- I __________________________________________________________________________ I COLUEMBU>S. Scheel re.opened MondaY. M~rs. John Roberts has lost a valuable cow framn fever. Mr. Joe Adams is harvesting with Mr. John boar, Foley. Mr. and lirs. Stephen Hugo have been visiting Mr. Richard Hugo and family, Toronto. ,Mrs. Cls, Bowmnanvilltt, and her rnoth. e, Mes. Sarahi Biokie, have been vissetng with Mrs. Wrn. B. Guy and Mrs. Thoe. Goodman. Mr. John Haîrnan, of the Farmer's Ad- vocats, yon-ngest son of Mr. Samuel Hol- maxi, formsrly of this place, wlis married reoently to a yaung lady in London. Mr. J. Ashton and sons are pntting up a large hbarn for Postmaster lowden af Whitby .... Mise Jennie Coakwell of Geneva gave a pleasant birtbday party ta lier yaung friands recently..Mr. S. (Gibson expects ta have his mnilli n running order again, -veryj shortly..ThA Quar- teriy Services wsre weli attended, the J<edron fiends bsing well represented. 'Why don't yon try Carter's Little Liver Pilla? They are a positive cure for sîck headache, and ali the 11h, produced by dis- ordsred liver. OnIy ane pill a dose. 11Clear Havana Cigars" "La Cadena" and "La Flora." Irsist upon having these brands. 08-aA WA. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) The Mimses Hislap are visiting in Den- ver, Col. Mrs. Ayiesworth is viiting Mes. U. J. Jones Pîckerlnag. Miss Bella Peaet,_ Pickering, is viaiting friands in Oâhawa. Mn., Salter, London, bas beau viaiting Mre. . Symonds. Miss Hattie May is spending hec holi- dlays in Gananoque. Miss Eva M. Ferris, Lindsay, is visit- ing her cousins here. Miss Gertrude rhomas has been visit- ing friendî in Darlington. Miss May, Toronto, bas bean visiting ber brother, Mr. C. F. May. Miss Fia Butland is spending ber holi* days with ber sister in Belleville. Mr. T. B., Lavis of tle Bowrnanville STATESNSAN was in towti Civic holiday. Mise Dixon and Miss Patter of Ohio, were guest of Me. T. Canant recsntly. The Toronto Gun Club defeated thea Osbawa sparts by 152 ta 138,civic holiday. Carniages ta the number of 86 attended the f uneral cf Mr. A. Glenny lest Sunday. The Misses Deal have been visjiting tbelr aunt, Mrs. Thcs. Poucher, Broug. John -fl UcesS 0f St.N4ary's, Ont. A Great Sufeerfron Perfectly Cutred by Hood's Sarsaparilla The best stomach tanics known ta medical science are sa happily coin- hined in Haod's Sarsaparilla that it cures Indigestion, and Dyspepsia in its severest forms, whon other medicines fail. In rnany cases Haod's Sarsapa- illa seerns ta possess a magical touch, sa quick and Sa gratifying the relief. Read the following from an aged and respected citizen of St. Mary's, Ont. : IlI arn very glad ta give ibis testimonial as ta what Hood's Sarsaparilla bias dans for me. I siffered very mucli sith dyspepsia. Ilbave been taking mediciue For 25 Years and 1 neyer had anything do me as much good as Hood's Sasaparilla. Every synip- tom oi the dyspepsia lias entirely disap- peared and 1 feel thai 1 cannot prase thie medicine 100 bigly. 