, failure te bu resteS by sleep, constipation, Sulluesef h Jasie, lis fvoice, desire for solitude, xci ability et tomper, tunkea oye groud ed withLEALMN cIROLx, Oilylookiug askin, etc., are ail symptcrns ut nervous debility that leaS te insaaity aud death unuiss cured. The spring or vital force having lest its ton sien overy function wanos la consoquonce. Those who through abuse cormitted ie ignorance may ho pormanently curod. Send your address forbook on ail diseases peculuax te man. Booksi sent free sealed, Heart diseu-se, tho symiptoins et which are faint spelhi, purple lips, numbuess, palpita tien, sltip boats, hot flushes, rush ef bleod te the hoad, duil pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid sud irreguilan, the second heart beat quicisen than thec fist,pain about the breait boue, etc., cau positively bucaureit. No cure, ne psy. Seud for book. Address M.V. LUBON, 24 Maudumeil, Avenue,Tor ente. Ont. The trial cf Jaegor, tbe defaitiug cashier, for tie Rothîchildi, wa' begun at Franktfort yosterdlay. Founteen other poisons were arraigned wth Jaoger, charged with cern- plicity. Jaegen pleaded guilîy te meIt of the. charges bhuhx g i-hm sufféed, aud repressent te mysl the stnug. gies aud temptatieni it bas passeS tbnough, the bniet pulsations et joy, lime feveriîb lu- quietudeofe hope anS tsar, the pressure et viant, the Sesention etf fieuds, I would tain beave the oning seul et my tellew-minuwith Hlm trora whose baud lb came.--[Lonetel- low.