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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1892, p. 2

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That il j nt asc e tocxc nsim nt -with clseapcp n i arp-Scting toe ba blood-purifiers, but, whiich have ne resi medicial value. To niake use of any o-cher thaia tne oid stan- darc AYER'S Sarsapaaiiia-the Su- Perier Bodprfr-s eimpiy te inv'ite s eoftirne, nionoy and hcaith. If yen are afiicted Yvith Serofla, Catarrh, Rheum atîsm, Dyspepsa, Eczemna, Running Bores, Tumors, ùr any other bioodl disease, be assured that A<YER'S Sargaparlila, and AYEI'S Orly. AYEFB'S Sarsaparilia ean ai- wvayr, ho depessded ispon. Il does net Nvary. It la aiways thse saine in quaiity, quanti "y, and offect, It is suLperior ia combrnatio", Proportion, eppearance, and in ail tLat goos te bnild up the systora veak-cned by aisease and pain. Itsecarohes out tii imipurities in lto blood and ex- pela theas by tlico natural charnels.'- PreparcdbyDr.JC.Ayer Ce ,Lowell,ýMasS. Sold hy ailDruggists. 1r'ce s1; ix botties, $5. Cures others,Wi1 U u eYOU J. E. DUMIJILE. BARRISTER., SOLICITOR, NOT- BAIY, ctc., offices, 'McArthur's bIoek, King Street, Bowmnanville. Money te boan. 37. m ONEY TO LOAN,-On farrn secur ity on most fevaisiae ternis îurtgages bought. Apssiy te RitcîcAcunFeSitE, east of town. P. 0. Box 119, or Jouis FOSTER. Drover, Boe.emauvilla, P. 0. S lyn, FLOIIIST. OSHAWA, - - - . RNTAIO Gcower .ud deaer iu Cbolce Ct Flowers, Fais, R1tese. Csruiationq, Violets.,fimiluix aud Fanes. Fanerai fDesigns and Boulquets masde ni) on short notice ie Wreatbs. Crowns, Pillows, leuatsSoccity lîmbIemi. &-. Pants Loaoc-d lin Dcoraticn.snuch as Palres HOUSEHOLD. Proverbial Ehilosophy. Be carofnul otute pessule. and tise pouais yeu'll Iuscar regret *, Go suppacloss te bpdif thiatmcans rtsig out et delt; Bes,2rve sa-ceeqsandiret assues that yon'Il _ __comusianit tee, add tise cheppasi meat and potatees, and twe tabiespeontuls et the water je wisich it was boil ed. Stir tilt very,'hot, tisen shape and the pan te eue ida, wbu-re the hasb cen brown slowly. Tarn ont ou a piattur, garnish witis parsiey aud serve. SHO OTIIq G STARS. r echit appes F~~~~~~~ R c 2lTCTT rsïs resse issier cFïldren are tept Ini tisair FRfE Eeds weruof $2.ds wo ewn pursuîts, tise îass fcequent wiîî bc'.tisano e te e uil et sisoesting fsrtrs large 100 paR lottsI .n211, elymptatien for yen te say tise crnel w0 sorsrdteeuy iutrsiNgon.tisa o -traBo tha -- - u- - r , , ,observation et sbeeting starsje e.14 -- ~ I - - - . (ni nos llWffl juRy .3.10 CVI 111101 E 1luh1iRnnt~ ~eeod~. îuveriopay isosease. &.W.KtC XIci. a.,. i.,. S., IaLÂIIUULM. AN, 0< - 1~ Cul. I. . ,,,., tîsaîn te ...........i.. f QI..Xt, Dc Fo'r "Ged àhalpe tosawhoh(ip theinssoives' A. PrinjeExplanattssc of a SIglt hat Is teward aviat thcýy'd lue a-1 (10. p7il Thse deeds cdoue lu the future ara hy far tise The sisootiug stars, writas Canilie Flam- suest Uwlinse t'rocrastination is the thiefof e treasure- laden merien in the Deutsche Revue, are small 1 Ttre bodies, weigiing at most a few pounds, and Wenever Msis thc water till the wAl is ruan- 1censistiug tuîainly et iren andi cachou. '[bey 1, dry," Nor ever prze tie roses tilt they fade away traverse space in swarsns, anîd aise ravoive andi db. round the suin in ioîsg, elliptical courses l-lwevr ticktheclods ay iethesonislike the comets. Wiseu tbese littie bodies juseert bh isaaouema ie:is un etnter tise earth's oriit tbey are deflected No lane so long but somewhere tisere'es atescutewerd the cartis, and great nuur'bers are tht yen will find- seen in a single nigist. Thair brightness is Dama f ortune coures a-knocking once te avery- duLe te tisa heat engendered Ly tbe energy et hodi ?s gato.eto.Ts, pedi nrses But osly for a moment wtll the fickie lady their mto.Tersedi nros