1 Eat Better, Sleep Better anS feel stronger than 1 have for many years. I have taken six bottîci of Hoods Sarsaparilla bauglit of Mr. Saudersan, the druggist."1 JOHN AIXEmS. COIfDIAL J&DORSEiUENP. Front Afr, Sasuerson, the Drieggist. I know Mr. AMkens to be a strietly honest, straightforward mani, antitake mueb pleasure in testifyitig ta the trnltb aofthe testimonial lie gives above." F. G. SANDERSON, Drug- 'gi, Queen Street, St. Mary's, Ontario. HOODa PILLS, the best atfter-diliner FPis, assist digestion, Prevent Constipation. District Notes. Mrs. W. Chapman, one of the oldet It is a oad fet but nevertbeless a tresresidents ai ucooalln is eau aged a5 ans that inoxicating liquar is sold here years. on snnday. About 74 cars or 1,600 head o! cattie Misqs Velma L. A. Gould ie visiting bave been Bhipped from rn ]rklin Etption friends in Brighton, Belleville, Napanee this year. and Picton. The cesidence o! M-. John Newport, Mcx. F. A. Speoule and son, of To- Wbitby, was struce by liizbtsing Mondai sonto Junctian, have been vieiting Mes, week and a portion of one corner tara off. -_. ----m.Mnr. R.- A. Patterso0r, B. A -, head mas Miss May Kseddie bas secnred a situa- tee o!, the Colleiiate InFstituts P 0_rîh, was tion witb Lang & Co'y, Mottreal, as type. married lest week ta ans o! Xhittiy's fair writei and stenographer. daughters, Miss Louis Francis. We are pieased ta bear of the marniage If there ix a specific for any ane coin. of our esteemed Mathematical master, plaint, then Ceter's Little Livor Pills ire Me. E. T. Sîsmnon, B. A. a specific for sick headeche, ai-d every Me. C. Valentine who lias hosto living wamen sbonld knosrv this. Ouly e pill on Bond St. bas ceaoved tù Ashbbrn a dose. Try theni whers lie bas punchaeed a farrn. Mcx. (Rev.) Fraink Nichai cf Prince Editor Mundy o! the '-Reformer" con- Albert, S.,Lkkatchewan, daughter o! Capb. duced he . M C.A. ervices in a ver D . Mausan 0t Port flope died et lier ductd th Y.M..CyA.home an Augist tâ.,She bad c'nly been satisfactocy manner lest Sundey rnorning. merried about a yar. Me. C. Symonds has a couple o! veity B ueadpo u !Ae u large Pait waten lobsters which were .B ueadpi o fAe' il abipped ta Thomas Caniant from Rhode lu youc setchel bofore îraveilirig, oither Island. by land or by Ees. Yu will find therr canvtnient, efficacioue', and sae . TbE Tho feactory m hiles blew, and the belle best reYnedy for costivetîes3, indigestion, rang wildly wben the resultx o! Tuesday's and ick headache, an~d adajliod toaan3 polling were announced that Oshawa is climats. ta have a boi lins cf cailwi.y. Pinted Chailies woith 8c. for. 5., print Rev. J. J. Swenson, Congregational ed Crapes woeth 25c. tor 121c., Ceeau minister, Woodstock, son o! Me. Gea. Seersuekers et 4,at Couch, John-ýon Swanean o! Oshawa occupied the pulpît o! Cryderman's- the Preshyterieiî churcli Sunday. _________________ The Firemen lied a good day's sport oni Monday. The Oshawa Oxtariox las t T U à game o! foot-bell ta a team froin Orona, II[jfl AN S AL Port Peery, Beoklin, flarmony and Tbornton's Cornoîs. 8km Disease 9 Yours. Doctors and The action o! Cartec's Little Liver Plls Mledicines IJseless. Cured by ix pleasant, mild and natural. Tbey gent- Cuticura for $4.75. ]y tirnuiete the liver, and regulate the _____ hoveîs, but do not purge. Tbey 3re surs 1 ieei it iB My duty te tl you My experence ta please. Try ihem. i'ith your CUTICtTRA iiEiEDI3ES. I bave be Mr.R. . Jmeshasbee apoinedtr-obledfo vrn years wiîb a dreadfnl skin Mc.B. . Jmesbasbee apasneddiseaso. Vhen I irstfl District Depuiy Grand Patriarcb for On. ft, there aplîcared o le'v tarie, Encampmsnt No. 11, Osbawa, h' ry ,aiit kept or tise Grand Encarnprnt o! 1. O. O. F. beasr n-deoy.t m cecently hld at Brantford. à d theo sane on my bac'] bet7icinmyshouiders. A Wben the kidusys are ciogeed, good f îw days