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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1892, p. 4

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>Iand Domestie YOD N &CO'9Sv 'VAlsoq evBerything found in a first-class Grocery. bOWMÂNVILLIE, AuG. 24, 1892. Editorial Wanderings. ISEEING TIE GI4EATER LONDON. 4Pioceediug beyond Piccadilly, west- wom.d, ane passed Sloaue Street. Thse left road leads te Brompton sud South Ken- fingtou, iin ahici s lathc South Kensington Museum. ,Many, fiue maîssions have latelybieen erected. -Tattersall's roinovedl from Hyde Park Corner in 1865, occupies a site previeusly cf small value, in the J3rompton. Roâd. Old Brompton coutains oeveual good houses sud somne veîy pretty streets aud squares. The read te tise right frein Knightsbridge, psst tise Barracks, leads te Kensngton, beside Hyde Park. Nearly opposite, s little te tise west, arc tise Albert Memorial sud Hll, the llorticultursl Gardlens sud Ceuaeuvatomy, built on tise site cf Gore House sud the adjoiniug grounds anhicis we inspected. liÂeue ancre beld the great exhibitions ihat lately drew ail London weatward; and i tise Museumi at Seuths Kensiugte-n are tei be fouud soine cf tise ssost interestiug troasures cf art sud escience in'tise world. Tise Insternatienal Exiiinof 18632 ws, ield in a building close by. ,Tise grouiid anas purcisased by thse Goverument in 1864. Tise road still -fartiser wneRt leads thueugi Kensington Lo, llasmersmnith, sud se on te Kew sud Richmond, Thse Royal Albsert Hall anas opeued in great state on thse 29th cf Maeârcis, 1871, ço be devoted to ti pro- muotion of thse iu'erests of scienîce -nd art, -te concerts, and te varieus mseeting-, sud exhibitions of different societies un ûoonuec- tien aniti tise progress cf cdti--atlen iu tisese subjecta. Tise Royal College of Music adjoinsiai, sud tIc usembers hold concerts Iu tise halI wisich is used for etiser concerts aud exhibitions. We uext visited Kensington Garde'ns as-iici feinsacoeut-Âeuatien cf ilyde' Park to', _- vàst. .Tbey ar-e about twnýiundued sundten acresin extent, sud ie ;,t sail times open te tise public, anho tisroug the fine walks sud sisady groves duriîsg tise aummner season--especially when tise baud pîsys. Kensin.gton Palace, tise late rosi- dence of tise Prince sud-Priucess of Teck, ns a red-brick, building, a congeries cf spartiiieuts, halls, sud galleties, preseut- ing, exttei uslly, fow features cf architec- tural beauty, .The erangery, a fine de- tachedbuilding,was builtbySirChistopser Wren. Tise palace contains s good suite cf atate apartment, but i-bat ahicis gives it the greatesi. iteeeat,is tise circumstance cf its having been tise residence of thes Duke sud Ducises cf Keui-,and tise birts- place, in 1819, cf lier Majesty Queer Victoria, whio, in tise seclusien of iti privacy, spent thse greater part of hier youtisful daya. Tisere, ou ber accession te tise tisîcu , in 1837, sise isold lier firs councîl. lieue aIso e naene uefuuîed ad. mui-sunce, thougs anc wanted ever se sudh te renuw the acquaintauce of tise àMarquis of Lorne sud tise Princess Louise, wis uo'v reside ber-e. Great improvemeuts have i-sien place in tise parks sud in Kensington Gardens during tise last few years., Thse landsape gaudeuiug, Lis luold i-heur meets. Tise Lime te Seo th lady ridera is isefore lunch, se anc orl saw ax few ridera ; tise "drivers" sud