wvat.1 viz.: forty.two andJ realaI kilornleters in a 'Tisbatter farte grind eus eetalwhislestilthe secod, whle the speel et the earîb on jr, chanceslat - orbit is oîly twenty-five kiiomters a second For " we'll nover týr tho e litwieel with the torse ccd. CGnsequently when a sisower of ripples t1iat hsavea passedi." tlsem appceacbes the eartis in tbe direction "Wait net for clisance te brisug ou wbat your e0psî eiscus ts nta paii empty 0pinil acks; poiet t oreteiiilsedi Preparo it and tuc di1stair, andi thon Qed wili seventy-twe kilometers a second. Wben sentise flax.' tbey foliow on its course tbey gain sixteen -CLAunsA THRNsst. ansi osse-hait kiilonseters a second on it, their useai tataet approacis being 30 te 40 kilo- Pon't and Do. metars a second. Tise friction engenders a tereperature et 3,000 degrees Celius, snb- Tise ohild mut hc lesi fronst life, through 1f, ject te whiih tey burst jte d ame. If un- te lita.-[Froeeel. der these ceosditions tbeir substance is net Too mucis caninot ha said coucernieg the vaporizad they pass tisrengl andi bayonsi word u.deu't.u Tise vorlî is dealing witb the upper strata of our atmosphere aud pur- niegasivas; isîsteasi of teaduiug lsw te do sne cleir proper course aronnd tise Sun ; but ight we are centinually lsarpung on net te ns a raIe, tbey are vapenized, tn whiih case do wceng ; when taugist the iglit way the tisa vapor minglas with theatamospisene, te wrong bas ne taeptatien fer tns. Froebeili ae sue1rodut otsmna gives se aclh for the child te do wbici oc- we comae in contact esnuaily . witis 1461 mil- -qisient ic uJbdta if tisa liards of sboe ting stars. whicb add consid- teacisen and parent would lseed bis vusiceabl eteerssbtne tlsey ssed neyer say uer impiy "do't" iju erlyeaer soth'ssustanc e ci h geveruiug thair chissdren. If wbhen tei M s ntaresting spectacle on tise uigist et pulse te say "don't" comaes, eu-e would stop Atsg. 10, anud frequenitiy aise outise twe tel- aisd thinis how te change it te "do," tise ans- lewing nigisîs. If thiiigisisclear au tise swer wold certainly coma, fer tisane are1 noir thngs o b dun, ed was t doobservation is net disturbed I)ytise meon- mor thng tobc ou, ad aveiuiedo light,oeemaycounthisndredsand aventison- tlsem, thon tisane are "don'ts" te be aodd sancis et failing stars daring tisese three XVbeu Ciarlie is pnlling tise cat's tail or nlitalcmngeprnî fo iecm casryig i bytis casit s nt nccsarytequarter efthtie beavens, tise constellation et empisasize thse tact by sayiug in au impati- Persans. eut toue, "Den't do that," but ratisar say, Ts attstts atstkstse iy "TTte is tise wathteeexpresskye rhlevadtoc "hs is ti a eepesorloefrteopass Ibrougs tise shewer et sisoting tars kitty, thisisth way te hba kisîc te kitty,' afferds a measure efthtie enerînons Space ssiting tisa action te tise word. Everti wisn hae taises tisa scissors and beuis toeuct tise tisey eccupy, tise more Se that tbey cross J wbicbis c-l cusad 011eî, orbit at cîgist angles te tise eertis's Jelle cesansecp1,cetirse. Tisir orbît is a long eue, aud cor- isccxvshaeisiitucesaryt sa "ent raspeuris with tisat efthtie great cemet of Simpiy gi-a lsm somretisg whisiliehaMay 1862, wiosiis eacises a distance et 7,104,000,- 1cet, somieigtomake wb'cb wil not -burt (où k51 ,- r .,~. ,.,iil ~( BUJRIAL AT SEA.j Bescriptitoni or lie Cercsnony as, Iexforrin- efieon a -Man-of-Wasr For every sailor awaits thse chance that his huril place mnay becflot in soine peace- fui God's acre at home, bot in distant iands, or, wors t et ail, in tise turbulent deeps ef the great open. This is a cousmon fate, and a cruel eue, for sureiy. it is bard that the struggie for existence which danies the shore te th seaman lu lite should etten je death be se pitiless. At tise best, tise mar- iner's days are bitter with denials, sacri- ficee,,handsisips ; and everywisere, lu