after the spot liealtb ix an impossibility; but wben wock- tich5e. lSi,nd begai5Wo ing propecly the reverse ix the case. That flu o ff, eo it coniinue duli hacl-ncbe ix the kidney's cry for ce- srpiui1 a lief. If Dodd's Kîdney Puisaare used ibo-e,- boid. ied aIcll thî cesuli wili ho marvellous. Ws empliatie of a, or get hotd o.a1. a ally state tisat we lied neyer known a case ' e wul cure lue in o! kidney disease that a persistent use o! short tai , bt tbey ptways faiicc. Then I gavei Dodd's Kidney Pills will not cure. att al), thinking there was no cure for nie. oa feNvniothsago,1 nticd aur adi rtiEemüenti Considlerable syrnpathy is f elluboe for the 'lacoinia Arihg Goe-; thought 1 w culd tr the parents o! Richard Buckley who died the CUTICitAk P.UjanxS, not thiiiiOgit wouid lestWedesdy fom njures ecevsdlxime nrb hgood, but 1teniy surprise, eree boxeso lastWedesdy fom njuiesrecive inCUTICUMi, co cake Of CUt1CtrtiA So.cs, and thre playing ba3e-bell an Civic holiday. ilo bottis of CUTIcun'Aik ESOLVENT cureS mue cntirety a mebor f S. Gegorys coieMnd sykin is now as white and pure as that of a cbitd was amIbe seS.nSgoy' coiiadpbotograph. 1 haveinany friends i W85 .Chicgo, ll.,anS Sit. 'aut, Ilion. basigbly eespected. h.. JOHN E. 1'EARSOl, Luxs FRoa LIoNS. -DEA&n Sns,-Fir r. o. Box 1062, Wbatcam, Washîigton. yeacs my sister sufféed fram liver com-. plaint. As doctors gava bier no help we Cuticura Resolvent tried B. B. B., wih cnred hier complete- The new Blood and Skin Purifier, internelly,au ly. 1 cen recomrnd h ta ail. MISS CuTicuaAà, tho greai 5kmn Cure, and CUTIciti MAàuo GRAnÂle, Lyons, Ont. SoAr, the exquisite 5kmn Beintifier, exteruatly, i tatly relleve anS s3peedity curo every isease an humor of the skia, iseap, anS blood, with ios O.C. Richards & Ca. Gentleueeî,--For yeacs I have been trouhled with scrofulis ouxses upon my face, 1 bave spent hînudreds o! dollarsi trying ta effroi e cure witbont any renît. I ara bappy' ta sai' one bottle o! MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT entirely cuned me and I can iteatily recommend tealal as the best medicine in the worid. RONiLD MeINNFs. Baylleld, Ont. hair frm iiany t ag, iornpimpies te scrorul. Sold everynbete. 1'rice, CUTICCRA, 75c.; SoAP, 350,.; RESOLVENT, $1.iOPrepared by the POTTER DnuG &-.NO CHEMICAL CORPORATION, BOSton, Il 11w to Cure 5km lM)seasee,," 64 pages, b0 illustrationm, 100 testimloulals, mailed free. IriPLES, blackheads, red, rougli, chaPPed, aod d'ly sUn ured by CTICTIRA SOAr.- WEAK, PAINFUL iIJNEYS, 'Wlth their weary, dul], aching, lifeles$, ail-gonie sensation, relieved In one luinute by h Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster. YThe first and anly instanita- mns pain-killing streligtheming plaster. 35 cents. 1 (Conderssed from the Neivs.) Have ryou tried the Mes. E. Billings, sr., lias been vsry ill. Mr. G. M. Long and sons are camping at Scugag. Me. R. C. McCullagis, ix home fer a ~ U II ' 4v short visit. **a l Extra"d MasterertnHonley ix yîssting red Miss Sainsbury, Port I-dope, is visiting Me. Wnia. Luxan. C G R Miss Annie Jeromne bas been visiting frienda in Toronto. Miss Reid, Toronto, is vigititig ber sis -_____________________ ter, Mes. R. W. Raîston. Miss Lillian Garnsby has returned frorn vibidng friessds at Oshawa. Rev. Mr. Morgan is visiting bis par- M ents, after four yeaes absence. E l Mes. Wm. Jones bas been visiting ? d e friends in and around Kendall. Mr. W. Parker. Cleveland. Ohio, la vlsiting his uncle Mr. L. Tour-je. Mr. Arthur Odeli, and 'wife, bave ro- W. T. Lockbart, M. P. P., and wifsa o! Newcastle, wsre in town lest week. Mes, M. L. Travelle and Mesa. A. Tour- jes have been visiting friends in Oshawa. Mr. Ervis Foster, P'ort Hope, is visit- iDg bis gretodmother, Mrs. D. Kirkland. 