pi( menaders ancre in force in tise afteruoon Wllat is called tise London Seaso commences iu May sud ends about tI [2hi Juiy, Laei-elutise toiser mentis aud iii June tise parkas, ancanre tolti, are iu ali-hein henni-y. Ne sucis sigist can ho accu lu any ci-ler capital ii Europe anhicis aili gain by cemparisen aitis i-li park on a fine uday lus euxter. Ne public vehicles are permittedt-o enter Hyde park ai- auy tise. A forigner bas said ef Hyde Park: "One feels cne's self li-bte imidtfai-c special clasa cf people. Tiia luxury, anhicis is diaplayeti on ail sites ; tise cx- cusienesa cf i-is 'aociei-y,' anhicis even in a public garden manages i-o isolai-e itsel! ; aud on iheo ihou band,tisc respect. fnl iimidity pembaps, but cetaîny tise sullenly hostile feeling cf tise crouti anhicis, posi-et in tise oppesite alleys, gives ts opinion-net always flai-ieing--upen i-ho appearance cf semeoeo is smore favoueti by fortune ihan by nature ; are foi i-he o oeguc as a peep li-to tise nean aorît." Emp-y ai- -an-lunch-tise--be park, tisedrive, andth-e Roan begin Le fili again about fi-vce 'clock. "Tisoni-homo is an interminable procession cf carniages, lexurieus oquipages aitis armorial bear- inga on i-be panels, beautifelly hcrsed, whicis pamsansd epasup sud doanu i-e drive in four linos. Tise hiliaut toilettes, tise colora cf tise iverie,the panels o!fi-le carniages fiasing baci tise sunlight, i-le gay hues cf tise fleaners, isîichi contuasi- bighily wl-h tise more sombre verd ure of i-be iros, ahi fousn a speci-acla uniqe eof ts kint, sud aniicis las ne equal in auy otiser capital in Europe. We muai- for tise present blave London and make a skip over a aeel cf sigii-- seeing i-o returu again i-o Londons lai-or on anhen anc shahl try i-o give oui restions feur-ber particulars cf aa-whanc saw in i-be World's Metropolis. au isl fa, ai H Jc a1 je: fa] Lii hi e c pi Pa ail an in vE a et e3 fi hi ti a e o( Mx v g ti r t e D t C le e yi ut te il de le At- ar, id ele :ha -ho ly ro- n. ;on ANADIANS I'N DE\ ONSIIRE A-ND CORNW~ALL Bradworthy, our native1 parish, a littie Friday mornmng July 22nd opened very weary in body but highly delighted with uspiciously for a day's pleasure and a our trip to Bude and back. oodly company of Canadians ànd Devon- ns were ready to take advantage of such ISL 0F WIGHT AND BIBLE CHRISTIAN ivrable circumastances. Se at 9:45 a i., -CON5ENCE. arp, our coach left the door of ]Rose After our pleasan t visit to Stratton and lii Cottage, every seat occupied, and Bude our next excursion from Bradwerthy ohn the driver crowded to one end of was to the great health resort, the Tale of is seat by the village shoe mlerchant and Wight, to Newport thse capital which re- Canadian editor-making altogether a quired a j ourney altogether of 190 miles - Aly load of pleasure seekers-and the over the South-Western; Railway fi-orn bjective point of their holiday was the llolsworthy to Southampton, thence by mous and fashienable sea-side resort 8steamner 13 miles to Cowesansd rail to nown as Bude, a mile-and-s-half frorn Newport. Besides seeing the attractions e very ancient town of Stratton, tise of this "'gemn of the Empire, " our chief rth-place of very many STATESMAL ob3ect was te attend the 74th annual aders. Leavîug Bradworthy by the ceuference of the Bible Christians to uth road we speed quickly past Farmer which we had been very Perdially