meat unexpectesi ferms, and frerntise action et a tisousand causas wiich weuîd bc inopera- tive ashore, îisery, siekuess and deatis are about bim. Thse ordiuary damands ef ship routine, bis duties alow aud aiett, iu barber, upon tise ecean-ali are se bazardons, se depeud- eut upen quick eyes, stroug bauds, lear beads aud aient intelligence tisat tise least imecisance et judgment or of grip, tise sligitest physicai mictake may be fat-al. Be assnred thc sailor feels thi-. It is bred in bis boue ; it is tisa earlisst aud latest tesson bie learus, and this perpetuial menace enters bis seul se deepiy and seo arlv that even lun strengesat aud biithest manisood bis face is filled with the pathoes boru et this craalty et the sea. Whes tisa maritime Jack (lies lie is buried witiseut mach udue cercmeny. A briet prayer, a sistted iammoek, tbc lea rail and ail is over. But ou beard a sbip of war a saiier's funeral is pathetic iii its diguified b simplicity. No muster of the sisip s cempany is, natarally, se sad as this, ansd yen can sec it en tbe faces ef ail wben the subdu'vi sbilling oethte bo'sw'n's wbistie is foleowed by tise loug,-drawii-out and iodulatad cal of '« Ail bauds bury the dead !" The men comeafat quietiy and take their allotted " stations. Te leewvard if et sea, er upon the port sidaet the qnarterdeck if iii pert, the seamen are ranged in the front raîtk ; be- binid them are tise ordiuany sesumen, and in rear etfisotis the apprentices aud tbe lands- mets. lu tise gangway torwvard efthtie maiuutast on sncb sbips as still have sail power the senior petty efficers stand at attention. Arouud the coffinu tlded in the jack or national ensigu are grouped the pali-bear. ers, selected usnaily t rom tise daad mans' niess or gmis division, and close at baud, restng on ares, the marine guard is parad. cd. Nearost the coffin are tbe chapiain aud tise captain, auJ tben lu tha order of their ranis, streteis att tbe otber officers etftisa sbip. osigu at tisa peais, or staff, fluttera - tolif the offiutiseard. When tse waatiser permits, tha way et the ship is stopped, and, it mx b litînflickers et iding steani curi tuwruflti ewc s' oes,5iiF1 A large Stock of ivell selected Arnerican Wall Papers, cbelP and )eautiful froin 6Gzts. to 5Octî per roll. Cai and see for Yourseif be- fore purchasing cl.sewhere. Ail co[ors of~ Paints3 ready for use, guaranteed to give gooed satis- faction, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining,, Shoe and Scrub Bru3hes and Whisks.' Glass any size, and Putty. Painting, Graingn and Papering donc prornptly and satisfaétorily For ail of which cali at SHIIruIN &"lKJRPBY'S. South side King st., between ireleven's and Rei;d's 8 hoe Bstores, Boa nsarvvll 1-1A IN E S ARRI'AUGE WORKS GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, GARRIAGES1 SLEIGH87 GUTTERS9 AQONSI &0@, Nom, cn hansi a numbrir et rehicîsis aal s ii[s sust tusniîsg a galef *t mvsy m 1r-e - - patterns andi heur finish, which 1 asmusoPIering fer Sale ,ttish 1GWOt pricO-iitOt vlitts due regard te worknsansip andi quslity. Tise foitowiug le a ticSL et to rnial vehices ssanuctared by me=zmzx=w ed Carnage.. ............... ................ -9- .. .. . ... .. .. .. '1 --------- - - V'f -1 - 1 qý- for Infante end Childrefl. U'CnitoÎIais 00wefl sdapted tochldsntha t at? oM re colle, constpatli, ~ rcomen itas uprio teap prsrZion1I 80551 Stomach, Diarrhoe5-, EriltatOn5, 1 recmmend it s suprlorto anisL Worms, gives sleep, amçi promotei dk known toe e." H. A, E. n, Mi. D. j gestbon Ili 4. OxLord a, Brooklyn, K. Y. IWithout iumieus mOdicattOn. THE Crs'rÀun Oosn'NY, '7Murray Street, N'T. Y FOR SALE BY J. IIIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMAN',VILLE* iliein to Seind 5 ý. Filver to kaï- Al-ýV.Kllý"EY, 1 Lfiiied-ivit"hat-whieb

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