5 Miss Peecocir, Toronto, lias beeu visit-j îng Mr. Rai ph S utt, and other frisnds bere. B 3 Mr. and Mra. J. O. lHenry, Oshawa, i wreguetsofMrPAAIAIRasb r eregetectir.A A ansyc The mmbersof the Fiee Company ask- y d for an increase of salary froîn $2 per year ta $3. REN ICnTORIA- Rev. R. A. Rooney, bas resigned bisI chelarge as pasTor a61 St. -Svia'churdis ro! this town. Mise Ida Jolly, Peterbaro, and Miss Mary Urqnehirt, Toronto, w-ses viiting se friends bers recently. Y The Epworth League excursion to Rase for 5 0 . SBank Fart, Wednesday, Civie holiday,$ was liberally patcanizd. :a Mr. John McCannachie officiated in the Sale of Remnants, etc,, stili going depacity f judge et the recent races beld on1 at MASONS If you want a t Moasomin, N.ý W. T. 1 m~ Miss E. J. Preston, oo! Ottawa, former- to make 5Octs, do a dollar's worth ly a teecher in aur school, was viitiî.g atI of buying, read what we have to la Mr. N. F. Hall's recently.I say. At tis season of the year we r M.PutaddubeBaktcawy aeapitt la u Mn M.PutaddnheBaktcawy aeapitt la u e were in tow lit week attending the futo. al aur odd lengths and adds and~ ioral of the late Mes. Ruddock. ends of everythingù. As our trade y Mrs. (Rsv.) McKeen ha,; %one ta Stoney this spring bas been larger than Latke, ta join ber buaband, wba is at the ever before, consequently we have lake camping with a party o!f frinde. n Me. Harvie Dickey, Toronto, accorn- a larger quantity of reninants., &panied by Me. T. Lockhart. Ppett e fw Sa if you have been dissappoint- deys at ibibo'tle's,W. W.Dickey, V. S. ed othier years in being too late to n2 Mr. John Cconey ix home frorn Detroit, get these bargains we can promise Miohigan, where ho lias hosto cailroading rthe paat yeac. He expects ta remain a YOU, VOU wiIl not this if you come couple o! weeks wben ho goesata Elkbsrt, in time. Ind., and telees a position o!f tiemato on eo la.prtllitowb LS. and N. C. R. R. eo saprilitofw i The littîs daughter of Rev. George Ed. -we are offeringy; some will be gonE wacds narrawly Escaped drawning ans soon,others wiil be added; sa if we day last week at Stoney Lake, wbere the do not mention just what you wai Sfarnily are camping. The littîs ane wes cali and -see il we bave it as w( oU about ta sink for the lest tirne wben a hv e pc amninal '~river driver rescued ber.1 'i it- 1, A )t3 rn [ICI y t- sH, 1a Lry do md 'id COSJGU1?NG nEADS TO COFFIN unles FRETFUL CiRYiv< CHILDREN ShOuld be j StePsed bv Dr. WVern1s Necivay Plue Syrup. xlvese Dr. Iew's Worm Syrup. Et regulates i Tise best cure fer Ceuzlis, Colds andS Inng thse system caiS removes %vrms. Trouibles. o! cars intereat took place in aur midst, being the marniege o! Me. Isaac Besi and Miss Bille Jane Gemsby, daughter o! Mr. D. A. iiarnby, of ibis town. The toup- tuaI knot wax tisd hi' Rev. W. F. Allen, pastor o! tise Pesytenian church, INew- castle The bride wab assistod by Miss Bev Bsec, while Mr. O. A. Gamby sup- ported the groom. The cecemoni' took place ai the residence o! the bride's faili- or. Afier the bridal supper was disposed o! the happy couple left