invited ýennett's corner, down the hill past by thse Ecumienical delegates when in ittie Ford, ou past Bradworthy Cross Bowmanville last Octoberanàaubsequent- hapel, Newlaud, Upper and Lower Alfar- ly by letters. Our journey was brokeni sworthy, (thse home of the Ashtons) at Exeter where we spent thres days very ross the river Tamar at th,) head of the pleasantly with dear relativea snd on seryoir that for so many years has sup- Thurqday merniug we met a nice party Of ied the Bude sud Holsworthy Canal Bible Christiaus at tlice stationý who accosu- itis water. Thse canal is uow idle for panied us to Newport and whose compan- ,ant1 of enough commere' te make it a ousiip we very nmuch enjoyedý- At Souths- aying industry. Ascending the bllI and amnpten- we missed the Cowesý boat and rning to the lef t we pass near lludson, were delayed there an isourr, wi1c gave idl a little fartiser on igher Pigsdon, us an opportuuity of leoking arouud tiss id Btill fartiser Moreton Pound, and then ancient seaport, but thera s. 5very little e hily district is resched where we there eaf special interest othor, t1isuthse ass Hershans, East Leigh, sud descend- vast ccks. The sail from Sisuthamptees .g btill to a lower level we reacis the to Cowes was a most delightf ch uone, t1ke eneraile Stratton and in respouse to n sea iseing heautifully calm andtiieweath,- ýrevious invitation four of our load repair er very fine. We met with a,gnluoi nthe Canadians' Rest, the resideuco of aud wide from Australia whose- conversa- r. Nicholas Treleven,where we received tien we much enjoyedi. We, reaëlhed hesrty welcome from our respected Newport about 5 o'clock insteA& cf 2:5' owusman, M. Treleven, Esq., and his p. m. ansd af ter flnding our ludgings8,. hmv- timable sister, Miss Trelèven,wbo served ing a wasis, sud replenishing, the. inner [p one of tise finest dinuers we have en- mnan, v,,e weut te the evening session of yed since we landed on fair Euglaud's tise Coîderence where a fellowshipý meet- hore. After thoroughly enjoying this ing warseld, and it was a season cfoge~eat scellent mid-day meai, Mr. Treleven sprituni blessmng te tisose precsent. OÙir avored two cf oui ladies with a ride in valued friend the Rev. W. Lee who had, tim hancisome Canadian pheton sud 'did, been eletted presideut was chairmran, cf, le isouers" most gallantly at Bude wheîe the meeting sud the venerable ex-president Foresters' fete. poultry sud vegetable the Re-e. F. W. Boumne, cecupied aLei' aiiition -were in pregressud was atte nd- on bois right on the platfori-a. Tise-I ýd by huudreds cf people, old sud young, of Wight Ceuîîty Press ga-?» good reposta ncluding a large nuxuber cf gypsies sud cf the sessions thîcuglieut. , endors cf mazzards, sud otiser tootissomne Thisla the third time iL.the history aif ýoinmodities. It was alnîost worth a trip thse Connexion that Newport has - cross the Atlantic te witness tise cuious perienced the henour cf keingç seiectedl a3 ýoncourse cf humanity and other perami the meeting place cf the ;represeutivssa of ulatîng objects. The greatest attraction tisis important braucis V, Methodis-m, a f the prograns cf sports wàs "lkig tise fact upon which Island, Bible Christains roasy pole,not chushîntE as tise Canadiaus partic-,àarly, and Island Methodists .g»ne- o. Frons s vessel iying in tise canal a îally, aaturally pride tisamselves. Asfar bow-spit was