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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1892, p. 3

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CRATEFUL-COMFORTING. - MOWED DOWN IBY CIIOLERA. BREAKFAST. lyathorougli knowleda oe t> he netural law "V'~ goor tr of digestion and areiin ' a b ,y a refrl appiaon i tir fneproerie or sal-selecte cocon. Mr. E ppa ba1ý,provïdefi ourbrea.kfast .bles with a d'ctl faoe boverage which may saveJ ils ,an .ev doctorà' bills. IL le by thre jaîcou ue of suets articles of fiet tirai a 2Olsitut-ien may be gradually built up util Stogeneugir to rek5it every tenfiency to diSease. ilundrefis of subtle maladies arc fllatag around us ready '.o attacle where ver there is a weak- point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keepinR ourselves well fortitled 'With pure blood and a piroDarly nourishefi rame"-' lviiService Gazelte," Made, sirnply with boing water or mile. solci fIlri n pacets. by Grocoe.a laboliof thug .YARIES E1'IS * Co., lîemoeopatle Cheaji- Ists, tendon. Englexid, WFDNESDAY AUGIUST 24, 1892. Thusands are Dying Oaiiy of the Diseae in Russia. No Longer Aevy Dfle abSoft ha Presenres 01 the Plagne in, St. I'eiersburg-¶'le ,,.Y l'alliStrieken, tha ei lrrrying A ivay te Places ef Satety-iMrtalitY 151 Illrsia. A St. Petersburg despatcli says:-The city is in a panic. A woman who was seized with choiera yesterday diefi within a few heurs, and ail doubt hias now disappeared that choiera lias invaded the capital. The rich wiro are able te get away are fling te health rersonts, and merchants are ciosing tiroir shops. The Governer et the city has issued a proclamatieon begging the people te ha calim and g'ing directions as te prcx ent- ative measures. The latest advîces from Moscow state tbat the panic thoso is on the increase, notwith- stanýding the efforts of the authoritios te suppress any goneral evideuce of the spread cf cholera and of popular terrer. The choiera is becomig more virulent at Novgorod, and people thora blamo Baranoif, the Goveruor, for net taking better mea- sures of preventatàen. Baranoif, in reply topplro tîsm h as increased the THE TRIANGILE Or DEATIf. A fleap or Bodieslintlateil ho iv Desperate 1 Men hai Feug-hi. It was Il o'lock le the forenoon when the colmme suddeniy haltefi, ani a minute later the news carne lown.tho lices that the trail of the Lieutenant and hie six men was blotted ont by the heef prints cf penias. This musalt that a war party had swung iu behind them. The ponies had b(cn ai fl gailop. That meant the party was la siglit of the redskins. We rcde on for a mile, and just over the crest cf a rldge we foui the dead body of a cavalry herse. It belonged te one oi the men witls the Lieutenant. The blood had ponrefi eut on the ground from meuth andi ers, proviug that the sýwift p'sce bail bronghî death. There bcd heen an instant's Ihait hoe; juat long enoulgh fer the trooper to secure bis ammunition and mount up be- blîrd a comirade. Another mile andi we find where the party had haltvd again, A herse foli. but was lftvd np again andi nrged ferward, Haro we picked up haif a dozen empty cart- ridie shelas. The Indians had been heid off for a time. Oniy haîf a mile had heen pasa- vil when the herse went down again and <ied as hoe feul. Here beles on the trail, BitILLIAN T ENGINERIjqG. Creation of a creat Lake to Supply Liver- pool Witla water. For a sm.slrcountry we do a big thing now and thon, oven by the admission of eur American cousins. The Forth bridge %vas one; another je the creation of' Lake Vyrrnlvy, lu Midi Wales, Nvhicb was yvster- deuý declaýref by the Iiuke of Connaoght rît Liverpool te ho "ope" and fit te aci as the se areceof the wstvr suppiy of tirat city aud the surrounding district. This meaus a great deal1. Ic means that the corporation of Liverpool and their esigineor have act- ually re-inade a great lake which existefi asa lake in tho glacial epoch, but which during the time coguizabie hy human recordl lias been a marshy valley, through whicb a trihutàry cf tire Severn siowly wound, It meauis that a v illage, a churclr, a hurai- greund and a pîcasaîri coanti ylbouse lrad te ho removefi hodily ; that a vasi dam, un- equalledlu the world, had te ho buili, andl that the water lrad te ho conveyed tlrrough pipes andi storage tanks as far as Liverpool, acruss tbe Mersey and ever seventy miles away. The work iras taken eleven years te hring te complet ion, and has employed an army cf workmen aend an engiareer, whloso name xiii always ho associated wlth this Fg g edî ' 'ýu t!v!v HEAT tireui, 1WOIf - Out feelinig, of whç1ich se many wercen complalîn ai ter a Iday's wasiring, is deue away witir by those wiro use &.Iat greaù eao POWDERED; Jo%ý" P>UREST, STRO1ýEST BES ë Res d yforns i naoq usttgy. r h-aa l oa 3.otunine ,wauet~terti, ,d .ndedeè e Uses a5.eauquais 20pounùsSlboda. SOI by Ail croc eS X5DUZCgts. X V 4 ERVE BEAI;S are a mcw dis-. csevery tIraScrstr ot caser of Nervne sbiny, estViger and ANs Faiig Mauhod; resiares the SoIuteiy cures thre Mast obstincte cases whOo -aal Othe? TPLEATME5<TS have failefi even to relieve. 2;old by drur Lits at $1 pr package, or six for 85. or sent by Mai OR reseipi o? priser amphlet. Sold io-

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