witb the hearti' guod will ai thein friends ringing in ibeir ers, amid a shower o! nose, foc tise G. T. R. deoa, Newcastle, wbscs ibsi' took train for thein home in Western Ontario. "Senator Sherman Renews His Attack." Senatar Sherman eenewod bis atteck Iand refused ta be convinced even by the oratori' of the Iowa Sensator. He want- ed the Sonate ta do tise square thing, and not ta fizzle about it. "Givo the Fair $5,000,000 and do îlot taesbeliove that you are deceiving youe- selves in giving it a seventy-cetot silver dollar, or two 35-cent bal! dollarsi " If the chuldren cri' foc it, as tbe Senetor bas ssid ibsi' did, Wby not give them Cas- tarie?" Faid Shernmen. FIe knew thet it was a papular'ibing with the littîs ones, mors popular hà tbought than even the souvenir bal! dollars would ho. The gel- leries laoked down in surprise et these remarks came fcorn Shernman, and Con- gressmen whro enteredl the Chamber jus', as Me. Sherman utterad thora, dropped inta the vacant chairs neereat the door. Ripans Tabuldes banisb pain. pile of ends al iengths and quali- ties which we will seli for exactly haif price, also acte piece goods ofE which we had too large a quantity, was 15 and '-0 now 8 and 10 ets. per yard. Also a few pieces of higher price gooda which are ais-a being soid out at haif price. A; pile of 10 and 12J ct. prints selling for 5 ets. Won't last long. 25 piecos single f aid DresGoods wocth from 20 ta 'C5 ets. per yard at 7 ta 16 ets. HOSIERY AIND GLOVES.- Children's hose 2 pair for 5 cts. Ladies' cashmere hase 17 eta. a pair. Kid Gloves 10 cts. These prices mnay surprise you but we are the peopie who do not do thinga by halves Severai pieces of Laces, Velvets, Mualins, Lawns, Silks,etc., etc., etc., must be sold-price no0 abject. We have these bargains laid out an aur centre counter, mark- ed in plain figures, you can corne in and look them avec at your leisure. Don't wait tilt the best are picked out and say we ad- vertise what we don't have, JNO. J. MASOWMNS DRY GOODS and JEW1ELRY flOUSE. LESKA RD. On Wednesday evening, Aug. 3, the members of the Epworth League met at Mr. W. Oornisb's and bld tbemn good bye bet ore they 1sf t for their aid home in Eng- land. . . .Mr. J. Lawson has given bis house a coat of paint whioh adds much ta its appearance .. .. Misses Mabel and Myr- tie Redburri, of Whitevale, have been vlsiting aid school friend . ... Miss Katy Walker bas been visiting friends in Janet- ville .. .. Messrs. Ben and Ed. Simpson, of Peterboro. have been visiting bers... Miss A. Heal, of Bawmanville, ls home for a few days .. . .Miss Anonie Proctor, aocompanied by her friend, Miss Peacock, of Toronto, is visiting her sister Mrs. R. Rails.... .Mr. J. Cuncannan has purchas- ed a new organ .. .. Dr.J. W. Brimacoinbe, Marion, Ind., bas been guest of Mr.John Kivell . ... Mr. A. J. Honey, Toronta,has been spsnding a few cfays with frienda here. A CLosE CÂiLL-After suffering fori three wesks from cholera infantum, sol that 1 was neot expected ta ive, and, et the tirne, 'would even have been glad hadî death called me, so great was my sufer- isog, a friend recammsnded Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, whicli acted like magic an my system. But for this medicine I wauld net be alive now. JoHu W. BR.ADsHÀ-w, 393 St. Paul St., Mantreal, P. Q. To those who ask for it. We have only a few of them but every lady should have one. It is a bright littie