exteudedl over the side sud as accimmodation is coreerued the bexuti- -he contestants appeared in bsthing ces- f ul edilsce cf the Bible Ohristiaus iný Quay tumes, because every slip they made lani1- streetb is net te be excelled fou the holdiug d then bead foremost or in some otiser of the Cenfereuce, andithe suitability ad mnsner inte tise deep wateu beiow. Ail couveeience cf tise chapel buildings, weue made several atterip, s and cf course get appaent ou every haud. The. Bible s mauy plunges into tise water before the Christian Chapel at Nawport is adm ktedly penuant was rcscued sud berne triumph- one cf tise flnest of deaominationaliedifces antly to tise boat. It is ueedless te say audlà it is te be hoped. bat tise day fis ne hat tise performance gave heaps cf fu far distant wheu its., interior eequpment t0 the great cîewd of spectators. Otiser will be îeudered corzplete by thse ereàctio-x contests in thse water followed sud the cü£n ergan worthy af tise plac4 Q f the whle affairwas proucunced shuge succeas. eaganist, cf the choir, aud of tise people. Our f riendols Mr. sud Misa Treleven wcuid TJhe Cenfereuce pzeper commonced ou nt take N o for an auswer, sud we isad -%iednesday merniug sud extended over Le return te their hospitable home for the Tuesday followîi g. At tis& businesE tes, sud if Her Majesty Queeni Victoria session the publiQancre unly aduitted to: had been a guest there, ne fluer spîead the galleries, andi cousiderable interest were necessai y ; The fluest cf Devonsirie.anas manif ested by tise uumeros.anlooken cream, luscîeus raspiserries, goosetberries,. in tise galleries, througheut thse proceed aud etiser fruit sucis as Canadians cam ings, especia1lein'l the case cftishe electiei most f uiiy appreciate, suddanc noticed our cf President sud ocicers. All seemed t( Engî'si relit ves were quite as generensss recoguise tise emineut daimis of tise nem in tiseir praises sud did full justice te tise President te, tis office, and Most cordiail splendid spuead. It wras good te be there. congratulatzd im on hie. appointment It anas s real Canadian company-se3,dom The Rev. W. Lee, bous and nurtured il we venture te state, have se nsany people s humbleu ühristiali house in Devonshsire f rom Bowmauville sud vicinity met in one isas devQted a most tise ahole cf lbis usdi place ini England befere at thse saene timie. if e te tise bible Chisianau sinistry, au, 'rhere aere Messrs. M. sud N. sud Miss bas readered yeoman service te tise caus Treleven, Mr. sud Mrs. Tiss Creeper, wiic% he has espoused, A ussu cf varie, Mi. and Mis. M. A. James sud Mu. Fred experieuce in Ciiristian aneork,iis quslific:. Ashton. Oui genial travelling coiepanicu, tiens for the post cf President are on] Mi. Johin i ellysi, hid been tisere but exeelled isy bis truly Christian earuiest]1eo bad gene ou te Padstoan in Corunall tisree sud devotion. Ttse various districtsE days isefore. Mr W. Babcock, brother tise Connexion anre weil ro'pres- utedï of VMrs. Jas. Saunders, Boansanville, was tise Cenfereuce. A gratiffying featurec in Stratton aitis his bride tise saunle day. tihe Sunday-schsool meeting anas th So Canada anas pretty ael uepresented cr anneunicemen tisat there isad bt!en a cel at least as far as Bowmauville ia concemu- siderable iuomeûase in thse nesiser cf so ed. ara duiug tise yeau, sud that tý e accouni Stratton las not got a railway yct, shewed