book about good carpet sweepers-about Bissell's Carpet Sweepers That everybodV who lives on carpets ought to read. Sixteen pages of new ideas put in a new el fa a I MURDOCH BROS., China Hall. SELLING OFF. MRS. DANOASTER offers lier entire stock of Summer Mil1iÈery far below cost. Any one wishing a Hat can bc suited for 25 ets. as Ihave a large number of Straw Elats on band which I wish ta clear out in order ta make room for fali stock. This wili give the, pubie a great opportunity of secur- îng good fine straw hats in black, white and other colors for prices away below cost. Kindly cail and examine foc yourselves. Ilats ceshaped in all the lateat styles. I arn agent for the Amecican Corset Company, Toronto, and aisa forSmih'sDye Works, Toronto. Stanîping done ta order. MVRS. DANCASTER aO!- MRANITOBA!j Po yooe wish to 1earn about Manitoba and thse Norths- West ? IF S0, SUBSORIBE FOR "ITHE MANITOBAN.9" A large 48 page montbly magazine with a bandsome antique caver printed on the best book paper, with ournerous illustra- tions. EVERYBODY IS DELIGHTED WITII IT. It contains historie and interesting matter relating ta Manitoba and the ENorth-Wesb and wiii interest you. Try it. Subscriptions,181,OO per year. 1Published by the MANITOBAN PUB. LISHIING CO.,186 James St., Winnipeg, Man., J. A. OsBonŽNE, Editor. 13-tf. FOU WYOULONtOT have had that tirobblng Iseadac5ie bcd eistaktu-..al5iurdec5e Pill ast nlght. FOR,; AN IN'FALLIBLE REMEDY ' Superiedes ati other preparaions for the cue Clo Mental DebiFlty, Nervous 4'rstretten, Loes% f Dianheod, Parait, su, Lec<lotrAtaxia, Painfll Mvenstrùton, useis ausd Irregulefl'. tics, Leucorrboea, isrSers D! Stomac, Lossof Ap. petite, Dizzineas, etc. These Pills posses no purgu%-- tive properties, cor anthing hurtful to the most deticate sysieni. Theyare the resutiofyeîrsof daýe- lui study and anatt, is, and useS wiih greai uce in the privais practice of aunaent ,ýphysiciee. Tbey aci prirnarily ou the norve centres, scesp the Vital Force, promnoing Assiitt, Eriehe Ing tlie BisaiS, thus preventing and curingdiee~ For sale by Dnuggits, 50'c. per box, or sent pQs- paiS for àic., or 6 boxes $2.50. Dir. ButSer iledictne C. Sroecvile, 4nt CQOPER'S LIGHTNINC CORN CURE Cures ifard and Sot corna; OnlY tflo applications required. COOPER'S BUNJON eu TR Cures Bunions, Warta and Moles, woll1n Glands, Thick Neck and Skin D!8ses a lY painless. Don't ba deceived. Asiefor Co-.p Ie'sand take naother. 15 and 25 cents. AU drugglsts. Dr. Butler Medicine Co., BreckviUle.nt à% FARMERS Whexi you see au Adveri" ý-nt lhke thb" DONT BELIEVE IT~ but if you require anything in,,Grce4ieff Staple Dry Goode, Patenit IMedieinç;ï, Tinware, Garden. Seeds, etc., o41 â SOILINA STORE where you wiII fin i firet-clas aesortment whicàh as beca bought for cash, conBequently I am prerý pared ta seil at c 'ýas , rices and nat ?ia crI American and Canadian rail 'na-a ~Iri sitoýok. Please give me- a cal! and yon ill, ho welcomewhethe,r you buy or nt4. . Elliott'a ourF'louir kept, J. T. WILLIAMS, JWFarrniers Proluce takien. -t. Athiete ad erby ci CAR ETTES Are solci on their Merits -1Everybocly knows they are the best. Everybody Smokes them They have no rivais. CLEAR YOUR HOUSE 0F FIES. -o We have the best, the cheapest, the most effectuai FJy Killer. Tanglefoot StickyEly Paper, Fly Poison Pads, Fly Poison FeIts', AND PURE INS.,.EOT POW7DU"L,, JIil;lîBgTgîl &SON, CHEMISIS AND DRUGCISTS. ýway.