fiicreased receipts. It may 1 tisongi a charter bas been grauted for mentioned as au inteestiig coinciden( over a quarter cf s century fo, oue. The tisat whien the confereuce met isore eleve peoîple of tise 2tis century rnay seo tise yeams ago the supeintendesit of the circi iron boise ente' iug tise ancieut preciucts %vas tise sane sinister wbo sortiily fil cf the littie sheit ,red iamlet. Ceacises that position en tise occasion cf the pi reacis it thîee tises a day--two irom sent visit-the Rev. W. 9. Lars. Inu t Hoiswortlsy sud oue frein Bideford. The interval Mr'. Lark bas doite eniiient se chief istorical point in Stratton is Stamn- vice in otiser parts cf tise country sud 1 ford iHill wheme s battie avas fougist in isas aeared te tise highest connexion 1643 at whici tise Rýýy lista won a victory altitude-thse presideucy. Comimitti over tise Parliameutry sîmy. The churcis Sunday as it was termed. tise inisters contains ite esting miemoriais sud was the Con'ereuce wiso had becîs eigaged in course of resteratien duriug oui visit committee aoik preaclsed iii tise chape s few years ago. Stratton is about 226 of tise Connexion tisieugisolît ish Isi miles froin London sud is tise birtis place\ circuits, aud at Newport cisey occupi( cf more people noan living in sud anhoj the pulpits cf the cherches cf kindi4 have lived in or near Bowmanville tissu1 denominations. à tecf -é -,kaýnd-él î'ihîîuît 1 tineý 1-m, RT1 T 1 c'uid net get up îhhu ep. i-rt" .A Lot 8su an esi- 1 loi 7 in thse con, of itho unB. B. B. snd wi-h i-s- c loi-les as alsoat \,TELL DIGGING CLEANINGAND Townhip of Pickering. 25Q acres on which aye weIa 1d findmity brisuklasîrougeu uvery lz repisisu doue ai modenue ppuces by a flrsi- class barns. ail su eue feudati-ns; 2 cd J~ASAuN, fluadîsawSt.. Boey-umvil3 dwiiing baisses, aneti aatered, no wasmelsnd, ,"day. Yours tuiy. Mits. L. TI-5OMPSoN, ___________________Wil b eBolt] ahole or lI pari-a Pre "d ýe Omkviile, Ornt. A&lEA~>PEaNT TuaNC mmmtle-suit preaar.Applyi-o IEL.B. TAY. cd ~~~~~~vgorat ng appetizer-illirn's AromatieLO.Wsibnt-s. Minard'a Liniment ecures Dawâ à cff, QuuanIsuMo WIO 1 Iipana Tabules cure dyspepaia. moi-Imm mai any etiser place cf its size in Comnanaîl1. It anas aise aithin a short distance cf tiss place that IReeve Proaner, Deputy-Ileeve Worths, Councilloma Davis, Spry sud Pattinson fli- saw tise ligbt cf day. Trcly England bas pro luceti mauy great sud famnos meu, sud net only iu Canada but in cIlber Britishs colonies sud dominions they bave talion higlissud responsible poitions iu thein adopi-ed ceuni-ries. We rei-urued i-e Buadanrthy by a différent rosd, passing eut of Strattuin by tise uca Wesleyau Chapel ane called fou s short stiy te seces cousin, Mus. R. Cory, sud san in active sud in s splendid state cf preserevaticu tise cadle that anas mnade fou tiseaniter over 43 yeams ago isy tise late Mr. Simon Lee cf Solina, After a brief stay oui coachs loati cf ton, Mi. Pied T. Ashton bavingjoiued us ni- Bude, lefi- for tise north. We passed Bush, whsceeihoue is s nice Bible Christian Chapel, up tise long bill a mile in lengtii, passng eu route close by or near i-o Crock- anod,Ivylcaf,Baruacott, Cllery,Killock- the home for uany years cf the late Mm. sud Mis. John Coleocf Maple Grove sud birtis place of Mu. Samuel Colo, Mu. John T. Cole, Hauupte,and Mu. Edanard Colo, 0Ceneva : Mrs. John Bray, Enfield ; Mrs. Natis. Porter, Ridgei-ownn; Mus. A. Fan- son, Danville, 1111., U. S. A., and Mis. Robt. Wickett, Toronto. We next enter tise staid old town cf Kilkhausipton anheme prepamatieus are in progresa for the cci- ebration of St. James' Day. Thon on past Taylou'a Cross. Buse's Mill (noan idle), np anether long bill te Brexworthy wliseme anotiser short stsy la made te isave a chat aith Mm. sud Mrs. W. Petericli. Stoan- ford sud Wcmdeu are soon left behiud, thon another xill is passed, amsd anothen hil, ;- m.nd nr. n. mr.n Tise folloaing is a coudensed repent of Dr. Potta addness te tise Confenence :E "Tise Confereuce met again at 9 a. s. anhen Rev. F. W. Bourne introduced Rev UI Dr. Poi-is as tise repiosentai-iveocf tise anre told at tise (Ecumenical Conference ai- Washington-Metisodism n as aithout any affix, or suffix, or any othen fix Tise Presideni-, iaving read tise crederitials cf Just, received in our second car Dr. PoLi-s from tise Canadian Methodist c r Chuncs, said theywaero de'igisted te sec Dr. Pottsansd neoaorOs cf iss anre need- Ioad. of ed heyond w'hat Brotîsen Boumne had said in reference i-o Dr. PoLi-s' standing sud position lu tise country beyond tise ses; but in giving bina ihein' besr y we1ome,5 hoe might saytisai- sonse cf t a-least,>1 remesmberod, aul slîould net accu forget, tise magnificeut anelcoue i-bey eceived s feu' moutha ago across tise AtIenil. Rev. -s ~ n Dr. Potts whe anas very waraily recoived, uii eason. said ho anas eleci-ed by tise Coufouence cf 1890,in Montreal,i-o hotise mpresotative Preserving season just starting' cf U.nited Canadian Metîsodisi-o tise varices sections sud branches cf Metisod-* isin on tiside cf i-ho Atlanic, sud cape- i l ots 0f Suigar w ill be ± ±q u d cîally te those bodies of Methodisi-bat anere, in a seuse, coutnaciing parties to L. i.1.. MniK i-ho Union iu Canada. Hie said ho anas Juste orne uo the V. E TT E rIJ familian' aitis Confemeuces fou bis official duties as Secretay cf tise EdtientionalF H OUS E and-a get our quotation for Society requimed i te attend alhe annual Coufereuces ho could overi-ake, i-cate t say on general grounds, be- a Barrel for spot cash. If the price) !oetouching -ou Metisodisi- affaira, thai- LIe ceuni-ny ie represeni-ed is a part n t &T ~d a, 1i i-ho Empire. Tise in Canada lived under 18 0t l w e ±iough do A25t take î.- tise oîd flag ; i-bey weie ellow-uijects cf tise saine noble Quecu, sud i-bey could ahmnosi- teacis sose Englisà audiences hoan te sing "Cod save tise Q\seen;" sudliseN ePT M aanted te say i-bat i-be Iliavi cf Canada thncbbed in houri-y synupatsy aitli tisemi Britishs Throne sud Constitution, sudy G i-bai- tl5eoveanielMing majoriVy in Canada, fnom i-he Ailantic* ou the Esai-, te i-ho cenuec-ies ihan aitis this gvaind uldi8AS JE couni-ry, Hoeanas net se meci a repue sentativo mil iho Gem-rai Doniniom of Can- ada as cf tle Methodiscf tisai- Dominion; I U oohl G JULY ' AND A UC'%U ST sud yei- ho would net ise afraifflto say i-bai- is fr-io;,d Mu.J amses lieue fies Boan- mauville, voalt regard him as a assit cf Straw Rats at cost. Delaines at cost. incarnai-ion ef loyalty on i-ho otiseride of i-be AtIantic. His position wasm wael Teasel Cloth for loc. worth 15c. Parasols kucanu ; sud- lis prsyc anas i-haes bis childmen, sudý bis ciildren's childuesute at cvst. Wh1olesale Dry Goods Traieller's i-le lai- gene rmuttun, should ho subjeci-s; of _ f s n p e , w l e s tise Hritlis Emipire. Tise Methbssdiet complete stock fsnpewl e sl Churcis in Canada anas as prosperonumi any section ofiâhe Christian Cisurcb5 sim at first cost. i-bat ide cf tise- âtlani-ic or i-huais - _____________________ Bible Cisistian' àection cf i-he Christiýan Cîsuncis, befome tàee inien,anas au earn,-atw ts E d H ; E) 1 self-sacrificinsi, and lsuccessf ul section; ansud parties tei-be Union, noue anere morem i.I. 1 1-,ving, syspathell, sud kindiy ta 1,t rgtisu t-plL. .J.ZlU c e toU d eci. . W e Bible Christisus. Tise Methodisi- sections, vg h S cf Canada isatiuo'w alisecomo eune, aseil' al ~a rs cgive th.e Ih ig e io-day lbe stoti bareasi-ho misseuger rofi ' ~ ' ~ "' ' ~ ' Unitedi Canadian IÇletîodiani, isoping and or oe for a11 k n s o gr i praying i-bai-tise,- day nigi- tseon coin&-, À.JC4.L~ whien CGrosi- Bitt ià sud Imeland waould h' c .y T P1 seud s messenger te Canada. They h..,and pJJoduce anJ..a gi v e JyJL. i-en animal Couferenees in tise Dominionr Oue in Neafouii sud eu oe in i-bea o -k b tm ,ýr* es istant Empire of hispan. Ilu1858tie1 y ia oc - ot o p i es - sent i-loir firai- baud cf missienamies tÏ Britisis Columbia. Wiile ho anas counect-4JJ u c UT Y Lcd wl-h educationai waorle, every depasmi- e ,meut cf Methodisum aas dear i-e is, asut _______________________________________ b'lis beau- i-isrbbed' more especially. in coucnectien aith ionsiaray wcîk. Ho visted tise sciseel ve-en hoeanas i-bre, suds anas gladt-o sec i-hem ýhotlding 'a Teiuper- 1 suce meeting; fou ietsugisi-of hat tise fic wateî had ' oue te destroy tiseLL Bri-isColumbhiam, anu liehogli ofstw,' isu t-he infl uence cf i-ha boys sud girls l inai- school aould be. Intniho lasi- docade i-ho-. -incrosse cf i-ho popusulaicu li- he o Nei-b- Wesi- hadiseen 12ý,u'per cent., but Moi--r S r n g a d îîum . country repueseuetinlutisai- Conference,_- 4as an.d Caps g&: to MV. ]LAYEBq s tuetched over 1,400 mles. Iu tise pro-: Evince cf Ontasrio akiset every i-ird poiscns Hatter, where vou"will find the latest, anwasa Methodisi-, suad iakîng tise nl&l denominaiin, cv au îucludiug tise darktc e p t a d 1 r e t s o k i h * rvne cf Quobee, wshicl aas FrouaiS h a e t an a g st s ozk ,i h ff an tsrefome C- tàloic,almost every fouths *poison anas a Metis disi-. They isati 3> 17 above lin e. I ats for 50c. 'vortb. F Sncly sh0o&ý,29,205 offic-,rs and 1 litacersansd 9G scoa; more t1i from $1.50 to $2ýO.00 hard orsft "two bookrooma,ý eue ai-Halifax and tiseN[ ns ou h sorB ys.a le ry ci-bher ai-Tomontîs. They publisisl,wo tar e n T ,u j "so o s. G l a yofficiai papers, ma moutbly magazine sudan( ssix Sunday Sel el papers. Lae : 'ar !andgRet, your choice. i-btey sent eut tassas-sissioarics te China. tSince ho carn te i-is countr m had 18A large3 and well selocted stock.E. s been siscokecli y tise burning cf St.Jhus', Newfouuudln4aud i-licMtoits.Colloe ao G e . Furnishings aiw ays 'on aud olti bisi-tcal cisurcis hati been distre y- n od. But b£olioveti Canadian an-,£,,BriLtis h d Methodisweulti respoud t happeal h n . ýs te re-buildth ie college anti chuircis lu uo ccuclusic:nis saidth -ey believoti tley lad IHIGH 'ST5, PRICE, PÂID FOR IRAW S T RS. ýa theology tisai-needet ne gepain'igud s ne tinkerlng, i-bey shoaned iatiion - cf hope àoc every poor siiîner-,,bmighi as i-be ne sus1ieehG- fudgnsunsa ts

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